//========= Copyright � 1996-2013, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Provide custom texture generation (compositing)
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "composite_texture.h"
#include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
#include "materialsystem/base_visuals_data_processor.h"
#include "materialsystem_global.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
ConVar mat_verbose_texture_gen( "mat_verbose_texture_gen", "0" );
#define TEX_GEN_LOG( msg, ... ) \
if ( mat_verbose_texture_gen.GetBool() ) \ { \ Msg( "TextureGeneration: " msg, ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \ } \ // NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
int CCompositeTexture::m_nTextureCount = 0;
int s_nCompositeMaterialIndex = 0;
static ConVar *s_mat_picmip = NULL;
int GetMatPicMip() { if ( !s_mat_picmip ) { s_mat_picmip = g_pCVar->FindVar( "mat_picmip" ); }
return ( s_mat_picmip && s_mat_picmip->GetInt() > 0 ) ? s_mat_picmip->GetInt() : 0; }
// this should match the CompositeTextureRTSizes_t enum in composite_texture.h
static SCompositeTextureRTData_t s_compositeTextureRTData[COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_RT_COUNT] = { // these should be sorted in descending size order
#if !defined( PLATFORM_OSX )
{ "_rt_CustomMaterial2048", 2048, true, false, NULL }, #endif
{ "_rt_CustomMaterial1024", 1024, true, false, NULL }, { "_rt_CustomMaterial512", 512, true, false, NULL }, { "_rt_CustomMaterial256", 256, false, false, NULL }, { "_rt_CustomMaterial128", 128, false, false, NULL } };
int GetRTIndex( int nSize ) { int nClosestBigger = 0; for (int i = 0; i < COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_RT_COUNT; i++) { if ( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize == nSize && s_compositeTextureRTData[i].bAvailable == true ) { return i; }
if ( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize > nSize && s_compositeTextureRTData[i].bAvailable == true ) { nClosestBigger = i; } }
return nClosestBigger; }
// Inherited from ITextureRegenerator
// If generation is complete then this will copy the results over into the texture
// pRect is ignored, this always does the whole texture
void CCompositeTextureResult::RegenerateTextureBits( ITexture *pTexture, IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture, Rect_t *pRect ) { TM_ZONE_FILTERED( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, 200, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ );
if ( m_pOwner && m_pOwner->GenerationComplete() ) { TEX_GEN_LOG( "Finished generating texture %s... ", m_pOwner->GetName() ); IVTFTexture *pResultVTF = m_pOwner->GetResultVTF();
// we have already generated once, if we have results of an appropriate size, then copy them over, else signal regeneration
if ( pResultVTF != NULL && ( pVTFTexture->Width() == ( m_pOwner->ActualSize() ) ) && ( pVTFTexture->Width() <= pResultVTF->Width() ) ) { // handle the case where the destination texture is smaller than our result (can happen with mat_picmip change to values lower than we have RTs for)
int nMipOffset = 0; if ( pVTFTexture->Width() < pResultVTF->Width() ) { int nSourceSize = pResultVTF->Width(); while ( nSourceSize > pVTFTexture->Width() ) { nMipOffset++; nSourceSize >>= 1; } }
// copy each mip over
for (int nMip = 0; nMip < pResultVTF->MipCount(); nMip++) { unsigned char *pBuffer = pResultVTF->ImageData( 0, 0, nMip + nMipOffset ); unsigned char *pImageData = pVTFTexture->ImageData( 0, 0, nMip ); // this amounts to a memcpy, but deals with properly calculating the size for compressed textures
ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pBuffer, pResultVTF->Format(), pImageData, pVTFTexture->Format(), pResultVTF->Width() >> ( nMip + nMipOffset ), pResultVTF->Height() >> ( nMip + nMipOffset ) ); }
TEX_GEN_LOG( "SUCCESS.\n" ); } else { TEX_GEN_LOG( "FAILURE: resulting vtf size missmatch, forcing regenerate.\n" ); m_pOwner->ForceRegenerate(); } } }
