//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_effects.h"
#include "c_tracer.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "particles_simple.h"
#include "env_wind_shared.h"
#include "engine/IEngineTrace.h"
#include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h"
#include "precipitation_shared.h"
#include "fx_water.h"
#include "c_world.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
#include "precache_register.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "viewrender.h"
#include "raytrace.h"
#include "c_asw_player.h"
#include "c_asw_marine.h"
#include "asw_input.h"
#ifdef CSTRIKE15
#include "c_cs_player.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar cl_winddir ( "cl_winddir", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Weather effects wind direction angle" ); ConVar cl_windspeed ( "cl_windspeed", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Weather effects wind speed scalar" );
Vector g_vSplashColor( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ); float g_flSplashScale = 0.15; float g_flSplashLifetime = 0.5f; float g_flSplashAlpha = 0.3f; ConVar r_RainSplashPercentage( "r_RainSplashPercentage", "20", FCVAR_CHEAT ); // N% chance of a rain particle making a splash.
ConVar r_RainParticleDensity( "r_RainParticleDensity", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Density of Particle Rain 0-1" ); ConVar r_RainAllowInSplitScreen( "r_RainAllowInSplitScreen", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Allows rain in splitscreen" );
ConVar r_RainHack( "r_RainHack", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar r_RainRadius( "r_RainRadius", "1500", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar r_RainSideVel( "r_RainSideVel", "130", FCVAR_CHEAT, "How much sideways velocity rain gets." );
// Performance optimization by Certain Affinity
// calling IsInAir() for 800 particles was taking 4 ms
ConVar r_RainCheck( "r_RainCheck", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable/disable IsInAir() check for rain drops?" );
ConVar r_RainSimulate( "r_RainSimulate", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable/disable rain simulation." ); ConVar r_DrawRain( "r_DrawRain", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable/disable rain rendering." ); ConVar r_RainProfile( "r_RainProfile", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable/disable rain profiling." ); ConVar r_RainDebugDuration( "r_RainDebugDuration", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Shows rain tracelines for this many seconds (0 disables)" );
//Precahce the effects
PRECACHE_REGISTER_BEGIN( GLOBAL, PrecachePrecipitation ) #ifndef PORTAL2
PRECACHE( PARTICLE_SYSTEM, "asw_snow" ) PRECACHE( PARTICLE_SYSTEM, "asw_snow_outer" ) #else
#endif // !PORTAL2
CUtlVector< RayTracingEnvironment* > g_RayTraceEnvironments;
// Precipitation blocker entity
// Just receive the normal data table stuff
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT(C_PrecipitationBlocker, DT_PrecipitationBlocker, CPrecipitationBlocker) END_RECV_TABLE()
static CUtlVector< C_PrecipitationBlocker * > g_PrecipitationBlockers;
C_PrecipitationBlocker::C_PrecipitationBlocker() { g_PrecipitationBlockers.AddToTail( this ); }
C_PrecipitationBlocker::~C_PrecipitationBlocker() { g_PrecipitationBlockers.FindAndRemove( this ); }
bool ParticleIsBlocked( const Vector &end, const Vector &start ) { for ( int i=0; i<g_PrecipitationBlockers.Count(); ++i ) { C_PrecipitationBlocker *blocker = g_PrecipitationBlockers[i]; if ( blocker->CollisionProp()->IsPointInBounds( end ) ) { return true; } }
return false; }
// Just receive the normal data table stuff
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT(CClient_Precipitation, DT_Precipitation, CPrecipitation) RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_nPrecipType ) ), #ifdef INFESTED_DLL
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_nSnowDustAmount ) ), #endif
