//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "rrbase.h"
#include "utlmap.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace ResponseRules;
// Case-insensitive criteria symbol table
CUtlSymbolTable CriteriaSet::sm_CriteriaSymbols( 1024, 1024, true );
// Purpose:
// Input : *raw -
// *key -
// keylen -
// *value -
// valuelen -
// *duration -
// Output : static bool
const char *SplitContext( const char *raw, char *key, int keylen, char *value, int valuelen, float *duration, const char *entireContext ) { char *colon1 = Q_strstr( raw, ":" ); if ( !colon1 ) { DevMsg( "SplitContext: warning, ignoring context '%s', missing colon separator!\n", raw ); *key = *value = 0; return NULL; }
int len = colon1 - raw; Q_strncpy( key, raw, MIN( len + 1, keylen ) ); key[ MIN( len, keylen - 1 ) ] = 0;
bool last = false; char *end = Q_strstr( colon1 + 1, "," ); if ( !end ) { int remaining = Q_strlen( colon1 + 1 ); end = colon1 + 1 + remaining; last = true; }
char *colon2 = Q_strstr( colon1 + 1, ":" ); if ( colon2 && ( colon2 < end ) ) { if ( duration ) *duration = atof( colon2 + 1 );
char durationStartChar = *(colon2 + 1); if ( durationStartChar < '0' || durationStartChar > '9' ) { DevMsg( "SplitContext: warning, ignoring context '%s', missing comma separator! Entire context was '%s'.\n", raw, entireContext ); *key = *value = 0; return NULL; }
len = MIN( colon2 - ( colon1 + 1 ), valuelen - 1 ); Q_strncpy( value, colon1 + 1, len + 1 ); value[ len ] = 0; } else { if ( duration ) *duration = 0.0;
len = MIN( end - ( colon1 + 1 ), valuelen - 1 ); Q_strncpy( value, colon1 + 1, len + 1 ); value[ len ] = 0; }
return last ? NULL : end + 1; }
// Purpose:
CriteriaSet::CriteriaSet() : m_Lookup( 0, 0, CritEntry_t::LessFunc ), m_bOverrideOnAppend(true), m_nNumPrefixedContexts(0) { }
// Purpose:
CriteriaSet::CriteriaSet( const CriteriaSet& src ) : m_Lookup( 0, 0, CritEntry_t::LessFunc ), m_nNumPrefixedContexts(src.m_nNumPrefixedContexts) { m_Lookup.EnsureCapacity( src.m_Lookup.Count() ); for ( short i = src.m_Lookup.FirstInorder(); i != src.m_Lookup.InvalidIndex(); i = src.m_Lookup.NextInorder( i ) ) { m_Lookup.Insert( src.m_Lookup[ i ] ); } }
CriteriaSet::CriteriaSet( const char *criteria, const char *value ) : m_Lookup( 0, 0, CritEntry_t::LessFunc ), m_bOverrideOnAppend(true) { AppendCriteria(criteria,value); }
// Computes a symbol for the criteria
CriteriaSet::CritSymbol_t CriteriaSet::ComputeCriteriaSymbol( const char *criteria ) { return sm_CriteriaSymbols.AddString( criteria ); }
// Computes a symbol for the criteria
void CriteriaSet::AppendCriteria( CriteriaSet::CritSymbol_t criteria, const char *value, float weight ) { int idx = FindCriterionIndex( criteria ); if ( idx == -1 ) { CritEntry_t entry; entry.criterianame = criteria; MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); idx = m_Lookup.Insert( entry ); if ( sm_CriteriaSymbols.String(criteria)[0] == kAPPLYTOWORLDPREFIX ) { m_nNumPrefixedContexts += 1; } } else // criteria already existed
{ // bail out if override existing criteria is not allowed
if ( !m_bOverrideOnAppend ) return; }
CritEntry_t *entry = &m_Lookup[ idx ]; entry->SetValue( value ); entry->weight = weight; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *criteria -
// "" -
// 1.0f -
void CriteriaSet::AppendCriteria( const char *pCriteriaName, const char *value /*= ""*/, float weight /*= 1.0f*/ ) { CUtlSymbol criteria = ComputeCriteriaSymbol( pCriteriaName ); AppendCriteria( criteria, value, weight ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *criteria -
// "" -
// 1.0f -
void CriteriaSet::AppendCriteria( const char *criteria, float value, float weight /*= 1.0f*/ ) { char buf[32]; V_snprintf( buf, 32, "%f", value ); AppendCriteria( criteria, buf, weight ); }
// Removes criteria in a set
void CriteriaSet::RemoveCriteria( const char *criteria ) { const int idx = FindCriterionIndex( criteria ); if ( idx == -1 ) return;
if ( criteria[0] == kAPPLYTOWORLDPREFIX ) { Assert( m_nNumPrefixedContexts > 0 ); m_nNumPrefixedContexts = isel( m_nNumPrefixedContexts - 1, m_nNumPrefixedContexts - 1, 0 ); } RemoveCriteria( idx, false ); }
// bTestForIndex tells us whether the calling function has already checked for a
// $ prefix and decremented m_nNumPrefixedContexts appropriately (false),
// or if this function should do that (true).