void CCompositeTextureResult::Release() { if ( m_pTexture != NULL ) { m_pTexture->SetTextureRegenerator( NULL, false ); m_pTexture->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pTexture->DeleteIfUnreferenced(); m_pTexture = NULL; } m_pOwner = NULL; }
// Composite Texture - used to make a custom texture using a Shader that can be used with custom materials
CCompositeTexture::CCompositeTexture( const CUtlBuffer &compareBlob, KeyValues *pCompositingMaterialKeyValues, CompositeTextureSize_t size, CompositeTextureFormat_t format, int nMaterialParamNameId, bool bSRGB, bool bIgnorePicMip ) : m_size( size ) , m_format( format ) , m_nMaterialParamNameId( nMaterialParamNameId ) , m_bSRGB( bSRGB ) , m_nRegenerateStage( COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_NOT_STARTED ) , m_pResultVTF( NULL ) , m_ResultTexture( this ) , m_bNeedsRegenerate( false ) , m_bNeedsFinalize( true ) , m_pScratchVTF( NULL ) , m_pCustomMaterialRT( NULL ) , m_pCompositingMaterial( NULL ) , m_nLastFrameCount( 0 ) , m_pPixelsReadEvent( NULL ) , m_bIgnorePicMip( bIgnorePicMip ) { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_PRELOAD_TEXTURES; i++ ) { m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ] = NULL; }
m_compareBlob.CopyBuffer( compareBlob );
// we need to copy this, because the passed in one was allocated outside materialsystem.dll
m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues = pCompositingMaterialKeyValues->MakeCopy();
m_nActualSize = ( 1 << Size() ) >> ( m_bIgnorePicMip ? 0 : GetMatPicMip() ); V_sprintf_safe( m_szTextureName, "composite_texture_%d_%d_%d_%d", m_nMaterialParamNameId, m_nActualSize, m_format, m_nTextureCount++ );
bool CCompositeTexture::Init() { int nRT = GetRTIndex( m_nActualSize );
m_pCustomMaterialRT = materials->FindTexture( s_compositeTextureRTData[nRT].pName, TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET ); if ( !m_pCustomMaterialRT->IsError() ) { m_pCustomMaterialRT->AddRef(); m_pScratchVTF = s_compositeTextureRTData[nRT].pScratch; } else { // release the error texture
m_pCustomMaterialRT->Release(); m_pCustomMaterialRT = NULL;
Warning( "Error creating composite tex8ture! Could not find render target texture. \n" ); m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_COMPLETE; return false; }
// it's possible for the result vtf to exist already in the case of regeneration, so we clean up the old one before making a new one
if ( m_pResultVTF != NULL ) { DestroyVTFTexture( m_pResultVTF ); m_pResultVTF = NULL; }
{ TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "CreateResultVTF" ); // create the final result VTF that we'll keep around. It's compressed and used to copy over to the actual texture whenever the texture needs downloading
m_pResultVTF = CreateVTFTexture(); m_pResultVTF->Init( m_pScratchVTF->Width(), m_pScratchVTF->Height(), m_pScratchVTF->Depth(), ( Format() == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DXT1 ) ? IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_RUNTIME : IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5_RUNTIME, TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS, 1, m_pScratchVTF->MipCount() ); }
return true; }
CCompositeTexture::~CCompositeTexture() { ReleasePreloadedTextures(); if ( m_pCompositingMaterial != NULL ) { m_pCompositingMaterial->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pCompositingMaterial->DeleteIfUnreferenced(); m_pCompositingMaterial = NULL; }
if ( m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues != NULL ) { m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues->deleteThis(); m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues = NULL; }
if ( m_pResultVTF != NULL ) { DestroyVTFTexture(m_pResultVTF); m_pResultVTF = NULL; }
m_pScratchVTF = NULL;
if ( m_pCustomMaterialRT != NULL ) { m_pCustomMaterialRT->Release(); m_pCustomMaterialRT = NULL; }
if ( m_pPixelsReadEvent != NULL ) { delete m_pPixelsReadEvent; m_pPixelsReadEvent = NULL; } }
