//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// trace.c
#include "vrad.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "Cmodel.h"
#include "mathlib/vmatrix.h"
class CToolTrace : public CBaseTrace { public: CToolTrace() {}
Vector mins; Vector maxs; Vector extents;
texinfo_t *surface;
qboolean ispoint;
private: CToolTrace( const CToolTrace& ); };
// 1/32 epsilon to keep floating point happy
#define DIST_EPSILON (0.03125)
// JAYHL2: This used to be -1, but that caused lots of epsilon issues
// around slow sloping planes. Perhaps Quake2 limited maps to a certain
// slope / angle on walkable ground. It has to be a negative number
// so that the tests work out.
#define NEVER_UPDATED -9999
bool DM_RayDispIntersectTest( CVRADDispColl *pTree, Vector& rayStart, Vector& rayEnd, CToolTrace *pTrace ); void DM_ClipBoxToBrush( CToolTrace *trace, const Vector & mins, const Vector & maxs, const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2, dbrush_t *brush );
float TraceLeafBrushes( int leafIndex, const Vector &start, const Vector &end, CBaseTrace &traceOut ) { dleaf_t *pLeaf = dleafs + leafIndex; CToolTrace trace; memset( &trace, 0, sizeof(trace) ); trace.ispoint = true; trace.startsolid = false; trace.fraction = 1.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < pLeaf->numleafbrushes; i++ ) { int brushnum = dleafbrushes[pLeaf->firstleafbrush+i]; dbrush_t *b = &dbrushes[brushnum]; if ( !(b->contents & MASK_OPAQUE)) continue;
Vector zeroExtents = vec3_origin; DM_ClipBoxToBrush( &trace, zeroExtents, zeroExtents, start, end, b); if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 || trace.startsolid ) { if ( trace.startsolid ) trace.fraction = 0.0f; traceOut = trace; return trace.fraction; } } traceOut = trace; return 1.0f; }
DispTested_t s_DispTested[MAX_TOOL_THREADS+1];
// this just uses the average coverage for the triangle
class CCoverageCount : public ITransparentTriangleCallback { public: CCoverageCount() { m_coverage = Four_Zeros; }
virtual bool VisitTriangle_ShouldContinue( const TriIntersectData_t &triangle, const FourRays &rays, fltx4 *pHitMask, fltx4 *b0, fltx4 *b1, fltx4 *b2, int32 hitID ) { float color = g_RtEnv.GetTriangleColor( hitID ).x; m_coverage = AddSIMD( m_coverage, AndSIMD ( *pHitMask, ReplicateX4 ( color ) ) ); m_coverage = MinSIMD( m_coverage, Four_Ones );
fltx4 onesMask = CmpEqSIMD( m_coverage, Four_Ones );
// we should continue if the ones that hit the triangle have onesMask set to zero
// so hitMask & onesMask != hitMask
// so hitMask & onesMask == hitMask means we're done
// so ts(hitMask & onesMask == hitMask) != 0xF says go on
return 0xF != TestSignSIMD ( CmpEqSIMD ( AndSIMD( *pHitMask, onesMask ), *pHitMask ) ); }
fltx4 GetCoverage() { return m_coverage; }
fltx4 GetFractionVisible() { return SubSIMD ( Four_Ones, m_coverage ); }
fltx4 m_coverage; };
// this will sample the texture to get a coverage at the ray intersection point
class CCoverageCountTexture : public CCoverageCount { public: virtual bool VisitTriangle_ShouldContinue( const TriIntersectData_t &triangle, const FourRays &rays, fltx4 *pHitMask, fltx4 *b0, fltx4 *b1, fltx4 *b2, int32 hitID ) { int sign = TestSignSIMD( *pHitMask ); float addedCoverage[4]; for ( int s = 0; s < 4; s++) { addedCoverage[s] = 0.0f; if ( ( sign >> s) & 0x1 ) { addedCoverage[s] = ComputeCoverageFromTexture( b0->m128_f32[s], b1->m128_f32[s], b2->m128_f32[s], hitID ); } } m_coverage = AddSIMD( m_coverage, LoadUnalignedSIMD( addedCoverage ) ); m_coverage = MinSIMD( m_coverage, Four_Ones ); fltx4 onesMask = CmpEqSIMD( m_coverage, Four_Ones );
// we should continue if the ones that hit the triangle have onesMask set to zero