static ConVar r_SnowEnable( "r_SnowEnable", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow Enable" ); static ConVar r_SnowParticles( "r_SnowParticles", "500", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowInsideRadius( "r_SnowInsideRadius", "256", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowOutsideRadius( "r_SnowOutsideRadius", "1024", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowSpeedScale( "r_SnowSpeedScale", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowPosScale( "r_SnowPosScale", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowFallSpeed( "r_SnowFallSpeed", "1.5", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow fall speed scale." ); static ConVar r_SnowWindScale( "r_SnowWindScale", "0.0035", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowDebugBox( "r_SnowDebugBox", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow Debug Boxes." ); static ConVar r_SnowZoomOffset( "r_SnowZoomOffset", "384.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowZoomRadius( "r_SnowZoomRadius", "512.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowStartAlpha( "r_SnowStartAlpha", "25", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowEndAlpha( "r_SnowEndAlpha", "255", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); //static ConVar r_SnowColorRed( "r_SnowColorRed", "150", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." );
//static ConVar r_SnowColorGreen( "r_SnowColorGreen", "175", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." );
//static ConVar r_SnowColorBlue( "r_SnowColorBlue", "200", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." );
static ConVar r_SnowStartSize( "r_SnowStartSize", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowEndSize( "r_SnowEndSize", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowRayLength( "r_SnowRayLength", "8192.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowRayRadius( "r_SnowRayRadius", "256", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." ); static ConVar r_SnowRayEnable( "r_SnowRayEnable", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snow." );
void DrawPrecipitation() { for ( int i=0; i < g_Precipitations.Count(); i++ ) { g_Precipitations[i]->Render(); } }
// determines if a weather particle has hit something other than air
static bool IsInAir( const Vector& position ) { int contents = enginetrace->GetPointContents( position ); return (contents & CONTENTS_SOLID) == 0; }
// Globals
ConVar CClient_Precipitation::s_raindensity( "r_raindensity","0.001", FCVAR_CHEAT); ConVar CClient_Precipitation::s_rainwidth( "r_rainwidth", "0.5", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar CClient_Precipitation::s_rainlength( "r_rainlength", "0.1f", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar CClient_Precipitation::s_rainspeed( "r_rainspeed", "600.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar r_rainalpha( "r_rainalpha", "0.4", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar r_rainalphapow( "r_rainalphapow", "0.8", FCVAR_CHEAT );
Vector CClient_Precipitation::s_WindVector; // Stores the wind speed vector
void CClient_Precipitation::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { // Simulate every frame.
if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ) { SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOWFALL ) { SnowFallManagerCreate( this ); } }
m_flDensity = RemapVal( GetRenderAlpha(), 0, 100, 0, 1 );
BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType ); }
void CClient_Precipitation::ClientThink() { Simulate( gpGlobals->frametime ); }
// Utility methods for the various simulation functions
inline bool CClient_Precipitation::SimulateRain( CPrecipitationParticle* pParticle, float dt ) { if (GetRemainingLifetime( pParticle ) < 0.0f) return false;
Vector vOldPos = pParticle->m_Pos;
// Update position
VectorMA( pParticle->m_Pos, dt, pParticle->m_Velocity, pParticle->m_Pos );
if (cl_windspeed.GetFloat() > 0) // determines if s_WindVector is zeroes
{ // wind blows rain around
float drift = 5 / pParticle->m_Mass; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) // X and Y components
{ float vel = pParticle->m_Velocity[i]; float wind = s_WindVector[i]; if ( vel < wind ) { vel = MIN( vel+drift, wind); } else if ( vel > wind ) { vel = MAX( vel-drift, wind); } pParticle->m_Velocity[i] = vel; } }
// Left4Dead does not use rain splashes on water surfaces
// This change could allow rain into some solids, but the code
// already performed a ray-test to calculate the particle lifetime,
// so it should still be blocked by normal bsp surfaces.
if (r_RainCheck.GetInt() != 0) { // No longer in the air? punt.
if ( !IsInAir( pParticle->m_Pos ) ) { // Possibly make a splash if we hit a water surface and it's in front of the view.