void CCompositeTexture::ReleasePreloadedTextures() { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_PRELOAD_TEXTURES; i++ ) { if ( m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ] != NULL ) { m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ]->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ]->DeleteIfUnreferenced(); m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ] = NULL; } } }
// this is called from the GenerationStep which is called from the generate thread
void CCompositeTexture::GenerateComposite( void ) { TM_ZONE_FILTERED( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, 100, TMZF_NONE, "GenerateComposite" );
if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_NOT_STARTED ) { TEX_GEN_LOG( "Loading texture for %s\n", GetName() ); m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_ASYNC_TEXTURE_LOAD; } else if ( m_pScratchVTF != NULL ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_COPY_TO_VTF_COMPLETE ) { // no longer need the RT
if ( m_pCustomMaterialRT != NULL ) { m_pCustomMaterialRT->Release(); m_pCustomMaterialRT = NULL; } { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "MipGen" ); m_pScratchVTF->GenerateMipmaps(); }
CUtlBuffer buf; m_pScratchVTF->Serialize(buf);
char szTextureName[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf(szTextureName, MAX_PATH, "d:/temp/%s.vtf", m_szTextureName ); FileHandle_t f = g_pFullFileSystem->Open(szTextureName, "wb", NULL);
if ( f != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Write( buf.Base(), buf.TellMaxPut(), f ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close(f); } #endif
{ TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "DXT Compress" ); // compress and copy the Scratch VTF mip maps to the Result VTF
for (int nMip = 0; nMip < m_pScratchVTF->MipCount(); nMip++) { unsigned char *pResultImageData = m_pResultVTF->ImageData( 0, 0, nMip ); unsigned char *pScratchImageData = m_pScratchVTF->ImageData( 0, 0, nMip ); ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pScratchImageData, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, pResultImageData, ( Format() == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DXT1 ) ? IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_RUNTIME : IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5_RUNTIME, m_pResultVTF->Width() >> nMip, m_pResultVTF->Height() >> nMip ); } }
// done with the scratch VTF
m_pScratchVTF = NULL;
// This does one generation step. It's called from the generate thread
void CCompositeTexture::GenerationStep( void ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_REQUESTED_READ ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "ReadPixelsEventWait" ); // wait on ReadPixelsAsync() to signal up that it's completed
if ( m_pPixelsReadEvent->Wait( 20 ) ) { m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_GETRESULT; } } if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_REQUESTED_GETRESULT ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "ReadPixelsGetResultEventWait" ); // wait on ReadPixelsAsyncGetResult() to signal up that it's completed
if ( m_pPixelsReadEvent->Wait( 20 ) ) { delete m_pPixelsReadEvent; m_pPixelsReadEvent = NULL;
m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_COPY_TO_VTF_COMPLETE; } } if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_ASYNC_TEXTURE_LOAD_FINISH ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "WaitForAsyncTextureLoads" ); bool bDone = true; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_PRELOAD_TEXTURES; i++ ) { if ( ( m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ] != NULL ) && !m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ]->IsAsyncDone() ) { bDone = false; break; } } if ( bDone ) { m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_NEEDS_INIT; } }
GenerateComposite(); }
void CCompositeTexture::ForceRegenerate( void ) { // we need to recalculate m_nActualSize
