//========= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "client_pch.h"
#include "enginestats.h"
#include "iprediction.h"
#include "cl_demo.h"
#include "cl_demoactionmanager.h"
#include "cl_pred.h"
#include "baseautocompletefilelist.h"
#include "demofile/demoformat.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "vengineserver_impl.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "dt_common_eng.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "decal.h"
#include "icliententitylist.h"
#include "icliententity.h"
#include "cl_demouipanel.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "networkstringtableclient.h"
#include "host_cmd.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "tier0/perfstats.h"
#include "GameEventManager.h"
#include "tier1/bitbuf.h"
#include "net_chan.h"
#include "tier1/characterset.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#if !defined DEDICATED
#include "sound.h"
#if IsPlatformWindowsPC()
#include <winsock2.h> // gethostname
#elif !IsGameConsole()
#include <sys/unistd.h> // gethostname
#include "server.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Disable demos on consoles by default, to avoid unwanted memory allocations, file I/O and computation
static ConVar demo_recordcommands( "demo_recordcommands", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Record commands typed at console into .dem files." ); static ConVar demo_quitafterplayback( "demo_quitafterplayback", "0", #if defined( ALLOW_TEXT_MODE )
0, #endif
"Quits game after demo playback." ); extern ConVar demo_debug; static ConVar demo_interpolateview( "demo_interpolateview", "1", 0, "Do view interpolation during dem playback." ); static ConVar demo_pauseatservertick( "demo_pauseatservertick", "0", 0, "Pauses demo playback at server tick" ); static ConVar demo_enabledemos( "demo_enabledemos", ENABLE_DEMOS_BY_DEFAULT ? "1" : "0", 0, "Enable recording demos (must be set true before loading a map)" ); extern ConVar demo_strict_validation;
// singeltons:
static char g_pStatsFile[MAX_OSPATH] = { NULL }; static bool s_bBenchframe = false;
static CDemoRecorder s_ClientDemoRecorder; CDemoRecorder *g_pClientDemoRecorder = &s_ClientDemoRecorder; IDemoRecorder *demorecorder = g_pClientDemoRecorder;
static CDemoPlayer s_ClientDemoPlayer; CDemoPlayer *g_pClientDemoPlayer = &s_ClientDemoPlayer; IDemoPlayer *demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer;
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerClient; CUtlVector<RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbackPair_t> g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks;
// This is the number of units under which we are allowed to interpolate, otherwise pop.
// This fixes problems with in-level transitions.
static ConVar demo_interplimit( "demo_interplimit", "4000", 0, "How much origin velocity before it's considered to have 'teleported' causing interpolation to reset." ); static ConVar demo_avellimit( "demo_avellimit", "2000", 0, "Angular velocity limit before eyes considered snapped for demo playback." );
#define DEMO_HEADER_FILE "demoheader.tmp"
// Fast forward convars
static ConVar demo_fastforwardstartspeed( "demo_fastforwardstartspeed", "2", 0, "Go this fast when starting to hold FF button." ); static ConVar demo_fastforwardfinalspeed( "demo_fastforwardfinalspeed", "20", 0, "Go this fast when starting to hold FF button." ); static ConVar demo_fastforwardramptime( "demo_fastforwardramptime", "5", 0, "How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed." );
// highlight convars
static ConVar demo_highlight_timebefore( "demo_highlight_timebefore", "6", 0, "How many seconds before highlight event to stop fast forwarding." ); static ConVar demo_highlight_timeafter( "demo_highlight_timeafter", "4", 0, "How many seconds after highlight event to start fast forwarding." ); static ConVar demo_highlight_fastforwardspeed( "demo_highlight_fastforwardspeed", "10", 0, "Speed to use when fast forwarding to highlights." ); static ConVar demo_highlight_skipthreshold( "demo_highlight_skipthreshold", "10", 0, "Number of seconds between previous highlight event and round start that will fast forward instead of skipping." );
float scr_demo_override_fov = 0.0f;
// Defined in engine
static ConVar cl_interpolate( "cl_interpolate", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Enables or disables interpolation on listen servers or during demo playback" );
void SetPlaybackParametersLockFirstPersonAccountID( uint32 nAccountID ); void CL_ScanDemoDone( const char *pszMode );
// Purpose: Implements IDemo and handles demo file i/o
// Demos are more or less driven off of network traffic, but there are a few
// other kinds of data items that are also included in the demo file: specifically
// commands that the client .dll itself issued to the engine are recorded, though they
// probably were not the result of network traffic.
// At the start of a connection to a map/server, all of the signon, etc. network packets
// are buffered. This allows us to actually decide to start recording the demo at a later
// time. Once we actually issue the recording command, we don't actually start recording
// network traffic, but instead we ask the server for an "uncompressed" packet (otherwise
// we wouldn't be able to deal with the incoming packets during playback because we'd be missing the
// data to delta from ) and go into a waiting state. Once an uncompressed packet is received,
// we unset the waiting state and start recording network packets from that point forward.
// Demo's record the elapsed time based on the current client clock minus the time the demo was started
// During playback, the elapsed time for playback ( based on the host_time, which is subject to the
// host_frametime cvar ) is compared with the elapsed time on the message from the demo file.
// If it's not quite time for the message yet, the demo input stream is rewound
// The demo system sits at the point where the client is checking to see if any network messages
// have arrived from the server. If the message isn't ready for processing, the demo system
// just responds that there are no messages waiting and the client continues on
// Once a true network message with entity data is read from the demo stream, a couple of other
// actions occur. First, the timestamp in the demo file and the view origin/angles corresponding
// to the message are cached off. Then, we search ahead (into the future) to find out the next true network message
// we are going to read from the demo file. We store of it's elapsed time and view origin/angles
// Every frame that the client is rendering, even if there is no data from the demo system,
// the engine asks the demo system to compute an interpolated origin and view angles. This
// is done by taking the current time on the host and figuring out how far that puts us between
// the last read origin from the demo file and the time when we'll actually read out and use the next origin
// We use Quaternions to avoid gimbel lock on interpolating the view angles
// To make a movie recorded at a fixed frame rate you would simply set the host_framerate to the
// desired playback fps ( e.g., 0.02 == 50 fps ), then issue the startmovie command, and then
// play the demo. The demo system will think that the engine is running at 50 fps and will pull
// messages accordingly, even though movie recording kills the actually framerate.
// It will also render frames with render origin/angles interpolated in-between the previous and next origins
// even if the recording framerate was not 50 fps or greater. The interpolation provides a smooth visual playback
// of the demo information to the client without actually adding latency to the view position (because we are
// looking into the future for the position, not buffering the past data ).
bool IsControlCommand( unsigned char cmd ) { return ( (cmd == dem_signon) || (cmd == dem_stop) || (cmd == dem_synctick) || (cmd == dem_datatables ) || (cmd == dem_stringtables) ); }
// Puts a flashing overlay on the screen during demo recording/playback
static ConVar cl_showdemooverlay( "cl_showdemooverlay", "0", 0, "How often to flash demo recording/playback overlay (0 - disable overlay, -1 - show always)" );
class DemoOverlay { public: DemoOverlay(); ~DemoOverlay();
public: void Tick(); void DrawOverlay( float fSetting );
protected: float m_fLastTickTime; float m_fLastTickOverlay; enum Overlay { OVR_NONE = 0, OVR_REC = 1 << 1, OVR_PLAY = 1 << 2 }; bool m_bTick; int m_maskDrawnOverlay; } g_DemoOverlay;
DemoOverlay::DemoOverlay() : m_fLastTickTime( 0.f ), m_fLastTickOverlay( 0.f ), m_bTick( false ), m_maskDrawnOverlay( OVR_NONE ) { }
DemoOverlay::~DemoOverlay() { }
void DemoOverlay::Tick() { if ( !m_bTick ) { m_bTick = true;
float const fRealTime = Sys_FloatTime(); if ( m_fLastTickTime != fRealTime ) { m_fLastTickTime = fRealTime;
float const fDelta = m_fLastTickTime - m_fLastTickOverlay; float const fSettingDelta = cl_showdemooverlay.GetFloat();
if ( fSettingDelta <= 0.f || fDelta >= fSettingDelta ) { m_fLastTickOverlay = m_fLastTickTime; DrawOverlay( fSettingDelta ); } }
m_bTick = false; } }
void DemoOverlay::DrawOverlay( float fSetting ) { int maskDrawnOverlay = OVR_NONE;
if ( fSetting < 0.f ) { // Keep drawing
maskDrawnOverlay = ( demorecorder->IsRecording() ? OVR_REC : 0 ) | ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ? OVR_PLAY : 0 ); } else if ( fSetting == 0.f ) { // None
maskDrawnOverlay = OVR_NONE; } else { // Flash
maskDrawnOverlay = ( !m_maskDrawnOverlay ) ? ( ( demorecorder->IsRecording() ? OVR_REC : 0 ) | ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ? OVR_PLAY : 0 ) ) : OVR_NONE; }
int const idx = 1;
if ( OVR_NONE == maskDrawnOverlay && OVR_NONE != m_maskDrawnOverlay ) { con_nprint_s xprn; memset( &xprn, 0, sizeof( xprn ) ); xprn.index = idx; xprn.time_to_live = -1; Con_NXPrintf( &xprn, "" ); } if ( OVR_PLAY & maskDrawnOverlay ) { con_nprint_s xprn; memset( &xprn, 0, sizeof( xprn ) ); xprn.index = idx; xprn.color[0] = 0.f; xprn.color[1] = 1.f; xprn.color[2] = 0.f; xprn.fixed_width_font = true; xprn.time_to_live = ( fSetting > 0.f ) ? fSetting : 1.f; Con_NXPrintf( &xprn, " PLAY " ); } if ( OVR_REC & maskDrawnOverlay ) { con_nprint_s xprn; memset( &xprn, 0, sizeof( xprn ) ); xprn.index = idx; xprn.color[0] = 1.f; xprn.color[1] = 0.f; xprn.color[2] = 0.f; xprn.fixed_width_font = true; xprn.time_to_live = ( fSetting > 0.f ) ? fSetting : 1.f; Con_NXPrintf( &xprn, " REC " ); }
m_maskDrawnOverlay = maskDrawnOverlay; }
// Purpose: Mark whether we are waiting for the first uncompressed update packet
// Input : waiting -
void CDemoRecorder::SetSignonState(SIGNONSTATE state) { if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) return;
if ( !demo_enabledemos.GetBool() ) return;
if ( state == SIGNONSTATE_NEW ) { if ( m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) { // we are already recording a demo file
// prepare for recording next demo
m_nDemoNumber++; }
StartupDemoHeader(); } else if ( state == SIGNONSTATE_SPAWN ) { // close demo file header when this packet is finished
m_bCloseDemoFile = true; } else if ( state == SIGNONSTATE_FULL ) { if ( m_bRecording ) { StartupDemoFile(); } } }
int CDemoRecorder::GetRecordingTick( void ) { if ( GetBaseLocalClient().m_nMaxClients > 1 ) { return TIME_TO_TICKS( net_time ) - m_nStartTick; } else { return GetBaseLocalClient().GetClientTickCount() - m_nStartTick; } }
void CDemoRecorder::ResyncDemoClock() { if ( GetBaseLocalClient().m_nMaxClients > 1 ) { m_nStartTick = TIME_TO_TICKS( net_time ); } else { m_nStartTick = GetBaseLocalClient().GetClientTickCount(); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : info -
void CDemoRecorder::GetClientCmdInfo( democmdinfo_t& cmdInfo ) { for ( int hh = 0; hh < host_state.max_splitscreen_players; ++hh ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( hh ); democmdinfo_t::Split_t &info = cmdInfo.u[ hh ];
info.flags = FDEMO_NORMAL;
if( m_bResetInterpolation ) { info.flags |= FDEMO_NOINTERP; m_bResetInterpolation = false; }
g_pClientSidePrediction->GetViewOrigin( info.viewOrigin ); #ifndef DEDICATED
info.viewAngles = GetLocalClient().viewangles; #endif
g_pClientSidePrediction->GetLocalViewAngles( info.localViewAngles );
// Nothing by default
info.viewOrigin2.Init(); info.viewAngles2.Init(); info.localViewAngles2.Init(); }
m_bResetInterpolation = false; }
void CDemoRecorder::WriteSplitScreenPlayers() { char data[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD]; bf_write msg;
msg.StartWriting( data, NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ); msg.SetDebugName( "DemoFileWriteSplitScreenPlayers" );
FOR_EACH_VALID_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER( i ) { if ( i == 0 ) continue;
CSVCMsg_SplitScreen_t ss; ss.set_type( MSG_SPLITSCREEN_ADDUSER ); ss.set_slot( i ); ss.set_player_index( splitscreen->GetSplitScreenPlayerEntity( i ) );
ss.WriteToBuffer( msg ); }
WriteMessages( msg ); }
void CDemoRecorder::WriteBSPDecals() { decallist_t *decalList = (decallist_t*)malloc( sizeof(decallist_t) * Draw_DecalMax() ); int decalcount = DecalListCreate( decalList );
char data[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD]; bf_write msg;
msg.StartWriting( data, NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ); msg.SetDebugName( "DemoFileWriteBSPDecals" );
for ( int i = 0; i < decalcount; i++ ) { decallist_t *entry = &decalList[ i ];
CSVCMsg_BSPDecal_t decal;
bool found = false;
IClientEntity *clientEntity = entitylist->GetClientEntity( entry->entityIndex );
if ( !clientEntity ) continue;
const model_t * pModel = clientEntity->GetModel();
decal.mutable_pos()->set_x( entry->position.x ); decal.mutable_pos()->set_y( entry->position.y ); decal.mutable_pos()->set_z( entry->position.z ); decal.set_entity_index( entry->entityIndex ); decal.set_decal_texture_index( Draw_DecalIndexFromName( entry->name, &found ) ); decal.set_model_index( pModel ? GetBaseLocalClient().LookupModelIndex( modelloader->GetName( pModel ) ) : 0 ); decal.WriteToBuffer( msg ); }
WriteMessages( msg ); free( decalList ); }
void CDemoRecorder::RecordServerClasses( ServerClass *pClasses ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
if ( !m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
char *pBigBuffer; CUtlBuffer bigBuff;
int buffSize = DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE; // keep temp large allocations off of stack
bigBuff.EnsureCapacity( buffSize ); pBigBuffer = (char*)bigBuff.Base();
bf_write buf( "CDemoRecorder::RecordServerClasses", pBigBuffer, buffSize );
// Send SendTable info.
