//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "vprof_record.h"
#include "tier1/byteswap.h"
CVProfile *g_pVProfileForDisplay = &g_VProfCurrentProfile;
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
long GetFileSize( FILE *fp ) { int curPos = ftell( fp ); fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); long ret = ftell( fp ); fseek( fp, curPos, SEEK_SET ); return ret; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// VProf record mode. Turn it on to record all the vprof data, then when you're playing back, the engine's budget and vprof panels
// show the data from the recording instead of the real data.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CVProfRecorder : public CVProfile { public: CVProfRecorder() { m_Mode = Mode_None; m_hFile = NULL; m_nQueuedStarts = 0; m_nQueuedStops = 0; m_iPlaybackTick = -1; // Set up byte-swapping for this platform so that we can query later if we need to swap on reading and writing or not.
m_Byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( false ); }
~CVProfRecorder() { Assert( m_Mode == Mode_None ); }
template <typename T> void Write( T *pData ) { if ( m_Byteswap.IsSwappingBytes() ) { T swapped; m_Byteswap.SwapBuffer( &swapped, pData ); g_pFileSystem->Write( &swapped, sizeof( T ), m_hFile ); } else { g_pFileSystem->Write( pData, sizeof( T ), m_hFile ); } }
template <typename T> int Read( T *pData ) { int ret; if ( m_Byteswap.IsSwappingBytes() ) { T tmp; ret = g_pFileSystem->Read( &tmp, sizeof( T ), m_hFile ); m_Byteswap.SwapBuffer( pData, &tmp ); } else { ret = g_pFileSystem->Read( pData, sizeof( T ), m_hFile ); } return ret; }
void Shutdown() { Stop(); }
void Stop() { if ( (m_Mode == Mode_Record || m_Mode == Mode_Playback) && m_hFile != NULL ) { if ( m_Mode == Mode_Record ) ++m_nQueuedStops;
g_pFileSystem->Close( m_hFile ); }
m_Mode = Mode_None; m_hFile = NULL; g_pVProfileForDisplay = &g_VProfCurrentProfile; // Stop using us for vprofile displays.
m_iPlaybackTick = -1; m_bNodesChanged = true; Term(); // clear the vprof data
bool IsPlayingBack() { return m_Mode == Mode_Playback; }
bool Record_Start( const char *pFilename ) { Stop();
char tempFilename[512]; if ( !strchr( pFilename, '.' ) ) { Q_snprintf( tempFilename, sizeof( tempFilename ), "%s.vprof", pFilename ); pFilename = tempFilename; }
m_iLastUniqueNodeID = -1; m_hFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( pFilename, "wb" ); m_Mode = Mode_Record; if ( m_hFile == NULL ) { return false; } else { // Write the version number.
int version = VPROF_FILE_VERSION; Write( &version );
// Write the root node ID.
int nodeID = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetRoot()->GetUniqueNodeID(); Write( &nodeID );
++m_nQueuedStarts; // Make sure vprof is recrding.
Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), "vprof_on\n" ); return true; } }
void Record_WriteToken( char val ) { Write( &val ); }
void Record_MatchTree_R( CVProfNode *pOut, const CVProfNode *pIn, CVProfile *pInProfile ) { // Add any new nodes at the beginning of the list..
if ( pIn->m_pChild ) { while ( !pOut->m_pChild || pIn->m_pChild->GetUniqueNodeID() != pOut->m_pChild->GetUniqueNodeID() ) { // Find the last new node in the list.
const CVProfNode *pToAdd = NULL; const CVProfNode *pCur = pIn->m_pChild; while ( pCur ) { // If the out node has no children then we add the last one in the input node.
if ( pOut->m_pChild && pCur->GetUniqueNodeID() == pOut->m_pChild->GetUniqueNodeID() ) break;
pToAdd = pCur; pCur = pCur->m_pSibling; }
Assert( pToAdd );
// Write this to the file.
int budgetGroupID = pToAdd->m_BudgetGroupID; int parentNodeID = pIn->GetUniqueNodeID(); int nodeID = pToAdd->GetUniqueNodeID(); Record_WriteToken( Token_AddNode ); Write( &parentNodeID ); // Parent node ID.
WriteString( pToAdd->m_pszName ); // Name of the new node.
