//======= Copyright � 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======
// Purpose: A 2D Slider
// Valve includes
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/MouseCode.h>
#include <vgui/IBorder.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextImage.h>
#include <dme_controls/2DSlider.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
// Statics
Color C2DSlider::s_TextColor( 208, 143, 40, 192 ); Color C2DSlider::s_NobColor( 0, 63, 98, 255 ); Color C2DSlider::s_TickColor( 0, 79, 182, 255 ); Color C2DSlider::s_TickFillXColor( 0, 63, 0, 255 ); Color C2DSlider::s_TickFillYColor( 0, 0, 98, 255 ); Color C2DSlider::s_TickFillColor( 0, 63, 98, 255 ); Color C2DSlider::s_TrackColor( 31, 31, 31, 255 );
// Purpose: Create a slider bar with ticks underneath it
C2DSlider::C2DSlider( Panel *pParent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ) { m_bDrawLabel = true; m_bIsDragOnRepositionNob = true; m_bDragging = false;
m_fValue[ kXAxis ] = 0.0f; m_fValue[ kYAxis ] = 0.0f;
m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ] = 0.0f; m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ] = 1.0f; m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ] = 1.0f; m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ] = 0.0f;
m_pNobBorder = NULL; m_pInsetBorder = NULL;
SetNobSize( 7, 7 ); RecomputeNobPosFromValue(); AddActionSignalTarget( this ); SetBlockDragChaining( true );
m_pLabel = new TextImage( pName ); }
C2DSlider::~C2DSlider() { delete m_pLabel; }
// Purpose: Set the value of the slider
void C2DSlider::SetValueX( float fValueX, bool bTriggerChangeMessage /* = true */ ) { SetValue( fValueX, GetValueY(), bTriggerChangeMessage ); }
// Purpose: Set the value of the slider
float C2DSlider::GetValueX() const { return m_fValue[ kXAxis ]; }
// Purpose: Set the value of the slider
void C2DSlider::SetValueY( float fValueY, bool bTriggerChangeMessage /* = true */ ) { SetValue( GetValueX(), fValueY, bTriggerChangeMessage ); }
// Purpose: Set the value of the slider to one of the ticks.
float C2DSlider::GetValueY() const { return m_fValue[ kYAxis ]; }
// Purpose: Set the value of the slider to one of the ticks.
void C2DSlider::SetValue( float fValueX, float fValueY, bool bTriggerChangeMessage ) { fValueX = RemapValClamped( fValueX, m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ], m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ] ); fValueY = RemapValClamped( fValueY, m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ], m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ] );
if ( fValueX != m_fValue[ kXAxis ] || fValueY != m_fValue[ kYAxis ] ) { m_fValue[ kXAxis ] = fValueX; m_fValue[ kYAxis ] = fValueY;
if ( bTriggerChangeMessage ) { SendSliderMovedMessage(); } } }
// Purpose: Return the value of the slider
void C2DSlider::GetValue( float &fValueX, float &fValueY ) const { fValueX = GetValueX(); fValueY = GetValueY(); }
// Purpose: Set the range of the slider.
void C2DSlider::SetRange( float fMinX, float fMaxX, float fMinY, float fMaxY, bool bTriggerChangeMessage /* = true */ ) { m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ] = fMinX; m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ] = fMaxX; m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ] = fMinY; m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ] = fMaxY;
SetValue( m_fValue[ kXAxis ], m_fValue[ kYAxis ], bTriggerChangeMessage ); }
// Purpose: Get the max and min values of the slider
void C2DSlider::GetRange( float &fMinX, float &fMaxX, float &fMinY, float &fMaxY ) const { fMinX = m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ]; fMaxX = m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ]; fMinY = m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ]; fMaxY = m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ]; }
void C2DSlider::SetLabelText( const char *pText ) { m_pLabel->SetText( pText ); }
void C2DSlider::SetLabelText( const wchar_t *pText ) { m_pLabel->SetText( pText ); }
void C2DSlider::GetLabelText( wchar_t *pBuffer, int nBufferLen ) const { m_pLabel->GetText( pBuffer, nBufferLen ); }
void C2DSlider::GetLabelUnlocalizedText( char *pBuffer, int nBufferLen ) const { m_pLabel->GetUnlocalizedText( pBuffer, nBufferLen ); }
void C2DSlider::SetDrawLabel( bool bState ) { m_bDrawLabel = bState; }
bool C2DSlider::IsDrawingLabel() const { return m_bDrawLabel; }
// Purpose: Get the nob's position ( the ends of each side of the nob )
void C2DSlider::GetNobPos( int &nX, int &nY ) { nX = m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ]; nY = m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ]; }
// Purpose: Respond when the cursor is moved in our window if we are clicking
// and dragging.