DataTable_WriteSendTablesBuffer( pClasses, &buf );
// Send class descriptions.
DataTable_WriteClassInfosBuffer( pClasses, &buf );
if ( buf.GetNumBitsLeft() <= 0 ) { Sys_Error( "unable to record server classes\n" ); }
// Now write the buffer into the demo file
m_DemoFile.WriteNetworkDataTables( &buf, GetRecordingTick() ); }
void CDemoRecorder::RecordStringTables() { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
if ( !m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
char *pBigBuffer; CUtlBuffer bigBuff;
int buffSize = DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE; // keep temp large allocations off of stack
bigBuff.EnsureCapacity( buffSize ); pBigBuffer = (char*)bigBuff.Base();
bf_write buf( pBigBuffer, buffSize );
networkStringTableContainerClient->WriteStringTables( buf );
if ( buf.GetNumBitsLeft() <= 0 ) { Sys_Error( "unable to record server classes\n" ); }
// Now write the buffer into the demo file
m_DemoFile.WriteStringTables( &buf, GetRecordingTick() ); }
void CDemoRecorder::RecordCustomData( int iCallbackIndex, const void *pData, size_t iDataLength ) { if ( !m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
m_DemoFile.WriteCustomData( iCallbackIndex, pData, iDataLength, GetRecordingTick() ); }
void CDemoRecorder::RecordUserInput( int cmdnumber ) { if ( !m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
char buffer[256]; bf_write msg( "CDemo::WriteUserCmd", buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
g_ClientDLL->EncodeUserCmdToBuffer( nSlot, msg, cmdnumber );
m_DemoFile.WriteUserCmd( cmdnumber, buffer, msg.GetNumBytesWritten(), GetRecordingTick(), nSlot ); }
void CDemoRecorder::ResetDemoInterpolation( void ) { m_bResetInterpolation = true; }
// Purpose: saves all cvars falgged with FVAR_DEMO to demo file
void CDemoRecorder::WriteDemoCvars() { if ( !m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
ICvar::Iterator iter( g_pCVar ); for ( iter.SetFirst() ; iter.IsValid() ; iter.Next() ) { ConCommandBase *var = iter.Get(); if ( var->IsCommand() ) continue;
const ConVar *cvar = ( const ConVar * )var;
if ( !cvar->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_DEMO ) ) continue;
char cvarcmd[MAX_OSPATH];
V_sprintf_safe( cvarcmd,"%s \"%s\"", cvar->GetName(), Host_CleanupConVarStringValue( cvar->GetString() ) );
m_DemoFile.WriteConsoleCommand( cvarcmd, GetRecordingTick(), 0 ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *cmdname -
void CDemoRecorder::RecordCommand( const char *cmdstring ) { if ( !IsRecording() ) return;
if ( !cmdstring || !cmdstring[0] ) return;
if ( !demo_recordcommands.GetInt() ) return;
ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); m_DemoFile.WriteConsoleCommand( cmdstring, GetRecordingTick(), GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); }
// Purpose:
void CDemoRecorder::StartupDemoHeader( void ) { CloseDemoFile(); // make sure it's closed
// Note: this is replacing tmpfile()
if ( !m_DemoFile.Open( DEMO_HEADER_FILE, false ) ) { ConDMsg ("ERROR: couldn't open temporary header file.\n"); return; }
m_bIsDemoHeader = true;
Assert( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() == NULL );
// setup writing data buffer
m_MessageData.StartWriting( new unsigned char[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD], NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ); m_MessageData.SetDebugName( "DemoHeaderWriteBuffer" ); }
// Purpose:
void CDemoRecorder::StartupDemoFile( void ) { if ( !m_bRecording ) return;
// Already recording!!!
if ( m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
if ( !demo_enabledemos.GetBool() ) { Warning( "DEMO: cannot start recording a demo (set 'demo_enabledemos' to 1 and restart the map to enable demos)\n" ); return; }
char demoFileName[MAX_OSPATH];
if ( m_nDemoNumber <= 1 ) { V_sprintf_safe( demoFileName, "%s.dem", m_szDemoBaseName ); } else { V_sprintf_safe( demoFileName, "%s_%i.dem", m_szDemoBaseName, m_nDemoNumber ); }
if ( !m_DemoFile.Open( demoFileName, false ) ) return;
// open demo header file containing sigondata
FileHandle_t hDemoHeader = g_pFileSystem->OpenEx( DEMO_HEADER_FILE, "rb", IsGameConsole() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0 ); if ( hDemoHeader == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { ConMsg ("StartupDemoFile: couldn't open demo file header.\n"); return; }
Assert( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() == NULL );
// setup writing data buffer
m_MessageData.StartWriting( new unsigned char[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD], NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ); m_MessageData.SetDebugName( "DemoFileWriteBuffer" );
// fill demo header info
demoheader_t *dh = &m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader; V_memset(dh, 0, sizeof(demoheader_t));
dh->demoprotocol = DEMO_PROTOCOL; dh->networkprotocol = GetHostVersion(); V_strcpy_safe(dh->demofilestamp, DEMO_HEADER_ID );
V_FileBase( modelloader->GetName( host_state.worldmodel ), dh->mapname, sizeof( dh->mapname ) );
char szGameDir[MAX_OSPATH]; V_strcpy_safe(szGameDir, com_gamedir ); V_FileBase( szGameDir, dh->gamedirectory, sizeof( dh->gamedirectory ) );
V_strcpy_safe( dh->servername, GetBaseLocalClient().m_Remote.Get( 0 ).m_szRetryAddress ); V_strcpy_safe( dh->clientname, cl_name.GetString() );
// goto end of demo header
g_pFileSystem->Seek(hDemoHeader, 0, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_TAIL); // get size signon data size
dh->signonlength = g_pFileSystem->Tell(hDemoHeader); // go back to start
g_pFileSystem->Seek(hDemoHeader, 0, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD); // write demo file header info
m_DemoFile.WriteDemoHeader(); // copy signon data from header file to demo file
m_DemoFile.WriteFileBytes( hDemoHeader, dh->signonlength );
// close but keep header file, we might need it for a second record
g_pFileSystem->Close( hDemoHeader ); m_nFrameCount = 0; m_bIsDemoHeader = false; ResyncDemoClock(); // reset demo clock
// tell client to sync demo clock too
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( dem_synctick, 0, 0 );
//write out the custom data callback table if we have any entries
int iCustomDataCallbacks = g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks.Count(); if( iCustomDataCallbacks != 0 ) { size_t iCombinedStringLength = 0; for( int i = 0; i != iCustomDataCallbacks; ++i ) { iCombinedStringLength += V_strlen( STRING( g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks[i].szSaveID ) ) + 1; }
size_t iTotalDataSize = iCombinedStringLength + sizeof( int ); uint8 *pWriteBuffer = (uint8 *)stackalloc( iTotalDataSize ); uint8 *pWrite = pWriteBuffer;
iCustomDataCallbacks = LittleDWord( iCustomDataCallbacks ); *(int *)pWrite = iCustomDataCallbacks; pWrite += sizeof( int ); for( int i = 0; i != iCustomDataCallbacks; ++i ) { size_t iStringLength = V_strlen( STRING( g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks[i].szSaveID ) ) + 1; memcpy( pWrite, STRING( g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks[i].szSaveID ), iStringLength ); pWrite += iStringLength; }
Assert( pWrite == (pWriteBuffer + iTotalDataSize) );
m_DemoFile.WriteCustomData( -1, pWriteBuffer, iTotalDataSize, 0 ); } RecordStringTables();
// Demo playback should read this as an incoming message.
WriteDemoCvars(); // save all cvars marked with FCVAR_DEMO
// Dump all accumulated avatar data messages into the starting portion of the demo file
CNETMsg_PlayerAvatarData_t *pMsgMyOwnAvatarData = GetBaseLocalClient().AllocOwnPlayerAvatarData(); FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( GetBaseLocalClient().m_mapPlayerAvatarData, iData ) { CNETMsg_PlayerAvatarData_t &msgPlayerAvatarData = *GetBaseLocalClient().m_mapPlayerAvatarData.Element( iData );
// if the server authoritative data overrides local version of avatar data then don't write local version
if ( pMsgMyOwnAvatarData && ( msgPlayerAvatarData.accountid() == pMsgMyOwnAvatarData->accountid() ) ) { delete pMsgMyOwnAvatarData; pMsgMyOwnAvatarData = NULL; }
byte buffer[ NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ]; bf_write bfWrite( "CDemoRecorder::NETMsg_PlayerAvatarData", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); msgPlayerAvatarData.WriteToBuffer( bfWrite );
WriteMessages( bfWrite ); } if ( pMsgMyOwnAvatarData ) { byte buffer[ NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ]; bf_write bfWrite( "CDemoRecorder::NETMsg_PlayerAvatarData", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); pMsgMyOwnAvatarData->WriteToBuffer( bfWrite );
WriteMessages( bfWrite );
delete pMsgMyOwnAvatarData; pMsgMyOwnAvatarData = NULL; }
if ( splitscreen->GetNumSplitScreenPlayers() > 1 ) { WriteSplitScreenPlayers(); }
// tell server that we started recording a demo
GetBaseLocalClient().SendStringCmd( "demorestart" );
ConMsg ("Recording to %s...\n", demoFileName); }
CDemoRecorder::CDemoRecorder() { }
CDemoRecorder::~CDemoRecorder() { CloseDemoFile(); }
CDemoFile *CDemoRecorder::GetDemoFile() { return &m_DemoFile; }
void CDemoRecorder::ResumeRecording() {
void CDemoRecorder::PauseRecording() {
void CDemoRecorder::CloseDemoFile() { if ( m_DemoFile.IsOpen()) { if ( !m_bIsDemoHeader ) { // Demo playback should read this as an incoming message.
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( dem_stop, GetRecordingTick(), 0 );
// update demo header infos
m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks = GetRecordingTick(); m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time = host_state.interval_per_tick * GetRecordingTick(); m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_frames = m_nFrameCount;
// go back to header and write demoHeader with correct time and #frame again
ConMsg ("Completed demo, recording time %.1f, game frames %i.\n", m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time, m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_frames ); }
if ( demo_debug.GetInt() ) { ConMsg ("Closed demo file, %i bytes.\n", m_DemoFile.GetSize() ); }
m_DemoFile.Close(); }
m_bCloseDemoFile = false; m_bIsDemoHeader = false;
// clear writing data buffer
if ( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() ) { delete [] m_MessageData.GetBasePointer(); m_MessageData.StartWriting( NULL, 0 ); } }
void CDemoRecorder::RecordMessages(bf_read &data, int bits) { if ( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() && (bits>0) ) { m_MessageData.WriteBitsFromBuffer( &data, bits );
Assert( !m_MessageData.IsOverflowed() ); } }
void CDemoRecorder::RecordPacket() { WriteMessages( m_MessageData );
m_MessageData.Reset(); // clear message buffer
if ( m_bCloseDemoFile ) { CloseDemoFile(); } }
void CDemoRecorder::WriteMessages( bf_write &message ) { if ( !m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) return;
int len = message.GetNumBytesWritten();
if (len <= 0) return;
// fill last bits in last byte with NOP if necessary
int nRemainingBits = message.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8; if ( nRemainingBits > 0 && nRemainingBits <= (8-NETMSG_TYPE_BITS) ) { CNETMsg_NOP_t nop; nop.WriteToBuffer( message ); }
Assert( len < NET_MAX_MESSAGE );
// if signondata read as fast as possible, no rewind
// and wait for packet time
unsigned char cmd = m_bIsDemoHeader ? dem_signon : dem_packet;
if ( cmd == dem_packet ) { m_nFrameCount++; }
// write command & time
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( cmd, GetRecordingTick(), 0 ); democmdinfo_t info; // Snag current info
GetClientCmdInfo( info ); // Store it
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdInfo( info ); // write network channel sequencing infos
int nOutSequenceNr, nInSequenceNr, nOutSequenceNrAck; GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel->GetSequenceData( nOutSequenceNr, nInSequenceNr, nOutSequenceNrAck ); m_DemoFile.WriteSequenceInfo( nInSequenceNr, nOutSequenceNrAck ); // Output the messge buffer.
