//========== Copyright � 2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ========
// Purpose:
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#pragma warning( disable:4201)
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib" )
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h> // multimedia timer (may need winmm.lib)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "datamap.h"
#include "tier1/functors.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlhash.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "vscript//ivscript.h"
#include "gmThread.h" // game monkey script
#include "gmArrayLib.h"
#include "gmCall.h"
#include "gmGCRoot.h"
#include "gmGCRootUtil.h"
#include "gmHelpers.h"
#include "gmMathLib.h"
#include "gmStringLib.h"
#include "gmVector3Lib.h"
class CGCDisabler { public: CGCDisabler( gmMachine *pMachine ) { m_pMachine = pMachine; m_bWasEnabled = m_pMachine->IsGCEnabled(); m_pMachine->EnableGC( false ); } ~CGCDisabler() { m_pMachine->EnableGC( m_bWasEnabled ); }
gmMachine *m_pMachine; bool m_bWasEnabled; };
#define DISABLE_GC() CGCDisabler gcDisabler( this )
class CGameMonkeyVM : public IScriptVM, public gmMachine { public: CGameMonkeyVM() { }
bool Init() { if ( !m_global ) { // Must be a re-init
gmMachine::Init(); } s_printCallback = ScriptPrintCallback; SetDebugMode( true ); AddCPPOwnedGMObject( GetGlobals() );
gmBindArrayLib( this ); gmBindMathLib( this ); gmBindStringLib( this ); gmBindVector3Lib( this );
m_TypeMap.Init( 256 ); return true; }
void Shutdown() { // Dump run time errors to output
if ( GetDebugMode() ) { FlushErrorLog(); } RemoveAllCPPOwnedGMObjects(); ResetAndFreeMemory(); m_TypeMap.Purge(); }
ScriptLanguage_t GetLanguage() { return SL_GAMEMONKEY; }
virtual const char *GetLanguageName() { return "GameMonkey"; }
virtual void AddSearchPath( const char *pszSearchPath ) {
bool ConnectDebugger() { return true; } void DisconnectDebugger() {}
bool Frame( float simTime ) { return false; }
HSCRIPT CompileScript( const char *pszScript, const char *pszId ) { DISABLE_GC(); gmFunctionObject *pFunction = CompileStringToFunction( pszScript ); if ( !pFunction ) { FlushErrorLog(); return NULL; }
ObjectHandle_t *pObjectHandle = new ObjectHandle_t; pObjectHandle->pObject = pFunction; AddCPPOwnedGMObject( pFunction ); if ( pszId ) { pObjectHandle->pString = AllocStringObject( pszId ); AddCPPOwnedGMObject( pObjectHandle->pString ); gmTableObject *pGlobals = GetGlobals(); pGlobals->Set( this, gmVariable(pObjectHandle->pString), gmVariable(pFunction) ); } else { pObjectHandle->pString = NULL; } return (HSCRIPT)pObjectHandle; }
void ReleaseScript( HSCRIPT hScript ) { ReleaseHandle( hScript ); }
ScriptStatus_t Run( HSCRIPT hScript, HSCRIPT hScope = NULL, bool bWait = true ) { return CGameMonkeyVM::ExecuteFunction( hScript, NULL, 0, NULL, hScope, bWait ); }
ScriptStatus_t Run( const char *pszScript, bool bWait = true ) { Assert( bWait ); int errors = ExecuteString( pszScript, NULL, bWait ); // Dump compile time errors to output
if(errors) { bool first = true; const char * message;
while((message = GetLog().GetEntry(first))) { Msg( "%s\n", message ); } GetLog().Reset(); return SCRIPT_ERROR; } return SCRIPT_DONE; }