Write( &budgetGroupID ); Write( &nodeID );
// There's a new one here.
const char *pBudgetGroupName = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupName( pToAdd->m_BudgetGroupID ); int budgetGroupFlags = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupFlags( pToAdd->m_BudgetGroupID ); CVProfNode *pNewNode = pOut->GetSubNode( pToAdd->m_pszName, 0, pBudgetGroupName, budgetGroupFlags ); pNewNode->SetBudgetGroupID( pToAdd->m_BudgetGroupID ); pNewNode->SetUniqueNodeID( pToAdd->GetUniqueNodeID() ); } } // Recurse.
CVProfNode *pOutChild = pOut->m_pChild; const CVProfNode *pInChild = pIn->m_pChild; while ( pOutChild && pInChild ) { Assert( Q_stricmp( pInChild->m_pszName, pOutChild->m_pszName ) == 0 ); Assert( pInChild->GetUniqueNodeID() == pOutChild->GetUniqueNodeID() ); Record_MatchTree_R( pOutChild, pInChild, pInProfile ); pOutChild = pOutChild->m_pSibling; pInChild = pInChild->m_pSibling; } }
void Record_MatchBudgetGroups( CVProfile *pInProfile ) { Assert( GetNumBudgetGroups() <= pInProfile->GetNumBudgetGroups() );
int nOriginalGroups = GetNumBudgetGroups(); for ( int i=nOriginalGroups; i < pInProfile->GetNumBudgetGroups(); i++ ) { const char *pName = pInProfile->GetBudgetGroupName( i ); int flags = pInProfile->GetBudgetGroupFlags( i ); Record_WriteToken( Token_AddBudgetGroup ); WriteString( pName ); Write( &flags );
AddBudgetGroupName( pName, flags ); } }
void Record_WriteTimings_R( const CVProfNode *pIn ) { unsigned short curCalls = MIN( pIn->m_nCurFrameCalls, 0xFFFF ); if ( curCalls >= 255 ) { unsigned char token = 255; Write( &token ); Write( &curCalls ); } else { // Get away with one byte if we can.
unsigned char token = (char)curCalls; Write( &token ); }
// This allows us to write 2 bytes unless it's > 256 milliseconds (unlikely).
unsigned long nMicroseconds = pIn->m_CurFrameTime.GetMicroseconds() / 4; if ( nMicroseconds >= 0xFFFF ) { unsigned short token = 0xFFFF; Write( &token ); Write( &nMicroseconds ); } else { unsigned short token = (unsigned short)nMicroseconds; Write( &token ); }
for ( const CVProfNode *pChild = pIn->m_pChild; pChild; pChild = pChild->m_pSibling ) Record_WriteTimings_R( pChild ); }
void Record_Snapshot() { CVProfile *pInProfile = &g_VProfCurrentProfile;
// Don't record the overhead of writing in the filesystem here.
// Record the tick count and start of frame.
Record_WriteToken( Token_StartFrame ); #ifdef DEDICATED
Write( &host_tickcount ); #else
Write( &g_ClientGlobalVariables.tickcount ); #endif
// Record all the changes to get our tree and budget groups to g_VProfCurrentProfile.
Record_MatchBudgetGroups( pInProfile ); if ( m_iLastUniqueNodeID != CVProfNode::s_iCurrentUniqueNodeID ) { Record_MatchTree_R( GetRoot(), pInProfile->GetRoot(), pInProfile ); } // Now that we have a matching tree, write all the timings.
Record_WriteToken( Token_Timings ); Record_WriteTimings_R( pInProfile->GetRoot() ); Record_WriteToken( Token_EndOfFrame );
pInProfile->Resume(); }
#define Playback_Assert( theTest ) Playback_AssertFn( !!(theTest), __LINE__ )
bool Playback_AssertFn( bool bTest, int iLine ) { if ( bTest ) { return true; } else { Stop(); Warning( "VPROF PLAYBACK ASSERT (%s, line %d) - stopping playback.\n", __FILE__, iLine ); Assert( 0 ); return false; } }
bool Playback_Start( const char *pFilename ) { Stop();
char tempFilename[512]; if ( !strchr( pFilename, '.' ) ) { Q_snprintf( tempFilename, sizeof( tempFilename ), "%s.vprof", pFilename ); pFilename = tempFilename; }
m_iLastUniqueNodeID = -1; m_hFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( pFilename, "rb" ); m_Mode = Mode_Playback; m_bPlaybackPaused = true; if ( m_hFile == NULL ) { Warning( "vprof_playback_start: Open( %s ) failed.\n", pFilename ); return false; } else { int version; Read( &version ); if ( !Playback_Assert( version == VPROF_FILE_VERSION ) ) return false;
// Read the root node ID.
int nodeID; Read( &nodeID ); GetRoot()->SetUniqueNodeID( nodeID );
m_iSkipPastHeaderPos = g_pFileSystem->Tell( m_hFile ); m_bPlaybackFinished = false; m_FileLen = g_pFileSystem->Size( m_hFile );
m_enabled = true; // So IsEnabled() returns true..
