Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "DmElementFramework.h"
#include "datamodel.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Singleton instance
static CDmElementFramework g_DmElementFramework; CDmElementFramework *g_pDmElementFrameworkImp = &g_DmElementFramework; IDmElementFramework *g_pDmElementFramework = &g_DmElementFramework;
// Constructor
CDmElementFramework::CDmElementFramework() : m_phase( PH_EDIT ), m_dirtyElements( 128, 256 ) { }
// Methods of IAppSystem
bool CDmElementFramework::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { return true; }
void CDmElementFramework::Disconnect() { }
void *CDmElementFramework::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { if ( !V_strcmp( pInterfaceName, VDMELEMENTFRAMEWORK_VERSION ) ) return (IDmElementFramework*)this;
return NULL; }
InitReturnVal_t CDmElementFramework::Init( ) { return INIT_OK; }
void CDmElementFramework::Shutdown() { m_dependencyGraph.Cleanup(); }
// element framework phase transition methods
void CDmElementFramework::EditApply() { g_pDataModelImp->RemoveUnreferencedElements(); }
void CDmElementFramework::Resolve( bool clearDirtyFlags ) { int nCount = m_dirtyElements.Count(); for ( int ei = 0; ei < nCount; ++ei ) { DmElementHandle_t h = m_dirtyElements[ ei ]; CDmElement *pElement = g_pDataModel->GetElement( h ); if ( !pElement ) continue;
if ( clearDirtyFlags ) { CDmeElementAccessor::MarkDirty( pElement, false ); // marks element clean
CDmeElementAccessor::MarkAttributesClean( pElement ); // marks all attributes clean
} }
if ( clearDirtyFlags ) { m_dirtyElements.RemoveAll(); } }
// Returns the current phase
DmPhase_t CDmElementFramework::GetPhase() { return FastGetPhase(); }
void CDmElementFramework::SetOperators( const CUtlVector< IDmeOperator* > &operators ) { VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::SetOperators()" ); m_dependencyGraph.Reset( operators ); }
void CDmElementFramework::BeginEdit() { Assert( m_phase == PH_EDIT || m_phase == PH_OUTPUT );
if ( m_phase == PH_EDIT ) { m_phase = PH_EDIT_APPLY; EditApply();
m_phase = PH_EDIT_RESOLVE; Resolve( false ); }
m_phase = PH_EDIT; }
void CDmElementFramework::Operate( bool bResolve ) { VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::Operate" );
Assert( m_phase == PH_EDIT || m_phase == PH_OUTPUT );
if ( m_phase == PH_EDIT ) { { VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::PH_EDIT_APPLY" ); m_phase = PH_EDIT_APPLY; EditApply(); }
{ VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::PH_EDIT_RESOLVE" ); m_phase = PH_EDIT_RESOLVE; Resolve( false ); } }
{ VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::PH_DEPENDENCY" ); m_phase = PH_DEPENDENCY; bool cycle = m_dependencyGraph.CullAndSortOperators(); if ( cycle ) { Warning( "Operator cycle found during dependency graph traversal!\n" ); } }
{ VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::PH_OPERATE" ); m_phase = PH_OPERATE; const CUtlVector< IDmeOperator* > &operatorsToRun = m_dependencyGraph.GetSortedOperators(); uint on = operatorsToRun.Count(); for ( uint oi = 0; oi < on; ++oi ) { operatorsToRun[ oi ]->Operate(); } }
if ( bResolve ) { VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::PH_OPERATE_RESOLVE" ); m_phase = PH_OPERATE_RESOLVE; Resolve( true );
m_phase = PH_OUTPUT; }
g_pDataModelImp->CommitSymbols(); }
void CDmElementFramework::Resolve() { VPROF( "CDmElementFramework::Resolve" );
Assert( m_phase == PH_OPERATE );
m_phase = PH_OPERATE_RESOLVE; Resolve( true );
m_phase = PH_OUTPUT; }
void CDmElementFramework::AddElementToDirtyList( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) { m_dirtyElements.AddToTail( hElement ); }
void CDmElementFramework::RemoveCleanElementsFromDirtyList() { int nCount = m_dirtyElements.Count(); while ( --nCount >= 0 ) { DmElementHandle_t h = m_dirtyElements[ nCount ]; CDmElement *pElement = g_pDataModel->GetElement( h ); if ( !pElement ) continue;
if ( !CDmeElementAccessor::IsDirty( pElement ) ) { m_dirtyElements.FastRemove( nCount ); } } }
// Purpose: Get the list of sorted operators in their current order. Note this
// function does not perform sort operation, merely retrieves the list of
// sorted operators generated by the last call to CullAndSortOperators().
const CUtlVector< IDmeOperator* > &CDmElementFramework::GetSortedOperators() const { return m_dependencyGraph.GetSortedOperators(); }