//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "locald3dtypes.h"
#include "texturedx8.h"
#include "shaderapidx8_global.h"
#include "colorformatdx8.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderutil.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "recording.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderapi.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "locald3dtypes.h"
#include "textureheap.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/callqueue.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning (disable:4189 4701)
static int s_TextureCount = 0;
// Stats...
int TextureCount() { return s_TextureCount; }
static bool IsVolumeTexture( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pBaseTexture ) { if ( !pBaseTexture ) { return false; }
return ( pBaseTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE ); }
static HRESULT GetLevelDesc( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pBaseTexture, UINT level, D3DSURFACE_DESC* pDesc ) { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT();
if ( !pBaseTexture ) { return ( HRESULT )-1; }
HRESULT hr; switch( pBaseTexture->GetType() ) { case D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE: hr = ( ( IDirect3DTexture * )pBaseTexture )->GetLevelDesc( level, pDesc ); break; case D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE: hr = ( ( IDirect3DCubeTexture * )pBaseTexture )->GetLevelDesc( level, pDesc ); break; default: return ( HRESULT )-1; } return hr; }
static HRESULT GetSurfaceFromTexture( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pBaseTexture, UINT level, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES cubeFaceID, IDirect3DSurface** ppSurfLevel ) { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT();
if ( !pBaseTexture ) { return ( HRESULT )-1; }
switch( pBaseTexture->GetType() ) { case D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE: hr = ( ( IDirect3DTexture * )pBaseTexture )->GetSurfaceLevel( level, ppSurfLevel ); break; case D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE: if (cubeFaceID !=0) { //Debugger();
} hr = ( ( IDirect3DCubeTexture * )pBaseTexture )->GetCubeMapSurface( cubeFaceID, level, ppSurfLevel ); break; default: Assert(0); return ( HRESULT )-1; } return hr; }
// Gets the image format of a texture
static ImageFormat GetImageFormat( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pTexture ) { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT();
if ( pTexture ) { HRESULT hr; if ( !IsVolumeTexture( pTexture ) ) { D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; hr = GetLevelDesc( pTexture, 0, &desc ); if ( !FAILED( hr ) ) return ImageLoader::D3DFormatToImageFormat( desc.Format ); } else { D3DVOLUME_DESC desc; IDirect3DVolumeTexture *pVolumeTexture = static_cast<IDirect3DVolumeTexture*>( pTexture ); hr = pVolumeTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &desc ); if ( !FAILED( hr ) ) return ImageLoader::D3DFormatToImageFormat( desc.Format ); } }
// Bogus baby!
return (ImageFormat)-1; }
// Allocates the D3DTexture
IDirect3DBaseTexture* CreateD3DTexture( int width, int height, int nDepth, ImageFormat dstFormat, int numLevels, int nCreationFlags, char *debugLabel ) // OK to skip the last param
{ if ( nDepth <= 0 ) { nDepth = 1; }
bool bIsCubeMap = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_CUBEMAP ) != 0; bool bIsRenderTarget = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_RENDERTARGET ) != 0; bool bManaged = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_MANAGED ) != 0; bool bIsDepthBuffer = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_DEPTHBUFFER ) != 0; bool bIsDynamic = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_DYNAMIC ) != 0; bool bAutoMipMap = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_AUTOMIPMAP ) != 0; bool bVertexTexture = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_VERTEXTEXTURE ) != 0; bool bAllowNonFilterable = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_UNFILTERABLE_OK ) != 0; bool bVolumeTexture = ( nDepth > 1 ); bool bNoD3DBits = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_NOD3DMEMORY ) != 0; bool bSysMem = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_SYSMEM ) != 0; bool bDefaultPool = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_DEFAULT_POOL ) != 0; bool bCacheable = ( nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_CACHEABLE ) != 0; bool bSRGB = (nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_SRGB) != 0; // for Posix/GL only
bool bAnsiotropic = (nCreationFlags & TEXTURE_CREATE_ANISOTROPIC) != 0; // for Posix/GL only
// NOTE: This function shouldn't be used for creating depth buffers!
