//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: The application object.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <direct.h>
#pragma warning(push, 1)
#pragma warning(disable:4701 4702 4530)
#include <fstream>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include "BuildNum.h"
#include "EditGameConfigs.h"
#include "Splash.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "custommessages.h"
#include "MainFrm.h"
#include "MessageWnd.h"
#include "ChildFrm.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "Manifest.h"
#include "MapView3D.h"
#include "MapView2D.h"
#include "PakDoc.h"
#include "PakViewDirec.h"
#include "PakFrame.h"
#include "Prefabs.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "Shell.h"
#include "ShellMessageWnd.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "TextureSystem.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "Hammer.h"
#include "StudioModel.h"
#include "ibsplighting.h"
#include "statusbarids.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "soundsystem.h"
#include "IHammer.h"
#include "op_entity.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "engine_launcher_api.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include "utlmap.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "progdlg.h"
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "HammerVGui.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "lpreview_thread.h"
#include "SteamWriteMiniDump.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "toolframework/ienginetool.h"
#include "toolutils/enginetools_int.h"
#include "objectproperties.h"
#include "particles/particles.h"
#include "p4lib/ip4.h"
#include "syncfiledialog.h"
#include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
#include "gridnav.h"
#include "tablet.h"
#include "dialogwithcheckbox.h"
#include "configmanager.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Note!
// If this DLL is dynamically linked against the MFC
// DLLs, any functions exported from this DLL which
// call into MFC must have the AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro
// added at the very beginning of the function.
// For example:
// extern "C" BOOL PASCAL EXPORT ExportedFunction()
// {
// AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// // normal function body here
// }
// It is very important that this macro appear in each
// function, prior to any calls into MFC. This means that
// it must appear as the first statement within the
// function, even before any object variable declarations
// as their constructors may generate calls into the MFC
// DLL.
// Please see MFC Technical Notes 33 and 58 for additional
// details.
// dvs: hack
extern LPCTSTR GetErrorString(void); extern void MakePrefabLibrary(LPCTSTR pszName); void EditorUtil_ConvertPath(CString &str, bool bSave);
static bool bMakeLib = false;
static float fSequenceVersion = 0.2f; static char *pszSequenceHdr = "Worldcraft Command Sequences\r\n\x1a";
CHammer theApp; COptions Options;
CShell g_Shell; CShellMessageWnd g_ShellMessageWnd; CMessageWnd *g_pwndMessage = NULL;
// IPC structures for lighting preview thread
CMessageQueue<MessageToLPreview> g_HammerToLPreviewMsgQueue; CMessageQueue<MessageFromLPreview> g_LPreviewToHammerMsgQueue; ThreadHandle_t g_LPreviewThread; CSteamAPIContext g_SteamAPIContext; CSteamAPIContext *steamapicontext = &g_SteamAPIContext;
bool CHammer::m_bIsNewDocumentVisible = true;
// Expose singleton
// global interfaces
IBaseFileSystem *g_pFileSystem; IEngineAPI *g_pEngineAPI; CreateInterfaceFn g_Factory;
bool g_bHDR = true;
bool IsRunningInEngine() { return g_pEngineAPI != NULL; }
int WrapFunctionWithMinidumpHandler( int (*pfn)(void *pParam), void *pParam, int errorRetVal ) { int nRetVal;
if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nominidumps") ) { _set_se_translator( SteamWriteMiniDumpUsingExceptionInfo );
try // this try block allows the SE translator to work
{ nRetVal = pfn( pParam ); } catch( ... ) { return errorRetVal; } } else { nRetVal = pfn( pParam ); }
return nRetVal; }
// Purpose: Logging listener so that Hammer can capture warning and error
// output to write to the message window.
class CHammerMessageLoggingListener : public ILoggingListener { public: virtual void Log( const LoggingContext_t *pContext, const tchar *pMessage ) { if ( pContext->m_Severity == LS_ERROR ) { Msg( mwError, pMessage ); } else if ( pContext->m_Severity == LS_WARNING ) { Msg( mwWarning, pMessage ); } } };
// Purpose: Outputs a formatted debug string.
// Input : fmt - format specifier.
// ... - arguments to format.
void DBG(char *fmt, ...) { char ach[128]; va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt); vsprintf(ach, fmt, va); va_end(va); OutputDebugString(ach); }
void Msg(int type, const char *fmt, ...) { if ( !g_pwndMessage ) return;
va_list vl; char szBuf[512];
va_start(vl, fmt); int len = _vsnprintf(szBuf, 512, fmt, vl); va_end(vl);
if ((type == mwError) || (type == mwWarning)) { g_pwndMessage->ShowMessageWindow(); }
char temp = 0; char *pMsg = szBuf; do { if (len >= MESSAGE_WND_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { temp = pMsg[MESSAGE_WND_MESSAGE_LENGTH-1]; pMsg[MESSAGE_WND_MESSAGE_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; }
g_pwndMessage->AddMsg((MWMSGTYPE)type, pMsg);
} while (len > 0); }
// Post-init and pre-shutdown routines management
// Purpose: this routine calls the default doc template's OpenDocumentFile() but
// with the ability to override the visible flag
// Input : lpszPathName - the document to open
// bMakeVisible - ignored
// Output : returns the opened document if successful
CDocument *CHammerDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile( LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bMakeVisible ) { CDocument *pDoc = __super::OpenDocumentFile( lpszPathName, CHammer::IsNewDocumentVisible() );
return pDoc; }
// Purpose: this function will attempt an orderly shutdown of all maps. It will attempt to
// close only documents that have no references, hopefully freeing up additional documents
// Input : bEndSession - ignored
void CHammerDocTemplate::CloseAllDocuments( BOOL bEndSession ) { bool bFound = true;
// rough loop to always remove the first map doc that has no references, then start over, try again.
// if we still have maps with references ( that's bad ), we'll exit out of this loop and just do
// the default shutdown to force them all to close.
while( bFound ) { bFound = false;
POSITION pos = GetFirstDocPosition(); while( pos != NULL ) { CDocument *pDoc = GetNextDoc( pos ); CMapDoc *pMapDoc = dynamic_cast< CMapDoc * >( pDoc );
if ( pMapDoc && pMapDoc->GetReferenceCount() == 0 ) { pDoc->OnCloseDocument(); bFound = true; break; } } }
#if 0
POSITION pos = GetFirstDocPosition(); while( pos != NULL ) { CDocument *pDoc = GetNextDoc( pos ); CMapDoc *pMapDoc = dynamic_cast< CMapDoc * >( pDoc );
if ( pMapDoc ) { pMapDoc->ForceNoReference(); } }
__super::CloseAllDocuments( bEndSession ); #endif
// Purpose: This function will allow hammer to control the initial visibility of an opening document
// Input : pFrame - the new document's frame
// pDoc - the new document
// bMakeVisible - ignored as a parameter
void CHammerDocTemplate::InitialUpdateFrame( CFrameWnd* pFrame, CDocument* pDoc, BOOL bMakeVisible ) { bMakeVisible = CHammer::IsNewDocumentVisible();
__super::InitialUpdateFrame( pFrame, pDoc, bMakeVisible );
if ( bMakeVisible ) { CMapDoc *pMapDoc = dynamic_cast< CMapDoc * >( pDoc );
if ( pMapDoc ) { pMapDoc->SetInitialUpdate(); } } }
// Purpose: this function will let all other maps know that an instanced map has been updated ( usually for volume size )
// Input : pInstanceMapDoc - the document that has been updated
void CHammerDocTemplate::UpdateInstanceMap( CMapDoc *pInstanceMapDoc ) { POSITION pos = GetFirstDocPosition(); while( pos != NULL ) { CDocument *pDoc = GetNextDoc( pos ); CMapDoc *pMapDoc = dynamic_cast< CMapDoc * >( pDoc );
if ( pMapDoc && pMapDoc != pInstanceMapDoc ) { pMapDoc->UpdateInstanceMap( pInstanceMapDoc ); } } }
template < typename T, int Instance > static T& ReliableStaticStorage() { Instance; static T storage; return storage; }
#define s_appRegisteredPostInitFns ReliableStaticStorage< CUtlVector< void (*)() >, APP_FN_POST_INIT >()
#define s_appRegisteredPreShutdownFns ReliableStaticStorage< CUtlVector< void (*)() >, APP_FN_PRE_SHUTDOWN >()
#define s_appRegisteredMessageLoop ReliableStaticStorage< CUtlVector< void (*)() >, APP_FN_MESSAGE_LOOP >()
#define s_appRegisteredMessagePreTrans ReliableStaticStorage< CUtlVector< void (*)( MSG * ) >, APP_FN_MESSAGE_PRETRANSLATE >()
void AppRegisterPostInitFn( void (*fn)() ) { s_appRegisteredPostInitFns.AddToTail( fn ); }
void AppRegisterMessageLoopFn( void (*fn)() ) { s_appRegisteredMessageLoop.AddToTail( fn ); }
void AppRegisterMessagePretranslateFn( void (*fn)( MSG * ) ) { s_appRegisteredMessagePreTrans.AddToTail( fn ); }
void AppRegisterPreShutdownFn( void (*fn)() ) { s_appRegisteredPreShutdownFns.AddToTail( fn ); }
class CHammerCmdLine : public CCommandLineInfo { public:
CHammerCmdLine(void) { m_bShowLogo = true; m_bGame = false; m_bConfigDir = false; }
void ParseParam(LPCTSTR lpszParam, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast) { if ((!m_bGame) && (bFlag && !stricmp(lpszParam, "game"))) { m_bGame = true; } else if (m_bGame) { if (!bFlag) { m_strGame = lpszParam; }
m_bGame = false; } else if (bFlag && !strcmpi(lpszParam, "nologo")) { m_bShowLogo = false; } else if (bFlag && !strcmpi(lpszParam, "makelib")) { bMakeLib = TRUE; } else if (!bFlag && bMakeLib) { MakePrefabLibrary(lpszParam); } else if ((!m_bConfigDir) && (bFlag && !stricmp(lpszParam, "configdir"))) { m_bConfigDir = true; } else if (m_bConfigDir) { if ( !bFlag ) { Options.configs.m_strConfigDir = lpszParam; } m_bConfigDir = false; } else { CCommandLineInfo::ParseParam(lpszParam, bFlag, bLast); } }
bool m_bShowLogo; bool m_bGame; // Used to find and parse the "-game blah" parameter pair.