// so hitMask & onesMask != hitMask
// so hitMask & onesMask == hitMask means we're done
// so ts(hitMask & onesMask == hitMask) != 0xF says go on
return 0xF != TestSignSIMD ( CmpEqSIMD ( AndSIMD( *pHitMask, onesMask ), *pHitMask ) ); } };
void TestLine( const FourVectors& start, const FourVectors& stop, fltx4 *pFractionVisible, int static_prop_index_to_ignore ) { FourRays myrays; myrays.origin = start; myrays.direction = stop; myrays.direction -= myrays.origin; fltx4 len = myrays.direction.length(); myrays.direction *= ReciprocalSIMD( len );
RayTracingResult rt_result; CCoverageCountTexture coverageCallback;
g_RtEnv.Trace4Rays(myrays, Four_Zeros, len, &rt_result, TRACE_ID_STATICPROP | static_prop_index_to_ignore, g_bTextureShadows ? &coverageCallback : 0 );
// Assume we can see the targets unless we get hits
float visibility[4]; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { visibility[i] = 1.0f; if ( ( rt_result.HitIds[i] != -1 ) && ( rt_result.HitDistance.m128_f32[i] < len.m128_f32[i] ) ) { visibility[i] = 0.0f; } } *pFractionVisible = LoadUnalignedSIMD( visibility ); if ( g_bTextureShadows ) *pFractionVisible = MinSIMD( *pFractionVisible, coverageCallback.GetFractionVisible() ); }
void TestLine_IgnoreSky( const FourVectors& start, const FourVectors& stop, fltx4 *pFractionVisible, int static_prop_index_to_ignore ) { FourRays myrays; myrays.origin = start; myrays.direction = stop; myrays.direction -= myrays.origin; fltx4 len = myrays.direction.length(); myrays.direction *= ReciprocalSIMD( len );
RayTracingResult rt_result; CCoverageCountTexture coverageCallback;
g_RtEnv.Trace4Rays(myrays, Four_Zeros, len, &rt_result, TRACE_ID_STATICPROP | static_prop_index_to_ignore, g_bTextureShadows ? &coverageCallback : 0 );
// Assume we can see the targets unless we get hits
float visibility[4]; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { visibility[i] = 1.0f; if ( ( rt_result.HitIds[i] != -1 ) && ( rt_result.HitDistance.m128_f32[i] < len.m128_f32[i] ) ) { int id = g_RtEnv.OptimizedTriangleList[rt_result.HitIds[i]].m_Data.m_IntersectData.m_nTriangleID; if ( !( id & TRACE_ID_SKY ) ) { visibility[i] = 0.0f; } } } *pFractionVisible = LoadUnalignedSIMD( visibility ); if ( g_bTextureShadows ) *pFractionVisible = MinSIMD( *pFractionVisible, coverageCallback.GetFractionVisible() ); }
void TestLine_LightBlockers( const FourVectors& start, const FourVectors& stop, fltx4 *pFractionVisible ) { FourRays myrays; myrays.origin = start; myrays.direction = stop; myrays.direction -= myrays.origin; fltx4 len = myrays.direction.length(); myrays.direction *= ReciprocalSIMD( len );
RayTracingResult rt_result;
g_RtEnv_LightBlockers.Trace4Rays( myrays, Four_Zeros, len, &rt_result, -1, NULL );
// Assume we can see the targets unless we get hits
float visibility[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; if ( (rt_result.HitIds[0] != -1) && (rt_result.HitDistance.m128_f32[0] < len.m128_f32[0]) ) { fltx4 dotRaySurfaceN = rt_result.surface_normal * myrays.direction; if ( dotRaySurfaceN.m128_f32[0] > 0.0f ) { visibility[0] = 0.0f; } } *pFractionVisible = LoadUnalignedSIMD( visibility ); }
================ DM_ClipBoxToBrush ================ */ void DM_ClipBoxToBrush( CToolTrace *trace, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2, dbrush_t *brush) { dplane_t *plane, *clipplane; float dist; Vector ofs; float d1, d2; float f; dbrushside_t *side, *leadside;
if (!brush->numsides) return;
float enterfrac = NEVER_UPDATED; float leavefrac = 1.f; clipplane = NULL;
bool getout = false; bool startout = false; leadside = NULL;
// Loop interchanged, so we don't have to check trace->ispoint every side.