if ( m_Splashes.Count() < 20 ) { if ( RandomInt( 0, 100 ) < r_RainSplashPercentage.GetInt() ) { trace_t trace; UTIL_TraceLine(vOldPos, pParticle->m_Pos, MASK_WATER, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace); if( trace.fraction < 1 ) { m_Splashes.AddToTail( trace.endpos ); } } }
// Tell the framework it's time to remove the particle from the list
return false; } }
// We still want this particle
return true; }
inline bool CClient_Precipitation::SimulateSnow( CPrecipitationParticle* pParticle, float dt ) { if ( IsInAir( pParticle->m_Pos ) ) { // Update position
VectorMA( pParticle->m_Pos, dt, pParticle->m_Velocity, pParticle->m_Pos );
// wind blows rain around
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { if ( pParticle->m_Velocity[i] < s_WindVector[i] ) { pParticle->m_Velocity[i] += ( 5.0f / pParticle->m_Mass );
// accelerating flakes get a trail
pParticle->m_Ramp = 0.5f;
// clamp
if ( pParticle->m_Velocity[i] > s_WindVector[i] ) pParticle->m_Velocity[i] = s_WindVector[i]; } else if (pParticle->m_Velocity[i] > s_WindVector[i] ) { pParticle->m_Velocity[i] -= ( 5.0f / pParticle->m_Mass );
// accelerating flakes get a trail
pParticle->m_Ramp = 0.5f;
// clamp.
if ( pParticle->m_Velocity[i] < s_WindVector[i] ) pParticle->m_Velocity[i] = s_WindVector[i]; } }
return true; }
// Kill the particle immediately!
return false; }
void CClient_Precipitation::Simulate( float dt ) { if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLERAIN || m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLEASH || m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLERAINSTORM || m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLESNOW ) { CreateParticlePrecip(); return; }
// NOTE: When client-side prechaching works, we need to remove this
m_flHalfScreenWidth = (float)ScreenWidth() / 2;
// Our sim methods needs dt and wind vector
if ( dt ) { ComputeWindVector( ); }
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_ASH ) { CreateAshParticle(); return; }
// The snow fall manager handles the simulation.
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOWFALL ) return;
// calculate the max amount of time it will take this flake to fall.
// This works if we assume the wind doesn't have a z component
if ( r_RainHack.GetInt() ) m_Lifetime = (GetClientWorldEntity()->m_WorldMaxs[2] - GetClientWorldEntity()->m_WorldMins[2]) / m_Speed; else m_Lifetime = (WorldAlignMaxs()[2] - WorldAlignMins()[2]) / m_Speed;
if ( !r_RainSimulate.GetInt() ) return;
CFastTimer timer; timer.Start();
// Emit new particles
EmitParticles( dt );
// Simulate all the particles.