bool m_bConfigDir; // Used to find and parse the "-configdir blah" parameter pair.
CString m_strGame; // The name of the game to use for this session, ie "hl2" or "cstrike". This should match the mod dir, not the config name.
// Purpose: Constructor. Initializes member variables and creates a scratch
// buffer for use when loading WAD files.
CHammer::CHammer(void) { m_bActiveApp = true; m_SuppressVideoAllocation = false; m_bForceRenderNextFrame = false; m_bClosing = false; m_bFoundryMode = false; m_CustomAcceleratorWindow = NULL; }
// Purpose: Destructor. Frees scratch buffer used when loading WAD files.
// Deletes all command sequences used when compiling maps.
CHammer::~CHammer(void) { }
// Inherited from IAppSystem
bool CHammer::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) ) return false;
// bool bCVarOk = ConnectStudioRenderCVars( factory );
g_pFileSystem = ( IBaseFileSystem * )factory( BASEFILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); g_pStudioRender = ( IStudioRender * )factory( STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); g_pEngineAPI = ( IEngineAPI * )factory( VENGINE_LAUNCHER_API_VERSION, NULL ); g_pMDLCache = (IMDLCache*)factory( MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); p4 = ( IP4 * )factory( P4_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); g_Factory = factory;
if ( !g_pMDLCache || !g_pFileSystem || !g_pFullFileSystem || !materials || !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig || !g_pStudioRender ) return false;
// ensure we're in the same directory as the .EXE
char *p; GetModuleFileName(NULL, m_szAppDir, MAX_PATH); p = strrchr(m_szAppDir, '\\'); if(p) { // chop off \wc.exe
p[0] = 0; }
if ( IsRunningInEngine() ) { strcat( m_szAppDir, "\\bin" ); } // Create the message window object for capturing errors and warnings.
// This does NOT create the window itself. That happens later in CMainFrame::Create.
g_pwndMessage = CMessageWnd::CreateMessageWndObject();
// Default location for GameConfig.txt is the same directory as Hammer.exe but this may be overridden on the command line
char szGameConfigDir[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory( DIR_PROGRAM, szGameConfigDir ); Options.configs.m_strConfigDir = szGameConfigDir; CHammerCmdLine cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo);
// Set up SteamApp() interface (for checking app ownership)
SteamAPI_InitSafe(); g_SteamAPIContext.Init();
// Load the options
// NOTE: Have to do this now, because we need it before Inits() are called
// NOTE: SetRegistryKey will cause hammer to look into the registry for its values
SetRegistryKey("Valve"); Options.Init();
if ( g_pThreadPool ) { ThreadPoolStartParams_t startParams; // this will set ideal processor on each thread
startParams.fDistribute = TRS_TRUE;
g_pThreadPool->Start( startParams ); }
return true; }
void CHammer::Disconnect() { g_pStudioRender = NULL; g_pFileSystem = NULL; g_pEngineAPI = NULL; g_pMDLCache = NULL; BaseClass::Disconnect(); }
void *CHammer::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { // We also implement the IMatSystemSurface interface
if (!Q_strncmp( pInterfaceName, INTERFACEVERSION_HAMMER, Q_strlen(INTERFACEVERSION_HAMMER) + 1)) return (IHammer*)this;
return NULL; }
void CHammer::InitFoundryMode( CreateInterfaceFn factory, void *hGameWnd, const char *szGameDir ) { m_bFoundryMode = true;
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-foundrymode" ) ) Error( "Running in Foundry requires -FoundryMode on the command line." );
if ( !Connect( factory ) ) Error( "CHammer::Connect failed" );
if ( !InitSessionGameConfig( szGameDir ) ) Error( "InitSessionGameConfig failed." );
if ( HammerInternalInit() != INIT_OK ) Error( "HammerInternalInit failed" ); }
void CHammer::NoteEngineGotFocus() { // Release focus on all our vgui stuff so the engine can own it.
HammerVGui()->SetFocus( NULL ); // Deactivate all CMapViews.
CMapDoc::NoteEngineGotFocus(); }
bool CHammer::IsHammerVisible() { CWnd *pWnd = GetMainWnd(); if ( !pWnd ) return false;
return pWnd->IsWindowVisible() ? true : false; }
void CHammer::ToggleHammerVisible() { CWnd *pWnd = GetMainWnd(); if ( !pWnd ) return;
if ( pWnd->IsWindowVisible() ) { pWnd->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); } else { pWnd->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); } }
// Methods related to message pumping
bool CHammer::HammerPreTranslateMessage(MSG * pMsg) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// Copy this into the current message, needed for MFC
#if _MSC_VER >= 1300
_AFX_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetThreadState(); pState->m_msgCur = *pMsg; #else
m_msgCur = *pMsg; #endif
return (/*pMsg->message == WM_KICKIDLE ||*/ PreTranslateMessage(pMsg) != FALSE); }
// Return true if the message just dispatched should cause OnIdle to run.
// Return false for messages which do not usually affect the state of the user
// interface and happen very often.
bool CHammer::HammerIsIdleMessage(MSG *pMsg) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// We generate lots of WM_TIMER messages and shouldn't call OnIdle because of them.
// This fixes tool tips not popping up when a map is open.
if ( pMsg->message == WM_TIMER ) return false;
return ( IsIdleMessage(pMsg) == TRUE ); }
// return TRUE if more idle processing
bool CHammer::HammerOnIdle(long count) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); return OnIdle(count) != FALSE; }
// Purpose: Adds a backslash to the end of a string if there isn't one already.
// Input : psz - String to add the backslash to.
static void EnsureTrailingBackslash(char *psz) { if ((psz[0] != '\0') && (psz[strlen(psz) - 1] != '\\')) { strcat(psz, "\\"); } }
// Purpose: Tweaks our data members to enable us to import old Hammer settings
// from the registry.
static const char *s_pszOldAppName = NULL; void CHammer::BeginImportWCSettings(void) { s_pszOldAppName = m_pszAppName; m_pszAppName = "Worldcraft"; SetRegistryKey("Valve"); }
// Purpose: Tweaks our data members to enable us to import old Valve Hammer Editor
// settings from the registry.
void CHammer::BeginImportVHESettings(void) { s_pszOldAppName = m_pszAppName; m_pszAppName = "Valve Hammer Editor"; SetRegistryKey("Valve"); }
// Purpose: Restores our tweaked data members to their original state.
void CHammer::EndImportSettings(void) { m_pszAppName = s_pszOldAppName; SetRegistryKey("Valve"); }
// Purpose: Retrieves various important directories.