void CriteriaSet::RemoveCriteria( int idx, bool bTestForPrefix ) { Assert( m_Lookup.IsValidIndex(idx) ); if ( bTestForPrefix ) { if ( sm_CriteriaSymbols.String( m_Lookup[idx].criterianame )[0] == kAPPLYTOWORLDPREFIX ) { Assert( m_nNumPrefixedContexts > 0 ); m_nNumPrefixedContexts = isel( m_nNumPrefixedContexts - 1, m_nNumPrefixedContexts - 1, 0 ); } } m_Lookup.RemoveAt( idx ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CriteriaSet::GetCount() const { return m_Lookup.Count(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : int
int CriteriaSet::FindCriterionIndex( CritSymbol_t criteria ) const { CritEntry_t search; search.criterianame = criteria; int idx = m_Lookup.Find( search ); return ( idx == m_Lookup.InvalidIndex() ) ? -1 : idx; }
int CriteriaSet::FindCriterionIndex( const char *name ) const { CUtlSymbol criteria = ComputeCriteriaSymbol( name ); return FindCriterionIndex( criteria ); }
// Returns the name symbol
CriteriaSet::CritSymbol_t CriteriaSet::GetNameSymbol( int nIndex ) const { if ( nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= (int)m_Lookup.Count() ) return UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL;
const CritEntry_t *entry = &m_Lookup[ nIndex ]; return entry->criterianame; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : char const
const char *CriteriaSet::GetName( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)m_Lookup.Count() ) return ""; else { const char *pCriteriaName = sm_CriteriaSymbols.String( m_Lookup[ index ].criterianame ); return pCriteriaName ? pCriteriaName : ""; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : char const
const char *CriteriaSet::GetValue( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)m_Lookup.Count() ) return "";
const CritEntry_t *entry = &m_Lookup[ index ]; return entry->value ? entry->value : ""; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : float
float CriteriaSet::GetWeight( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)m_Lookup.Count() ) return 1.0f;
const CritEntry_t *entry = &m_Lookup[ index ]; return entry->weight; }
// Purpose: Merge another criteria set into this one.
void CriteriaSet::Merge( const CriteriaSet * RESTRICT otherCriteria ) { Assert(otherCriteria); if (!otherCriteria) return;
// for now, just duplicate everything.