m_nActualSize = ( 1 << Size() ) >> ( m_bIgnorePicMip ? 0 : GetMatPicMip() );
m_bNeedsRegenerate = true; }
struct materialTextureParams { const char *m_pParamName; const char *m_pDefaultTexture; };
void CCompositeTexture::DoAsyncTextureLoad( void ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "DoAsyncTextureLoad" );
materialTextureParams materialParams[ NUM_PRELOAD_TEXTURES ] = { // used by weapons
{ "$basetexture", nullptr }, { "$exptexture", nullptr }, { "$painttexture", nullptr }, { "$maskstexture", nullptr }, { "$aotexture", nullptr }, { "$postexture", nullptr }, { "$surfacetexture", nullptr },
// used by gloves (character / custom_character shaders)
{ "$bumpmap", nullptr }, { "$masks1", nullptr }, { "$phongwarptexture", nullptr }, { "$fresnelrangestexture", nullptr }, { "$masks2", nullptr }, { "$envmap", nullptr }, { "$materialmask", nullptr }, { "$ao", nullptr }, { "$grunge", nullptr }, { "$detail", nullptr }, { "$detailnormal", nullptr }, { "$pattern", nullptr }, { "$noise", "models/weapons/customization/materials/noise" } // default set in custom character shader
//KeyValuesDumpAsDevMsg( m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues, 1, 1 );
// initiate async load of the textures needed for the compositing material
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_PRELOAD_TEXTURES; i++ ) { const char *pszTexture = m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues->GetString( materialParams[ i ].m_pParamName ); if ( !( pszTexture && pszTexture[0] != 0 ) && materialParams[i].m_pDefaultTexture ) { pszTexture = materialParams[i].m_pDefaultTexture; }
if ( pszTexture && pszTexture[0] != 0 ) { m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ] = TextureManager()->FindOrLoadTexture( pszTexture, TEXTURE_GROUP_COMPOSITE, TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ); if ( !m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ]->IsError() ) { m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ]->AddRef(); } else { m_pPreLoadTextures[ i ] = NULL; DevMsg( "DoAsyncTextureLoad: Failed to preload texture: %s (%s)\n", pszTexture, materialParams[ i ].m_pParamName ); } } }
void CCompositeTexture::CreateCompositingMaterial( void ) { { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "CreateCompositingMat" );
char szCompositeMaterialName[32]; V_sprintf_safe( szCompositeMaterialName, "compositing_material_%d", s_nCompositeMaterialIndex++ ); m_pCompositingMaterial = materials->CreateMaterial( szCompositeMaterialName, m_pCompositingMaterialKeyValues->MakeCopy() );
if ( m_pCompositingMaterial && m_pCompositingMaterial->IsErrorMaterial() ) { // release the error material
// we do not call DeleteIfUnreferenced here because it's the error material
m_pCompositingMaterial = NULL;
Warning( "Error creating compositing material! Marking composite complete and not rendering to RT...\n" ); m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_COMPLETE; return; } }
{ TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "RefreshCompositingMat" ); // this causes a precache of the material
m_pCompositingMaterial->Refresh(); }
void CCompositeTexture::RenderToRT( void ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_RENDER_TO_RT ) { if ( materials->CanDownloadTextures() ) { int resolutionX = m_pCustomMaterialRT->GetActualWidth(); int resolutionY = m_pCustomMaterialRT->GetActualHeight();
TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "RenderToRT %d", resolutionX );
//init render context and set the the custom weapon RT as the current target
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_pCustomMaterialRT, 0, 0, resolutionX, resolutionY );
//render a quad using the composite material to the custom weapon RT
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( m_pCompositingMaterial, 0, 0, resolutionX, resolutionY, 0, 0, resolutionX - 1, resolutionY - 1, resolutionX, resolutionY );
// this is just to have two frames between rendering and attempting to read back.
