//========= Copyright � Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "resourcefile/resourcestream.h"
#include "mathlib/aabb.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "rubikon/serializehelpers.h"
#include "rubikon/constants.h"
#include "tier1/checksum_crc.h"
#include "mathlib/transform.h"
// Sphere serialization
schema struct RnSphere_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnSphere_t );
AABB_t GetBbox() const; AABB_t GetBbox( const CTransform& xform ) const;
int GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts = NULL ) const; void GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices ) const; void GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, int nSides, int nSlices ) const; float GetVolume() const; Vector ComputeOrthographicAreas() const;
Vector m_vCenter; float32 m_flRadius; };
inline RnSphere_t operator*( const RnSphere_t& sphere, float flScale ) { RnSphere_t out; out.m_vCenter = sphere.m_vCenter * flScale; out.m_flRadius = sphere.m_flRadius * flScale;
return out; }
inline RnSphere_t operator*( float flScale, const RnSphere_t& sphere ) { RnSphere_t out; out.m_vCenter = sphere.m_vCenter * flScale; out.m_flRadius = sphere.m_flRadius * flScale;
return out; }
// Capsule serialization
schema struct RnCapsule_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnCapsule_t );
AABB_t GetBbox() const; AABB_t GetBbox( const CTransform& xform ) const;
int GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts = NULL ) const; void GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices ) const; void GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, int nSides, int nSlices ) const; float GetVolume() const; Vector ComputeOrthographicAreas() const;
Vector m_vCenter[ 2 ]; float32 m_flRadius; };
inline RnCapsule_t operator*( const RnCapsule_t& capsule, float flScale ) { RnCapsule_t out; out.m_vCenter[ 0 ] = capsule.m_vCenter[ 0 ] * flScale; out.m_vCenter[ 1 ] = capsule.m_vCenter[ 1 ] * flScale; out.m_flRadius = capsule.m_flRadius * flScale;
return out; }
inline RnCapsule_t operator*( float flScale, const RnCapsule_t& capsule ) { RnCapsule_t out; out.m_vCenter[ 0 ] = capsule.m_vCenter[ 0 ] * flScale; out.m_vCenter[ 1 ] = capsule.m_vCenter[ 1 ] * flScale; out.m_flRadius = capsule.m_flRadius * flScale;
return out; }
// Ray
struct RnRay_t { RnRay_t( void ) { }
RnRay_t( const Vector& vStart, const Vector& vEnd ) { vOrigin = vStart; vDelta = vEnd - vStart;
// Pre-compute inverse
vDeltaInv.x = vDelta.x != 0.0f ? 1.0f / vDelta.x : FLT_MAX; vDeltaInv.y = vDelta.y != 0.0f ? 1.0f / vDelta.y : FLT_MAX; vDeltaInv.z = vDelta.z != 0.0f ? 1.0f / vDelta.z : FLT_MAX; }
VectorAligned vOrigin; VectorAligned vDelta; VectorAligned vDeltaInv; };
// Hull serialization
schema struct RnPlane_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnPlane_t );
Vector m_vNormal; // The plane normal
float32 m_flOffset; // The plane offset such that P: n*x - d = 0
// Construction
FORCEINLINE RnPlane_t( void ) { } FORCEINLINE RnPlane_t( const Vector& n, float d ) { m_vNormal = n; m_flOffset = d; } FORCEINLINE RnPlane_t( const Vector& n, const Vector& p ) { m_vNormal = n; m_flOffset = DotProduct( n, p ); } // Utilities
FORCEINLINE float Distance( const Vector &vPoint ) const { return DotProduct( m_vNormal, vPoint ) - m_flOffset; } FORCEINLINE bool IsValid( void ) const { return m_vNormal != vec3_origin; }
FORCEINLINE bool operator == ( const RnPlane_t &other )const { return m_vNormal == other.m_vNormal && m_flOffset == other.m_flOffset; } };
schema struct RnHalfEdge_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnHalfEdge_t );
uint8 m_nNext; // Next edge index in CCW circular list around face
uint8 m_nTwin; // Twin edge
uint8 m_nOrigin; // Origin vertex index of edge
uint8 m_nFace; // Face index
schema struct RnFace_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnFace_t );
uint8 m_nEdge; // Start edge index for CCW circular list around face
schema struct RnHull_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnHull_t );
Vector m_vCentroid; // Hull centroid
float m_flMaxAngularRadius; // Angular radius for CCD
CResourceArray< Vector > m_Vertices; // Hull vertices (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...)
CResourceArray< RnPlane_t > m_Planes; // Hull face planes with outward pointing normals (n1, -d1, n2, -d2, ...)
CResourceArray< RnHalfEdge_t > m_Edges; // Hull half edges order such that each edge e is followed by its twin e' (e1, e1', e2, e2', ...)
CResourceArray< RnFace_t > m_Faces; // Hull faces
Vector m_vOrthographicAreas; // fraction 0..1 of coverage along YZ,ZX,XY sides of AABB
matrix3x4_t m_MassProperties; // inertia tensor (in 3x3 part, always PSD) and center of mass (translation)
float m_flVolume; float m_flMaxMotionRadius; float m_flMinMotionThickness; AABB_t m_Bounds;
FORCEINLINE int GetVertexCount( void ) const { return m_Vertices.Count(); } FORCEINLINE const Vector GetVertex( int nVertex ) const { return m_Vertices[ nVertex ]; } FORCEINLINE int GetPlaneCount( void ) const { return m_Planes.Count(); } FORCEINLINE const RnPlane_t& GetPlane( int nFace ) const { return m_Planes[ nFace ]; } FORCEINLINE const Vector& GetPlaneNormal( int nFace ) const { return m_Planes[ nFace ].m_vNormal; } FORCEINLINE int GetEdgeCount( void ) const { return m_Edges.Count(); } FORCEINLINE const RnHalfEdge_t* GetEdge( int nEdge ) const { return &m_Edges[ nEdge ]; } FORCEINLINE int GetFaceCount( void ) const { return m_Faces.Count(); } FORCEINLINE const RnFace_t* GetFace( int nFace ) const { return &m_Faces[ nFace ]; } FORCEINLINE const Vector ComputeFaceCentroid( int nFace )const; int GetMemory( void ) const;
void Transform( const matrix3x4_t& transform ); AABB_t GetBbox( void ) const; AABB_t GetBbox( const CTransform& xform ) const;
int GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts = NULL ) const; void GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, float flScale = 1.0f ) const; float GetVolume( void ) const; FORCEINLINE const Vector &GetCentroid( )const { return m_vCentroid; }
uintp GetRuntimeSize( void ) const; void Validate( void ) const; };
inline void ShallowCopy( RnHull_t &dest, const RnHull_t &source ) { V_memcpy( &dest, &source, sizeof( RnHull_t ) ); dest.m_Vertices = source.m_Vertices; dest.m_Planes = source.m_Planes; dest.m_Edges = source.m_Edges; dest.m_Faces = source.m_Faces; }
// Helpers (for stack allocation)
inline RnHalfEdge_t MakeEdge( uint8 nNext, uint8 nTwin, uint8 nOrigin, uint8 nFace ) { RnHalfEdge_t e; e.m_nNext = nNext; e.m_nTwin = nTwin; e.m_nOrigin = nOrigin; e.m_nFace = nFace;
return e; }
struct RnHullTriangle_t : public RnHull_t { void Init( const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2, const Vector& v3 ) { // Centroid
m_vCentroid = ( v1 + v2 + v3 ) / 3.0f;
// Vertices
Vector TriangleVertices; m_TriangleVertices[ 0 ] = v1; m_TriangleVertices[ 1 ] = v2; m_TriangleVertices[ 2 ] = v3; m_Vertices.WriteDirect( 3, m_TriangleVertices );
// Planes
Vector n = CrossProduct( v2 - v1, v3 - v1 ); VectorNormalize( n );
m_TrianglePlanes[ 0 ] = RnPlane_t( n, v1 ); m_TrianglePlanes[ 1 ] = RnPlane_t( -n, v1 ); m_Planes.WriteDirect( 2, m_TrianglePlanes );
// Edges (remember that each edge *must* be followed by its twin!)
