//===-- llvm/ADT/APSInt.h - Arbitrary Precision Signed Int -----*- C++ -*--===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the APSInt class, which is a simple class that
// represents an arbitrary sized integer that knows its signedness.
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
namespace llvm {
class APSInt : public APInt { bool IsUnsigned; public: /// Default constructor that creates an uninitialized APInt.
explicit APSInt() : IsUnsigned(false) {}
/// APSInt ctor - Create an APSInt with the specified width, default to
/// unsigned.
explicit APSInt(uint32_t BitWidth, bool isUnsigned = true) : APInt(BitWidth, 0), IsUnsigned(isUnsigned) {}
explicit APSInt(const APInt &I, bool isUnsigned = true) : APInt(I), IsUnsigned(isUnsigned) {}
APSInt &operator=(const APSInt &RHS) { APInt::operator=(RHS); IsUnsigned = RHS.IsUnsigned; return *this; }
APSInt &operator=(const APInt &RHS) { // Retain our current sign.
APInt::operator=(RHS); return *this; }
APSInt &operator=(uint64_t RHS) { // Retain our current sign.
APInt::operator=(RHS); return *this; }
// Query sign information.
bool isSigned() const { return !IsUnsigned; } bool isUnsigned() const { return IsUnsigned; } void setIsUnsigned(bool Val) { IsUnsigned = Val; } void setIsSigned(bool Val) { IsUnsigned = !Val; }
/// toString - Append this APSInt to the specified SmallString.
void toString(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Str, unsigned Radix = 10) const { APInt::toString(Str, Radix, isSigned()); } /// toString - Converts an APInt to a std::string. This is an inefficient
/// method, your should prefer passing in a SmallString instead.
std::string toString(unsigned Radix) const { return APInt::toString(Radix, isSigned()); } using APInt::toString;
APSInt trunc(uint32_t width) const { return APSInt(APInt::trunc(width), IsUnsigned); }
APSInt extend(uint32_t width) const { if (IsUnsigned) return APSInt(zext(width), IsUnsigned); else return APSInt(sext(width), IsUnsigned); }
APSInt extOrTrunc(uint32_t width) const { if (IsUnsigned) return APSInt(zextOrTrunc(width), IsUnsigned); else return APSInt(sextOrTrunc(width), IsUnsigned); }
const APSInt &operator%=(const APSInt &RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); if (IsUnsigned) *this = urem(RHS); else *this = srem(RHS); return *this; } const APSInt &operator/=(const APSInt &RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); if (IsUnsigned) *this = udiv(RHS); else *this = sdiv(RHS); return *this; } APSInt operator%(const APSInt &RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return IsUnsigned ? APSInt(urem(RHS), true) : APSInt(srem(RHS), false); } APSInt operator/(const APSInt &RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return IsUnsigned ? APSInt(udiv(RHS), true) : APSInt(sdiv(RHS), false); }
APSInt operator>>(unsigned Amt) const { return IsUnsigned ? APSInt(lshr(Amt), true) : APSInt(ashr(Amt), false); } APSInt& operator>>=(unsigned Amt) { *this = *this >> Amt; return *this; }
inline bool operator<(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return IsUnsigned ? ult(RHS) : slt(RHS); } inline bool operator>(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return IsUnsigned ? ugt(RHS) : sgt(RHS); } inline bool operator<=(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return IsUnsigned ? ule(RHS) : sle(RHS); } inline bool operator>=(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return IsUnsigned ? uge(RHS) : sge(RHS); } inline bool operator==(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return eq(RHS); } inline bool operator==(int64_t RHS) const { return isSameValue(*this, APSInt(APInt(64, RHS), true)); } inline bool operator!=(const APSInt& RHS) const { return !((*this) == RHS); } inline bool operator!=(int64_t RHS) const { return !((*this) == RHS); }
// The remaining operators just wrap the logic of APInt, but retain the
// signedness information.