void C2DSlider::OnCursorMoved( int nMouseX, int nMouseY ) { if ( !m_bDragging ) return;
input()->GetCursorPosition( nMouseX, nMouseY ); ScreenToLocal( nMouseX, nMouseY );
int nTrackX, nTrackY, nTrackWide, nTrackTall; GetTrackRect( nTrackX, nTrackY, nTrackWide, nTrackTall );
m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] = clamp( m_nNobDragStartPos[ kXAxis ] + nMouseX - m_nDragStartPos[ kXAxis ], nTrackX, nTrackX + nTrackWide - 1 ); m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] = clamp( m_nNobDragStartPos[ kYAxis ] + nMouseY - m_nDragStartPos[ kYAxis ], nTrackY, nTrackY + nTrackTall - 1 );
RecomputeValueFromNobPos( false );
SendSliderMovedMessage(); }
// Purpose: Respond to mouse presses. Trigger Record staring positon.
void C2DSlider::OnMousePressed( MouseCode /* mouseCode */ ) { if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
TODO: Do this in Maya if ( input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LSHIFT ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RSHIFT ) ) return;
if ( input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) ) return; */
int nMouseX; int nMouseY; input()->GetCursorPosition( nMouseX, nMouseY );
ScreenToLocal( nMouseX, nMouseY ); RequestFocus();
bool bStartDragging = false; bool bPostDragStartSignal = false;
if ( nMouseX >= ( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] - m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ] ) && nMouseX <= ( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ] ) && nMouseY >= ( m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] - m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ] ) && nMouseY <= ( m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ] ) ) { bStartDragging = true; bPostDragStartSignal = true; } else { // we clicked elsewhere on the slider; move the nob to that position
int nTrackX, nTrackY, nTrackWide, nTrackTall; GetTrackRect( nTrackX, nTrackY, nTrackWide, nTrackTall );
m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] = clamp( nMouseX, nTrackX, nTrackX + nTrackWide - 1 ); m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] = clamp( nMouseY, nTrackY, nTrackY + nTrackTall - 1 );
RecomputeValueFromNobPos( false );
m_nNobDragStartPos[ kXAxis ] = nMouseX; m_nNobDragStartPos[ kYAxis ] = nMouseY; m_nDragStartPos[ kXAxis ] = nMouseX; m_nDragStartPos[ kYAxis ] = nMouseY;
OnCursorMoved( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bStartDragging = IsDragOnRepositionNob();
if ( bStartDragging ) { SendSliderDragStartMessage(); } }
if ( bStartDragging ) { // drag the nob
m_bDragging = true; input()->SetMouseCapture( GetVPanel() );
m_nNobDragStartPos[ kXAxis ] = m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ]; m_nNobDragStartPos[ kYAxis ] = m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ]; m_nDragStartPos[ kXAxis ] = nMouseX; m_nDragStartPos[ kYAxis ] = nMouseY; }
if ( bPostDragStartSignal ) { SendSliderDragStartMessage(); } }
// Purpose: Just handle double presses like mouse presses
void C2DSlider::OnMouseDoublePressed( MouseCode mouseCode ) { OnMousePressed( mouseCode ); }
// Purpose: Stop dragging when the mouse is released.
void C2DSlider::OnMouseReleased( MouseCode /* mouseCode */ ) { if ( m_bDragging ) { m_bDragging = false; input()->SetMouseCapture( 0 ); SendSliderDragEndMessage(); } }
void C2DSlider::SetNobWidth( int nWidth ) { m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ] = ( ( nWidth | 1 ) - 1 ) / 2; }
int C2DSlider::GetNobWidth() const { return m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ] * 2 + 1; }
void C2DSlider::SetNobTall( int nTall ) { m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ] = ( ( nTall | 1 ) - 1 ) / 2; }
int C2DSlider::GetNobTall() const { return m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ] * 2 + 1; }
void C2DSlider::SetNobSize( int nWidth, int nTall ) { SetNobWidth( nWidth ); SetNobTall( nTall ); }
void C2DSlider::GetNobSize( int &nHalfWidth, int &nHalfTall ) const { nHalfWidth = GetNobWidth(); nHalfTall = GetNobTall(); }
// Purpose: If you click on the slider outside of the nob, the nob jumps
// to the click position, and if this setting is enabled, the nob
// is then draggable from the new position until the mouse is released
// Input : state -
void C2DSlider::SetDragOnRepositionNob( bool bState ) { m_bIsDragOnRepositionNob = bState; }
bool C2DSlider::IsDragOnRepositionNob() const { return m_bIsDragOnRepositionNob; }
bool C2DSlider::IsDragged() const { return m_bDragging; }
// Purpose: Set the size of the slider bar.