m_DemoFile.WriteRawData( (char*) message.GetBasePointer(), len );
if ( demo_debug.GetInt() >= 1 ) { Msg( "Writing demo message %i bytes at file pos %i\n", len, m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( false ) ); } }
// Purpose: stop recording a demo
void CDemoRecorder::StopRecording( const CGameInfo *pGameInfo ) { if ( !IsRecording() ) { return; }
if ( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() ) { delete[] m_MessageData.GetBasePointer(); m_MessageData.StartWriting( NULL, 0); }
CloseDemoFile(); m_bRecording = false; m_nDemoNumber = 0;
g_DemoOverlay.Tick(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// track -
void CDemoRecorder::StartRecording( const char *name, bool bContinuously ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_szDemoBaseName, name ); m_bRecording = true; m_nDemoNumber = 1; m_bResetInterpolation = false;
// request a full game update from server
GetBaseLocalClient().ForceFullUpdate( "recording demo" ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CDemoRecorder::IsRecording( void ) { g_DemoOverlay.Tick();
return m_bRecording; }
// Demo highlight helpers
struct DemoUserInfo_t { DemoUserInfo_t() : userID( -1 ) , name( NULL ) { } int userID; char *name; CSteamID steamID; };
CUtlVector< DemoUserInfo_t > s_demoUserInfo;
void Callback_DemoScanUserInfoChanged( void *object, INetworkStringTable *stringTable, int stringNumber, const char *newString, const void *newData ) { // stringnumber == player slot
player_info_t *player = (player_info_t*)newData;
if ( !player ) { if ( s_demoUserInfo.Count() > stringNumber ) { // clear out the entry in our user info array
s_demoUserInfo[ stringNumber ].userID = -1; s_demoUserInfo[ stringNumber ].name = NULL; s_demoUserInfo[ stringNumber ].steamID.SetFromUint64( 0 ); } return; // player left the game
CByteswap byteswap; byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( true ); byteswap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( player );
if ( s_demoUserInfo.Count() <= stringNumber ) { s_demoUserInfo.SetCountNonDestructively( stringNumber + 1 ); }
DemoUserInfo_t &entry = s_demoUserInfo.Element( stringNumber );
entry.userID = player->userID; entry.name = player->name; entry.steamID.SetFromUint64( player->xuid ); }
void GetExtraDeathEventInfo( KeyValues *pKeys ) { int nAttackerID = pKeys->GetInt( "attacker" ); int nVictimID = pKeys->GetInt( "userid" ); int nAssisterID = pKeys->GetInt( "assister" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( s_demoUserInfo, i ) { if ( nAttackerID == s_demoUserInfo[ i ].userID ) { pKeys->SetString( "attacker_name", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].name ); pKeys->SetUint64( "attacker_xuid", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); } else if ( nVictimID == s_demoUserInfo[ i ].userID ) { pKeys->SetString( "victim_name", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].name ); pKeys->SetUint64( "victim_xuid", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); } else if ( nAssisterID == s_demoUserInfo[ i ].userID ) { pKeys->SetString( "assister_name", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].name ); pKeys->SetUint64( "assister_xuid", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); } } }
void GetExtraEventInfo( KeyValues *pKeys ) { int nUserID = pKeys->GetInt( "userid" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( s_demoUserInfo, i ) { if ( nUserID == s_demoUserInfo[ i ].userID ) { pKeys->SetString( "player_name", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].name ); pKeys->SetUint64( "player_xuid", s_demoUserInfo[ i ].steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); } } }
static int s_nMaxViewers = 0; static int s_nMaxExternalTotal = 0; static int s_nMaxExternalLinked = 0; static int s_nMaxCombinedViewers = 0;
void GetEventInfoForScan( const char *pszMode, KeyValues *pKeys ) { if ( V_strcasecmp( pszMode, "hltv_status" ) == 0 ) { int nClients = pKeys->GetInt( "clients", -1 ); int nProxies = pKeys->GetInt( "proxies", -1 ); int nExternalTotal = pKeys->GetInt( "externaltotal", -1 ); int nExternalLinked = pKeys->GetInt( "externallinked", -1 );
Msg( " GOTV Viewers: %d External Viewers: %d Linked: %d Combined Viewers: %d \n", nClients - nProxies, nExternalTotal, nExternalLinked, ( nClients - nProxies ) + nExternalTotal );
if ( ( nClients - nProxies ) > s_nMaxViewers ) { s_nMaxViewers = nClients - nProxies; } if ( nExternalTotal > s_nMaxExternalTotal ) { s_nMaxExternalTotal = nExternalTotal; } if ( nExternalLinked > s_nMaxExternalLinked ) { s_nMaxExternalLinked = nExternalLinked; } if ( ( ( nClients - nProxies ) + nExternalTotal ) > s_nMaxCombinedViewers ) { s_nMaxCombinedViewers = ( nClients - nProxies ) + nExternalTotal; } } }
bool CheckKeyXuid( const CSteamID &steamID, KeyValues *pKeys, const char* pKeyWithXuid ) { CSteamID playerSteamID( pKeys->GetUint64( pKeyWithXuid ) ); if ( steamID.GetAccountID() == playerSteamID.GetAccountID() ) { return true; }
return false; }
int GetPlayerIndex( const CSteamID &steamID ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( s_demoUserInfo, i ) { if ( s_demoUserInfo[ i ].steamID.GetAccountID() == steamID.GetAccountID() ) { return i + 1; } }
return -1; }
// Purpose: Called when a demo file runs out, or the user starts a game
// Output : void CDemo::StopPlayback
void CDemoPlayer::StopPlayback( void ) { if ( !IsPlayingBack() ) return;
m_DemoFile.Close(); m_bPlayingBack = false; m_bPlaybackPaused = false; m_flAutoResumeTime = 0.0f;
if ( m_bTimeDemo ) { g_EngineStats.EndRun();
if ( !s_bBenchframe ) { WriteTimeDemoResults(); } else { mat_norendering.SetValue( 0 ); }
m_bTimeDemo = false; } else { int framecount = host_framecount - m_nTimeDemoStartFrame; float demotime = Sys_FloatTime() - m_flTimeDemoStartTime;
if ( demotime > 0.0f ) { DevMsg( "Demo playback finished ( %.1f seconds, %i render frames, %.2f fps).\n", demotime, framecount, framecount/demotime); }
} m_flPlaybackRateModifier = 1.0f;
delete[] m_DemoPacket.data; m_DemoPacket.data = NULL;
scr_demo_override_fov = 0.0f;
if ( demo_quitafterplayback.GetBool() ) { Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), "quit\n" ); }
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys ) { m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->deleteThis(); } } m_ImportantTicks.RemoveAll(); m_ImportantGameEvents.RemoveAll(); m_highlights.RemoveAll(); m_nCurrentHighlight = -1; m_highlightSteamID.SetFromUint64( 0 ); m_nHighlightPlayerIndex = -1; m_bScanMode = false; m_szScanMode[0] = 0; }
#define SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG uint32( uint32( 0x88 ) << 24 )
bool CDemoPlayer::IsSkipping( void )const { return m_bPlayingBack && ( ( m_nSkipToTick != -1 ) || g_ClientDLL->ShouldSkipEvidencePlayback( m_pPlaybackParameters ) ); }
int CDemoPlayer::GetTotalTicks(void) { return m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks; // == m_DemoFile.GetTotalTicks();
void CDemoPlayer::SetPacketReadSuspended( bool bSuspendPacketReading ) { if ( m_bPacketReadSuspended == bSuspendPacketReading ) return; // same state
m_bPacketReadSuspended = bSuspendPacketReading; if ( !m_bPacketReadSuspended ) ResyncDemoClock(); // Make sure we resync demo clock when we resume packet reading
void CDemoPlayer::SkipToTick( int tick, bool bRelative, bool bPause ) { if ( m_bPacketReadSuspended ) return; // demo ticks and host ticks aren't resync'd when packet read is suspended
if ( bRelative ) { tick = GetPlaybackTick() + tick; }
if ( tick < 0 ) return;
if ( tick < GetPlaybackTick() ) { if ( m_pPlaybackParameters && m_pPlaybackParameters->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) { Msg( "Going backwards not available in Overwatch!\n" ); return; } RestartPlayback();
#if 0 // old way
// we have to reload the whole demo file
// we need to create a temp copy of the filename
char fileName[MAX_OSPATH]; V_strcpy_safe( fileName, m_DemoFile.m_szFileName );
// disconnect before reloading demo, to avoid sometimes loading into game instead of demo
// reload current demo file
StartPlayback( fileName, m_bTimeDemo, NULL );
// Make sure the proper skipping occurs after reload
if ( tick > 0 ) tick |= SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG; #endif
if ( tick != GetPlaybackTick() ) { m_nSkipToTick = tick; }
if ( bPause || m_bPlaybackPaused ) { int nTicksPerFrame = m_DemoFile.GetTicksPerFrame( ); m_nTickToPauseOn = tick + nTicksPerFrame; m_bSavedInterpolateState = cl_interpolate.GetBool(); cl_interpolate.SetValue( 0 ); ResumePlayback(); } }
void CDemoPlayer::SkipToImportantTick( const DemoImportantTick_t *pTick ) { if ( m_bPacketReadSuspended ) return; // demo ticks and host ticks aren't resync'd when packet read is suspended
int nStartTick = GetPlaybackTick(); int nTargetTick = pTick->nPreviousTick;
int nTicksBeforeEvent = m_ImportantGameEvents[ pTick->nImportanGameEventIndex ].flSeekTimeBefore / host_state.interval_per_tick; if ( nTicksBeforeEvent > 0 ) { int nTargetTick = pTick->nTick - nTicksBeforeEvent;
// handle case where desired next tick is close to where we already are and going to 'ticks before event' would cause us to seek backwards.
// instead we won't skip at all
if ( pTick->nTick >= nStartTick && nTargetTick < nStartTick ) { nTargetTick = nStartTick; }
if ( nTargetTick < 0 ) { nTargetTick = 0; } }
if ( nTargetTick < nStartTick ) { if ( m_pPlaybackParameters && m_pPlaybackParameters->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) { Msg( "Going backwards not available in Overwatch!\n" ); return; } RestartPlayback(); }
if ( nTargetTick != nStartTick ) { m_nSkipToTick = nTargetTick; }
if ( m_bPlaybackPaused ) { // this code sets things up so that we will pause once we reach the tick.
int nTicksPerFrame = m_DemoFile.GetTicksPerFrame(); m_nTickToPauseOn = pTick->nTick + nTicksPerFrame; // turn interpolation off for the time between seeking and playing until pause state
m_bSavedInterpolateState = cl_interpolate.GetBool(); cl_interpolate.SetValue( 0 ); ResumePlayback(); } }
// Purpose: Read in next demo message and send to local client over network channel, if it's time.
// Output : bool
bool CDemoPlayer::ParseAheadForInterval( int curtick, int intervalticks ) { int tick = 0; int dummy; byte cmd = dem_stop;
democmdinfo_t nextinfo;
long starting_position = m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( true );
// remove all entrys older than 32 ticks
while ( m_DestCmdInfo.Count() > 0 ) { DemoCommandQueue& entry = m_DestCmdInfo[ 0 ];
if ( entry.tick >= (curtick - 32) ) break;
if ( entry.filepos >= starting_position ) break;
m_DestCmdInfo.Remove( 0 ); }
if ( m_bTimeDemo ) return false;
while ( true ) { // skip forward to the next dem_packet or dem_signon
bool swallowmessages = true; do { int nPlayerSlot = 0; m_DemoFile.ReadCmdHeader( cmd, tick, nPlayerSlot );
switch ( cmd ) { case dem_synctick: case dem_stop: { m_DemoFile.SeekTo( starting_position, true ); return false; } break; case dem_consolecmd: { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( nPlayerSlot ); m_DemoFile.ReadConsoleCommand(); } break; case dem_datatables: { m_DemoFile.ReadNetworkDataTables( NULL ); } break; case dem_usercmd: { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( nPlayerSlot ); m_DemoFile.ReadUserCmd( NULL, dummy ); } break; case dem_customdata: { m_DemoFile.ReadCustomData( NULL, NULL ); } break; case dem_stringtables: { m_DemoFile.ReadStringTables( NULL ); } break; default: { swallowmessages = false; } break; } } while ( swallowmessages );
int curpos = m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( true );
// we read now a dem_packet
m_DemoFile.ReadCmdInfo( nextinfo ); m_DemoFile.ReadSequenceInfo( dummy, dummy ); m_DemoFile.ReadRawData( NULL, 0 );
DemoCommandQueue entry; entry.info = nextinfo; entry.tick = tick; entry.filepos = curpos;
int i = 0; int c = m_DestCmdInfo.Count(); for ( ; i < c; ++i ) { if ( m_DestCmdInfo[ i ].filepos == entry.filepos ) break; // cmdinfo is already in list
if ( i >= c ) { // add cmdinfo to list
if ( c > 0 ) { if ( m_DestCmdInfo[ c - 1 ].tick > tick ) { m_DestCmdInfo.RemoveAll(); } }
m_DestCmdInfo.AddToTail( entry ); }
if ( ( tick - curtick ) > intervalticks ) break; }
m_DemoFile.SeekTo( starting_position, true );
return true; }
// Purpose: Read in next demo message and send to local client over network channel, if it's time.
