//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// vmpi_bareshell.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "vmpi.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vmpi_filesystem.h"
#include "vmpi_distribute_work.h"
#include "vmpi_tools_shared.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "UtlVector.h"
#include "Utlhash.h"
#include "UtlBuffer.h"
#include "utlstring.h"
#include "tier2/utlstreambuffer.h"
#include "UtlLinkedList.h"
#include "UtlStringMap.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier1/smartptr.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "ishadercompiledll.h"
#include <direct.h>
#include "io.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "materialsystem/shader_vcs_version.h"
#include "ilaunchabledll.h"
#include <tier1/diff.h>
#include "utlnodehash.h"
#include "lzma/lzma.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "tier1/checksum_crc.h"
#include "tier0/tslist.h"
#include "tools_minidump.h"
#include "shadercompile_ps3_helpers.h"
#include "cmdsink.h"
#include "d3dxfxc.h"
#include "subprocess.h"
#include "cfgprocessor.h"
// Set this to one when working on shaders to get immediate errors rather than waiting for the end of the compile.
// Type conversions should be controlled by programmer explicitly - shadercompile makes use of 64-bit integer arithmetics
#pragma warning( error : 4244 )
static inline uint32 uint64_as_uint32( uint64 x ) { Assert( x < uint64( uint32( ~0 ) ) ); return uint32( x ); }
static inline UtlSymId_t int_as_symid( int x ) { Assert( ( sizeof( UtlSymId_t ) >= sizeof( int ) ) || ( x >= 0 && x < ( int )( unsigned int )( UtlSymId_t(~0) ) ) ); return UtlSymId_t( x ); }
static bool isspace_force_valid_characters( char c ) { return !!V_isspace( ( unsigned char )c ); }
static bool isalpha_force_valid_characters( char c ) { return !!V_isalpha( ( unsigned char )c ); }
// VMPI packets
#define MACHINE_NAME 9
#ifdef _DEBUG
//#define DEBUGFP
// Dealing with job list
namespace {
CArrayAutoPtr< CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo > g_arrCompileEntries; uint64 g_numShaders = 0, g_numCompileCommands = 0, g_numStaticCombos = 0; uint64 g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit = 0, g_numCompletedStaticCombos = 0, g_numCommandsCompleted = 0; uint64 g_numSkippedStaticCombos = 0;
CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const * GetEntryByStaticComboNum( uint64 nStaticCombo, uint64 *pnStaticCombo ) { CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pInfo; uint64 nRemainStaticCombos = nStaticCombo; for ( pInfo = g_arrCompileEntries.Get(); pInfo && pInfo->m_szName; ++ pInfo ) { if ( nRemainStaticCombos >= pInfo->m_numStaticCombos ) nRemainStaticCombos -= pInfo->m_numStaticCombos; else break; }
if ( pnStaticCombo ) *pnStaticCombo = nRemainStaticCombos;
return pInfo; }
}; // `anonymous` namespace
char * PrettyPrintNumber( uint64 k ) { static char chCompileString[50] = {0}; char *pchPrint = chCompileString + sizeof( chCompileString ) - 3; for ( uint64 j = 0; k > 0; k /= 10, ++ j ) { ( j && !( j % 3 ) ) ? ( * pchPrint -- = ',' ) : 0; * pchPrint -- = '0' + char( k % 10 ); } ( * ++ pchPrint ) ? 0 : ( * pchPrint = 0 ); return pchPrint; }
const char *g_pShaderPath = NULL; char g_WorkerTempPath[MAX_PATH]; char g_ExeDir[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef DEBUGFP
FILE *g_WorkerDebugFp = NULL; #endif
bool g_bGotStartWorkPacket = false; double g_flStartTime; bool g_bVerbose = false; bool g_bIsX360 = false; bool g_bIsPS3 = false; bool g_bGeneratePS3DebugInfo = false; bool g_bOptimizePS3ShaderScheduling = false; bool g_bSuppressWarnings = false;
FORCEINLINE long AsTargetLong( long x ) { return ( ( g_bIsX360 || g_bIsPS3 ) ? ( BigLong( x ) ) : ( x ) ); }
struct ShaderInfo_t { ShaderInfo_t() { memset( this, 0, sizeof( *this ) ); }
uint64 m_nShaderCombo; uint64 m_nTotalShaderCombos; const char *m_pShaderName; const char *m_pShaderSrc; unsigned m_CentroidMask; uint64 m_nDynamicCombos; uint64 m_nStaticCombo; unsigned m_Flags; // from IShader.h
char m_szShaderModel[ 12 ]; };
void Shader_ParseShaderInfoFromCompileCommands( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry, ShaderInfo_t &shaderInfo );
struct CByteCodeBlock {
CByteCodeBlock *m_pNext, *m_pPrev; int m_nCRC32; uint64 m_nComboID; size_t m_nCodeSize; uint8 *m_ByteCode;
CByteCodeBlock( void ) { m_ByteCode = NULL; }
CByteCodeBlock( void const *pByteCode, size_t nCodeSize, uint64 nComboID ) { m_ByteCode = new uint8[nCodeSize]; m_nComboID = nComboID; m_nCodeSize = nCodeSize; memcpy( m_ByteCode, pByteCode, nCodeSize ); m_nCRC32 = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pByteCode, nCodeSize ); } ~CByteCodeBlock( void ) { if ( m_ByteCode ) delete[] m_ByteCode; } };
static int __cdecl CompareDynamicComboIDs( CByteCodeBlock * const *pA, CByteCodeBlock * const *pB ) { if ( (*pA)->m_nComboID < (*pB)->m_nComboID ) return -1; if ( (*pA)->m_nComboID > (*pB)->m_nComboID ) return 1; return 0; }
struct CStaticCombo // all the data for one static combo
{ CStaticCombo *m_pNext, *m_pPrev; uint64 m_nStaticComboID;
CUtlVector< CByteCodeBlock* > m_DynamicCombos;
struct PackedCode : protected CArrayAutoPtr<uint8> { size_t GetLength() const { if( uint8 *pb = Get() ) return *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>( pb ); else return 0; } uint8 *GetData() const { if( uint8 *pb = Get() ) return pb + sizeof( size_t ); else return NULL; } uint8 *AllocData( size_t len ) { Delete(); if ( len ) { Attach( new uint8[ len + sizeof( size_t ) ] ); *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>( Get() ) = len; } return GetData(); } } m_abPackedCode; // Packed code for entire static combo
uint64 Key( void ) const { return m_nStaticComboID; }
CStaticCombo( uint64 nComboID ) { m_nStaticComboID = nComboID; }
~CStaticCombo( void ) { m_DynamicCombos.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } void AddDynamicCombo( uint64 nComboID, void const *pComboData, size_t nCodeSize ) { CByteCodeBlock *pNewBlock = new CByteCodeBlock( pComboData, nCodeSize, nComboID ); m_DynamicCombos.AddToTail( pNewBlock ); }
void SortDynamicCombos( void ) { m_DynamicCombos.Sort( CompareDynamicComboIDs ); }
uint8 *AllocPackedCodeBlock( size_t nPackedCodeSize ) { return m_abPackedCode.AllocData( nPackedCodeSize ); }
typedef CUtlNodeHash<CStaticCombo, 7097, uint64> StaticComboNodeHash_t;
template <> inline StaticComboNodeHash_t ** Construct( StaticComboNodeHash_t ** pMemory ) { return ::new( pMemory ) StaticComboNodeHash_t *( NULL ); // Explicitly new with NULL
struct CShaderMap : public CUtlStringMap<StaticComboNodeHash_t *> { ; } g_ShaderByteCode;
CStaticCombo * StaticComboFromDictAdd( char const *pszShaderName, uint64 nStaticComboId ) { StaticComboNodeHash_t *& rpNodeHash = g_ShaderByteCode[ pszShaderName ]; if ( !rpNodeHash ) { rpNodeHash = new StaticComboNodeHash_t; }
// search for this static combo. make it if not found
CStaticCombo *pStaticCombo = rpNodeHash->FindByKey( nStaticComboId ); if ( !pStaticCombo ) { pStaticCombo = new CStaticCombo( nStaticComboId ); rpNodeHash->Add( pStaticCombo ); }
return pStaticCombo; }
CStaticCombo * StaticComboFromDict( char const *pszShaderName, uint64 nStaticComboId ) { if ( StaticComboNodeHash_t *pNodeHash = g_ShaderByteCode[ pszShaderName ] ) return pNodeHash->FindByKey( nStaticComboId ); else return NULL; }
CUtlStringMap<ShaderInfo_t> g_ShaderToShaderInfo;
class CompilerMsgInfo { public: CompilerMsgInfo() : m_numTimesReported( 0 ) {}
public: void SetMsgReportedCommand( char const *szCommand, int numTimesReported = 1, const char *szMachineName = "" ) { if ( !m_numTimesReported ) { m_sFirstCommand = szCommand; if ( szMachineName ) m_sFirstMachineName = szMachineName; } m_numTimesReported += numTimesReported; }
public: char const * GetFirstCommand() const { return m_sFirstCommand.String(); } char const * GetFirstMachineName() const { return m_sFirstMachineName.String(); }
int GetNumTimesReported() const { return m_numTimesReported; }
protected: CUtlString m_sFirstCommand; CUtlString m_sFirstMachineName; int m_numTimesReported; };
CUtlStringMap<bool> g_Master_ShaderHadError; CUtlStringMap<bool> g_Master_ShaderWrittenToDisk; CUtlStringMap<CompilerMsgInfo> g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo;
namespace Threading {
enum Mode { eSingleThreaded = 0, eMultiThreaded = 1 };
// A special object that makes single-threaded code incur no penalties
// and multithreaded code to be synchronized properly.