m_TriangleEdges[ 0 ] = MakeEdge( 2, 1, 0, 0 ); // Face 0 - Edge 0
m_TriangleEdges[ 1 ] = MakeEdge( 5, 0, 1, 1 ); // Face 1 - Edge 0
m_TriangleEdges[ 2 ] = MakeEdge( 4, 3, 1, 0 ); // Face 0 - Edge 1
m_TriangleEdges[ 3 ] = MakeEdge( 1, 2, 2, 1 ); // Face 1 - Edge 1
m_TriangleEdges[ 4 ] = MakeEdge( 0, 5, 2, 0 ); // Face 0 - Edge 2
m_TriangleEdges[ 5 ] = MakeEdge( 3, 4, 0, 1 ); // Face 1 - Edge 2
m_Edges.WriteDirect( 6, m_TriangleEdges );
// Faces
m_TriangleFaces[ 0 ].m_nEdge = 0; m_TriangleFaces[ 1 ].m_nEdge = 1; m_Faces.WriteDirect( 2, m_TriangleFaces );
// Bounds
m_Bounds.m_vMinBounds = VectorMin( v1, VectorMin( v2, v3 ) ); m_Bounds.m_vMaxBounds = VectorMax( v1, VectorMax( v2, v3 ) ); }
Vector m_TriangleVertices[ 3 ]; RnPlane_t m_TrianglePlanes[ 2 ]; RnHalfEdge_t m_TriangleEdges[ 6 ]; RnFace_t m_TriangleFaces[ 2 ]; };
struct RnHullBox_t : public RnHull_t { void Init( const Vector& vMin, const Vector& vMax ) { // Centroid
m_vCentroid = 0.5f * ( vMin + vMax );
// Vertices
Vector vExtent = vMax - m_vCentroid; float ex = vExtent.x; float ey = vExtent.y; float ez = vExtent.z;
m_BoxVertices[ 0 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( ex, ey, ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 1 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( -ex, ey, ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 2 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( -ex, -ey, ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 3 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( ex, -ey, ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 4 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( ex, ey, -ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 5 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( -ex, ey, -ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 6 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( -ex, -ey, -ez ); m_BoxVertices[ 7 ] = m_vCentroid + Vector( ex, -ey, -ez ); m_Vertices.WriteDirect( 8, m_BoxVertices );
// Planes
Vector vAxisX( 1, 0, 0 ); Vector vAxisY( 0, 1, 0 ); Vector vAxisZ( 0, 0, 1 ); m_BoxPlanes[ 0 ] = RnPlane_t( -vAxisX, vMin ); m_BoxPlanes[ 1 ] = RnPlane_t( vAxisX, vMax ); m_BoxPlanes[ 2 ] = RnPlane_t( -vAxisY, vMin ); m_BoxPlanes[ 3 ] = RnPlane_t( vAxisY, vMax ); m_BoxPlanes[ 4 ] = RnPlane_t( -vAxisZ, vMin ); m_BoxPlanes[ 5 ] = RnPlane_t( vAxisZ, vMax ); m_Planes.WriteDirect( 6, m_BoxPlanes );
// Edges (remember that each edge *must* be followed by its twin!)
m_BoxEdges[ 0 ] = MakeEdge( 2, 1, 2, 0 ); m_BoxEdges[ 1 ] = MakeEdge( 17, 0, 1, 5 ); m_BoxEdges[ 2 ] = MakeEdge( 4, 3, 1, 0 ); m_BoxEdges[ 3 ] = MakeEdge( 20, 2, 5, 3 ); m_BoxEdges[ 4 ] = MakeEdge( 6, 5, 5, 0 ); m_BoxEdges[ 5 ] = MakeEdge( 23, 4, 6, 4 ); m_BoxEdges[ 6 ] = MakeEdge( 0, 7, 6, 0 ); m_BoxEdges[ 7 ] = MakeEdge( 18, 6, 2, 2 ); m_BoxEdges[ 8 ] = MakeEdge( 10, 9, 0, 1 ); m_BoxEdges[ 9 ] = MakeEdge( 21, 8, 3, 5 ); m_BoxEdges[ 10 ] = MakeEdge( 12, 11, 3, 1 ); m_BoxEdges[ 11 ] = MakeEdge( 16, 10, 7, 2 ); m_BoxEdges[ 12 ] = MakeEdge( 14, 13, 7, 1 ); m_BoxEdges[ 13 ] = MakeEdge( 19, 12, 4, 4 ); m_BoxEdges[ 14 ] = MakeEdge( 8, 15, 4, 1 ); m_BoxEdges[ 15 ] = MakeEdge( 22, 14, 0, 3 ); m_BoxEdges[ 16 ] = MakeEdge( 7, 17, 3, 2 ); m_BoxEdges[ 17 ] = MakeEdge( 9, 16, 2, 5 ); m_BoxEdges[ 18 ] = MakeEdge( 11, 19, 6, 2 ); m_BoxEdges[ 19 ] = MakeEdge( 5, 18, 7, 4 ); m_BoxEdges[ 20 ] = MakeEdge( 15, 21, 1, 3 ); m_BoxEdges[ 21 ] = MakeEdge( 1, 20, 0, 5 ); m_BoxEdges[ 22 ] = MakeEdge( 3, 23, 4, 3 ); m_BoxEdges[ 23 ] = MakeEdge( 13, 22, 5, 4 ); m_Edges.WriteDirect( 24, m_BoxEdges );
// Faces
m_BoxFaces[ 0 ].m_nEdge = 0; m_BoxFaces[ 1 ].m_nEdge = 8; m_BoxFaces[ 2 ].m_nEdge = 16; m_BoxFaces[ 3 ].m_nEdge = 20; m_BoxFaces[ 4 ].m_nEdge = 19; m_BoxFaces[ 5 ].m_nEdge = 21; m_Faces.WriteDirect( 6, m_BoxFaces );
// Bounds
m_Bounds.m_vMinBounds = vMin; m_Bounds.m_vMaxBounds = vMax; }
Vector m_BoxVertices[ 8 ]; RnPlane_t m_BoxPlanes[ 6 ]; RnHalfEdge_t m_BoxEdges[ 24 ]; RnFace_t m_BoxFaces[ 6 ]; };
// Mesh serialization
#define RN_TYPE_SPLIT_X 0
#define RN_TYPE_SPLIT_Y 1
#define RN_TYPE_SPLIT_Z 2
#define RN_TYPE_LEAF 3
schema struct RnTriangle_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnTriangle_t );
int32 m_nIndex[ 3 ]; };
// TODO: this wants to be ALIGN32, but it's currently stored in CUtlVector and CResourceArray, which do not support this.