ScriptStatus_t Run( HSCRIPT hScript, bool bWait ) { Assert( bWait ); return CGameMonkeyVM::Run( hScript, (HSCRIPT)NULL, bWait ); }
HSCRIPT CreateScope( const char *pszScope, HSCRIPT hParent = NULL ) { Assert( pszScope ); Assert( !hParent );
gmTableObject *pGlobals = GetGlobals(); gmTableObject *pNewTable = AllocTableObject(); ObjectHandle_t *pObjectHandle = new ObjectHandle_t;
AddCPPOwnedGMObject( pNewTable ); pObjectHandle->pObject = pNewTable; pObjectHandle->pString = AllocStringObject( pszScope ); AddCPPOwnedGMObject( pObjectHandle->pString );
pGlobals->Set( this, gmVariable(pObjectHandle->pString), gmVariable(pNewTable) );
return (HSCRIPT)pObjectHandle; }
void ReleaseScope( HSCRIPT hScript ) { ReleaseHandle( hScript ); }
HSCRIPT LookupFunction( const char *pszFunction, HSCRIPT hScope = NULL ) { gmTableObject *pScope;
if ( !hScope ) { pScope = GetGlobals(); } else { ObjectHandle_t *pScopeHandle = (ObjectHandle_t *)hScope; pScope = assert_cast<gmTableObject *>(pScopeHandle->pObject); } gmVariable varFunction = pScope->Get( this, pszFunction ); gmFunctionObject *pFunction = varFunction.GetFunctionObjectSafe(); if ( pFunction ) { ObjectHandle_t *pFunctionHandle = new ObjectHandle_t; pFunctionHandle->pObject = pFunction; pFunctionHandle->pString = NULL; AddCPPOwnedGMObject( pFunction ); return (HSCRIPT)pFunctionHandle; } return NULL; }
void ReleaseFunction( HSCRIPT hScript ) { ReleaseHandle( hScript ); }
ScriptStatus_t ExecuteFunction( HSCRIPT hFunction, ScriptVariant_t *pArgs, int nArgs, ScriptVariant_t *pReturn, HSCRIPT hScope, bool bWait ) { Assert( hFunction ); Assert( bWait ); ScriptStatus_t result = SCRIPT_ERROR; if ( pReturn ) { pReturn->m_type = FIELD_VOID; }
if ( hFunction ) { ObjectHandle_t *pObjectHandle= (ObjectHandle_t *)hFunction; gmTableObject *pGlobals = NULL; gmTableObject *pScope; if ( hScope ) { ObjectHandle_t *pScopeHandle= (ObjectHandle_t *)hScope; pScope = assert_cast<gmTableObject *>(pScopeHandle->pObject); pGlobals = GetGlobals(); SetGlobals( pScope ); }
gmCall functionCaller; gmFunctionObject *pFunction = assert_cast<gmFunctionObject *>(pObjectHandle->pObject); if ( functionCaller.BeginFunction( this, pFunction, gmVariable::s_null, !bWait ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++ ) { switch ( pArgs[i].m_type ) { case FIELD_FLOAT: functionCaller.AddParamFloat( pArgs[i] ); break; case FIELD_CSTRING: functionCaller.AddParamString( pArgs[i], strlen( pArgs[i].m_pszString ) ); break; case FIELD_VECTOR: Assert( 0 ); functionCaller.AddParamNull(); break; case FIELD_INTEGER: functionCaller.AddParamInt( pArgs[i] ); break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: functionCaller.AddParamInt( pArgs[i].m_bool ); break; case FIELD_CHARACTER: { char sz[2]; sz[0] = pArgs[i].m_char; sz[1] = 0; functionCaller.AddParamString( sz, 1 ); break; } } }