Playback_ReadTick(); g_pVProfileForDisplay = this; // Start using this CVProfile for displays.
return true; } }
void Playback_Restart() { if ( m_Mode != Mode_Playback ) { Assert( false ); return; } // Clear the data and restart playback.
m_iPlaybackTick = -1; Term(); // clear the vprof data
m_bNodesChanged = true;
g_pFileSystem->Seek( m_hFile, m_iSkipPastHeaderPos, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); Playback_ReadTick(); // Read in one tick's worth of data.
char Playback_ReadToken() { Assert( m_Mode == Mode_Playback ); char token; if ( Read( &token ) != 1 ) token = TOKEN_FILE_FINISHED; return token; }
void WriteString( const char *pStr ) { g_pFileSystem->Write( pStr, strlen( pStr ) + 1, m_hFile ); } bool Playback_ReadString( char *pOut, int maxLen ) { int i = 0; while ( 1 ) { char ch; if ( g_pFileSystem->Read( &ch, 1, m_hFile ) == 0 ) { Playback_Assert( false ); return false; } if ( ch == 0 ) { pOut[i] = 0; break; } else { if ( i < (maxLen-1) ) { pOut[i] = ch; ++i; } } } return true; }
bool Playback_ReadAddBudgetGroup() { char name[512]; if ( !Playback_ReadString( name, sizeof( name ) ) ) return false;
int flags = 0; Read( &flags );
AddBudgetGroupName( name, flags ); return true; }
CVProfNode* FindVProfNodeByID_R( CVProfNode *pNode, int id ) { if ( pNode->GetUniqueNodeID() == id ) return pNode; for ( CVProfNode *pCur=pNode->m_pChild; pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pSibling ) { CVProfNode *pTest = FindVProfNodeByID_R( pCur, id ); if ( pTest ) return pTest; } return NULL; }
bool Playback_ReadAddNode() { int budgetGroupID; int parentNodeID; int nodeID; char nodeName[512];
Read( &parentNodeID ); // Parent node ID.
if ( !Playback_ReadString( nodeName, sizeof( nodeName ) ) ) return false; Read( &budgetGroupID ); Read( &nodeID );
// Now find the parent node.
CVProfNode *pParentNode = FindVProfNodeByID_R( GetRoot(), parentNodeID ); if ( !Playback_Assert( pParentNode != NULL ) ) return false;
const char *pBudgetGroupName = GetBudgetGroupName( 0 ); int budgetGroupFlags = 0; CVProfNode *pNewNode = pParentNode->GetSubNode( PoolString( nodeName ), 0, pBudgetGroupName, budgetGroupFlags ); pNewNode->SetBudgetGroupID( budgetGroupID ); pNewNode->SetUniqueNodeID( nodeID );
m_bNodesChanged = true; return true; }
bool Playback_ReadTimings_R( CVProfNode *pNode ) { // Read the timing.
unsigned char token; if ( Read( &token ) != sizeof( token ) ) return false;
if ( token == 255 ) { unsigned short curCalls; if ( Read( &curCalls ) != sizeof( curCalls ) ) return false;
pNode->m_nCurFrameCalls = curCalls; } else { pNode->m_nCurFrameCalls = token; } pNode->m_nPrevFrameCalls = pNode->m_nCurFrameCalls;
// This allows us to write 2 bytes unless it's > 256 milliseconds (unlikely).
unsigned short microsecondsToken; if ( Read( µsecondsToken ) != sizeof( microsecondsToken ) ) return false;
if ( microsecondsToken == 0xFFFF ) { unsigned long nMicroseconds; if ( Read( &nMicroseconds ) != sizeof( nMicroseconds ) ) return false;
pNode->m_CurFrameTime.SetMicroseconds( nMicroseconds * 4 ); } else { pNode->m_CurFrameTime.SetMicroseconds( (unsigned long)microsecondsToken * 4 ); } pNode->m_PrevFrameTime = pNode->m_CurFrameTime;
// Recurse.
