//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====
// Purpose:
#include "fgdlib/wckeyvalues.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose: Destructor.
MDkeyvalue::~MDkeyvalue(void) { }
// Purpose: Assignment operator.
MDkeyvalue &MDkeyvalue::operator =(const MDkeyvalue &other) { strcpy(szKey, other.szKey); strcpy(szValue, other.szValue);
return(*this); }
void WCKVBase_Vector::RemoveKeyAt(int nIndex) { Assert(nIndex >= 0); Assert(nIndex < (int)this->m_KeyValues.Count());
if ((nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < (int)this->m_KeyValues.Count())) { this->m_KeyValues.Remove(nIndex); } }
// Purpose: Adds the key to the keyvalue array. Allows duplicate keys.
// NOTE: This should only be used for keyvalue lists that do not require
// unique key names! If you use this function then you should use GetCount
// and GetKey/Value by index rather than GetValue by key name.
void WCKVBase_Vector::AddKeyValue(const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue) { if (!pszKey || !pszValue) { return; }
strcpy(szTmpKey, pszKey); strcpy(szTmpValue, pszValue);
StripEdgeWhiteSpace(szTmpKey); StripEdgeWhiteSpace(szTmpValue);
// Add the keyvalue to our list.
MDkeyvalue newkv; strcpy(newkv.szKey, szTmpKey); strcpy(newkv.szValue, szTmpValue); this->m_KeyValues.AddToTail(newkv); }
int WCKVBase_Vector::FindByKeyName( const char *pKeyName ) const { for ( int i=0; i < this->m_KeyValues.Count(); i++ ) { if ( V_stricmp( this->m_KeyValues[i].szKey, pKeyName ) == 0 ) return i; } return GetInvalidIndex(); }
void WCKVBase_Vector::InsertKeyValue( const MDkeyvalue &kv ) { this->m_KeyValues.AddToTail( kv ); }
void WCKVBase_Dict::RemoveKeyAt(int nIndex) { this->m_KeyValues.RemoveAt(nIndex); }
int WCKVBase_Dict::FindByKeyName( const char *pKeyName ) const { return this->m_KeyValues.Find( pKeyName ); }
void WCKVBase_Dict::InsertKeyValue( const MDkeyvalue &kv ) { this->m_KeyValues.Insert( kv.szKey, kv ); }
// Purpose: Constructor. Sets the initial size of the keyvalue array.
template<class Base> WCKeyValuesT<Base>::WCKeyValuesT(void) { }
// Purpose: Destructor. Deletes the contents of this keyvalue array.
template<class Base> WCKeyValuesT<Base>::~WCKeyValuesT(void) { //int i = 0;
//while (i < this->m_KeyValues.GetSize())
// delete this->m_KeyValues.GetAt(i++);
RemoveAll(); }
template<class Base> const char *WCKeyValuesT<Base>::GetValue(const char *pszKey, int *piIndex) const { int i = this->FindByKeyName( pszKey ); if ( i == this->GetInvalidIndex() ) { return NULL; } else { if(piIndex) piIndex[0] = i; return this->m_KeyValues[i].szValue; } }
template<class Base> void WCKeyValuesT<Base>::RemoveKey(const char *pszKey) { SetValue(pszKey, (const char *)NULL); }
template<class Base> void WCKeyValuesT<Base>::SetValue(const char *pszKey, int iValue) { char szValue[100]; Q_snprintf(szValue, sizeof(szValue), "%d", iValue);
SetValue(pszKey, szValue); }
// Purpose: Strips leading and trailing whitespace from the string.
// Input : psz -
void StripEdgeWhiteSpace(char *psz) { if (!psz || !*psz) return;
char *pszBase = psz;
while (V_isspace(*psz)) { psz++; }
int iLen = strlen(psz) - 1; if ( iLen >= 0 ) { while (V_isspace(psz[iLen])) { psz[iLen--] = 0; } }
if (psz != pszBase) { memmove(pszBase, psz, iLen + 2); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : pszKey -
// pszValue -
template<class Base> void WCKeyValuesT<Base>::SetValue(const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue) { char szTmpKey[KEYVALUE_MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; char szTmpValue[KEYVALUE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH];
strcpy(szTmpKey, pszKey);
if (pszValue != NULL) { strcpy(szTmpValue, pszValue); } else { szTmpValue[0] = 0; }
StripEdgeWhiteSpace(szTmpKey); StripEdgeWhiteSpace(szTmpValue);
int i = this->FindByKeyName( szTmpKey ); if ( i == this->GetInvalidIndex() ) { if ( pszValue ) { //
// Add the keyvalue to our list.
MDkeyvalue newkv; Q_strncpy( newkv.szKey, szTmpKey, sizeof( newkv.szKey ) ); Q_strncpy( newkv.szValue, szTmpValue, sizeof( newkv.szValue ) ); this->InsertKeyValue( newkv ); } } else { if (pszValue != NULL) { V_strncpy(this->m_KeyValues[i].szValue, szTmpValue, sizeof(this->m_KeyValues[i].szValue)); } //
// If we are setting to a NULL value, delete the key.
else { this->RemoveKeyAt( i ); } } }
// Purpose:
template<class Base> void WCKeyValuesT<Base>::RemoveAll(void) { this->m_KeyValues.RemoveAll(); }
// Explicit instantiations.
template class WCKeyValuesT<WCKVBase_Dict>; template class WCKeyValuesT<WCKVBase_Vector>;