if ( pReturn && ( bWait || !functionCaller.GetThread() ) && functionCaller.DidReturnVariable() ) { const gmVariable &ret = functionCaller.GetReturnedVariable(); switch ( ret.m_type ) { case GM_NULL: break; case GM_INT: *pReturn = ret.m_value.m_int; break; case GM_FLOAT: *pReturn = ret.m_value.m_float; break; case GM_STRING: { gmStringObject *pString = (gmStringObject *)ret.m_value.m_ref; int size = pString->GetLength() + 1; pReturn->m_type = FIELD_CSTRING; pReturn->m_pszString = new char[size]; memcpy( (void *)pReturn->m_pszString, pString->GetString(), size ); } break; default: DevMsg( "Script function returned unsupported type\n" ); pReturn->m_type = FIELD_VOID; } } }
if ( !FlushErrorLog() ) { result = SCRIPT_DONE; }
if ( hScope ) { SetGlobals( pGlobals ); } } return result; }
gmMachine *GetMachine() { return this; }
void RegisterFunction( ScriptFunctionBinding_t *pScriptFunction ) { RegisterLibraryFunction( pScriptFunction->m_desc.m_pszScriptName, &TranslateCall, NULL, pScriptFunction ); }
bool RegisterClass( ScriptClassDesc_t *pClassDesc ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(pClassDesc) == sizeof(int) ); if ( m_TypeMap.Find( (int)pClassDesc ) != m_TypeMap.InvalidHandle() ) { return true; }
gmType type = CreateUserType( pClassDesc->m_pszScriptName ); m_TypeMap.Insert( (int)pClassDesc, type );
ScriptClassDesc_t *pCurDesc = pClassDesc; CUtlVectorFixed<gmFunctionEntry, 512> functionEntries; while ( pCurDesc ) { int nFunctions = pClassDesc->m_FunctionBindings.Count(); functionEntries.SetSize( nFunctions ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < nFunctions; i++) { functionEntries[i].m_function = &TranslateCall; functionEntries[i].m_name = pClassDesc->m_FunctionBindings[i].m_desc.m_pszFunction; functionEntries[i].m_userData = &pClassDesc->m_FunctionBindings[i]; } RegisterTypeLibrary( type, functionEntries.Base(), nFunctions ); pCurDesc = pCurDesc->m_pBaseDesc; }
if ( pClassDesc->m_pfnConstruct ) { RegisterLibraryFunction( pClassDesc->m_pszScriptName, &Construct, NULL, pClassDesc ); RegisterUserCallbacks( type, NULL, &Destruct ); }
return true; }
bool RegisterInstance( ScriptClassDesc_t *pDesc, void *pInstance, const char *pszInstance, HSCRIPT hScope = NULL ) { if ( !RegisterClass( pDesc ) ) { return false; }
bool bResult = true;
InstanceContext_t *pInstanceContext = new InstanceContext_t; pInstanceContext->pInstance = pInstance; pInstanceContext->pClassDesc = NULL; // i.e., no destruct
// @TODO: This extra hash lookup could be eliminated (as it is also done in RegisterClass above) [2/13/2008 tom]
gmUserObject *pObject = AllocUserObject( pInstanceContext, m_TypeMap[m_TypeMap.Find((int)pDesc)] ); AddCPPOwnedGMObject( pObject );
gmTableObject *pScope;
if ( hScope ) { ObjectHandle_t *pScopeHandle= (ObjectHandle_t *)hScope; pScope = (gmTableObject *)pScopeHandle->pObject; } else { pScope = GetGlobals(); }
if ( pScope ) { pScope->Set( this, pszInstance, gmVariable( pObject ) ); } else { DevMsg( "Undefined script scope!\n" ); bResult = false; }
return bResult; }
void RemoveInstance( ScriptClassDesc_t *pDesc, void *pInstance, const char *pszInstance, HSCRIPT hScope = NULL ) { DISABLE_GC(); gmTableObject *pScope;
if ( hScope ) { ObjectHandle_t *pScopeHandle= (ObjectHandle_t *)hScope; pScope = (gmTableObject *)pScopeHandle->pObject; } else { pScope = GetGlobals(); }
