//===== Copyright c 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Valve font compiler
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "valvefont.h"
int Usage() { printf( "Usage: vfont inputfont.ttf [outputfont.vfont]\n" ); return -1; }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { printf( "Valve Software - vfont.exe (" __DATE__ ")\n" );
int iArg = 1; if ( iArg >= argc ) return Usage();
// Check if we are in decompiler mode
bool bDecompiler = false; bDecompiler = !stricmp( argv[ iArg ], "-d" ); if ( bDecompiler ) ++ iArg; #endif
if ( iArg >= argc ) return Usage();
// Input file
char const *szInput = argv[ iArg ]; ++ iArg;
// Output file
char szOutput[ 512 ] = {0};
if ( iArg >= argc ) { int numBytes = strlen( szInput ); strcpy( szOutput, szInput ); char *pDot = strrchr( szOutput, '.' ); char *pSlash1 = strrchr( szOutput, '/' ); char *pSlash2 = strrchr( szOutput, '\\' ); if ( !pDot ) { pDot = szOutput + numBytes; } else if ( pDot < pSlash1 || pDot < pSlash2 ) { pDot = szOutput + numBytes; }
sprintf( pDot, ".vfont" ); } else { strcpy( szOutput, argv[ iArg ] ); }
// Read the input
FILE *fin = fopen( szInput, "rb" ); if ( !fin ) { printf( "Error: cannot open input file '%s'!\n", szInput ); return -2; }
fseek( fin, 0, SEEK_END ); long lSize = ftell( fin ); fseek( fin, 0, SEEK_SET );
CUtlBuffer buf; buf.EnsureCapacity( lSize ); fread( buf.Base(), 1, lSize, fin ); buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, lSize ); fclose( fin );
// Compile
if ( bDecompiler ) { bool bResult = ValveFont::DecodeFont( buf ); if ( !bResult ) { printf( "Error: cannot decompile input file '%s'!\n", szInput ); return 1; } } else ValveFont::EncodeFont( buf ); #else
ValveFont::EncodeFont( buf ); #endif
// Write the output
FILE *fout = fopen( szOutput, "wb" ); if ( !fout ) { printf( "Error: cannot open output file '%s'!\n", szOutput ); return -3; }
fwrite( buf.Base(), 1, buf.TellPut(), fout ); fclose( fout );
printf( "vfont successfully %scompiled '%s' as '%s'.\n", #if VFONT_DECOMPILER
bDecompiler ? "de" : "", #else
"", #endif
szInput, szOutput ); return 0; }