// Input : dir - Enumerated directory to retrieve.
// p - Pointer to buffer that receives the full path to the directory.
void CHammer::GetDirectory(DirIndex_t dir, char *p) { switch (dir) { case DIR_PROGRAM: { strcpy(p, m_szAppDir); EnsureTrailingBackslash(p); break; }
case DIR_PREFABS: { strcpy(p, g_pGameConfig->m_szPrefabDir);
if (*p == '\0') { // The prefab folder has not been set up so quietly set it to the app directory + "/Prefabs"
strcpy(p, m_szAppDir); EnsureTrailingBackslash(p); strcat(p, "Prefabs"); strcpy( g_pGameConfig->m_szPrefabDir, p ); }
// Make sure the prefabs folder exists. If not, create it
if ((_access( p, 0 )) == -1) { CreateDirectory(p, NULL); }
break; }
// Get the game directory with a trailing backslash. This is
// where the base game's resources are, such as "C:\Half-Life\valve\".
case DIR_GAME_EXE: { strcpy(p, g_pGameConfig->m_szGameExeDir); EnsureTrailingBackslash(p); break; }
// Get the mod directory with a trailing backslash. This is where
// the mod's resources are, such as "C:\Half-Life\tfc\".
case DIR_MOD: { strcpy(p, g_pGameConfig->m_szModDir); EnsureTrailingBackslash(p); break; }
// Get the materials directory with a trailing backslash. This is where
// the mod's materials are, such as "C:\Half-Life\tfc\materials".
case DIR_MATERIALS: { strcpy(p, g_pGameConfig->m_szModDir); EnsureTrailingBackslash(p); Q_strcat(p, "materials\\", MAX_PATH); break; }
case DIR_AUTOSAVE: { strcpy( p, m_szAutosaveDir ); EnsureTrailingBackslash(p); break; } } }
void CHammer::SetDirectory(DirIndex_t dir, const char *p) { switch(dir) { case DIR_AUTOSAVE: { strcpy( m_szAutosaveDir, p ); break; } } }
// Purpose: Returns a color from the application configuration storage.
COLORREF CHammer::GetProfileColor(const char *pszSection, const char *pszKey, int r, int g, int b) { int newR, newG, newB; CString strDefault; CString strReturn; char szBuff[128]; sprintf(szBuff, "%i %i %i", r, g, b);
strDefault = szBuff;
strReturn = GetProfileString(pszSection, pszKey, strDefault);
if (strReturn.IsEmpty()) return 0;
// Parse out colors.
char *pStart; char *pCurrent; pStart = szBuff; pCurrent = pStart; strcpy( szBuff, (char *)(LPCSTR)strReturn );
while (*pCurrent && *pCurrent != ' ') pCurrent++;
*pCurrent++ = 0; newR = atoi(pStart);
pStart = pCurrent; while (*pCurrent && *pCurrent != ' ') pCurrent++;
*pCurrent++ = 0; newG = atoi(pStart);
pStart = pCurrent; while (*pCurrent) pCurrent++;
*pCurrent++ = 0; newB = atoi(pStart);
return COLORREF(RGB(newR, newG, newB)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pszURL -
void CHammer::OpenURL(const char *pszURL, HWND hwnd) { if (HINSTANCE(32) > ::ShellExecute(hwnd, "open", pszURL, NULL, NULL, 0)) { AfxMessageBox("The website couldn't be opened."); } }
// Purpose: Opens a URL in the default web browser by string ID.
void CHammer::OpenURL(UINT nID, HWND hwnd) { CString str; str.LoadString(nID); OpenURL(str, hwnd); }
// Purpose: Launches the help system for the specified help topic.
// Input : pszTopic - Topic to open.
void CHammer::Help(const char *pszTopic) { //
// Get the directory that the help file should be in (our program directory).
/*char szHelpDir[MAX_PATH];
GetDirectory(DIR_PROGRAM, szHelpDir);
// Find the application that is associated with compiled HTML files.
char szHelpExe[MAX_PATH]; HINSTANCE hResult = FindExecutable("wc.chm", szHelpDir, szHelpExe); if (hResult > (HINSTANCE)32) { //
// Build the full topic with which to launch the help application.
char szParam[2 * MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szParam, szHelpDir); strcat(szParam, "wc.chm"); if (pszTopic != NULL) { strcat(szParam, "::/"); strcat(szParam, pszTopic); }
// Launch the help application for the given topic.
hResult = ShellExecute(NULL, "open", szHelpExe, szParam, szHelpDir, SW_SHOW); }
if (hResult <= (HINSTANCE)32) { char szError[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szError, "The help system could not be launched. The the following error was returned:\n%s (0x%X)", GetErrorString(), hResult); AfxMessageBox(szError); } */ }
static CSimpleWindowsLoggingListener s_SimpleWindowsLoggingListener; static CHammerMessageLoggingListener s_HammerMessageLoggingListener;
// Purpose:
static HANDLE dwChangeHandle = NULL; void UpdatePrefabs_Init() { // Watch the prefabs tree for file or directory creation
// and deletion.
if (dwChangeHandle == NULL) { char szPrefabDir[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_PREFABS, szPrefabDir);
dwChangeHandle = FindFirstChangeNotification( szPrefabDir, // directory to watch
TRUE, // watch the subtree
FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME); // watch file and dir name changes
if (dwChangeHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ExitProcess(GetLastError()); } } }
// Purpose:
void UpdatePrefabs() { // Wait for notification.
DWORD dwWaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(dwChangeHandle, 0);
if (dwWaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // A file was created or deleted in the prefabs tree.
// Refresh the prefabs and restart the change notification.
CPrefabLibrary::FreeAllLibraries(); CPrefabLibrary::LoadAllLibraries(); GetMainWnd()->m_ObjectBar.UpdateListForTool(ToolManager()->GetActiveToolID());
if (FindNextChangeNotification(dwChangeHandle) == FALSE) { ExitProcess(GetLastError()); } } }
// Purpose:
void UpdatePrefabs_Shutdown() { FindCloseChangeNotification(dwChangeHandle); }
// Purpose:
BOOL CHammer::InitInstance() { return TRUE; }
// Purpose: Prompt the user to select a game configuration.
CGameConfig *CHammer::PromptForGameConfig() { CEditGameConfigs dlg(TRUE, GetMainWnd()); if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { return NULL; }
return dlg.GetSelectedGame(); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CHammer::InitSessionGameConfig(const char *szGame) { CGameConfig *pConfig = NULL; bool bManualChoice = false;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-chooseconfig" ) ) { pConfig = PromptForGameConfig(); bManualChoice = true; }
if (!bManualChoice) { if (szGame && szGame[0] != '\0') { // They passed in -game on the command line, use that.
pConfig = Options.configs.FindConfigForGame(szGame); if (!pConfig) { Msg(mwError, "Invalid game \"%s\" specified on the command-line, ignoring.", szGame); } } else { // No -game on the command line, try using VPROJECT.
const char *pszGameDir = getenv("vproject"); if ( pszGameDir ) { pConfig = Options.configs.FindConfigForGame(pszGameDir); if (!pConfig) { Msg(mwError, "Invalid game \"%s\" found in VPROJECT environment variable, ignoring.", pszGameDir); } } } }
if (pConfig == NULL) { // Nothing useful was passed in or found in VPROJECT.
// If there's only one config, use that.
if (Options.configs.GetGameConfigCount() == 1) { pConfig = Options.configs.GetGameConfig(0); } else { // Otherwise, prompt for a config to use.
pConfig = PromptForGameConfig(); } }
if (pConfig) { CGameConfig::SetActiveGame(pConfig); return true; }
return false; }
// Check for 16-bit color or higher.
bool CHammer::Check16BitColor() { // Check for 15-bit color or higher.
HDC hDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hDC) { int bpp = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL); if (bpp < 15) { AfxMessageBox("Your screen must be in 16-bit color or higher to run Hammer."); return false; } ::DeleteDC(hDC); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Returns true if Hammer is in the process of shutting down.
