//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====
// Animation commands
// Valve includes
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemodel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmedrawsettings.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmeanimcmd.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmebodygroup.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmebodygrouplist.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmelodlist.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmematsysroot.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmesequence.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmesequencelist.h"
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// CDmeMatSysSettings
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeMatSysPanelSettings, CDmeMatSysPanelSettings );
void CDmeMatSysPanelSettings::OnConstruction() { m_cBackgroundColor.InitAndSet( this, "backgroundColor", Color( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f ) ); m_cAmbientColor.InitAndSet( this, "ambientColor", Color( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f ) ); m_bDrawGroundPlane.InitAndSet( this, "drawGroundPlane", true ); m_bDrawOriginAxis.InitAndSet( this, "drawOriginAxis", true ); }
void CDmeMatSysPanelSettings::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeMatSysSettings
void CDmeMatSysRoot::OnConstruction() { m_Settings.InitAndCreate( this, "settings" ); }
void CDmeMatSysRoot::OnDestruction() { }
// IDmeMatSysModel
int IDmeMatSysModel::SelectSequence( const char *pszSequenceName ) { Assert( 0 ); return -1; }
void IDmeMatSysModel::SetTime( DmeTime_t dmeTime ) { Assert( 0 ); return; }
void IDmeMatSysModel::SetFrame( float flFrame ) { Assert( 0 ); return; }
// CDmeMatSysMDLDag
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::OnConstruction() { CDmeMDL *pDmeMDL = CreateElement< CDmeMDL >( CUtlString( GetName() ) + "Shape", GetFileId() ); if ( pDmeMDL ) { pDmeMDL->DrawInEngine( true ); SetShape( pDmeMDL ); } }
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::OnDestruction() { }
studiohdr_t *CDmeMatSysMDLDag::GetStudioHdr() const { CDmeMDL *pDmeMDL = GetDmeMDL(); if ( !pDmeMDL ) return NULL;
const MDLHandle_t hMDL = pDmeMDL->GetMDL(); if ( hMDL == MDLHANDLE_INVALID || g_pMDLCache->IsErrorModel( hMDL ) ) return NULL;
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( hMDL ); }
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::GetSequenceList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pOutList ) { if ( !pOutList ) return;
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) return; for ( int j = 0; j < pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq(); ++j ) { if ( !( pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( j ).flags & STUDIO_HIDDEN ) ) { const char *pszSequenceName = pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc(j).pszLabel(); if ( pszSequenceName && pszSequenceName[0] ) { pOutList->AddToTail( pszSequenceName ); } } } }
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::GetActivityList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pOutList ) { pOutList->RemoveAll();
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) return; CUtlDict<int, unsigned short> activityNames( true, 0, pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq() );
for ( int j = 0; j < pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq(); ++j ) { if ( !( pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( j ).flags & STUDIO_HIDDEN ) ) { const char *pszActivityName = pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( j ).pszActivityName(); if ( pszActivityName && pszActivityName[0] ) { // Multiple sequences can have the same activity name; only add unique activity names
if ( activityNames.Find( pszActivityName ) == activityNames.InvalidIndex() ) { pOutList->AddToTail( pszActivityName ); activityNames.Insert( pszActivityName, j ); } } } } }
int CDmeMatSysMDLDag::SelectSequence( const char *pszSequenceName ) { if ( !pszSequenceName || !pszSequenceName[0] ) return -1;
CDmeMDL *pDmeMdl = GetDmeMDL();
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) return -1;
pDmeMdl->m_nSequence = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq(); ++i ) { mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( i ); if ( !Q_stricmp( seqdesc.pszLabel(), pszSequenceName ) ) { pDmeMdl->m_nSequence = i; break; } }
if ( pDmeMdl->m_nSequence < 0 ) { pDmeMdl->m_nSequence = 0; return -1; }
CStudioHdr cStudioHdr( pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache );
float flPoseParameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM]; Studio_CalcDefaultPoseParameters( &cStudioHdr, flPoseParameter, MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM );
int nFrameCount = Studio_MaxFrame( &cStudioHdr, pDmeMdl->m_nSequence, flPoseParameter ); if ( nFrameCount == 0 ) { nFrameCount = 1; }
return nFrameCount; }
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::SetTime( DmeTime_t dmeTime ) { CDmeMDL *pDmeMDL = GetDmeMDL(); if ( !pDmeMDL ) return;
pDmeMDL->m_flTime = dmeTime.GetSeconds(); }
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::SetFrame( float flFrame ) { CDmeMDL *pDmeMDL = GetDmeMDL(); if ( !pDmeMDL ) return;
pDmeMDL->m_flTime = flFrame / pDmeMDL->m_flPlaybackRate; }
void CDmeMatSysMDLDag::SetMDL( MDLHandle_t hMDL ) { CDmeMDL *pDmeMDL = GetDmeMDL(); if ( !pDmeMDL ) return;
pDmeMDL->SetMDL( hMDL ); }
MDLHandle_t CDmeMatSysMDLDag::GetMDL() const { CDmeMDL *pDmeMDL = GetDmeMDL(); if ( !pDmeMDL ) return MDLHANDLE_INVALID;
return pDmeMDL->GetMDL(); }
CDmeMDL *CDmeMatSysMDLDag::GetDmeMDL() const { return CastElement< CDmeMDL >( m_Shape ); }
// CDmeMatSysDMXDag
void CDmeMatSysDMXDag::OnConstruction() { m_eDmxRoot.InitAndSet( this, "dmxRoot", DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ); m_hDmxModel = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID; }
void CDmeMatSysDMXDag::OnDestruction() { }
void CDmeMatSysDMXDag::Draw( CDmeDrawSettings *pDrawSettings /* = NULL */ ) { if ( !m_Visible ) return;
// This is meant to be called from mixed rendering environment and
// DmeMesh windings are backwards relative to MDL windings
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW );
BaseClass::Draw( pDrawSettings );
pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW ); }
void CDmeMatSysDMXDag::GetSequenceList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pOutList ) { // TODO: Look for sequences in the DMX file
Assert( 0 ); pOutList->RemoveAll(); }
void CDmeMatSysDMXDag::GetActivityList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pOutList ) { // DMX Model files don't have any activities
pOutList->RemoveAll(); }
void CDmeMatSysDMXDag::SetDmxRoot( CDmElement *pDmxRoot ) { m_eDmxRoot.Set( pDmxRoot );
// Remove old DmeModel child
if ( m_hDmxModel != DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ) { for ( int i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); ++i ) { CDmeDag *pDmeDag = GetChild( i ); if ( !pDmeDag ) continue;
if ( pDmeDag->GetHandle() == m_hDmxModel ) { RemoveChild( i ); break; } } }
matrix3x4_t mIdentity; SetIdentityMatrix( mIdentity ); GetTransform()->SetTransform( mIdentity );
if ( pDmxRoot ) { CDmeModel *pDmeModel = pDmxRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeModel >( "model" ); if ( pDmeModel ) { if ( !pDmeModel->IsZUp() ) { GetTransform()->SetTransform( matrix3x4_t( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); }
m_hDmxModel = pDmeModel->GetHandle();
AddChild( pDmeModel ); } } }
// CDmeMatSysMPPDag
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::OnConstruction() { m_eMppRoot.InitAndSet( this, "mppRoot", DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ); m_hDmeBodyGroupList = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID; m_hDmeSequenceList = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID; }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::OnDestruction() { }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::Draw( CDmeDrawSettings *pDrawSettings /* = NULL */ ) { if ( !m_Visible ) return;
// This is meant to be called from mixed rendering environment and
// DmeMesh windings are backwards relative to MDL windings
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW );
BaseClass::Draw( pDrawSettings );
pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW ); }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::GetSequenceList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pOutList ) { pOutList->RemoveAll();
if ( !m_eMppRoot ) return;
CDmeSequenceList *pDmeSequenceList = m_eMppRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeSequenceList >( "sequenceList" ); if ( !pDmeSequenceList ) return;
CUtlVector< CDmeSequenceBase * > sortedSequenceList; pDmeSequenceList->GetSortedSequenceList( sortedSequenceList );
for ( int i = 0; i < sortedSequenceList.Count(); ++i ) { pOutList->AddToTail( sortedSequenceList[i]->GetName() ); } }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::GetActivityList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pOutList ) { pOutList->RemoveAll();
if ( !m_eMppRoot ) return;
CDmeSequenceList *pDmeSequenceList = m_eMppRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeSequenceList >( "sequenceList" ); if ( !pDmeSequenceList ) return;
CUtlVector< CDmeSequenceBase * > sortedSequenceList; pDmeSequenceList->GetSortedSequenceList( sortedSequenceList );