template < class MT_MUTEX_TYPE = CThreadFastMutex > class CSwitchableMutex { public:
public: FORCEINLINE explicit CSwitchableMutex( Mode eMode, MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pMtMutex = NULL ) : m_pMtx( pMtMutex ), m_pUseMtx( eMode ? pMtMutex : NULL ) {}
public: FORCEINLINE void SetMtMutex( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pMtMutex ) { m_pMtx = pMtMutex; m_pUseMtx = ( m_pUseMtx ? pMtMutex : NULL ); } FORCEINLINE void SetThreadedMode( Mode eMode ) { m_pUseMtx = ( eMode ? m_pMtx : NULL ); }
public: FORCEINLINE void Lock() { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) pUseMtx->Lock(); } FORCEINLINE void Unlock() { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) pUseMtx->Unlock(); }
FORCEINLINE bool TryLock() { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) return pUseMtx->TryLock(); else return true; } FORCEINLINE bool AssertOwnedByCurrentThread() { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) return pUseMtx->AssertOwnedByCurrentThread(); else return true; } FORCEINLINE void SetTrace( bool b ) { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) pUseMtx->SetTrace( b ); }
FORCEINLINE uint32 GetOwnerId() { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) return pUseMtx->GetOwnerId(); else return 0; } FORCEINLINE int GetDepth() { if ( MT_MUTEX_TYPE *pUseMtx = m_pUseMtx ) return pUseMtx->GetDepth(); else return 0; }
private: MT_MUTEX_TYPE *m_pMtx; CInterlockedPtr< MT_MUTEX_TYPE > m_pUseMtx; };
namespace Private {
typedef CThreadMutex MtMutexType_t; MtMutexType_t g_mtxSyncObjMT;
}; // namespace Private
CSwitchableMutex< Private::MtMutexType_t > g_mtxGlobal( eSingleThreaded, &Private::g_mtxSyncObjMT );
class CGlobalMutexAutoLock { public: CGlobalMutexAutoLock() { g_mtxGlobal.Lock(); } ~CGlobalMutexAutoLock() { g_mtxGlobal.Unlock(); } };
}; // namespace Threading
// Access to global data should be synchronized by these global locks
#define GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK() Threading::g_mtxGlobal.Lock()
#define GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK() Threading::g_mtxGlobal.Unlock()
#define GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK_AUTO Threading::CGlobalMutexAutoLock UNIQUE_ID;
unsigned long VMPI_Stats_GetJobWorkerID( void ) { return 0; }
bool StartWorkDispatch( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID ) { g_bGotStartWorkPacket = true; return true; }
CDispatchReg g_StartWorkReg( STARTWORK_PACKETID, StartWorkDispatch );
CDispatchReg g_PS3ShaderDebugInfoReg( PS3_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO_PACKETID, PS3ShaderDebugInfoDispatch ); CDispatchReg g_PS3ShaderCompileLogReg( PS3_SHADER_COMPILE_LOG_PACKETID, PS3ShaderCompileLogDispatch );
// Consume all characters for which (isspace) is true
template < typename T > char * ConsumeCharacters( char *szString, T pred ) { if ( szString ) { while ( *szString && pred( *szString ) ) { ++ szString; } }
return szString; }
char * FindNext( char *szString, char *szSearchSet ) { bool bFound = (szString == NULL); char *szNext = NULL;
if ( szString && szSearchSet ) { for ( ; *szSearchSet; ++ szSearchSet ) { if ( char *szTmp = strchr( szString, *szSearchSet ) ) { szNext = bFound ? ( min( szNext, szTmp ) ) : szTmp; bFound = true; } } }
return bFound ? szNext : ( szString + strlen( szString ) ); }
char * FindLast( char *szString, char *szSearchSet ) { bool bFound = (szString != NULL); char *szNext = NULL;
if ( szString && szSearchSet ) { for ( ; *szSearchSet; ++ szSearchSet ) { if ( char *szTmp = strrchr( szString, *szSearchSet ) ) { szNext = bFound ? ( max( szNext, szTmp ) ) : szTmp; bFound = true; } } }
return bFound ? szNext : ( szString + strlen( szString ) ); }
void ErrMsgDispatchMsgLine( char const *szCommand, char *szMsgLine, char const *szShaderName = NULL ) { // When the filename is specified in front of the message, make sure it is truncated to the bare name only
if ( isalpha_force_valid_characters( *szMsgLine ) && szMsgLine[1] == ':' ) { // Preceded by drive letter
szMsgLine += 2; }
// Trim the path from the msg
// e.g. make string
// c:\temp\shadercompiletemp\1234\myfile.fxc(435): warning X3083: Truncating ...
// look like
// myfile.fxc(435): warning X3083: Truncating ...
// which will be both readable and same coming from different worker machines
char *szEndFileLinePlant = FindNext( szMsgLine, ":" ); if ( ':' == *szEndFileLinePlant ) { *szEndFileLinePlant = 0; if ( char *szLastSlash = FindLast( szMsgLine, "\\/" ) ) { if ( *szLastSlash ) { *szLastSlash = 0; szMsgLine = szLastSlash + 1; } } *szEndFileLinePlant = ':'; }
// If the shader file name is not given in the message add it
if ( szShaderName ) { static char chFitLongMsgLine[4096]; if ( *szMsgLine == '(' ) { sprintf( chFitLongMsgLine, "%s%s", szShaderName, szMsgLine ); szMsgLine = chFitLongMsgLine; } else if ( !strncmp( szMsgLine, "memory(", 7 ) ) { sprintf( chFitLongMsgLine, "%s%s", szShaderName, szMsgLine+6 ); szMsgLine = chFitLongMsgLine; } }
// Now store the message with the command it was generated from
g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo[ szMsgLine ].SetMsgReportedCommand( szCommand, 1, VMPI_GetLocalMachineName() ); }
void ErrMsgDispatchInt( char *szMessage, char const *szShaderName = NULL ) { // First line is the command number "szCommand"
char *szCommand = ConsumeCharacters( szMessage, V_isspace ); char *szMessageListing = FindNext(szCommand, "\r\n"); char chTerminator = *szMessageListing; *( szMessageListing ++ ) = 0;
// Now come the command lines actually
while ( chTerminator ) { char *szMsgText = ConsumeCharacters( szMessageListing, isspace_force_valid_characters ); szMessageListing = FindNext( szMsgText, "\r\n" ); chTerminator = *szMessageListing; *( szMessageListing ++ ) = 0;
if( *szMsgText ) { // Trim command at redirection character if present
* FindNext( szCommand, ">" ) = 0; ErrMsgDispatchMsgLine( szCommand, szMsgText, szShaderName ); } } }
// 1 byte = * = buffer type
// string = message
// 1 byte = \n = newline delimiting the message
// string = command that first encountered the message
// 1 byte = \n = newline delimiting the command
// string = printed number of times the message was encountered
// 1 byte = \n = newline delimiting the number
// 1 byte = 0 = null-terminator for the buffer
bool ErrMsgDispatch( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK_AUTO; bool bInvalidPkgRetCode = true;
// Parse the err msg packet
char *szMsgLine = pBuf->data + 1; char *szCommand = FindNext( szMsgLine, "\n" ); if ( !*szCommand ) return bInvalidPkgRetCode; *( szCommand ++ ) = 0; char *szNumTimesReported = FindNext( szCommand, "\n" ); if ( !*szNumTimesReported ) return bInvalidPkgRetCode; *( szNumTimesReported ++ ) = 0;
char *szTerminator = FindNext( szNumTimesReported, "\n" ); if ( !*szTerminator ) return bInvalidPkgRetCode; *( szTerminator ++ ) = 0;
char str[ 4096 ]; uint64 iFirstCommand = _strtoui64( szCommand, NULL, 10 ); CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo = NULL; CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pComboEntryInfo = NULL; if ( CfgProcessor::Combo_GetNext( iFirstCommand, hCombo, g_numCompileCommands ) ) { Combo_FormatCommand( hCombo, str ); pComboEntryInfo = Combo_GetEntryInfo( hCombo ); Combo_Free( hCombo ); } else { sprintf( str, "cmd # %s", szCommand ); }
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n%s\nMachine: %s\n", szMsgLine, str, VMPI_GetMachineName( iSource ) ); #endif
// Set the msg info
g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo[ szMsgLine ].SetMsgReportedCommand( szCommand, atoi( szNumTimesReported ), VMPI_GetMachineName( iSource ) ); return true; }
CDispatchReg g_ErrMsgReg( ERRMSG_PACKETID, ErrMsgDispatch );
void ShaderHadErrorDispatchInt( char const *szShader ) { g_Master_ShaderHadError[ szShader ] = true; }
// 1 byte = * = buffer type
// string = shader name
// 1 byte = 0 = null-terminator for the name
bool ShaderHadErrorDispatch( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK_AUTO;
ShaderHadErrorDispatchInt( pBuf->data + 1 ); return true; }
CDispatchReg g_ShaderHadErrorReg( SHADERHADERROR_PACKETID, ShaderHadErrorDispatch );
void DebugOut( const char *pMsg, ... ) { if (g_bVerbose) { char msg[2048]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, pMsg ); _vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), pMsg, marker ); va_end( marker );
Msg( "%s", msg );
#ifdef DEBUGFP
fprintf( g_WorkerDebugFp, "%s", msg ); fflush( g_WorkerDebugFp ); #endif
} }
void Vmpi_Worker_DefaultDisconnectHandler( int procID, const char *pReason ) { Msg( "Master disconnected.\n "); DebugOut( "Master disconnected.\n" ); TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 ); }
typedef void ( * DisconnectHandlerFn_t )( int procID, const char *pReason ); DisconnectHandlerFn_t g_fnDisconnectHandler = Vmpi_Worker_DefaultDisconnectHandler;
// Worker should implement this so it will quit nicely when the master disconnects.
void MyDisconnectHandler( int procID, const char *pReason ) { // If we're a worker, then it's a fatal error if we lose the connection to the master.
if ( !g_bMPIMaster && g_fnDisconnectHandler ) { (* g_fnDisconnectHandler)( procID, pReason ); } }
// new format:
// ver#
// total shader combos
// total dynamic combos
// flags
// centroid mask
// total non-skipped static combos
// [ (sorted by static combo id)
// static combo id
// file offset of packed dynamic combo
// ]
// 0xffffffff (sentinel key)
// end of file offset (so can tell compressed size of last combo)
// # of duplicate static combos (if version >= 6 )
// [ (sorted by static combo id)
// static combo id
// id of static bombo which is identical
// ]
// each packed dynamic combo for a given static combo is stored as a series of compressed blocks.
// block 1:
// ulong blocksize (high bit set means uncompressed)
// block data
// block2..
// 0xffffffff indicates no more blocks for this combo
// each block, when uncompressed, holds one or more dynamic combos:
// dynamic combo id (full id if v<6, dynamic combo id only id >=6)
// size of shader
// ..
// there is no terminator - the size of the uncompressed shader tells you when to stop
// this record is then bzip2'd.