Assert( !bIsDepthBuffer );
if ( IsX360() ) { // 360 does not support vertex textures
// 360 render target creation path is for the target as a texture source (NOT the EDRAM version)
// use normal texture format rules
Assert( !bVertexTexture ); if ( !bVertexTexture ) { d3dFormat = FindNearestSupportedFormat( dstFormat, false, false, false ); } } else { d3dFormat = FindNearestSupportedFormat( dstFormat, bVertexTexture, bIsRenderTarget, bAllowNonFilterable ); }
if ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_UNKNOWN ) { Warning( "ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: Invalid color format!\n" ); Assert( 0 ); return 0; }
IDirect3DBaseTexture* pBaseTexture = NULL; IDirect3DTexture* pD3DTexture = NULL; IDirect3DCubeTexture* pD3DCubeTexture = NULL; IDirect3DVolumeTexture* pD3DVolumeTexture = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD usage = 0;
if ( bIsRenderTarget ) { usage |= D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET; } if ( bIsDynamic ) { usage |= D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC; } if ( bAutoMipMap ) { usage |= D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP; }
if ( bSRGB ) { // This flag does not exist in real DX9... just for GL to know that this is an SRGB tex
usage |= D3DUSAGE_TEXTURE_SRGB; } #endif
#if defined( _PS3 )
if ( bNoD3DBits && !bVolumeTexture ) { // This flag does not exist in real DX9... tells GCM to defer allocating storage for the bits (until CShaderAPIDx8::PostQueuedTexture)
if ( bIsCubeMap ) { #if !defined( _X360 )
hr = Dx9Device()->CreateCubeTexture( width, numLevels, usage, d3dFormat, bManaged ? D3DPOOL_MANAGED : D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pD3DCubeTexture, NULL #if ( defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) && !defined( _PS3 ) )
, debugLabel // tex create funcs take extra arg for debug name on GL
); #else
pD3DCubeTexture = g_TextureHeap.AllocCubeTexture( width, numLevels, usage, d3dFormat, bNoD3DBits ); #endif
pBaseTexture = pD3DCubeTexture; } else if ( bVolumeTexture ) { Assert( !bNoD3DBits ); #if !defined( _X360 )
hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVolumeTexture( width, height, nDepth, numLevels, usage, d3dFormat, bManaged ? D3DPOOL_MANAGED : D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pD3DVolumeTexture, NULL #if ( defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) && !defined( _PS3 ) )
, debugLabel // tex create funcs take extra arg for debug name on GL
); #else
pD3DVolumeTexture = g_TextureHeap.AllocVolumeTexture( width, height, nDepth, numLevels, usage, d3dFormat ); #endif
pBaseTexture = pD3DVolumeTexture; } else { #if !defined( _X360 )
// Override usage and managed params if using special hardware shadow depth map formats...
if ( ( d3dFormat == NVFMT_RAWZ ) || ( d3dFormat == NVFMT_INTZ ) || ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_D16 ) || ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_D24S8 ) || ( d3dFormat == ATIFMT_D16 ) || ( d3dFormat == ATIFMT_D24S8 ) ) { // Not putting D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET here causes D3D debug spew later, but putting the flag causes this create to fail...
usage = D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL; bManaged = false; }
// Override managed param if using special null texture format
if ( d3dFormat == NVFMT_NULL ) { bManaged = false; }
D3DPOOL d3dPool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT; if ( bSysMem ) d3dPool = D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM; else if ( bManaged ) d3dPool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED;
hr = Dx9Device()->CreateTexture( width, height, numLevels, usage, d3dFormat, d3dPool, &pD3DTexture, NULL #if ( defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) && !defined( _PS3 ) )
, debugLabel // tex create funcs take extra arg for debug name on GL
pD3DTexture = g_TextureHeap.AllocTexture( width, height, numLevels, usage, d3dFormat, bNoD3DBits, bCacheable ); if ( pD3DTexture == NULL ) { Warning( "ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: TexureHeap out of memory.\n" ); g_pMemAlloc->DumpStats(); return 0; } #endif
pBaseTexture = pD3DTexture; }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { switch ( hr ) { case D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Warning( "ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL\n" ); break; case D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: // This conditional is here so that we don't complain when testing
// how much video memory we have. . this is kinda gross.