// Warning less than 30 pixels tall and everything probably won't fit.
void C2DSlider::OnSizeChanged( int nWide, int nTall ) { BaseClass::OnSizeChanged( nWide, nTall );
RecomputeNobPosFromValue(); }
// Purpose: Draw everything on screen
void C2DSlider::Paint() { DrawNob(); }
// Purpose: Draw the slider track
void C2DSlider::PaintBackground() { BaseClass::PaintBackground(); int x, y; int wide,tall;
GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_TrackColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + wide + 1, y + tall + 1 ); if ( m_pInsetBorder ) { m_pInsetBorder->Paint( x, y, x + wide, y + tall ); } }
// Purpose: Layout the slider before drawing it on screen.
void C2DSlider::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); RecomputeNobPosFromValue(); }
// Purpose:
void C2DSlider::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
s_TextColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.TextColor", s_TextColor ); s_NobColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.NobColor", s_NobColor ); s_TickColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.TickColor", s_TickColor ); s_TickFillXColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.TickFillXColor", s_TickFillXColor ); s_TickFillYColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.TickFillYColor", s_TickFillYColor ); s_TickFillColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.TickFillColor", s_TickFillColor ); s_TrackColor = pScheme->GetColor( "2DSlider.TrackColor", s_TrackColor );
m_pLabel->SetColor( s_TextColor ); m_pLabel->SetFont( pScheme->GetFont( "Default" ) ); m_pLabel->ResizeImageToContent();
SetFgColor( s_NobColor );
m_pNobBorder = pScheme->GetBorder( "ButtonBorder" ); m_pInsetBorder = pScheme->GetBorder( "ButtonDepressedBorder" ); }
// Purpose:
void C2DSlider::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
SetNobWidth( inResourceData->GetInt( "nobWidth", GetNobWidth() ) ); SetNobTall( inResourceData->GetInt( "nobTall", GetNobTall() ) ); SetDrawLabel( inResourceData->GetBool( "drawLabel", IsDrawingLabel() ) );
wchar_t buf[ BUFSIZ ]; m_pLabel->GetText( buf, ARRAYSIZE( buf ) ); SetLabelText( inResourceData->GetWString( "labelText", buf ) );
SetDragOnRepositionNob( inResourceData->GetBool( "dragOnRepositionNob", IsDragOnRepositionNob() ) ); }
// Purpose:
void C2DSlider::GetSettings( KeyValues *outResourceData ) { BaseClass::GetSettings( outResourceData );
outResourceData->SetInt( "nobWidth", GetNobWidth() ); outResourceData->SetInt( "nobTall", GetNobTall() ); outResourceData->SetBool( "drawLabel", IsDrawingLabel() );
wchar_t buf[ BUFSIZ ]; m_pLabel->GetText( buf, ARRAYSIZE( buf ) ); outResourceData->SetWString( "labelText", buf );
outResourceData->SetBool( "dragOnRepositionNob", IsDragOnRepositionNob() ); }
// Purpose:
const char *C2DSlider::GetDescription() { static char buf[ 1024 ]; Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s, int nobWidth, int nobTall, bool dragOnRepositionNob", BaseClass::GetDescription() ); return buf; }
// Purpose: Handle key presses
void C2DSlider::OnKeyCodeTyped( KeyCode nKeyCode ) { switch ( nKeyCode ) { // for now left and right arrows just open or close submenus if they are there.
case KEY_LEFT: MoveNobRelative( -1, 0 ); break; case KEY_RIGHT: MoveNobRelative( 1, 0 ); break; case KEY_DOWN: MoveNobRelative( 0, 1 ); break; case KEY_UP: MoveNobRelative( 0, -1 ); break; case KEY_HOME: SetValueX( m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ] ); break; case KEY_END: SetValueX( m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ] ); break; case KEY_PAGEUP: SetValueY( m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ] ); break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: SetValueY( m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ] ); break; default: BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( nKeyCode ); break; } }
// Purpose: Draw the nob part of the slider.
