//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include <direct.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mxtk/mx.h>
#include <mxtk/mxTga.h>
#include <mxtk/mxEvent.h>
#include "mdlviewer.h"
#include "ViewerSettings.h"
#include "MatSysWin.h"
#include "ControlPanel.h"
#include "FlexPanel.h"
#include "StudioModel.h"
#include "mxExpressionTray.h"
#include "mxStatusWindow.h"
#include "ChoreoView.h"
#include "ifaceposersound.h"
#include "ifaceposerworkspace.h"
#include "expclass.h"
#include "PhonemeEditor.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "ExpressionTool.h"
#include "ControlPanel.h"
#include "choreowidgetdrawhelper.h"
#include "choreoviewcolors.h"
#include "tabwindow.h"
#include "faceposer_models.h"
#include "choiceproperties.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "choreoactor.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "InputProperties.h"
#include "GestureTool.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "RampTool.h"
#include "SceneRampTool.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "phonemeextractor/PhonemeExtractor.h"
#include "animationbrowser.h"
#include "CloseCaptionTool.h"
#include "wavebrowser.h"
#include "vcdbrowser.h"
#include "ifilesystemopendialog.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include "appframework/appframework.h"
#include "icvar.h"
#include "vstdlib/cvar.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "Datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "appframework/tier3app.h"
#include "p4lib/ip4.h"
#include "tier2/p4helpers.h"
#include "ProgressDialog.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "MessageBoxWithCheckBox.h"
#include "configmanager.h"
MDLViewer *g_MDLViewer = 0; char g_appTitle[] = "Half-Life Face Poser"; static char recentFiles[8][256] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
using namespace vgui; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Singleton interfaces
IPhysicsSurfaceProps *physprop; IPhysicsCollision *physcollision; IStudioDataCache *g_pStudioDataCache; ISoundEmitterSystemBase *soundemitter = NULL; CreateInterfaceFn g_Factory; IFileSystem *g_pFileSystem = NULL;
bool g_bInError = false;
static char gamedir[MAX_PATH]; // full path to gamedir U:\main\game\ep2
static char gamedirsimple[MAX_PATH]; // just short name: ep2
// Filesystem dialog module wrappers.
CSysModule *g_pFSDialogModule = 0; CreateInterfaceFn g_FSDialogFactory = 0;
// FIXME: Remove this crap (from cmdlib.cpp)
// We can't include cmdlib owing to appframework incompatibilities
void Q_mkdir( const char *path ) { #if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( WIN32 )
if (_mkdir (path) != -1) return; #else
if (mkdir (path, 0777) != -1) return; #endif
if (errno != EEXIST) { Error ("mkdir %s: %s",path, strerror(errno)); } }
void CreatePath( const char *relative ) { char fullpath[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s%s", GetGameDirectory(), relative ); char *path = fullpath;
char *ofs, c;
if (path[1] == ':') { path += 2; }
for (ofs = const_cast<char*>(path+1); *ofs ; ofs++) { c = *ofs; if (c == '/' || c == '\\') { // create the directory, but not if it's actually a filename with a dot in it!!!
*ofs = 0; if ( !Q_stristr( path, "." ) ) { Q_mkdir (path); } *ofs = c; } } }
// LoadFile
int LoadFile (const char *filename, void **bufferptr) { FileHandle_t f = filesystem->Open( filename, "rb" ); int length = filesystem->Size( f ); void *buffer = malloc (length+1); ((char *)buffer)[length] = 0; if ( filesystem->Read (buffer, length, f) != (int)length ) { Error ("File read failure"); } filesystem->Close (f);
*bufferptr = buffer; return length; }
char *ExpandPath (char *path) { static char full[1024]; if (path[0] == '/' || path[0] == '\\' || path[1] == ':') return path;
Q_snprintf (full, 1024, "%s%s", gamedir, path); return full; }
// FIXME: Move into appsystem framework
void LoadFileSystemDialogModule() { Assert( !g_pFSDialogModule );
// Load the module with the file system open dialog.
const char *pDLLName = "FileSystemOpenDialog.dll"; g_pFSDialogModule = Sys_LoadModule( pDLLName ); if ( g_pFSDialogModule ) { g_FSDialogFactory = Sys_GetFactory( g_pFSDialogModule ); }
if ( !g_pFSDialogModule || !g_FSDialogFactory ) { if ( g_pFSDialogModule ) { Sys_UnloadModule( g_pFSDialogModule ); g_pFSDialogModule = NULL; } } }
void UnloadFileSystemDialogModule() { if ( g_pFSDialogModule ) { Sys_UnloadModule( g_pFSDialogModule ); g_pFSDialogModule = 0; } }
void MDLViewer::initRecentFiles () { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (strlen (recentFiles[i])) { mb->modify (IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1 + i, IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1 + i, recentFiles[i]); } else { mb->modify (IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1 + i, IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1 + i, "(empty)"); mb->setEnabled (IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1 + i, false); } } }
#define RECENTFILESPATH "/hlfaceposer.rf"
void MDLViewer::loadRecentFiles () { char path[256]; strcpy (path, mx::getApplicationPath ()); strcat (path, RECENTFILESPATH); FILE *file = fopen (path, "rb"); if (file) { fread (recentFiles, sizeof recentFiles, 1, file); fclose (file); } }
void MDLViewer::saveRecentFiles () { char path[256];
strcpy (path, mx::getApplicationPath ()); strcat (path, RECENTFILESPATH);
FILE *file = fopen (path, "wb"); if (file) { fwrite (recentFiles, sizeof recentFiles, 1, file); fclose (file); } }
bool MDLViewer::AreSoundScriptsDirty() { // Save any changed sound script files
int c = soundemitter->GetNumSoundScripts(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( soundemitter->IsSoundScriptDirty( i ) ) { return true; } } return false; }
bool MDLViewer::CanClose() { Con_Printf( "Checking for vcd changes...\n" );
if ( m_vecDirtyVCDs.Count() > 0 ) { CMessageBoxWithCheckBoxParams params; Q_memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) ); Q_strncpy( params.m_szDialogTitle, "Scenes Image", sizeof( params.m_szDialogTitle ) ); Q_strncpy( params.m_szPrompt, "Update scenes.image?", sizeof( params.m_szPrompt ) ); Q_strncpy( params.m_szCheckBoxText, "Rebuild full .image", sizeof( params.m_szCheckBoxText ) ); params.m_bChecked = false;
// FIXME: Needs a "rebuild all" checkbox
if ( !MessageBoxWithCheckBox( ¶ms ) ) return false;
if ( params.m_bChecked ) { OnRebuildScenesImage(); } else { OnUpdateScenesImage(); } }
Con_Printf( "Checking for sound script changes...\n" );
// Save any changed sound script files
int c = soundemitter->GetNumSoundScripts(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( !soundemitter->IsSoundScriptDirty( i ) ) continue;
char const *scriptname = soundemitter->GetSoundScriptName( i ); if ( !scriptname ) continue;
if ( !filesystem->FileExists( scriptname ) || !filesystem->IsFileWritable( scriptname ) ) { continue; }
int retval = mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Save changes to sound script '%s'?", scriptname ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_YESNOCANCEL ); if ( retval == 2 ) { return false; }
if ( retval == 0 ) { soundemitter->SaveChangesToSoundScript( i ); } }
models->SaveModelList(); models->CloseAllModels();
return true; }
bool MDLViewer::Closing( void ) { return true; }