// qsort driver function
// returns negative number if idA is less than idB, positive when idA is greater than idB
// and zero if the ids are equal
static int __cdecl CompareDupComboIndices( const StaticComboAliasRecord_t *pA, const StaticComboAliasRecord_t *pB ) { if ( pA->m_nStaticComboID < pB->m_nStaticComboID ) return -1; if ( pA->m_nStaticComboID > pB->m_nStaticComboID ) return 1; return 0; }
static void FlushCombos( size_t *pnTotalFlushedSize, CUtlBuffer *pDynamicComboBuffer, MessageBuffer *pBuf ) { if ( !pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut() ) // Nothing to do here
size_t nCompressedSize; uint8 *pCompressedShader = LZMA_Compress( reinterpret_cast<uint8 *> ( pDynamicComboBuffer->Base() ), pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut(), &nCompressedSize ); // high 2 bits of length =
// 00 = bzip2 compressed
// 10 = uncompressed
// 01 = lzma compressed
// 11 = unused
if ( ! pCompressedShader ) { // it grew
long lFlagSize = AsTargetLong( 0x80000000 | pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut() ); pBuf->write( &lFlagSize, sizeof( lFlagSize ) ); pBuf->write( pDynamicComboBuffer->Base(), pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut() ); *pnTotalFlushedSize += sizeof( lFlagSize ) + pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut(); } else { long lFlagSize = AsTargetLong( 0x40000000 | nCompressedSize ); pBuf->write( &lFlagSize, sizeof( lFlagSize ) ); pBuf->write( pCompressedShader, nCompressedSize ); delete[] pCompressedShader; *pnTotalFlushedSize += sizeof( lFlagSize ) + nCompressedSize; } pDynamicComboBuffer->Clear(); // start over
static void OutputDynamicCombo( size_t *pnTotalFlushedSize, CUtlBuffer *pDynamicComboBuffer, MessageBuffer *pBuf, uint64 nComboID, int nComboSize, uint8 *pComboCode ) { if ( pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut() + nComboSize+16 >= MAX_SHADER_UNPACKED_BLOCK_SIZE ) { FlushCombos( pnTotalFlushedSize, pDynamicComboBuffer, pBuf ); }
pDynamicComboBuffer->PutInt( uint64_as_uint32( nComboID ) ); pDynamicComboBuffer->PutInt( nComboSize ); // pDynamicComboBuffer->PutInt( CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pComboCode, nComboSize ) );
pDynamicComboBuffer->Put( pComboCode, nComboSize ); }
static void OutputDynamicComboDup( size_t *pnTotalFlushedSize, CUtlBuffer *pDynamicComboBuffer, MessageBuffer *pBuf, uint64 nComboID, uint64 nBaseCombo ) { if ( pDynamicComboBuffer->TellPut() + 8 >= MAX_SHADER_UNPACKED_BLOCK_SIZE ) { FlushCombos( pnTotalFlushedSize, pDynamicComboBuffer, pBuf ); } pDynamicComboBuffer->PutInt( uint64_as_uint32( nComboID ) | 0x80000000 ); pDynamicComboBuffer->PutInt( uint64_as_uint32( nBaseCombo ) ); }
void GetVCSFilenames( char *pszMainOutFileName, ShaderInfo_t const &si ) { sprintf( pszMainOutFileName, "%s\\shaders\\fxc", g_pShaderPath );
struct _stat buf; if( _stat( pszMainOutFileName, &buf ) == -1 ) { printf( "mkdir %s\n", pszMainOutFileName ); // doh. . need to make the directory that the vcs file is going to go into.
_mkdir( pszMainOutFileName ); }
strcat( pszMainOutFileName, "\\" ); strcat( pszMainOutFileName, si.m_pShaderName );
if ( g_bIsX360 ) { strcat( pszMainOutFileName, ".360" ); } else if ( g_bIsPS3 ) { strcat( pszMainOutFileName, ".ps3" ); }
strcat( pszMainOutFileName, ".vcs" ); // Different extensions for main output file
// Check status of vcs file...
if( _stat( pszMainOutFileName, &buf ) != -1 ) { // The file exists, let's see if it's writable.
if( !( buf.st_mode & _S_IWRITE ) ) { // It isn't writable. . we'd better change its permissions (or check it out possibly)
printf( "Warning: making %s writable!\n", pszMainOutFileName ); _chmod( pszMainOutFileName, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ); } } }
// WriteShaderFiles
// should be called either on the main thread or
// on the async writing thread.
// So the function WriteShaderFiles should not be reentrant, however the
// data that it uses might be updated by the main thread when built pieces
// are received from the workers.
struct StaticComboAuxInfo_t : StaticComboRecord_t { uint32 m_nCRC32; // CRC32 of packed data
struct CStaticCombo *m_pByteCode; };
static int __cdecl CompareComboIds( const StaticComboAuxInfo_t *pA, const StaticComboAuxInfo_t *pB ) { if ( pA->m_nStaticComboID < pB->m_nStaticComboID ) return -1; if ( pA->m_nStaticComboID > pB->m_nStaticComboID ) return 1; return 0; }
static void WriteShaderFiles( const char *pShaderName ) { if ( !g_Master_ShaderWrittenToDisk.Defined( pShaderName ) ) g_Master_ShaderWrittenToDisk[ pShaderName ] = true; else return;
bool bShaderFailed = g_Master_ShaderHadError.Defined( pShaderName ); char const *szShaderFileOperation = bShaderFailed ? "Removing failed" : "Writing";
// Progress indication
if ( g_numCommandsCompleted < g_numCompileCommands ) { static char chProgress[] = { '/', '-', '\\', '|' }; static int iProgressSymbol = 0; Msg( "\b%c", chProgress[ ( ++ iProgressSymbol ) % 4 ] ); } else { char chShaderName[33]; Q_snprintf( chShaderName, 29, "%s...", pShaderName ); sprintf( chShaderName + sizeof( chShaderName ) - 5, "..." ); Msg( "\r%s %s \r", szShaderFileOperation, chShaderName ); }
// Retrieve the data we are going to operate on
// from global variables under lock.
GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); StaticComboNodeHash_t *pByteCodeArray; { StaticComboNodeHash_t *&rp = g_ShaderByteCode[pShaderName]; // Get a static combo pointer, reset it as well
pByteCodeArray = rp; rp = NULL;
Assert( pByteCodeArray ); if ( !pByteCodeArray ) ShaderHadErrorDispatchInt( pShaderName ); */ } ShaderInfo_t shaderInfo = g_ShaderToShaderInfo[pShaderName]; if ( !shaderInfo.m_pShaderName ) { for ( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pAnalyze = g_arrCompileEntries.Get() ; pAnalyze->m_szName ; ++ pAnalyze ) { if ( !strcmp( pAnalyze->m_szName, pShaderName ) ) { Shader_ParseShaderInfoFromCompileCommands( pAnalyze, shaderInfo ); g_ShaderToShaderInfo[ pShaderName ] = shaderInfo; break; } } } GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK();
if ( !shaderInfo.m_pShaderName ) return;
// Shader vcs file name
char szVCSfilename[MAX_PATH]; GetVCSFilenames( szVCSfilename, shaderInfo );
if ( bShaderFailed ) { DebugOut( "Removing failed shader file \"%s\".\n", szVCSfilename ); unlink( szVCSfilename ); return; } if ( !pByteCodeArray ) return;
DebugOut( "%s : %I64u combos centroid mask: 0x%x numDynamicCombos: %I64u flags: 0x%x\n", pShaderName, shaderInfo.m_nTotalShaderCombos, shaderInfo.m_CentroidMask, shaderInfo.m_nDynamicCombos, shaderInfo.m_Flags );
// Static combo headers
CUtlVector< StaticComboAuxInfo_t > StaticComboHeaders;
StaticComboHeaders.EnsureCapacity( 1 + pByteCodeArray->Count() ); // we know how much ram we need
CUtlVector< int > comboIndicesHashedByCRC32[STATIC_COMBO_HASH_SIZE]; CUtlVector< StaticComboAliasRecord_t > duplicateCombos;
// now, lets fill in our combo headers, sort, and write
for( int nChain = 0 ; nChain < NELEMS( pByteCodeArray->m_HashChains) ; nChain++ ) { for( CStaticCombo *pStatic = pByteCodeArray->m_HashChains[ nChain ].m_pHead; pStatic; pStatic = pStatic->m_pNext ) { if ( pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() ) { StaticComboAuxInfo_t Hdr; Hdr.m_nStaticComboID = uint64_as_uint32( pStatic->m_nStaticComboID ); Hdr.m_nFileOffset = 0; // fill in later
Hdr.m_nCRC32 = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetData(), pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() ); int nHashIdx = Hdr.m_nCRC32 % STATIC_COMBO_HASH_SIZE; Hdr.m_pByteCode = pStatic; // now, see if we have an identical static combo
bool bIsDuplicate = false; for( int i = 0; i < comboIndicesHashedByCRC32[nHashIdx].Count() ; i++ ) { StaticComboAuxInfo_t const &check = StaticComboHeaders[comboIndicesHashedByCRC32[nHashIdx][i]]; if ( ( check.m_nCRC32 == Hdr.m_nCRC32 ) && ( check.m_pByteCode->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() == pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() ) && ( memcmp( check.m_pByteCode->m_abPackedCode.GetData(), pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetData(), check.m_pByteCode->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() ) == 0 ) ) { // this static combo is the same as another one!!
StaticComboAliasRecord_t aliasHdr; aliasHdr.m_nStaticComboID = Hdr.m_nStaticComboID; aliasHdr.m_nSourceStaticCombo = check.m_nStaticComboID; duplicateCombos.AddToTail( aliasHdr ); bIsDuplicate = true; break; } }
if ( ! bIsDuplicate ) { StaticComboHeaders.AddToTail( Hdr ); comboIndicesHashedByCRC32[nHashIdx].AddToTail( StaticComboHeaders.Count() - 1 ); } } } } // add sentinel key
StaticComboAuxInfo_t Hdr; Hdr.m_nStaticComboID = 0xffffffff; Hdr.m_nFileOffset = 0; StaticComboHeaders.AddToTail( Hdr ); // now, sort. sentinel key will end up at end
StaticComboHeaders.Sort( CompareComboIds );
// Set the CRC to zero for now. . will patch in copyshaders.pl with the correct CRC.
unsigned int crc32 = 0;
// Shader file stream buffer
CUtlStreamBuffer ShaderFile( szVCSfilename, NULL ); // Streaming buffer for vcs file (since this can blow memory)
ShaderFile.SetBigEndian( g_bIsX360 || g_bIsPS3 ); // Swap the header bytes to X360 format
// ------ Header --------------
ShaderFile.PutInt( SHADER_VCS_VERSION_NUMBER ); // Version
ShaderFile.PutInt( uint64_as_uint32( shaderInfo.m_nTotalShaderCombos ) ); ShaderFile.PutInt( uint64_as_uint32( shaderInfo.m_nDynamicCombos ) ); ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( shaderInfo.m_Flags ); ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( shaderInfo.m_CentroidMask ); ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( StaticComboHeaders.Count() ); ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( crc32 );
// static combo dictionary
int nDictionaryOffset= ShaderFile.TellPut();
// we will re write this one we know the offsets
ShaderFile.Put( StaticComboHeaders.Base(), sizeof( StaticComboRecord_t ) * StaticComboHeaders.Count() ); // dummy write, 8 bytes per static combo
ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( duplicateCombos.Count() ); // now, write out all duplicate header records
// sort duplicate combo records for binary search
duplicateCombos.Sort( CompareDupComboIndices );
for( int i = 0; i < duplicateCombos.Count(); i++ ) { ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( duplicateCombos[i].m_nStaticComboID ); ShaderFile.PutUnsignedInt( duplicateCombos[i].m_nSourceStaticCombo ); }
// now, write out all static combos
for( int i=0 ; i<StaticComboHeaders.Count(); i++ ) { StaticComboRecord_t &SRec = StaticComboHeaders[i]; SRec.m_nFileOffset = ShaderFile.TellPut(); if ( SRec.m_nStaticComboID != 0xffffffff ) // sentinel key?
