//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==========
#include "movieobjects/dmevertexdata.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "tier1/utlstringmap.h"
#include "mdlobjects/authphysfx.h"
#include "mdlobjects/clothproxymesh.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmefaceset.h"
#include "meshutils/mesh.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemeshtypes.h"
class CDmeModel; class CAuthPhysFx; class CVClothProxyMesh; class CDmeDag;
class CClothProxyCompiler { public: CVClothProxyMeshOptions m_Options;
CClothProxyCompiler( CAuthPhysFx *pAuthFx ); ~CClothProxyCompiler(){} bool IsEmpty() const { return m_pAuthFx->m_Nodes.Count() == 0; } CAuthPhysFx *GetFx() { return m_pAuthFx; } void Init( const CVClothProxyMeshOptions &clothProxyMeshList );
int GetOrCreateClothRootBone(); void Append( CDmeModel *pModel, float flClothEnableThreshold, const CVClothProxyMesh &proxy); void AppendPlaneCollision( CDmeModel *pModel ); void Cook( ); CLockedResource< PhysFeModelDesc_t > Compile( CResourceStream *pStream )const; void MarkFreeRotatingNodes( const CAuthPhysFx::CQuad &quad ); void AlignNodes(); int GetAuthFxBone( const char *pName );
template <typename T> class CIndexedAttr { public: CDmrArrayConst< T > m_Data; CDmrArrayConst< int > m_IndexData; public: CIndexedAttr() {} CIndexedAttr( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, FieldIndex_t nField ) { Init( pBindState, nField ); } CIndexedAttr( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, CDmeVertexDataBase::StandardFields_t nField ) { Init( pBindState, nField ); } void Init( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, CDmeVertexDataBase::StandardFields_t nField ) { Init( pBindState, pBindState->FindFieldIndex( nField ) ); } CIndexedAttr( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, const char *pField ) { Init( pBindState, pBindState->FindFieldIndex( pField ) ); }
void Init( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, FieldIndex_t nField ) { if ( nField >= 0 ) { m_Data = pBindState->GetVertexData( nField ); m_IndexData = pBindState->GetIndexData( nField ); } }
operator bool() const { return m_IndexData.IsValid() && m_Data.IsValid() && m_Data.Count() > 0 && m_IndexData.Count() > 0; } const T& operator []( int i ) const { return m_Data[ m_IndexData[ i ] ]; }
int GetDataCount() const{ return m_Data.Count(); } int GetElementCount()const { return m_IndexData.Count(); } // not really vertex count
int GetAttrCount()const { return 1; } // TODO: find the number of attributes per vertex
void Reset() { m_Data = CDmrArrayConst< T >(); m_IndexData = CDmrArrayConst< int >(); } };
struct Binding_t { int nAuthFxBone; float flWeight; Binding_t() : nAuthFxBone( -1 ), flWeight( 0 ) {} };
struct ProjItem_t { ProjItem_t( int i = -1, float f = 0 ) : nIndex( i ), flEnvelope( f ){} ProjItem_t( const ProjItem_t &other ) : nIndex( other.nIndex ), flEnvelope( other.flEnvelope ){} int nIndex; float flEnvelope; };
struct QuadProjection_t { Vector m_vContact; // projected point on the quad
Vector m_vNormal; float m_flDistance; // negative if behind the plane
int m_nBindings; Binding_t m_Binding[ 4 ];
bool IsEmpty() const { return m_nBindings == 0; } Vector GetOriginalPoint()const { return m_vContact + m_vNormal * m_flDistance; } void AddBinding( uint nIndex, float flWeight ) { Binding_t &b = m_Binding[ m_nBindings++ ]; b.nAuthFxBone = nIndex; b.flWeight = flWeight; } bool operator < ( const QuadProjection_t &other )const { return m_flDistance < other.m_flDistance; } };