if ( !trace->ispoint ) { for (int i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; ++i) { side = &dbrushsides[brush->firstside+i]; plane = dplanes + side->planenum;
// FIXME: special case for axial
// general box case
// push the plane out apropriately for mins/maxs
// FIXME: use signbits into 8 way lookup for each mins/maxs
ofs.x = (plane->normal.x < 0) ? maxs.x : mins.x; ofs.y = (plane->normal.y < 0) ? maxs.y : mins.y; ofs.z = (plane->normal.z < 0) ? maxs.z : mins.z; // for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
// {
// Set signmask to either 0 if the sign is negative, or 0xFFFFFFFF is the sign is positive:
//int signmask = (((*(int *)&(plane->normal[j]))&0x80000000) >> 31) - 1;
//float temp = maxs[j];
//*(int *)&(ofs[j]) = (~signmask) & (*(int *)&temp);
//float temp1 = mins[j];
//*(int *)&(ofs[j]) |= (signmask) & (*(int *)&temp1);
// }
dist = DotProduct (ofs, plane->normal); dist = plane->dist - dist;
d1 = DotProduct (p1, plane->normal) - dist; d2 = DotProduct (p2, plane->normal) - dist;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection
if (d1 > 0 && d2 > 0) return;
if (d2 > 0) getout = true; // endpoint is not in solid
if (d1 > 0) startout = true;
if (d1 <= 0 && d2 <= 0) continue;
// crosses face
if (d1 > d2) { // enter
f = (d1-DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2); if (f > enterfrac) { enterfrac = f; clipplane = plane; leadside = side; } } else { // leave
f = (d1+DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2); if (f < leavefrac) leavefrac = f; } } } else { for (int i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; ++i) { side = &dbrushsides[brush->firstside+i]; plane = dplanes + side->planenum;
// FIXME: special case for axial
// special point case
// don't ray trace against bevel planes
if( side->bevel == 1 ) continue;
dist = plane->dist; d1 = DotProduct (p1, plane->normal) - dist; d2 = DotProduct (p2, plane->normal) - dist;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection
if (d1 > 0 && d2 > 0) return;
if (d2 > 0) getout = true; // endpoint is not in solid
if (d1 > 0) startout = true;
if (d1 <= 0 && d2 <= 0) continue;
// crosses face
if (d1 > d2) { // enter
f = (d1-DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2); if (f > enterfrac) { enterfrac = f; clipplane = plane; leadside = side; } } else { // leave
f = (d1+DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2); if (f < leavefrac) leavefrac = f; } } }
if (!startout) { // original point was inside brush
trace->startsolid = true; if (!getout) trace->allsolid = true; return; } if (enterfrac < leavefrac) { if (enterfrac > NEVER_UPDATED && enterfrac < trace->fraction) { if (enterfrac < 0) enterfrac = 0; trace->fraction = enterfrac; trace->plane.dist = clipplane->dist; trace->plane.normal = clipplane->normal; trace->plane.type = clipplane->type; if (leadside->texinfo!=-1) trace->surface = &texinfo[leadside->texinfo]; else trace->surface = 0; trace->contents = brush->contents; } } }