class CFlatButton : public mxButton { public: CFlatButton( mxWindow *parent, int id ) : mxButton( parent, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", id ) { HWND wnd = (HWND)getHandle(); DWORD exstyle = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ); exstyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle );
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE ); style &= ~WS_BORDER; SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE, style );
} };
class CMDLViewerGridSettings : public mxWindow { public: typedef mxWindow BaseClass;
CMDLViewerGridSettings( mxWindow *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h ) : mxWindow( parent, x, y, w, h ) { FacePoser_AddWindowStyle( this, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS ); m_btnFPS = new CFlatButton( this, IDC_GRIDSETTINGS_FPS ); m_btnGridSnap = new CFlatButton( this, IDC_GRIDSETTINGS_SNAP );
void Init( void ) { if ( g_pChoreoView ) { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { char sz[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%i fps", scene->GetSceneFPS() ); m_btnFPS->setLabel( sz );
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "snap: %s", scene->IsUsingFrameSnap() ? "on" : "off" ); m_btnGridSnap->setLabel( sz );
m_btnFPS->setVisible( true ); m_btnGridSnap->setVisible( true ); return; } } m_btnFPS->setVisible( false ); m_btnGridSnap->setVisible( false ); }
virtual int handleEvent( mxEvent *event ) { int iret = 0; switch ( event->event ) { default: break; case mxEvent::Size: { int leftedge = w2() * 0.45f; m_btnFPS->setBounds( 0, 0, leftedge, h2() ); m_btnGridSnap->setBounds( leftedge, 0, w2() - leftedge, h2() ); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch ( event->action ) { default: iret = 0; break; case IDC_GRIDSETTINGS_FPS: { if ( g_pChoreoView ) { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { int currentFPS = scene->GetSceneFPS(); CInputParams params; memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) ); strcpy( params.m_szDialogTitle, "Change FPS" ); Q_snprintf( params.m_szInputText, sizeof( params.m_szInputText ), "%i", currentFPS ); strcpy( params.m_szPrompt, "Current FPS:" ); if ( InputProperties( ¶ms ) ) { int newFPS = atoi( params.m_szInputText ); if ( ( newFPS > 0 ) && ( newFPS != currentFPS ) ) { g_pChoreoView->SetDirty( true ); g_pChoreoView->PushUndo( "Change Scene FPS" ); scene->SetSceneFPS( newFPS ); g_pChoreoView->PushRedo( "Change Scene FPS" ); Init();
Con_Printf( "FPS changed to %i\n", newFPS ); } } } } } break; case IDC_GRIDSETTINGS_SNAP: { if ( g_pChoreoView ) { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { g_pChoreoView->SetDirty( true ); g_pChoreoView->PushUndo( "Change Snap Frame" ); scene->SetUsingFrameSnap( !scene->IsUsingFrameSnap() ); g_pChoreoView->PushRedo( "Change Snap Frame" ); Init();
Con_Printf( "Time frame snapping: %s\n", scene->IsUsingFrameSnap() ? "on" : "off" ); } }
} break; } } } return iret; }
bool PaintBackground( void ) { CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this ); RECT rc; drawHelper.GetClientRect( rc ); drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( RGBToColor( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ), rc ); return false; } private:
CFlatButton *m_btnFPS; CFlatButton *m_btnGridSnap; };
#define IDC_MODELTAB_LOAD 1000
// Purpose:
class CMDLViewerModelTab : public CTabWindow { public: typedef CTabWindow BaseClass;
CMDLViewerModelTab( mxWindow *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, int id = 0, int style = 0 ) : CTabWindow( parent, x, y, w, h, id, style ) { SetInverted( true ); }
virtual void ShowRightClickMenu( int mx, int my ) { mxPopupMenu *pop = new mxPopupMenu(); Assert( pop );
char const *current = ""; char const *filename = ""; int idx = getSelectedIndex(); if ( idx >= 0 ) { current = models->GetModelName( idx ); filename = models->GetModelFileName( idx ); }
if ( models->Count() < MAX_FP_MODELS ) { pop->add( "Load Model...", IDC_MODELTAB_LOAD ); } if ( idx >= 0 ) { pop->add( va( "Close '%s'", current ), IDC_MODELTAB_CLOSE ); } if ( models->Count() > 0 ) { pop->add( "Close All", IDC_MODELTAB_CLOSEALL ); } if ( idx >= 0 ) { pop->addSeparator(); pop->add( va( "Center %s's face", current ), IDC_MODELTAB_CENTERONFACE );
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { // See if there is already an actor with this model associated
int c = scene->GetNumActors(); bool hasassoc = false; for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoActor *a = scene->GetActor( i ); Assert( a ); if ( stricmp( a->GetFacePoserModelName(), filename ) ) continue; hasassoc = true; break; }
if ( hasassoc ) { pop->add( va( "Change associated actor for %s", current ), IDC_MODELTAB_ASSOCIATEACTOR ); } else { pop->add( va( "Associate actor to %s", current ), IDC_MODELTAB_ASSOCIATEACTOR ); } }
bool visible = models->IsModelShownIn3DView( idx ); if ( visible ) { pop->add( va( "Remove %s from 3D View", current ), IDC_MODELTAB_TOGGLE3DVIEW ); } else { pop->add( va( "Show %s in 3D View", current ), IDC_MODELTAB_TOGGLE3DVIEW ); } } if ( models->Count() > 0 ) { pop->addSeparator(); pop->add( "Show All", IDC_MODELTAB_SHOWALL ); pop->add( "Hide All", IDC_MODELTAB_HIDEALL ); }
// Convert click position
POINT pt; pt.x = mx; pt.y = my;
// Convert coordinate space
pop->popup( this, pt.x, pt.y ); }
virtual int handleEvent( mxEvent *event ) { int iret = 0; switch ( event->event ) { default: break; case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch ( event->action ) { default: iret = 0; break; case IDC_MODELTAB_SHOWALL: case IDC_MODELTAB_HIDEALL: { bool show = ( event->action == IDC_MODELTAB_SHOWALL ) ? true : false; int c = models->Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { models->ShowModelIn3DView( i, show ); } } break; case IDC_MODELTAB_LOAD: { if ( filesystem->IsSteam() ) { g_MDLViewer->LoadModel_Steam(); } else { char modelfile[ 512 ]; if ( FacePoser_ShowOpenFileNameDialog( modelfile, sizeof( modelfile ), "models", "*.mdl" ) ) { g_MDLViewer->LoadModelFile( modelfile ); } } } break; case IDC_MODELTAB_CLOSE: { int idx = getSelectedIndex(); if ( idx >= 0 ) { models->FreeModel( idx ); } } break; case IDC_MODELTAB_CLOSEALL: { models->CloseAllModels(); } break; case IDC_MODELTAB_CENTERONFACE: { g_pControlPanel->CenterOnFace(); } break; case IDC_MODELTAB_TOGGLE3DVIEW: { int idx = getSelectedIndex(); if ( idx >= 0 ) { bool visible = models->IsModelShownIn3DView( idx ); models->ShowModelIn3DView( idx, !visible ); } } break; case IDC_MODELTAB_ASSOCIATEACTOR: { int idx = getSelectedIndex(); if ( idx >= 0 ) { char const *modelname = models->GetModelFileName( idx );
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { CChoiceParams params; strcpy( params.m_szDialogTitle, "Associate Actor" );
params.m_bPositionDialog = false; params.m_nLeft = 0; params.m_nTop = 0; strcpy( params.m_szPrompt, "Choose actor:" );
params.m_nSelected = -1; int oldsel = -1;
int c = scene->GetNumActors(); ChoiceText text; for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoActor *a = scene->GetActor( i ); Assert( a );
strcpy( text.choice, a->GetName() );
if ( !stricmp( a->GetFacePoserModelName(), modelname ) ) { params.m_nSelected = i; oldsel = -1; }
params.m_Choices.AddToTail( text ); } if ( ChoiceProperties( ¶ms ) && params.m_nSelected != oldsel ) { // Chose something new...