// Output : bool
netpacket_t *CDemoPlayer::ReadPacket( void ) { int tick = 0; byte cmd = dem_signon; long curpos = 0;
if ( ! m_DemoFile.IsOpen() ) { m_bPlayingBack = false; Host_EndGame( true, "Tried to read a demo message with no demo file\n" ); return NULL; }
// If game is still shutting down, then don't read any demo messages from file quite yet
if ( HostState_IsGameShuttingDown() ) { return NULL; }
Assert( IsPlayingBack() );
if ( m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame >= 0 ) { // don't scan when doing overwatch
if ( !m_pPlaybackParameters || !m_pPlaybackParameters->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) { GetImportantGameEventIDs(); ScanForImportantTicks(); if ( m_bScanMode && m_ImportantTicks.Count() > 0 ) { CL_ScanDemoDone( m_szScanMode ); return NULL; } if ( m_bDoHighlightScan ) { BuildHighlightList(); } } }
// External editor has paused playback
if ( CheckPausedPlayback() ) return NULL;
// handle highlights
if ( m_nCurrentHighlight != -1 && !IsSkipping() ) { int nCurrentTick = GetPlaybackTick();
if ( nCurrentTick >= m_highlights[ m_nCurrentHighlight ].nPlayToTick ) { m_nCurrentHighlight++; if ( m_nCurrentHighlight >= m_highlights.Count() ) { m_nCurrentHighlight = -1; SetPlaybackTimeScale( 1.0f ); g_ClientDLL->ShowHighlightSkippingMessage( false ); m_pPlaybackParameters = NULL; return NULL; } }
const DemoHighlightEntry_t &highlight = m_highlights[ m_nCurrentHighlight ];
SetPlaybackParametersLockFirstPersonAccountID( highlight.unAccountID ); // deal with skipping and fast forwarding
if ( highlight.nSeekToTick != -1 && nCurrentTick < highlight.nSeekToTick ) { g_ClientDLL->ShowHighlightSkippingMessage( true, nCurrentTick, highlight.nSeekToTick, highlight.nPlayToTick ); m_nSkipToTick = highlight.nSeekToTick; } else { if ( nCurrentTick < highlight.nFastForwardToTick ) { g_ClientDLL->ShowHighlightSkippingMessage( true, nCurrentTick, highlight.nSeekToTick, highlight.nPlayToTick ); SetPlaybackTimeScale( demo_highlight_fastforwardspeed.GetFloat() ); } else { SetPlaybackTimeScale( 1.0f ); g_ClientDLL->ShowHighlightSkippingMessage( false, nCurrentTick, highlight.nSeekToTick, highlight.nPlayToTick ); } } }
bool bStopReading = false; while ( !bStopReading ) { curpos = m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( true );
int nPlayerSlot = 0; m_DemoFile.ReadCmdHeader( cmd, tick, nPlayerSlot );
m_nPacketTick = tick;
if ( m_nTickToPauseOn != -1 && tick >= m_nTickToPauseOn ) { m_nTickToPauseOn = -1; PausePlayback( -1 ); cl_interpolate.SetValue( m_bSavedInterpolateState ? 1 : 0 ); }
if ( m_nCurrentHighlight != -1 && IsSkipping() ) { if ( m_highlights[ m_nCurrentHighlight ].nSeekToTick != -1 && tick >= m_highlights[ m_nCurrentHighlight ].nSeekToTick ) { m_nSkipToTick = -1; } }
// always read control commands
if ( !IsControlCommand( cmd ) ) { int playbacktick = GetPlaybackTick();
if ( !m_bTimeDemo ) { // Time demo ignores clocks and tries to synchronize frames to what was recorded
// I.e., while frame is the same, read messages, otherwise, skip out.
// If we're still signing on, then just parse messages until fully connected no matter what
if ( GetBaseLocalClient().IsActive() && (tick > playbacktick) && !IsSkipping() ) { // is not time yet
bStopReading = true; } } else { if ( m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame == host_framecount ) { if ( !IsSkipping() ) { // If we are playing back a timedemo, and we've already passed on a
// frame update for this host_frame tag, then we'll just skip this mess
bStopReading = true; } } }
if ( bStopReading ) { demoaction->Update( false, playbacktick, TICKS_TO_TIME( playbacktick ) ); m_DemoFile.SeekTo( curpos, true ); // go back to start of current demo command
return NULL; // Not time yet, dont return packet data.
} }
switch ( cmd ) { case dem_synctick: { if ( demo_debug.GetBool() ) { Msg( "%d dem_synctick\n", tick ); }
ResyncDemoClock(); m_nRestartFilePos = m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( true );
// Once demo clock got resync-ed we can go ahead and
// perform skipping logic normally
if ( ( m_nSkipToTick != -1 ) && ( ( m_nSkipToTick & SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG ) == SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG ) ) { m_nSkipToTick &= ~SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG; } } break; case dem_stop: { if ( demo_debug.GetBool() ) { Msg( "%d dem_stop\n", tick ); }
if ( g_pMatchFramework ) { g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnDemoFileEndReached" ) ); }
FOR_EACH_VALID_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER( hh ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( hh ); GetBaseLocalClient().Disconnect(true); } return NULL; } break; case dem_consolecmd: { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( nPlayerSlot ); const char * command = m_DemoFile.ReadConsoleCommand();
if ( demo_debug.GetBool() ) { Msg( "%d dem_consolecmd [%s]\n", tick, command ); }
Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), command, kCommandSrcDemoFile ); Cbuf_Execute(); } break; case dem_datatables: { if ( demo_debug.GetBool() ) { Msg( "%d dem_datatables\n", tick ); }
void *data = malloc( DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE ); // X360TBD: How much memory is really needed here?
bf_read buf( "dem_datatables", data, DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE ); m_DemoFile.ReadNetworkDataTables( &buf ); buf.Seek( 0 ); // re-read data
// support for older engine demos
if ( !DataTable_LoadDataTablesFromBuffer( &buf, m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.demoprotocol ) ) { Host_Error( "Error parsing network data tables during demo playback." ); } free( data ); } break; case dem_stringtables: { void *data = malloc( DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE ); // X360TBD: How much memory is really needed here?
bf_read buf( "dem_stringtables", data, DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE ); m_DemoFile.ReadStringTables( &buf ); buf.Seek( 0 ); if ( !networkStringTableContainerClient->ReadStringTables( buf ) ) { Host_Error( "Error parsing string tables during demo playback." ); } free( data );
} break; case dem_usercmd: {
ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( nPlayerSlot ); if ( demo_debug.GetBool() ) { Msg( "%d dem_usercmd\n", tick ); }
char buffer[256]; int length = sizeof(buffer); int outgoing_sequence = m_DemoFile.ReadUserCmd( buffer, length );
// put it into a bitbuffer
bf_read msg( "CDemo::ReadUserCmd", buffer, length );
g_ClientDLL->DecodeUserCmdFromBuffer( nPlayerSlot, msg, outgoing_sequence );
// Note, we need to have the current outgoing sequence correct so we can do prediction
// correctly during playback
GetBaseLocalClient().lastoutgoingcommand = outgoing_sequence; } break; case dem_customdata: { int iCallbackIndex; uint8 *pData; int iSize = m_DemoFile.ReadCustomData( &iCallbackIndex, &pData );
if( iCallbackIndex == -1 ) { //special handler, this is the data that fills in the rest of the data
uint8 *pParse = pData; int iTableEntries = *(int *)pParse; pParse += sizeof( int ); iTableEntries = LittleDWord( iTableEntries ); m_CustomDataCallbackMap.SetSize( iTableEntries );
for( int i = 0; i != iTableEntries; ++i ) { m_CustomDataCallbackMap[i].name = (char *)pParse; pParse += V_strlen( (char *)pParse ) + 1;
//now that we have the name, map that to a registered callback function
int j; for( j = 0; j != g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks.Count(); ++j ) { if( V_stricmp( m_CustomDataCallbackMap[i].name.Get(), STRING( g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks[j].szSaveID ) ) == 0 ) { //match
m_CustomDataCallbackMap[i].pCallback = g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks[j].pCallback; break; } } Assert( j != g_RegisteredDemoCustomDataCallbacks.Count() ); //found a match
} Assert( pParse == (pData + iSize) ); //properly parsed the table
} else { //send it off
Assert( iCallbackIndex < m_CustomDataCallbackMap.Count() ); Assert( m_CustomDataCallbackMap[iCallbackIndex].pCallback != NULL );
if( m_CustomDataCallbackMap[iCallbackIndex].pCallback != NULL ) m_CustomDataCallbackMap[iCallbackIndex].pCallback( pData, iSize ); else Warning( "Unable to decode custom demo data, callback \"%s\" not found.\n", m_CustomDataCallbackMap[iCallbackIndex].name.Get() ); } } break; default: { bStopReading = true;
if ( IsSkipping() ) { // adjust playback host_tickcount when skipping
m_nStartTick = host_tickcount - tick; } } break; } }
if ( cmd == dem_packet ) { // remember last frame we read a dem_packet update
m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame = host_framecount; } int inseq, outseqack, outseq = 0;
m_DemoFile.ReadCmdInfo( m_LastCmdInfo );
m_DemoFile.ReadSequenceInfo( inseq, outseqack ); GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel->SetSequenceData( outseq, inseq, outseqack );
int length = m_DemoFile.ReadRawData( (char*)m_DemoPacket.data, NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
if ( demo_debug.GetBool() ) { Msg( "%d network packet [%d]\n", tick, length ); }
if ( length > 0 ) { // succsessfully read new demopacket
m_DemoPacket.received = realtime; m_DemoPacket.size = length; m_DemoPacket.message.StartReading( m_DemoPacket.data, m_DemoPacket.size ); if ( demo_debug.GetInt() >= 1 ) { Msg( "Demo message, tick %i, %i bytes\n", GetPlaybackTick(), length ); } }
// Try and jump ahead one frame
m_bInterpolateView = ParseAheadForInterval( tick, 8 );
// ConMsg( "Reading message for %i : %f skip %i\n", m_nFrameCount, fElapsedTime, forceskip ? 1 : 0 );
// Skip a few ticks before doing any timing
if ( (m_nTimeDemoStartFrame < 0) && GetPlaybackTick() > 100 ) { m_nTimeDemoStartFrame = host_framecount; m_flTimeDemoStartTime = Sys_FloatTime(); m_flTotalFPSVariability = 0.0f;
if ( m_bTimeDemo ) { g_EngineStats.BeginRun();
g_PerfStats.Reset(); } }
if ( m_nSnapshotTick > 0 && m_nSnapshotTick <= GetPlaybackTick() ) { const char *filename = "benchframe";
if ( m_SnapshotFilename[0] ) filename = m_SnapshotFilename;
CL_TakeScreenshot( filename ); // take a screenshot
m_nSnapshotTick = 0;
if ( s_bBenchframe ) { Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), "stopdemo\n" ); } }
return &m_DemoPacket; }
void CDemoPlayer::InterpolateDemoCommand( int nSlot, int targettick, DemoCommandQueue& prev, DemoCommandQueue& next ) { CUtlVector< DemoCommandQueue >& list = m_DestCmdInfo; int c = list.Count();
prev.info.Reset(); next.info.Reset();
if ( c < 2 ) { // we need at least two entries to interpolate
return; }
int i = 0; int savedI = -1;
DemoCommandQueue *entry1 = &list[ i ]; DemoCommandQueue *entry2 = &list[ i+1 ];
while ( true ) { if ( (entry1->tick <= targettick) && (entry2->tick > targettick) ) { // Means we hit a FDEMO_NOINTERP along the way to now
if ( savedI != -1 ) { prev = list[ savedI ]; next = list[ savedI + 1 ]; } else { prev = *entry1; next = *entry2; } return; }
// If any command between the previous target and now has the FDEMO_NOINTERP, we need to stop at the command just before that (entry), so we save off the I
// We can't just return since we need to see if we actually get to a spanning pair (though we always should). Also, we only latch this final interp spot on
/// the first FDEMO_NOINTERP we see
if ( savedI == -1 && entry2->tick > m_nPreviousTick && entry2->tick <= targettick && entry2->info.u[ nSlot ].flags & FDEMO_NOINTERP ) { savedI = i; }
if ( i+2 == c ) break;
i++; entry1 = &list[ i ]; entry2 = &list[ i+1 ]; } }
static ConVar demo_legacy_rollback( "demo_legacy_rollback", "1", 0, "Use legacy view interpolation rollback amount in demo playback." );
// Purpose:
void CDemoPlayer::InterpolateViewpoint( void ) { if ( !IsPlayingBack() ) return;
democmdinfo_t outinfo; outinfo.Reset();
bool bHasValidData = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].viewOrigin != vec3_origin || m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].viewAngles != vec3_angle || m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].localViewAngles != vec3_angle || m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].flags != 0;
int nTargetTick = GetPlaybackTick();
// Player view needs to be one tick interval in the past like the client DLL entities
if ( GetBaseLocalClient().m_nMaxClients == 1 ) { if ( demo_legacy_rollback.GetBool() ) { nTargetTick -= TIME_TO_TICKS( GetBaseLocalClient().GetClientInterpAmount() ) + 1; } else { nTargetTick -= 1; } }
float vel = 0.0f; float angVel = 0.0f; if ( m_bInterpolateView && demo_interpolateview.GetBool() && bHasValidData ) { DemoCommandQueue prev, next; float frac = 0.0f;
prev.info = m_LastCmdInfo; prev.tick = -1; next.info = m_LastCmdInfo; next.tick = -1;
// Determine current time slice
InterpolateDemoCommand( hh, nTargetTick, prev, next );
float dt = TICKS_TO_TIME(next.tick-prev.tick);
frac = (TICKS_TO_TIME(nTargetTick-prev.tick)+GetBaseLocalClient().m_tickRemainder)/dt;
frac = clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// Now interpolate
Vector delta;
Vector startorigin = prev.info.u[ hh ].GetViewOrigin(); Vector destorigin = next.info.u[ hh ].GetViewOrigin();
// check for teleporting - since there can be multiple cmd packets between a game frame,
// we need to check from the last actually ran command to see if there was a teleport
VectorSubtract( destorigin, m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetViewOrigin(), delta ); float distmoved = delta.Length(); if ( dt > 0.0f ) { vel = distmoved / dt; }
if ( dt > 0.0f ) { QAngle startang = prev.info.u[ hh ].GetLocalViewAngles(); QAngle destang = next.info.u[ hh ].GetLocalViewAngles(); for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { float dAng = AngleNormalizePositive( destang[ i ] ) - AngleNormalizePositive( startang[ i ] ); dAng = AngleNormalize( dAng ); float aVel = fabs( dAng ) / dt; if ( aVel > angVel ) { angVel = aVel; } } }
// FIXME: This should be velocity based maybe?