InitReturnVal_t CHammer::Init() { return (InitReturnVal_t)WrapFunctionWithMinidumpHandler( &CHammer::StaticHammerInternalInit, this, INIT_FAILED ); }
int CHammer::StaticHammerInternalInit( void *pParam ) { return (int)((CHammer*)pParam)->HammerInternalInit(); }
void HammerFileSystem_ReportSearchPath( const char *szPathID ) { char szSearchPath[ 4096 ]; g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( szPathID, true, szSearchPath, sizeof( szSearchPath ) );
Msg( mwStatus, "------------------------------------------------------------------" );
char *pszOnePath = strtok( szSearchPath, ";" ); while ( pszOnePath ) { Msg( mwStatus, "Search Path (%s): %s", szPathID, pszOnePath ); pszOnePath = strtok( NULL, ";" ); } }
InitReturnVal_t CHammer::HammerInternalInit() { if ( !IsFoundryMode() ) { LoggingSystem_PushLoggingState(); LoggingSystem_RegisterLoggingListener( &s_SimpleWindowsLoggingListener ); LoggingSystem_RegisterLoggingListener( &s_HammerMessageLoggingListener ); MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false ); }
InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return nRetVal;
if ( !Check16BitColor() ) return INIT_FAILED;
// Create a custom window class for this application so that engine's
// FindWindow will find us.
WNDCLASS wndcls; memset(&wndcls, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASS)); wndcls.style = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wndcls.lpfnWndProc = AfxWndProc; wndcls.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); wndcls.hIcon = LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); wndcls.hCursor = LoadCursor( IDC_ARROW ); wndcls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)0; // (COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
wndcls.lpszMenuName = "IDR_MAINFRAME"; wndcls.cbWndExtra = 0; // HL Shell class name
wndcls.lpszClassName = "VALVEWORLDCRAFT";
// Register it, exit if it fails
if(!AfxRegisterClass(&wndcls)) { AfxMessageBox("Could not register Hammer's main window class"); return INIT_FAILED; }
WriteProfileString("General", "Directory", m_szAppDir);
// Create a window to receive shell commands from the engine, and attach it
// to our shell processor.
g_ShellMessageWnd.Create(); g_ShellMessageWnd.SetShell(&g_Shell);
if (bMakeLib) return INIT_FAILED; // made library .. don't want to enter program
CHammerCmdLine cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo);
// Create and optionally display the splash screen.
// load cmd sequences - different from options because
// users might want to share (darn registry)
if ( !LoadSequences( "CmdSeq.wc" ) ) { // Try to load the default sequences if there are no user-defined ones.
LoadSequences( "CmdSeqDefault.wc" ); }
// other init:
#ifdef _AFXDLL
Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically
LoadStdProfileSettings(); // Load standard INI file options (including MRU)
// Register the application's document templates. Document templates
// serve as the connection between documents, frame windows and views.
pMapDocTemplate = new CHammerDocTemplate( IDR_MAPDOC, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapDoc), RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame
RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView2D)); AddDocTemplate(pMapDocTemplate);
pManifestDocTemplate = new CHammerDocTemplate( IDR_MANIFESTDOC, RUNTIME_CLASS(CManifest), RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame
RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView2D)); HINSTANCE hInst = AfxFindResourceHandle( MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDR_MAPDOC ), RT_MENU ); pManifestDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared = ::LoadMenu( hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDR_MAPDOC ) ); hInst = AfxFindResourceHandle( MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDR_MAPDOC ), RT_ACCELERATOR ); pManifestDocTemplate->m_hAccelTable = ::LoadAccelerators( hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDR_MAPDOC ) );
// register shell file types
// Initialize the rich edit control so we can use it in the entity help dialog.
// Create main MDI Frame window. Must be done AFTER registering the multidoc template!
CMainFrame *pMainFrame = new CMainFrame; if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME)) return INIT_FAILED;
m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame;
// try to init VGUI
HammerVGui()->Init( m_pMainWnd->GetSafeHwnd() );
// The main window has been initialized, so show and update it.
if ( IsFoundryMode() ) { m_nCmdShow = SW_SHOW;
CRect rcDesktop; GetWindowRect( GetDesktopWindow(), &rcDesktop );
CRect rcEngineWnd; HWND hEngineWnd = (HWND)enginetools->GetEngineHwnd(); GetWindowRect( hEngineWnd, &rcEngineWnd );
// Move the engine to the right side of the screen.
int nEngineWndX = rcDesktop.Width() - rcEngineWnd.Width(); SetWindowPos( hEngineWnd, NULL, nEngineWndX, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW ); // Move Hammer to the left and make it square.
int nHammerWndWidth = nEngineWndX; int nHammerWndHeight = min( nHammerWndWidth, rcDesktop.Height() - 100 ); pMainFrame->SetWindowPos( NULL, 0, 0, nHammerWndWidth, nHammerWndHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
// Move the properties dialog below the engine window.
pMainFrame->pObjectProperties->SetWindowPos( NULL, nEngineWndX, rcEngineWnd.Height(), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW ); } else { m_nCmdShow = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; pMainFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); }
if ( !IsFoundryMode() ) { //
// Init the game and mod dirs in the file system.
// This needs to happen before calling Init on the material system.
CFSSearchPathsInit initInfo; initInfo.m_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem; initInfo.m_pDirectoryName = g_pGameConfig->m_szModDir; if ( !initInfo.m_pDirectoryName[0] ) { static char pTempBuf[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_PROGRAM, pTempBuf); strcat( pTempBuf, "..\\hl2" ); initInfo.m_pDirectoryName = pTempBuf; }
if ( FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths( initInfo ) != FS_OK ) { Error( "Unable to load search paths!\n" ); }
// Report this for the user's sake
HammerFileSystem_ReportSearchPath( "GAME" ); }
// Now that we've initialized the file system, we can parse this config's gameinfo.txt for the additional settings there.
if ( !IsFoundryMode() ) { materials->ModInit(); }
// Initialize the texture manager and load all textures.
if (!g_Textures.Initialize(m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd)) { Msg(mwError, "Failed to initialize texture system."); } else { //
// Initialize studio model rendering (must happen after g_Textures.Initialize since
// g_Textures.Initialize kickstarts the material system and sets up g_MaterialSystemClientFactory)
StudioModel::Initialize(); g_Textures.LoadAllGraphicsFiles(); g_Textures.SetActiveConfig(g_pGameConfig); }
// Initialize the particle system manager
g_pParticleSystemMgr->Init( NULL, true ); g_pParticleSystemMgr->AddBuiltinSimulationOperators(); g_pParticleSystemMgr->AddBuiltinRenderingOperators(); // Watch for changes to models.
// Load detail object descriptions.
char szGameDir[_MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_MOD, szGameDir); DetailObjects::LoadEmitDetailObjectDictionary( szGameDir ); // Initialize the sound system
// Indicate that we are ready to use.
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
if ( !IsRunningInEngine() ) { if ( Q_stristr( cmdInfo.m_strFileName, ".vmf" ) ) { // we don't want to make a new file (default behavior if no file
// is specified on the commandline.)
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo)) return INIT_FAILED; } }
if ( !IsFoundryMode() && Options.general.bClosedCorrectly == FALSE ) { CString strLastGoodSave = APP()->GetProfileString("General", "Last Good Save", ""); if ( strLastGoodSave.GetLength() != 0 ) { char msg[1024]; V_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Hammer did not shut down correctly the last time it was used.\nWould you like to load the last saved file?\n(%s)", (const char*)strLastGoodSave ); if ( AfxMessageBox( msg, MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) { LoadLastGoodSave(); } } }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); #endif
// Execute the post-init registered callbacks
for ( int iFn = 0; iFn < s_appRegisteredPostInitFns.Count(); ++ iFn ) { void (*fn)() = s_appRegisteredPostInitFns[ iFn ]; (*fn)(); } WinTab_Open( m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd );
// create the lighting preview thread
g_LPreviewThread = CreateSimpleThread( LightingPreviewThreadFN, 0 );
return INIT_OK; }
int CHammer::MainLoop() { return WrapFunctionWithMinidumpHandler( StaticInternalMainLoop, this, -1 ); }
int CHammer::StaticInternalMainLoop( void *pParam ) { return ((CHammer*)pParam)->InternalMainLoop(); }
int CHammer::InternalMainLoop() { MSG msg;
g_pDataCache->SetSize( 128 * 1024 * 1024 );
// For tracking the idle time state
bool bIdle = true; long lIdleCount = 0;
// We've got our own message pump here
g_pInputSystem->EnableMessagePump( false );
// Acquire and dispatch messages until a WM_QUIT message is received.
for (;;) { RunFrame();
// Do idle processing at most once per frame, incrementing the counter until we get an
// idle message. The counter is used as a general indication of how idle the application is,
// so critical idle processing is done for lower values of lIdleCount, and less important
// stuff is done as lIdleCount increases.