void C2DSlider::DrawNob() { // horizontal nob
int x, y; int wide,tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_TickFillXColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ], y + m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] );
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_TickFillYColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x + m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + 1, y + m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + 1, x + wide + 1, y + tall + 1 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_TickFillColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y + m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + 1, x + m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ], y + tall + 1 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_TickFillColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y + tall, m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + 1, m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] );
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_TickColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ], x + wide - 1, m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + 1 ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ], y, m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + 1, y + tall - 1 );
// Redraw the inset border
if ( m_pInsetBorder ) { m_pInsetBorder->Paint( x, y, x + wide, y + tall ); }
surface()->DrawSetColor( s_NobColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] - m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ], m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] - m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ], m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ] + 1, m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ] + 1 );
// border
if ( m_pNobBorder ) { m_pNobBorder->Paint( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] - m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ], m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] - m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ], m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + m_nNobHalfSize[ kXAxis ] + 1, m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + m_nNobHalfSize[ kYAxis ] + 1 ); }
char buf[ BUFSIZ ]; Q_snprintf( buf, ARRAYSIZE( buf ), "n %02d %02d v %3.1f %3.1f", m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ], m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ], m_fValue[ kXAxis ], m_fValue[ kYAxis ] );
int nLabelWidth, nLabelTall; m_pLabel->GetContentSize( nLabelWidth, nLabelTall ); // m_pLabel->SetPos( 10, y + MAX( tall, tall - ( tall - nLabelTall ) / 2 ) );
m_pLabel->SetPos( 10, y + ( MAX( 0, tall - nLabelTall ) ) / 2 ); m_pLabel->Paint(); }
// Purpose: Get the rectangle to draw the slider track in.
void C2DSlider::GetTrackRect( int &x, int &y, int &w, int &t ) { x = 0; y = 0;
GetPaintSize( w, t ); }
void C2DSlider::MoveNobRelative( int nX, int nY ) { int x, y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] = clamp( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] + nX, x, x + wide - 1 ); m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] = clamp( m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] + nY, y, y + tall - 1 );
RecomputeValueFromNobPos( true ); }
// Purpose: Move the nob on the slider in response to changing its value.
void C2DSlider::RecomputeNobPosFromValue() { int x, y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ] = static_cast< int >( RemapValClamped( m_fValue[ kXAxis ], m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ], x, x + wide - 1 ) ); m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ] = static_cast< int >( RemapValClamped( m_fValue[ kYAxis ], m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ], y, y + tall - 1 ) ); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Sync the slider's value up with the nob's position.
void C2DSlider::RecomputeValueFromNobPos( bool bTriggerChangeMessage /* = true */ ) { int x, y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
const float fValueX = RemapValClamped( m_nNobPos[ kXAxis ], x, x + wide - 1, m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kXAxis ][ 1 ] ); const float fValueY = RemapValClamped( m_nNobPos[ kYAxis ], y, y + tall - 1, m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 0 ], m_fRange[ kYAxis ][ 1 ] );
SetValue( fValueX, fValueY, bTriggerChangeMessage ); }
// Purpose: Send a message to interested parties when the slider moves
void C2DSlider::SendSliderMovedMessage() { KeyValues *p2DSliderMoved = new KeyValues( "2DSliderMoved" ); p2DSliderMoved->SetFloat( "valueX", m_fValue[ kXAxis ] ); p2DSliderMoved->SetFloat( "valueY", m_fValue[ kYAxis ] ); PostActionSignal( p2DSliderMoved ); }
// Purpose: Send a message to interested parties when the user begins dragging the slider
void C2DSlider::SendSliderDragStartMessage() { KeyValues *p2DSliderDragStart = new KeyValues( "2DSliderDragStart" ); p2DSliderDragStart->SetFloat( "valueX", m_fValue[ kXAxis ] ); p2DSliderDragStart->SetFloat( "valueY", m_fValue[ kYAxis ] ); PostActionSignal( p2DSliderDragStart ); }
// Purpose: Send a message to interested parties when the user ends dragging the slider
void C2DSlider::SendSliderDragEndMessage() { KeyValues *p2DSliderDragEnd = new KeyValues( "2DSliderDragEnd" ); p2DSliderDragEnd->SetFloat( "valueX", m_fValue[ kXAxis ] ); p2DSliderDragEnd->SetFloat( "valueY", m_fValue[ kYAxis ] ); PostActionSignal( p2DSliderDragEnd ); }