int iNext; if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_RAIN ) { for ( int i=m_Particles.Head(); i != m_Particles.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext ) { iNext = m_Particles.Next( i ); if ( !SimulateRain( &m_Particles[i], dt ) ) m_Particles.Remove( i ); } } else if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOW ) { for ( int i=m_Particles.Head(); i != m_Particles.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext ) { iNext = m_Particles.Next( i ); if ( !SimulateSnow( &m_Particles[i], dt ) ) m_Particles.Remove( i ); } }
if ( r_RainProfile.GetInt() ) { timer.End(); engine->Con_NPrintf( 15, "Rain simulation: %du (%d tracers)", timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds(), m_Particles.Count() ); } }
// tracer rendering
inline void CClient_Precipitation::RenderParticle( CPrecipitationParticle* pParticle, CMeshBuilder &mb ) { float scale; Vector start, delta;
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_ASH ) return;
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOWFALL ) return;
// make streaks 0.1 seconds long, but prevent from going past end
float lifetimeRemaining = GetRemainingLifetime( pParticle ); if (lifetimeRemaining >= GetLength()) scale = GetLength() * pParticle->m_Ramp; else scale = lifetimeRemaining * pParticle->m_Ramp; // NOTE: We need to do everything in screen space
Vector3DMultiplyPosition( CurrentWorldToViewMatrix(), pParticle->m_Pos, start ); if ( start.z > -1 ) return;
Vector3DMultiply( CurrentWorldToViewMatrix(), pParticle->m_Velocity, delta );
// give a spiraling pattern to snow particles
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOW ) { Vector spiral, camSpiral; float s, c;
if ( pParticle->m_Mass > 1.0f ) { SinCos( gpGlobals->curtime * M_PI * (1+pParticle->m_Mass * 0.1f) + pParticle->m_Mass * 5.0f, &s , &c );
// only spiral particles with a mass > 1, so some fall straight down
spiral[0] = 28 * c; spiral[1] = 28 * s; spiral[2] = 0.0f;
Vector3DMultiply( CurrentWorldToViewMatrix(), spiral, camSpiral );
// X and Y are measured in world space; need to convert to camera space
VectorAdd( start, camSpiral, start ); VectorAdd( delta, camSpiral, delta ); }
// shrink the trails on spiraling flakes.
pParticle->m_Ramp = 0.3f; }
delta[0] *= scale; delta[1] *= scale; delta[2] *= scale;
// See c_tracer.* for this method
float flAlpha = r_rainalpha.GetFloat(); float flWidth = GetWidth();
float flScreenSpaceWidth = flWidth * m_flHalfScreenWidth / -start.z; if ( flScreenSpaceWidth < MIN_SCREENSPACE_RAIN_WIDTH ) { // Make the rain tracer at least the min size, but fade its alpha the smaller it gets.
flAlpha *= flScreenSpaceWidth / MIN_SCREENSPACE_RAIN_WIDTH; flWidth = MIN_SCREENSPACE_RAIN_WIDTH * -start.z / m_flHalfScreenWidth; } flAlpha = pow( flAlpha, r_rainalphapow.GetFloat() );
float flColor[4] = { 1, 1, 1, flAlpha }; Tracer_Draw( &mb, start, delta, flWidth, flColor, 1 ); }
void CClient_Precipitation::CreateWaterSplashes() { for ( int i=0; i < m_Splashes.Count(); i++ ) { Vector vSplash = m_Splashes[i]; if ( CurrentViewForward().Dot( vSplash - CurrentViewOrigin() ) > 1 ) { FX_WaterRipple( vSplash, g_flSplashScale, &g_vSplashColor, g_flSplashLifetime, g_flSplashAlpha ); } } m_Splashes.Purge(); }
void CClient_Precipitation::Render() { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); int nSlot = GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(); if ( !r_DrawRain.GetInt() ) return;
// Don't render in monitors or in reflections or refractions.
if ( CurrentViewID() == VIEW_MONITOR ) return;
if ( view->GetDrawFlags() & (DF_RENDER_REFLECTION | DF_RENDER_REFRACTION) ) return;
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_ASH ) return;
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOWFALL ) return;
// Create any queued up water splashes.
CFastTimer timer; timer.Start();
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // We want to do our calculations in view space.
VMatrix tempView; pRenderContext->GetMatrix( MATERIAL_VIEW, &tempView ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity();
// Force the user clip planes to use the old view matrix
pRenderContext->EnableUserClipTransformOverride( true ); pRenderContext->UserClipTransform( tempView );
// Draw all the rain tracers.