// When there's no more idle work to do, OnIdle returns false and we stop doing idle
// processing until another idle message is processed by the message loop.
if ( bIdle && !HammerOnIdle(lIdleCount++) ) { bIdle = false; // done with idle work for now
// Execute the message loop registered callbacks
for ( int iFn = 0; iFn < s_appRegisteredMessageLoop.Count(); ++ iFn ) { void (*fn)() = s_appRegisteredMessageLoop[ iFn ]; (*fn)(); }
// Pump messages until the message queue is empty.
while (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_REMOVE)) { if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT ) return 1;
// Pump the message through a custom message
// pre-translation chain
for ( int iFn = 0; iFn < s_appRegisteredMessagePreTrans.Count(); ++ iFn ) { void (*fn)( MSG * ) = s_appRegisteredMessagePreTrans[ iFn ]; (*fn)( &msg ); } if ( !HammerPreTranslateMessage(&msg) ) { ::TranslateMessage(&msg); ::DispatchMessage(&msg); }
// Reset idle state after pumping idle message.
if ( HammerIsIdleMessage(&msg) ) { bIdle = true; lIdleCount = 0; } } }
Assert(0); // not reachable
// Shuts down hammer
void CHammer::Shutdown() { if ( g_LPreviewThread ) { MessageToLPreview StopMsg( LPREVIEW_MSG_EXIT ); g_HammerToLPreviewMsgQueue.QueueMessage( StopMsg ); ThreadJoin( g_LPreviewThread ); g_LPreviewThread = 0; }
// Execute the pre-shutdown registered callbacks
for ( int iFn = s_appRegisteredPreShutdownFns.Count(); iFn --> 0 ; ) { void (*fn)() = s_appRegisteredPreShutdownFns[ iFn ]; (*fn)(); }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); #endif
// PrintBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetRoot() );
// Delete the command sequences.
int nSequenceCount = m_CmdSequences.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < nSequenceCount; i++) { CCommandSequence *pSeq = m_CmdSequences[i]; if ( pSeq != NULL ) { delete pSeq; m_CmdSequences[i] = NULL; } }
// Shutdown the sound system
materials->ModShutdown(); BaseClass::Shutdown(); }
// Methods used by the engine
const char *CHammer::GetDefaultMod() { return g_pGameConfig->GetMod(); }
const char *CHammer::GetDefaultGame() { return g_pGameConfig->GetGame(); }
const char *CHammer::GetDefaultModFullPath() { return g_pGameConfig->m_szModDir; }
// Pops up the options dialog
RequestRetval_t CHammer::RequestNewConfig() { if ( !Options.RunConfigurationDialog() ) return REQUEST_QUIT;
return REQUEST_OK; }
// Purpose: Returns true if Hammer is in the process of shutting down.
bool CHammer::IsClosing() { return m_bClosing; }
// Purpose: Signals the beginning of app shutdown. Should be called before
// rendering views.
void CHammer::BeginClosing() { m_bClosing = true; }
// Purpose:
int CHammer::ExitInstance() { g_ShellMessageWnd.DestroyWindow();
if ( !IsFoundryMode() ) { LoggingSystem_PopLoggingState(); }
return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); }
// Purpose: this function sets the global flag indicating if new documents should
// be visible.
// Input : bIsVisible - flag to indicate visibility status.
void CHammer::SetIsNewDocumentVisible( bool bIsVisible ) { CHammer::m_bIsNewDocumentVisible = bIsVisible; }
// Purpose: this functionr eturns the global flag indicating if new documents should
// be visible.
bool CHammer::IsNewDocumentVisible( void ) { return CHammer::m_bIsNewDocumentVisible; }
void CHammer::SetCustomAccelerator( HWND hWnd, WORD nID ) { m_CustomAcceleratorWindow = hWnd; m_CustomAccelerator = ::LoadAccelerators( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( nID ) ); }
void CHammer::ClearCustomAccelerator( ) { m_CustomAcceleratorWindow = NULL; }
// CAboutDlg dialog used for App About
class CAboutDlg : public CDialog { public: CAboutDlg();
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX }; CStatic m_cRedHerring; CButton m_Order; //}}AFX_DATA
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CAboutDlg)
afx_msg void OnOrder(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); //}}AFX_MSG
// Purpose:
CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAboutDlg)
// Purpose:
// Input : pDX -
void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAboutDlg)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_REDHERRING, m_cRedHerring); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ORDER, m_Order); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
#include <process.h>
// Purpose:
void CAboutDlg::OnOrder() { char szBuf[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsDirectory(szBuf, MAX_PATH); strcat(szBuf, "\\notepad.exe"); _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, szBuf, szBuf, "order.txt", NULL); }
#define DEMO_VERSION 0
// 1, 4, 8, 17, 0, 0 // Encodes "Valve"
char gVersion[] = { #if DEMO_VERSION==1
7, 38, 68, 32, 4, 77, 12, 1, 0 // Encodes "PC Gamer Demo"
7, 38, 68, 32, 4, 77, 12, 0, 0 // Encodes "PC Games Demo"
20, 10, 9, 23, 16, 84, 12, 1, 0, 38, 65, 25, 6, 1, 11, 119, 50, 11, 21, 9, 68, 0 // Encodes "Computer Gaming World Demo"
25, 0, 28, 19, 72, 103, 12, 29, 69, 19, 65, 0, 6, 0, 2, 0 // Encodes "Next-Generation Demo"
20, 10, 9, 23, 16, 84, 12, 1, 0, 38, 65, 25, 10, 79, 41, 57, 17, 1, 21, 17, 65, 0, 29, 77, 4, 78, 0, 0 // Encodes "Computer Game Entertainment"
20, 10, 9, 23, 16, 84, 12, 1, 0, 0, 78, 16, 79, 33, 9, 35, 69, 52, 11, 4, 89, 12, 1, 0 // Encodes "Computer and Net Player"
50, 72, 52, 43, 36, 121, 0 // Encodes "e-PLAY"
4, 17, 22, 6, 17, 69, 14, 10, 0, 49, 76, 1, 28, 0 // Encodes "Strategy Plus"
7, 38, 68, 42, 4, 71, 8, 9, 73, 15, 69, 0 // Encodes "PC Magazine"
#elif DEMO_VERSION==10
5, 10, 8, 11, 12, 78, 14, 83, 115, 21, 79, 26, 10, 0 // Encodes "Rolling Stone"
#elif DEMO_VERSION==11
16, 4, 9, 2, 22, 80, 6, 7, 0 // Encodes "Gamespot"
static char gKey[] = "Wedge is a tool"; // Decrypt key
// XOR a string with a key
void Encode( char *pstring, char *pkey, int strLen ) { int i, len; len = strlen( pkey ); for ( i = 0; i < strLen; i++ ) pstring[i] ^= pkey[ i % len ]; } #endif // DEMO_VERSION
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CAboutDlg::OnInitDialog(void) { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; if(bFirst) { Encode(gVersion, gKey, sizeof(gVersion)-1); bFirst = FALSE; } CString str; str.Format("%s Demo", gVersion); m_cRedHerring.SetWindowText(str); #endif // DEMO_VERSION
// Display the build number.
CWnd *pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_BUILD_NUMBER); if (pWnd != NULL) { char szTemp1[MAX_PATH]; char szTemp2[MAX_PATH]; int nBuild = build_number(); pWnd->GetWindowText(szTemp1, sizeof(szTemp1)); sprintf(szTemp2, szTemp1, nBuild); pWnd->SetWindowText(szTemp2); }
// For SDK builds, append "SDK" to the version number.
#ifdef SDK_BUILD
char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowText(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); strcat(szTemp, " SDK"); SetWindowText(szTemp); #endif // SDK_BUILD
return TRUE; }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAboutDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAboutDlg)
// Purpose:
void CHammer::OnAppAbout(void) { CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg.DoModal();
g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport(); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Reset(); g_pMemAlloc->DumpStats(); #endif
// Purpose:
void CHammer::OnFileNew(void) { pMapDocTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(NULL); if(Options.general.bLoadwinpos && Options.general.bIndependentwin) { ::GetMainWnd()->LoadWindowStates(); } }
// Purpose:
void CHammer::OnFileOpen(void) { // if there is no initial directory use the one specified in the game configuration
static char szInitialDir[MAX_PATH] = ""; if (szInitialDir[0] == '\0') { strcpy(szInitialDir, g_pGameConfig->szMapDir); }
OPENFILENAME ofn; //memory buffer to contain the file name
char szFileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH];
ZeroMemory( &ofn , sizeof( ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof ( ofn ); ofn.hwndOwner = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(); ofn.lpstrFile = szFileNameBuffer; ofn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0'; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof( szFileNameBuffer ); ofn.lpstrFilter = "Valve Map Files (*.vmf;*.vmm)\0*.vmf;*.vmm\0Valve Map Files Autosave (*.vmf_autosave)\0*.vmf_autosave\0Worldcraft RMFs (*.rmf)\0*.rmf\0Worldcraft Maps (*.map)\0*.map\0All\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex =1; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL ; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0 ; ofn.lpstrInitialDir=szInitialDir; ofn.Flags = OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR;
// if the user cancels or closes the Open dialog box or an error occurs, the return value is zero.
if (!GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { return; } //
// Get the directory they browsed to for next time.