CChoreoActor *a = scene->GetActor( params.m_nSelected ); g_pChoreoView->AssociateModelToActor( a, idx ); } } }
} } } break; } if ( iret ) return iret; return BaseClass::handleEvent( event ); }
void HandleModelSelect( void ) { int idx = getSelectedIndex(); if ( idx < 0 ) return;
// FIXME: Do any necessary window resetting here!!!
g_pControlPanel->ChangeModel( models->GetModelFileName( idx ) ); }
void Init( void ) { removeAll(); int c = models->Count(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { char const *name = models->GetModelName( i );
// Strip it down to the base name
char cleanname[ 256 ]; Q_FileBase( name, cleanname, sizeof( cleanname ) );
add( cleanname ); } } };
// Purpose:
class CMDLViewerWindowTab : public CTabWindow { public: typedef CTabWindow BaseClass;
CMDLViewerWindowTab( mxWindow *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, int id = 0, int style = 0 ) : CTabWindow( parent, x, y, w, h, id, style ) { SetInverted( true );
m_nLastSelected = -1; m_flLastSelectedTime = -1; }
virtual void ShowRightClickMenu( int mx, int my ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = GetSelectedTool(); if ( !tool ) return;
mxWindow *toolw = tool->GetMxWindow(); if ( !toolw ) return;
mxPopupMenu *pop = new mxPopupMenu(); Assert( pop );
bool isVisible = toolw->isVisible(); bool isLocked = tool->IsLocked();
pop->add( isVisible ? "Hide" : "Show", IDC_TOOL_TOGGLEVISIBILITY ); pop->add( isLocked ? "Unlock" : "Lock", IDC_TOOL_TOGGLELOCK );
// Convert click position
POINT pt; pt.x = mx; pt.y = my;
ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); ScreenToClient( (HWND)g_MDLViewer->getHandle(), &pt ); */
// Convert coordinate space
pop->popup( this, pt.x, pt.y ); }
virtual int handleEvent( mxEvent *event ) { int iret = 0; switch ( event->event ) { case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch ( event->action ) { default: iret = 0; break; case IDC_TOOL_TOGGLEVISIBILITY: { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = GetSelectedTool(); if ( tool ) { mxWindow *toolw = tool->GetMxWindow(); if ( toolw ) { toolw->setVisible( !toolw->isVisible() ); g_MDLViewer->UpdateWindowMenu(); } } } break; case IDC_TOOL_TOGGLELOCK: { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = GetSelectedTool(); if ( tool ) { tool->ToggleLockedState(); } } break; } } break; default: break; } if ( iret ) return iret; return BaseClass::handleEvent( event ); }
void Init( void ) { int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); add( tool->GetDisplayNameRoot() ); } }
void HandleWindowSelect( void ) { extern double realtime; IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = GetSelectedTool(); if ( !tool ) return;
bool doubleclicked = false;
double curtime = realtime; int clickedItem = getSelectedIndex();
if ( clickedItem == m_nLastSelected ) { if ( curtime < m_flLastSelectedTime + WINDOW_DOUBLECLICK_TIME ) { doubleclicked = true; } }
m_flLastSelectedTime = curtime; m_nLastSelected = clickedItem;
mxWindow *toolw = tool->GetMxWindow(); if ( !toolw ) return;
if ( doubleclicked ) { toolw->setVisible( !toolw->isVisible() ); m_flLastSelectedTime = -1; }
if ( !toolw->isVisible() ) { return; }
// Move window to front
HWND wnd = (HWND)tool->GetMxWindow()->getHandle(); SetFocus( wnd ); SetWindowPos( wnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); }
IFacePoserToolWindow *GetSelectedTool() { int idx = getSelectedIndex(); int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); if ( idx < 0 || idx >= c ) return NULL;
IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( idx ); return tool; }
// HACKY double click handler
int m_nLastSelected; double m_flLastSelectedTime; };
// Purpose: The workspace is the parent of all of the tool windows
class CMDLViewerWorkspace : public mxWindow { public: CMDLViewerWorkspace( mxWindow *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label = 0, int style = 0) : mxWindow( parent, x, y, w, h, label, style ) { FacePoser_AddWindowStyle( this, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool PaintBackground( void ) { CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this ); RECT rc; drawHelper.GetClientRect( rc ); drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( RGBToColor( GetSysColor( COLOR_APPWORKSPACE ) ), rc ); return false; } };
void MDLViewer::LoadPosition( void ) { bool visible; bool locked; bool zoomed; int x, y, w, h;
FacePoser_LoadWindowPositions( "MDLViewer", visible, x, y, w, h, locked, zoomed );
if ( w == 0 || h == 0 ) { zoomed = true; visible = true; }
setBounds( x, y, w, h ); if ( zoomed ) { ShowWindow( (HWND)getHandle(), SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ); } else { setVisible( visible ); } }
void MDLViewer::SavePosition( void ) { bool visible; int xpos, ypos, width, height;
visible = isVisible(); xpos = x(); ypos = y(); width = w(); height = h();
// xpos and ypos are screen space
POINT pt; pt.x = xpos; pt.y = ypos;
// Convert from screen space to relative to client area of parent window so
// the setBounds == MoveWindow call will offset to the same location
if ( getParent() ) { ScreenToClient( (HWND)getParent()->getHandle(), &pt ); xpos = (short)pt.x; ypos = (short)pt.y; }
bool zoomed = IsZoomed( (HWND)getHandle() ) ? true : false;
bool iconic = IsIconic( (HWND)getHandle() ) ? true : false;
// Don't reset values if it's minimized during shutdown
if ( iconic ) return;
FacePoser_SaveWindowPositions( "MDLViewer", visible, xpos, ypos, width, height, false, zoomed ); }
MDLViewer::MDLViewer () : mxWindow (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_appTitle, mxWindow::Normal), menuCloseCaptionLanguages(0), m_bOldSoundScriptsDirty( -1 ), m_bAlwaysUpdate( true ) { int i;
g_MDLViewer = this;
FacePoser_MakeToolWindow( this, false );
workspace = new CMDLViewerWorkspace( this, 0, 0, 500, 500, "" ); windowtab = new CMDLViewerWindowTab( this, 0, 500, 500, 20, IDC_WINDOW_TAB ); modeltab = new CMDLViewerModelTab( this, 500, 500, 200, 20, IDC_MODEL_TAB ); gridsettings = new CMDLViewerGridSettings( this, 0, 500, 500, 20 ); modeltab->SetRightJustify( true );
g_pStatusWindow = new mxStatusWindow( workspace, 0, 0, 1024, 150, "" ); g_pStatusWindow->setVisible( true );
InitViewerSettings( "faceposer" ); g_viewerSettings.speechapiindex = SPEECH_API_LIPSINC; g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = -1;
LoadViewerRootSettings( );
g_pStatusWindow->setBounds( 0, h2() - 150, w2(), 150 );
Con_Printf( "MDLViewer started\n" );
Con_Printf( "Creating menu bar\n" );
// create menu stuff
mb = new mxMenuBar (this); menuFile = new mxMenu (); menuOptions = new mxMenu (); menuWindow = new mxMenu (); menuHelp = new mxMenu (); menuEdit = new mxMenu (); menuExpressions = new mxMenu(); menuChoreography = new mxMenu(); menuFoundry = new mxMenu();
mb->addMenu ("File", menuFile); //mb->addMenu( "Edit", menuEdit );
mb->addMenu ("Options", menuOptions); mb->addMenu ( "Expression", menuExpressions ); mb->addMenu ( "Choreography", menuChoreography ); // Don't show Foundry mode in the SDK
if ( CGameConfigManager::IsSDKDeployment() == false ) { mb->addMenu ("Foundry", menuFoundry); }
mb->addMenu ("Window", menuWindow); mb->addMenu ("Help", menuHelp);
mxMenu *menuRecentFiles = new mxMenu (); menuRecentFiles->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1); menuRecentFiles->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES2); menuRecentFiles->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES3); menuRecentFiles->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES4);
menuFile->add ("Load Model...", IDC_FILE_LOADMODEL); menuFile->add( "Refresh\tF5", IDC_FILE_REFRESH );
menuFile->addSeparator(); menuFile->add ("Save Sound Changes...", IDC_FILE_SAVESOUNDSCRIPTCHANGES ); menuFile->add( "Rebuild scenes.image...", IDC_FILE_REBUILDSCENESIMAGE ); menuFile->add( "Update scenes.image...", IDC_FILE_UPDATESCENESIMAGE ); menuFile->setEnabled( IDC_FILE_UPDATESCENESIMAGE, false );
