//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====
// Dme Asset
// Valve includes
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmeasset.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// DmeRelatedAsset
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeRelatedAsset, CDmeRelatedAsset );
void CDmeRelatedAsset::OnConstruction() { m_sPath.Init( this, "path" ); m_bIncludeModel.Init( this, "includeModel" ); m_sNotes.Init( this, "notes" ); m_bUseSkeleton.Init( this, "useSkeleton" ); m_bAlwaysIncludeAttachments.Init( this, "alwaysIncludeAttachments" ); m_eAssembleCmds.Init( this, "assembleCmds" ); }
void CDmeRelatedAsset::OnDestruction() { }
// DmeAssetRoot
void CDmeAssetRoot::OnConstruction() { m_sMdlPath.Init( this, "mdlPath" ); m_sSurfaceProperty.Init( this, "surfaceProperty" ); m_ePostAssembleCmds.Init( this, "postAssembleCmds" ); m_eRelatedAssets.Init( this, "relatedAssets" ); m_sNameAtCreationTime.Init( this, "nameAtCreationTime" ); m_sNotes.Init( this, "notes" ); m_bAmbientBoost.Init( this, "ambientBoost" ); m_bCastTextureShadows.Init( this, "castTextureShadows" ); m_bDoNotCastShadows.Init( this, "doNotCastShadows" ); m_sDynamicLightingOrigin.Init( this, "dynamicLightingOrigin" ); m_nOpacity.Init( this, "opacity" ); m_bNoForcedFade.Init( this, "noForcedFace" ); m_bSubdivisionSurface.Init( this, "subdivisionSurface" ); m_sContentsDescription.Init( this, "contentsDescription" ); }
void CDmeAssetRoot::OnDestruction() { }