CString str = ofn.lpstrFile; int nSlash = str.ReverseFind('\\'); if (nSlash != -1) { strcpy(szInitialDir, str.Left(nSlash)); }
// add the appropriate extension (based on filter type) if it was unspecified by the user
if (str.Find('.') == -1) { switch (ofn.nFilterIndex) { case 1: { str += ".vmf"; break; } case 2: { str += ".vmf_autosave"; break; }
case 3: { str += ".rmf"; break; }
case 4: { str += ".map"; break; } } }
OpenDocumentFile(str); }
// This is the generic file open function that is called by the framework.
CDocument *CHammer::OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { CDocument *pDoc = OpenDocumentOrInstanceFile( lpszFileName );
// Do work that needs to happen after opening all instances here.
// NOTE: Make sure this work doesn't need to happen per instance!!!
return pDoc; }
CDocument *CHammer::OpenDocumentOrInstanceFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { // CWinApp::OnOpenRecentFile may get its file history cycled through by instances being opened, thus the pointer becomes invalid
CString SaveFileName = lpszFileName;
if(GetFileAttributes( SaveFileName ) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { CString Message;
Message = "The file " + SaveFileName + " does not exist."; AfxMessageBox( Message );
return NULL; }
CheckForFileSync( SaveFileName, CHammer::m_bIsNewDocumentVisible );
CDocument *pDoc = m_pDocManager->OpenDocumentFile( SaveFileName ); CMapDoc *pMapDoc = dynamic_cast< CMapDoc * >( pDoc );
if ( pMapDoc ) { CMapDoc::SetActiveMapDoc( pMapDoc ); pMapDoc->CheckFileStatus(); }
if( pDoc && Options.general.bLoadwinpos && Options.general.bIndependentwin) { ::GetMainWnd()->LoadWindowStates(); }
if ( pMapDoc && !CHammer::IsNewDocumentVisible() ) { pMapDoc->ShowWindow( false ); } else { pMapDoc->ShowWindow( true ); }
if ( pDoc && ((CMapDoc *)pDoc)->IsAutosave() ) { char szRenameMessage[MAX_PATH+MAX_PATH+256]; CString newMapPath = *((CMapDoc *)pDoc)->AutosavedFrom();
sprintf( szRenameMessage, "This map was loaded from an autosave file.\nWould you like to rename it from \"%s\" to \"%s\"?\nNOTE: This will not save the file with the new name; it will only rename it.", SaveFileName, newMapPath );
if ( AfxMessageBox( szRenameMessage, MB_ICONHAND | MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) { ((CMapDoc *)pDoc)->SetPathName( newMapPath ); } } else { if ( CHammer::m_bIsNewDocumentVisible == true ) { pMapDoc->CheckFileStatus(); if ( pMapDoc->IsReadOnly() == true && pMapDoc->IsCheckedOut() == false ) { if ( pMapDoc->IsVersionControlled() ) { CUtlString dialogText; dialogText.Format("This map is not checked out. Would you like to check it out?\n\n%s", SaveFileName ); CDialogWithCheckbox Dialog( "Checkout File", dialogText,"Check out BSP.", false, !pMapDoc->BspOkToCheckOut() );
if( Dialog.DoModal() == IDOK ) { pMapDoc->CheckOut(); if ( pMapDoc->IsReadOnly() ) { AfxMessageBox( "Checkout was NOT successful!", MB_OK ) ; } }
if ( Dialog.IsCheckboxChecked() ) { pMapDoc->CheckOutBsp(); } } else { char szMessage[ MAX_PATH + MAX_PATH+ 256 ]; sprintf( szMessage, "This map is marked as READ ONLY. You will not be able to save this file.\n\n%s", SaveFileName ); AfxMessageBox( szMessage ); } } } }
return pDoc; }
// Returns true if this is a key message that is not a special dialog navigation message.
inline bool IsKeyStrokeMessage( MSG *pMsg ) { if ( ( pMsg->message != WM_KEYDOWN ) && ( pMsg->message != WM_CHAR ) ) return false;
// Check for special dialog navigation characters -- they don't count
if ( ( pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) || ( pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ) || ( pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB ) ) return false;
if ( ( pMsg->wParam == VK_UP ) || ( pMsg->wParam == VK_DOWN ) || ( pMsg->wParam == VK_LEFT ) || ( pMsg->wParam == VK_RIGHT ) ) return false;
return true; }
BOOL CHammer::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // CG: The following lines were added by the Splash Screen component.
if (CSplashWnd::PreTranslateAppMessage(pMsg)) return TRUE;
// Suppress the accelerator table for edit controls so that users can type
// uppercase characters without invoking Hammer tools.
if ( IsKeyStrokeMessage( pMsg ) ) { char className[80]; ::GetClassNameA( pMsg->hwnd, className, sizeof( className ) );
// The classname of dialog window in the VGUI model browser and particle browser is AfxWnd80sd in Debug and AfxWnd80s in Release
// For later versions of visual studio, it is afxwnd100s and afxwnd100sd. So for future proofing this we're just gonig to check on afxwnd
if ( !V_stricmp( className, "edit" ) || !V_strnicmp( className, "afxwnd", strlen( "afxwnd" ) ) ) { // Typing in an edit control. Don't pretranslate, just translate/dispatch.
return FALSE; }
if ( m_CustomAcceleratorWindow != NULL ) { if ( TranslateAccelerator( m_CustomAcceleratorWindow, m_CustomAccelerator, pMsg ) != 0 ) { return TRUE; } } }
return CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
// Purpose:
bool CHammer::LoadSequences( const char *szSeqFileName ) { char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; char szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_PROGRAM, szRootDir); Q_MakeAbsolutePath( szFullPath, MAX_PATH, szSeqFileName, szRootDir ); std::ifstream file(szFullPath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if( !file.is_open() ) { return false; // none to load
// skip past header & version
float fThisVersion;
file.seekg(strlen(pszSequenceHdr)); file.read((char*)&fThisVersion, sizeof fThisVersion);
// read number of sequences
DWORD dwSize; int nSeq;
file.read((char*)&dwSize, sizeof dwSize); nSeq = dwSize;
for(int i = 0; i < nSeq; i++) { CCommandSequence *pSeq = new CCommandSequence; file.read(pSeq->m_szName, 128);
// read commands in sequence
file.read((char*)&dwSize, sizeof dwSize); int nCmd = dwSize; CCOMMAND cmd; for(int iCmd = 0; iCmd < nCmd; iCmd++) { if(fThisVersion < 0.2f) { file.read((char*)&cmd, sizeof(CCOMMAND)-1); cmd.bNoWait = FALSE; } else { file.read((char*)&cmd, sizeof(CCOMMAND)); } pSeq->m_Commands.Add(cmd); }
m_CmdSequences.Add(pSeq); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CHammer::SaveSequences(void) { char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; char szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_PROGRAM, szRootDir); Q_MakeAbsolutePath( szFullPath, MAX_PATH, "CmdSeq.wc", szRootDir ); std::ofstream file( szFullPath, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );
// write header
file.write(pszSequenceHdr, Q_strlen(pszSequenceHdr)); // write out version
file.write((char*)&fSequenceVersion, sizeof(float));
// write out each sequence..
int i, nSeq = m_CmdSequences.GetSize(); DWORD dwSize = nSeq; file.write((char*)&dwSize, sizeof dwSize); for(i = 0; i < nSeq; i++) { CCommandSequence *pSeq = m_CmdSequences[i];
// write name of sequence
file.write(pSeq->m_szName, 128); // write number of commands
int nCmd = pSeq->m_Commands.GetSize(); dwSize = nCmd; file.write((char*)&dwSize, sizeof dwSize); // write commands ..