menuFile->add ("Load Background Texture...", IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX); menuFile->add ("Load Ground Texture...", IDC_FILE_LOADGROUNDTEX); menuFile->addSeparator (); menuFile->add ("Unload Ground Texture", IDC_FILE_UNLOADGROUNDTEX); menuFile->addSeparator (); menuFile->addMenu ("Recent Files", menuRecentFiles); menuFile->addSeparator (); menuFile->add ("Exit", IDC_FILE_EXIT);
menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX, false); menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_LOADGROUNDTEX, false); menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_UNLOADGROUNDTEX, false); menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_SAVESOUNDSCRIPTCHANGES, false);
menuOptions->add ("Background Color...", IDC_OPTIONS_COLORBACKGROUND); menuOptions->add ("Ground Color...", IDC_OPTIONS_COLORGROUND); menuOptions->add ("Light Color...", IDC_OPTIONS_COLORLIGHT);
{ menuCloseCaptionLanguages = new mxMenu();
for ( int i = 0; i < CC_NUM_LANGUAGES; i++ ) { int id = IDC_OPTIONS_LANGUAGESTART + i; menuCloseCaptionLanguages->add( CSentence::NameForLanguage( i ), id ); }
menuOptions->addSeparator(); menuOptions->addMenu( "CC Language", menuCloseCaptionLanguages ); }
menuOptions->addSeparator (); menuOptions->add ("Center View", IDC_OPTIONS_CENTERVIEW); menuOptions->add ("Center on Face", IDC_OPTIONS_CENTERONFACE ); #ifdef WIN32
menuOptions->addSeparator (); menuOptions->add ("Make Screenshot...", IDC_OPTIONS_MAKESCREENSHOT); //menuOptions->add ("Dump Model Info", IDC_OPTIONS_DUMP);
menuOptions->addSeparator (); menuOptions->add ("Clear model sounds.", IDC_OPTIONS_CLEARMODELSOUNDS );
menuExpressions->add( "New...", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_NEW ); menuExpressions->addSeparator (); menuExpressions->add( "Load...", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_LOAD ); menuExpressions->add( "Save", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_SAVE ); menuExpressions->addSeparator (); menuExpressions->add( "Export to VFE", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_EXPORT ); menuExpressions->addSeparator (); menuExpressions->add( "Close class", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_CLOSE ); menuExpressions->add( "Close all classes", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_CLOSEALL ); menuExpressions->addSeparator(); menuExpressions->add( "Recreate all bitmaps", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_REDOBITMAPS );
menuChoreography->add( "New...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_NEW ); menuChoreography->addSeparator(); menuChoreography->add( "Load...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_LOAD ); menuChoreography->add( "Save", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SAVE ); menuChoreography->add( "Save As...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SAVEAS ); menuChoreography->addSeparator(); menuChoreography->add( "Close", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_CLOSE ); menuChoreography->addSeparator(); menuChoreography->add( "Add Actor...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_ADDACTOR ); menuChoreography->addSeparator(); menuChoreography->add( "Scrubber units in seconds", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SCRUB_UNITS ); menuChoreography->addSeparator(); menuChoreography->add( "Load Next", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_LOADNEXT );
#ifdef WIN32
menuHelp->add ("Goto Homepage...", IDC_HELP_GOTOHOMEPAGE); menuHelp->addSeparator (); #endif
menuHelp->add ("About...", IDC_HELP_ABOUT);
// Foundry-specific menu items
// Don't show Foundry mode in the SDK
if ( CGameConfigManager::IsSDKDeployment() == false ) { menuFoundry->add( "Play Scene In Engine...", IDC_FOUNDRY_PLAYSCENE ); }
// create the Material System window
Con_Printf( "Creating 3D View\n" ); g_pMatSysWindow = new MatSysWindow (workspace, 0, 0, 100, 100, "", mxWindow::Normal);
Con_Printf( "Creating Close Caption tool" ); g_pCloseCaptionTool = new CloseCaptionTool( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating control panel\n" ); g_pControlPanel = new ControlPanel (workspace);
Con_Printf( "Creating phoneme editor\n" ); g_pPhonemeEditor = new PhonemeEditor( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating expression tool\n" ); g_pExpressionTool = new ExpressionTool( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating gesture tool\n" ); g_pGestureTool = new GestureTool( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating ramp tool\n" ); g_pRampTool = new RampTool( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating scene ramp tool\n" ); g_pSceneRampTool = new SceneRampTool( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating expression tray\n" ); g_pExpressionTrayTool = new mxExpressionTray( workspace, IDC_EXPRESSIONTRAY );
Con_Printf( "Creating animation browser\n" ); g_pAnimationBrowserTool = new AnimationBrowser( workspace, IDC_ANIMATIONBROWSER );
Con_Printf( "Creating flex slider window\n" ); g_pFlexPanel = new FlexPanel( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating wave browser\n" ); g_pWaveBrowser = new CWaveBrowser( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating VCD browser\n" ); g_pVCDBrowser = new CVCDBrowser( workspace );
Con_Printf( "Creating choreography view\n" ); g_pChoreoView = new CChoreoView( workspace, 200, 200, 400, 300, 0 ); // Choreo scene file drives main window title name
g_pChoreoView->SetUseForMainWindowTitle( true );
Con_Printf( "IFacePoserToolWindow::Init\n" );
Con_Printf( "windowtab->Init\n" ); windowtab->Init();
Con_Printf( "loadRecentFiles\n" );
loadRecentFiles (); initRecentFiles ();
Con_Printf( "RestoreThumbnailSize\n" );
g_pExpressionTrayTool->RestoreThumbnailSize(); g_pAnimationBrowserTool->RestoreThumbnailSize();
Con_Printf( "Add Tool Windows\n" );
int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); for ( i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); menuWindow->add( tool->GetToolName(), IDC_WINDOW_FIRSTTOOL + i ); }
menuWindow->addSeparator(); menuWindow->add( "Cascade", IDC_WINDOW_CASCADE ); menuWindow->addSeparator(); menuWindow->add( "Tile", IDC_WINDOW_TILE ); menuWindow->add( "Tile Horizontally", IDC_WINDOW_TILE_HORIZ ); menuWindow->add( "Tile Vertically", IDC_WINDOW_TILE_VERT ); menuWindow->addSeparator(); menuWindow->add( "Hide All", IDC_WINDOW_HIDEALL ); menuWindow->add( "Show All", IDC_WINDOW_SHOWALL );
Con_Printf( "UpdateWindowMenu\n" );
UpdateWindowMenu(); // Check the default item
UpdateLanguageMenu( g_viewerSettings.cclanguageid );
m_nCurrentFrame = 0;
Con_Printf( "gridsettings->Init()\n" );
Con_Printf( "LoadWindowPositions\n" );
Con_Printf( "Model viewer created\n" ); }
// Purpose:
void MDLViewer::UpdateWindowMenu( void ) { int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); menuWindow->setChecked( IDC_WINDOW_FIRSTTOOL + i, tool->GetMxWindow()->isVisible() ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : currentLanguageId -
void MDLViewer::UpdateLanguageMenu( int currentLanguageId ) { if ( !menuCloseCaptionLanguages ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < CC_NUM_LANGUAGES; i++ ) { int id = IDC_OPTIONS_LANGUAGESTART + i; menuCloseCaptionLanguages->setChecked( id, i == currentLanguageId ? true : false ); } }
void MDLViewer::OnDelete() { saveRecentFiles (); SaveViewerRootSettings( );
#ifdef WIN32
DeleteFile ("hlmv.cfg"); DeleteFile ("midump.txt"); #endif
g_MDLViewer = NULL; }
MDLViewer::~MDLViewer () { }
// Purpose:
void MDLViewer::InitModelTab( void ) { modeltab->Init(); }
// Purpose:
void MDLViewer::InitGridSettings( void ) { gridsettings->Init(); }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int MDLViewer::GetActiveModelTab( void ) { return modeltab->getSelectedIndex(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : modelindex -
void MDLViewer::SetActiveModelTab( int modelindex ) { modeltab->select( modelindex ); modeltab->HandleModelSelect(); }
// Purpose: Reloads the currently loaded model file.