for ( CVProfNode *pCur=pNode->m_pChild; pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pSibling ) { if ( !Playback_ReadTimings_R( pCur ) ) return false; }
return true; }
// Read the next tick. If iDontGoPast is set, then it will abort IF the next tick's index
// is greater than iDontGoPast. In that case, sets pWouldHaveGonePast to true,
// stays where it was before the call, and returns true.
bool Playback_ReadTick( int iDontGoPast = -1, bool *pWouldHaveGonePast = NULL ) { if ( pWouldHaveGonePast ) *pWouldHaveGonePast = false;
if ( m_Mode != Mode_Playback ) return false;
// Read the next tick..
int token = Playback_ReadToken(); if ( token == TOKEN_FILE_FINISHED ) { Msg( "VPROF playback finished.\n" ); m_bPlaybackFinished = true; // Now we know our last tick.
return true; } if ( !Playback_Assert( token == Token_StartFrame ) ) return false;
int iPlaybackTick = m_iPlaybackTick; Read( &iPlaybackTick ); // First test if this tick would go past the number they don't want us to go past.
if ( iDontGoPast != -1 && iPlaybackTick > iDontGoPast ) { *pWouldHaveGonePast = true; g_pFileSystem->Seek( m_hFile, -5, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_CURRENT ); return true; } else { m_iPlaybackTick = iPlaybackTick; }
while ( 1 ) { int token = Playback_ReadToken(); if ( token == Token_EndOfFrame ) break;
if ( token == Token_AddBudgetGroup ) { if ( !Playback_ReadAddBudgetGroup() ) return false; } else if ( token == Token_AddNode ) { if ( !Playback_ReadAddNode() ) return false; } else if ( token == Token_Timings ) { if ( !Playback_ReadTimings_R( GetRoot() ) ) return false; } else { Playback_Assert( false ); return false; } }
return true; }
void Playback_Snapshot() { if ( m_Mode == Mode_Playback && !m_bPlaybackPaused ) Playback_ReadTick(); }
void Playback_Step() { Playback_ReadTick(); }
class CNodeAverage { public: CVProfNode *m_pNode; CCycleCount m_CurFrameTime_Total; int m_nCurFrameCalls_Total; int m_nSamples; };
CNodeAverage* FindNodeAverage( CUtlVector<CNodeAverage> &averages, CVProfNode *pNode ) { for ( int i=0; i < averages.Count(); i++ ) { if ( averages[i].m_pNode == pNode ) return &averages[i]; } return NULL; }
void UpdateAverages_R( CUtlVector<CNodeAverage> &averages, CVProfNode *pNode ) { CNodeAverage *pAverage = FindNodeAverage( averages, pNode ); if ( !pAverage ) { pAverage = &averages[ averages.AddToTail() ]; memset( pAverage, 0, sizeof( *pAverage ) ); pAverage->m_pNode = pNode; } pAverage->m_CurFrameTime_Total += pNode->m_CurFrameTime; pAverage->m_nCurFrameCalls_Total += pNode->m_nCurFrameCalls; pAverage->m_nSamples++; // Recurse.
for ( CVProfNode *pCur=pNode->m_pChild; pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pSibling ) UpdateAverages_R( averages, pCur ); }
void DumpAverages_R( CUtlVector<CNodeAverage> &averages, CVProfNode *pNode ) { CNodeAverage *pAverage = FindNodeAverage( averages, pNode ); if ( pAverage ) { pNode->m_CurFrameTime.m_Int64 = pAverage->m_CurFrameTime_Total.m_Int64 / pAverage->m_nSamples; pNode->m_nCurFrameCalls = pAverage->m_nCurFrameCalls_Total / pAverage->m_nSamples; } pNode->m_PrevFrameTime = pNode->m_CurFrameTime; pNode->m_nPrevFrameCalls = pNode->m_nCurFrameCalls;
// Recurse.
for ( CVProfNode *pCur=pNode->m_pChild; pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pSibling ) DumpAverages_R( averages, pCur ); }
void Playback_Average( int nFrames ) { // Remember where we started.
unsigned long seekPos = g_pFileSystem->Tell( m_hFile ); int iOldPlaybackTick = m_iPlaybackTick; // Take the average of the next N ticks.