void TestLine_DoesHitSky( FourVectors const& start, FourVectors const& stop, fltx4 *pFractionVisible, bool canRecurse, int static_prop_to_skip, bool bDoDebug ) { FourRays myrays; myrays.origin = start; myrays.direction = stop; myrays.direction -= myrays.origin; fltx4 len = myrays.direction.length(); myrays.direction *= ReciprocalSIMD( len ); RayTracingResult rt_result; CCoverageCountTexture coverageCallback;
g_RtEnv.Trace4Rays(myrays, Four_Zeros, len, &rt_result, TRACE_ID_STATICPROP | static_prop_to_skip, g_bTextureShadows? &coverageCallback : 0);
if ( bDoDebug ) { WriteTrace( "trace.txt", myrays, rt_result ); }
float aOcclusion[4]; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { aOcclusion[i] = 0.0f; if ( ( rt_result.HitIds[i] != -1 ) && ( rt_result.HitDistance.m128_f32[i] < len.m128_f32[i] ) ) { int id = g_RtEnv.OptimizedTriangleList[rt_result.HitIds[i]].m_Data.m_IntersectData.m_nTriangleID; if ( !( id & TRACE_ID_SKY ) ) aOcclusion[i] = 1.0f; } } fltx4 occlusion = LoadUnalignedSIMD( aOcclusion ); if (g_bTextureShadows) occlusion = MaxSIMD ( occlusion, coverageCallback.GetCoverage() );
bool fullyOccluded = ( TestSignSIMD( CmpGeSIMD( occlusion, Four_Ones ) ) == 0xF );
// if we hit sky, and we're not in a sky camera's area, try clipping into the 3D sky boxes
if ( (! fullyOccluded) && canRecurse && (! g_bNoSkyRecurse ) ) { FourVectors dir = stop; dir -= start; dir.VectorNormalize();
int leafIndex = -1; leafIndex = PointLeafnum( start.Vec( 0 ) ); if ( leafIndex >= 0 ) { int area = dleafs[leafIndex].area; if (area >= 0 && area < numareas) { if (area_sky_cameras[area] < 0) { int cam; for (cam = 0; cam < num_sky_cameras; ++cam) { FourVectors skystart, skytrans, skystop; skystart.DuplicateVector( sky_cameras[cam].origin ); skystop = start; skystop *= sky_cameras[cam].world_to_sky; skystart += skystop;
skystop = dir; skystop *= MAX_TRACE_LENGTH; skystop += skystart; TestLine_DoesHitSky ( skystart, skystop, pFractionVisible, false, static_prop_to_skip, bDoDebug ); occlusion = AddSIMD ( occlusion, Four_Ones ); occlusion = SubSIMD ( occlusion, *pFractionVisible ); } } } } }
occlusion = MaxSIMD( occlusion, Four_Zeros ); occlusion = MinSIMD( occlusion, Four_Ones ); *pFractionVisible = SubSIMD( Four_Ones, occlusion ); }
int PointLeafnum_r( const Vector &point, int ndxNode ) { // while loop here is to avoid recursion overhead
while( ndxNode >= 0 ) { dnode_t *pNode = dnodes + ndxNode; dplane_t *pPlane = dplanes + pNode->planenum;
float dist; if( pPlane->type < 3 ) { dist = point[pPlane->type] - pPlane->dist; } else { dist = DotProduct( pPlane->normal, point ) - pPlane->dist; }
if( dist < 0.0f ) { ndxNode = pNode->children[1]; } else { ndxNode = pNode->children[0]; } }
return ( -1 - ndxNode ); }
int PointLeafnum( const Vector &point ) { return PointLeafnum_r( point, 0 ); }
// this iterates the list of entities looking for _vradshadows 1
// each brush entity containing this key is added to the raytracing environment
// as a triangle soup model.