if ( bManaged ) { Warning( "ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY\n" ); } break; case E_OUTOFMEMORY: Warning( "ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: E_OUTOFMEMORY\n" ); break; default: break; } return 0; }
int nMipCount = numLevels; if ( !nMipCount ) { while ( width > 1 || height > 1 ) { width >>= 1; height >>= 1; ++nMipCount; } }
int nMemUsed = nMipCount * 1.1f * 1024; if ( bIsCubeMap ) { nMemUsed *= 6; }
return pBaseTexture; }
// Texture destruction
void ReleaseD3DTexture( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pD3DTex ) { int ref = pD3DTex->Release(); Assert( ref == 0 ); }
void DestroyD3DTexture( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pD3DTex ) { if ( pD3DTex ) { #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS
D3DRESOURCETYPE type = pD3DTex->GetType(); int nMipCount = pD3DTex->GetLevelCount(); if ( type == D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE ) { nMipCount *= 6; } int nMemUsed = nMipCount * 1.1f * 1024; VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "texture count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "texture driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); #endif
#if !defined( _X360 )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); ICallQueue *pCallQueue; if ( ( pCallQueue = pRenderContext->GetCallQueue() ) != NULL ) { pCallQueue->QueueCall( ReleaseD3DTexture, pD3DTex ); } else { ReleaseD3DTexture( pD3DTex ); } #else
g_TextureHeap.FreeTexture( pD3DTex ); #endif
--s_TextureCount; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pTex -
// Output : int
int GetD3DTextureRefCount( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pTex ) { if ( !pTex ) return 0;
pTex->AddRef(); int ref = pTex->Release();
return ref; }
// See version 13 for a function that converts a texture to a mipmap (ConvertToMipmap)
// Lock, unlock a texture...
static RECT s_LockedSrcRect; static D3DLOCKED_RECT s_LockedRect; #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
static bool s_bInLock = false; #endif
bool LockTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t bindId, int copy, IDirect3DBaseTexture* pTexture, int level, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES cubeFaceID, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height, bool bDiscard, CPixelWriter& writer ) { Assert( !s_bInLock ); IDirect3DSurface* pSurf; HRESULT hr = GetSurfaceFromTexture( pTexture, level, cubeFaceID, &pSurf ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return false;
s_LockedSrcRect.left = xOffset; s_LockedSrcRect.right = xOffset + width; s_LockedSrcRect.top = yOffset; s_LockedSrcRect.bottom = yOffset + height;
unsigned int flags = D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK; flags |= bDiscard ? D3DLOCK_DISCARD : 0; RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_LOCK_TEXTURE, 6 ); RECORD_INT( bindId ); RECORD_INT( copy ); RECORD_INT( level ); RECORD_INT( cubeFaceID ); RECORD_STRUCT( &s_LockedSrcRect, sizeof(s_LockedSrcRect) ); RECORD_INT( flags );
hr = pSurf->LockRect( &s_LockedRect, &s_LockedSrcRect, flags ); pSurf->Release();
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return false;
writer.SetPixelMemory( GetImageFormat(pTexture), s_LockedRect.pBits, s_LockedRect.Pitch );
s_bInLock = true; #endif
return true; }
void UnlockTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t bindId, int copy, IDirect3DBaseTexture* pTexture, int level, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES cubeFaceID ) { Assert( s_bInLock );
