// algparam.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
#include "pch.h"
#include "algparam.h"
PAssignIntToInteger g_pAssignIntToInteger = NULL;
bool CombinedNameValuePairs::GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const { if (strcmp(name, "ValueNames") == 0) return m_pairs1.GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue) && m_pairs2.GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue); else return m_pairs1.GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue) || m_pairs2.GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue); }
void AlgorithmParametersBase::operator=(const AlgorithmParametersBase& rhs) { assert(false); }
bool AlgorithmParametersBase::GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const { if (strcmp(name, "ValueNames") == 0) { NameValuePairs::ThrowIfTypeMismatch(name, typeid(std::string), valueType); if (m_next.get()) m_next->GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue); (*reinterpret_cast<std::string *>(pValue) += m_name) += ";"; return true; } else if (strcmp(name, m_name) == 0) { AssignValue(name, valueType, pValue); m_used = true; return true; } else if (m_next.get()) return m_next->GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue); else return false; }
AlgorithmParameters::AlgorithmParameters() : m_defaultThrowIfNotUsed(true) { }
AlgorithmParameters::AlgorithmParameters(const AlgorithmParameters &x) : m_defaultThrowIfNotUsed(x.m_defaultThrowIfNotUsed) { m_next.reset(const_cast<AlgorithmParameters &>(x).m_next.release()); }
AlgorithmParameters & AlgorithmParameters::operator=(const AlgorithmParameters &x) { m_next.reset(const_cast<AlgorithmParameters &>(x).m_next.release()); return *this; }
bool AlgorithmParameters::GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const { if (m_next.get()) return m_next->GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue); else return false; }