int count = otherCriteria->GetCount(); EnsureCapacity( count + GetCount() ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i ) { AppendCriteria( otherCriteria->GetNameSymbol(i), otherCriteria->GetValue(i), otherCriteria->GetWeight(i) ); } }
void CriteriaSet::Merge( const char *modifiers ) // add criteria parsed from a text string
{ // Always include any optional modifiers
if ( modifiers == NULL ) return;
char copy_modifiers[ 255 ]; const char *pCopy; char key[ 128 ] = { 0 }; char value[ 128 ] = { 0 };
Q_strncpy( copy_modifiers, modifiers, sizeof( copy_modifiers ) ); pCopy = copy_modifiers;
while( pCopy ) { pCopy = SplitContext( pCopy, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL, modifiers );
if( *key && *value ) { AppendCriteria( key, value, 1 ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CriteriaSet::Describe() const { // build an alphabetized representation of the set for printing
typedef CUtlMap<const char *, const CritEntry_t *> tMap; tMap m_TempMap( 0, m_Lookup.Count(), CaselessStringLessThan );
for ( short i = m_Lookup.FirstInorder(); i != m_Lookup.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Lookup.NextInorder( i ) ) { const CritEntry_t *entry = &m_Lookup[ i ];
m_TempMap.Insert( sm_CriteriaSymbols.String( entry->criterianame ), entry ); }
for ( tMap::IndexType_t i = m_TempMap.FirstInorder(); i != m_TempMap.InvalidIndex(); i = m_TempMap.NextInorder( i ) ) { // const CritEntry_t *entry = &m_TempMap[ i ];
// const char *pCriteriaName = sm_CriteriaSymbols.String( entry->criterianame );
const char *name; name = m_TempMap.Key( i ); const CritEntry_t *entry = m_TempMap.Element( i ); if ( entry->weight != 1.0f ) { DevMsg( " %20s = '%s' (weight %f)\n", name, entry->value ? entry->value : "", entry->weight ); } else { DevMsg( " %20s = '%s'\n", name, entry->value ? entry->value : "" ); } }
for ( short i = m_Lookup.FirstInorder(); i != m_Lookup.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Lookup.NextInorder( i ) ) { const CritEntry_t *entry = &m_Lookup[ i ];
const char *pCriteriaName = sm_CriteriaSymbols.String( entry->criterianame ); if ( entry->weight != 1.0f ) { DevMsg( " %20s = '%s' (weight %f)\n", pCriteriaName, entry->value ? entry->value : "", entry->weight ); } else { DevMsg( " %20s = '%s'\n", pCriteriaName, entry->value ? entry->value : "" ); } } */ }
void CriteriaSet::Reset() { m_Lookup.Purge(); }
void CriteriaSet::WriteToEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { #if 0
if ( GetCount() < 1 ) return;
for ( int i = Head() ; IsValidIndex(i); i = Next(i) ) { pEntity->AddContext( GetName(i), GetValue(i), 0 ); } #else
AssertMsg( false, "CriteriaSet::WriteToEntity has not been ported from l4d2.\n" ); #endif
int CriteriaSet::InterceptWorldSetContexts( CriteriaSet * RESTRICT pFrom, CriteriaSet * RESTRICT pSetOnWorld ) { // Assert( pFrom ); Assert( pTo ); Assert( pSetOnWorld );
Assert( pSetOnWorld != pFrom ); Assert( pSetOnWorld->GetCount() == 0 );
if ( pFrom->m_nNumPrefixedContexts == 0 ) { // nothing needs to be done to it.
return 0; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// save this off for later error checking.
const int nPrefixedContexts = pFrom->m_nNumPrefixedContexts; #endif
// make enough space for the expected output quantity.
pSetOnWorld->EnsureCapacity( pFrom->m_nNumPrefixedContexts );
// initialize a buffer with the "world" prefix (so we can use strncpy instead of snprintf and be much faster)
char buf[80] = { 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '\0' }; const unsigned int PREFIXLEN = 5; // strlen("world")
// create a second tree that has the appropriately renamed criteria,
// then swap it into pFrom
CriteriaSet rewrite; rewrite.EnsureCapacity( pFrom->GetCount() + 1 );
for ( int i = pFrom->Head(); pFrom->IsValidIndex(i); i = pFrom->Next(i) ) { const char *pszName = pFrom->GetName( i ); if ( pszName[0] == CriteriaSet::kAPPLYTOWORLDPREFIX ) { // redirect to the world contexts
V_strncpy( buf+PREFIXLEN, pszName+1, sizeof(buf) - PREFIXLEN ); rewrite.AppendCriteria( buf, pFrom->GetValue(i), pFrom->GetWeight(i) ); pSetOnWorld->AppendCriteria( pszName+1, pFrom->GetValue(i), pFrom->GetWeight(i) ); buf[PREFIXLEN] = 0; } else { // does not need to be fiddled; do not write back to world
rewrite.AppendCriteria( pFrom->GetNameSymbol(i), pFrom->GetValue(i), pFrom->GetWeight(i) ); } } AssertMsg2( pSetOnWorld->GetCount() == nPrefixedContexts, "Count of $ persistent RR contexts is inconsistent (%d vs %d)! Call Elan.", pSetOnWorld->GetCount(), nPrefixedContexts );
pFrom->m_nNumPrefixedContexts = 0; pFrom->m_Lookup.Swap(rewrite.m_Lookup); return pSetOnWorld->GetCount(); }