if ( (vel > demo_interplimit.GetFloat()) || (angVel > demo_avellimit.GetFloat() ) || m_bResetInterpolation ) { m_bResetInterpolation = false;
// it's a teleport, just let it happen naturally next frame
// setting frac to 1.0 (like it was previously) would just mean that we
// are teleporting a frame ahead of when we should
outinfo.u[ hh ].viewOrigin = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetViewOrigin(); outinfo.u[ hh ].viewAngles = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetViewAngles(); outinfo.u[ hh ].localViewAngles = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetLocalViewAngles(); } else { outinfo.u[ hh ].viewOrigin = startorigin + frac * ( destorigin - startorigin );
Quaternion src, dest; Quaternion result;
AngleQuaternion( prev.info.u[ hh ].GetViewAngles(), src ); AngleQuaternion( next.info.u[ hh ].GetViewAngles(), dest ); QuaternionSlerp( src, dest, frac, result );
QuaternionAngles( result, outinfo.u[ hh ].viewAngles );
AngleQuaternion( prev.info.u[ hh ].GetLocalViewAngles(), src ); AngleQuaternion( next.info.u[ hh ].GetLocalViewAngles(), dest ); QuaternionSlerp( src, dest, frac, result );
QuaternionAngles( result, outinfo.u[ hh ].localViewAngles ); } } else if ( bHasValidData ) { // don't interpolate, just copy values
outinfo.u[ hh ].viewOrigin = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetViewOrigin(); outinfo.u[ hh ].viewAngles = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetViewAngles(); outinfo.u[ hh ].localViewAngles = m_LastCmdInfo.u[ hh ].GetLocalViewAngles(); }
m_nPreviousTick = nTargetTick;
// let any demo system override view ( drive, editor, smoother etc)
bHasValidData |= OverrideView( outinfo );
if ( !bHasValidData ) continue; // no validate data & no override, exit
g_pClientSidePrediction->SetViewOrigin( outinfo.u[ hh ].viewOrigin ); g_pClientSidePrediction->SetViewAngles( outinfo.u[ hh ].viewAngles ); g_pClientSidePrediction->SetLocalViewAngles( outinfo.u[ hh ].localViewAngles ); #ifndef DEDICATED
VectorCopy( outinfo.u[ hh ].viewAngles, GetLocalClient().viewangles ); #endif
} }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CDemoPlayer::IsPlayingTimeDemo( void )const { return m_bTimeDemo && m_bPlayingBack; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CDemoPlayer::IsPlayingBack( void )const { return m_bPlayingBack; }
CDemoPlayer::CDemoPlayer() { m_flAutoResumeTime = 0.0f; m_flPlaybackRateModifier = 1.0f; m_bTimeDemo = false; m_nTimeDemoStartFrame = -1; m_flTimeDemoStartTime = 0.0f; m_flTotalFPSVariability = 0.0f; m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame = -1; m_nPacketTick = 0; // pulling together with broadcast
m_bPlayingBack = false; m_bPlaybackPaused = false; m_nSkipToTick = -1; m_nSnapshotTick = 0; m_SnapshotFilename[0] = 0; m_bResetInterpolation = false; m_nPreviousTick = 0; m_pPlaybackParameters = NULL; m_bPacketReadSuspended = false; m_nRestartFilePos = -1; m_pImportantEventData = NULL; m_nTickToPauseOn = -1; m_bSavedInterpolateState = true; m_highlightSteamID.SetFromUint64( 0 ); m_nHighlightPlayerIndex = -1; m_bDoHighlightScan = false; m_nCurrentHighlight = -1; m_bLowlightsMode = false; m_bScanMode = false; m_szScanMode[0] = 0; }
CDemoPlayer::~CDemoPlayer() { StopPlayback(); if ( g_ClientDLL ) { g_ClientDLL->OnDemoPlaybackStop(); } }
CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const * CDemoPlayer::GetDemoPlaybackParameters() { return m_bPlayingBack ? m_pPlaybackParameters : NULL; }
// Purpose: Start's demo playback
// Input : *name -
bool CDemoPlayer::StartPlayback( const char *filename, bool bAsTimeDemo, CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pPlaybackParameters, int nStartingTick ) { m_pPlaybackParameters = pPlaybackParameters; m_bPacketReadSuspended = false; SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque();
// Disconnect from server or stop running one
int oldn = GetBaseLocalClient().demonum; GetBaseLocalClient().demonum = -1; Host_Disconnect( false ); GetBaseLocalClient().demonum = oldn;
m_bPlayingBack = true; if ( !m_DemoFile.Open( filename, true ) ) { m_bPlayingBack = false; GetBaseLocalClient().demonum = -1; // stop demo loop
return false; }
// Read in the m_DemoHeader
demoheader_t *dh = m_DemoFile.ReadDemoHeader( pPlaybackParameters ); if ( !dh ) { m_bPlayingBack = false; ConMsg( "Failed to read demo header.\n" ); m_DemoFile.Close(); GetBaseLocalClient().demonum = -1; return false; }
if ( dh->playback_frames == 0 && dh->playback_ticks == 0 && dh->playback_time == 0 ) { ConMsg( "Demo %s is incomplete\n", filename ); } else { ConMsg( "Playing demo from %s.\n", filename ); }
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys ) { m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->deleteThis(); } } m_ImportantTicks.RemoveAll(); m_ImportantGameEvents.RemoveAll(); m_highlights.RemoveAll(); m_nCurrentHighlight = -1;
// Now read in the directory structure.
m_nSkipToTick = nStartingTick; // reset skip-to-tick, otherwise it remains stale from old skipping
if ( nStartingTick != -1 ) { m_nSkipToTick |= SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG; } GetBaseLocalClient().m_nSignonState= SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED;
// create a fake channel with a NULL address (no encryption keys in demos)
GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel = NET_CreateNetChannel( NS_CLIENT, NULL, "DEMO", &GetBaseLocalClient(), NULL, false );
if ( !GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel ) { ConMsg ("CDemo::Play: failed to create demo net channel\n" ); m_DemoFile.Close(); GetBaseLocalClient().demonum = -1; // stop demo loop
Host_Disconnect(true); return false; } GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel->SetTimeout( -1.0f ); // never timeout
V_memset( &m_DemoPacket, 0, sizeof(m_DemoPacket) );
// setup demo packet data buffer
m_DemoPacket.data = new unsigned char[ NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ]; m_DemoPacket.from.SetAddrType( NSAT_NETADR ); m_DemoPacket.from.m_adr.SetType( NA_LOOPBACK ); GetBaseLocalClient().chokedcommands = 0; GetBaseLocalClient().lastoutgoingcommand = -1; GetBaseLocalClient().m_flNextCmdTime = net_time;
m_bTimeDemo = bAsTimeDemo; m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame = -1; m_nTimeDemoStartFrame = -1; m_nPacketTick = 0;
if ( m_bTimeDemo ) { SeedRandomNumberGenerator( true ); }
demoaction->StartPlaying( filename );
// m_bFastForwarding = false;
m_flAutoResumeTime = 0.0f; m_flPlaybackRateModifier = 1.0f; demoplayer = this;
scr_demo_override_fov = 0.0f;
return true; }
bool CDemoPlayer::ScanDemo( const char *filename, const char* pszMode ) { m_bScanMode = true; V_strcpy_safe( m_szScanMode, pszMode );
return StartPlayback( filename, false, NULL ); }
void CDemoPlayer::RestartPlayback( void ) { if ( m_nRestartFilePos != -1 ) { m_DemoFile.SeekTo( m_nRestartFilePos, true ); ResyncDemoClock();
GetBaseLocalClient().DeleteClientFrames( -1 ); GetBaseLocalClient().SetFrameTime( 0 ); GetBaseLocalClient().chokedcommands = 0; GetBaseLocalClient().lastoutgoingcommand = -1; GetBaseLocalClient().m_flNextCmdTime = net_time; GetBaseLocalClient().events.RemoveAll();
S_StopAllSounds( true ); g_ClientDLL->OnDemoPlaybackRestart(); #endif
} }
// Purpose:
// Input : flCurTime -
void CDemoPlayer::MarkFrame( float flFPSVariability ) { m_flTotalFPSVariability += flFPSVariability; }
void ComputeTimedemoResultsFilename( CFmtStr &fileName, CFmtStr &dateString ) { // Write the results to a CSV file.
// If specified on the command-line, write to a specific benchmark path.
// Include the GPU name and host computer name for convenient sorting in Explorer.
// Compute a date+time string
struct tm time; Plat_GetLocalTime( &time ); dateString.sprintf( "%04d_%02d_%02d__%02d_%02d_%02d", time.tm_year+1900, time.tm_mon+1, time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec );
// Compute prettified GPU name
MaterialAdapterInfo_t info; materials->GetDisplayAdapterInfo( materials->GetCurrentAdapter(), info ); CUtlString gpuName( info.m_pDriverName ); const char *pVendors[] = { "nvidia", "ati" }; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pVendors ); i++ ) { const char *pVendor = V_stristr( gpuName.Get(), pVendors[i] ); if ( pVendor ) { int nVendorLen = V_strlen( pVendors[i] ); if ( pVendor[nVendorLen] == ' ' ) nVendorLen++; CUtlString tail = pVendor + nVendorLen; gpuName.SetLength( pVendor - gpuName.Get() ); gpuName += tail; break; } } // Now replace any non-alphanumerics with an underscore
char *pGPUName = gpuName.Get(); for ( int i = 0; i < gpuName.Length(); i++ ) { if ( !V_isalnum( pGPUName[i] ) ) pGPUName[i] = '_'; }
// Compute the local computer's name
char host[256] = ""; DWORD length = sizeof( host ) - 1; #if !IsGameConsole()
if ( gethostname( host, length ) < 0 ) #endif
{ // Use dateString as a fallback, if we can't get the host name
V_strncpy( host, dateString.Access(), length ); } host[ length ] = '\0';
// Get the destination path (default to the gamedir)
CUtlString benchmarkPath = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-benchmark_path" ); if ( benchmarkPath.Length() && !IsOSX() ) // Don't bother on Mac, we can't write to an smb share trivially
{ benchmarkPath.StripTrailingSlash(); V_FixSlashes( benchmarkPath.Get() ); } else { benchmarkPath = "."; }
// Slap it all together
fileName.sprintf( "%s%sSourceBench_%s_%s.csv", benchmarkPath.Get(), CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, gpuName.Get(), host ); }
void CDemoPlayer::WriteTimeDemoResults( void ) { int frames = MAX( 1, ( (host_framecount - m_nTimeDemoStartFrame) - 1 ) ); float time = MAX( 1, ( Sys_FloatTime() - m_flTimeDemoStartTime ) ); float flVariability = m_flTotalFPSVariability / (float)frames; ConMsg( "%i frames %5.3f seconds %5.2f fps (%5.2f ms/f) %5.3f fps variability\n", frames, time, frames/time, 1000*time/frames, flVariability );
// Open the file (write the CSV to a benchmark path, if specified on the command-line, and name after the GPU and host computer)
CFmtStr fileName, dateString; ComputeTimedemoResultsFilename( fileName, dateString ); bool bEmptyFile = !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( fileName.Access() ); FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFileSystem->Open( fileName.Access(), "a+" ); if ( fileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { Warning( "DEMO: Failed to open %s!\n", fileName.Access() ); return; } bEmptyFile = !g_pFileSystem->Size( fileHandle );
// Write the header line when starting a new file
if( bEmptyFile ) { g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "Benchmark Results\n\n" ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "demofile," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "frame data csv," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "fps," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "fps variability," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "total sec," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "avg ms," ); for ( int lp = 0; lp < PERF_STATS_SLOT_MAX; ++lp ) { g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s (avg ms),", g_PerfStats.m_Slots[lp].m_pszName ); } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "width," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "height," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "msaa," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "aniso," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "picmip," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "numframes," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "dxlevel," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "backbuffer," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "cmdline," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "driver," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "vendor id," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "device id," ); //g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "subsys id," );
//g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "revision," );
//g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "shaderdll," );
g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "sound," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "vsync," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "gpu_level," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "cpu_level," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "date," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "csm enabled," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "csm quality," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "fxaa," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "motionblur," ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "\n" ); }
// Append a new line of data
static ConVarRef gpu_level( "gpu_level" ); static ConVarRef cpu_level( "cpu_level" ); static ConVarRef mat_vsync( "mat_vsync" ); static ConVarRef mat_antialias( "mat_antialias" ); static ConVarRef mat_forceaniso( "mat_forceaniso" ); static ConVarRef mat_picmip( "mat_picmip" ); static ConVarRef cl_csm_enabled( "cl_csm_enabled" ); static ConVarRef csm_quality_level( "csm_quality_level" ); static ConVarRef mat_software_aa_strength( "mat_software_aa_strength" ); static ConVarRef mat_motion_blur_enabled( "mat_motion_blur_enabled" ); int width, height; MaterialAdapterInfo_t info; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->GetWindowSize( width, height ); ImageFormat backBufferFormat = materials->GetBackBufferFormat(); materials->GetDisplayAdapterInfo( materials->GetCurrentAdapter(), info );
g_pFileSystem->Seek( fileHandle, 0, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_TAIL ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", m_DemoFile.m_szFileName ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", g_pStatsFile ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%5.1f,", frames/time ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%5.1f,", flVariability ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%5.1f,", time ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%5.3f,", 1000*time/frames ); for ( int lp = 0; lp < PERF_STATS_SLOT_MAX; ++lp ) { g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%6.3f,", g_PerfStats.m_Slots[lp].m_AccTotalTime.GetMillisecondsF() / g_PerfStats.m_nFrames ); } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", width ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", height ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", MAX( 1, mat_antialias.GetInt() ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", mat_forceaniso.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", mat_picmip.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", frames ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", COM_DXLevelToString( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", ImageLoader::GetName( backBufferFormat ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", CommandLine()->GetCmdLine() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", info.m_pDriverName ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "0x%x,", info.m_VendorID ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "0x%x,", info.m_DeviceID ); //g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "0x%x,", info.m_SubSysID );