IDirect3DSurface* pSurf; HRESULT hr = GetSurfaceFromTexture( pTexture, level, cubeFaceID, &pSurf ); if (FAILED(hr)) return;
int width = s_LockedSrcRect.right - s_LockedSrcRect.left; int height = s_LockedSrcRect.bottom - s_LockedSrcRect.top; int imageFormatSize = ImageLoader::SizeInBytes( GetImageFormat( pTexture ) ); Assert( imageFormatSize != 0 ); int validDataBytesPerRow = imageFormatSize * width; int storeSize = validDataBytesPerRow * height; static CUtlVector< unsigned char > tmpMem; if( tmpMem.Size() < storeSize ) { tmpMem.AddMultipleToTail( storeSize - tmpMem.Size() ); } unsigned char *pDst = tmpMem.Base(); unsigned char *pSrc = ( unsigned char * )s_LockedRect.pBits; RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_SET_TEXTURE_DATA, 3 ); RECORD_INT( validDataBytesPerRow ); RECORD_INT( height ); int i; for( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { memcpy( pDst, pSrc, validDataBytesPerRow ); pDst += validDataBytesPerRow; pSrc += s_LockedRect.Pitch; } RECORD_STRUCT( tmpMem.Base(), storeSize ); #endif // RECORD_TEXTURES
hr = pSurf->UnlockRect(); pSurf->Release(); #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
s_bInLock = false; #endif
// Compute texture size based on compression
static inline int DetermineGreaterPowerOfTwo( int val ) { int num = 1; while (val > num) { num <<= 1; }
return num; }
inline int DeterminePowerOfTwo( int val ) { int pow = 0; while ((val & 0x1) == 0x0) { val >>= 1; ++pow; }
return pow; }
// Blit in bits
// OPTIMIZE??: could lock the texture directly instead of the surface in dx9.
#if !defined( _X360 )
static void BlitSurfaceBits( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { // Get the level of the texture we want to write into
IDirect3DSurface* pTextureLevel;
if (info.m_CubeFaceID !=0) { //Debugger();
HRESULT hr = GetSurfaceFromTexture( info.m_pTexture, info.m_nLevel, info.m_CubeFaceID, &pTextureLevel ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return;
RECT srcRect; D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;
srcRect.left = xOffset; srcRect.right = xOffset + info.m_nWidth; srcRect.top = yOffset; srcRect.bottom = yOffset + info.m_nHeight;
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_LOCK_TEXTURE, 6 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); RECORD_STRUCT( &srcRect, sizeof(srcRect) ); RECORD_INT( D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ); #endif
// lock the region (could be the full surface or less)
if ( FAILED( pTextureLevel->LockRect( &lockedRect, &srcRect, D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ) ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect\n" ); pTextureLevel->Release(); return; }
ImageFormat dstFormat = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); unsigned char *pImage = (unsigned char *)lockedRect.pBits; // garymcthack : need to make a recording command for this.
ShaderUtil()->ConvertImageFormat( info.m_pSrcData, info.m_SrcFormat, pImage, dstFormat, info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, srcStride, lockedRect.Pitch );
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_UNLOCK_TEXTURE, 4 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); #endif
if ( FAILED( pTextureLevel->UnlockRect() ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't unlock texture rect\n" ); pTextureLevel->Release(); return; } pTextureLevel->Release(); } #endif
// Puts 2D texture data into 360 gpu memory.
