//========= Copyright c 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// This will contain things like helper functions to measure tick count of small pieces
// of code precisely; or measure performance counters (L2 misses, mispredictions etc.)
// on different hardware.
// this class defines a section of code to measure
#include "microprofiler.h"
class CMiniProfiler; class CLinkedMiniProfiler;
extern "C" { #if defined( STATIC_LINK )
#elif defined( TIER0_DLL_EXPORT )
MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE CMiniProfiler *g_pLastMiniProfiler; MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE CMiniProfiler *g_pRootMiniProfiler; MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE CLinkedMiniProfiler *g_pGlobalMiniProfilers; MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE CLinkedMiniProfiler *g_pAssertMiniProfilers; MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE uint32 g_nMiniProfilerFrame; MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE void PublishAll( CLinkedMiniProfiler * pList, uint32 nHistoryMax ); MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE CMiniProfiler* PushMiniProfilerTS( CMiniProfiler *pProfiler ); MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE void PopMiniProfilerTS( CMiniProfiler *pProfiler ); MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE void AppendMiniProfilerToList( CLinkedMiniProfiler *pProfiler, CLinkedMiniProfiler **ppList ); MINIPROFILER_DLL_LINKAGE void RemoveMiniProfilerFromList( CLinkedMiniProfiler *pProfiler ); }
typedef CMicroProfilerSample CMiniProfilerSample; class CMiniProfiler: public CMicroProfiler { protected: uint64 m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees; // this is the time to subtract from m_numTimeBaseTicks to get the "exclusive" time in this block
public: CMiniProfiler() { Reset(); }
explicit CMiniProfiler( const CMicroProfiler &profiler ): CMicroProfiler( profiler ), m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees( 0 ) {
CMiniProfiler &operator=( const CMiniProfiler &other ) { *(CMicroProfiler *)this = (const CMicroProfiler &)other; m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees = other.m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees; return *this; }
void SubCallee( int64 numTimeBaseTicks ) { m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees += numTimeBaseTicks; }
void Reset() { CMicroProfiler::Reset(); m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees = 0; }
uint64 GetNumTimeBaseTicksInCallees() const { return m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees; }
int64 GetNumTimeBaseTicksExclusive( ) const { return m_numTimeBaseTicks - m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees; }
void Accumulate( const CMiniProfiler &other ) { CMicroProfiler::Accumulate( other ); m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees += other.m_numTimeBaseTicksInCallees; }
DLL_CLASS_EXPORT void Publish( const char *szMessage, ... ); };
class CMiniProfilerSample { public: int GetElapsed()const { return 0; } }; class CMiniProfiler: public CMicroProfiler { public: CMiniProfiler() {} explicit CMiniProfiler( const CMicroProfiler &profiler ) : CMicroProfiler( profiler ){} CMiniProfiler &operator=( const CMiniProfiler &other ) { return *this; } void SubCallee( int64 numTimeBaseTicks ) {} uint64 GetNumTimeBaseTicksInCallees() const { return 0; } int64 GetNumTimeBaseTicksExclusive() const { return 0; } void Accumulate( const CMiniProfiler &other ) {} void Reset() {} void Damp( int shift = 1 ) {} void Publish( const char *szMessage, ... ) {} };
class CLinkedMiniProfiler: public CMiniProfiler { public: #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
CLinkedMiniProfiler *m_pNext, **m_ppPrev; const char *m_pName; const char *m_pLocation; CMiniProfiler *m_pLastParent; // for dynamic tracking of an approximate call tree
CMiniProfiler *m_pDeclaredParent; // for static tracking of the logical dependency tree
//uint32 m_nId;
public: CLinkedMiniProfiler( const char *pName, CLinkedMiniProfiler**ppList = &g_pGlobalMiniProfilers, CMiniProfiler *pDeclaredParent = NULL ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_pName = pName; m_pLocation = NULL; // NOTE: m_pNext and m_ppPrev have to be NULLs the first time around. This constructor can be called multiple times
// from multiple threads, and there's no way to ensure the constructor isn't called twice. CNetworkGameServerBase::SV_PackEntity()
// is an example of the function that enters from 2 threads and collides with itself in this constructor
AppendMiniProfilerToList( this, ppList ); m_pLastParent = NULL; m_pDeclaredParent = pDeclaredParent; #endif
CLinkedMiniProfiler( const char *pName, const char *pLocation ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_pName = pName; m_pLocation = pLocation; // NOTE: m_pNext and m_ppPrev have to be NULLs the first time around. This constructor can be called multiple times
// from multiple threads, and there's no way to ensure the constructor isn't called twice. CNetworkGameServerBase::SV_PackEntity()