if ( pScope ) { gmVariable scriptVar = pScope->Get( this, pszInstance ); gmUserObject *pObject = ( !scriptVar.IsNull() ) ? scriptVar.GetUserObjectSafe( m_TypeMap[m_TypeMap.Find((int)pDesc)] ) : NULL; if ( pObject ) { delete pObject->m_user; pObject->m_user = NULL; pScope->Set( this, pszInstance, gmVariable::s_null ); RemoveCPPOwnedGMObject( pObject ); } else { DevMsg( "Unknown instance\n" ); } } else { DevMsg( "Undefined script scope!\n" ); } }
private: struct InstanceContext_t { void *pInstance; ScriptClassDesc_t *pClassDesc; };
struct ObjectHandle_t { gmStringObject *pString; gmObject *pObject; };
void ReleaseHandle( HSCRIPT hScript ) { if ( hScript ) { ObjectHandle_t *pObjectHandle = (ObjectHandle_t *)hScript; RemoveCPPOwnedGMObject( pObjectHandle->pObject );
if ( pObjectHandle->pString ) { gmTableObject *pGlobals = GetGlobals(); pGlobals->Set( this, gmVariable(pObjectHandle->pString), gmVariable::s_null ); RemoveCPPOwnedGMObject( pObjectHandle->pString ); } delete pObjectHandle; } }
static void ScriptPrintCallback(gmMachine *pMachine, const char *pString) { Msg( "%s\n", pString ); }
static int GM_CDECL TranslateCall( gmThread *a_thread ) { const gmFunctionObject *fn = a_thread->GetFunctionObject(); ScriptFunctionBinding_t *pVMScriptFunction = (ScriptFunctionBinding_t *)fn->m_cUserData;
int nActualParams = a_thread->GetNumParams(); int nFormalParams = pVMScriptFunction->m_desc.m_Parameters.Count();
GM_CHECK_NUM_PARAMS( nFormalParams );
CUtlVectorFixed<ScriptVariant_t, 14> params; ScriptVariant_t returnValue;
params.SetSize( nFormalParams );
int i = 0;
if ( nActualParams ) { int iLimit = min( nActualParams, nFormalParams ); ScriptDataType_t *pCurParamType = pVMScriptFunction->m_desc.m_Parameters.Base(); for ( i = 0; i < iLimit; i++, pCurParamType++ ) { switch ( *pCurParamType ) { case FIELD_FLOAT: params[i] = a_thread->ParamFloatOrInt( i ); break; case FIELD_CSTRING: params[i] = a_thread->ParamString( i ); break; case FIELD_VECTOR: Assert( 0 ); params[i] = (Vector *)NULL; break; case FIELD_INTEGER: params[i] = (int)a_thread->ParamFloatOrInt( i ); break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: { int type = a_thread->ParamType(i); if ( type == GM_INT ) params[i] = (bool)(a_thread->Param(i).m_value.m_int != 0 ); else if ( type == GM_FLOAT ) params[i] = (bool)(a_thread->Param(i).m_value.m_float != 0.0 ); else params[i] = true; break; } case FIELD_CHARACTER: params[i] = a_thread->ParamString( i )[0]; break; } } }
for ( ; i < nFormalParams; i++ ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(Vector *) >= sizeof(int) ); params[i] = (Vector *)NULL; }
InstanceContext_t *pContext; void *pObject;
if ( pVMScriptFunction->m_flags & SF_MEMBER_FUNC ) { pContext = (InstanceContext_t *)a_thread->ThisUser();
if ( !pContext ) { return GM_EXCEPTION; }
pObject = pContext->pInstance;
if ( !pObject ) { return GM_EXCEPTION; } } else { pObject = NULL; }
(*pVMScriptFunction->m_pfnBinding)( pVMScriptFunction->m_pFunction, pObject, params.Base(), params.Count(), ( pVMScriptFunction->m_desc.m_ReturnType != FIELD_VOID ) ? &returnValue : NULL );