void CCompositeTexture::AdvanceToReadRT( void ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_RENDERED_TO_RT ) { m_nRegenerateStage = COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_READ_RT; } }
void CCompositeTexture::ReadRT( void ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_READ_RT ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "ReadRT" ); if ( materials->CanDownloadTextures() ) { int resolutionX = m_pCustomMaterialRT->GetActualWidth(); int resolutionY = m_pCustomMaterialRT->GetActualHeight(); unsigned char *pDestImage = m_pScratchVTF->ImageData( 0, 0, 0 );
// queue up read pixels
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); m_pPixelsReadEvent = new CThreadEvent(); pRenderContext->ReadPixelsAsync( 0, 0, resolutionX, resolutionY, pDestImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, m_pCustomMaterialRT, m_pPixelsReadEvent );
void CCompositeTexture::GetReadRTResult( void ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_GETRESULT ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "GetReadRTResult" ); if ( materials->CanDownloadTextures() ) { int resolutionX = m_pCustomMaterialRT->GetActualWidth(); int resolutionY = m_pCustomMaterialRT->GetActualHeight(); unsigned char *pDestImage = m_pScratchVTF->ImageData( 0, 0, 0 );
// queue up read pixels
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); m_pPixelsReadEvent->Reset(); pRenderContext->ReadPixelsAsyncGetResult( 0, 0, resolutionX, resolutionY, pDestImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, m_pPixelsReadEvent );
void CCompositeTexture::CleanupCompositingMaterial( void ) { if ( m_nRegenerateStage == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_STATE_WAITING_FOR_MATERIAL_CLEANUP ) { if ( m_pCompositingMaterial != NULL ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "CleanupCompositingMat" ); m_pCompositingMaterial->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pCompositingMaterial->DeleteIfUnreferenced(); m_pCompositingMaterial = NULL; } ReleasePreloadedTextures(); // no longer need these
void CCompositeTexture::Usage( int &nTextures, int &nBackingTextures ) { nTextures += ( m_ResultTexture.m_pTexture != NULL ) ? m_ResultTexture.m_pTexture->GetApproximateVidMemBytes() : 0; nBackingTextures += ( m_pResultVTF != NULL ) ? m_pResultVTF->ComputeTotalSize() : 0; }
void CCompositeTexture::Finalize() { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "Finalize" );
if ( m_ResultTexture.m_pTexture == NULL ) { m_ResultTexture.m_pTexture = materials->CreateProceduralTexture( m_szTextureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_COMPOSITE, ( 1 << Size() ), ( 1 << Size() ), ( Format() == COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DXT5 ) ? IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5_RUNTIME : IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_RUNTIME, TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL | TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY | TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC | ( ( m_bSRGB ) ? TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB : 0 ) | TEXTUREFLAGS_SKIP_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD ); m_ResultTexture.m_pTexture->SetTextureRegenerator( &m_ResultTexture ); }
m_ResultTexture.m_pTexture->Download(); m_bNeedsFinalize = false;
#if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
// Free VTF, significant mem saving - after Downloand not used for anything other than CWeaponCSBase::SaveCustomMaterialsTextures()
// forceregenerate ensures this is safe on loss of focus - see CCompositeTextureResult::RegenerateTextureBits()
if ( m_pResultVTF != NULL ) { DestroyVTFTexture( m_pResultVTF ); m_pResultVTF = NULL; } #endif
bool CCompositeTexture::Compare( const SCompositeTextureInfo &textureInfo ) { if (Size() == textureInfo.m_size && Format() == textureInfo.m_format && GetMaterialParamNameId() == textureInfo.m_nMaterialParamID && IsSRGB() == textureInfo.m_bSRGB && textureInfo.m_pVisualsDataProcessor->GetCompareObject()->Compare( GetVisualsDataCompareBlob() ) ) { return true; }