void MDLViewer::Refresh( void ) { Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 0, 125, 255 ), "Refreshing...\n" );
bool reinit_soundemitter = true;
// Save any changed sound script files
int c = soundemitter->GetNumSoundScripts(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( !soundemitter->IsSoundScriptDirty( i ) ) continue;
char const *scriptname = soundemitter->GetSoundScriptName( i ); if ( !scriptname ) continue;
if ( !filesystem->FileExists( scriptname ) || !filesystem->IsFileWritable( scriptname ) ) { continue; }
int retval = mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Save changes to sound script '%s'?", scriptname ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_YESNOCANCEL ); if ( retval != 0 ) { reinit_soundemitter = false; continue; }
if ( retval == 0 ) { soundemitter->SaveChangesToSoundScript( i ); Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 50, 255, 100 ), " saving changes to script file '%s'\n", scriptname ); } }
// kill the soundemitter system
if ( reinit_soundemitter ) { soundemitter->Shutdown(); }
Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 50, 255, 100 ), " reloading textures\n" ); g_pMaterialSystem->ReloadTextures();
Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 50, 255, 100 ), " reloading models\n" ); models->RestoreModels();
// restart the soundemitter system
if ( reinit_soundemitter ) { Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 50, 255, 100 ), " reloading sound emitter system\n" ); soundemitter->Init(); } else { Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 250, 50, 50 ), " NOT reloading sound emitter system\n" ); }
Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 0, 125, 255 ), "done.\n" ); }
void MDLViewer::OnFileLoaded( char const *pszFile ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (!Q_stricmp( recentFiles[i], pszFile )) break; }
// swap existing recent file
if (i < 8) { char tmp[256]; strcpy (tmp, recentFiles[0]); strcpy (recentFiles[0], recentFiles[i]); strcpy (recentFiles[i], tmp); }
// insert recent file
else { for (i = 7; i > 0; i--) strcpy (recentFiles[i], recentFiles[i - 1]);
strcpy( recentFiles[0], pszFile ); }
initRecentFiles ();
if ( g_pVCDBrowser ) { g_pVCDBrowser->SetCurrent( pszFile ); } }
// Purpose: Loads the file and updates the MRU list.
// Input : pszFile - File to load.
void MDLViewer::LoadModelFile( const char *pszFile ) { models->LoadModel( pszFile );
OnFileLoaded( pszFile );
g_pControlPanel->CenterOnFace(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *wnd -
// x -
// y -
// Output : static bool
static bool WindowContainsPoint( mxWindow *wnd, int x, int y ) { POINT pt; pt.x = (short)x; pt.y = (short)y;
HWND window = (HWND)wnd->getHandle(); if ( !window ) return false;
ScreenToClient( window, &pt );
if ( pt.x < 0 ) return false; if ( pt.y < 0 ) return false; if ( pt.x > wnd->w() ) return false; if ( pt.y > wnd->h() ) return false;
return true; }
void MDLViewer::LoadModel_Steam() { if ( !g_FSDialogFactory ) return;
IFileSystemOpenDialog *pDlg; pDlg = (IFileSystemOpenDialog*)g_FSDialogFactory( FILESYSTEMOPENDIALOG_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !pDlg ) { char str[512]; Q_snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "Can't create %s interface.", FILESYSTEMOPENDIALOG_VERSION ); ::MessageBox( NULL, str, "Error", MB_OK ); return; } pDlg->Init( g_Factory, NULL ); pDlg->AddFileMask( "*.jpg" ); pDlg->AddFileMask( "*.mdl" ); pDlg->SetInitialDir( "models", "game" ); pDlg->SetFilterMdlAndJpgFiles( true );
if (pDlg->DoModal() == IDOK) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; pDlg->GetFilename( filename, sizeof( filename ) ); LoadModelFile( filename ); }
pDlg->Release(); }
int MDLViewer::handleEvent (mxEvent *event) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache );
int iret = 0;
switch (event->event) { case mxEvent::Size: { int width = w2(); int height = h2();
windowtab->SetRowHeight( WINDOW_TAB_OFFSET - 2 ); modeltab->SetRowHeight( WINDOW_TAB_OFFSET - 2 );
int gridsettingswide = 100; int gridstart = width - gridsettingswide - 5;
int modelwide = gridstart / 3; int windowwide = gridstart - modelwide;
int rowheight = max( windowtab->GetBestHeight( windowwide ), modeltab->GetBestHeight( modelwide ) );
workspace->setBounds( 0, 0, width, height - rowheight );
gridsettings->setBounds( gridstart, height - rowheight + 1, gridsettingswide, WINDOW_TAB_OFFSET - 2 );
windowtab->setBounds( 0, height - rowheight, windowwide, rowheight ); modeltab->setBounds( windowwide, height - rowheight, modelwide, rowheight );
iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch (event->action) { case IDC_WINDOW_TAB: { windowtab->HandleWindowSelect(); } break; case IDC_MODEL_TAB: { modeltab->HandleModelSelect(); } break; case IDC_FILE_LOADMODEL: { if ( filesystem->IsSteam() ) { g_MDLViewer->LoadModel_Steam(); } else { char modelfile[ 512 ]; if ( FacePoser_ShowOpenFileNameDialog( modelfile, sizeof( modelfile ), "models", "*.mdl" ) ) { LoadModelFile( modelfile ); } } } break;
case IDC_FILE_REFRESH: { Refresh(); break; }
case IDC_FILE_SAVESOUNDSCRIPTCHANGES: { OnSaveSoundScriptChanges(); } break; case IDC_FILE_REBUILDSCENESIMAGE: { OnRebuildScenesImage(); } break; case IDC_FILE_UPDATESCENESIMAGE: { OnUpdateScenesImage(); } break;
case IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX: case IDC_FILE_LOADGROUNDTEX: { const char *ptr = mxGetOpenFileName (this, 0, "*.*"); if (ptr) { if (0 /* g_pMatSysWindow->loadTexture (ptr, event->action - IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX) */) { if (event->action == IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX) g_pControlPanel->setShowBackground (true); else g_pControlPanel->setShowGround (true); } else mxMessageBox (this, "Error loading texture.", g_appTitle, MX_MB_OK | MX_MB_ERROR); } } break; case IDC_FILE_UNLOADGROUNDTEX: { // g_pMatSysWindow->loadTexture (0, 1);
g_pControlPanel->setShowGround (false); } break; case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES2: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES3: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES4: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES5: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES6: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES7: case IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES8: { int i = event->action - IDC_FILE_RECENTFILES1; if ( recentFiles[ i ] && recentFiles[ i ][ 0 ] ) { char ext[ 4 ]; Q_ExtractFileExtension( recentFiles[ i ], ext, sizeof( ext ) ); bool valid = false; if ( !Q_stricmp( ext, "mdl" ) ) { // Check extension
LoadModelFile( recentFiles[ i ] ); valid = true; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( ext, "vcd" ) ) { g_pChoreoView->LoadSceneFromFile( recentFiles[ i ] ); valid = true; }
if ( valid ) { char tmp[256]; strcpy (tmp, recentFiles[0]); strcpy (recentFiles[0], recentFiles[i]); strcpy (recentFiles[i], tmp); initRecentFiles (); } } redraw (); } break; case IDC_FILE_EXIT: { redraw (); mx::quit (); } break; case IDC_OPTIONS_COLORBACKGROUND: case IDC_OPTIONS_COLORGROUND: case IDC_OPTIONS_COLORLIGHT: { float *cols[3] = { g_viewerSettings.bgColor, g_viewerSettings.gColor, g_viewerSettings.lColor }; float *col = cols[event->action - IDC_OPTIONS_COLORBACKGROUND]; int r = (int) (col[0] * 255.0f); int g = (int) (col[1] * 255.0f); int b = (int) (col[2] * 255.0f); if (mxChooseColor (this, &r, &g, &b)) { col[0] = (float) r / 255.0f; col[1] = (float) g / 255.0f; col[2] = (float) b / 255.0f; } } break; case IDC_OPTIONS_CENTERVIEW: g_pControlPanel->centerView (); break; case IDC_OPTIONS_CENTERONFACE: g_pControlPanel->CenterOnFace(); break; case IDC_OPTIONS_CLEARMODELSOUNDS: { sound->StopAll(); Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 0, 100, 255 ), "Resetting model sound channels\n" ); } break;