schema struct ALIGN16 RnNode_t // node needs to not stride over cache line boundary and min/max vectors need to be aligned for easy SIMD loading
Vector m_vMin; // The node AABB
uint32 m_nChildren; // The 2nd child offset and the node type/split axis
Vector m_vMax; // The node AABB
uint32 m_nTriangleOffset; // If leaf node this is the offset into the associated triangle array
// Traversal
FORCEINLINE bool IsLeaf( void ) const { return GetType() == RN_TYPE_LEAF; } FORCEINLINE RnNode_t* GetLeftChild( void ) { return this + 1; } FORCEINLINE const RnNode_t* GetLeftChild( void ) const { return this + 1; } FORCEINLINE RnNode_t* GetRightChild( void ) { return this + GetChildOffset(); } FORCEINLINE const RnNode_t* GetRightChild( void ) const { return this + GetChildOffset(); } FORCEINLINE uint GetAxis( void ) const { AssertDbg( !IsLeaf() ); return m_nChildren >> 30; } FORCEINLINE uint GetChildOffset( void) const { AssertDbg( !IsLeaf() ); return m_nChildren & 0x3FFFFFFF; } FORCEINLINE uint GetType( void ) const { return m_nChildren >> 30; } FORCEINLINE uint GetTriangleCount( void ) const { AssertDbg( IsLeaf() ); return m_nChildren & 0x3FFFFFFF; } FORCEINLINE uint GetTriangleOffset( void ) const { AssertDbg( IsLeaf() ); return m_nTriangleOffset; } FORCEINLINE void SetTriangleOffset( uint32 nTriangleOffset ) { AssertDbg( IsLeaf( ) ); m_nTriangleOffset = nTriangleOffset; }
// Construction
void SetLeaf( uint nOffset, uint nCount ) { m_nTriangleOffset = nOffset; m_nChildren = ( RN_TYPE_LEAF << 30 ) | nCount; }
void SetNode( uint nAxis, uint nChildOffset ) { AssertDbg( nAxis < 3 ); m_nChildren = ( nAxis << 30 ) | nChildOffset; }
// Statistics
int GetHeight( void ) const;
schema struct RnMesh_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnMesh_t );
Vector m_vMin; // The mesh AABB
Vector m_vMax; // The mesh AABB
CResourceArray< RnNode_t > m_Nodes; // The nodes of the loose kd-tree to accelerate ray casts and volume queries against this mesh.
CResourceArray< Vector > m_Vertices; // The mesh vertices in the space of the parent shape.
CResourceArray< RnTriangle_t > m_Triangles; // The mesh triangles with additional topology information similar to the half-edge data structure.
CResourceArray< uint8 > m_Materials; // The per-triangle material indices for this mesh. Can be empty if all triangles share the same material.
Vector m_vOrthographicAreas; // fraction 0..1 of coverage along YZ,ZX,XY sides of AABB
FORCEINLINE RnNode_t* GetRoot( void ) { return &m_Nodes[ 0 ]; } FORCEINLINE const RnNode_t* GetRoot( void ) const { return &m_Nodes[ 0 ]; } FORCEINLINE int GetVertexCount( void ) const { return m_Vertices.Count(); } FORCEINLINE const Vector &GetVertex( int nVertex ) const { return m_Vertices[ nVertex ]; } FORCEINLINE int GetTriangleCount( void ) const { return m_Triangles.Count(); } FORCEINLINE const RnTriangle_t* GetTriangle( int nTriangle ) const { return &m_Triangles[ nTriangle ]; } FORCEINLINE int GetMaterialCount( void ) const { return m_Materials.Count(); } FORCEINLINE uint8 GetMaterial( int nMaterial ) const { return m_Materials[ nMaterial ]; } FORCEINLINE const Vector ComputeTriangleUnitNormal( const Vector &vScale, int nIndex )const; FORCEINLINE const Vector ComputeTriangleCentroid( int nIndex )const; FORCEINLINE const Vector ComputeTriangleIncenter( int nIndex )const; // the center of inscribed circle
// Statistics
int GetHeight( void ) const; int GetMemory( void ) const;
AABB_t GetBbox( void ) const; int GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts = NULL ) const; void GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, const Vector &vScale = Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ) const; float GetVolume( void ) const { return 0; }
uintp GetRuntimeSize( void ) const ;
void Validate( void ) const;
template < typename Functor > void CastBox( const Functor &callback, const RnRay_t& localRay, const Vector& vExtent, float flMaxFraction ) const; };
// Shape serialization
schema struct RnShapeDesc_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnShapeDesc_t );
uint32 m_nCollisionAttributeIndex; uint32 m_nSurfacePropertyIndex; };
schema struct RnSphereDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnSphereDesc_t );
RnSphere_t m_Sphere; };
schema struct RnCapsuleDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnCapsuleDesc_t );
RnCapsule_t m_Capsule; };
schema struct RnHullDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnHullDesc_t );
RnHull_t m_Hull; };
schema struct RnMeshDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnMeshDesc_t );
RnMesh_t m_Mesh; };
template <typename Array> uintp GetRuntimeSizeOf( const Array & arr ) { return sizeof( arr[0] ) * uintp( arr.Count() ); }
inline uintp RnHull_t::GetRuntimeSize( void ) const { return sizeof( *this ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Vertices ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Planes ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Edges ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Faces ); }
inline uintp RnMesh_t::GetRuntimeSize( void ) const { return ( ( sizeof( *this ) + 15 ) & ~15 ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Nodes ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Vertices ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Triangles ) + GetRuntimeSizeOf( m_Materials ); }
inline void RnHull_t::Validate( void ) const { #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
Assert( m_flMaxAngularRadius > 0 && m_flMaxAngularRadius < 1e5f && m_vCentroid.Length() < 1e4f && uint( m_Vertices.Count() ) < 256 && uint( m_Planes.Count() ) < 256 && uint( m_Edges.Count() ) < 256 && uint( m_Faces.Count() ) < 256 ); for( int i = 0; i < m_Faces.Count(); ++i ) { Assert( m_Faces[i].m_nEdge < ( uint )m_Edges.Count() ); } for( int i = 0; i < m_Edges.Count(); ++i ) { Assert( m_Edges[i].m_nNext < ( uint )m_Edges.Count() ); Assert( m_Edges[i].m_nTwin < ( uint )m_Edges.Count() ); Assert( m_Edges[i].m_nOrigin < ( uint )m_Vertices.Count() ); Assert( m_Edges[i].m_nFace < ( uint )m_Faces.Count() ); } #endif