// is an example of the function that enters from 2 threads and collides with itself in this constructor
AppendMiniProfilerToList( this, &g_pGlobalMiniProfilers ); m_pLastParent = NULL; m_pDeclaredParent = NULL; #endif
CLinkedMiniProfiler *GetNext() { return m_pNext; } const char *GetName() const { return m_pName; } const char *GetLocation( )const { return m_pLocation; } #else
CLinkedMiniProfiler *GetNext() { return NULL; } const char *GetName() const { return "DISABLED"; } const char *GetLocation( )const { return NULL; } #endif
~CLinkedMiniProfiler() { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
RemoveMiniProfilerFromList( this ); #endif
} void Publish( uint nHistoryMax ); void PurgeHistory(); };
class CAssertMiniProfiler: public CLinkedMiniProfiler { public: CAssertMiniProfiler( const char *pFunction, const char *pFile, int nLine ): CLinkedMiniProfiler( pFunction, &g_pAssertMiniProfilers ) { m_pFile = pFile; m_nLine = nLine; m_bAsserted = false; } ~CAssertMiniProfiler() { } operator bool& () { return m_bAsserted; } void operator = ( bool bAsserted ){ m_bAsserted = bAsserted; } void operator = ( int bAsserted ) { m_bAsserted = (bAsserted != 0); }
public: const char *m_pFile; int m_nLine;
public: bool m_bAsserted; };
template < class Sampler, bool bThreadSafe > class TMiniProfilerGuard: public Sampler { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
CMiniProfiler *m_pProfiler, *m_pLastProfiler; int m_numCallsToAdd; #endif
public: void Begin( CMiniProfiler *pProfiler, int numCallsToAdd ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_numCallsToAdd = numCallsToAdd; m_pProfiler = pProfiler; if ( bThreadSafe ) { m_pLastProfiler = PushMiniProfilerTS( pProfiler ); } else { m_pLastProfiler = g_pLastMiniProfiler; g_pLastMiniProfiler = pProfiler; } #endif
void SetCallCount( int numCalls ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_numCallsToAdd = numCalls; #endif
} void AddCallCount( int addCalls ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_numCallsToAdd += addCalls; #endif
TMiniProfilerGuard( CLinkedMiniProfiler *pProfiler, int numCallsToAdd = 1 ) { Begin( pProfiler, numCallsToAdd ); #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
pProfiler->m_pLastParent = m_pLastProfiler; #endif
TMiniProfilerGuard( CMiniProfiler *pProfiler, int numCallsToAdd = 1 ) { Begin( pProfiler, numCallsToAdd ); } ~TMiniProfilerGuard( ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
int64 nElapsed = GetElapsed( ); m_pProfiler->Add( nElapsed, m_numCallsToAdd ); m_pLastProfiler->SubCallee( nElapsed ); if ( bThreadSafe ) { PopMiniProfilerTS( m_pLastProfiler ); } else { g_pLastMiniProfiler = m_pLastProfiler; } #endif
} };
typedef TMiniProfilerGuard<CMiniProfilerSample, false> CMiniProfilerGuardFast; // default guard uses rdtsc
typedef TMiniProfilerGuard<CMiniProfilerSample, true> CMiniProfilerGuard, CMiniProfilerGuardTS; // default guard uses rdtsc
class CMiniProfilerGuardSimple: public CMiniProfilerSample { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
CMiniProfiler *m_pProfiler, *m_pLastProfiler; #endif
CMiniProfilerGuardSimple( CLinkedMiniProfiler *pProfiler ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_pProfiler = pProfiler; pProfiler->m_pLastParent = m_pLastProfiler = PushMiniProfilerTS( pProfiler ); // = g_pLastMiniProfiler; g_pLastMiniProfiler = pProfiler;
~CMiniProfilerGuardSimple() { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
// Note: we measure both push and pop as if they belonged to the measured function
PopMiniProfilerTS( m_pLastProfiler ); // g_pLastMiniProfiler = m_pLastProfiler;
int64 nElapsed = GetElapsed( ); m_pProfiler->Add( nElapsed ); m_pLastProfiler->SubCallee( nElapsed ); #endif
} };
class CMiniProfilerAntiGuard: public CMiniProfilerSample { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
CMiniProfiler *m_pProfiler; #endif
public: CMiniProfilerAntiGuard( CMiniProfiler *pProfiler ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_pProfiler = pProfiler; #endif
} ~CMiniProfilerAntiGuard( ) { #if ENABLE_MINI_PROFILER
m_pProfiler->Add( -GetElapsed( ) ); #endif
} };
#define MPROF_VAR_NAME_INTERNAL_CAT(a, b) a##b
#define MPROF_TO_STRING_0( a ) #a
#define MPROF_GR( item, group ) static CLinkedMiniProfiler MPROF_VAR_NAME(miniProfilerNode)( ( item ), group "\n" __FUNCTION__ "\n" __FILE__ "\n" MPROF_TO_STRING( __LINE__ ) "\n" MPROF_PROJECTNAME_STRING ); CMiniProfilerGuardSimple MPROF_VAR_NAME( miniProfilerGuard )( &MPROF_VAR_NAME( miniProfilerNode ) )
#define MPROF_GR( item, group )
#define MPROF_NODE( name, item, group ) CLinkedMiniProfiler miniprofiler_##name( ( item ), group "\n\n" __FILE__ "\n" MPROF_TO_STRING( __LINE__ ) "\n" MPROF_PROJECTNAME_STRING );
#define MPROF_AUTO( name ) CMiniProfilerGuardSimple MPROF_VAR_NAME(miniProfiler_##name##_auto)( &miniprofiler_##name )
#define MPROF_AUTO_FAST( name ) CMicroProfilerGuard MPROF_VAR_NAME(microProfiler_##name##_auto)( &miniprofiler_##name )
#define MPROF_AUTO_FAST_COUNT( NAME, COUNT ) CMicroProfilerGuardWithCount MPROF_VAR_NAME(microProfiler_##NAME##_auto)( &miniprofiler_##NAME, COUNT )
#define MPROF( item ) MPROF_GR( item, "" )
#define MPROF_FN() MPROF( __FUNCTION__ )