pRenderContext->Bind( m_MatHandle ); IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh(); if ( pMesh ) { CMeshBuilder mb; mb.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, m_Particles.Count() );
for ( int i=m_Particles.Head(); i != m_Particles.InvalidIndex(); i=m_Particles.Next( i ) ) { CPrecipitationParticle *p = &m_Particles[i]; if ( p->m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot != nSlot ) continue; RenderParticle( p, mb ); }
mb.End( false, true ); }
pRenderContext->EnableUserClipTransformOverride( false ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->LoadMatrix( tempView );
if ( r_RainProfile.GetInt() ) { timer.End(); engine->Con_NPrintf( 16, "Rain render : %du", timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds() ); } }
// Constructor, destructor
CClient_Precipitation::CClient_Precipitation() : m_Remainder(0.0f) { m_nPrecipType = PRECIPITATION_TYPE_RAIN; m_MatHandle = INVALID_MATERIAL_HANDLE; m_flHalfScreenWidth = 1; for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++i ) { m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[ i ] = NULL; m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[ i ] = NULL; m_pParticlePrecipOuter[ i ] = NULL; m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter[ i ] = false; }
g_Precipitations.AddToTail( this ); }
CClient_Precipitation::~CClient_Precipitation() { g_Precipitations.FindAndRemove( this ); SnowFallManagerDestroy(); }
// Precache data
#define SNOW_SPEED 80.0f
#define RAIN_SPEED 425.0f
#define RAIN_TRACER_WIDTH 0.35f
#define SNOW_TRACER_WIDTH 0.7f
void CClient_Precipitation::Precache( ) { if ( !m_MatHandle ) { // Compute precipitation emission speed
switch( m_nPrecipType ) { case PRECIPITATION_TYPE_SNOW: m_Speed = SNOW_SPEED; m_MatHandle = materials->FindMaterial( "particle/snow", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ); m_InitialRamp = 0.6f; m_Width = SNOW_TRACER_WIDTH; break;
case PRECIPITATION_TYPE_RAIN: Assert( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_RAIN ); m_Speed = RAIN_SPEED; m_MatHandle = materials->FindMaterial( "particle/rain", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ); m_InitialRamp = 1.0f; m_Color[3] = 1.0f; // make translucent
m_Width = RAIN_TRACER_WIDTH; break; default: m_InitialRamp = 1.0f; m_Color[3] = 1.0f; // make translucent
break; }
// Store off the color
m_Color[0] = 1.0f; m_Color[1] = 1.0f; m_Color[2] = 1.0f; } }
// Gets the tracer width and speed
inline float CClient_Precipitation::GetWidth() const { // return m_Width;
return s_rainwidth.GetFloat(); }
inline float CClient_Precipitation::GetLength() const { // return m_Length;
return s_rainlength.GetFloat(); }
inline float CClient_Precipitation::GetSpeed() const { // return m_Speed;
return s_rainspeed.GetFloat(); }
// Gets the remaining lifetime of the particle
inline float CClient_Precipitation::GetRemainingLifetime( CPrecipitationParticle* pParticle ) const { float timeSinceSpawn = gpGlobals->curtime - pParticle->m_SpawnTime; return pParticle->m_flMaxLifetime - timeSinceSpawn; // TERROR: use per-particle lifetime not dependent on func_precipitation lower bound
// Creates a particle
inline CPrecipitationParticle* CClient_Precipitation::CreateParticle() { int i = m_Particles.AddToTail(); CPrecipitationParticle* pParticle = &m_Particles[i];
pParticle->m_SpawnTime = gpGlobals->curtime; pParticle->m_Ramp = m_InitialRamp;
return pParticle; }
// Compute the emission area
bool CClient_Precipitation::ComputeEmissionArea( Vector& origin, Vector2D& size, C_BaseCombatCharacter *pCharacter ) { // calculate a volume around the player to snow in. Intersect this big magic
// box around the player with the volume of the current environmental ent.