{ CStaticCombo *pStatic=pByteCodeArray->FindByKey( SRec.m_nStaticComboID ); Assert( pStatic );
// Put the packed chunk of code for this static combo
if ( size_t nPackedLen = pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() ) ShaderFile.Put( pStatic->m_abPackedCode.GetData(), nPackedLen );
ShaderFile.PutInt( 0xffffffff ); // end of dynamic combos
if ( g_bIsX360 || g_bIsPS3 ) { SRec.m_nFileOffset = BigLong( SRec.m_nFileOffset ); SRec.m_nStaticComboID = BigLong( SRec.m_nStaticComboID ); } } ShaderFile.Close();
// Re-writing the combo header
{ FILE *Handle=fopen( szVCSfilename, "rb+" ); if (! Handle ) printf(" failed to re-open %s\n",szVCSfilename );
fseek( Handle, nDictionaryOffset, SEEK_SET );
// now, rewrite header. data is already byte-swapped appropriately
for( int i = 0; i < StaticComboHeaders.Count(); i++ ) { fwrite( &( StaticComboHeaders[i].m_nStaticComboID ), 4, 1, Handle ); fwrite( &( StaticComboHeaders[i].m_nFileOffset ), 4, 1, Handle ); } fclose( Handle ); }
// Finalize, free memory
delete pByteCodeArray;
if ( g_numCommandsCompleted >= g_numCompileCommands ) { Msg( "\r \r" ); } }
// pBuf is ready to read the results written to the buffer in ProcessWorkUnitFn.
// work is done. .master gets it back this way.
// compiled code in pBuf
void Master_ReceiveWorkUnitFn( uint64 iWorkUnit, MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iWorker ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK_AUTO;
uint64 comboStart = iWorkUnit * g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit; uint64 comboEnd = comboStart + g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit; comboEnd = min( g_numStaticCombos, comboEnd );
char const *chLastShaderName = ""; ShaderInfo_t siLastShaderInfo; memset( &siLastShaderInfo, 0, sizeof( siLastShaderInfo ) ); siLastShaderInfo.m_pShaderName = chLastShaderName;
uint64 nComboOfTheEntry = 0; CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry = GetEntryByStaticComboNum( comboStart, &nComboOfTheEntry ); nComboOfTheEntry = pEntry->m_numStaticCombos - 1 - nComboOfTheEntry;
for( uint64 iCombo = comboStart; iCombo ++ < comboEnd; ( ( ! nComboOfTheEntry -- ) ? ( ++ pEntry, nComboOfTheEntry = pEntry->m_numStaticCombos - 1 ) : 0 ) ) { Assert( nComboOfTheEntry < pEntry->m_numStaticCombos );
// Read length
int len; pBuf->read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
// Length can indicate the number of skips to make
if ( len <= 0 ) { // remember how many static combos get skipped
g_numSkippedStaticCombos += -len;
// then we skip as instructed
for ( int64 numSkips = - len - 1; numSkips > 0; ) { if ( numSkips <= nComboOfTheEntry ) { nComboOfTheEntry -= numSkips; iCombo += numSkips; numSkips = 0; } else { numSkips -= nComboOfTheEntry + 1; iCombo += nComboOfTheEntry + 1; ++ pEntry; nComboOfTheEntry = pEntry->m_numStaticCombos - 1; } } if ( iCombo < comboEnd ) continue; else break; }
// Shader code arrived
char const *chShaderName = pEntry->m_szName;
// If starting new shader remember shader info
if ( chLastShaderName != chShaderName ) { Shader_ParseShaderInfoFromCompileCommands( pEntry, siLastShaderInfo );
chLastShaderName = chShaderName; g_ShaderToShaderInfo[ chLastShaderName ] = siLastShaderInfo; }
// Read buffer
uint8 *pCodeBuffer = StaticComboFromDictAdd( chShaderName, nComboOfTheEntry )->AllocPackedCodeBlock( len );
if ( pCodeBuffer ) pBuf->read( pCodeBuffer, len ); } }
// A function that will wait for right Ctrl+Alt+Shift to be held down simultaneously.
// This is useful for debugging short-lived processes and gives time for debugger to
// get attached.
void DebugSafeWaitPoint( bool bForceWait = false ) { static bool s_bDebuggerAttached = ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-debugwait" ) == 0 ); if ( bForceWait ) { s_bDebuggerAttached = false; }
if ( !s_bDebuggerAttached ) { Msg( "Waiting for right Ctrl+Alt+Shift to continue..." ); while ( !s_bDebuggerAttached ) { Msg( "." ); Sleep(1000);
if ( short( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RCONTROL ) ) < 0 && short( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RSHIFT ) ) < 0 && short( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RMENU ) ) < 0 ) { s_bDebuggerAttached = true; } } Msg( " ok.\n" ); } }
// same as "system", but doesn't pop up a window
void MySystem( char const * const pCommand, CmdSink::IResponse **ppResponse ) { // Trap the command in InterceptFxc
if ( InterceptFxc::TryExecuteCommand( pCommand, ppResponse ) ) { Sleep( 0 ); return; }
unlink( "shader.o" );
char szTempFileName[100]; sprintf( szTempFileName, "sc%d_%d.bat", GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId() ); FILE *batFp = fopen( szTempFileName, "w" ); fprintf( batFp, "%s\n", pCommand ); fclose( batFp ); STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) ); // Start the child process.
if( !CreateProcess( NULL, // No module name (use command line).
szTempFileName, // Command line.
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable.
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable.
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE.
NULL, // Use parent's environment block.
g_WorkerTempPath, // Use parent's starting directory.
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure.
&pi ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure.
) { Error( "CreateProcess failed." ); Assert( 0 ); } // Wait until child process exits.
WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); // Close process and thread handles.
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); unlink( szTempFileName ); }
// Assemble a reply package to the master from the compiled bytecode
// return the length of the package.
size_t AssembleWorkerReplyPackage( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry, uint64 nComboOfEntry, MessageBuffer *pBuf ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); CStaticCombo *pStComboRec = StaticComboFromDict( pEntry->m_szName, nComboOfEntry ); StaticComboNodeHash_t *pByteCodeArray = g_ShaderByteCode[ pEntry->m_szName ]; GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK();
size_t nBytesWritten = 0;
if ( pStComboRec && pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos.Count() ) { CUtlBuffer ubDynamicComboBuffer; ubDynamicComboBuffer.SetBigEndian( g_bIsX360 || g_bIsPS3 );
pStComboRec->SortDynamicCombos(); // iterate over all dynamic combos.
for(int i = 0 ; i < pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos.Count(); i++ ) { CByteCodeBlock *pCode = pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos[i]; // check if we have already output an identical combo
bool bDup = false; #if 0
// check for duplicate bytecode. actually doesn't save much because bzip does a good
// job compressing dupes.
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if ( ( pCode->m_nCRC32 == pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos[j]->m_nCRC32 ) && ( pCode->m_nCodeSize == pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos[j]->m_nCodeSize ) && ( memcmp( pCode->m_ByteCode, pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos[i]->m_ByteCode, pCode->m_nCodeSize ) == 0 ) ) // identical bytecode?
{ bDup = true; OutputDynamicComboDup( &nBytesWritten, &ubDynamicComboBuffer, pBuf, pCode->m_nComboID, pStComboRec->m_DynamicCombos[j]->m_nComboID ); } } #endif
if ( ! bDup ) OutputDynamicCombo( &nBytesWritten, &ubDynamicComboBuffer, pBuf, pCode->m_nComboID, pCode->m_nCodeSize, pCode->m_ByteCode ); } FlushCombos( &nBytesWritten, &ubDynamicComboBuffer, pBuf ); }
// Time to limit amount of prints
static float s_fLastInfoTime = 0; float fCurTime = ( float ) Plat_FloatTime();
GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); if ( pStComboRec ) { CStaticCombo *pCombo = pByteCodeArray->FindByKey( nComboOfEntry ); pByteCodeArray->DeleteByKey( nComboOfEntry ); delete pCombo; } if( fabs( fCurTime - s_fLastInfoTime ) > 1.f ) { Msg( "\rCompiling %s [ %2d remaining ] ... \r", pEntry->m_szName, nComboOfEntry ); s_fLastInfoTime = fCurTime; } GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK();
return nBytesWritten; }
// Copy a reply package to the master from the compiled bytecode
// return the length of the data copied.