dmodel_t *BrushmodelForEntity( entity_t *pEntity ) { const char *pModelname = ValueForKey( pEntity, "model" ); if ( Q_strlen(pModelname) > 1 ) { int modelIndex = atol( pModelname + 1 ); if ( modelIndex > 0 && modelIndex < nummodels ) { return &dmodels[modelIndex]; } } return NULL; }
// Add one that casts textureshadows
void AddTexturedBrushWinding( winding_t *w, const VMatrix &xform, texinfo_t *tx, int shadowMaterialIndex ) { Vector2D uv[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING]; int mappingWidth = 32; int mappingHeight = 32; GetShadowTextureMapping( shadowMaterialIndex, &mappingWidth, &mappingHeight );
for ( int j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++ ) { // base texture coordinate
uv[j].x = DotProduct( w->p[j].Base(), tx->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0] ) + tx->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0][3]; uv[j].x /= float(mappingWidth);
uv[j].y = DotProduct( w->p[j].Base(), tx->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1] ) + tx->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1][3]; uv[j].y /= float(mappingHeight); } Vector v0, v1, v2;
for ( int j = 2; j < w->numpoints; j++ ) { v0 = xform.VMul4x3(w->p[0]); v1 = xform.VMul4x3(w->p[j-1]); v2 = xform.VMul4x3(w->p[j]); float coverage = ComputeCoverageForTriangle(shadowMaterialIndex, uv[0], uv[j-1], uv[j] ); int index = -1; unsigned short flags = 0; Vector fullCoverage(0,0,1); if ( coverage < 1.0 ) { index = AddShadowTextureTriangle( shadowMaterialIndex, uv[0], uv[j-1], uv[j] ); flags = FCACHETRI_TRANSPARENT; fullCoverage.x = coverage; }
g_RtEnv.AddTriangle(TRACE_ID_OPAQUE, v0, v1, v2, fullCoverage, flags, index); } }
void AddBrushToRaytraceEnvironment( dbrush_t *pBrush, const VMatrix &xform ) { int materialIndexList[256]; bool bTextureShadows = false; if ( !( pBrush->contents & (MASK_OPAQUE) ) && !(g_bTextureShadows && (pBrush->contents & CONTENTS_GRATE)) ) return;
if ( pBrush->contents & CONTENTS_LADDER ) return;
// load any transparent textures for shadows
if ( g_bTextureShadows && (pBrush->contents & CONTENTS_GRATE) && pBrush->numsides < ARRAYSIZE(materialIndexList) ) { for (int i = 0; i < pBrush->numsides; i++ ) { dbrushside_t *side = &dbrushsides[pBrush->firstside + i]; texinfo_t *tx = &texinfo[side->texinfo]; dtexdata_t *pTexData = &dtexdata[tx->texdata]; const char *pMaterialName = TexDataStringTable_GetString( pTexData->nameStringTableID ); materialIndexList[i] = LoadShadowTexture( pMaterialName ); if ( materialIndexList[i] >= 0 ) { bTextureShadows = true; } } } Vector v0, v1, v2;
for (int i = 0; i < pBrush->numsides; i++ ) { dbrushside_t *side = &dbrushsides[pBrush->firstside + i]; dplane_t *plane = &dplanes[side->planenum]; texinfo_t *tx = &texinfo[side->texinfo]; winding_t *w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist); bool bIsLightBlocker = false;
if ( tx->flags & SURF_SKY || side->dispinfo ) continue;
if ( ( pBrush->contents & ( CONTENTS_OPAQUE | CONTENTS_SOLID ) ) && ( tx->flags & SURF_NODRAW ) ) { bIsLightBlocker = true; }
for (int j=0 ; j<pBrush->numsides && w; j++) { if (i == j) continue; dbrushside_t *pOtherSide = &dbrushsides[pBrush->firstside + j]; if (pOtherSide->bevel) continue; plane = &dplanes[pOtherSide->planenum^1]; ChopWindingInPlace (&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); } if ( w ) { if ( bTextureShadows && materialIndexList[i] >= 0 ) { AddTexturedBrushWinding( w, xform, tx, materialIndexList[i] ); } else { // opaque