inline void RnMesh_t::Validate( void ) const { #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
Assert( m_vMin.Length() < 1e5f && m_vMax.Length() < 1e5f ); // check saneness
//for( int i = 0; i < m_Nodes.Count(); ++i )
{ } for( int i = 0; i < m_Vertices.Count(); ++i ) { Assert( m_Vertices[i].Length() < 1e5f ); } #endif
// Joint serialization
struct RnJointDesc_t { // Bodies
uint32 m_nBody1; uint32 m_nBody2;
// Joint frames
Vector m_vOrigin1; Quaternion m_qBasis1; Vector m_vOrigin2; Quaternion m_qBasis2;
// Breakable
float m_flMaxForce; float m_flMaxTorque; };
struct RnSphericalDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Angular motor (3D)
Vector m_vTargetVelocity; float m_flMaxTorque; };
struct RnUniversalDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Limit
float m_flConeAngle; };
struct RnRevoluteDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Limit
float m_flMinAngle; float m_flMaxAngle;
// Angular motor (1D)
float m_flTargetVelocity; float m_flMaxTorque; };
struct RnPrismaticDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Limit
float m_flMinDistance; float m_flMaxDistance;
// Linear motor (1D)
float m_flTargetVelocity; float m_flMaxForce; };
struct RnRagdollDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Conical limit with elliptical base
float32 m_flRadiusY; float32 m_flRadiusZ;
// Angular motor (3D)
Vector m_vTargetVelocity; float32 m_flMaxTorque; };
struct rnWeldDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Spring parameters
float m_flFrequency; float m_flDampingRatio; };
struct rnPulleyDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t {
struct rnSpringDesc_t : public RnJointDesc_t { // Spring parameters
float32 m_flFrequency; float32 m_flDampingRatio; };
schema struct RnSoftbodyParticle_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnSoftbodyParticle_t ); float32 m_flMassInv; };
schema struct RnSoftbodySpring_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnSoftbodySpring_t ); uint16 m_nParticle[2]; float32 m_flLength; };
schema struct RnSoftbodyCapsule_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnSoftbodyCapsule_t ); Vector m_vCenter[2]; float32 m_flRadius; uint16 m_nParticle[2]; };
schema struct ALIGN16 RnBlendVertex_t { TYPEMETA( MNoScatter ) DECLARE_SCHEMA_DATA_CLASS( RnBlendVertex_t ); uint16 m_nWeight0; uint16 m_nIndex0; uint16 m_nWeight1; uint16 m_nIndex1; uint16 m_nWeight2; uint16 m_nIndex2; uint16 m_nFlags; uint16 m_nTargetIndex; };
inline Vector RnSphere_t::ComputeOrthographicAreas()const { return Vector( M_PI/4, M_PI/4, M_PI/4 ); }
// compute the area of 2D capsule with the given 2 centers and the radius
inline float Compute2DCapsuleArea( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float flRadius ) { // it's really simple: the 2D pill, if you don't think of it as 2 circles and a rectangle, but think of it as 2 half-circles and a rectangle,
// has no overlapping parts and is easy to compute the area of
float flAxisLength = sqrtf( Sqr( x0 - x1 ) + Sqr( y0 - y1 ) ); return M_PI * flRadius * flRadius + flAxisLength * 2 * flRadius; }
inline float Compute2DCapsuleOrthographicArea( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float flRadius ) { float flBboxArea = ( fabsf( x0 - x1 ) + 2 * flRadius ) * ( fabsf( y0 - y1 ) + 2 * flRadius ); // the area of bounding rectangle
return Compute2DCapsuleArea( x0, y0, x1, y1, flRadius ) / flBboxArea; }
inline Vector RnCapsule_t::ComputeOrthographicAreas()const { return Vector( Compute2DCapsuleOrthographicArea( m_vCenter[0].x, m_vCenter[0].y, m_vCenter[1].x, m_vCenter[1].y, m_flRadius ), Compute2DCapsuleOrthographicArea( m_vCenter[0].y, m_vCenter[0].z, m_vCenter[1].y, m_vCenter[1].z, m_flRadius ), Compute2DCapsuleOrthographicArea( m_vCenter[0].z, m_vCenter[0].x, m_vCenter[1].z, m_vCenter[1].x, m_flRadius ) ); }
inline bool IsTriangulationValid( int nVertexCount, const CUtlVector<uint32> &indices ) { if( nVertexCount == 0 ) { return indices.IsEmpty(); // triangulation is valid iff both indices and vertices are empty
} // check that indices are referring to all the vertices, and no more
CVarBitVecT<uint32> used( nVertexCount ); for( int i = 0; i < indices.Count(); ++i ) { if( indices[i] < ( uint )nVertexCount ) { used.Set( indices[i] ); } else { return false; } }
uint nUnusedVerts = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nVertexCount; ++i ) { if( !used[ i ] ) { nUnusedVerts++; Warning( "%d,", i ); } } if ( nUnusedVerts ) { Warning( " fully %u verts are unused\n", nUnusedVerts ); }
//bool bIsAllSet = used.IsAllSet();
return true; // even if we don't use some verts, the triangulation is still valid; it's just not optimal
inline bool IsTriangulationValid( const CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, const CUtlVector<uint32> &indices ) { return IsTriangulationValid( vertices.Count(), indices ); }
// RnHull_t
inline void RnHull_t::Transform( const matrix3x4_t& transform ) { m_vCentroid = VectorTransform( m_vCentroid, transform );
for ( int nVertex = 0; nVertex < m_Vertices.Count(); ++nVertex ) { m_Vertices[ nVertex ] = VectorTransform( m_Vertices[ nVertex ], transform ); }
Vector vOrigin = transform.GetOrigin(); for ( int nPlane = 0; nPlane < m_Planes.Count(); ++nPlane ) { Vector vNormal = VectorRotate( m_Planes[ nPlane ].m_vNormal, transform ); float flOffset = m_Planes[ nPlane ].m_flOffset + DotProduct( vNormal, vOrigin );
m_Planes[ nPlane ].m_vNormal = vNormal; m_Planes[ nPlane ].m_flOffset = flOffset; } }
// RnNode_t
inline int RnNode_t::GetHeight( void ) const { if ( IsLeaf() ) { return 0; }
const RnNode_t* pLeftChild = GetLeftChild(); int LeftHeight = pLeftChild->GetHeight(); const RnNode_t* pRightChild = GetRightChild(); int RightHeight = pRightChild->GetHeight();
return 1 + MAX( LeftHeight, RightHeight ); }
// RnMesh_t
inline int RnMesh_t::GetHeight( void ) const { const RnNode_t* Root = GetRoot(); if ( Root == NULL ) { return 0; }
return Root->GetHeight(); }
