//===== Copyright � 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#include "mm_title_richpresence.h"
#include "portal2.spa.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Mapping of context values
ContextValue_t g_pcv_CONTEXT_GAME_MODE[] = { #define CFG( gamemode ) { #gamemode, CONTEXT_GAME_MODE_##gamemode },
#include "inc_gamemode.inc"
#undef CFG
{ NULL, 0xFFFF }, };
struct MpCoopMapRichPresence_t { char const *szMapName; DWORD dwCtxValue; int idxChapter; int numChapters; } g_pcv_CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TRACK[] = { #define CFG( mpcoopmap, ctxval, idx, num ) { #mpcoopmap, ctxval, idx, num },
#include "inc_coop_maps.inc"
#undef CFG
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }, };
ContextValue_t g_pcv_CONTEXT_SP_PRESENCE_TEXT[] = { #define CFG( spmapname, chapternum, subchapter ) { #spmapname, CONTEXT_SP_PRESENCE_TEXT_CH##chapternum },
#include "inc_sp_maps.inc"
#undef CFG
static MpCoopMapRichPresence_t const * FindMpCoopMapRichPresence( char const *szMapName ) { MpCoopMapRichPresence_t const *p = g_pcv_CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TRACK; for ( ; p->szMapName; ++ p ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( p->szMapName, szMapName ) ) return p; } return p; }
// User context and property setting
static void SetAllUsersContext( DWORD dwContextId, DWORD dwValue, bool bAsync = true ) { #ifdef _X360
for ( int k = 0; k < ( int ) XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k ) { if ( XBX_GetUserIsGuest( k ) ) continue; int iCtrlr = XBX_GetUserId( k ); if ( bAsync ) XUserSetContextEx( iCtrlr, dwContextId, dwValue, MMX360_NewOverlappedDormant() ); else XUserSetContext( iCtrlr, dwContextId, dwValue ); } #endif
static void SetAllUsersProperty( DWORD dwPropertyId, DWORD cbValue, void const *pvValue ) { #ifdef _X360
for ( int k = 0; k < ( int ) XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k ) { if ( XBX_GetUserIsGuest( k ) ) continue; int iCtrlr = XBX_GetUserId( k ); XUserSetPropertyEx( iCtrlr, dwPropertyId, cbValue, pvValue, MMX360_NewOverlappedDormant() ); } #endif
KeyValues * MM_Title_RichPresence_PrepareForSessionCreate( KeyValues *pSettings ) { if ( char const *szValue = pSettings->GetString( "game/mode", NULL ) ) { SetAllUsersContext( X_CONTEXT_GAME_MODE, g_pcv_CONTEXT_GAME_MODE->ScanValues( szValue ), false ); }
// matchmaking version
{ static int val; // must be valid for the async call
extern ConVar mm_matchmaking_version; val = mm_matchmaking_version.GetInt(); SetAllUsersProperty( PROPERTY_MMVERSION, sizeof( val ), &val ); DevMsg( "PrepareForSessionCreate: matchmaking version %d\n", val ); }
return NULL; }
void MM_Title_RichPresence_Update( KeyValues *pFullSettings, KeyValues *pUpdatedSettings ) { if ( !pFullSettings ) { SetAllUsersContext( X_CONTEXT_PRESENCE, 1 ); // main menu
return; }
// Also set players information during initial rich presence update
if ( !pUpdatedSettings && pFullSettings ) { MM_Title_RichPresence_PlayersChanged( pFullSettings ); }
// pUpdatedSettings = NULL when the session is created and all contexts need to be set
KeyValues *pNewSettings = pUpdatedSettings ? pUpdatedSettings : pFullSettings;
if ( char const *szValue = pNewSettings->GetString( "game/mode", NULL ) ) { SetAllUsersContext( X_CONTEXT_GAME_MODE, g_pcv_CONTEXT_GAME_MODE->ScanValues( szValue ) ); }
if ( KeyValues *kvVal = pNewSettings->FindKey( "game/dlcrequired" ) ) { static int val[10]; // must be valid for the async call
uint64 uiDlcRequired = kvVal->GetUint64(); extern ConVar mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery; for ( int k = 1; k <= mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery.GetInt(); ++ k ) { val[k] = !!( uiDlcRequired & ( 1ull << k ) ); DevMsg( "DLC%d required: %d\n", k, val[k] ); SetAllUsersProperty( PROPERTY_REQUIRED_DLC1 - 1 + k, sizeof( val ), &val ); } }
// Determine Rich Presence Display