APSInt operator<<(unsigned Bits) const { return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) << Bits, IsUnsigned); } APSInt& operator<<=(unsigned Amt) { *this = *this << Amt; return *this; }
APSInt& operator++() { ++(static_cast<APInt&>(*this)); return *this; } APSInt& operator--() { --(static_cast<APInt&>(*this)); return *this; } APSInt operator++(int) { return APSInt(++static_cast<APInt&>(*this), IsUnsigned); } APSInt operator--(int) { return APSInt(--static_cast<APInt&>(*this), IsUnsigned); } APSInt operator-() const { return APSInt(-static_cast<const APInt&>(*this), IsUnsigned); } APSInt& operator+=(const APSInt& RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); static_cast<APInt&>(*this) += RHS; return *this; } APSInt& operator-=(const APSInt& RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); static_cast<APInt&>(*this) -= RHS; return *this; } APSInt& operator*=(const APSInt& RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); static_cast<APInt&>(*this) *= RHS; return *this; } APSInt& operator&=(const APSInt& RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); static_cast<APInt&>(*this) &= RHS; return *this; } APSInt& operator|=(const APSInt& RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); static_cast<APInt&>(*this) |= RHS; return *this; } APSInt& operator^=(const APSInt& RHS) { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); static_cast<APInt&>(*this) ^= RHS; return *this; }
APSInt operator&(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) & RHS, IsUnsigned); } APSInt And(const APSInt& RHS) const { return this->operator&(RHS); }
APSInt operator|(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) | RHS, IsUnsigned); } APSInt Or(const APSInt& RHS) const { return this->operator|(RHS); }
APSInt operator^(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) ^ RHS, IsUnsigned); } APSInt Xor(const APSInt& RHS) const { return this->operator^(RHS); }
APSInt operator*(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) * RHS, IsUnsigned); } APSInt operator+(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) + RHS, IsUnsigned); } APSInt operator-(const APSInt& RHS) const { assert(IsUnsigned == RHS.IsUnsigned && "Signedness mismatch!"); return APSInt(static_cast<const APInt&>(*this) - RHS, IsUnsigned); } APSInt operator~() const { return APSInt(~static_cast<const APInt&>(*this), IsUnsigned); }
/// getMaxValue - Return the APSInt representing the maximum integer value
/// with the given bit width and signedness.
static APSInt getMaxValue(uint32_t numBits, bool Unsigned) { return APSInt(Unsigned ? APInt::getMaxValue(numBits) : APInt::getSignedMaxValue(numBits), Unsigned); }
/// getMinValue - Return the APSInt representing the minimum integer value
/// with the given bit width and signedness.
static APSInt getMinValue(uint32_t numBits, bool Unsigned) { return APSInt(Unsigned ? APInt::getMinValue(numBits) : APInt::getSignedMinValue(numBits), Unsigned); }
/// \brief Determine if two APSInts have the same value, zero- or
/// sign-extending as needed.
static bool isSameValue(const APSInt &I1, const APSInt &I2) { if (I1.getBitWidth() == I2.getBitWidth() && I1.isSigned() == I2.isSigned()) return I1 == I2;
// Check for a bit-width mismatch.
if (I1.getBitWidth() > I2.getBitWidth()) return isSameValue(I1, I2.extend(I1.getBitWidth())); else if (I2.getBitWidth() > I1.getBitWidth()) return isSameValue(I1.extend(I2.getBitWidth()), I2);
// We have a signedness mismatch. Turn the signed value into an unsigned
// value.
if (I1.isSigned()) { if (I1.isNegative()) return false;
return APSInt(I1, true) == I2; }
if (I2.isNegative()) return false;
return I1 == APSInt(I2, true); }
/// Profile - Used to insert APSInt objects, or objects that contain APSInt
/// objects, into FoldingSets.
void Profile(FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const; };
inline bool operator==(int64_t V1, const APSInt& V2) { return V2 == V1; } inline bool operator!=(int64_t V1, const APSInt& V2) { return V2 != V1; }
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const APSInt &I) { I.print(OS, I.isSigned()); return OS; }
} // end namespace llvm