class CModelContext { public: CModelContext( CClothProxyCompiler *pCompiler, CDmeModel *pModel, float flClothEnableThreshold, const CVClothProxyMesh &proxy ); int MapJointToFxBone( int nJoint, bool bSimulated ); int GetJointCount()const { return m_JointToFxBone.Count(); } public: CDmeModel *m_pModel; CUtlVector< UtlSymId_t > m_JointToBoneSubset; CUtlVector< int > m_JointToFxBone; CAuthPhysFx * m_pAuthFx; float m_flClothEnableThreshold; const CVClothProxyMesh &m_Proxy; }; friend class CModelContext;
class CMeshContext { public: CMeshContext( CClothProxyCompiler *pCompiler, CModelContext *pModelContext, CDmeMesh *pMesh, const matrix3x4_t &tm, int nDmeMesh ); public: int m_nDmeMesh; CDmeMesh *m_pDmeMesh; matrix3x4_t m_MeshTransform; CDmeVertexData *m_pBindState; CIndexedAttr< Vector > m_AttrPos, m_AttrNormal, m_AttrTangent; CAuthPhysFx *m_pAuthFx; CModelContext *m_pModelContext; CUtlVector< int > m_DmePosToFxBone; // position (index in the position array in DmeVertex) to FxBone (index of CBone in AuthFx) map
CClothProxyCompiler *m_pCompiler; public: int FindMostBoundJoint( int nDmePos, float flBonusForExisting ); int GetSkinningJointCount(); int GetOrCreateClothBoneIndex( int nDmePos, bool bSimulated ); int GetClothBoneIndex( int nDmePos ); CAuthPhysFx::CBone *GetOrCreateClothBone( int nDmePos, bool bSimulated ); CAuthPhysFx::CBone *GetClothBone( int nDmePos ); }; friend class CMeshContext; int GetMaxBonesPerVertex()const { return Max( 1, Min( 4, m_Options.m_nMaxBonesPerVertex ) ); }
bool Project( const Vector &vPos, UtlSymId_t*pFindSubset, int nFindSubsetCount, CUtlVector<Binding_t> &outBindings, int nIslandFilter );
void ProjectAndAddToQueue( const ProjItem_t &q, const Vector & vPos, CUtlSortVector< QuadProjection_t > &bestProj, int nIslandFilter );
int NodeToIsland( int nNode ); int GetIslandCount() const { return m_nIslandCount; }
protected: void AppendPlaneCollisionDag( CModelContext &modelContext, CDmeDag *pDmeDag ); void AppendPlaneCollisionMesh( CModelContext &modelContext, CDmeMesh *pMesh, const matrix3x4_t &tm ); void AppendDag( CModelContext &context, CDmeDag *pDmeDag ); void AppendMesh( CModelContext &modelContext, CDmeMesh *pMesh, const matrix3x4_t &tm ); void CreateClothBones( CMeshContext &context ); void AddFitWeights( CMeshContext &context ); void BindNodeOffsetParents( CMeshContext &context ); void OrientClothBones( CMeshContext &context ); void CreateClothQuads( CMeshContext &context ); void ApplyClothBoneAttributes( CMeshContext &context ); QuadProjection_t ProjectOnQuad( const Vector &vPos, const CAuthPhysFx::CQuad &quad ); QuadProjection_t ProjectOnTri( const Vector &vPos, const CAuthPhysFx::CQuad &quad ); public: class CVertex { public: Vector m_vPos; // world position
class CPolygon { public: CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< CVertex*, 4 > m_Verts; Vector m_vNormal; };
class CAuthFxSubset { public: CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< ProjItem_t, 4 > m_Quads; CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< ProjItem_t, 4 > m_Rods;
void Append( const CAuthFxSubset &other ); };
class CAuthFxBoneSubset : public CAuthFxSubset { public: CAuthFxBoneSubset( int nModelJoint ) : m_nModelJoint( nModelJoint ){} int m_nModelJoint; };
UtlSymId_t FindBoneSym( const char *pName ) { return m_BoneSubsets.Find( pName ); }
CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_MeshNames; // names of meshes that comprise this proxy mesh, for debugging
protected: CAuthPhysFx *m_pAuthFx; CUtlStringMapAutoPurge< CAuthFxBoneSubset* > m_BoneSubsets; // for each AuthFx bone, a subset of quads and rods to project to
CAuthFxSubset m_DefaultSubset; int m_nProxyMeshes; int m_nRootFxNode; private: int m_nIslandCount; CUtlVector< int > m_NodeToIslandMap; };
template <typename Functor > inline void EnumerateFaces( CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh, CDmeVertexData * pBindState, const CVarBitVec *pUsefulDmeVerts, Functor &fn ) { //const CUtlVector< Vector > & arrDmeVert = pBindState->GetPositionData();// the most original and un-split position array
const CUtlVector< int > & arrVertIndex = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_POSITION );
// find connecting (static) bones, and the bones that will drive them (add those, too, taking care not to add them twice)
//pBindState->FindFieldIndex( CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_POSITION )
int nFaceSetCount = pDmeMesh->FaceSetCount(); int nSkippedDegenerate = 0, nSkippedManygons = 0; for ( int nFaceSet = 0; nFaceSet < nFaceSetCount; ++nFaceSet ) { CDmeFaceSet *pFaceSet = pDmeMesh->GetFaceSet( nFaceSet ); int nIndexCount = pFaceSet->NumIndices(); // for each face (N-gon), there are N indices and -1 in this array
int nFirstIndex = 0; while ( nFirstIndex < nIndexCount ) { int nVertexCount = pFaceSet->GetNextPolygonVertexCount( nFirstIndex ); if ( nVertexCount < 2 ) { nSkippedDegenerate++; continue; }
int nUsefulVertexCount = nVertexCount; if ( nVertexCount > 4 ) { nUsefulVertexCount = 4; nSkippedManygons++; }
int nPosVerts[ 4 ] = { -1,-1,-1,-1}; //DmeVertexIndex_t nFaceVerts[ 4 ];
CAuthPhysFx::CQuad quad; bool bUseful = false; for ( int nV = 0; nV < nUsefulVertexCount; ++nV ) { DmeVertexIndex_t nFaceVertIndex = pFaceSet->GetIndex( nFirstIndex + nV ); //nFaceVerts[ nV ] = nFaceVertIndex;
int nDmeVert = arrVertIndex[ nFaceVertIndex ]; nPosVerts[ nV ] = nDmeVert; if ( !pUsefulDmeVerts || ( nDmeVert < pUsefulDmeVerts->GetNumBits() && pUsefulDmeVerts->IsBitSet( nDmeVert ) ) ) {// it's all useful if we don't have a bitmap; otherwise, consult the bitmap - at least one vertex of the polygon must be useful
bUseful = true; } } if ( bUseful ) // skip irrelevant polygons
{ for ( int nV = nUsefulVertexCount; nV < 4; ++nV ) { nPosVerts[ nV ] = nPosVerts[ nUsefulVertexCount - 1 ]; //nFaceVerts[ nV ] = nFaceVerts[ nUsefulVertexCount - 1 ];
fn( nPosVerts, nUsefulVertexCount ); }
nFirstIndex += nVertexCount + 1; // skip N-gon indices and the -1 terminator
} } if ( nSkippedDegenerate || nSkippedManygons ) { Warning( "Cloth: %d degenerate and %d 5+gons\n", nSkippedDegenerate, nSkippedManygons ); } }
template <typename Functor > inline void EnumerateFaces( CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh, CDmeVertexData * pBindState, Functor &fn ) { //const CUtlVector< Vector > & arrDmeVert = pBindState->GetPositionData();// the most original and un-split position array
const CUtlVector< int > & arrVertIndex = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_POSITION );
int nFaceSetCount = pDmeMesh->FaceSetCount(); for ( int nFaceCount = 0; nFaceCount < nFaceSetCount; ++nFaceCount ) { CDmeFaceSet *pFaceSet = pDmeMesh->GetFaceSet( nFaceCount ); int nIndexCount = pFaceSet->NumIndices(); // for each face (N-gon), there are N indices and -1 in this array