//g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "0x%x,", info.m_Revision );
//g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShaderDLLName() );
g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-nosound" ) ? "disabled" : "enabled" ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-mat_vsync" ) || mat_vsync.GetBool() ? "enabled" : "disabled" ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%d,", gpu_level.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%d,", cpu_level.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,", dateString.Access() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", cl_csm_enabled.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", csm_quality_level.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", mat_software_aa_strength.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%i,", mat_motion_blur_enabled.GetInt() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "\n" ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fileHandle ); }
void CDemoPlayer::PausePlayback( float seconds ) { m_bPlaybackPaused = true; if ( seconds > 0.0f ) { // Use true clock since everything else is frozen
m_flAutoResumeTime = Sys_FloatTime() + seconds; } else { m_flAutoResumeTime = 0.0f; } }
void CDemoPlayer::ResumePlayback() { m_bPlaybackPaused = false; m_flAutoResumeTime = 0.0f; }
bool CDemoPlayer::CheckPausedPlayback() { if ( m_bPacketReadSuspended ) return true; // When packet reading is suspended it trumps all other states
if ( demo_pauseatservertick.GetInt() > 0 ) { if ( GetBaseLocalClient().GetServerTickCount() >= demo_pauseatservertick.GetInt() ) { PausePlayback( -1 ); m_nSkipToTick = -1; demo_pauseatservertick.SetValue( 0 ); Msg( "Demo paused at server tick %i\n", GetBaseLocalClient().GetServerTickCount() ); } } if ( IsSkipping() ) { if ( ( m_nSkipToTick > GetPlaybackTick() ) || ( ( m_nSkipToTick & SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG ) == SKIP_TO_TICK_FLAG ) ) { // we are skipping
return false; } else { // we can't skip back (or finished skipping), so disable skipping
m_nSkipToTick = -1; } }
if ( !IsPlaybackPaused() ) return false;
if ( m_bPlaybackPaused ) { if ( (m_flAutoResumeTime > 0.0f) && (Sys_FloatTime() >= m_flAutoResumeTime) ) { // it's time to unpause replay
ResumePlayback(); } }
return m_bPlaybackPaused; }
bool CDemoPlayer::IsPlaybackPaused()const { if ( !IsPlayingBack() ) return false;
// never pause while reading signon data
if ( m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame < 0 ) return false;
// If skipping then do not pretend paused
if ( IsSkipping() ) return false; return m_bPlaybackPaused; }
int CDemoPlayer::GetPlaybackStartTick( void ) { return m_nStartTick; }
int CDemoPlayer::GetPlaybackTick( void ) { return host_tickcount - m_nStartTick; }
int CDemoPlayer::GetPlaybackDeltaTick( void ) { return host_tickcount - m_nStartTick; }
int CDemoPlayer::GetPacketTick() { return m_nPacketTick; }
void CDemoPlayer::ResyncDemoClock() { m_nStartTick = host_tickcount; m_nPreviousTick = m_nStartTick; }
float CDemoPlayer::GetPlaybackTimeScale() { return m_flPlaybackRateModifier; }
void CDemoPlayer::SetPlaybackTimeScale(float timescale) { m_flPlaybackRateModifier = timescale; }
void CDemoPlayer::SetBenchframe( int tick, const char *filename ) { m_nSnapshotTick = tick;
if ( filename ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_SnapshotFilename, filename ); } }
void CDemoPlayer::SetImportantEventData( const KeyValues *pData ) { m_pImportantEventData = pData->MakeCopy(); }
void CDemoPlayer::GetImportantGameEventIDs() { if ( m_ImportantGameEvents.Count() == 0 ) { KeyValues *pCurrentEvent = m_pImportantEventData->GetFirstSubKey(); while( pCurrentEvent != NULL ) { const char *pEventName = pCurrentEvent->GetName(); CGameEventDescriptor *descriptor = g_GameEventManager.GetEventDescriptor( pEventName ); if ( descriptor ) { DemoImportantGameEvent_t event; event.nEventID = descriptor->eventid; event.pszEventName = pEventName; event.pszUIName = pCurrentEvent->GetString( "uiname" ); event.flSeekTimeBefore = pCurrentEvent->GetFloat( "seek_time_before", 0.0f ); event.flSeekForwardOffset = pCurrentEvent->GetFloat( "seek_back_offset", 0.0f ); event.flSeekBackwardOffset = pCurrentEvent->GetFloat( "seek_forward_offset", 0.0f ); event.bScanOnly = pCurrentEvent->GetBool( "scanonly" ); m_ImportantGameEvents.AddToTail( event ); } else { Msg( "GetImportantGameEventIDs: Couldn't get descriptor for %s\n", pEventName ); }
pCurrentEvent = pCurrentEvent->GetNextKey(); } } }
void CDemoPlayer::SetHighlightXuid( uint64 xuid, bool bLowlights ) { m_highlightSteamID.SetFromUint64( xuid ); if ( xuid != 0 ) { m_bDoHighlightScan = true; m_bLowlightsMode = bLowlights; } g_ClientDLL->SetDemoPlaybackHighlightXuid( xuid, bLowlights ); }
void ParseEventKeys( CSVCMsg_GameEvent_t *msg, CGameEventDescriptor *pDescriptor, const char *pszEventName, KeyValues **ppKeys ) { int nKeyCount = msg->keys().size(); if ( nKeyCount > 0 ) { // build proper key values from descriptor plus message keys
*ppKeys = new KeyValues( pszEventName ); if ( *ppKeys ) { KeyValues *pDescriptorKey = pDescriptor->keys->GetFirstSubKey(); for( int nKey = 0; nKey < nKeyCount; nKey++ ) { const CSVCMsg_GameEvent::key_t& KeyValue = msg->keys( nKey ); if( KeyValue.has_val_string() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetString( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_string().c_str() ); } else if( KeyValue.has_val_float() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetFloat( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_float() ); } else if( KeyValue.has_val_long() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetInt( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_long() ); } else if( KeyValue.has_val_short() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetInt( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_short() ); } else if( KeyValue.has_val_byte() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetInt( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_byte() ); } else if( KeyValue.has_val_bool() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetBool( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_bool() ); } else if( KeyValue.has_val_uint64() ) { (*ppKeys)->SetUint64( pDescriptorKey->GetName(), KeyValue.val_uint64() ); }
pDescriptorKey = pDescriptorKey->GetNextKey(); } } } else { (*ppKeys) = NULL; } }
void CDemoPlayer::ScanForImportantTicks() { if ( m_ImportantTicks.Count() > 0 || m_ImportantGameEvents.Count() == 0 ) return;
// setup a string table for use while scanning
CNetworkStringTableContainer demoScanStringTables; demoScanStringTables.AllowCreation( true ); int numTables = networkStringTableContainerClient->GetNumTables(); for ( int i =0; i<numTables; i++) { // iterate through server tables
CNetworkStringTable *serverTable = (CNetworkStringTable*)networkStringTableContainerClient->GetTable( i );
if ( !serverTable ) continue;
// get matching client table
CNetworkStringTable *demoTable = (CNetworkStringTable*)demoScanStringTables.CreateStringTable( serverTable->GetTableName(), serverTable->GetMaxStrings(), serverTable->GetUserDataSize(), serverTable->GetUserDataSizeBits(), serverTable->IsUsingDictionary() ? NSF_DICTIONARY_ENABLED : NSF_NONE );
if ( !demoTable ) { DevMsg("CDemoPlayer::ScanForImportantTicks: failed to create table \"%s\".\n ", serverTable->GetTableName() ); continue; }
if ( V_strcasecmp( demoTable->GetTableName(), USER_INFO_TABLENAME ) == 0 ) { demoTable->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_DemoScanUserInfoChanged ); }
// make demo scan table an exact copy of server table
demoTable->CopyStringTable( serverTable ); }
demoScanStringTables.AllowCreation( false );
m_nHighlightPlayerIndex = GetPlayerIndex( m_highlightSteamID );
democmdinfo_t info; int dummy; char buf[ NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ];
long starting_position = m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( true );
m_DemoFile.SeekTo( 0, true );
// Read in the m_DemoHeader
demoheader_t *dh = m_DemoFile.ReadDemoHeader( m_pPlaybackParameters ); if ( !dh ) { ConMsg( "Failed to read demo header while scanning for important ticks.\n" ); m_DemoFile.SeekTo( starting_position, true ); return; } int previousTick = 0, nDemoPackets = 0; bool demofinished = false; while ( !demofinished ) { int tick = 0; byte cmd;
bool swallowmessages = true; do { int nPlayerSlot = 0; m_DemoFile.ReadCmdHeader( cmd, tick, nPlayerSlot );
switch ( cmd ) { case dem_synctick: break; case dem_stop: { swallowmessages = false; demofinished = true; } break; case dem_consolecmd: { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( nPlayerSlot ); m_DemoFile.ReadConsoleCommand(); } break; case dem_datatables: { m_DemoFile.ReadNetworkDataTables( NULL ); } break; case dem_stringtables: { void *data = malloc( DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE ); bf_read buf( "dem_stringtables", data, DEMO_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE ); m_DemoFile.ReadStringTables( &buf ); buf.Seek( 0 ); if ( !demoScanStringTables.ReadStringTables( buf ) ) { Host_Error( "Error parsing string tables during demo scan." ); } free( data ); } break; case dem_usercmd: { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( nPlayerSlot ); m_DemoFile.ReadUserCmd( NULL, dummy ); } break; case dem_packet: nDemoPackets++; // fall through
default: { swallowmessages = false; } break; } } while ( swallowmessages );
if ( demofinished ) { break; }
m_DemoFile.ReadCmdInfo( info ); m_DemoFile.ReadSequenceInfo( dummy, dummy );
int length = m_DemoFile.ReadRawData( buf, NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
if ( length > 0 ) { bf_read message; message.StartReading( buf, length );
CNetChan *pNetChannel = ( CNetChan * ) GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel;
while ( true ) { if ( message.IsOverflowed() ) { Msg( "Packet message is overflowed while scanning for important ticks!\n" ); break; }
// Are we at the end?
if ( message.GetNumBitsLeft() < 8 ) // Minimum bits for message header encoded using VarInt32
{ break; }
// see if we have a registered message object for this type
unsigned char cmd = message.ReadVarInt32(); INetMessageBinder *pMsgBind = pNetChannel->FindMessageBinder( cmd, 0 ); if ( pMsgBind ) { INetMessage *netmsg = pMsgBind->CreateFromBuffer( message ); if ( netmsg && netmsg->GetType() == svc_GameEvent ) // only care about game events
{ CSVCMsg_GameEvent_t *msg = static_cast< CSVCMsg_GameEvent_t * >( netmsg );
CGameEventDescriptor *pDescriptor = g_GameEventManager.GetEventDescriptor( msg->eventid() ); for ( int nEvent = 0; nEvent < m_ImportantGameEvents.Count(); nEvent++ ) { if ( msg->eventid() == m_ImportantGameEvents[ nEvent ].nEventID ) { DemoImportantTick_t importantTick; importantTick.nTick = tick; importantTick.nPreviousTick = previousTick; importantTick.nImportanGameEventIndex = nEvent; importantTick.bCanDirectSeek = false; importantTick.pKeys = NULL; bool bIgnore = false;
ParseEventKeys( msg, pDescriptor, m_ImportantGameEvents[ nEvent ].pszEventName, &importantTick.pKeys );
if ( !m_ImportantGameEvents[ nEvent ].bScanOnly ) { if ( V_strcasecmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ nEvent ].pszEventName, "player_death" ) == 0 ) { GetExtraDeathEventInfo( importantTick.pKeys ); } else if ( V_strcasecmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ nEvent ].pszEventName, "bomb_defused" ) == 0 || V_strcasecmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ nEvent ].pszEventName, "bomb_planted" ) == 0 ) { if ( m_bLowlightsMode ) bIgnore = true; else GetExtraEventInfo( importantTick.pKeys ); }
if ( !bIgnore ) m_ImportantTicks.AddToTail( importantTick ); } else { if ( m_bScanMode && V_strcasecmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[nEvent].pszEventName, m_szScanMode ) == 0 ) { GetEventInfoForScan( m_szScanMode, importantTick.pKeys ); } importantTick.pKeys->deleteThis(); // cleanup keys since we aren't saving this tick
} break; } } } else if ( netmsg && netmsg->GetType() == svc_UpdateStringTable ) { CSVCMsg_UpdateStringTable_t *msg = static_cast< CSVCMsg_UpdateStringTable_t * >( netmsg );
CNetworkStringTable *table = (CNetworkStringTable*) demoScanStringTables.GetTable( msg->table_id() );
bf_read data( &msg->string_data()[0], msg->string_data().size() ); table->ParseUpdate( data, msg->num_changed_entries() ); } delete netmsg; } } } previousTick = tick; }
m_DemoFile.SeekTo( starting_position, true );
if ( m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time == 0.0f && m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks == 0 && m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_frames == 0 ) { // this is a corrupt/incomplete file
if ( !demo_strict_validation.GetInt() && previousTick > 1 && nDemoPackets > 1 ) { m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks = previousTick; if ( m_nTickToPauseOn == -1 ) { m_nTickToPauseOn = previousTick; } m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_frames = nDemoPackets - 1; m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time = previousTick * host_state.interval_per_tick;
// and we are allowed to "heal" it
Msg( "Attempting to heal incomplete demo file: assuming %d ticks, %d frames, %.2f seconds @%.0fHz\n", m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks, m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_frames, m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time, 1.0f / host_state.interval_per_tick ); } } }
void CDemoPlayer::BuildHighlightList() { if ( m_bDoHighlightScan && m_highlightSteamID.ConvertToUint64() != 0 ) { m_highlights.RemoveAll();
DemoHighlightEntry_t entry; int nTicksAfterEvent = demo_highlight_timeafter.GetFloat() / host_state.interval_per_tick; int nTicksBeforeEvent = demo_highlight_timebefore.GetFloat() / host_state.interval_per_tick;