inline int RnHull_t::GetMemory( void ) const { int nMemory = 0; nMemory += sizeof( RnHull_t ); nMemory += m_Vertices.Count() * sizeof( m_Vertices[0] ); nMemory += m_Planes.Count() * sizeof( m_Planes[0] ); nMemory += m_Edges.Count() * sizeof( m_Edges[0] ); nMemory += m_Faces.Count() * sizeof( m_Faces[0] ); return nMemory; }
inline int RnMesh_t::GetMemory( void ) const { int nMemory = 0; nMemory += sizeof( RnMesh_t ); nMemory += m_Nodes.Count() * sizeof( RnNode_t ); nMemory += m_Vertices.Count() * sizeof( Vector ); nMemory += m_Triangles.Count() * sizeof( RnTriangle_t ); nMemory += m_Materials.Count() * sizeof( uint8 );
return nMemory; }
inline AABB_t RnSphere_t::GetBbox()const { AABB_t b; b.m_vMinBounds.Init( m_vCenter.x - m_flRadius, m_vCenter.y - m_flRadius, m_vCenter.z - m_flRadius ); b.m_vMaxBounds.Init( m_vCenter.x + m_flRadius, m_vCenter.y + m_flRadius, m_vCenter.z + m_flRadius ); return b; }
inline AABB_t RnSphere_t::GetBbox( const CTransform& xform ) const { Vector vCenter = TransformPoint( xform, m_vCenter ); Vector vExtent( m_flRadius, m_flRadius, m_flRadius );
Vector vMin = vCenter - vExtent; Vector vMax = vCenter + vExtent; return AABB_t( vMin, vMax ); }
inline int RnSphere_t::GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts ) const { if( pVerts ) { float flSin[5] = {0,1,0,-1,0}; float flCos[5] = {1,0,-1,0,1}; Vector *pOut = pVerts;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { float s0 = flSin[i] * m_flRadius, c0 = flCos[i] * m_flRadius, s1 = flSin[i+1] * m_flRadius, c1 = flCos[i+1] * m_flRadius;
*pOut++ = m_vCenter + Vector( -m_flRadius, 0, 0 ); *pOut++ = m_vCenter + Vector( 0, c0, s0 ); *pOut++ = m_vCenter + Vector( 0, c1, s1 );
*pOut++ = m_vCenter + Vector( m_flRadius, 0, 0 ); *pOut++ = m_vCenter + Vector( 0, c1, s1 ); *pOut++ = m_vCenter + Vector( 0, c0, s0 ); } Assert( 24 == pOut - pVerts ); } return 24; // approximation with octahedron
inline void RnSphere_t::GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices )const { GetTriangulation( vertices, indices, 12, 5 ); }
inline void RnSphere_t::GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, int nSides, int nSlices )const { int nIndexBase = indices.AddMultipleToTail( nSides * 2 * nSlices * 3 ); uint32 *pOut = indices.Base() + nIndexBase;
int nVertBase = vertices.AddMultipleToTail( nSides * nSlices + 2 ); Vector *pVerts = vertices.Base() + nVertBase; V_memset( pVerts, 0, ( nSides * nSlices + 2 ) * sizeof( Vector ) );
pVerts[ nSides * nSlices + 0 ] = Vector( -m_flRadius, 0, 0 ); pVerts[ nSides * nSlices + 1 ] = Vector( m_flRadius, 0, 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < nSides; ++i ) { float theta = ( -2 * M_PI * i ) / nSides; float s0 = m_flRadius * sinf( theta ), c0 = m_flRadius * cosf( theta );
int i1 = ( i + 1 ) % nSides;
// sides
for( int j = 0; ; ++j ) { float psi = ( j + 1 ) * M_PI / ( nSlices + 1 ) - M_PI / 2, x0 = sinf( psi ), y0 = cosf( psi ); pVerts[ nSlices * i + j ] = Vector( x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 );
if( j + 1 < nSlices ) { *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i1 + j ; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i + j ; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i1 + j + 1;
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i1 + j + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i + j ; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i + j + 1;
Assert( nVertBase + nSlices * i + j + 1 < vertices.Count() ); } else { break; } }
// the last slice - only triangles
// the end of caps
if( 1 ) { *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * nSides + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i ; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i1 ; }
if( 1 ) { *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * nSides + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i1 + nSlices - 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSlices * i + nSlices - 1; } }
for( int i = 0; i < nSides * nSlices + 2; ++i ) { pVerts[i] += m_vCenter; }
//indices.SetCount( pOut - indices.Base() );
Assert( pOut == indices.end() ); AssertDbg( IsTriangulationValid( vertices, indices ) ); }
inline AABB_t RnCapsule_t::GetBbox() const { AABB_t b; b.m_vMinBounds.Init( Min( m_vCenter[0].x, m_vCenter[1].x ) - m_flRadius, Min( m_vCenter[0].y, m_vCenter[1].y ) - m_flRadius, Min( m_vCenter[0].z, m_vCenter[1].z ) - m_flRadius ); b.m_vMaxBounds.Init( Max( m_vCenter[0].x, m_vCenter[1].x ) + m_flRadius, Max( m_vCenter[0].y, m_vCenter[1].y ) + m_flRadius, Max( m_vCenter[0].z, m_vCenter[1].z ) + m_flRadius ); return b; }
inline AABB_t RnCapsule_t::GetBbox( const CTransform& xform ) const { Vector vCenter1 = TransformPoint( xform, m_vCenter[ 0 ] ); Vector vCenter2 = TransformPoint( xform, m_vCenter[ 1 ] ); Vector vExtent( m_flRadius, m_flRadius, m_flRadius );
AABB_t aabb1( vCenter1 - vExtent, vCenter1 + vExtent ); AABB_t aabb2( vCenter2 - vExtent, vCenter2 + vExtent );
return aabb1 + aabb2; }
inline int RnCapsule_t::GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts ) const { int nSides = 12, nSlices = 2; if( pVerts ) { Vector vHeight = m_vCenter[1] - m_vCenter[0]; float flHeight = vHeight.Length(); Vector vAxisX;
if( flHeight > 1e-5f ) { vAxisX = vHeight / flHeight; } else { vAxisX = vHeight = Vector( 1,0,0 ); flHeight = 1; } Vector vAxisY = VectorPerpendicularToVector( vAxisX ), vAxisZ = CrossProduct( vAxisX, vAxisY );
Vector *pOut = pVerts; float s0 = 0, c0 = m_flRadius; for( int i = 0; i < nSides; ++i ) { float theta = (2 * M_PI * ( i + 1 ) ) / nSides; float s1 = m_flRadius * sinf( theta ), c1 = m_flRadius * cosf( theta );
// cylinder sides
*pOut++ = Vector( 0, c1, s1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( 0, c0, s0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight, c1, s1 );
*pOut++ = Vector( flHeight, c1, s1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( 0, c0, s0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight, c0, s0 );
// caps - quads