case IDC_OPTIONS_MAKESCREENSHOT: { char *ptr = (char *) mxGetSaveFileName (this, "", "*.tga"); if (ptr) { char fn[ 512 ]; Q_strncpy( fn, ptr, sizeof( fn ) ); Q_SetExtension( fn, ".tga", sizeof( fn ) ); g_pMatSysWindow->TakeScreenShot( fn ); } } break; case IDC_OPTIONS_DUMP: g_pControlPanel->dumpModelInfo (); break; #ifdef WIN32
case IDC_HELP_GOTOHOMEPAGE: ShellExecute (0, "open", "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Category:Choreography", 0, 0, SW_SHOW); break; #endif
case IDC_HELP_ABOUT: mxMessageBox (this, "v1.0 Copyright � 1996-2007, Valve Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\nBuild Date: " __DATE__ "", "Valve Face Poser", MX_MB_OK | MX_MB_INFORMATION); break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_REDOBITMAPS: { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { g_pProgressDialog->Start( "Rebuild Bitmaps", "", true );
g_pMatSysWindow->EnableStickySnapshotMode( ); for ( int i = 0; i < active->GetNumExpressions() ; i++ ) { CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( i ); if ( !exp ) continue; g_pProgressDialog->UpdateText( exp->name ); g_pProgressDialog->Update( (float)i / (float)active->GetNumExpressions() ); if ( g_pProgressDialog->IsCancelled() ) { Msg( "Cancelled\n" ); break; }
exp->CreateNewBitmap( models->GetActiveModelIndex() );
if ( ! ( i % 5 ) ) { g_pExpressionTrayTool->redraw(); } } g_pMatSysWindow->DisableStickySnapshotMode( ); g_pProgressDialog->Finish();
active->SelectExpression( 0 ); } } break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_NEW: { char classfile[ 512 ]; if ( FacePoser_ShowSaveFileNameDialog( classfile, sizeof( classfile ), "expressions", "*.txt" ) ) { Q_DefaultExtension( classfile, ".txt", sizeof( classfile ) ); expressions->CreateNewClass( classfile ); } } break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_LOAD: { char classfile[ 512 ]; if ( FacePoser_ShowOpenFileNameDialog( classfile, sizeof( classfile ), "expressions", "*.txt" ) ) { expressions->LoadClass( classfile ); } } break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_SAVE: { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { active->Save(); active->Export(); } } break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_EXPORT: { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { active->Export(); } } break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_CLOSE: g_pControlPanel->Close(); break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONS_CLOSEALL: g_pControlPanel->Closeall(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_NEW: g_pChoreoView->New(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_LOAD: g_pChoreoView->Load(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_LOADNEXT: g_pChoreoView->LoadNext(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SAVE: g_pChoreoView->Save(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SAVEAS: g_pChoreoView->SaveAs(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_CLOSE: g_pChoreoView->Close(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_ADDACTOR: g_pChoreoView->NewActor(); break; case IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SCRUB_UNITS: { g_pChoreoView->SetScrubUnitSeconds( !menuChoreography->isChecked( IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SCRUB_UNITS )); menuChoreography->setChecked( IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SCRUB_UNITS, !menuChoreography->isChecked( IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SCRUB_UNITS ) ); } break; case IDC_WINDOW_TILE: { OnTile(); } break; case IDC_WINDOW_TILE_HORIZ: { OnTileHorizontally(); } break; case IDC_WINDOW_TILE_VERT: { OnTileVertically(); } break; case IDC_WINDOW_CASCADE: { OnCascade(); } break; case IDC_WINDOW_HIDEALL: { OnHideAll(); } break; case IDC_WINDOW_SHOWALL: { OnShowAll(); } break; case IDC_FOUNDRY_PLAYSCENE: { OnPlaySceneInFoundry(); } default: { iret = 0; int tool_number = event->action - IDC_WINDOW_FIRSTTOOL; int max_tools = IDC_WINDOW_LASTTOOL - IDC_WINDOW_FIRSTTOOL; if ( tool_number >= 0 && tool_number <= max_tools && tool_number < IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount() ) { iret = 1; IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( tool_number ); if ( tool ) { mxWindow *toolw = tool->GetMxWindow(); bool wasvisible = toolw->isVisible(); toolw->setVisible( !wasvisible ); g_MDLViewer->UpdateWindowMenu();
} }
int lang_number = event->action - IDC_OPTIONS_LANGUAGESTART; if ( lang_number >= 0 && lang_number < CC_NUM_LANGUAGES ) { iret = 1; SetCloseCaptionLanguageId( lang_number ); } } break; } //switch (event->action)
} // mxEvent::Action
break; case KeyDown: { //g_pMatSysWindow->handleEvent(event);
// Send it to the active tool
IFacePoserToolWindow *active = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetActiveTool(); if ( active ) { mxWindow *w = active->GetMxWindow(); if ( w ) { w->handleEvent( event ); } } else { g_pMatSysWindow->handleEvent(event); } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::Activate: { if (event->action) { mx::setIdleWindow( g_pMatSysWindow ); // Force reload of localization data
SetCloseCaptionLanguageId( GetCloseCaptionLanguageId(), true ); } else { mx::setIdleWindow( 0 ); } iret = 1; } break; } // event->event
return iret; }
void MDLViewer::SaveWindowPositions( void ) { // Save the model viewer position
int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *w = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); w->SavePosition(); } }
void MDLViewer::LoadWindowPositions( void ) { // NOTE: Don't do this here, we do the mdlviewer position earlier in startup
// LoadPosition();
int w = this->w(); int h = this->h();
g_viewerSettings.width = w; g_viewerSettings.height = h;
int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *w = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); w->LoadPosition(); } }
void MDLViewer::redraw () { }
int MDLViewer::GetCurrentFrame( void ) { return m_nCurrentFrame; }
void MDLViewer::Think( float dt ) { ++m_nCurrentFrame;
// Iterate across tools
IFacePoserToolWindow::ToolThink( dt );
sound->Update( dt );
bool soundscriptsdirty = AreSoundScriptsDirty(); if ( soundscriptsdirty != m_bOldSoundScriptsDirty ) { // Update the menu item when this changes
menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_SAVESOUNDSCRIPTCHANGES, soundscriptsdirty ); }
m_bOldSoundScriptsDirty = soundscriptsdirty; }
static int CountVisibleTools( void ) { int i; int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); int viscount = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); mxWindow *w = tool->GetMxWindow(); if ( !w->isVisible() ) continue;
viscount++; }
return viscount; }
void MDLViewer::OnCascade() { int i; int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); int viscount = CountVisibleTools();
int x = 0, y = 0;
int offset = 20;
int wide = workspace->w2() - viscount * offset; int tall = ( workspace->h2() - viscount * offset ) / 2;
for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); mxWindow *w = tool->GetMxWindow(); if ( !w->isVisible() ) continue;
w->setBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); x += offset; y += offset; } }
void MDLViewer::OnTile() { int c = CountVisibleTools();
int rows = (int)sqrt( ( float )c ); rows = clamp( rows, 1, rows );
int cols = 1; while ( rows * cols < c ) { cols++; }
DoTile( rows, cols ); }
void MDLViewer::OnTileHorizontally() { int c = CountVisibleTools();
DoTile( c, 1 ); }