const char *szKeyToCheck = m_bLowlightsMode ? "victim_xuid" : "attacker_xuid";
int nImportantTickIndex = FindNextImportantTickByXuid( 0, m_highlightSteamID ); while ( nImportantTickIndex != -1 ) { if ( CheckKeyXuid( m_highlightSteamID, m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].pKeys, szKeyToCheck ) || CheckKeyXuid( m_highlightSteamID, m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].pKeys, "player_xuid" ) ) { entry.nSeekToTick = entry.nFastForwardToTick = Max( m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].nPreviousTick - nTicksBeforeEvent, 0 ); // no need to play before the beginning of the stream
entry.nPlayToTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].nTick + nTicksAfterEvent; entry.nActualFirstEventTick = entry.nActualLastEventTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].nTick; entry.nNumEvents = 1;
if ( m_bLowlightsMode ) { CSteamID attackerSteamID( m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].pKeys->GetUint64( "attacker_xuid" ) ); entry.unAccountID = attackerSteamID.GetAccountID(); } else { entry.unAccountID = m_highlightSteamID.GetAccountID(); }
// check if next event is close enough to this one to just include in this highlight entry
int nNextImportantTickIndex = FindNextImportantTickByXuid( m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].nTick + 1, m_highlightSteamID ); while ( nNextImportantTickIndex != -1 ) { if ( CheckKeyXuid( m_highlightSteamID, m_ImportantTicks[ nNextImportantTickIndex ].pKeys, szKeyToCheck ) || CheckKeyXuid( m_highlightSteamID, m_ImportantTicks[ nNextImportantTickIndex ].pKeys, "player_xuid" ) ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ nNextImportantTickIndex ].nPreviousTick - nTicksBeforeEvent <= entry.nPlayToTick ) { entry.nPlayToTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nNextImportantTickIndex ].nTick + nTicksAfterEvent; entry.nActualLastEventTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nNextImportantTickIndex ].nTick; entry.nNumEvents++; nImportantTickIndex = nNextImportantTickIndex; } else { break; } } nNextImportantTickIndex = FindNextImportantTickByXuid( m_ImportantTicks[ nNextImportantTickIndex ].nTick + 1, m_highlightSteamID ); } m_highlights.AddToTail( entry ); }
nImportantTickIndex = FindNextImportantTickByXuid( m_ImportantTicks[ nImportantTickIndex ].nTick + 1, m_highlightSteamID ); }
// when we cross a round start between highlights, we include the round start in the highlight
// the playback will fast forward from the round start until nearby the highlight
if ( 0 ) for ( int i = 1; i < m_highlights.Count(); i++ ) { int nTicksSkipToRoundThreshold = demo_highlight_skipthreshold.GetFloat() / host_state.interval_per_tick; int nRoundTick = FindPreviousImportantTick( m_highlights[ i ].nFastForwardToTick, "round_start" ); if ( nRoundTick != -1 && ( m_ImportantTicks[ nRoundTick ].nTick - m_highlights[ i - 1 ].nPlayToTick ) > nTicksSkipToRoundThreshold ) { m_highlights[ i ].nSeekToTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nRoundTick ].nPreviousTick; } }
if ( m_highlights.Count() > 0 ) { // add on a seek to the end of the match and play from their to the end of the demo, this will show the scoreboard
int nEndMatchTickIndex = demoplayer->FindPreviousImportantTick( m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks, "announce_phase_end" ); if ( nEndMatchTickIndex != -1 ) { int nTicksBeforeMatchEnd = 1.0f / host_state.interval_per_tick; entry.nSeekToTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nEndMatchTickIndex ].nPreviousTick - nTicksBeforeMatchEnd; entry.nFastForwardToTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nEndMatchTickIndex ].nPreviousTick - nTicksBeforeMatchEnd; entry.nPlayToTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nEndMatchTickIndex ].nTick; entry.nActualFirstEventTick = entry.nActualLastEventTick = m_ImportantTicks[ nEndMatchTickIndex ].nTick; entry.nNumEvents = 0; entry.unAccountID = m_highlightSteamID.GetAccountID();
m_highlights.AddToTail( entry ); }
m_nCurrentHighlight = 0; } else { // didn't find any highlights, so kill the parameters so the demo will play normally
m_pPlaybackParameters = NULL; } m_bDoHighlightScan = false; } }
int CDemoPlayer::FindNextImportantTick( int nCurrentTick, const char *pEventName /* = NULL */ ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick > nCurrentTick ) { if ( pEventName == NULL || V_stricmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nImportanGameEventIndex ].pszEventName, pEventName ) == 0 ) { return i; } } }
return -1; }
int CDemoPlayer::FindPreviousImportantTick( int nCurrentTick, const char *pEventName /* = NULL */ ) { FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick < nCurrentTick ) { if ( pEventName == NULL || V_stricmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nImportanGameEventIndex ].pszEventName, pEventName ) == 0 ) { return i; } } }
return -1; }
int CDemoPlayer::FindNextImportantTickByXuidAndEvent( int nCurrentTick, const CSteamID &steamID, const char *pKeyWithXuid, const char *pEventName /* = NULL */ ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick > nCurrentTick ) { CSteamID compareSteamID( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetUint64( pKeyWithXuid ) ); if ( ( steamID.GetAccountID() == compareSteamID.GetAccountID() ) && ( pEventName == NULL || V_stricmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nImportanGameEventIndex ].pszEventName, pEventName ) == 0 ) ) { return i; } } }
return -1; }
int CDemoPlayer::FindNextImportantTickByXuid( int nCurrentTick, const CSteamID &steamID ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick > nCurrentTick ) { CSteamID playerSteamID( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetUint64( "player_xuid" ) ); if ( steamID.GetAccountID() == playerSteamID.GetAccountID() ) { return i; } CSteamID attackerSteamID( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetUint64( "attacker_xuid" ) ); if ( steamID.GetAccountID() == attackerSteamID.GetAccountID() ) { return i; } CSteamID victimSteamID( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetUint64( "victim_xuid" ) ); if ( steamID.GetAccountID() == victimSteamID.GetAccountID() ) { return i; } } }
return -1; }
int CDemoPlayer::FindPreviousImportantTickByXuidAndEvent( int nCurrentTick, const CSteamID &steamID, const char *pKeyWithXuid, const char *pEventName /* = NULL */ ) { FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick < nCurrentTick ) { CSteamID compareSteamID( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetUint64( pKeyWithXuid ) ); if ( ( steamID.GetAccountID() == compareSteamID.GetAccountID() ) && ( pEventName == NULL || V_stricmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nImportanGameEventIndex ].pszEventName, pEventName ) == 0 ) ) { return i; } } }
return -1; }
const DemoImportantTick_t *CDemoPlayer::GetImportantTick( int nIndex ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) { return &m_ImportantTicks[ nIndex ]; }
return NULL; }
const DemoImportantGameEvent_t *CDemoPlayer::GetImportantGameEvent( const char *pszEventName ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantGameEvents, i ) { if ( V_strcasecmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ i ].pszEventName, pszEventName ) == 0 ) { return &m_ImportantGameEvents[ i ]; } }
return NULL; }
void CDemoPlayer::ListImportantTicks() { Msg( "Important Ticks in demo:\n" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ImportantTicks, i ) { if ( V_strcasecmp( m_ImportantGameEvents[ m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nImportanGameEventIndex ].pszEventName, "player_death" ) == 0 ) { if ( m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetBool( "headshot" ) ) { Msg( "Tick: %d : %s killed %s with a headshot using a %s\n", m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick, m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetString( "attacker_name" ), m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetString( "victim_name" ), m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetString( "weapon" ) ); } else { Msg( "Tick: %d : %s killed %s using a %s\n", m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick, m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetString( "attacker_name" ), m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetString( "victim_name" ), m_ImportantTicks[ i ].pKeys->GetString( "weapon" ) ); } } else { Msg( "Tick: %d Event: %s \n", m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nTick, m_ImportantGameEvents[ m_ImportantTicks[ i ].nImportanGameEventIndex ].pszEventName ); } } }
void CDemoPlayer::ListHighlightData() { if ( m_highlights.Count() > 0 ) { Msg( "Highlights in demo:\n" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_highlights, i ) { Msg( "highlight: %d >> %d -> %d (%d) (%d,%d)\n", m_highlights[ i ].nSeekToTick, m_highlights[ i ].nFastForwardToTick, m_highlights[ i ].nPlayToTick, m_highlights[ i ].nNumEvents, m_highlights[ i ].nActualFirstEventTick, m_highlights[ i ].nActualLastEventTick ); } } else { Msg( "No Highlights.\n" ); } }
static bool ComputeNextIncrementalDemoFilename( char *name, int namesize ) { FileHandle_t test; test = g_pFileSystem->Open( name, "rb" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE == test ) { // file doesn't exist, so we can use that
return true; } g_pFileSystem->Close( test );
char basename[ MAX_OSPATH ];
V_StripExtension( name, basename, sizeof( basename ) );
// Start looking for a valid name
int i = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { char newname[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_sprintf_safe( newname, "%s%03i.dem", basename, i );
test = g_pFileSystem->Open( newname, "rb" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE == test ) { V_strncpy( name, newname, namesize ); return true; } g_pFileSystem->Close( test ); }
ConMsg( "Unable to find a valid incremental demo filename for %s, try clearing the directory of %snnn.dem\n", name, basename ); return false; }
// Purpose: List the contents of a demo file.
void CL_ListDemo_f( const CCommand &args ) { // Find the file
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
V_sprintf_safe(name, "%s", args[1]); V_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) );
ConMsg ("Demo contents for %s:\n", name);
CDemoFile demofile;
if ( !demofile.Open( name, true ) ) { ConMsg ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); return; }
demofile.ReadDemoHeader( NULL );
demoheader_t *header = &demofile.m_DemoHeader;
if ( !header ) { ConMsg( "Failed reading demo header.\n" ); demofile.Close(); return; } if ( V_strcmp( header->demofilestamp, DEMO_HEADER_ID ) ) { ConMsg( "%s is not a valid demo file\n", name); return; }
ConMsg("Network protocol: %i\n", header->networkprotocol); ConMsg("Demo version : %i\n", header->demoprotocol); ConMsg("Server name : %s\n", header->servername); ConMsg("Map name : %s\n", header->mapname); ConMsg("Game : %s\n", header->gamedirectory); ConMsg("Player name : %s\n", header->clientname); ConMsg("Time : %.1f\n", header->playback_time); ConMsg("Ticks : %i\n", header->playback_ticks); ConMsg("Frames : %i\n", header->playback_frames); ConMsg("Signon size : %i\n", header->signonlength); }
// Purpose:
CON_COMMAND( stop, "Finish recording demo." ) { if ( !demorecorder->IsRecording() ) { ConDMsg ("Not recording a demo.\n"); return; }
char name[ MAX_OSPATH ] = "Cannot stop recording now";
if ( !g_ClientDLL->CanStopRecordDemo( name, sizeof( name ) ) ) { ConMsg( "%s\n", name ); // re-use name as the error string if the client prevents us from stopping the demo
return; }
// Notify the client
g_ClientDLL->OnDemoRecordStop(); }
static void DemoRecord( char const *pchDemoFileName, bool incremental ) { if ( g_ClientDLL == NULL ) { ConMsg( "Can't record on dedicated server.\n" ); return; }
if ( demorecorder->IsRecording() ) { ConMsg ("Already recording.\n"); return; }
if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { ConMsg ("Can't record during demo playback.\n"); return; }
// check path first
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( pchDemoFileName ) ) { ConMsg( "record %s: invalid path.\n", pchDemoFileName ); return; }
char name[ MAX_OSPATH ] = "Cannot record now";
if ( !g_ClientDLL->CanRecordDemo( name, sizeof( name ) ) ) { ConMsg( "%s\n", name ); // re-use name as the error string if the client prevents us from starting a demo
return; }
// remove .dem extentsion if user added it
V_StripExtension( pchDemoFileName, name, sizeof( name ) );
if ( incremental ) { // If file exists, construct a better name
if ( !ComputeNextIncrementalDemoFilename( name, sizeof( name ) ) ) { return; } }
// Notify polisher of record
g_ClientDLL->OnDemoRecordStart( name );
// Record it
demorecorder->StartRecording( name, incremental ); }
// Purpose:
CON_COMMAND_F( record, "Record a demo.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 && args.ArgC() != 3 ) { ConMsg ("record <demoname> [incremental]\n"); return; }
bool incremental = false; if ( args.ArgC() == 3 ) { if ( !V_stricmp( args[2], "incremental" ) ) { incremental = true; } } DemoRecord( args[ 1 ], incremental ); }
// Purpose:
CON_COMMAND_F( _record, "Record a demo incrementally.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { if ( g_ClientDLL == NULL ) { ConMsg ("Can't record on dedicated server.\n"); return; }
if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { ConMsg ("_record <demoname>\n"); return; }
DemoRecord( args[ 1 ], true ); }
// Purpose:
static CDemoPlaybackParameters_t s_DemoPlaybackParams; // make sure these parameters are available throughout demo playback
void SetPlaybackParametersLockFirstPersonAccountID( uint32 nAccountID ) { s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_uiLockFirstPersonAccountID = nAccountID; }
void CL_PlayDemo_f( const CCommand &passed_args ) { demoplayer->StopPlayback(); // disconnect before loading demo, to avoid sometimes loading into game instead of demo
GetBaseLocalClient().Disconnect( false );
// need to re-tokenize the args without the default breakset
// the default splits out and of {}(): into separate args along with splitting on spaces
// that makes it impossible to rebuild a file path that has a mixture of those characters in them
characterset_t breakset; CharacterSetBuild( &breakset, "" ); CCommand args; args.Tokenize( passed_args.GetCommandString(), passed_args.Source(), &breakset );