return false; }
// global weapon material generator
// the game uses this to make/get a custom material for a weapon
CCompositeTextureGenerator::CCompositeTextureGenerator( void ) : m_bGenerateThreadExit( false ) , m_hGenerateThread( NULL ) , m_pGunGrimeTexture( NULL ) , m_pPaintWearTexture( NULL ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
m_pCompositeTextures.EnsureCapacity( 256 ); m_pPendingCompositeTextures.EnsureCapacity( 256 ); #endif
CCompositeTextureGenerator::~CCompositeTextureGenerator() { }
// this is called at the end of each frame
bool ProcessCompositeTextureGenerator( void ) { return MaterialSystem()->GetCompositeTextureGenerator()->Process(); }
// this handles doing rendering and material refreshes for the regenerators, downloads textures and flags materials ready so they will draw,
// triggers regenerations as needed, and handles swapping materials that are pending swap and ready, and cleans up materials that are no longer used
bool CCompositeTextureGenerator::Process( void ) { TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ );
bool bDidWork = false;
for ( int i = m_pPendingCompositeTextures.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { CCompositeTexture *pTexture = m_pPendingCompositeTextures[ i ]; if ( pTexture && !pTexture->IsReady() ) { if ( pTexture->GenerationComplete() && pTexture->NeedsFinalize() ) { pTexture->Finalize(); // move from pending to final list
m_pCompositeTextures.AddToTail( pTexture ); m_pPendingCompositeTextures.Remove( i ); break; } else if ( pTexture->NeedsAsyncTextureLoad() ) { pTexture->DoAsyncTextureLoad(); break; } else if ( pTexture->NeedsCompositingMaterial() ) { pTexture->CreateCompositingMaterial(); bDidWork = true; break; } else if ( pTexture->NeedsMaterialCleanup() ) { pTexture->CleanupCompositingMaterial(); break; } else if ( pTexture->NeedsRender() ) { pTexture->RenderToRT(); bDidWork = true; break; } else if ( pTexture->HasRendered() ) { pTexture->AdvanceToReadRT(); break; } else if ( pTexture->NeedsReadRT() ) { pTexture->ReadRT(); break; } else if ( pTexture->NeedsGetResult() ) { pTexture->GetReadRTResult(); bDidWork = true; break; } } }
for ( int i = m_pCompositeTextures.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { CCompositeTexture *pTexture = m_pCompositeTextures[ i ]; if ( pTexture ) { // see if a material needs regeneration (it must have completed generation)
if ( pTexture->GenerationComplete() && pTexture->NeedsRegenerate() ) { // signal the regeneration, and set the material to not draw
pTexture->Refresh(); pTexture->Init();
// move back to the pending list
m_pPendingCompositeTextures.AddToTail( pTexture ); m_pCompositeTextures.Remove( i ); // add material to generation queue
m_GenerateQueueMutex.Lock(); m_pGenerateQueue.AddToTail( pTexture ); m_GenerateQueueMutex.Unlock(); } // clean up materials that are no longer used (we are the only reference)
else if ( pTexture->ShouldRelease() ) { pTexture->Release(); m_pCompositeTextures.Remove( i ); } } }
return bDidWork; }
bool CCompositeTextureGenerator::Init( void ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
for (int i = 0; i < COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_RT_COUNT; i++) { ITexture *pRT = MaterialSystem()->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].pName, s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize, s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize, RT_SIZE_NO_CHANGE, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_NONE, TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY | ( ( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].bSRGB ) ? TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB : 0 ) ); if ( pRT->IsError() ) { pRT->Release(); pRT = NULL; }