for(int iCmd = 0; iCmd < nCmd; iCmd++) { CCOMMAND &cmd = pSeq->m_Commands[iCmd]; file.write((char*)&cmd, sizeof cmd); } } }
void CHammer::SetForceRenderNextFrame() { m_bForceRenderNextFrame = true; }
bool CHammer::GetForceRenderNextFrame() { return m_bForceRenderNextFrame; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pDoc -
void CHammer::UpdateLighting(CMapDoc *pDoc) { static int lastPercent = -20000; int curPercent = -10000; IBSPLighting *pLighting = pDoc->GetBSPLighting(); if ( pLighting ) { // Update 5x / second.
static DWORD lastTime = 0;
DWORD curTime = GetTickCount(); if ( curTime - lastTime < 200 ) { curPercent = lastPercent; // no change
} else { curPercent = (int)( pLighting->GetPercentComplete() * 10000.0f ); lastTime = curTime; }
// Redraw the views when new lightmaps are ready.
if ( pLighting->CheckForNewLightmaps() ) { SetForceRenderNextFrame(); pDoc->UpdateAllViews( MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_3D ); } }
// Update the status text.
if ( curPercent == -10000 ) { SetStatusText( SBI_LIGHTPROGRESS, "<->" ); } else if( curPercent != lastPercent ) { char str[256]; sprintf( str, "%.2f%%", curPercent / 100.0f ); SetStatusText( SBI_LIGHTPROGRESS, str ); }
lastPercent = curPercent; }
// Purpose: Performs idle processing. Runs the frame and does MFC idle processing.
// Input : lCount - The number of times OnIdle has been called in succession,
// indicating the relative length of time the app has been idle without
// user input.
// Output : Returns TRUE if there is more idle processing to do, FALSE if not.
BOOL CHammer::OnIdle(LONG lCount) { UpdatePrefabs();
CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); if (pDoc) { UpdateLighting(pDoc); }
g_Textures.UpdateFileChangeWatchers(); UpdateStudioFileChangeWatcher(); return(CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount)); }
// Purpose: Renders the realtime views.
void CHammer::RunFrame(void) {
// Note: since hammer may well not even have a 3D window visible
// at any given time, we have to call into the material system to
// make it deal with device lost. Usually this happens during SwapBuffers,
// but we may well not call SwapBuffers at any given moment.
if (!IsActiveApp()) { Sleep(50); }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.MarkFrame(); #endif
if ( CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc() && !IsClosing() || m_bForceRenderNextFrame ) HandleLightingPreview();
// never render without document or when closing down
// usually only render when active, but not compiling a map unless forced
if ( CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc() && !IsClosing() && ( ( !IsRunningCommands() && IsActiveApp() ) || m_bForceRenderNextFrame ) && CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc()->HasInitialUpdate() ) { CMapDoc *pMapDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); // get the time
// run any animation
// redraw the 3d views
// update the grid nav
CGridNav *pGridNav = pMapDoc->GetGridNav(); if ( pGridNav && pGridNav->IsEnabled() && pGridNav->IsPreviewActive() ) { CMapView3D *pView = pMapDoc->GetFirst3DView(); if ( pView ) { CCamera *pCam = pView->GetCamera(); Assert( pCam );
Vector vViewPos, vViewDir; pCam->GetViewPoint( vViewPos ); pCam->GetViewForward( vViewDir ); pGridNav->Update( pMapDoc, vViewPos, vViewDir ); } } }
// No matter what, we want to keep caching in materials...
if ( IsActiveApp() ) { g_Textures.LazyLoadTextures(); }
m_bForceRenderNextFrame = false; }
// Purpose: Overloaded Run so that we can control the framerate for realtime
// rendering in the 3D view.
// Output : As MFC CWinApp::Run.
int CHammer::Run(void) { Assert(0); return 0; }
// Purpose: Returns true if the editor is the active app, false if not.
bool CHammer::IsActiveApp(void) { return m_bActiveApp; }
// Purpose: Called from CMainFrame::OnSysCommand, this informs the app when it
// is minimized and unminimized. This allows us to stop rendering the
// 3D view when we are minimized.
// Input : bMinimized - TRUE when minmized, FALSE otherwise.
void CHammer::OnActivateApp(bool bActive) { // static int nCount = 0;
// if (bActive)
// DBG("ON %d\n", nCount);
// else
// DBG("OFF %d\n", nCount);
// nCount++;
m_bActiveApp = bActive; }
// Purpose: Called from the shell to relinquish our video memory in favor of the
// engine. This is called by the engine when it starts up.
void CHammer::ReleaseVideoMemory() { POSITION pos = GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
while (pos) { CDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CDocTemplate*)GetNextDocTemplate(pos); POSITION pos2 = pTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos2) { CDocument * pDocument; if ((pDocument=pTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos2)) != NULL) { static_cast<CMapDoc*>(pDocument)->ReleaseVideoMemory(); } } } }
void CHammer::SuppressVideoAllocation( bool bSuppress ) { m_SuppressVideoAllocation = bSuppress; }
bool CHammer::CanAllocateVideo() const { return !m_SuppressVideoAllocation; }
// Purpose: Runs through the autosave directory and fills the autosave map.
// Also sets the total amount of space used by the directory.
// Input : pFileMap - CUtlMap that will hold the list of files in the dir
// pdwTotalDirSize - pointer to the DWORD that will hold directory size
// pstrMapTitle - the name of the current map to be saved
// Output : returns an int containing the next number to use for the autosave
int CHammer::GetNextAutosaveNumber( CUtlMap<FILETIME, WIN32_FIND_DATA, int> *pFileMap, DWORD *pdwTotalDirSize, const CString *pstrMapTitle ) const { FILETIME oldestAutosaveTime; oldestAutosaveTime.dwHighDateTime = 0; oldestAutosaveTime.dwLowDateTime = 0;
char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_AUTOSAVE, szRootDir); CString strAutosaveDirectory( szRootDir ); int nNumberActualAutosaves = 0; int nCurrentAutosaveNumber = 1; int nOldestAutosaveNumber = 1; int nExpectedNextAutosaveNumber = 1; int nLastHole = 0; int nMaxAutosavesPerMap = Options.general.iMaxAutosavesPerMap;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize = 0; hFile = FindFirstFile( strAutosaveDirectory + "*.vmf_autosave", &fileData );
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { //go through and for each file check to see if it is an autosave for this map; also keep track of total file size
//for directory.
while( GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { (*pFileMap).Insert( fileData.ftLastAccessTime, fileData ); DWORD dwFileSize = fileData.nFileSizeLow; dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize += dwFileSize; FILETIME fileAccessTime = fileData.ftLastAccessTime;
CString currentFilename( fileData.cFileName );
//every autosave file ends in three digits; this code separates the name from the digits
CString strMapName = currentFilename.Left( currentFilename.GetLength() - 17 ); CString strCurrentNumber = currentFilename.Mid( currentFilename.GetLength() - 16, 3 ); int nMapNumber = atoi( (char *)strCurrentNumber.GetBuffer() ); if ( strMapName.CompareNoCase( (*pstrMapTitle) ) == 0 ) { //keep track of real number of autosaves with map name; deals with instance where older maps get deleted
//and create sequence holes in autosave map names.
if ( oldestAutosaveTime.dwLowDateTime == 0 ) { //the first file is automatically the oldest
oldestAutosaveTime = fileAccessTime; } if ( nMapNumber != nExpectedNextAutosaveNumber ) { //the current map number is different than what was expected
//there is a hole in the sequence
nLastHole = nMapNumber; }
nExpectedNextAutosaveNumber = nMapNumber + 1; if ( nExpectedNextAutosaveNumber > 999 ) { nExpectedNextAutosaveNumber = 1; } if ( CompareFileTime( &fileAccessTime, &oldestAutosaveTime ) == -1 ) { //this file is older than previous oldest file
oldestAutosaveTime = fileAccessTime; nOldestAutosaveNumber = nMapNumber; } } FindNextFile(hFile, &fileData); } FindClose(hFile); }
if ( nNumberActualAutosaves < nMaxAutosavesPerMap ) { //there are less autosaves than wanted for the map; use the larger
//of the next expected or the last found hole as the number.
nCurrentAutosaveNumber = max( nExpectedNextAutosaveNumber, nLastHole ); } else { //there are no holes, use the oldest.