void MDLViewer::OnTileVertically() { int c = CountVisibleTools();
DoTile( 1, c ); }
void MDLViewer::OnHideAll() { int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); mxWindow *w = tool->GetMxWindow();
w->setVisible( false ); }
UpdateWindowMenu(); }
void MDLViewer::OnShowAll() { int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i ); mxWindow *w = tool->GetMxWindow();
w->setVisible( true ); }
UpdateWindowMenu(); }
void MDLViewer::DoTile( int x, int y ) { int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount();
if ( x < 1 ) x = 1; if ( y < 1 ) y = 1;
int wide = workspace->w2() / y; int tall = workspace->h2() / x;
int obj = 0;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < x ; row++ ) { for ( int col = 0; col < y; col++ ) { bool found = false; while ( 1 ) { if ( obj >= c ) break;
IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( obj++ ); mxWindow *w = tool->GetMxWindow(); if ( w->isVisible() ) { w->setBounds( col * wide, row * tall, wide, tall );
found = true; break; } }
if ( !found ) break; } } }
// Purpose: Not used by faceposer
// Output : int
int MDLViewer::GetCurrentHitboxSet(void) { return 0; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool MDLViewer::PaintBackground( void ) { CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this );
RECT rc; drawHelper.GetClientRect( rc );
drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( COLOR_CHOREO_BACKGROUND, rc ); return false; }
void MDLViewer::OnUpdateScenesImage() { if ( m_vecDirtyVCDs.Count() > 0 ) { g_pProgressDialog->Start( "Updating scenes.image", "", false );
CUtlBuffer targetBuffer;
bool bLittleEndian = true;
const char *pFilename = bLittleEndian ? "scenes/scenes.image" : "scenes/scenes.360.image"; char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( szFilename, gamedir, sizeof(szFilename) ); Q_strncat( szFilename, pFilename, sizeof(szFilename) );
CP4AutoEditAddFile checkout( szFilename );
bool bSuccess = false;
// Load existing file
if ( scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( szFilename, targetBuffer ) ) { bSuccess = g_pSceneImage->UpdateSceneImageFile( targetBuffer, gamedir, bLittleEndian, false, this, m_vecDirtyVCDs.Base(), m_vecDirtyVCDs.Count() ); } // Error loading, or didn't exist, do the full image creation
else { bSuccess = g_pSceneImage->CreateSceneImageFile( targetBuffer, gamedir, bLittleEndian, false, this ); }
if ( bSuccess ) { MakeFileWriteable( szFilename ); scriptlib->WriteBufferToFile( szFilename, targetBuffer, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS ); }
g_pProgressDialog->Finish(); m_vecDirtyVCDs.RemoveAll(); }
UpdateTheUpdateScenesImageMenu(); }
void MDLViewer::OnRebuildScenesImage() { g_pProgressDialog->Start( "Rebuilding scenes.image", "", false );
CUtlBuffer targetBuffer;
bool bLittleEndian = true;
const char *pFilename = bLittleEndian ? "scenes/scenes.image" : "scenes/scenes.360.image"; char szModDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( szModDir, gamedir, sizeof(szModDir) ); V_StripTrailingSlash( szModDir );
char szDLCPath[MAX_PATH];
int nHighestDLC = 1; for ( ;nHighestDLC <= 99; nHighestDLC++ ) { V_snprintf( szDLCPath, sizeof( szDLCPath ), "%s_dlc%d", szModDir, nHighestDLC ); if ( !filesystem->IsDirectory( szDLCPath ) ) { // does not exist, highest dlc available is previous
nHighestDLC--; break; }
V_snprintf( szDLCPath, sizeof( szDLCPath ), "%s_dlc%d/dlc_disabled.txt", szModDir, nHighestDLC ); if ( filesystem->FileExists( szDLCPath ) ) { // disabled, highest dlc available is previous
nHighestDLC--; break; } }
if ( nHighestDLC > 0 ) { V_snprintf( szDLCPath, sizeof( szDLCPath ), "%s_dlc%d/%s", szModDir, nHighestDLC, pFilename ); } else { V_snprintf( szDLCPath, sizeof( szDLCPath ), "%s/%s", szModDir, pFilename ); }
CP4AutoEditAddFile checkout( szDLCPath );
bool bSuccess = g_pSceneImage->CreateSceneImageFile( targetBuffer, gamedir, bLittleEndian, false, this ); if ( bSuccess ) { MakeFileWriteable( szDLCPath ); scriptlib->WriteBufferToFile( szDLCPath, targetBuffer, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS ); }
g_pProgressDialog->Finish(); m_vecDirtyVCDs.RemoveAll();
UpdateTheUpdateScenesImageMenu(); }
bool SendConsoleCommandToEngine( const char* szConsoleCommand, const char* szCopyDataFailedMsg, const char* szEngineNotRunningMsg = "The Source engine must be running in order to utilize this feature." ) { bool bRetVal = false; const HWND hwndEngine = FindWindow( "Valve001", NULL );
// Can't find the engine
if ( hwndEngine == NULL ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, szEngineNotRunningMsg, "Source Engine Not Running", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } else { //
// Fill out the data structure to send to the engine.
COPYDATASTRUCT copyData; copyData.cbData = strlen( szConsoleCommand ) + 1; copyData.dwData = 0; copyData.lpData = ( void * )szConsoleCommand;
if ( !SendMessageA( hwndEngine, WM_COPYDATA, 0, (LPARAM)©Data ) ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, szCopyDataFailedMsg, "Source Engine Declined Request", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } else { bRetVal = true; ::SetFocus( hwndEngine );
} }
return bRetVal; }
void MDLViewer::OnPlaySceneInFoundry() { const CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( NULL != scene ) { // Rebuild the scenes.image file
// Instruct the engine to flush the scene cache and reload the scenes.image file
SendConsoleCommandToEngine( "scene_flush\n", "Unable to clear scene_cache." );
// Instruct the engine to load the savegame that was created right before the given scene was to be played
char szConsoleCommand[MAX_PATH]; char szSceneFileName[MAX_PATH];
V_FileBase( scene->GetFilename(), szSceneFileName, sizeof( szSceneFileName ) ); V_snprintf( szConsoleCommand, sizeof( szConsoleCommand ), "load faceposer\\%s\n", szSceneFileName ); SendConsoleCommandToEngine( szConsoleCommand, "Unable to load savegame for requested scene." ); } else { ::MessageBox( NULL, "There is no scene presently loaded. Please load a scene using Choreography|Load... before attempting to play the scene inside the engine.", "No Scene Loaded", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } }
void MDLViewer::UpdateStatus( char const *pchSceneName, bool bQuiet, int nIndex, int nCount ) { g_pProgressDialog->UpdateText( pchSceneName ); g_pProgressDialog->Update( (float)nIndex / (float)nCount ); }
void MDLViewer::OnVCDSaved( char const *pFullpath ) { CUtlString str; str = pFullpath; m_vecDirtyVCDs.AddToTail( str );
UpdateTheUpdateScenesImageMenu(); if ( m_bAlwaysUpdate ) { OnUpdateScenesImage(); } }
void MDLViewer::UpdateTheUpdateScenesImageMenu() { mb->setEnabled( IDC_FILE_UPDATESCENESIMAGE, m_vecDirtyVCDs.Count() > 0 ); }
void MDLViewer::OnSaveSoundScriptChanges() { if ( !AreSoundScriptsDirty() ) { return; }
// Save any changed sound script files
int c = soundemitter->GetNumSoundScripts(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( !soundemitter->IsSoundScriptDirty( i ) ) continue;
char const *scriptname = soundemitter->GetSoundScriptName( i ); if ( !scriptname ) continue;
if ( !filesystem->FileExists( scriptname ) ) { continue; }
if ( !filesystem->IsFileWritable( scriptname ) ) { mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Can't save changes to sound script '%s', file is READ-ONLY?", scriptname ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_OK ); continue; }
int retval = mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Save changes to sound script '%s'?", scriptname ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_YESNOCANCEL ); if ( retval == 2 ) { return; }
if ( retval == 0 ) { soundemitter->SaveChangesToSoundScript( i ); } } }