CUtlVector<CNodeAverage> averages; while ( nFrames > 0 && !m_bPlaybackFinished ) { Playback_ReadTick(); UpdateAverages_R( averages, GetRoot() ); --nFrames; } DumpAverages_R( averages, GetRoot() ); // Now seek back to where we started.
g_pFileSystem->Seek( m_hFile, seekPos, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); m_iPlaybackTick = iOldPlaybackTick; }
int Playback_SetPlaybackTick( int iTick ) { if ( m_Mode != Mode_Playback ) return 0;
m_bNodesChanged = false; // We want to pickup changes to this, so reset it here.
if ( iTick == m_iPlaybackTick ) { return 1; } else if ( iTick < m_iPlaybackTick ) { // Crap.. have to go back. Restart and seek to this tick.
Playback_Restart(); // If this tick has a smaller value than the first tick in the file, then we can't seek forward to it...
if ( iTick <= m_iPlaybackTick ) { return 1 + m_bNodesChanged; // return 2 if the nodes changed
} }
// Now seek forward to the tick they want.
while ( m_iPlaybackTick < iTick ) { bool bWouldHaveGonePast = false; if ( !Playback_ReadTick( iTick, &bWouldHaveGonePast ) ) return 0; // error
// If reading this tick would have gone past the tick they're asking us to go for,
// stay on the current tick.
if ( bWouldHaveGonePast ) break; // If we went to the last tick in the file, then stop here.
if ( m_bPlaybackFinished ) return 1 + m_bNodesChanged; }
return 1 + m_bNodesChanged; }
// 0-1 value.
float Playback_GetCurrentPercent() { return (float)g_pFileSystem->Tell( m_hFile ) / m_FileLen; }
int Playback_SeekToPercent( float flWantedPercent ) { if ( m_Mode != Mode_Playback ) return 0; // error
m_bNodesChanged = false; // We want to pickup changes to this, so reset it here.
float flCurPercent = Playback_GetCurrentPercent(); if ( flWantedPercent < flCurPercent ) { // Crap.. have to go back. Restart and seek to this tick.
Playback_Restart(); // If this tick has a smaller value than the first tick in the file, then we can't seek forward to it...
if ( flWantedPercent <= 0 ) return 1 + m_bNodesChanged; // return 2 if nodes changed
// Now seek forward to the tick they want.
while ( Playback_GetCurrentPercent() < flWantedPercent ) { if ( !Playback_ReadTick() ) return 0; // error
// If we went to the last tick in the file, then stop here.
if ( m_bPlaybackFinished ) return 1 + m_bNodesChanged; // return 2 if nodes changed
return 1 + m_bNodesChanged; }
int Playback_GetCurrentTick() { return m_iPlaybackTick; }
void Snapshot() { if ( m_Mode == Mode_Record ) Record_Snapshot(); else if ( m_Mode == Mode_Playback ) Playback_Snapshot(); }
void StartOrStop() { while ( m_nQueuedStarts > 0 ) { --m_nQueuedStarts; g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); }
while ( m_nQueuedStops > 0 ) { --m_nQueuedStops; g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); } }
inline CVProfile* GetActiveProfile() { if ( m_Mode == Mode_Playback ) return this; else return &g_VProfCurrentProfile; }
bool IsPlaybackFinished() { return m_bPlaybackFinished; } private:
const char* PoolString( const char *pStr ) { int i = m_PooledStrings.Find( pStr ); if ( i == m_PooledStrings.InvalidIndex() ) i = m_PooledStrings.Insert( pStr, 0 );
return m_PooledStrings.GetElementName( i ); }
private: enum { Token_StartFrame=0, Token_AddNode, Token_AddBudgetGroup, Token_Timings, Token_EndOfFrame, TOKEN_FILE_FINISHED };
enum { VPROF_FILE_VERSION = 1 }; enum { Mode_None, Mode_Record, Mode_Playback };
CUtlDict<int,int> m_PooledStrings;
int m_Mode; FileHandle_t m_hFile; int m_iLastUniqueNodeID; int m_iPlaybackTick; // Our current tick.
int m_iSkipPastHeaderPos; bool m_bPlaybackFinished; int m_FileLen; bool m_bNodesChanged; // Set if the nodes were added or removed.