size_t CopyWorkerReplyPackage( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry, uint64 nComboOfEntry, MessageBuffer *pBuf, int nSkipsSoFar ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); CStaticCombo *pStComboRec = StaticComboFromDict( pEntry->m_szName, nComboOfEntry ); StaticComboNodeHash_t *pByteCodeArray = g_ShaderByteCode[ pEntry->m_szName ]; // Get a static combo pointer
int len = pStComboRec ? pStComboRec->m_abPackedCode.GetLength() : NULL;
if ( len ) { if ( nSkipsSoFar ) { pBuf->write( &nSkipsSoFar, sizeof( nSkipsSoFar ) ); }
pBuf->write( &len, sizeof( len ) ); if ( len ) pBuf->write( pStComboRec->m_abPackedCode.GetData(), len ); } if ( pStComboRec ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); CStaticCombo *pCombo = pByteCodeArray->FindByKey( nComboOfEntry ); pByteCodeArray->DeleteByKey( nComboOfEntry ); delete pCombo; GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK(); }
return size_t( len ); }
template < typename TMutexType > class CWorkerAccumState : public CParallelProcessorBase < CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > > { friend ThisParallelProcessorBase_t;
private: static bool & DisconnectState() { static bool sb = false; return sb; } static void Special_DisconnectHandler( int procID, const char *pReason ) { DisconnectState() = true; }
public: explicit CWorkerAccumState( TMutexType *pMutex ) : m_pMutex( pMutex ), m_iFirstCommand( 0 ), m_iNextCommand( 0 ), m_iEndCommand( 0 ), m_iLastFinished( 0 ), m_hCombo( NULL ), m_fnOldDisconnectHandler( g_fnDisconnectHandler ), m_autoRestoreDisconnectHandler( g_fnDisconnectHandler ) { DisconnectState() = false; } ~CWorkerAccumState() { QuitSubs(); }
void RangeBegin( uint64 iFirstCommand, uint64 iEndCommand ); void RangeFinished( void );
void ExecuteCompileCommand( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo ); void ExecuteCompileCommandThreaded( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo ); void HandleCommandResponse( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo, CmdSink::IResponse *pResponse );
public: using ThisParallelProcessorBase_t::Run;
public: bool OnProcess(); bool OnProcessST();
protected: TMutexType *m_pMutex;
protected: struct SubProcess { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwSvcThreadId; uint64 iRunningCommand; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; SubProcessKernelObjects *pCommObjs; }; CTHREADLOCAL( SubProcess * ) m_lpSubProcessInfo; CUtlVector < SubProcess * > m_arrSubProcessInfos; uint64 m_iFirstCommand; uint64 m_iNextCommand; uint64 m_iEndCommand;
uint64 m_iLastFinished;
CfgProcessor::ComboHandle m_hCombo;
DisconnectHandlerFn_t m_fnOldDisconnectHandler; CAutoPushPop< DisconnectHandlerFn_t > m_autoRestoreDisconnectHandler; void QuitSubs( void ); void TryToPackageData( uint64 iCommandNumber ); void PrepareSubProcess( SubProcess **ppSp, SubProcessKernelObjects **ppCommObjs ); };
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::RangeBegin( uint64 iFirstCommand, uint64 iEndCommand ) { m_iFirstCommand = iFirstCommand; m_iNextCommand = iFirstCommand; m_iEndCommand = iEndCommand; m_iLastFinished = iFirstCommand; m_hCombo = NULL; CfgProcessor::Combo_GetNext( m_iNextCommand, m_hCombo, m_iEndCommand ); g_fnDisconnectHandler = Special_DisconnectHandler;
// Notify all connected sub-processes that the master is still alive
for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrSubProcessInfos.Count(); ++ k ) { if ( SubProcess *pSp = m_arrSubProcessInfos[ k ] ) { SubProcessKernelObjects_Memory shrmem( pSp->pCommObjs ); if ( void *pvMemory = shrmem.Lock() ) { strcpy( ( char * ) pvMemory, "keepalive" ); shrmem.Unlock(); } } } }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::RangeFinished( void ) { if( !DisconnectState() ) { // Finish packaging data
TryToPackageData( m_iEndCommand - 1 ); } else { // Master disconnected
QuitSubs(); }
g_fnDisconnectHandler = m_fnOldDisconnectHandler; }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::QuitSubs( void ) { CUtlVector < HANDLE > m_arrWait; m_arrWait.EnsureCapacity( m_arrSubProcessInfos.Count() );
for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrSubProcessInfos.Count(); ++ k ) { if ( SubProcess *pSp = m_arrSubProcessInfos[ k ] ) { SubProcessKernelObjects_Memory shrmem( pSp->pCommObjs ); if ( void *pvMemory = shrmem.Lock() ) { strcpy( ( char * ) pvMemory, "quit" ); shrmem.Unlock(); }
m_arrWait.AddToTail( pSp->pi.hProcess ); } }
if ( m_arrWait.Count() ) { DWORD dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects( m_arrWait.Count(), m_arrWait.Base(), TRUE, 2 * 1000 ); if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwWait ) { Warning( "Timed out while waiting for sub-processes to shut down!\n" ); } }
for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrSubProcessInfos.Count(); ++ k ) { if ( SubProcess *pSp = m_arrSubProcessInfos[ k ] ) { CloseHandle( pSp->pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( pSp->pi.hProcess );
delete pSp->pCommObjs; delete pSp; } }
if ( DisconnectState() ) Vmpi_Worker_DefaultDisconnectHandler( 0, "Master disconnected during compilation." ); }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::PrepareSubProcess( SubProcess **ppSp, SubProcessKernelObjects **ppCommObjs ) { SubProcess *pSp = m_lpSubProcessInfo.Get(); SubProcessKernelObjects *pCommObjs = NULL;
if ( pSp ) { pCommObjs = pSp->pCommObjs; } else { pSp = new SubProcess; m_lpSubProcessInfo.Set( pSp );
pSp->dwSvcThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
char chBaseNameBuffer[0x30]; sprintf( chBaseNameBuffer, "SHCMPL_SUB_%08X_%I64X_%08X", pSp->dwSvcThreadId, time( NULL ), GetCurrentProcessId() ); pCommObjs = pSp->pCommObjs = new SubProcessKernelObjects_Create( chBaseNameBuffer );
ZeroMemory( &pSp->pi, sizeof( pSp->pi ) );
STARTUPINFO si; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof( si ) ); si.cb = sizeof( si );
char chCommandLine[0x100]; sprintf( chCommandLine, "\"%s\\shadercompile.exe\" -subprocess %s", g_WorkerTempPath, chBaseNameBuffer ); #ifdef _DEBUG
V_strncat( chCommandLine, " -allowdebug", sizeof( chCommandLine ) ); #endif
BOOL bCreateResult = CreateProcess( NULL, chCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, g_WorkerTempPath, &si, &pSp->pi ); ( void ) bCreateResult; Assert( bCreateResult && "CreateProcess failed?" );
m_pMutex->Lock(); pSp->dwIndex = m_arrSubProcessInfos.AddToTail( pSp ); m_pMutex->Unlock(); }
if ( ppSp ) *ppSp = pSp; if ( ppCommObjs ) *ppCommObjs = pCommObjs; }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::ExecuteCompileCommandThreaded( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo ) { // DebugOut( "threaded: running: \"%s\"\n", szCommand );
SubProcessKernelObjects *pCommObjs = NULL; PrepareSubProcess( NULL, &pCommObjs );
// Execute the command
SubProcessKernelObjects_Memory shrmem( pCommObjs );
{ void *pvMemory = shrmem.Lock(); Assert( pvMemory ); Combo_FormatCommand( hCombo, ( char * ) pvMemory );
shrmem.Unlock(); }
// Obtain the command response
{ void const *pvMemory = shrmem.Lock(); Assert( pvMemory );
// TODO: Vitaliy :: TEMP fix:
// Usually what happens if we fail to lock here is
// when our subprocess dies and to recover we will
// attempt to restart on another worker.
if ( !pvMemory ) // ::RaiseException( GetLastError(), EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL );
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 );
CmdSink::IResponse *pResponse; if ( pvMemory ) pResponse = new CSubProcessResponse( pvMemory ); else pResponse = new CmdSink::CResponseError;
HandleCommandResponse( hCombo, pResponse );
delete pResponse;
shrmem.Unlock(); } }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::ExecuteCompileCommand( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo ) { CmdSink::IResponse *pResponse = NULL; { char chBuffer[ 4096 ]; Combo_FormatCommand( hCombo, chBuffer );
DebugOut( "running: \"%s\"\n", chBuffer );
MySystem( chBuffer, &pResponse ); }
HandleCommandResponse( hCombo, pResponse ); }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::HandleCommandResponse( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo, CmdSink::IResponse *pResponse ) { VMPI_HandleSocketErrors();
if ( !pResponse ) pResponse = new CmdSink::CResponseFiles( "shader.o", "output.txt" );
// Command info
CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntryInfo = Combo_GetEntryInfo( hCombo ); uint64 iComboIndex = Combo_GetComboNum( hCombo ); uint64 iCommandNumber = Combo_GetCommandNum( hCombo );
if ( pResponse->Succeeded() ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); uint64 nStComboIdx = iComboIndex / pEntryInfo->m_numDynamicCombos; uint64 nDyComboIdx = iComboIndex - ( nStComboIdx * pEntryInfo->m_numDynamicCombos ); StaticComboFromDictAdd( pEntryInfo->m_szName, nStComboIdx )->AddDynamicCombo( nDyComboIdx , pResponse->GetResultBuffer(), pResponse->GetResultBufferLen() ); GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK(); }
// Tell the master that this shader failed
if ( !pResponse->Succeeded() ) { GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); ShaderHadErrorDispatchInt( pEntryInfo->m_szName ); GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK(); }
// Process listing even if the shader succeeds for warnings
char const *szListing = pResponse->GetListing(); if ( ( !g_bSuppressWarnings && szListing ) || !pResponse->Succeeded() ) { char chCommandNumber[50]; sprintf( chCommandNumber, "%I64u", iCommandNumber );
char chUnreportedListing[0xFF]; if ( !szListing ) { sprintf( chUnreportedListing, "(0): error %s: shadercompile.cpp: Compiler failed without error description - possible DX_PROXY DLL, D3DX DLL, D3DCOMPILER DLL, or other .DLL dependency problem?", chCommandNumber ); szListing = chUnreportedListing; }
// Send the listing for dispatch
CUtlBinaryBlock errMsg; errMsg.SetLength( strlen( chCommandNumber ) + 1 + // command + newline
strlen( szListing ) + 1 + // listing + newline
1 // null-terminator
); sprintf( ( char * ) errMsg.Get(), "%s\n%s\n", chCommandNumber, szListing );
GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); ErrMsgDispatchInt( ( char * ) errMsg.Get(), pEntryInfo->m_szShaderFileName ); GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK(); }
// Maybe zip things up
TryToPackageData( iCommandNumber ); }
template < typename TMutexType > void CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::TryToPackageData( uint64 iCommandNumber ) { m_pMutex->Lock();
uint64 iFinishedByNow = iCommandNumber + 1;
// Check if somebody is running an earlier command
for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrSubProcessInfos.Count(); ++ k ) { if ( SubProcess *pSp = m_arrSubProcessInfos[ k ] ) { if ( pSp->iRunningCommand < iCommandNumber ) { iFinishedByNow = 0; break; } } }
uint64 iLastFinished = m_iLastFinished; if ( iFinishedByNow > m_iLastFinished ) { m_iLastFinished = iFinishedByNow; m_pMutex->Unlock(); } else { m_pMutex->Unlock(); return; }
CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hChBegin = CfgProcessor::Combo_GetCombo( iLastFinished ); CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hChEnd = CfgProcessor::Combo_GetCombo( iFinishedByNow );
Assert( hChBegin && hChEnd );
CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pInfoBegin = Combo_GetEntryInfo( hChBegin ); CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pInfoEnd = Combo_GetEntryInfo( hChEnd );