if ( !pCharacter ) return false;
// FIXME: Compute the precipitation area based on computational power
float emissionSize = r_RainRadius.GetFloat(); // size of box to emit particles in
Vector vMins = WorldAlignMins(); Vector vMaxs = WorldAlignMaxs(); if ( r_RainHack.GetInt() ) { vMins = GetClientWorldEntity()->m_WorldMins; vMaxs = GetClientWorldEntity()->m_WorldMaxs; }
// Determine how much time it'll take a falling particle to hit the player
float emissionHeight = MIN( vMaxs[2], pCharacter->GetAbsOrigin()[2] + 512 ); float distToFall = emissionHeight - pCharacter->GetAbsOrigin()[2]; float fallTime = distToFall / GetSpeed(); // Based on the windspeed, figure out the center point of the emission
Vector2D center; center[0] = pCharacter->GetAbsOrigin()[0] - fallTime * s_WindVector[0]; center[1] = pCharacter->GetAbsOrigin()[1] - fallTime * s_WindVector[1];
Vector2D lobound, hibound; lobound[0] = center[0] - emissionSize * 0.5f; lobound[1] = center[1] - emissionSize * 0.5f; hibound[0] = lobound[0] + emissionSize; hibound[1] = lobound[1] + emissionSize;
// Cull non-intersecting.
if ( ( vMaxs[0] < lobound[0] ) || ( vMaxs[1] < lobound[1] ) || ( vMins[0] > hibound[0] ) || ( vMins[1] > hibound[1] ) ) return false;
origin[0] = MAX( vMins[0], lobound[0] ); origin[1] = MAX( vMins[1], lobound[1] ); origin[2] = emissionHeight;
hibound[0] = MIN( vMaxs[0], hibound[0] ); hibound[1] = MIN( vMaxs[1], hibound[1] );
size[0] = hibound[0] - origin[0]; size[1] = hibound[1] - origin[1];
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pDebugName -
// Output : AshDebrisEffect*
AshDebrisEffect* AshDebrisEffect::Create( const char *pDebugName ) { return new AshDebrisEffect( pDebugName ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pParticle -
// timeDelta -
// Output : float
float AshDebrisEffect::UpdateAlpha( const SimpleParticle *pParticle ) { return ( ((float)pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha/255.0f) * sin( M_PI * (pParticle->m_flLifetime / pParticle->m_flDieTime) ) ); }
float AshDebrisEffect::UpdateRoll( SimpleParticle *pParticle, float timeDelta ) { float flRoll = CSimpleEmitter::UpdateRoll(pParticle, timeDelta );
if ( pParticle->m_iFlags & ASH_PARTICLE_NOISE ) { Vector vTempEntVel = pParticle->m_vecVelocity; float fastFreq = gpGlobals->curtime * 1.5;
float s, c; SinCos( fastFreq, &s, &c );
pParticle->m_Pos = ( pParticle->m_Pos + Vector( vTempEntVel[0] * timeDelta * s, vTempEntVel[1] * timeDelta * s, 0 ) ); }
return flRoll; }
void CClient_Precipitation::CreateAshParticle( void ) { FOR_EACH_VALID_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER( hh ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( hh ); // Make sure the emitter is setup
if ( m_Ash[ hh ].m_pAshEmitter == NULL ) { if ( ( m_Ash[ hh ].m_pAshEmitter = AshDebrisEffect::Create( "ashtray" ) ) == NULL ) continue;
m_Ash[ hh ].m_tAshParticleTimer.Init( 192 ); m_Ash[ hh ].m_tAshParticleTraceTimer.Init( 15 ); m_Ash[ hh ].m_bActiveAshEmitter = false; m_Ash[ hh ].m_iAshCount = 0; m_Ash[ hh ].m_pAshEmitter->SetShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( hh ); }
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pPlayer == NULL ) continue;
Vector vForward; pPlayer->GetVectors( &vForward, NULL, NULL ); vForward.z = 0.0f;
float curTime = gpGlobals->frametime;
Vector vPushOrigin;
Vector absmins = WorldAlignMins(); Vector absmaxs = WorldAlignMaxs();
//15 Traces a second.