if ( char const *szGameModeForRichPresence = pFullSettings->GetString( "game/mode", NULL ) ) { unsigned int dwLevelPresence = CONTEXT_PRESENCE_MAINMENU;
if ( !Q_stricmp( szGameModeForRichPresence, "sp" ) ) { //
// Game chapter
static char s_chLastMapNameSet[128] = {0}; char const *szMap = pFullSettings->GetString( "Game/map" ); if ( Q_stricmp( szMap, s_chLastMapNameSet ) ) { Q_strncpy( s_chLastMapNameSet, szMap, sizeof( s_chLastMapNameSet ) ); SetAllUsersContext( CONTEXT_SP_PRESENCE_TEXT, g_pcv_CONTEXT_SP_PRESENCE_TEXT->ScanValues( s_chLastMapNameSet ) ); } dwLevelPresence = CONTEXT_PRESENCE_SP; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( szGameModeForRichPresence, "coop" ) || !Q_stricmp( szGameModeForRichPresence, "coop_challenge" ) ) { //
// Game type: splitscreen / friends /quickmatch
DWORD dwGameType = CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE_DEFAULT; if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 1 ) dwGameType = CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE_SPLITSCREEN; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "lan", pFullSettings->GetString( "system/network" ) ) ) dwGameType = CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE_SYSTEMLINK; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "friends", pFullSettings->GetString( "game/type" ) ) ) dwGameType = CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE_FRIEND; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "quickmatch", pFullSettings->GetString( "game/type" ) ) ) dwGameType = CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE_QUICKMATCH;
static DWORD s_dwLastGameTypeSet = CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE_DEFAULT; if ( s_dwLastGameTypeSet != dwGameType ) { s_dwLastGameTypeSet = dwGameType; SetAllUsersContext( CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_WAITING, dwGameType ); SetAllUsersContext( CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TAGLINE, dwGameType ); }
// Game track
static int nNumChapters = 0; static int nIdxChapter = 0; static char s_chLastMapNameSet[128] = {0}; char const *szMap = pFullSettings->GetString( "Game/map" ); if ( Q_stricmp( szMap, s_chLastMapNameSet ) ) { Q_strncpy( s_chLastMapNameSet, szMap, sizeof( s_chLastMapNameSet ) ); // Determine the track
MpCoopMapRichPresence_t const *pMP = FindMpCoopMapRichPresence( szMap ); SetAllUsersContext( CONTEXT_COOP_PRESENCE_TRACK, pMP->dwCtxValue ); nIdxChapter = pMP->idxChapter; SetAllUsersProperty( PROPERTY_COOP_TRACK_CHAPTER, sizeof( nIdxChapter ), &nIdxChapter ); nNumChapters = pMP->numChapters; SetAllUsersProperty( PROPERTY_COOP_TRACK_NUMCHAPTERS, sizeof( nNumChapters ), &nNumChapters ); }
// Presence
if ( !Q_stricmp( "game", pFullSettings->GetString( "game/state" ) ) ) { dwLevelPresence = ( nNumChapters > 0 ) ? CONTEXT_PRESENCE_COOPGAME_TRACK : CONTEXT_PRESENCE_COOPGAME; } else { dwLevelPresence = CONTEXT_PRESENCE_COOPMENU; } }
SetAllUsersContext( X_CONTEXT_PRESENCE, dwLevelPresence ); } }
void MM_Title_RichPresence_PlayersChanged( KeyValues *pFullSettings ) { /*
if ( int numPlayers = pFullSettings->GetInt( "members/numPlayers" ) ) { static int val; // must be valid for the async call
val = numPlayers; SetAllUsersProperty( PROPERTY_NUMPLAYERS, sizeof( val ), &val ); } */
#ifdef _X360
// Set the installed DLCs masks
static int val[10]; // must be valid for the async call
uint64 uiDlcInstalled = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetDlcManager()->GetDataInfo()->GetUint64( "@info/installed" ); extern ConVar mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery; for ( int k = 1; k <= mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery.GetInt(); ++ k ) { val[k] = !!( uiDlcInstalled & ( 1ull << k ) ); DevMsg( "DLC%d installed: %d\n", k, val[k] ); SetAllUsersProperty( PROPERTY_INSTALLED_DLC1 - 1 + k, sizeof( val[k] ), &val[k] ); } #endif