uint64 nComboBegin = Combo_GetComboNum( hChBegin ) / pInfoBegin->m_numDynamicCombos; uint64 nComboEnd = Combo_GetComboNum( hChEnd ) / pInfoEnd->m_numDynamicCombos;
for ( ; pInfoBegin && ( ( pInfoBegin->m_iCommandStart < pInfoEnd->m_iCommandStart ) || ( nComboBegin > nComboEnd ) ); ) { // Zip this combo
MessageBuffer mbPacked; size_t nPackedLength = AssembleWorkerReplyPackage( pInfoBegin, nComboBegin, &mbPacked );
if ( nPackedLength ) { // Packed buffer
GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_LOCK(); uint8 *pCodeBuffer = StaticComboFromDictAdd( pInfoBegin->m_szName, nComboBegin )->AllocPackedCodeBlock( nPackedLength ); GLOBAL_DATA_MTX_UNLOCK();
if ( pCodeBuffer ) mbPacked.read( pCodeBuffer, nPackedLength ); }
// Next iteration
if ( ! nComboBegin -- ) { Combo_Free( hChBegin ); if ( ( hChBegin = CfgProcessor::Combo_GetCombo( pInfoBegin->m_iCommandEnd ) ) != NULL ) { pInfoBegin = Combo_GetEntryInfo( hChBegin ); nComboBegin = pInfoBegin->m_numStaticCombos - 1; } } }
Combo_Free( hChBegin ); Combo_Free( hChEnd ); }
template < typename TMutexType > bool CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::OnProcess() { m_pMutex->Lock(); CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hThreadCombo = m_hCombo ? Combo_Alloc( m_hCombo ) : NULL; m_pMutex->Unlock(); uint64 iThreadCommand = ~uint64(0);
SubProcess *pSp = NULL; PrepareSubProcess( &pSp, NULL );
for ( ; ; ) { m_pMutex->Lock(); if ( DisconnectState() ) Combo_Free( m_hCombo );
if ( m_hCombo ) { Combo_Assign( hThreadCombo, m_hCombo ); pSp->iRunningCommand = Combo_GetCommandNum( hThreadCombo ); Combo_GetNext( iThreadCommand, m_hCombo, m_iEndCommand ); } else { Combo_Free( hThreadCombo ); iThreadCommand = ~uint64(0); pSp->iRunningCommand = ~uint64(0); } m_pMutex->Unlock();
if ( hThreadCombo ) { ExecuteCompileCommandThreaded( hThreadCombo ); } else break; }
Combo_Free( hThreadCombo ); return false; }
template < typename TMutexType > bool CWorkerAccumState < TMutexType > ::OnProcessST() { while ( m_hCombo ) { ExecuteCompileCommand( m_hCombo ); Combo_GetNext( m_iNextCommand, m_hCombo, m_iEndCommand ); } return false; }
// Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton
class Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton { public: static Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton *& Instance() { static Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton *s_ptr = NULL; return s_ptr; } static Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton * GetInstance() { Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton *p = Instance(); Assert( p ); return p; }
public: Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton() { Assert( !Instance() ); Instance() = this; Startup(); } ~Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton() { Assert( Instance() == this ); Instance() = NULL; Shutdown(); }
public: void ProcessCommandRange( uint64 shaderStart, uint64 shaderEnd );
protected: void Startup( void ); void Shutdown( void );
// Multi-threaded section
protected: struct MT { MT() : pWorkerObj( NULL ), pThreadPool( NULL ) {}
typedef CThreadFastMutex MultiThreadMutex_t; MultiThreadMutex_t mtx; typedef CWorkerAccumState < MultiThreadMutex_t > WorkerClass_t; WorkerClass_t *pWorkerObj;
IThreadPool *pThreadPool; ThreadPoolStartParams_t tpsp; } m_MT;
// Single-threaded section
protected: struct ST { ST() : pWorkerObj( NULL ) {}
typedef CThreadNullMutex MultiThreadMutex_t; MultiThreadMutex_t mtx;
typedef CWorkerAccumState < MultiThreadMutex_t > WorkerClass_t; WorkerClass_t *pWorkerObj; } m_ST; };
void Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton::Startup( void ) { bool bInitializedThreadPool = false; CPUInformation const &cpu = GetCPUInformation();
if ( cpu.m_nLogicalProcessors > 1 ) { // Attempt to initialize thread pool
m_MT.pThreadPool = CommandLine()->FindParm("-singlethreaded") ? NULL : g_pThreadPool; if ( m_MT.pThreadPool ) { m_MT.tpsp.bIOThreads = false; m_MT.tpsp.nThreads = cpu.m_nLogicalProcessors - 1;
if ( m_MT.pThreadPool->Start( m_MT.tpsp ) ) { if ( m_MT.pThreadPool->NumThreads() >= 1 ) { // Make sure that our mutex is in multi-threaded mode
Threading::g_mtxGlobal.SetThreadedMode( Threading::eMultiThreaded );
m_MT.pWorkerObj = new MT::WorkerClass_t( &m_MT.mtx );
bInitializedThreadPool = true; } else { m_MT.pThreadPool->Stop(); } }
if ( !bInitializedThreadPool ) m_MT.pThreadPool = NULL; } }
// Otherwise initialize single-threaded mode
if ( !bInitializedThreadPool ) { m_ST.pWorkerObj = new ST::WorkerClass_t( &m_ST.mtx ); } }
void Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton::Shutdown( void ) { if ( m_MT.pThreadPool ) { if( m_MT.pWorkerObj ) delete m_MT.pWorkerObj;
m_MT.pThreadPool->Stop(); m_MT.pThreadPool = NULL; } else { if ( m_ST.pWorkerObj ) delete m_ST.pWorkerObj; } }
void Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton::ProcessCommandRange( uint64 shaderStart, uint64 shaderEnd ) { if ( m_MT.pThreadPool ) { MT::WorkerClass_t *pWorkerObj = m_MT.pWorkerObj;
pWorkerObj->RangeBegin( shaderStart, shaderEnd ); pWorkerObj->Run(); pWorkerObj->RangeFinished(); } else { ST::WorkerClass_t *pWorkerObj = m_ST.pWorkerObj;
pWorkerObj->RangeBegin( shaderStart, shaderEnd ); pWorkerObj->OnProcessST(); pWorkerObj->RangeFinished(); } }
// You must process the work unit range.
void Worker_ProcessCommandRange( uint64 shaderStart, uint64 shaderEnd ) { Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton::GetInstance()->ProcessCommandRange( shaderStart, shaderEnd ); }
// You must append data to pBuf with the work unit results.
void Worker_ProcessWorkUnitFn( int iThread, uint64 iWorkUnit, MessageBuffer *pBuf ) { uint64 comboStart = iWorkUnit * g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit; uint64 comboEnd = comboStart + g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit; comboEnd = min( g_numStaticCombos, comboEnd );
// Determine the commands required to be executed:
uint64 nComboOfTheEntry = 0; CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry = NULL;
pEntry = GetEntryByStaticComboNum( comboEnd, &nComboOfTheEntry ); uint64 commandEnd = pEntry->m_iCommandStart + nComboOfTheEntry * pEntry->m_numDynamicCombos; Assert( commandEnd <= g_numCompileCommands );
pEntry = GetEntryByStaticComboNum( comboStart, &nComboOfTheEntry ); uint64 commandStart = pEntry->m_iCommandStart + nComboOfTheEntry * pEntry->m_numDynamicCombos;
// Compile all the shader combos
Worker_ProcessCommandRange( commandStart, commandEnd ); nComboOfTheEntry = pEntry->m_numStaticCombos - 1 - nComboOfTheEntry;
// Copy off the reply packages
int nSkipsSoFar = 0; for ( uint64 kCombo = comboStart; kCombo < comboEnd; ++ kCombo ) { size_t nCpBytes = CopyWorkerReplyPackage( pEntry, nComboOfTheEntry, pBuf, nSkipsSoFar ); if ( nCpBytes ) nSkipsSoFar = 0; else -- nSkipsSoFar; if ( nComboOfTheEntry == 0 ) { ++pEntry; nComboOfTheEntry = pEntry->m_numStaticCombos; } nComboOfTheEntry--; } if ( nSkipsSoFar ) { pBuf->write( &nSkipsSoFar, sizeof( nSkipsSoFar ) ); }
// Copy off SCE-CGC compiler generated metadata, used for shader debugging
if ( g_bIsPS3 ) { PS3SendShaderCompileLogContentsToMaster();
if ( g_bGeneratePS3DebugInfo ) { SendSubDirectoryToMaster( "cgc-capture" ); } }
// Now deliver all our accumulated spew to the master
// Failed shaders
for ( int k = 0, kEnd = g_Master_ShaderHadError.GetNumStrings(); k < kEnd; ++ k ) { char const *szShaderName = g_Master_ShaderHadError.String( k ); if ( !g_Master_ShaderHadError[ int_as_symid( k ) ] ) continue;
int const len = strlen( szShaderName ); CUtlBinaryBlock bb; bb.SetLength( 1 + len + 1 ); sprintf( ( char * ) bb.Get(), "%c%s", SHADERHADERROR_PACKETID, szShaderName );
VMPI_SendData( bb.Get(), bb.Length(), VMPI_MASTER_ID ); VMPI_HandleSocketErrors(); }
// Compiler spew
for ( int k = 0, kEnd = g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo.GetNumStrings(); k < kEnd; ++ k ) { char const * const szMsg = g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo.String( k ); CompilerMsgInfo const &cmi = g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo[ int_as_symid( k ) ];
char const * const szFirstCmd = cmi.GetFirstCommand(); int const numReported = cmi.GetNumTimesReported();
char chNumReported[0x40]; sprintf( chNumReported, "%d", numReported );
CUtlBinaryBlock bb; bb.SetLength( 1 + strlen(szMsg) + 1 + strlen( szFirstCmd ) + 1 + strlen( chNumReported ) + 1 + 1 ); sprintf( ( char * ) bb.Get(), "%c%s\n%s\n%s\n", ERRMSG_PACKETID, szMsg, szFirstCmd, chNumReported );
VMPI_SendData( bb.Get(), bb.Length(), VMPI_MASTER_ID ); VMPI_HandleSocketErrors(); }
// Clean all reported msgs
g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo.Purge(); }
void Shader_ParseShaderInfoFromCompileCommands( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry, ShaderInfo_t &shaderInfo ) { if ( CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo = CfgProcessor::Combo_GetCombo( pEntry->m_iCommandStart ) ) { char cmd[ 4096 ]; Combo_FormatCommand( hCombo, cmd ); { memset( &shaderInfo, 0, sizeof( ShaderInfo_t ) );
const char *pCentroidMask; const char *pFlags; const char *pShaderModel;
if ( g_bIsPS3 ) { pCentroidMask = strstr( cmd, "-DCENTROIDMASK=" ); pFlags = strstr( cmd, "-DFLAGS=0x" ); pShaderModel = strstr( cmd, "-DSHADER_MODEL_" ); } else { pCentroidMask = strstr( cmd, "/DCENTROIDMASK=" ); pFlags = strstr( cmd, "/DFLAGS=0x" ); pShaderModel = strstr( cmd, "/DSHADER_MODEL_" ); } if( !pCentroidMask || !pFlags || !pShaderModel ) { Assert( !"!pCentroidMask || !pFlags || !pShaderModel" ); return; }
// Don't need to adjust the string for PS3 because it's the same length
sscanf( pCentroidMask + strlen( "/DCENTROIDMASK=" ), "%u", &shaderInfo.m_CentroidMask ); sscanf( pFlags + strlen( "/DFLAGS=0x" ), "%x", &shaderInfo.m_Flags );
// Copy shader model
pShaderModel += strlen( "-DSHADER_MODEL_" );
for ( char *pszSm = shaderInfo.m_szShaderModel, * const pszEnd = pszSm + sizeof( shaderInfo.m_szShaderModel ) - 1; pszSm < pszEnd ; ++ pszSm ) { char &rchLastChar = (*pszSm = *pShaderModel ++); if ( !rchLastChar || V_isspace( rchLastChar ) || '=' == rchLastChar ) { rchLastChar = 0; break; } }
shaderInfo.m_nShaderCombo = 0; shaderInfo.m_nTotalShaderCombos = pEntry->m_numCombos; shaderInfo.m_nDynamicCombos = pEntry->m_numDynamicCombos; shaderInfo.m_nStaticCombo = 0;
shaderInfo.m_pShaderName = pEntry->m_szName; shaderInfo.m_pShaderSrc = pEntry->m_szShaderFileName; }
Combo_Free( hCombo ); } }
void Worker_GetLocalCopyOfShaders( void ) { // Create virtual files for all of the stuff that we need to compile the shader
// make sure and prefix the file name so that it doesn't find it locally.
char filename[1024]; sprintf( filename, "%s\\uniquefilestocopy.txt", g_pShaderPath );
CUtlInplaceBuffer bffr( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if( !g_pFileSystem->ReadFile( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't open uniquefilestocopy.txt!\n" ); exit( -1 ); }
while( char *pszLineToCopy = bffr.InplaceGetLinePtr() ) { sprintf( filename, "%s\\%s", g_pShaderPath, pszLineToCopy ); if ( g_bVerbose ) printf( "getting local copy of shader: \"%s\" (\"%s\")\n", pszLineToCopy, filename );
CUtlBuffer fileBuf; if ( !g_pFileSystem->ReadFile( filename, NULL, fileBuf ) ) { Warning( "Can't find \"%s\"\n", filename ); continue; }
// Grab just the filename.