if ( pRT == NULL ) { Warning( "Failed to create %d x %d render target for composite texturing!\n", s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize, s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize ); } else { m_CompositeTextureManagerRTs[i].Init( pRT ); s_compositeTextureRTData[i].bAvailable = true;
s_compositeTextureRTData[i].pScratch = CreateVTFTexture(); s_compositeTextureRTData[i].pScratch->Init( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize, s_compositeTextureRTData[i].nSize, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS, 1 ); } }
// precache scratch and grime textures
m_pGunGrimeTexture = TextureManager()->FindOrLoadTexture( "models/weapons/customization/shared/gun_grunge.vtf", TEXTURE_GROUP_COMPOSITE ); if ( !m_pGunGrimeTexture->IsError() ) { m_pGunGrimeTexture->AddRef(); } else { m_pGunGrimeTexture = NULL; } m_pPaintWearTexture = TextureManager()->FindOrLoadTexture( "models/weapons/customization/shared/paint_wear.vtf", TEXTURE_GROUP_COMPOSITE ); if ( !m_pPaintWearTexture->IsError() ) { m_pPaintWearTexture->AddRef(); } else { m_pPaintWearTexture = NULL; }
MaterialSystem()->AddEndFramePriorToNextContextFunc( ::ProcessCompositeTextureGenerator ); CreateGenerateThread(); #endif
return true; }
void CCompositeTextureGenerator::Shutdown( void ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
DestroyGenerateThread(); MaterialSystem()->RemoveEndFramePriorToNextContextFunc( ::ProcessCompositeTextureGenerator ); DestroyTextures(); for (int i = 0; i < COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_RT_COUNT; i++) { if ( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].bAvailable ) { s_compositeTextureRTData[i].bAvailable = false; if ( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].pScratch != NULL ) { DestroyVTFTexture( s_compositeTextureRTData[i].pScratch ); s_compositeTextureRTData[i].pScratch = NULL; } m_CompositeTextureManagerRTs[i].Shutdown(); } }
if ( m_pPaintWearTexture ) { m_pPaintWearTexture->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pPaintWearTexture->DeleteIfUnreferenced(); m_pPaintWearTexture = NULL; } if ( m_pGunGrimeTexture ) { m_pGunGrimeTexture->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pGunGrimeTexture->DeleteIfUnreferenced(); m_pGunGrimeTexture = NULL; } #endif
ICompositeTexture *CCompositeTextureGenerator::GetCompositeTexture( const SCompositeTextureInfo &textureInfo, bool bIgnorePicMip, bool bAllowCreate ) { return GetCompositeTexture( textureInfo.m_pVisualsDataProcessor, textureInfo.m_nMaterialParamID, textureInfo.m_size, textureInfo.m_format, textureInfo.m_bSRGB, bIgnorePicMip, bAllowCreate ); }
ICompositeTexture *CCompositeTextureGenerator::GetCompositeTexture( IVisualsDataProcessor *pVisualsDataProcessor, int nMaterialParamNameId, CompositeTextureSize_t size, CompositeTextureFormat_t format, bool bSRGB, bool bIgnorePicMip, bool bAllowCreate ) { #if defined( DEDICATED ) || defined( DISABLE_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_GENERATION )
return NULL; #endif
if ( !pVisualsDataProcessor->HasCustomMaterial() ) { return NULL; }
CCompositeTexture *pTexture = NULL; // Look for an existing material match
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pCompositeTextures.Count(); ++i ) { CCompositeTexture *pCompareTexture = m_pCompositeTextures[ i ]; if ( pCompareTexture->Format() == format && pCompareTexture->Size() == size && pCompareTexture->GetMaterialParamNameId() == nMaterialParamNameId && pCompareTexture->IsSRGB() == bSRGB && pVisualsDataProcessor->GetCompareObject()->Compare( pCompareTexture->GetVisualsDataCompareBlob() ) ) { pTexture = m_pCompositeTextures[ i ]; break; } } for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPendingCompositeTextures.Count(); ++i ) { CCompositeTexture *pCompareTexture = m_pPendingCompositeTextures[ i ]; if ( pCompareTexture->Format() == format && pCompareTexture->Size() == size && pCompareTexture->GetMaterialParamNameId() == nMaterialParamNameId && pCompareTexture->IsSRGB() == bSRGB && pVisualsDataProcessor->GetCompareObject()->Compare( pCompareTexture->GetVisualsDataCompareBlob() ) ) { pTexture = m_pPendingCompositeTextures[ i ]; break; } }