float x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 1, y1 = 0; for( int j = 0; j < nSlices; ++j ) { float psi = ( ( j + 1 ) * M_PI / 2 ) / ( nSlices + 1 ); x1 = sinf( psi ); y1 = cosf( psi ); // top cap
*pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x0 * m_flRadius, c1 * y0, s1 * y0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x1 * m_flRadius, c1 * y1, s1 * y1 );
*pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x1 * m_flRadius, c1 * y1, s1 * y1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x1 * m_flRadius, c0 * y1, s0 * y1 );
// bottom cap
*pOut++ = Vector( -x0 * m_flRadius, c1 * y0, s1 * y0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( -x1 * m_flRadius, c1 * y1, s1 * y1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( -x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 );
*pOut++ = Vector( -x1 * m_flRadius, c1 * y1, s1 * y1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( -x1 * m_flRadius, c0 * y1, s0 * y1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( -x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 );
x0 = x1; y0 = y1; }
// the end of caps
*pOut++ = Vector( -m_flRadius, 0, 0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( -x1 * m_flRadius, c0 * y1, s0 * y1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( -x1 * m_flRadius, c1 * y1, s1 * y1 );
*pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + m_flRadius, 0, 0 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x1 * m_flRadius, c1 * y1, s1 * y1 ); *pOut++ = Vector( flHeight + x1 * m_flRadius, c0 * y1, s0 * y1 );
s0 = s1; c0 = c1; }
for( Vector *p = pVerts; p < pOut; ++p ) { *p = m_vCenter[0] + vAxisX * p->x + vAxisY * p->y + vAxisZ * p->z; } Assert( nSides * ( 2 + 2 * ( 2 * nSlices + 1 ) ) * 3 == pOut - pVerts ); }
return nSides * ( 2 + 2 * ( 2 * nSlices + 1 ) ) * 3; // each side is 4 tris, each 3 verts
inline void RnCapsule_t::GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices )const { GetTriangulation( vertices, indices, 12, 2 ); }
inline void RnCapsule_t::GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, int nSides, int nSlices )const { int nVertBase = vertices.Count(); int nIndexBase = indices.AddMultipleToTail( nSides * ( 2 + 2 * ( 2 * nSlices + 1 ) ) * 3 ); // each side is 4 tris, each 3 verts
uint32 *pOut = &indices[ nIndexBase ];
int nSideVerts = 2 + 2 * nSlices; vertices.AddMultipleToTail( nSides * nSideVerts + 2 ); Vector *pVerts = &vertices[nVertBase]; V_memset( pVerts, 0, nSides * nSideVerts * sizeof( Vector ) );
Vector vHeight = m_vCenter[1] - m_vCenter[0]; float flHeight = vHeight.Length(); Vector vAxisX;
if( flHeight > 1e-5f ) { vAxisX = vHeight / flHeight; } else { vAxisX = vHeight = Vector( 1,0,0 ); flHeight = 1; } Vector vAxisY = VectorPerpendicularToVector( vAxisX ), vAxisZ = CrossProduct( vAxisX, vAxisY );
pVerts[ nSides * nSideVerts + 0 ] = Vector( -m_flRadius, 0, 0 ); pVerts[ nSides * nSideVerts + 1 ] = Vector( flHeight + m_flRadius, 0, 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < nSides; ++i ) { float theta = ( -2 * M_PI * i ) / nSides; float s0 = m_flRadius * sinf( theta ), c0 = m_flRadius * cosf( theta );
int i1 = ( i + 1 ) % nSides; // cylinder sides
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + 1;
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + 1;
// caps - quads
for( int j = 0; ; ++j ) { int j1 = j + 1; float psi = ( j * M_PI / 2 ) / ( nSlices + 1 ), x0 = sinf( psi ), y0 = cosf( psi ); pVerts[nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 0 ] = Vector( - x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 ); pVerts[nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 1 ] = Vector( flHeight + x0 * m_flRadius, c0 * y0, s0 * y0 );
if( j < nSlices) { // top cap
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j * 2 + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j1 * 2 + 1;
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j1 * 2 + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j1 * 2 + 1;
// bottom cap
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j * 2 + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j1 * 2 + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 0;
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j1 * 2 + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j1 * 2 + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 0; } else { // the last slice - only triangles
// the end of caps
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSides * nSideVerts + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 0; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j * 2 + 0;
*pOut++ = nVertBase + nSides * nSideVerts + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i1 + j * 2 + 1; *pOut++ = nVertBase + nSideVerts * i + j * 2 + 1; break; } } }
for( int i = 0; i < nSides * nSideVerts + 2; ++i ) { pVerts[i] = m_vCenter[0] + vAxisX * pVerts[i].x + vAxisY * pVerts[i].y + vAxisZ * pVerts[i].z; } Assert( pOut == indices.end() ); AssertDbg( IsTriangulationValid( vertices, indices ) ); }
inline AABB_t RnHull_t::GetBbox() const { // note: we should store the bbox in RnHull if it's a frequent operation to compute its bbox
AABB_t b; b.MakeInvalid(); for( int nVert = 0; nVert < m_Vertices.Count(); ++nVert ) { b |= m_Vertices[nVert]; } return b; }
inline AABB_t RnHull_t::GetBbox( const CTransform& xform ) const { // note: if we store the bbox in RnHull we could just transform it (which potentially might grow it)
AABB_t b; b.MakeInvalid(); for ( int nVert = 0; nVert < m_Vertices.Count(); ++nVert ) { b |= TransformPoint( xform, m_Vertices[ nVert ] ); }
return b; }
inline int RnHull_t::GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts ) const { int nVertsOut = 0; for( int nFace = 0; nFace < m_Faces.Count(); ++nFace ) { uint nStartEdge = m_Faces[nFace].m_nEdge, nStartVert = m_Edges[nStartEdge].m_nOrigin; const Vector &vStartEdge = m_Vertices[ nStartVert ]; for( uint nEdge = m_Edges[nStartEdge].m_nNext; nEdge != nStartEdge; ) { uint nNextEdge = m_Edges[nEdge].m_nNext; // go to next edge
if( nNextEdge == nStartEdge ) { break; // if next edge is the starting edge, we're done