char justFilename[MAX_PATH]; char *pLastSlash = max( strrchr( pszLineToCopy, '/' ), strrchr( pszLineToCopy, '\\' ) ); if ( pLastSlash ) Q_strncpy( justFilename, pLastSlash + 1, sizeof( justFilename ) ); else Q_strncpy( justFilename, pszLineToCopy, sizeof( justFilename ) );
sprintf( filename, "%s%s", g_WorkerTempPath, justFilename ); if ( g_bVerbose ) printf( "creating \"%s\"\n", filename ); FILE *fp3 = fopen( filename, "wb" ); if ( !fp3 ) { Error( "Can't open '%s' for writing.", pszLineToCopy ); continue; }
fwrite( fileBuf.Base(), 1, fileBuf.GetBytesRemaining(), fp3 ); fclose( fp3 );
// SUPER EVIL, but if we don't do this, Windows will randomly nuke files of ours
// while we're running since they're in the temp path.
static CUtlVector< FILE * > s_arrHackedFiles; static struct X_s_arrHackedFiles { ~X_s_arrHackedFiles() { for ( int k = 0; k < s_arrHackedFiles.Count(); ++ k ) fclose( s_arrHackedFiles[k] ); } } s_autoCloseHackedFiles;
/* THIS IS THE EVIL LINE ----> */ FILE *fHack = fopen( filename, "r" ); s_arrHackedFiles.AddToTail( fHack ); // -- END of EVIL
} }
void Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinary( const char *pFilename ) { CUtlBuffer fileBuf; char tmpFilename[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( tmpFilename, "%s\\%s", g_ExeDir, pFilename ); if ( g_bVerbose ) printf( "trying to open: %s\n", tmpFilename ); FILE *fp = fopen( tmpFilename, "rb" ); if( !fp ) { Assert( 0 ); fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s!\n", pFilename ); exit( -1 ); } fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); int fileLen = ftell( fp ); fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); fileBuf.EnsureCapacity( fileLen ); int nBytesRead = fread( fileBuf.Base(), 1, fileLen, fp ); fclose( fp ); fileBuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nBytesRead );
char newFilename[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( newFilename, "%s%s", g_WorkerTempPath, pFilename ); FILE *fp2 = fopen( newFilename, "wb" ); if( !fp2 ) { Assert( 0 ); fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s!\n", newFilename ); exit( -1 ); } fwrite( fileBuf.Base(), 1, fileLen, fp2 ); fclose( fp2 );
// SUPER EVIL, but if we don't do this, Windows will randomly nuke files of ours
// while we're running since they're in the temp path.
fopen( newFilename, "r" ); }
void Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinaries( void ) { Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinary( "mysql_wrapper.dll" ); // This is necessary so VMPI doesn't run in SDK mode.
Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinary( "vstdlib.dll" ); Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinary( "tier0.dll" ); }
void Shared_ParseListOfCompileCommands( void ) { double tt_start = Plat_FloatTime();
char fileListFileName[1024] = {0}; sprintf( fileListFileName, "%s\\filelist.txt", g_pShaderPath );
CUtlInplaceBuffer bffr( 0, 0, CUtlInplaceBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if( !g_pFileSystem->ReadFile( fileListFileName, NULL, bffr) ) { DebugOut( "Can't open %s!\n", fileListFileName ); fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s!\n", fileListFileName ); exit( -1 ); }
CfgProcessor::ReadConfiguration( &bffr ); CfgProcessor::DescribeConfiguration( g_arrCompileEntries );
for ( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pInfo = g_arrCompileEntries.Get(); pInfo && pInfo->m_szName; ++ pInfo ) { ++ g_numShaders; g_numStaticCombos += pInfo->m_numStaticCombos; g_numCompileCommands = pInfo->m_iCommandEnd; }
double tt_end = Plat_FloatTime(); Msg( "\rCompiling %s commands. \r", PrettyPrintNumber( g_numCompileCommands ), (tt_end - tt_start) ); }
void SetupExeDir( int argc, char **argv ) { strcpy( g_ExeDir, argv[0] ); Q_StripFilename( g_ExeDir );
if ( g_ExeDir[0] == 0 ) { Q_strncpy( g_ExeDir, ".\\", sizeof( g_ExeDir ) ); }
Q_FixSlashes( g_ExeDir ); }
void SetupPaths( int argc, char **argv ) { GetTempPath( sizeof( g_WorkerTempPath ), g_WorkerTempPath );
strcat( g_WorkerTempPath, "shadercompiletemp\\" ); char tmp[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( tmp, "rd /s /q \"%s\"", g_WorkerTempPath ); system( tmp ); _mkdir( g_WorkerTempPath ); // printf( "g_WorkerTempPath: \"%s\"\n", g_WorkerTempPath );
CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); g_pShaderPath = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-shaderpath", "" );
g_bVerbose = CommandLine()->FindParm("-verbose") != 0; }
void SetupDebugFile( void ) { #ifdef DEBUGFP
const char *pComputerName = getenv( "COMPUTERNAME" ); char filename[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( filename, "\\\\fileserver\\user\\gary\\debug\\%s.txt", pComputerName ); g_WorkerDebugFp = fopen( filename, "w" ); Assert( g_WorkerDebugFp ); DebugOut( "opened debug file\n" ); #endif
void CompileShaders_NoVMPI() { Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton pcr;
// We will iterate on the cfg entries and process them
for ( CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry = g_arrCompileEntries.Get(); pEntry && pEntry->m_szName; ++ pEntry ) { //
// Stick the shader info
ShaderInfo_t siLastShaderInfo; memset( &siLastShaderInfo, 0, sizeof( siLastShaderInfo ) );
Shader_ParseShaderInfoFromCompileCommands( pEntry, siLastShaderInfo );
g_ShaderToShaderInfo[ pEntry->m_szName ] = siLastShaderInfo;
// Compile stuff
Worker_ProcessCommandRange( pEntry->m_iCommandStart, pEntry->m_iCommandEnd );
// Now when the whole shader is finished we can write it
char const *szShaderToWrite = pEntry->m_szName; g_numCommandsCompleted = g_numCompileCommands; WriteShaderFiles( szShaderToWrite ); g_numCommandsCompleted = pEntry->m_iCommandEnd; }
Msg( "\r \r" ); }
class CDistributeShaderCompileMaster : public IWorkUnitDistributorCallbacks { public: CDistributeShaderCompileMaster( void ); ~CDistributeShaderCompileMaster( void );
public: virtual void OnWorkUnitsCompleted( uint64 numWorkUnits );
private: void ThreadProc( void ); friend DWORD WINAPI CDistributeShaderCompileMaster::ThreadProcAdapter( LPVOID pvArg ); static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProcAdapter( LPVOID pvArg ) { reinterpret_cast< CDistributeShaderCompileMaster * >( pvArg )->ThreadProc(); return 0; } private: HANDLE m_hThread; HANDLE m_hEvent; CThreadFastMutex m_mtx; BOOL m_bRunning;
private: CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *m_pAnalyzeShaders; CUtlVector< char const * > m_arrShaderNamesToWrite; };
CDistributeShaderCompileMaster::CDistributeShaderCompileMaster( void ) : m_hThread( NULL ), m_hEvent( NULL ), m_bRunning( TRUE ) { m_hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadProcAdapter, reinterpret_cast< LPVOID >(this), 0, NULL );
m_pAnalyzeShaders = g_arrCompileEntries.Get(); }
CDistributeShaderCompileMaster::~CDistributeShaderCompileMaster( void ) { m_bRunning = FALSE; SetEvent( m_hEvent ); WaitForSingleObject( m_hThread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( m_hThread ); CloseHandle( m_hEvent ); }
void CDistributeShaderCompileMaster::OnWorkUnitsCompleted( uint64 numWorkUnits ) { // Make sure that our mutex is in multi-threaded mode
Threading::g_mtxGlobal.SetThreadedMode( Threading::eMultiThreaded );
// Figure out how many commands have completed based on work units
g_numCompletedStaticCombos = numWorkUnits * g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit; uint64 numStaticCombosOfTheEntry = 0; CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pEntry = GetEntryByStaticComboNum( g_numCompletedStaticCombos, &numStaticCombosOfTheEntry ); g_numCommandsCompleted = pEntry->m_iCommandStart + numStaticCombosOfTheEntry * pEntry->m_numDynamicCombos;
// Iterate over the shaders yet to be written and see if we can queue them
for ( ; m_pAnalyzeShaders->m_szName && m_pAnalyzeShaders->m_iCommandEnd <= g_numCommandsCompleted; ++ m_pAnalyzeShaders ) { m_mtx.Lock(); m_arrShaderNamesToWrite.AddToTail( m_pAnalyzeShaders->m_szName ); SetEvent( m_hEvent ); m_mtx.Unlock(); } }
void CDistributeShaderCompileMaster::ThreadProc( void ) { for ( ; m_bRunning; ) { WaitForSingleObject( m_hEvent, INFINITE ); // Do a pump of shaders to write
for ( int numShadersWritten = 0; /* forever */ ; ++ numShadersWritten ) { m_mtx.Lock(); char const * szShaderToWrite = NULL; if ( m_arrShaderNamesToWrite.Count() > numShadersWritten ) szShaderToWrite = m_arrShaderNamesToWrite[ numShadersWritten ]; else m_arrShaderNamesToWrite.RemoveAll(); m_mtx.Unlock();
if ( !szShaderToWrite ) break;
// We have the shader to write asynchronously
WriteShaderFiles( szShaderToWrite ); } } }
int ShaderCompile_Main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { InstallSpewFunction(); g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = false; g_flStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();
SetupDebugFile(); numthreads = 1; // managed specifically in Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton::Startup
Special section of code implementing "-subprocess" flag */ if ( int iSubprocess = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-subprocess" ) ) { char const *szSubProcessData = CommandLine()->GetParm( 1 + iSubprocess ); return ShaderCompile_Subprocess_Main( szSubProcessData ); }
// This needs to get called before VMPI is setup because in SDK mode, VMPI will change the args around.
SetupExeDir( argc, argv );
g_bIsX360 = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-x360" ) != 0; g_bIsPS3 = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-ps3" ) != 0; g_bGeneratePS3DebugInfo = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-ps3debug" ) != 0; g_bOptimizePS3ShaderScheduling = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-ps3optimizeschedules" ) != 0;
// g_bSuppressWarnings = g_bIsX360;
bool bShouldUseVMPI = ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nompi" ) == 0 ); if ( bShouldUseVMPI ) { // Master, start accepting connections.
// Worker, make a connection.