#if defined( _X360 )
static void BlitSurfaceBits( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { // xbox textures are NOT backed in gpu memory contiguously
// stride details are critical - see [Xbox 360 Texture Storage]
// a d3dformat identifier on the xbox is tiled, the same d3dformat on the pc is expected linear to the app
// we purposely hide the tiling here, otherwise much confusion for the pc
// the *entire* target must be un-tiled *only* before any *subrect* blitting linear work
// the *entire* target must then be re-tiled after the *subrect* blit
// procedural textures require this to subrect blit their new portions correctly
// the tiling dance can be avoided if the source and target match in tiled state during a full rect blit
if ( info.m_nLevel == 0 && !g_TextureHeap.IsBaseAllocated( info.m_pTexture ) ) { return; }
if ( info.m_bSrcIsTiled ) { // not supporting subrect blitting from a tiled source
Assert( 0 ); return; }
CUtlBuffer formatConvertMemory; unsigned char *pSrcData = info.m_pSrcData;
ImageFormat dstFormat = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); if ( dstFormat != info.m_SrcFormat ) { if ( !info.m_bCanConvertFormat ) { // texture is expected to be in target format
// not supporting conversion of a tiled source
Assert( 0 ); return; }
int srcSize = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, 1, info.m_SrcFormat, false ); int dstSize = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, 1, dstFormat, false ); formatConvertMemory.EnsureCapacity( dstSize );
// due to format conversion, source is in non-native order
ImageLoader::PreConvertSwapImageData( (unsigned char*)info.m_pSrcData, srcSize, info.m_SrcFormat, VTF_CONSOLE_360, info.m_nWidth, srcStride );
// slow conversion operation
if ( !ShaderUtil()->ConvertImageFormat( info.m_pSrcData, info.m_SrcFormat, (unsigned char*)formatConvertMemory.Base(), dstFormat, info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, srcStride, 0 ) ) { // conversion failed
Assert( 0 ); return; }
// due to format conversion, source must have been in non-native order
ImageLoader::PostConvertSwapImageData( (unsigned char*)formatConvertMemory.Base(), dstSize, dstFormat, VTF_CONSOLE_360 );
pSrcData = (unsigned char*)formatConvertMemory.Base(); }
// get the top mip level info (needed for proper sub mip access)
XGTEXTURE_DESC baseDesc; XGGetTextureDesc( info.m_pTexture, 0, &baseDesc ); bool bDstIsTiled = XGIsTiledFormat( baseDesc.Format ) == TRUE;
// get the target mip level info
XGTEXTURE_DESC mipDesc; XGGetTextureDesc( info.m_pTexture, info.m_nLevel, &mipDesc ); bool bFullSurfBlit = ( mipDesc.Width == (unsigned)info.m_nWidth && mipDesc.Height == (unsigned)info.m_nHeight );
// get the mip level of the texture we want to write into
IDirect3DSurface* pTextureLevel = NULL; unsigned char *pTargetImage; if ( info.m_nLevel == 0 ) { // can bypass API to gain pointer, circumventing a D3DRIP when async texture streaming
pTargetImage = (unsigned char *)GetD3DTextureBasePtr( info.m_pTexture ); // textures can have a non-zero offset due to texture tiles
pTargetImage += XGGetMipLevelOffset( info.m_pTexture, info.m_CubeFaceID, 0 ); } else { // using API to avoid determining true mip bases
// texture streaming does not blat in mips, so no D3DRIP
HRESULT hr = GetSurfaceFromTexture( info.m_pTexture, info.m_nLevel, info.m_CubeFaceID, &pTextureLevel ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitSurfaceBits: GetSurfaceFromTexture() failure\n" ); return; } D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect; hr = pTextureLevel->LockRect( &lockedRect, NULL, D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitSurfaceBits: couldn't lock texture rect\n" ); pTextureLevel->Release(); return; } pTargetImage = (unsigned char *)lockedRect.pBits; }
POINT p; p.x = xOffset; p.y = yOffset;
RECT r; r.left = 0; r.top = 0; r.right = info.m_nWidth; r.bottom = info.m_nHeight;
int blockSize = mipDesc.Width/mipDesc.WidthInBlocks; if ( !srcStride ) { srcStride = (mipDesc.Width/blockSize)*mipDesc.BytesPerBlock; }
// subrect blitting path
if ( !bDstIsTiled ) { // Copy the subrect without conversion