if( pVerts ) { pVerts[ nVertsOut + 0 ] = vStartEdge; pVerts[ nVertsOut + 1 ] = m_Vertices[ m_Edges[nEdge].m_nOrigin ]; pVerts[ nVertsOut + 2 ] = m_Vertices[ m_Edges[nNextEdge].m_nOrigin ]; } nVertsOut += 3;
nEdge = nNextEdge; } }
return nVertsOut; }
inline void RnHull_t::GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, float flScale )const { int nVertBase = vertices.Count(); vertices.AddMultipleToTail( GetVertexCount() ); for( int i = 0; i < GetVertexCount(); ++i ) { vertices[ i + nVertBase ] = GetVertex( i ) * flScale; }
for ( int i = 0; i < GetFaceCount(); ++i ) { const RnFace_t* pFace = GetFace( i );
const RnHalfEdge_t* pEdge1 = GetEdge( pFace->m_nEdge ); const RnHalfEdge_t* pEdge2 = GetEdge( pEdge1->m_nNext ); const RnHalfEdge_t* pEdge3 = GetEdge( pEdge2->m_nNext ); AssertDbg( pEdge1 != pEdge3 );
int v1 = nVertBase + pEdge1->m_nOrigin;
do { int v2 = nVertBase + pEdge2->m_nOrigin; int v3 = nVertBase + pEdge3->m_nOrigin;
indices.AddToTail( v1 ); indices.AddToTail( v2 ); indices.AddToTail( v3 );
pEdge2 = pEdge3; pEdge3 = GetEdge( pEdge3->m_nNext ); } while ( pEdge1 != pEdge3 ); }
AssertDbg( IsTriangulationValid( vertices, indices ) ); }
inline AABB_t RnMesh_t::GetBbox()const { AABB_t b; b.m_vMinBounds = m_vMin; b.m_vMaxBounds = m_vMax; return b; }
inline int RnMesh_t::GetTriangulation( Vector *pVerts ) const { if( pVerts ) { for( int nTriangleIndex = 0; nTriangleIndex < m_Triangles.Count(); ++nTriangleIndex ) { const RnTriangle_t &tri = m_Triangles[nTriangleIndex]; for( int nVertInTri = 0; nVertInTri < 3; ++nVertInTri ) { pVerts[ nTriangleIndex * 3 + nVertInTri ] = m_Vertices[ tri.m_nIndex[ nVertInTri ] ]; } } } return m_Triangles.Count() * 3; }
inline void RnMesh_t::GetTriangulation( CUtlVector<Vector> &vertices, CUtlVector<uint32> &indices, const Vector &vScale ) const { int nVertBase = vertices.Count(); vertices.AddMultipleToTail( GetVertexCount() ); for ( int i = 0; i < GetVertexCount(); ++i ) { Vector vertex = vScale * GetVertex( i ); vertices[ nVertBase + i ] = vertex; }
indices.EnsureCapacity( 3 * GetTriangleCount() ); for ( int i = 0; i < GetTriangleCount(); ++i ) { const RnTriangle_t* pTriangle = GetTriangle( i ); indices.AddToTail( nVertBase + pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 0 ] ); indices.AddToTail( nVertBase + pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 1 ] ); indices.AddToTail( nVertBase + pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 2 ] ); }
AssertDbg( IsTriangulationValid( vertices, indices ) ); }
inline float RnSphere_t::GetVolume()const { return m_flRadius * m_flRadius * m_flRadius * M_PI * ( 4.0f / 3.0f ); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere#Volume_of_a_sphere
inline float RnCapsule_t::GetVolume()const { return m_flRadius * m_flRadius * M_PI * ( m_flRadius * ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) + ( m_vCenter[0] - m_vCenter[1] ).Length() ); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere#Volume_of_a_sphere
inline float RnHull_t::GetVolume()const { float flVolume = 0; for( int nFace = 0; nFace < m_Faces.Count(); ++nFace ) { uint nStartEdge = m_Faces[nFace].m_nEdge, nStartVert = m_Edges[nStartEdge].m_nOrigin; const Vector &vStartEdge = m_Vertices[ nStartVert ]; for( uint nEdge = m_Edges[nStartEdge].m_nNext; nEdge != nStartEdge; ) { uint nNextEdge = m_Edges[nEdge].m_nNext; // go to next edge
if( nNextEdge == nStartEdge ) { break; // if next edge is the starting edge, we're done
Vector v1 = m_Vertices[ m_Edges[nEdge].m_nOrigin ]; Vector v2 = m_Vertices[ m_Edges[nNextEdge].m_nOrigin ]; float flCenterZHalf = ( vStartEdge.z + v1.z + v2.z ) * ( 1.0f / 6.0f ); // half-height of the prism, to account for cross product being double the area of base
float flSignedDoubleBaseArea = CrossProductZ( v1 - vStartEdge, v2 - vStartEdge ); flVolume += flCenterZHalf * flSignedDoubleBaseArea;
nEdge = nNextEdge; } } Assert( flVolume > 0 ); return flVolume; }
FORCEINLINE const Vector RnMesh_t::ComputeTriangleUnitNormal( const Vector &vScale, int nTriIndex )const { const RnTriangle_t* pTriangle = GetTriangle( nTriIndex );
const Vector& vVertex1 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 0 ] ); const Vector& vVertex2 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 1 ] ); const Vector& vVertex3 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 2 ] );
Vector vEdge1 = ScaleVector( vScale, vVertex2 - vVertex1 ); Vector vEdge2 = ScaleVector( vScale, vVertex3 - vVertex1 ); Vector vNormal = CrossProduct( vEdge1, vEdge2 ); return vNormal / vNormal.Length(); // valid RnMesh should never have degenerate triangles
FORCEINLINE const Vector RnMesh_t::ComputeTriangleCentroid( int nTriIndex )const { const RnTriangle_t* pTriangle = GetTriangle( nTriIndex );
const Vector& vVertex1 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 0 ] ); const Vector& vVertex2 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 1 ] ); const Vector& vVertex3 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 2 ] );
return ( vVertex1 + vVertex2 + vVertex3 ) * ( 1.0f / 3.0f ); }
FORCEINLINE const Vector RnMesh_t::ComputeTriangleIncenter( int nTriIndex )const { const RnTriangle_t* pTriangle = GetTriangle( nTriIndex );
const Vector& a = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 0 ] ); const Vector& b = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 1 ] ); const Vector& c = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 2 ] );
float la = ( b - c ).Length(), lb = ( a - c ).Length(), lc = ( b - a ).Length(); return ( a * la + b * lb + c * lc ) / ( la + lb + lc ); }
FORCEINLINE const Vector RnHull_t::ComputeFaceCentroid( int nFace )const { Vector vSum( 0,0,0 ); uint8 nFirstEdge = m_Faces[nFace].m_nEdge, nEdge = nFirstEdge; float flNumEdges = 0; do { AssertDbg( m_Edges[nEdge].m_nFace == uint( nFace ) ); vSum += m_Vertices[ m_Edges[nEdge].m_nOrigin ]; nEdge = m_Edges[ nEdge ].m_nNext; flNumEdges += 1.0f;
} while ( nEdge != nFirstEdge ); return vSum / flNumEdges; }
// SIMD clipping