DebugOut( "Before VMPI_Init\n" ); g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = true; VMPIRunMode mode = VMPI_RUN_NETWORKED; if ( !VMPI_Init( argc, argv, "dependency_info_shadercompile.txt", MyDisconnectHandler, mode ) ) { g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = false; DebugOut( "MPI_Init failed.\n" ); Error( "MPI_Init failed." ); }
extern void VMPI_SetWorkUnitsPartitionSize( int numWusToDeal ); VMPI_SetWorkUnitsPartitionSize( 32 ); }
SetupPaths( argc, argv );
g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = false; DebugOut( "After VMPI_Init\n" );
// Setting up the minidump handlers
if ( bShouldUseVMPI && !g_bMPIMaster ) SetupToolsMinidumpHandler( VMPI_ExceptionFilter ); else SetupDefaultToolsMinidumpHandler();
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-game" ) == 0 ) { // Used with filesystem_stdio.dll
FileSystem_Init( NULL, 0, FS_INIT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE ); } else { // SDK uses this since it only has filesystem_steam.dll.
FileSystem_Init( NULL, 0, FS_INIT_FULL ); } DebugOut( "After VMPI_FileSystem_Init\n" ); Shared_ParseListOfCompileCommands(); DebugOut( "After Shared_ParseListOfCompileCommands\n" );
if ( bShouldUseVMPI ) { // Partition combos
g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit = 0; if ( g_numStaticCombos ) { if ( g_numStaticCombos <= 1024 ) g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit = 1; else if ( g_numStaticCombos > 1024 * 10 ) g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit = 10; else g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit = g_numStaticCombos / 1024; }
uint64 nWorkUnits; if( g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit == 0 ) { nWorkUnits = 1; g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit = g_numStaticCombos; } else { nWorkUnits = g_numStaticCombos / g_nStaticCombosPerWorkUnit + 1; }
DebugOut( "Before conditional\n" ); if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { if ( g_bIsPS3 && g_bGeneratePS3DebugInfo ) { // Prepare the files on the master which we will use to store the large amount of
// debug metadata generated by the Sony Cg compiler on each worker machine.
InitializePS3ShaderDebugPackFiles(); }
// Send all of the workers the complete list of work to do.
DebugOut( "Before STARTWORK_PACKETID\n" );
char packetID = STARTWORK_PACKETID; VMPI_SendData( &packetID, sizeof( packetID ), VMPI_PERSISTENT );
// Compile master distribution tracker
CDistributeShaderCompileMaster dscm; g_pDistributeWorkCallbacks = &dscm;
{ char chCommands[50], chStaticCombos[50], chNumWorkUnits[50]; sprintf( chCommands, "%s", PrettyPrintNumber( g_numCompileCommands ) ); sprintf( chStaticCombos, "%s", PrettyPrintNumber( g_numStaticCombos ) ); sprintf( chNumWorkUnits, "%s", PrettyPrintNumber( nWorkUnits ) ); Msg( "\rCompiling %s commands in %s work units.\n", chCommands, chNumWorkUnits ); }
// nWorkUnits is how many work units. . .1000 is good.
// The work unit number impies which combo to do.
DebugOut( "Before DistributeWork\n" ); DistributeWork( nWorkUnits, NULL, Master_ReceiveWorkUnitFn );
g_pDistributeWorkCallbacks = NULL; } else { // wait until we get a packet from the master to start doing stuff.
MessageBuffer buf; DebugOut( "Before VMPI_DispatchUntil\n" ); while ( !g_bGotStartWorkPacket ) { VMPI_DispatchNextMessage(); } DebugOut( "after VMPI_DispatchUntil\n" );
DebugOut( "Before Worker_GetLocalCopyOfShaders\n" ); Worker_GetLocalCopyOfShaders(); DebugOut( "Before Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinaries\n" ); Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinaries();
DebugOut( "Before _chdir\n" ); _chdir( g_WorkerTempPath ); if ( g_bIsPS3 ) { char szLogFilename[MAX_PATH]; if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "PS3COMPILELOG", szLogFilename, sizeof( szLogFilename ) ) == 0 ) { uint nUniqueIndex = ( (DWORD)GetCurrentProcessId() ^ (DWORD)GetCurrentThreadId() ) + (DWORD)GetTickCount() + (DWORD)&nWorkUnits; sprintf_s( szLogFilename, sizeof( szLogFilename ), "%s__ps3compilelog%08X__.tmp", g_WorkerTempPath, nUniqueIndex );
_unlink( szLogFilename ); SetEnvironmentVariableA( "PS3COMPILELOG", szLogFilename ); }
SetEnvironmentVariableA( "PS3FINDOPTIMALSCHEDULES", g_bOptimizePS3ShaderScheduling ? "1" : "0" ); SetEnvironmentVariableA( "PS3OPTIMALSCHEDULESFILE", g_bOptimizePS3ShaderScheduling ? "" : "ps3optimalschedules.bin" ); if ( g_bGeneratePS3DebugInfo ) { // Required by the Sony Cg compiler to emit debug metadata. Files are emitted on worker machine then copied back to master.
SetEnvironmentVariable( "SCECGC_CAPTUREDIR", g_WorkerTempPath ); } }
// nWorkUnits is how many work units. . .1000 is good.
// The work unit number impies which combo to do.
DebugOut( "Before DistributeWork\n" );
// Allows calling into ProcessCommandRange inside the worker function
{ Worker_ProcessCommandRange_Singleton pcr; DistributeWork( nWorkUnits, Worker_ProcessWorkUnitFn, NULL ); } }
g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = true; g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = false; } else // no VMPI
{ Worker_GetLocalCopyOfShaders(); Worker_GetLocalCopyOfBinaries(); _chdir( g_WorkerTempPath );
{ char chCommands[50], chStaticCombos[50]; sprintf( chCommands, "%s", PrettyPrintNumber( g_numCompileCommands ) ); sprintf( chStaticCombos, "%s", PrettyPrintNumber( g_numStaticCombos ) ); Msg( "\rCompiling %s commands in %s static combos.\n", chCommands, chStaticCombos ); } CompileShaders_NoVMPI(); }
Msg( "\r \r" ); if ( g_bMPIMaster || !bShouldUseVMPI ) { char str[ 4096 ];
// Write everything that succeeded
int nStrings = g_ShaderByteCode.GetNumStrings(); for( int i = 0; i < nStrings; i++ ) { WriteShaderFiles( g_ShaderByteCode.String(i) ); }
// Write all the errors
// Now deliver all our accumulated spew to the output
bool bValveVerboseComboErrors = ( getenv( "VALVE_VERBOSE_COMBO_ERRORS" ) && atoi( getenv( "VALVE_VERBOSE_COMBO_ERRORS" ) ) ) ? true : false;
// Compiler spew
for ( int k = 0, kEnd = g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo.GetNumStrings(); k < kEnd; ++ k ) { char const * const szMsg = g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo.String( k ); CompilerMsgInfo const &cmi = g_Master_CompilerMsgInfo[ int_as_symid( k ) ];
char const * const szFirstCmd = cmi.GetFirstCommand(); char const * const szFirstMachineName = cmi.GetFirstMachineName(); int const numReported = cmi.GetNumTimesReported();
uint64 iFirstCommand = _strtoui64( szFirstCmd, NULL, 10 ); CfgProcessor::ComboHandle hCombo = NULL; CfgProcessor::CfgEntryInfo const *pComboEntryInfo = NULL; if ( CfgProcessor::Combo_GetNext( iFirstCommand, hCombo, g_numCompileCommands ) ) { Combo_FormatCommand( hCombo, str ); pComboEntryInfo = Combo_GetEntryInfo( hCombo ); Combo_Free( hCombo ); } else { sprintf( str, "cmd # %s", szFirstCmd ); }
Msg( "\n%s\n", szMsg ); Msg( " Reported %d time(s), first machine \"%s\", example command:\n", numReported, szFirstMachineName );
if ( bValveVerboseComboErrors ) { Msg( " Verbose Description:\n" ); if ( pComboEntryInfo ) { Msg( " Src File: %s\n", pComboEntryInfo->m_szShaderFileName ); Msg( " Tgt File: %s\n", pComboEntryInfo->m_szName ); }
// Between /DSHADERCOMBO= and /Dmain
char const *pBegin; char const *pEnd; if ( g_bIsPS3 ) { pBegin = strstr( str, "-DSHADERCOMBO=" ); pEnd = strstr( str, "-Dmain" ); } else { pBegin = strstr( str, "/DSHADERCOMBO=" ); pEnd = strstr( str, "/Dmain" ); } if ( pBegin ) { // Don't need to adjust the string for PS3 because it's the same length
pBegin += strlen( "/DSHADERCOMBO=" ) ; char const *pSpace = strchr( pBegin, ' ' ); if ( pSpace ) Msg( " Combo # : %.*s\n", ( pSpace - pBegin ), pBegin ); }
if ( !pEnd ) pEnd = str + strlen( str ); while ( pBegin && *pBegin && !V_isspace( *pBegin ) ) ++ pBegin; while ( pBegin && *pBegin && V_isspace( *pBegin ) ) ++ pBegin;
// Now parse all combo defines in [pBegin, pEnd]
while ( pBegin && *pBegin && ( pBegin < pEnd ) ) { char const *pDefine; if ( g_bIsPS3 ) { pDefine = strstr( pBegin, "-D" ); } else { pDefine = strstr( pBegin, "/D" ); } if ( !pDefine || pDefine >= pEnd ) break;
char const *pEqSign = strchr( pDefine, '=' ); if ( !pEqSign || pEqSign >= pEnd ) break;
char const *pSpace = strchr( pEqSign, ' ' ); if ( !pSpace || pSpace >= pEnd ) pSpace = pEnd;
pBegin = pSpace;
Msg( " %.*s %.*s\n", ( pSpace - pEqSign - 1 ), pEqSign + 1, ( pEqSign - pDefine - 2 ), pDefine + 2 ); } } Msg( " %s\n", str ); }
// Failed shaders summary
for ( int k = 0, kEnd = g_Master_ShaderHadError.GetNumStrings(); k < kEnd; ++ k ) { char const *szShaderName = g_Master_ShaderHadError.String( k ); if ( !g_Master_ShaderHadError[ int_as_symid( k ) ] ) continue;
Msg( "FAILED: %s\n", szShaderName ); }
// End
double end = Plat_FloatTime(); GetHourMinuteSecondsString( (int)( end - g_flStartTime ), str, sizeof( str ) ); DebugOut( "%s elapsed\n", str ); DebugOut( "Precise timing = %.5f\n", ( end - g_flStartTime ) );
if ( bShouldUseVMPI ) { VMPI_FileSystem_Term(); DebugOut( "Before VMPI_Finalize\n" ); VMPI_Finalize(); }
if ( g_bIsPS3 && g_bGeneratePS3DebugInfo ) { // On the master, expand the giant TOC/Pack files we've built into many tiny files needed by the shader debug process.
ExpandPS3DebugInfo(); } } return g_Master_ShaderHadError.GetNumStrings(); }
class CShaderCompileDLL : public IShaderCompileDLL { int main( int argc, char **argv ); };
int CShaderCompileDLL::main( int argc, char **argv ) { return ShaderCompile_Main( argc, argv ); }
class CLaunchableDLL : public ILaunchableDLL { int main( int argc, char **argv ) { return ShaderCompile_Main( argc, argv ); } };