HRESULT hr = XGCopySurface( pTargetImage, mipDesc.RowPitch, mipDesc.Width, mipDesc.Height, mipDesc.Format, &p, pSrcData, srcStride, mipDesc.Format, &r, 0, 0 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitSurfaceBits: failed subrect copy\n" ); } } else { int tileFlags = 0; if ( !( mipDesc.Flags & XGTDESC_PACKED ) ) tileFlags |= XGTILE_NONPACKED; if ( mipDesc.Flags & XGTDESC_BORDERED ) tileFlags |= XGTILE_BORDER;
// tile the temp store back into the target surface
XGTileTextureLevel( baseDesc.Width, baseDesc.Height, info.m_nLevel, XGGetGpuFormat( baseDesc.Format ), tileFlags, pTargetImage, &p, pSrcData, srcStride, &r ); }
if ( pTextureLevel ) { pTextureLevel->UnlockRect(); pTextureLevel->Release(); } } #endif
#if defined( _PS3 )
static void BlitVolumeBits( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { if ( xOffset || yOffset || /*info.m_nZOffset ||*/ srcStride ) { // not supporting any subvolume blitting
// the entire volume per mip must be blitted
Assert( 0 ); return; }
ImageFormat dstFormat = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); if ( dstFormat != info.m_SrcFormat ) { // texture is expected to be in target format
// not supporting conversion
Assert( 0 ); return; }
D3DBOX srcBox; D3DLOCKED_BOX lockedBox; srcBox.Left = xOffset; srcBox.Right = xOffset + info.m_nWidth; srcBox.Top = yOffset; srcBox.Bottom = yOffset + info.m_nHeight; srcBox.Front = 0; srcBox.Back = info.m_nZOffset; // doesn't matter, locking entire texture effectively
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_LOCK_TEXTURE, 6 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); RECORD_STRUCT( &srcRect, sizeof(srcRect) ); RECORD_INT( D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ); #endif
IDirect3DVolumeTexture *pVolumeTexture = static_cast<IDirect3DVolumeTexture*>( info.m_pTexture ); if ( FAILED( pVolumeTexture->LockBox( info.m_nLevel, &lockedBox, &srcBox, D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ) ) ) { Warning( "BlitVolumeBits: couldn't lock volume texture rect\n" ); return; }
// <vitaliy> blast the bits straight into local memory
unsigned char *pImage = (unsigned char *)lockedBox.pBits; size_t numBytes = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, info.m_nZOffset, dstFormat, false ); memcpy( pImage, info.m_pSrcData, numBytes );
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_UNLOCK_TEXTURE, 4 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); #endif
if ( FAILED( pVolumeTexture->UnlockBox( info.m_nLevel ) ) ) { Warning( "BlitVolumeBits: couldn't unlock volume texture rect\n" ); return; } } #endif
// Blit in bits
#if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _PS3 )
static void BlitVolumeBits( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { D3DBOX srcBox; D3DLOCKED_BOX lockedBox; srcBox.Left = xOffset; srcBox.Right = xOffset + info.m_nWidth; srcBox.Top = yOffset; srcBox.Bottom = yOffset + info.m_nHeight; srcBox.Front = info.m_nZOffset; srcBox.Back = info.m_nZOffset + 1;
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_LOCK_TEXTURE, 6 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); RECORD_STRUCT( &srcRect, sizeof(srcRect) ); RECORD_INT( D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ); #endif
IDirect3DVolumeTexture *pVolumeTexture = static_cast<IDirect3DVolumeTexture*>( info.m_pTexture ); if ( FAILED( pVolumeTexture->LockBox( info.m_nLevel, &lockedBox, &srcBox, D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ) ) ) { Warning( "BlitVolumeBits: couldn't lock volume texture rect\n" ); return; }
// garymcthack : need to make a recording command for this.
ImageFormat dstFormat = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); unsigned char *pImage = (unsigned char *)lockedBox.pBits; ShaderUtil()->ConvertImageFormat( info.m_pSrcData, info.m_SrcFormat, pImage, dstFormat, info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, srcStride, lockedBox.RowPitch );
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_UNLOCK_TEXTURE, 4 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); #endif
if ( FAILED( pVolumeTexture->UnlockBox( info.m_nLevel ) ) ) { Warning( "BlitVolumeBits: couldn't unlock volume texture rect\n" ); return; } } #endif
// Puts 3D texture data into 360 gpu memory.
// Does not support any subvolume or slice blitting.