nCurrentAutosaveNumber = nOldestAutosaveNumber; }
*pdwTotalDirSize = dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize;
return nCurrentAutosaveNumber; }
static bool LessFunc( const FILETIME &lhs, const FILETIME &rhs ) { return CompareFileTime(&lhs, &rhs) < 0; }
// Purpose: This is called when the autosave timer goes off. It checks to
// make sure the document has changed and handles deletion of old
// files when the total directory size is too big
void CHammer::Autosave( void ) { if ( !Options.general.bEnableAutosave ) { return; } if ( VerifyAutosaveDirectory() != true ) { Options.general.bEnableAutosave = false; return; }
CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc();
//value from options is in megs
DWORD dwMaxAutosaveSpace = Options.general.iMaxAutosaveSpace * 1024 * 1024; CUtlMap<FILETIME, WIN32_FIND_DATA, int> autosaveFiles;
autosaveFiles.SetLessFunc( LessFunc );
if ( pDoc && pDoc->NeedsAutosave() ) { char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_AUTOSAVE, szRootDir); CString strAutosaveDirectory( szRootDir );
//expand the path if $SteamUserDir etc are used for SDK users
if ( CGameConfigManager::IsSDKDeployment() ) { EditorUtil_ConvertPath(strAutosaveDirectory, true); } CString strExtension = ".vmf"; //this will hold the name of the map w/o leading directory info or file extension
CString strMapTitle; //full path of map file
CString strMapFilename = pDoc->GetPathName(); DWORD dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize = 0; int nCurrentAutosaveNumber = 0;
// the map hasn't been saved before and doesn't have a filename; using default: 'autosave'
if ( strMapFilename.IsEmpty() ) { strMapTitle = "autosave"; } // the map already has a filename
else { int nFilenameBeginOffset = strMapFilename.ReverseFind( '\\' ) + 1; int nFilenameEndOffset = strMapFilename.Find( '.' ); //get the filename of the map, between the leading '\' and the '.'
strMapTitle = strMapFilename.Mid( nFilenameBeginOffset, nFilenameEndOffset - nFilenameBeginOffset ); } nCurrentAutosaveNumber = GetNextAutosaveNumber( &autosaveFiles, &dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize, &strMapTitle );
//creating the proper suffix for the autosave file
char szNumberChars[4]; CString strAutosaveString = itoa( nCurrentAutosaveNumber, szNumberChars, 10 ); CString strAutosaveNumber = "000"; strAutosaveNumber += strAutosaveString; strAutosaveNumber = strAutosaveNumber.Right( 3 ); strAutosaveNumber = "_" + strAutosaveNumber; CString strSaveName = strAutosaveDirectory + strMapTitle + strAutosaveNumber + strExtension + "_autosave";
pDoc->SaveVMF( (char *)strSaveName.GetBuffer(), SAVEFLAGS_AUTOSAVE ); //don't autosave again unless they make changes
pDoc->SetAutosaveFlag( FALSE );
//if there is too much space used for autosaves, delete the oldest file until the size is acceptable
while( dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize > dwMaxAutosaveSpace ) { int nFirstElementIndex = autosaveFiles.FirstInorder(); if ( !autosaveFiles.IsValidIndex( nFirstElementIndex ) ) { Assert( false ); break; }
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData = autosaveFiles.Element( nFirstElementIndex ); DWORD dwOldestFileSize = fileData.nFileSizeLow; char filename[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( filename, fileData.cFileName ); DeleteFile( strAutosaveDirectory + filename ); dwTotalAutosaveDirectorySize -= dwOldestFileSize; autosaveFiles.RemoveAt( nFirstElementIndex ); } autosaveFiles.RemoveAll();
} }
// Purpose: Verifies that the autosave directory exists and attempts to create it if
// it doesn't. Also returns various failure errors.
// This function is now called at two different times: immediately after a new
// directory is entered in the options screen and during every autosave call.
// If called with a directory, the input directory is checked for correctness.
// Otherwise, the system directory DIR_AUTOSAVE is checked
bool CHammer::VerifyAutosaveDirectory( char *szAutosaveDirectory ) const { HANDLE hDir; HANDLE hTestFile;
char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; if ( szAutosaveDirectory ) { strcpy( szRootDir, szAutosaveDirectory ); EnsureTrailingBackslash( szRootDir ); } else { APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_AUTOSAVE, szRootDir); }
if ( szRootDir[0] == 0 ) { AfxMessageBox( "No autosave directory has been selected.\nThe autosave feature will be disabled until a directory is entered.", MB_OK ); return false; } CString strAutosaveDirectory( szRootDir ); if ( CGameConfigManager::IsSDKDeployment() ) { EditorUtil_ConvertPath(strAutosaveDirectory, true); if ( ( strAutosaveDirectory[1] != ':' ) || ( strAutosaveDirectory[2] != '\\' ) ) { AfxMessageBox( "The current autosave directory does not have an absolute path.\nThe autosave feature will be disabled until a new directory is entered.", MB_OK ); return false; } } else { if ( ( szRootDir[1] != ':' ) || ( szRootDir[2] != '\\' ) ) { AfxMessageBox( "The current autosave directory does not have an absolute path.\nThe autosave feature will be disabled until a new directory is entered.", MB_OK ); return false; } }
bool bDirResult = CreateDirectory( strAutosaveDirectory, NULL ) ? true : false; if ( !bDirResult ) { AfxMessageBox( "The current autosave directory does not exist and could not be created. \nThe autosave feature will be disabled until a new directory is entered.", MB_OK ); return false; } } else { CloseHandle( hDir );
hTestFile = CreateFile( strAutosaveDirectory + "test.txt", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL ); if ( hTestFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { AfxMessageBox( "The autosave directory is marked as read only. Please remove the read only attribute or select a new directory in Tools->Options->General.\nThe autosave feature will be disabled.", MB_OK ); return false; } else { AfxMessageBox( "There is a problem with the autosave directory. Please select a new directory in Tools->Options->General.\nThe autosave feature will be disabled.", MB_OK ); return false; }
CloseHandle( hTestFile ); DeleteFile( strAutosaveDirectory + "test.txt" ); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Called when Hammer starts after a crash. It loads the newest
// autosave file after Hammer has initialized.
void CHammer::LoadLastGoodSave( void ) { CString strLastGoodSave = APP()->GetProfileString("General", "Last Good Save", ""); char szMapDir[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szMapDir, g_pGameConfig->szMapDir); CDocument *pCurrentDoc;
if ( !strLastGoodSave.IsEmpty() ) { pCurrentDoc = APP()->OpenDocumentFile( strLastGoodSave );
if ( !pCurrentDoc ) { AfxMessageBox( "There was an error loading the last saved file.", MB_OK ); return; } char szAutoSaveDir[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_AUTOSAVE, szAutoSaveDir);
if ( !((CMapDoc *)pCurrentDoc)->IsAutosave() && Q_stristr( pCurrentDoc->GetPathName(), szAutoSaveDir ) ) { //This handles the case where someone recovers from a crash and tries to load an autosave file that doesn't have the new autosave chunk in it
//It assumes the file should go into the gameConfig map directory
char szRenameMessage[MAX_PATH+MAX_PATH+256]; char szLastSaveCopy[MAX_PATH]; Q_strcpy( szLastSaveCopy, strLastGoodSave ); char *pszFileName = Q_strrchr( strLastGoodSave, '\\') + 1; char *pszFileNameEnd = Q_strrchr( strLastGoodSave, '_'); if ( !pszFileNameEnd ) { pszFileNameEnd = Q_strrchr( strLastGoodSave, '.'); } strcpy( pszFileNameEnd, ".vmf" ); CString newMapPath( szMapDir ); newMapPath.Append( "\\" ); newMapPath.Append( pszFileName ); sprintf( szRenameMessage, "The last saved map was found in the autosave directory.\nWould you like to rename it from \"%s\" to \"%s\"?\nNOTE: This will not save the file with the new name; it will only rename it.", szLastSaveCopy, newMapPath );
if ( AfxMessageBox( szRenameMessage, MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) { pCurrentDoc->SetPathName( newMapPath ); } } } }
// Purpose: Called from the General Options dialog when the autosave timer or
// directory values have changed.
void CHammer::ResetAutosaveTimer() { Options.general.bEnableAutosave = true;
CMainFrame *pMainWnd = ::GetMainWnd(); if ( pMainWnd ) { pMainWnd->ResetAutosaveTimer(); } }
bool UTIL_IsDedicatedServer( void ) { return false; }