int m_nQueuedStarts; int m_nQueuedStops;
bool m_bPlaybackPaused; CByteswap m_Byteswap; };
static CVProfRecorder g_VProfRecorder;
void VProf_StartRecording( const char *pFilename ) { g_VProfRecorder.Record_Start( pFilename ); }
void VProf_StopRecording( void ) { g_VProfRecorder.Stop(); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_record_start, "Start recording vprof data for playback later." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { Warning( "vprof_record_start requires a filename\n" ); return; }
g_VProfRecorder.Record_Start( args[1] ); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_record_stop, "Stop recording vprof data" ) { Warning( "Stopping vprof recording...\n" ); g_VProfRecorder.Stop(); }
class CVPROFToCSVConverter { public: CVPROFToCSVConverter() { m_pTokenMap = NULL; }
void ConvertVPROJFileToCSVFile( const char *szVPROJName, const char *szCSVName ) { //
// Open output file and early out if file creation fails
m_fileHandle = g_pFileSystem->Open( szCSVName, "w" );
// Begin playback and storage of VPROF data into local structures
g_VProfRecorder.Playback_Start( szVPROJName );
while ( !g_VProfRecorder.IsPlaybackFinished() ) { CUtlMap< char *, double > *pTickDataMap = new CUtlMap< char *, double >( DefLessFunc( char * ) ); m_dataVector.AddToTail( pTickDataMap ); WriteNodeDataToDict( g_VProfRecorder.GetRoot(), pTickDataMap ); g_VProfRecorder.Playback_ReadTick(); }
// Generate output
char szHeaders[1024]; char szData[2048];
WriteHeaders( szHeaders, sizeof( szHeaders ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( m_fileHandle, "%s", szHeaders );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_dataVector, i ) { char szTickNum[16];
V_snprintf( szTickNum, sizeof( szTickNum ), "%d", i+1 ); V_strncpy( szData, szTickNum, sizeof( szData ) ); V_strncat( szData, ",", sizeof( szData ) );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_labelVector, j ) { const unsigned short usIndex = m_dataVector[i]->Find( m_labelVector[j] );
if ( usIndex != m_dataVector[i]->InvalidIndex() ) { char szFloatValue[32];
V_snprintf(szFloatValue, sizeof( szFloatValue ), "%f", m_dataVector[i]->Element( usIndex ) ); V_strncat( szData, szFloatValue, sizeof( szData ) ); }
if ( j != ( m_labelVector.Count() - 1 ) ) { V_strncat( szData, ",", sizeof( szData ) ); } } V_strncat( szData, "\n", sizeof( szData ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( m_fileHandle, "%s", szData ); }
g_pFileSystem->Close( m_fileHandle );
// Cleanup
m_labelVector.RemoveAll(); m_dataVector.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
void SetNodeFilter( CUtlMap<char*, int> *pTokenMap ) { m_pTokenMap = pTokenMap; }
protected: CUtlVector<char *> m_labelVector; CUtlVector< CUtlMap< char *, double > *> m_dataVector; FileHandle_t m_fileHandle; CUtlMap<char*, int> *m_pTokenMap;
void WriteNodeDataToDict( CVProfNode *pNode, CUtlMap< char *, double > *pTickDataMap ) { char *pcNodeName = (char*)pNode->GetName();
// Don't care about the Root label or data
if ( 0 != V_strcmp( pcNodeName, "Root" ) ) { // If there is a token filter and it is populated then use it
if ( NULL == m_pTokenMap || 0 == m_pTokenMap->Count() || ( m_pTokenMap->InvalidIndex() != m_pTokenMap->Find( pcNodeName ) ) ) { // Store the label in the label vector if we haven't seen it before
if (-1 == m_labelVector.Find( pcNodeName ) ) { m_labelVector.AddToTail( pcNodeName ); }
// Store the keyname and value for this VPROF node
pTickDataMap->Insert( pcNodeName, pNode->GetCurTime() ); } }
if( pNode->GetSibling() ) { WriteNodeDataToDict( pNode->GetSibling(), pTickDataMap ); }
if( pNode->GetChild() ) { WriteNodeDataToDict( pNode->GetChild(), pTickDataMap ); } }
void WriteHeaders( char *szBuffer, int nBufferSize ) { V_strncpy( szBuffer, "Tick Number,", nBufferSize );
// We start at 1 instead of 0 because 'Root' is always the first one
for ( int i = 0; i < m_labelVector.Count(); i++ ) { V_strncat( szBuffer, m_labelVector[i], nBufferSize );
// Skip the last comma
if ( i != ( m_labelVector.Count() - 1 ) ) { V_strncat( szBuffer, ",", nBufferSize ); } } V_strncat( szBuffer, "\n", nBufferSize ); } };
CON_COMMAND( vprof_to_csv, "Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv." ) {
// Args
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { Warning( "vprof_to_csv requires an input filename (.VPROJ) and optional VPROF node names\n" ); return; }
// Copy filename and parse filters from console
// Console parser treats colons as a break, so join all the tokens together here.