#if defined( _X360 )
static void BlitVolumeBits( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { if ( xOffset || yOffset || info.m_nZOffset || srcStride ) { // not supporting any subvolume blitting
// the entire volume per mip must be blitted
Assert( 0 ); return; }
ImageFormat dstFormat = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); if ( dstFormat != info.m_SrcFormat ) { // texture is expected to be in target format
// not supporting conversion
Assert( 0 ); return; }
// get the top mip level info (needed for proper sub mip access)
XGTEXTURE_DESC baseDesc; XGGetTextureDesc( info.m_pTexture, 0, &baseDesc ); bool bDstIsTiled = XGIsTiledFormat( baseDesc.Format ) == TRUE; if ( info.m_bSrcIsTiled && !bDstIsTiled ) { // not supporting a tiled source into an untiled target
Assert( 0 ); return; }
// get the mip level info
XGTEXTURE_DESC mipDesc; XGGetTextureDesc( info.m_pTexture, info.m_nLevel, &mipDesc ); bool bFullSurfBlit = ( mipDesc.Width == (unsigned int)info.m_nWidth && mipDesc.Height == (unsigned int)info.m_nHeight );
if ( !bFullSurfBlit ) { // not supporting subrect blitting
Assert( 0 ); return; }
D3DLOCKED_BOX lockedBox;
// get the mip level of the volume we want to write into
IDirect3DVolumeTexture *pVolumeTexture = static_cast<IDirect3DVolumeTexture*>( info.m_pTexture ); HRESULT hr = pVolumeTexture->LockBox( info.m_nLevel, &lockedBox, NULL, D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitVolumeBits: Couldn't lock volume box\n" ); return; }
unsigned char *pSrcData = info.m_pSrcData; unsigned char *pTargetImage = (unsigned char *)lockedBox.pBits;
int tileFlags = 0; if ( !( mipDesc.Flags & XGTDESC_PACKED ) ) tileFlags |= XGTILE_NONPACKED; if ( mipDesc.Flags & XGTDESC_BORDERED ) tileFlags |= XGTILE_BORDER;
if ( !info.m_bSrcIsTiled && bDstIsTiled ) { // tile the source directly into the target surface
XGTileVolumeTextureLevel( baseDesc.Width, baseDesc.Height, baseDesc.Depth, info.m_nLevel, XGGetGpuFormat( baseDesc.Format ), tileFlags, pTargetImage, NULL, pSrcData, mipDesc.RowPitch, mipDesc.SlicePitch, NULL ); } else if ( !info.m_bSrcIsTiled && !bDstIsTiled ) { // not implemented yet
Assert( 0 ); } else { // not implemented yet
Assert( 0 ); }
hr = pVolumeTexture->UnlockBox( info.m_nLevel ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Warning( "CShaderAPIDX8::BlitVolumeBits: couldn't unlock volume box\n" ); return; } } #endif
// FIXME: How do I blit from D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM to D3DPOOL_MANAGED? I used to use CopyRects for this. UpdateSurface doesn't work because it can't blit to anything besides D3DPOOL_DEFAULT.
// We use this only in the case where we need to create a < 4x4 miplevel for a compressed texture. We end up creating a 4x4 system memory texture, and blitting it into the proper miplevel.
// 6) LockRects should be used for copying between SYSTEMMEM and
// MANAGED. For such a small copy, you'd avoid a significant
// amount of overhead from the old CopyRects code. Ideally, you
// should just lock the bottom of MANAGED and generate your
// sub-4x4 data there.
static void BlitTextureBits( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { #ifdef RECORD_TEXTURES
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_BLIT_TEXTURE_BITS, 14 ); RECORD_INT( info.m_TextureHandle ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nCopy ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nLevel ); RECORD_INT( info.m_CubeFaceID ); RECORD_INT( xOffset ); RECORD_INT( yOffset ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nZOffset ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nWidth ); RECORD_INT( info.m_nHeight ); RECORD_INT( info.m_SrcFormat ); RECORD_INT( srcStride ); RECORD_INT( GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ) ); // strides are in bytes.
