Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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55 lines
856 B

  1. @echo off
  2. set x360_args=
  3. set ps3_args=
  4. if not exist %2.txt goto error1
  5. if /i "%1" == "-x360" goto set_x360_args
  6. if /i "%1" == "-ps3" goto set_ps3_args
  7. echo.
  8. echo No valid platform specified for first argument; specify either -ps3 or -x360
  9. echo.
  10. goto usage
  11. :set_x360_args
  12. set x360_args=-x360
  13. set SHADERINCPATH=vshtmp9_360/... fxctmp9_360/...
  14. goto build_incs
  15. :set_ps3_args
  16. set ps3_args=-ps3
  17. set SHADERINCPATH=vshtmp9_ps3/... fxctmp9_ps3/...
  18. goto build_incs
  19. :build_incs
  20. %1 -source ..\.. %2
  21. nmake makefile.%2
  22. inclist.txt %1
  23. set SHADERINCPATH=vshtmp9/... fxctmp9/...
  24. inclist.txt "Shader Auto Checkout INC" . %SHADERINCPATH%
  25. goto end
  26. :error1
  27. echo.
  28. echo File %2.txt does not exist
  29. echo.
  30. goto usage
  31. :usage
  32. echo.
  33. echo "Usage: buildincs.bat [-x360|-ps3] [shader list]"
  34. echo .
  35. goto end
  36. :end