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { ConMsg ("playdemo <demoname> <steamid>: plays a demo file. If steamid is given, then play highlights of that player \n"); return; }
if ( !net_time && !NET_IsMultiplayer() ) { ConMsg( "Deferring playdemo command!\n" ); return; }
int nEndNameArg = args.ArgC() - 1;
int nStartRound = 0; const char *szCurArg = args[ nEndNameArg ]; const char *szStartRoundPrefix = "startround:"; if ( char* szStartRoundParam = V_strstr( szCurArg, szStartRoundPrefix ) ) { szStartRoundParam += strlen( szStartRoundPrefix ); nStartRound = V_atoi( szStartRoundParam ); nEndNameArg--; }
// first check if last arg is "lowlights" and set flag
bool bLowlights = false; if ( V_stricmp( args[ nEndNameArg ], "lowlights" ) == 0 ) { bLowlights = true; nEndNameArg--; }
// then check the last (or next to last if last was lowlights) to get the steam ID
// steam IDs are numbers only, we just check for digits in all of it
int nSteamIDArg = nEndNameArg;
bool bSteamID_self = !V_strcmp( args[ nSteamIDArg ], "self" );
if ( bSteamID_self ) { nEndNameArg--; } else { for ( int i = 0; i < V_strlen( args[ nSteamIDArg ] ); i++ ) { if ( !V_isdigit( args[ nSteamIDArg ][ 0 ] ) ) { nSteamIDArg = -1; break; } } if ( nSteamIDArg != -1 ) { nEndNameArg--; } else if ( bLowlights ) { ConMsg( "Warning: lowlights argument given without valid steam id, ignoring.\n" ); bLowlights = false; } }
// now take all remaining args and build them back into a path (will be multiple args if it has spaces or contains a ':'
char name[ MAX_OSPATH ]; if ( nEndNameArg > 1 ) { V_strcpy_safe( name, args[ 1 ] ); for ( int i = 2; i <= nEndNameArg; i++ ) { V_strcat_safe( name, " " ); V_strcat_safe( name, args[ i ] ); } } else { V_strcpy_safe( name, args[ 1 ] ); }
// see if there is a starting tick attached to the filename (filename@####)
int nStartingTick = -1; char *pTemp = V_strstr( name, "@" ); if ( pTemp != NULL ) { Assert( nStartRound == 0 ); // Don't specify both of these, start round will stomp
nStartingTick = V_atoi(&pTemp[ 1 ]); if ( nStartingTick <= 0 ) { nStartingTick = -1; } pTemp[0] = 0; }
// set current demo player to client demo player
demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer;
if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { demoplayer->StopPlayback(); }
// disconnect before loading demo, to avoid sometimes loading into game instead of demo
GetBaseLocalClient().Disconnect( false );
CDemoPlaybackParameters_t *pParams = NULL;
if ( nSteamIDArg != -1 ) { CSteamID steamID; if ( bSteamID_self ) { if ( ISteamUser* pSteamUser = Steam3Client().SteamUser() ) { steamID = pSteamUser->GetSteamID(); } else { ConMsg( "Cannot obtain user id\n" ); return; } } else { steamID = CSteamID( args[ nSteamIDArg ] ); } demoplayer->SetHighlightXuid( steamID.ConvertToUint64(), bLowlights );
V_memset( &s_DemoPlaybackParams, 0, sizeof( s_DemoPlaybackParams ) );
s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_uiHeaderPrefixLength = 0; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity = false; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_uiLockFirstPersonAccountID = steamID.GetAccountID(); s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_numRoundSkip = 0; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_numRoundStop = 999; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_bSkipWarmup = false; pParams = &s_DemoPlaybackParams; } else if ( nStartRound > 0 ) { s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_uiHeaderPrefixLength = 0; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity = false; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_uiLockFirstPersonAccountID = 0; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_numRoundSkip = nStartRound - 1; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_numRoundStop = 999; s_DemoPlaybackParams.m_bSkipWarmup = true; pParams = &s_DemoPlaybackParams; demoplayer->SetHighlightXuid( 0, false ); } else { demoplayer->SetHighlightXuid( 0, false ); }
// open the demo file
V_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) );
if ( demoplayer != g_pClientDemoPlayer ) { demoplayer->StopPlayback(); demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer; }
if ( g_pClientDemoPlayer->StartPlayback( name, false, pParams, nStartingTick ) ) { // Remove extension
char basename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_StripExtension( name, basename, sizeof( basename ) ); g_ClientDLL->OnDemoPlaybackStart( basename ); } else { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } }
void CL_ScanDemo_f(const CCommand &args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { ConMsg("scandemo <demoname>: scans a demo file.\n"); return; }
// set current demo player to client demo player
demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer;
if (demoplayer->IsPlayingBack()) { demoplayer->StopPlayback(); }
// disconnect before loading demo, to avoid sometimes loading into game instead of demo
demoplayer->SetHighlightXuid( 0, false );
// open the demo file
char name[MAX_OSPATH]; V_strcpy_safe( name, args[ 1 ] ); V_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) );
s_nMaxViewers = 0; s_nMaxExternalTotal = 0; s_nMaxExternalLinked = 0; s_nMaxCombinedViewers = 0;
if ( demoplayer->ScanDemo( name, "hltv_status" ) ) { // Remove extension
char basename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_StripExtension( name, basename, sizeof( basename ) ); g_ClientDLL->OnDemoPlaybackStart( basename ); } else { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } }
void CL_ScanDemoDone( const char *pszMode ) { if ( V_strcasecmp( pszMode, "hltv_status" ) == 0 ) { Msg( "Max GOTV Viewers: %d Max External Viewers: %d Max External Linked: %d Max Combined Viewers: %d \n", s_nMaxViewers, s_nMaxExternalTotal, s_nMaxExternalLinked, s_nMaxCombinedViewers ); }
demoplayer->StopPlayback(); GetBaseLocalClient().Disconnect( false ); }
void CL_PlayOverwatchEvidence_f( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 3 ) { DevMsg( "playoverwatchevidence syntax error.\n" ); return; }
// Validate the header
char const *szCaseKey = args[1]; char name[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_strcpy_safe( name, args[2] );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( name ) ) { DevMsg( "playoverwatchevidence no file.\n" ); return; }
CUtlBuffer bufHeader; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( name, NULL, bufHeader, 128 ) ) { DevMsg( "playoverwatchevidence read file error.\n" ); return; } if ( bufHeader.TellMaxPut() != 128 ) { DevMsg( "playoverwatchevidence header of invalid size.\n" ); return; }
static CDemoPlaybackParameters_t params; // make sure these parameters are available throughout demo playback
V_memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) ); params.m_uiHeaderPrefixLength = 128; if ( !g_ClientDLL->ValidateSignedEvidenceHeader( szCaseKey, bufHeader.Base(), ¶ms ) ) return;
// set current demo player to client demo player
demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer; //
// open the demo file
if ( g_pClientDemoPlayer->StartPlayback( name, false, ¶ms ) ) { // Remove extension
char basename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_StripExtension( name, basename, sizeof( basename ) ); g_ClientDLL->OnDemoPlaybackStart( basename ); } else { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } }
void CL_TimeDemo_Helper( const char *pDemoName, const char *pStatsFileName, const char *pVProfStatsFileName ) { V_strncpy( g_pStatsFile, pStatsFileName ? pStatsFileName : "UNKNOWN", sizeof( g_pStatsFile ) );
// set current demo player to client demo player
demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer;
// open the demo file
char name[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_strcpy_safe(name, pDemoName ); V_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) );
if( pVProfStatsFileName ) { g_EngineStats.EnableVProfStatsRecording( pVProfStatsFileName ); }
if ( !g_pClientDemoPlayer->StartPlayback( name, true, NULL ) ) { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } }
// Purpose:
void CL_TimeDemo_f( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 || args.ArgC() > 3 ) { ConMsg ("timedemo <demoname> <optional stats.txt> : gets demo speeds, writing perf resutls to the optional stats.txt\n"); return; } CL_TimeDemo_Helper( args[1], ( args.ArgC() >= 3 ) ? args[2] : NULL, NULL ); }
void CL_TimeDemo_VProfRecord_f( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 3 ) { ConMsg ("timedemo_vprofrecord <demoname> <vprof stats filename> : gets demo speeds, recording perf data to a vprof stats file\n"); return; } CL_TimeDemo_Helper( args[1], NULL, args[2] ); }
void CL_TimeDemoQuit_f( const CCommand &args ) { demo_quitafterplayback.SetValue( 1 ); CL_TimeDemo_f( args ); }
void CL_BenchFrame_f( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 4 ) { ConMsg ("benchframe <demoname> <frame> <tgafilename>: takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a demo\n"); return; }
g_pClientDemoPlayer->SetBenchframe( MAX( 0, atoi( args[2] ) ), args[3] );
s_bBenchframe = true;
mat_norendering.SetValue( 1 ); // set current demo player to client demo player
demoplayer = g_pClientDemoPlayer; // open the demo file
char name[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_strcpy_safe(name, args[1] ); V_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) );
if ( !g_pClientDemoPlayer->StartPlayback( name, true, NULL ) ) { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } }
// Purpose:
CON_COMMAND( vtune, "Controls VTune's sampling." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { ConMsg ("vtune \"pause\" | \"resume\" : Suspend or resume VTune's sampling.\n"); return; } if( !V_strcasecmp( args[1], "pause" ) ) { if(!vtune(false)) { ConMsg("Failed to find \"VTPause()\" in \"vtuneapi.dll\".\n"); return; }
ConMsg("VTune sampling paused.\n"); }
else if( !V_strcasecmp( args[1], "resume" ) ) { if(!vtune(true)) { ConMsg("Failed to find \"VTResume()\" in \"vtuneapi.dll\".\n"); return; } ConMsg("VTune sampling resumed.\n"); }
else { ConMsg("Unknown vtune option.\n"); }
CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( playdemo, CL_PlayDemo_f, "Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).", NULL, dem ); CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( scandemo, CL_ScanDemo_f, "Scan a recorded demo file (.dem ) for specific game events and dump data.", NULL, dem ); CON_COMMAND_EXTERN_F( playoverwatchevidence, CL_PlayOverwatchEvidence_f, "Play evidence for an overwatch case.", FCVAR_HIDDEN ); CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( timedemo, CL_TimeDemo_f, "Play a demo and report performance info.", NULL, dem ); CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( timedemoquit, CL_TimeDemoQuit_f, "Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit", NULL, dem ); CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( listdemo, CL_ListDemo_f, "List demo file contents.", NULL, dem ); CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( benchframe, CL_BenchFrame_f, "Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.", NULL, dem ); CON_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETEFILE( timedemo_vprofrecord, CL_TimeDemo_VProfRecord_f, "Play a demo and report performance info. Also record vprof data for the span of the demo", NULL, dem );
CON_COMMAND( demo_pause, "Pauses demo playback." ) { float seconds = -1.0;
if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { seconds = atof( args[1] ); }
demoplayer->PausePlayback( seconds ); }
CON_COMMAND( demo_resume, "Resumes demo playback." ) { demoplayer->ResumePlayback(); }
CON_COMMAND( demo_togglepause, "Toggles demo playback." ) { if ( !demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) return; if ( demoplayer->IsPlaybackPaused() ) { demoplayer->ResumePlayback(); } else { demoplayer->PausePlayback( -1 ); } }
CON_COMMAND( demo_goto, "Skips to location in demo." ) { bool bRelative = false; bool bPause = false;
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { Msg( "Syntax: demo_goto <tick> [relative] [pause]\n" ); Msg( " eg: 'demo_gototick 6666' or 'demo_gototick 25%' or 'demo_gototick 42min'\n" );
if ( demoplayer && demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { IDemoStream *pDemoStream = demoplayer->GetDemoStream(); float flTotalTime = TICKS_TO_TIME( pDemoStream->GetTotalTicks() ) / 60.0f;
Msg( " Currently playing %d of %d ticks. Minutes:%.2f File:%s\n", demoplayer->GetPlaybackTick(), pDemoStream->GetTotalTicks(), flTotalTime, pDemoStream->GetUrl() ); } return; }
int iArg = 1; const char *strTick = args[ iArg++ ]; int nTick = atoi( strTick );
// If they gave us "50%" or "50 %", then head to percentage of the file.
bool bIsPct = !!strchr( strTick, '%' ); bool bIsMinutes = !!strchr( strTick, 'm' ); if ( !bIsPct && ( args[ iArg ][ 0 ] == '%' ) ) { iArg++; bIsPct = true; } else if ( !bIsMinutes && ( args[ iArg ][ 0 ] == 'm' ) ) { iArg++; bIsMinutes = true; }
if ( bIsPct ) { nTick = Clamp( nTick, 0, 100 ) * demoplayer->GetDemoStream()->GetTotalTicks() / 100; } else if ( bIsMinutes ) { nTick = Clamp( 60 * TIME_TO_TICKS( nTick ), 0, demoplayer->GetDemoStream()->GetTotalTicks() - 100 ); }
for ( ; iArg < args.ArgC(); iArg++ ) { switch ( toupper( args[ iArg ][ 0 ] ) ) { case 'R': bRelative = true; break; case 'P': bPause = true; break; } }
demoplayer->SkipToTick( nTick, bRelative, bPause ); }
CON_COMMAND( demo_gototick, "Skips to a tick in demo." ) { demo_goto( args ); }
CON_COMMAND( demo_info, "Print information about currently playing demo." ) { if ( !demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { Msg( "Error - Not currently playing back a demo.\n" ); return; }
ConMsg("Demo contents for %s:\n", demoplayer->GetDemoStream()->GetUrl()); } CON_COMMAND( demo_timescale, "Sets demo replay speed." ) { float fScale = 1.0f;
if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { fScale = atof( args[1] ); fScale = clamp( fScale, 0.0f, 100.0f ); }
demoplayer->SetPlaybackTimeScale( fScale ); }
CON_COMMAND( demo_listimportantticks, "List all important ticks in the demo." ) { demoplayer->ListImportantTicks(); }
CON_COMMAND( demo_listhighlights, "List all highlights data for the demo." ) { demoplayer->ListHighlightData(); }
bool CDemoPlayer::OverrideView( democmdinfo_t& info ) { #if !defined( LINUX )
if ( g_pDemoUI && g_pDemoUI->OverrideView( info, GetPlaybackTick() ) ) return true;
if ( demoaction && demoaction->OverrideView( info, GetPlaybackTick() ) ) return true; #endif
return false; }
void CDemoPlayer::ResetDemoInterpolation( void ) { m_bResetInterpolation = true; }