int srcDataSize; if ( srcStride == 0 ) { srcDataSize = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( info.m_nWidth, info.m_nHeight, 1, info.m_SrcFormat, false ); } else { srcDataSize = srcStride * info.m_nHeight; } RECORD_INT( srcDataSize ); RECORD_STRUCT( info.m_pSrcData, srcDataSize ); #endif // RECORD_TEXTURES
if ( !IsVolumeTexture( info.m_pTexture ) ) { Assert( info.m_nZOffset == 0 ); BlitSurfaceBits( info, xOffset, yOffset, srcStride ); } else { BlitVolumeBits( info, xOffset, yOffset, srcStride ); } }
// Texture image upload
void LoadTexture( TextureLoadInfo_t &info ) { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT();
Assert( info.m_pSrcData ); Assert( info.m_pTexture );
#ifdef _DEBUG
ImageFormat format = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); Assert( (format != -1) && (format == ImageLoader::D3DFormatToImageFormat( FindNearestSupportedFormat( format, false, false, false )) ) ); #endif
// Copy in the bits...
BlitTextureBits( info, 0, 0, 0 ); }
// Upload to a sub-piece of a texture
void LoadSubTexture( TextureLoadInfo_t &info, int xOffset, int yOffset, int srcStride ) { Assert( info.m_pSrcData ); Assert( info.m_pTexture );
#if defined( _X360 )
// xboxissue - not supporting subrect swizzling
Assert( !info.m_bSrcIsTiled ); #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
ImageFormat format = GetImageFormat( info.m_pTexture ); Assert( (format == ImageLoader::D3DFormatToImageFormat( FindNearestSupportedFormat(format, false, false, false )) ) && (format != -1) ); #endif
// Copy in the bits...
BlitTextureBits( info, xOffset, yOffset, srcStride ); }
// Returns the size of texture memory, in MB
// Helps with startup time.. we don't use the texture memory size for anything anyways
int ComputeTextureMemorySize( const GUID &nDeviceGUID, D3DDEVTYPE deviceType ) { #if !defined( _X360 )
FileHandle_t file = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( "vidcfg.bin", "rb", "EXECUTABLE_PATH" ); if ( file ) { GUID deviceId; int texSize; g_pFullFileSystem->Read( &deviceId, sizeof(deviceId), file ); g_pFullFileSystem->Read( &texSize, sizeof(texSize), file ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( file ); if ( nDeviceGUID == deviceId ) { return texSize; } } // How much texture memory?
if (deviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF) return 64 * 1024 * 1024;
// Sadly, the only way to compute texture memory size
// is to allocate a crapload of textures until we can't any more
ImageFormat fmt = ImageLoader::D3DFormatToImageFormat( FindNearestSupportedFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565, false, false, false ) ); int textureSize = ShaderUtil()->GetMemRequired( 256, 256, 1, fmt, false );
int totalSize = 0; CUtlVector< IDirect3DBaseTexture* > textures;
while (true) { RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_CREATE_TEXTURE, 7 ); RECORD_INT( textures.Count() ); RECORD_INT( 256 ); RECORD_INT( 256 ); RECORD_INT( ImageLoader::ImageFormatToD3DFormat(fmt) ); RECORD_INT( 1 ); RECORD_INT( false ); RECORD_INT( 1 );
IDirect3DBaseTexture* pTex = CreateD3DTexture( 256, 256, 1, fmt, 1, 0 ); if (!pTex) break; totalSize += textureSize;
textures.AddToTail( pTex ); }
// Free all the temp textures
for (int i = textures.Size(); --i >= 0; ) { RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_DESTROY_TEXTURE, 1 ); RECORD_INT( i );
DestroyD3DTexture( textures[i] ); } #else
totalSize = 102236160; #endif
file = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( "vidcfg.bin", "wb", "EXECUTABLE_PATH" ); if ( file ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Write( &nDeviceGUID, sizeof(GUID), file ); g_pFullFileSystem->Write( &totalSize, sizeof(totalSize), file ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( file ); }
return totalSize; #else
return 0; #endif