char szVPROFFilename[MAX_PATH]; char szCSVFilename[MAX_PATH]; char szArgs[2*MAX_PATH];
szArgs[0] = NULL;
for ( int i=1; i < args.ArgC(); i++ ) { Q_strncat( szArgs, args[i], sizeof( szArgs ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); }
//Separate the filter tokens from the arguments
CUtlVector<char*, CUtlMemory<char*, int> > argsVector; CUtlMap<char*, int> tokenMap( DefLessFunc( char * ) ); V_SplitString( szArgs, "|", argsVector );
V_strncpy( szVPROFFilename, argsVector[0], MAX_PATH); delete argsVector[0]; argsVector.RemoveMultiple( 0, 1 ); // Add the remaining arguments to the map of token filters
FOR_EACH_VEC( argsVector, i ) { tokenMap.Insert(argsVector[i], 0); } // Create CSV filename
V_StripExtension( szVPROFFilename, szCSVFilename, sizeof( szCSVFilename ) ); V_strncat( szCSVFilename, ".csv", sizeof( szCSVFilename ) );
// Perform conversion
CVPROFToCSVConverter converter; converter.SetNodeFilter( &tokenMap ); converter.ConvertVPROJFileToCSVFile( szVPROFFilename, szCSVFilename );
// Cleanup
argsVector.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); tokenMap.RemoveAll(); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_playback_start, "Start playing back a recorded .vprof file." ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { Warning( "vprof_playback_start requires a filename\n" ); return; }
// Console parser treats colons as a break, so join all the tokens together here.
char fullFilename[512]; fullFilename[0] = 0; for ( int i=1; i < args.ArgC(); i++ ) { Q_strncat( fullFilename, args[i], sizeof( fullFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); }
g_VProfRecorder.Playback_Start( fullFilename ); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_playback_stop, "Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file." ) { Warning( "Stopping vprof playback...\n" ); g_VProfRecorder.Stop(); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_playback_step, "While playing back a .vprof file, step to the next tick." ) { VProfPlayback_Step(); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_playback_stepback, "While playing back a .vprof file, step to the previous tick." ) { VProfPlayback_StepBack(); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_playback_average, "Average the next N frames." ) { if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 ) { int nFrames = atoi( args[ 1 ] ); if ( nFrames == -1 ) nFrames = 9999999; g_VProfRecorder.Playback_Average( nFrames ); } else { Warning( "vprof_playback_average [# frames]\n" ); Warning( "If # frames is -1, then it will average all the remaining frames in the vprof file.\n" ); } }
void VProfRecord_Snapshot() { g_VProfRecorder.Snapshot(); }
void VProfRecord_StartOrStop() { g_VProfRecorder.StartOrStop(); }
void VProfRecord_Shutdown() { g_VProfRecorder.Shutdown(); }
bool VProfRecord_IsPlayingBack() { return g_VProfRecorder.IsPlayingBack(); }
int VProfPlayback_GetCurrentTick() { return g_VProfRecorder.Playback_GetCurrentTick(); }
float VProfPlayback_GetCurrentPercent() { return g_VProfRecorder.Playback_GetCurrentPercent(); }
int VProfPlayback_SetPlaybackTick( int iTick ) { return g_VProfRecorder.Playback_SetPlaybackTick( iTick ); }
int VProfPlayback_SeekToPercent( float percent ) { return g_VProfRecorder.Playback_SeekToPercent( percent ); }
void VProfPlayback_Step() { g_VProfRecorder.Playback_Step(); }
int VProfPlayback_StepBack() { return g_VProfRecorder.Playback_SetPlaybackTick( g_VProfRecorder.Playback_GetCurrentTick() - 1 ); }
#define VProf_StartRecording( pFilename ) ((void)(0))
#define VProf_StopRecording() ((void)(0))