FORCEINLINE fltx4 HMaxSIMD( fltx4 a ) { fltx4 b = RotateLeft( a ); fltx4 c = MaxSIMD( a, b ); fltx4 d = RotateLeft2( c ); return MaxSIMD( c, d ); }
FORCEINLINE fltx4 HMinSIMD( fltx4 a ) { fltx4 b = RotateLeft( a ); fltx4 c = MinSIMD( a, b ); fltx4 d = RotateLeft2( c ); return MinSIMD( c, d ); }
FORCEINLINE int ClipRaySIMD( const RnRay_t& ray, const Vector& vMin, const Vector& vMax, float &flBestTime ) { fltx4 f4Min = LoadAlignedSIMD( &vMin.x ), f4Max = LoadAlignedSIMD( &vMax.x ); fltx4 f4Origin = LoadAlignedSIMD( &ray.vOrigin ), f4DeltaInv = LoadAlignedSIMD( &ray.vDeltaInv ); fltx4 t1 = ( f4Min - f4Origin ) * f4DeltaInv; // can be MADD
fltx4 t2 = ( f4Max - f4Origin ) * f4DeltaInv; // can be MADD
fltx4 f4TMin = MinSIMD( t1, t2 ), f4TMax = MaxSIMD( t1, t2 ); fltx4 f4MinT = HMaxSIMD( SetWSIMD( f4TMin, Four_Zeros ) ); fltx4 f4MaxT = HMinSIMD( SetWSIMD( f4TMax, ReplicateX4( flBestTime ) ) );
// flMinT = max( 0, f4TMin.xyz )
// flMaxT = min( 1, f4TMin.xyz )
// return ( flMinT > flMaxT || flMinT > flBestTime )
return _mm_comigt_ss( f4MinT, f4MaxT ); }
FORCEINLINE int ClipRaySIMD( const RnRay_t& ray, const fltx4 &f4Min , const fltx4& f4Max, float &flBestTime ) { fltx4 f4Origin = LoadAlignedSIMD( &ray.vOrigin ), f4DeltaInv = LoadAlignedSIMD( &ray.vDeltaInv ); fltx4 t1 = ( f4Min - f4Origin ) * f4DeltaInv; // can be MADD
fltx4 t2 = ( f4Max - f4Origin ) * f4DeltaInv; // can be MADD
fltx4 f4TMin = MinSIMD( t1, t2 ), f4TMax = MaxSIMD( t1, t2 ); fltx4 f4MinT = HMaxSIMD( SetWSIMD( f4TMin, Four_Zeros ) ); fltx4 f4MaxT = HMinSIMD( SetWSIMD( f4TMax, ReplicateX4( flBestTime ) ) );
// flMinT = max( 0, f4TMin.xyz )
// flMaxT = min( 1, f4TMin.xyz )
// return ( flMinT > flMaxT || flMinT > flBestTime )
return _mm_comigt_ss( f4MinT, f4MaxT ); }
FORCEINLINE int ClipRaySIMD( const RnRay_t& ray, const fltx4& f4Min, const fltx4& f4Max ) { fltx4 f4Origin = LoadAlignedSIMD( &ray.vOrigin ), f4DeltaInv = LoadAlignedSIMD( &ray.vDeltaInv ); fltx4 t1 = ( f4Min - f4Origin ) * f4DeltaInv; // can be MADD
fltx4 t2 = ( f4Max - f4Origin ) * f4DeltaInv; // can be MADD
fltx4 f4TMin = MinSIMD( t1, t2 ), f4TMax = MaxSIMD( t1, t2 ); fltx4 f4MinT = HMaxSIMD( SetWSIMD( f4TMin, Four_Zeros ) ); fltx4 f4MaxT = HMinSIMD( SetWSIMD( f4TMax, Four_Ones ) );
// flMinT = max( 0, f4TMin.xyz )
// flMaxT = min( 1, f4TMin.xyz )
// return ( flMinT > flMaxT || flMinT > flBestTime )
return _mm_comigt_ss( f4MinT, f4MaxT ); }
template < typename Functor > void RnMesh_t::CastBox( const Functor &callback, const RnRay_t &ray, const Vector& vLocalExtent, float flMaxFraction ) const { int nCount = 0; const RnNode_t* stack[ STACK_SIZE ]; stack[ nCount++ ] = GetRoot();
fltx4 f4LocalExtent = LoadUnalignedSIMD( &vLocalExtent );
while ( nCount > 0 ) { const RnNode_t* pNode = stack[ --nCount ];
if( ClipRaySIMD( ray, LoadAlignedSIMD( &pNode->m_vMin ) - f4LocalExtent, LoadAlignedSIMD( &pNode->m_vMax ) + f4LocalExtent ) ) { continue; } if ( !pNode->IsLeaf() ) { // Determine traversal order (front -> back)
// The near and far child are determined by the direction of
// the ray with respect to the dimension of the split plane.
const RnNode_t *pLeft = pNode->GetLeftChild(), *pRight = pNode->GetRightChild(); if ( ray.vDelta[ pNode->GetAxis() ] > 0.0f ) { stack[ nCount++ ] = pRight; stack[ nCount++ ] = pLeft; } else { stack[ nCount++ ] = pLeft; stack[ nCount++ ] = pRight; } AssertDbg( nCount < STACK_SIZE - 1 ); // there should always be space for at least 1 more entry in the stack
} else { uint32 nTriangleCount = pNode->GetTriangleCount(); uint32 nTriangleOffset = pNode->GetTriangleOffset();
for ( uint32 nTriangle = 0; nTriangle < nTriangleCount; ++nTriangle ) { // Get the triangle in world coordinates
const RnTriangle_t* pTriangle = GetTriangle( nTriangleOffset + nTriangle ); const Vector &vVertex1 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 0 ] ); const Vector &vVertex2 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 1 ] ); const Vector &vVertex3 = GetVertex( pTriangle->m_nIndex[ 2 ] ); callback( vVertex1, vVertex2, vVertex3 ); } } } }
template <typename Array> inline bool ArePlainArraysEqual( const Array &a, const Array &b ) { return a.Count( ) == b.Count( ) && 0 == V_memcmp( a.Base( ), b.Base( ), a.Count( ) * sizeof( a[ 0 ] ) ); }
template <typename Array> inline void CRC64_ProcessArray( CRC64_t *pCrc, const Array &array ) { CRC64_ProcessBuffer( pCrc, array.Base( ), array.Count( ) * sizeof( array[ 0 ] ) ); }
class CRnEqualFunctor { public: bool operator() ( const RnHull_t *pLeft, const RnHull_t *pRight )const { return ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Vertices, pRight->m_Vertices ) && ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Planes, pRight->m_Planes ) && ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Edges, pRight->m_Edges ) && ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Faces, pRight->m_Faces ); }
bool operator() ( const RnMesh_t *pLeft, const RnMesh_t *pRight )const { return ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Vertices, pRight->m_Vertices ) && ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Nodes, pRight->m_Nodes ) && ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Triangles, pRight->m_Triangles ) && ArePlainArraysEqual( pLeft->m_Materials, pRight->m_Materials ); } };
class CRnHashFunctor { public: uint operator()( const RnHull_t *pHull )const { CRC64_t nCrc; CRC64_Init( &nCrc ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Vertices ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Planes ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Edges ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Faces ); CRC64_Final( &nCrc ); return nCrc; } uint operator()( const RnMesh_t *pHull )const { CRC64_t nCrc; CRC64_Init( &nCrc ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Vertices ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Nodes ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Triangles ); CRC64_ProcessArray( &nCrc, pHull->m_Materials ); CRC64_Final( &nCrc ); return nCrc; } };