if ( !pTexture && bAllowCreate ) { KeyValues *pCompositeMaterialKeyValues = pVisualsDataProcessor->GenerateCompositeMaterialKeyValues( nMaterialParamNameId ); if ( !pCompositeMaterialKeyValues ) { return NULL; } pTexture = new CCompositeTexture( pVisualsDataProcessor->GetCompareObject()->GetCompareBlob(), pCompositeMaterialKeyValues, size, format, nMaterialParamNameId, bSRGB, bIgnorePicMip ); pCompositeMaterialKeyValues->deleteThis(); // copied inside CCompositeTexture(), no longer needed
if ( pTexture->Init() ) { m_pPendingCompositeTextures.AddToTail( pTexture );
// add texture to generation queue (handled in the generation thread)
m_GenerateQueueMutex.Lock(); m_pGenerateQueue.AddToHead( pTexture ); m_GenerateQueueMutex.Unlock(); } else { pTexture->Release(); pTexture = NULL; } }
// The texture may not be complete yet, but it will be completed over the next few frames via Process()
return pTexture; }
bool CCompositeTextureGenerator::ForceRegenerate( ICompositeTexture *pTextureInterface ) { CCompositeTexture *pTexture = dynamic_cast< CCompositeTexture * >( pTextureInterface ); if ( !pTexture ) { return false; }
int nTexture = m_pCompositeTextures.Find( pTexture ); if ( nTexture != -1 ) { // move back to the pending list
m_pPendingCompositeTextures.AddToTail( pTexture ); m_pCompositeTextures.Remove( nTexture ); } else if ( m_pPendingCompositeTextures.Find( pTexture ) == -1 ) { // texture isn't in either list, so we can't regenerate it
return false; }
// add texture to generation queue (handled in the generation thread)
m_GenerateQueueMutex.Lock(); m_pGenerateQueue.AddToTail( pTexture ); m_GenerateQueueMutex.Unlock();
return true; }
void CCompositeTextureGenerator::DestroyTextures( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_pCompositeTextures.Count(); ++i ) { CCompositeTexture *pTexture = m_pCompositeTextures[ i ]; if ( pTexture ) { pTexture->ReleaseResult(); pTexture->Release(); } } m_pCompositeTextures.RemoveAll();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPendingCompositeTextures.Count(); ++i ) { CCompositeTexture *pTexture = m_pPendingCompositeTextures[ i ]; if ( pTexture ) { pTexture->ReleaseResult(); pTexture->Release(); } } m_pPendingCompositeTextures.RemoveAll(); }
void CCompositeTextureGenerator::CreateGenerateThread() { // kick off a thread to do custom texture generation
m_bGenerateThreadExit = false; m_hGenerateThread = ThreadExecuteSolo( "CompositeTextureGenerationThread", this, &CCompositeTextureGenerator::GenerateThread ); }
void CCompositeTextureGenerator::DestroyGenerateThread() { if ( m_hGenerateThread ) { // remove all the queued materials from the generate queue
m_GenerateQueueMutex.Lock(); m_pGenerateQueue.RemoveAll(); m_GenerateQueueMutex.Unlock();
m_bGenerateThreadExit = true; ThreadJoin( m_hGenerateThread ); ReleaseThreadHandle( m_hGenerateThread ); m_hGenerateThread = NULL; } }
void CCompositeTextureGenerator::GenerateThread() { while ( !m_bGenerateThreadExit ) { CCompositeTexture *pTexture = NULL;
// pull a material that needs generation off the queue (if any exist)
m_GenerateQueueMutex.Lock(); if ( m_pGenerateQueue.Count() > 0 ) { pTexture = m_pGenerateQueue.Element( m_pGenerateQueue.Head() ); m_pGenerateQueue.Remove( m_pGenerateQueue.Head() ); } m_GenerateQueueMutex.Unlock();
if ( pTexture ) { while ( !m_bGenerateThreadExit && !pTexture->GenerationComplete() ) { pTexture->GenerationStep();
ThreadSleep( 1 ); }
// wait for the current texture to finalize (in the main thread) before going to the next one
while ( !m_bGenerateThreadExit && pTexture->NeedsFinalize() && pTexture->GenerationComplete() ) { ThreadSleep( 1 ); } } else { ThreadSleep( 1 ); } }
m_GenerateQueueMutex.Lock(); m_pGenerateQueue.RemoveAll(); m_GenerateQueueMutex.Unlock(); }