Vector fullCoverage(1,1,1); for ( int j = 2; j < w->numpoints; j++ ) { v0 = xform.VMul4x3(w->p[0]); v1 = xform.VMul4x3(w->p[j-1]); v2 = xform.VMul4x3(w->p[j]); g_RtEnv.AddTriangle( TRACE_ID_OPAQUE, v0, v1, v2, fullCoverage );
// light blockers
if ( bIsLightBlocker ) { g_RtEnv_LightBlockers.AddTriangle( TRACE_ID_OPAQUE, v0, v1, v2, fullCoverage ); g_RtEnv_RadiosityPatches.AddTriangle( TRACE_ID_OPAQUE, v0, v1, v2, fullCoverage ); } } } FreeWinding( w ); } } }
// recurse the bsp and build a list of brushes at the leaves under this node
void GetBrushes_r( int node, CUtlVector<int> &list ) { if ( node < 0 ) { int leafIndex = -1 - node; // Add the solids in the leaf
for ( int i = 0; i < dleafs[leafIndex].numleafbrushes; i++ ) { int brushIndex = dleafbrushes[dleafs[leafIndex].firstleafbrush + i]; if ( list.Find(brushIndex) < 0 ) { list.AddToTail( brushIndex ); } } } else { // recurse
dnode_t *pnode = dnodes + node;
GetBrushes_r( pnode->children[0], list ); GetBrushes_r( pnode->children[1], list ); } }
void AddBrushes( dmodel_t *pModel, const VMatrix &xform ) { if ( pModel ) { CUtlVector<int> brushList; GetBrushes_r( pModel->headnode, brushList ); for ( int i = 0; i < brushList.Count(); i++ ) { int ndxBrush = brushList[i]; AddBrushToRaytraceEnvironment( &dbrushes[ndxBrush], xform ); } } }
// Adds the brush entities that cast shadows to the raytrace environment
void ExtractBrushEntityShadowCasters() { for ( int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { if ( IntForKey( &entities[i], "vrad_brush_cast_shadows" ) != 0 ) { Vector origin; QAngle angles; GetVectorForKey( &entities[i], "origin", origin ); GetAnglesForKey( &entities[i], "angles", angles ); VMatrix xform; xform.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( origin, angles ); AddBrushes( BrushmodelForEntity( &entities[i] ), xform ); } } }
void AddBrushesForRayTrace( void ) { if ( !nummodels ) return;
VMatrix identity; identity.Identity(); CUtlVector<int> brushList; GetBrushes_r ( dmodels[0].headnode, brushList );
for ( int i = 0; i < brushList.Count(); i++ ) { dbrush_t *brush = &dbrushes[brushList[i]]; AddBrushToRaytraceEnvironment ( brush, identity ); }
for ( int i = 0; i < dmodels[0].numfaces; i++ ) { int ndxFace = dmodels[0].firstface + i; dface_t *face = &g_pFaces[ndxFace];
texinfo_t *tx = &texinfo[face->texinfo]; if ( !( tx->flags & SURF_SKY ) ) continue;
for ( int j = 0; j < face->numedges; j++ ) { if ( j >= MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ) Error( "***** ERROR! MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING reached!" );
if ( face->firstedge + j >= ARRAYSIZE( dsurfedges ) ) Error( "***** ERROR! face->firstedge + j >= ARRAYSIZE( dsurfedges )!" );
int surfEdge = dsurfedges[face->firstedge + j]; unsigned short v;
if (surfEdge < 0) v = dedges[-surfEdge].v[1]; else v = dedges[surfEdge].v[0];
if ( v >= ARRAYSIZE( dvertexes ) ) Error( "***** ERROR! v(%u) >= ARRAYSIZE( dvertexes(%d) )!", ( unsigned int )v, ARRAYSIZE( dvertexes ) );
dvertex_t *dv = &dvertexes[v]; points[j] = dv->point; }
for ( int j = 2; j < face->numedges; j++ ) { Vector fullCoverage; fullCoverage.x = 1.0f; g_RtEnv.AddTriangle ( TRACE_ID_SKY, points[0], points[j - 1], points[j], fullCoverage ); } } }