CUtlDict<int, unsigned short> activityNames( true, 0, sortedSequenceList.Count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < sortedSequenceList.Count(); ++i ) { const char *pszActivityName = sortedSequenceList[i]->m_eActivity->GetName(); if ( pszActivityName && pszActivityName[0] ) { // Multiple sequences can have the same activity name; only add unique activity names
if ( activityNames.Find( pszActivityName ) == activityNames.InvalidIndex() ) { pOutList->AddToTail( pszActivityName ); activityNames.Insert( pszActivityName, i ); } } } }
CUtlString UniqueIdToString( const UniqueId_t &uniqueId ) { char buf[64]; UniqueIdToString( uniqueId, buf, ARRAYSIZE( buf ) ); return CUtlString( buf ); }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::SetMppRoot( CDmElement *pMppRoot ) { m_eMppRoot.Set( pMppRoot );
matrix3x4_t mIdentity; SetIdentityMatrix( mIdentity ); GetTransform()->SetTransform( mIdentity );
if ( pMppRoot ) { CDmeBodyGroupList *pDmeBodyGroupList = pMppRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeBodyGroupList >( "bodyGroupList" ); if ( pDmeBodyGroupList ) { m_hDmeBodyGroupList = pDmeBodyGroupList->GetHandle(); }
CDmeSequenceList *pDmeSequenceList = pMppRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeSequenceList >( "sequenceList" ); if ( pDmeSequenceList ) { m_hDmeSequenceList = pDmeSequenceList->GetHandle(); }
bool bZUp = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < pDmeBodyGroupList->m_BodyGroups.Count(); ++i ) { CDmeBodyGroup *pDmeBodyGroup = pDmeBodyGroupList->m_BodyGroups[i]; if ( !pDmeBodyGroup ) continue;
CDmeDag *pDmeBodyGroupDag = CreateElement< CDmeDag >( pDmeBodyGroup->GetName(), pDmeBodyGroup->GetFileId() ); AddChild( pDmeBodyGroupDag ); m_hChildren.AddToTail( pDmeBodyGroupDag->GetHandle() );
for ( int j = 0; j < pDmeBodyGroup->m_BodyParts.Count(); ++j ) { CDmeBodyPart *pDmeBodyPart = pDmeBodyGroup->m_BodyParts[j]; if ( !pDmeBodyPart ) continue;
CDmeLODList *pDmeLODList = CastElement< CDmeLODList >( pDmeBodyPart ); if ( !pDmeLODList ) continue;
for ( int k = 0; k < pDmeLODList->m_LODs.Count(); ++k ) { CDmeLOD *pDmeLOD = pDmeLODList->m_LODs[k]; if ( !pDmeLOD ) continue;
CDmeModel *pDmeModel = pDmeLOD->m_Model; if ( !pDmeModel ) continue;
pDmeBodyGroupDag->AddChild( pDmeModel );
if ( !pDmeModel->IsZUp() ) bZUp = false; } } }
if ( !bZUp ) { GetTransform()->SetTransform( matrix3x4_t( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); } } }
int CDmeMatSysMPPDag::SelectSequence( const char *pszSequenceName ) { m_hDmeSequence = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID; m_dmeOperatorList.RemoveAll();
if ( !pszSequenceName || !pszSequenceName[0] ) return -1;
if ( !m_eMppRoot ) return -1;
CDmeSequenceList *pDmeSequenceList = m_eMppRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeSequenceList >( "sequenceList" ); if ( !pDmeSequenceList ) return -1;
CUtlVector< CDmeSequenceBase * > sortedSequenceList; for ( int i = 0; i < pDmeSequenceList->m_Sequences.Count(); ++i ) { CDmeSequenceBase *pDmeSequenceBase = pDmeSequenceList->m_Sequences[i]; if ( pDmeSequenceBase && !Q_stricmp( pszSequenceName, pDmeSequenceBase->GetName() ) ) { CDmeSequence *pDmeSequence = CastElement< CDmeSequence >( pDmeSequenceBase ); if ( !pDmeSequence ) continue;
m_hDmeSequence = pDmeSequence->GetHandle(); pDmeSequence->PrepareChannels( m_dmeOperatorList );
return pDmeSequence->GetFrameCount(); } }
return -1; }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::SetTime( DmeTime_t dmeTime ) { CDmeSequence *pDmeSequence = CastElement< CDmeSequence >( g_pDataModel->GetElement( m_hDmeSequence ) ); if ( !pDmeSequence ) return;
pDmeSequence->UpdateChannels( m_dmeOperatorList, dmeTime );
CUtlStack< CDmeDag * > depthFirstStack; depthFirstStack.Push( this );
while ( depthFirstStack.Count() > 0 ) { CDmeDag *pDmeDag = NULL; depthFirstStack.Pop( pDmeDag ); if ( !pDmeDag ) continue;
for ( int i = pDmeDag->GetChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { depthFirstStack.Push( pDmeDag->GetChild( i ) ); }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pDmeDag->GetName(), "root" ) ) { CDmeTransform *pDmeTransform = pDmeDag->GetTransform(); if ( !pDmeTransform ) continue; } } }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::SetFrame( float flFrame ) { // TODO: Handle a frame rate, Assume 30 fps :(
SetTime( DmeTime_t( flFrame / 30.0f ) ); }
void CDmeMatSysMPPDag::RemoveNullAndImplicitChildren() { // Clean up all automatically added children
CUtlStack< int > childRemoveStack; for ( int i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); ++i ) { CDmeDag *pDmeDag = GetChild( i ); if ( pDmeDag ) { for ( int j = 0; j < m_hChildren.Count(); ++j ) { if ( pDmeDag->GetHandle() == m_hChildren[j] ) { childRemoveStack.Push( i ); } } } else { // Remove NULL Children
childRemoveStack.Push( i ); } }
for ( int i = 0; i < childRemoveStack.Count(); ++i ) { RemoveChild( childRemoveStack.Top() ); childRemoveStack.Pop(); }
m_hChildren.RemoveAll(); }