int nFirstIndex = 0; while ( nFirstIndex < nIndexCount ) { int nTotalVertexCount = pFaceSet->GetNextPolygonVertexCount( nFirstIndex ); int nPolyIndex0 = arrVertIndex[ pFaceSet->GetIndex( nFirstIndex ) ]; //Vector vApex = arrDmeVert[ nPolyIndex0 ]; // we're going around the first vertex and split the poly into quads and tris
for ( int nBase = 1; nBase < nTotalVertexCount; nBase += 2 ) { int nPosVerts[ 4 ] = { nPolyIndex0 }; int nFoundVerts = 1; //Vector vPrevVert = vApex;
for ( int m = Min( nTotalVertexCount - 1, nBase + 2 ); m >= nBase; m-- ) { int nPolyIndexM = arrVertIndex[ pFaceSet->GetIndex( nFirstIndex + m ) ]; Vector vVertM = arrVertIndex[ nPolyIndexM ]; //if ( ( vPrevVert - vVertM ).Length() > flCollapseEdgesThreshold )
{ nPosVerts[ nFoundVerts++ ] = nPolyIndexM; //vPrevVert = vVertM;
} }
if ( nFoundVerts > 1 ) { for ( int m = nFoundVerts; m < 4; ++nFoundVerts ) nPosVerts[ m ] = nPosVerts[ nFoundVerts - 1 ]; fn( nPosVerts, nFoundVerts ); } }
nFirstIndex += nVertexCount + 1; // skip N-gon indices and the -1 terminator
} } }
template < typename Attr > class ClothAttributes { public: Attr m_animation_attraction ; Attr m_animation_force_attraction ; Attr m_drag ; Attr m_mass ; Attr m_gravity ; Attr m_collision_radius ; Attr m_ground_collision ; Attr m_ground_friction ; Attr m_use_rods; Attr m_anchor_free_rotate; protected: float Get( const CMesh::CSingleVertexFieldAccessor< float > &accessor ) { return *accessor; } float Get( float x ) { return x; } public: template < typename Map > ClothAttributes( Map map ) { m_animation_attraction = map( "cloth_animation_attract" ); m_animation_force_attraction = map( "cloth_animation_force_attract" ); m_drag = map( "cloth_drag" ); m_mass = map( "cloth_mass" ); m_gravity = map( "cloth_gravity" ); m_collision_radius = map( "cloth_collision_radius" ); m_ground_collision = map( "cloth_ground_collision" ); m_ground_friction = map( "cloth_ground_friction" ); m_use_rods = map( "cloth_use_rods" ); m_anchor_free_rotate = map( "cloth_anchor_free_rotate" ); }
void Apply( int nVert, CAuthPhysFx::CBone &authFxBone ) { if ( m_animation_attraction ) authFxBone.m_Integrator.flAnimationVertexAttraction = 30 * Get( m_animation_attraction[ nVert ] ); if ( m_animation_force_attraction ) authFxBone.m_Integrator.flAnimationForceAttraction = 30 * Get( m_animation_force_attraction[ nVert ] ); if ( m_drag ) authFxBone.m_Integrator.flPointDamping = 30 * Get( m_drag[ nVert ] ); if ( m_mass ) authFxBone.m_flMassBias = expf( Get( m_mass[ nVert ] ) ); if ( m_gravity ) authFxBone.m_Integrator.flGravity = Get( m_gravity[ nVert ] ); if ( m_collision_radius ) authFxBone.m_flCollisionRadius = Get( m_collision_radius[ nVert ] ); if ( m_ground_collision ) { authFxBone.m_flWorldFriction = 1.0f - Get( m_ground_collision[ nVert ] ); // ground_collision 0 maps to "worldFriction(source1 misnomer)" 1
if ( authFxBone.m_flWorldFriction < 0.999f ) { authFxBone.m_bNeedsWorldCollision = true; } } if ( m_ground_friction ) { authFxBone.m_flGroundFriction = Get( m_ground_friction[ nVert ] ); } if ( m_use_rods ) { authFxBone.m_bUseRods = Get( m_use_rods[ nVert ] )> 0.5f; } if ( m_anchor_free_rotate ) { authFxBone.m_bFreeRotation = Get( m_anchor_free_rotate[ nVert ] )> 0.5f; } } };
extern const char *g_pDefaultClothRootBoneName; extern CClothProxyCompiler *g_pClothProxyCompiler ;