if ( pVMScriptFunction->m_desc.m_ReturnType != FIELD_VOID ) { switch ( pVMScriptFunction->m_desc.m_ReturnType ) { case FIELD_FLOAT: a_thread->PushFloat( returnValue ); break; case FIELD_CSTRING: Assert( 0 ); a_thread->PushNull(); break; case FIELD_VECTOR: Assert( 0 ); a_thread->PushNull(); break; case FIELD_INTEGER: a_thread->PushInt( returnValue ); break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: a_thread->PushInt( (bool)returnValue ); break; case FIELD_CHARACTER: Assert( 0 ); a_thread->PushNull(); break; } }
return GM_OK; }
static int GM_CDECL Construct( gmThread *a_thread ) { CGameMonkeyVM *pThis = assert_cast<CGameMonkeyVM *>(a_thread->GetMachine()); const gmFunctionObject *fn = a_thread->GetFunctionObject(); ScriptClassDesc_t *pClassDesc = (ScriptClassDesc_t *)fn->m_cUserData;
InstanceContext_t *pInstanceContext = new InstanceContext_t; pInstanceContext->pInstance = pClassDesc->m_pfnConstruct(); pInstanceContext->pClassDesc = pClassDesc;
// @TODO: put the type in the userdata? [2/12/2008 tom]
a_thread->PushNewUser( pInstanceContext, pThis->m_TypeMap[pThis->m_TypeMap.Find((int)pClassDesc)] );
return GM_OK; }
static void Destruct( gmMachine *pMachine, gmUserObject* pObject ) { InstanceContext_t *pInstanceContext = ( InstanceContext_t *)pObject->m_user; if ( pInstanceContext && pInstanceContext->pClassDesc ) { pInstanceContext->pClassDesc->m_pfnDestruct( pInstanceContext->pInstance ); delete pInstanceContext; } }
bool FlushErrorLog() { bool first = true; bool errors = false; const char * message;
while((message = GetLog().GetEntry(first))) { Msg( "%s\n", message ); errors = true; } GetLog().Reset();
return errors; }
CUtlHashFast<gmType, CUtlHashFastGenericHash> m_TypeMap; };
IScriptVM *ScriptCreateGameMonkeyVM() { return new CGameMonkeyVM; }
void ScriptDestroyGameMonkeyVM( IScriptVM *pVM ) { CGameMonkeyVM *pGameMonkeyVM = assert_cast<CGameMonkeyVM *>(pVM); delete pGameMonkeyVM; }
#ifdef VGM_TEST
CGameMonkeyVM g_GMScriptVM; IScriptVM *pScriptVM = &g_GMScriptVM;
struct Test { void Foo() { Msg( "Foo!\n");} };
Test test;
int main( int argc, const char **argv) { if ( argc < 2 ) { printf( "No script specified" ); return 1; }
int key; do { pScriptVM->Init();
const char *pszScript = argv[1]; FILE *hFile = fopen( pszScript, "rb" ); if ( !hFile ) { printf( "\"%s\" not found.\n", pszScript ); return 1; }
int nFileLen = _filelength( _fileno( hFile ) ); char *pBuf = new char[nFileLen + 1]; fread( pBuf, 1, nFileLen, hFile ); pBuf[nFileLen] = 0; fclose( hFile );
printf( "Executing script \"%s\"\n----------------------------------------\n", pszScript );
HSCRIPT hScript = pScriptVM->CompileScript( pBuf, "test" ); if ( hScript ) { HSCRIPT hScope = pScriptVM->CreateScope( "testScope" ); pScriptVM->Run( hScript, hScope ); HSCRIPT hFunction = pScriptVM->LookupFunction( "DoIt" ); Assert( !hFunction ); hFunction = pScriptVM->LookupFunction( "DoIt", hScope ); Assert( hFunction ); ScriptVariant_t ret; pScriptVM->RegisterInstance( &test, "test" ); pScriptVM->Call( hFunction, hScope, true, &ret, "Har", 6.0, 99 );
pScriptVM->ReleaseFunction( hFunction ); pScriptVM->ReleaseScript( hScript ); pScriptVM->ReleaseScope( hScope ); }
printf("Script complete. Press q to exit, enter to run again.\n"); key = _getch(); // Keypress before exit
pScriptVM->Shutdown(); } while ( key != 'q' );
return 0; }