//=== ======= Copyright � 2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======== // // Purpose: Script initially run after squirrel VM is initialized // //=============================================================================
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // General //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function printl( text ) { return print( text + "\n" ); }
function Msg( text ) { return print( text ); }
function Assert( b, msg = null ) { if ( b ) return; if ( msg != null ) { throw "Assertion failed: " + msg; } else { throw "Assertion failed"; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Documentation table //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( developer() > 0 ) { Documentation <- { classes = {} functions = {} instances = {} }
function RetrieveNativeSignature( nativeFunction ) { if ( nativeFunction in NativeFunctionSignatures ) { return NativeFunctionSignatures[nativeFunction] } return "<unnamed>" } function RegisterFunctionDocumentation( func, name, signature, description ) { if ( description.len() ) { local b = ( description[0] == '#' ); if ( description[0] == '#' ) { local colon = description.find( ":" ); if ( colon == null ) { colon = description.len(); } local alias = description.slice( 1, colon ); description = description.slice( colon + 1 ); name = alias; signature = "#"; } } Documentation.functions[name] <- [ signature, description ] }
function Document( symbolOrTable, itemIfSymbol = null, descriptionIfSymbol = null ) { if ( typeof( symbolOrTable ) == "table" ) { foreach( symbol, itemDescription in symbolOrTable ) { Assert( typeof(symbol) == "string" ) Document( symbol, itemDescription[0], itemDescription[1] ); } } else { printl( symbolOrTable + ":" + itemIfSymbol.tostring() + "/" + descriptionIfSymbol ); } } function PrintHelp( string = "*", exact = false ) { local matches = [] if ( string == "*" || !exact ) { foreach( name, documentation in Documentation.functions ) { if ( string != "*" && name.tolower().find( string.tolower() ) == null ) { continue; } matches.append( name ); } } else if ( exact ) { if ( string in Documentation.functions ) matches.append( string ) } if ( matches.len() == 0 ) { printl( "Symbol " + string + " not found" ); return; } matches.sort(); foreach( name in matches ) { local result = name; local documentation = Documentation.functions[name]; printl( "Function: " + name ); local signature; if ( documentation[0] != "#" ) { signature = documentation[0]; } else { signature = GetFunctionSignature( this[name], name ); } printl( "Signature: " + signature ); if ( documentation[1].len() ) printl( "Description: " + documentation[1] ); print( "\n" ); } } } else { function RetrieveNativeSignature( nativeFunction ) { return "<unnamed>"; } function Document( symbolOrTable, itemIfSymbol = null, descriptionIfSymbol = null ) {} function PrintHelp( string = "*", exact = false ) {} }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VSquirrel support functions //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function VSquirrel_OnCreateScope( name, outer ) { local result; if ( !(name in outer) ) { result = outer[name] <- { __vname=name, __vrefs = 1 }; delegate outer : result; } else { result = outer[name]; result.__vrefs += 1; } return result; }
function VSquirrel_OnReleaseScope( scope ) { scope.__vrefs -= 1; if ( scope.__vrefs < 0 ) { throw "Bad reference counting on scope " + scope.__vname; } else if ( scope.__vrefs == 0 ) { delete scope.parent[scope.__vname]; scope.__vname = null; delegate null : scope; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCallChainer { constructor( prefixString, scopeForThis = null ) { prefix = prefixString; if ( scopeForThis != null ) scope = scopeForThis; else scope = ::getroottable(); chains = {}; // Expose a bound global function to dispatch to this object scope[ "Dispatch" + prefixString ] <- Call.bindenv( this ); } function PostScriptExecute() { foreach( key, value in scope ) { if ( typeof( value ) == "function" ) { if ( key.find( prefix ) == 0 ) { key = key.slice( prefix.len() ); if ( !(key in chains) ) { //::print( "Creating new call chain " + key + "\n"); chains[key] <- []; } local chain = chains[key]; if ( !chain.len() || chain.top() != value ) { chain.push( value ); //::print( "Added " + value + " to call chain " + key + "\n" ); } } } } } function Call( event, ... ) { if ( event in chains ) { local chain = chains[event]; if ( chain.len() ) { local i; local args = []; if ( vargc > 0 ) { args.push( scope ); for ( i = 0; i < vargc; i++ ) { args.push( vargv[i] ); } } for ( i = chain.len() - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1 ) { local func = chain[i]; local result; if ( !args.len() ) { result = func(); } else { result = func.acall( args ); } if ( result != null && !result ) return false; } } } return true; } scope = null; prefix = null; chains = null; };
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CSimpleCallChainer { constructor( prefixString, scopeForThis = null, exactNameMatch = false ) { prefix = prefixString; if ( scopeForThis != null ) scope = scopeForThis; else scope = ::getroottable(); chain = []; // Expose a bound global function to dispatch to this object scope[ "Dispatch" + prefixString ] <- Call.bindenv( this ); exactMatch = exactNameMatch } function PostScriptExecute() { foreach( key, value in scope ) { if ( typeof( value ) == "function" ) { local foundMatch = false; if ( exactMatch ) { foundMatch = ( prefix == key ); } else { foundMatch = ( key.find( prefix ) == 0 ) } if ( foundMatch ) { if ( !exactMatch ) key = key.slice( prefix.len() ); if ( !(chain) ) { //::print( "Creating new call simple chain\n"); chain <- []; } if ( !chain.len() || chain != value ) { chain.push( value ); //::print( "Added " + value + " to call chain.\n" ); } } } } } function Call( ... ) { if ( chain.len() ) { local i; local args = []; if ( vargc > 0 ) { args.push( scope ); for ( i = 0; i < vargc; i++ ) { args.push( vargv[i] ); } } for ( i = chain.len() - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1 ) { local func = chain[i]; local result; if ( !args.len() ) { result = func.pcall( scope ); } else { result = func.pacall( scope, args ); } if ( result != null && !result ) return false; } } return true; } exactMatch = false scope = null; prefix = null; chain = null; };