// The application object
class CHLFacePoserApp : public CTier3SteamApp { typedef CTier3SteamApp BaseClass;
public: // Methods of IApplication
virtual bool Create(); virtual bool PreInit(); virtual int Main(); virtual void PostShutdown(); virtual void Destroy();
private: // Sets up the search paths
bool SetupSearchPaths(); };
class CHLFacePoserLoggingListener : public ILoggingListener { public: virtual void Log( const LoggingContext_t *pContext, const tchar *pMessage ) { g_bInError = true;
switch ( pContext->m_Severity ) { case LS_ERROR: Plat_MessageBox( "Error", pMessage ); g_bInError = false; break; case LS_WARNING: Con_ErrorPrintf( pMessage ); g_bInError = false; break;
case LS_MESSAGE: Con_Printf( pMessage ); g_bInError = false; break; } } };
static CHLFacePoserLoggingListener s_HLFacePoserLoggingListener;
// Create all singleton systems
bool CHLFacePoserApp::Create() { // Save some memory so engine/hammer isn't so painful
CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-disallowhwmorph", NULL );
LoggingSystem_PushLoggingState(); LoggingSystem_RegisterLoggingListener( &s_HLFacePoserLoggingListener );
AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = { { "inputsystem.dll", INPUTSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "materialsystem.dll", MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "studiorender.dll", STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "vphysics.dll", VPHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "datacache.dll", DATACACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "datacache.dll", MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "datacache.dll", STUDIO_DATA_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "vgui2.dll", VGUI_IVGUI_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "soundemittersystem.dll", SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "", "" } // Required to terminate the list
if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) ) return false;
// Add the P4 module separately so that if it is absent (say in the SDK) then the other system will initialize properly
if ( CGameConfigManager::IsSDKDeployment() == false ) { AppModule_t p4Module = LoadModule( "p4lib.dll" ); AddSystem( p4Module, P4_INTERFACE_VERSION ); }
g_Factory = GetFactory();
IMaterialSystem* pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem*)FindSystem( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); if ( !pMaterialSystem ) { Warning( "Material System interface could not be found!\n" ); return false; }
const char *pShaderDLL = CommandLine()->ParmValue("-shaderdll"); if(!pShaderDLL) { pShaderDLL = "shaderapidx9.dll"; } pMaterialSystem->SetShaderAPI( pShaderDLL );
return true; }
void CHLFacePoserApp::Destroy() { LoggingSystem_PopLoggingState(); }
const char *GetGameDirectory() { // TODO: get rid of this and ONLY use the filesystem, so hlfaceposer works nicely for
// mods that get the base game resources from the Steam filesystem.
return gamedir; }
char const *GetGameDirectorySimple() { return gamedirsimple; }
// Sets up the game path
bool CHLFacePoserApp::SetupSearchPaths() { // Add paths...
if ( !BaseClass::SetupSearchPaths( NULL, false, true ) ) return false;
// Set gamedir.
Q_MakeAbsolutePath( gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ), GetGameInfoPath() );
Q_FileBase( gamedir, gamedirsimple, sizeof( gamedirsimple ) );
Q_AppendSlash( gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) );
workspacefiles->Init( GetGameDirectorySimple() );
return true; }
// Init, shutdown
bool CHLFacePoserApp::PreInit( ) { if ( !BaseClass::PreInit() ) return false;
g_pFileSystem = filesystem = g_pFullFileSystem; g_pStudioDataCache = (IStudioDataCache*)FindSystem( STUDIO_DATA_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION ); physcollision = (IPhysicsCollision *)FindSystem( VPHYSICS_COLLISION_INTERFACE_VERSION ); physprop = (IPhysicsSurfaceProps *)FindSystem( VPHYSICS_SURFACEPROPS_INTERFACE_VERSION ); soundemitter = (ISoundEmitterSystemBase*)FindSystem(SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION);
if ( !soundemitter || !g_pLocalize || !filesystem || !physprop || !physcollision || !g_pMaterialSystem || !g_pStudioRender || !g_pMDLCache || !g_pDataCache ) { Error("Unable to load required library interface!\n"); }
MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false ); filesystem->SetWarningFunc( Warning );
// Add paths...
if ( !SetupSearchPaths() ) return false;
// Get the adapter from the command line....
const char *pAdapterString; int nAdapter = 0; if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-adapter", &pAdapterString )) { nAdapter = atoi( pAdapterString ); }
int adapterFlags = MATERIAL_INIT_ALLOCATE_FULLSCREEN_TEXTURE; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-ref" ) ) { adapterFlags |= MATERIAL_INIT_REFERENCE_RASTERIZER; }
g_pMaterialSystem->SetAdapter( nAdapter, adapterFlags );
return true; }
void CHLFacePoserApp::PostShutdown() { UnloadFileSystemDialogModule();
g_pFileSystem = filesystem = NULL; g_pStudioDataCache = NULL; physcollision = NULL; physprop = NULL;
g_Factory = NULL; }
// main application
int CHLFacePoserApp::Main() { // Do Perforce Stuff
g_p4factory->SetDummyMode( false ); if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nop4" ) || CGameConfigManager::IsSDKDeployment() ) { g_p4factory->SetDummyMode( true ); }
g_p4factory->SetOpenFileChangeList( "FacePoser Auto Checkout" );
g_pDataCache->SetSize( 64 * 1024 * 1024 );
// Always start with english
g_pLocalize->AddFile( "resource/closecaption_english.txt", "GAME", true );
IFacePoserToolWindow::EnableToolRedraw( false );
g_MDLViewer = new MDLViewer (); g_MDLViewer->setMenuBar (g_MDLViewer->getMenuBar ());
// Force reload of close captioning data file!!!
SetCloseCaptionLanguageId( g_viewerSettings.cclanguageid, true );
int i; bool modelloaded = false; for ( i = 1; i < CommandLine()->ParmCount(); i++ ) { if ( Q_stristr (CommandLine()->GetParm( i ), ".mdl") ) { modelloaded = true; g_MDLViewer->LoadModelFile( CommandLine()->GetParm( i ) ); break; } }
models->LoadModelList(); g_pPhonemeEditor->ValidateSpeechAPIIndex();
if ( models->Count() == 0 ) { g_pFlexPanel->initFlexes( ); }
// Load expressions from last time
int files = workspacefiles->GetNumStoredFiles( IWorkspaceFiles::EXPRESSION ); for ( i = 0; i < files; i++ ) { expressions->LoadClass( workspacefiles->GetStoredFile( IWorkspaceFiles::EXPRESSION, i ) ); }
IFacePoserToolWindow::EnableToolRedraw( true );
int nRetVal = mx::run ();
if (g_pStudioModel) { g_pStudioModel->Shutdown(); g_pStudioModel = NULL; }
g_pMaterialSystem->ModShutdown(); return nRetVal; }
static bool CHLFacePoserApp_SuggestGameInfoDirFn( CFSSteamSetupInfo const *pFsSteamSetupInfo, char *pchPathBuffer, int nBufferLength, bool *pbBubbleDirectories ) { if ( pbBubbleDirectories ) *pbBubbleDirectories = true;
for ( int i = 1; i < CommandLine()->ParmCount(); i++ ) { if ( Q_stristr( CommandLine()->GetParm( i ), ".mdl" ) ) { Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pchPathBuffer, nBufferLength, CommandLine()->GetParm( i ) ); return true; } }
return false; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); CoInitialize(NULL);
// make sure, we start in the right directory
char szName[256]; strcpy (szName, mx::getApplicationPath() ); mx::init (argc, argv);
char workingdir[ 256 ]; workingdir[0] = 0; Q_getwd( workingdir, sizeof( workingdir ) );
// Set game info directory suggestion callback
SetSuggestGameInfoDirFn( CHLFacePoserApp_SuggestGameInfoDirFn );
CHLFacePoserApp hlFacePoserApp; CSteamApplication steamApplication( &hlFacePoserApp ); int nRetVal = steamApplication.Run();
return nRetVal; }