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Late binding: allows a table to refer to parts of itself, it's children, // it's owner, and then have the references fixed up after it's fully parsed // // Usage: // lateBinder <- LateBinder(); // lateBinder.Begin( this ); // // Test1 <- // { // Foo=1 // } // // Test2 <- // { // FooFoo = "I'm foo foo" // BarBar="@Test1.Foo" // SubTable = { boo=[bah, "@Test2.FooFoo", "@Test1.Foo"], booboo2={one=bah, two="@Test2.FooFoo", three="@Test1.Foo"} } // booboo=[bah, "@Test2.FooFoo", "@Test1.Foo"] // booboo2={one=bah, two="@Test2.FooFoo", three="@Test1.Foo"} // bah=wha // } // // lateBinder.End(); // delete lateBinder; // // When End() is called, all of the unresolved symbols in the tables and arrays will be resolved, // any left unresolved will become a string prepended with '~', which later code can deal with //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class LateBinder { // public: function Begin( target, log = false ) { m_log = log; HookRootMetamethod( "_get", function( key ) { return "^" + key; } ); HookRootMetamethod( "_newslot", function( key, value ) { if ( typeof value == "table" ) { m_fixupSet.push( [ key, value ] ); this.rawset( key, value ); }; }.bindenv(this) ); m_targetTable = target; Log( "Begin late bind on table " + m_targetTable ); } function End() { UnhookRootMetamethod( "_get" ); UnhookRootMetamethod( "_newslot" );
Log( "End late bind on table " + m_targetTable ); foreach( subTablePair in m_fixupSet ) { EstablishDelegation( m_targetTable, subTablePair[1] ); }
Log( "Begin resolution... " ) m_logIndent++; local found = true; while ( found ) { foreach( subTablePair in m_fixupSet ) { Log( subTablePair[0] + " = " ); Log( "{" ); if ( !Resolve( subTablePair[1], subTablePair[1], false ) ) { found = false; } Log( "}" ); } } m_logIndent--; foreach( subTablePair in m_fixupSet ) { RemoveDelegation( subTablePair[1] ); } Log( "...end resolution" ); } // private: function HookRootMetamethod( name, value ) { local saved = null; local roottable = getroottable(); if ( name in roottable ) { saved = roottable[name]; } roottable[name] <- value; roottable["__saved" + name] <- saved; }
function UnhookRootMetamethod( name ) { local saveSlot = "__saved" + name; local roottable = getroottable(); local saved = roottable[saveSlot]; if ( saved != null ) { roottable[name] = saved; } else { delete roottable[name]; } delete roottable[saveSlot]; }
function EstablishDelegation( parentTable, childTable ) { delegate parentTable : childTable; foreach( key, value in childTable ) { local type = typeof value; if ( type == "table" ) { EstablishDelegation( childTable, value ); } } } function RemoveDelegation( childTable ) { delegate null : childTable; foreach( key, value in childTable ) { local type = typeof value; if ( type == "table" ) { RemoveDelegation( value ); } } }
function Resolve( lookupTable, subTableOrArray, throwException = false ) { m_logIndent++; local found = false; foreach( key, value in subTableOrArray ) { local type = typeof value; if ( type == "string" ) { if ( value.len() ) { local unresolvedId = null; local controlChar = value[0] if ( controlChar == '^' ) { found = true; value = value.slice( 1 ); if ( value in lookupTable ) { subTableOrArray[key] = lookupTable[value]; Log( key + " = " + lookupTable[value] + " <-- " + value ); } else { subTableOrArray[key] = "~" + value; unresolvedId = value; Log( key + " = \"" + "~" + value + "\" (unresolved)" ); } } else if ( controlChar == '@' ) { found = true; local identifiers = []; local iLast = 1; local iNext; while ( ( iNext = value.find( ".", iLast ) ) != null ) { identifiers.push( value.slice( iLast, iNext ) ); iLast = iNext + 1; } identifiers.push( value.slice( iLast ) ); local depthSuccess = 0; local result = lookupTable; foreach( identifier in identifiers ) { if ( identifier in result ) { depthSuccess++; result = result[identifier]; } else { break; } } if ( depthSuccess == identifiers.len() ) { subTableOrArray[key] = result; Log( key + " = " + result + " <-- " + value ); } else { subTableOrArray[key] = "~" + value.slice( 1 ); unresolvedId = value; Log( key + " = \"" + "~" + value + "\" (unresolved)" ); } } if ( unresolvedId != null ) { if ( throwException ) { local exception = "Unresolved symbol: " + bind + " in "; foreach ( entry in m_bindNamesStack ) { exception += entry; exception += "." } exception += unresolvedId; throw exception; } } } } }
foreach( key, value in subTableOrArray ) { local type = typeof value; local isTable = ( type == "table" ); local isArray = ( type == "array" ) if ( isTable || isArray ) { Log( key + " =" ); Log( isTable ? "{" : "[" ); m_bindNamesStack.push( key ); if ( Resolve( ( isTable ) ? value : lookupTable, value, throwException ) ) { found = true; } m_bindNamesStack.pop(); Log( isTable ? "}" : "]" ); } } m_logIndent--; return found; } function Log( string ) { if ( m_log ) { for ( local i = 0; i < m_logIndent; i++ ) { print( " " ); } printl( string ); } }
m_targetTable = null; m_fixupSet = []; m_bindNamesStack = []; m_log = false; m_logIndent = 0; }