while ( m_Ash[ hh ].m_tAshParticleTraceTimer.NextEvent( curTime ) ) { trace_t tr;
Vector vTraceStart = pPlayer->EyePosition(); Vector vTraceEnd = pPlayer->EyePosition() + vForward * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
UTIL_TraceLine( vTraceStart, vTraceEnd, MASK_SHOT_HULL & (~CONTENTS_GRATE), pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); //UTIL_TraceModel( vTraceStart, vTraceEnd, Vector( -1, -1, -1 ), Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
//debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vTraceStart, tr.endpos, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2 );
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f ) { trace_t tr2;
UTIL_TraceModel( vTraceStart, tr.endpos, Vector( -1, -1, -1 ), Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr2 );
if ( tr2.m_pEnt == this ) { m_Ash[ hh ].m_bActiveAshEmitter = true;
if ( tr2.startsolid == false ) { m_Ash[ hh ].m_vAshSpawnOrigin = tr2.endpos + vForward * 256; } else { m_Ash[ hh ].m_vAshSpawnOrigin = vTraceStart; } } else { m_Ash[ hh ].m_bActiveAshEmitter = false; } } }
if ( m_Ash[ hh ].m_bActiveAshEmitter == false ) continue;
Vector vecVelocity = pPlayer->GetAbsVelocity();
float flVelocity = VectorNormalize( vecVelocity ); Vector offset = m_Ash[ hh ].m_vAshSpawnOrigin;
m_Ash[ hh ].m_pAshEmitter->SetSortOrigin( offset );
PMaterialHandle hMaterial[4]; hMaterial[0] = ParticleMgr()->GetPMaterial( "effects/fleck_ash1" ); hMaterial[1] = ParticleMgr()->GetPMaterial( "effects/fleck_ash2" ); hMaterial[2] = ParticleMgr()->GetPMaterial( "effects/fleck_ash3" ); hMaterial[3] = ParticleMgr()->GetPMaterial( "effects/ember_swirling001" );
SimpleParticle *pParticle;
Vector vSpawnOrigin = vec3_origin;
if ( flVelocity > 0 ) { vSpawnOrigin = ( vForward * 256 ) + ( vecVelocity * ( flVelocity * 2 ) ); }
// Add as many particles as we need
while ( m_Ash[ hh ].m_tAshParticleTimer.NextEvent( curTime ) ) { int iRandomAltitude = RandomInt( 0, 128 );
offset = m_Ash[ hh ].m_vAshSpawnOrigin + vSpawnOrigin + RandomVector( -256, 256 ); offset.z = m_Ash[ hh ].m_vAshSpawnOrigin.z + iRandomAltitude;
if ( offset[0] > absmaxs[0] || offset[1] > absmaxs[1] || offset[2] > absmaxs[2] || offset[0] < absmins[0] || offset[1] < absmins[1] || offset[2] < absmins[2] ) continue;
m_Ash[ hh ].m_iAshCount++;
bool bEmberTime = false; if ( m_Ash[ hh ].m_iAshCount >= 250 ) { bEmberTime = true; m_Ash[ hh ].m_iAshCount = 0; }
int iRandom = random->RandomInt(0,2);
if ( bEmberTime == true ) { offset = m_Ash[ hh ].m_vAshSpawnOrigin + (vForward * 256) + RandomVector( -128, 128 ); offset.z = pPlayer->EyePosition().z + RandomFloat( -16, 64 );
iRandom = 3; }
pParticle = (SimpleParticle *)m_Ash[ hh ].m_pAshEmitter->AddParticle( sizeof(SimpleParticle), hMaterial[iRandom], offset );
if (pParticle == NULL) continue;
pParticle->m_flLifetime = 0.0f; pParticle->m_flDieTime = RemapVal( iRandomAltitude, 0, 128, 4, 8 );
if ( bEmberTime == true ) { Vector vGoal = pPlayer->EyePosition() + RandomVector( -64, 64 ); Vector vDir = vGoal - offset; VectorNormalize( vDir );
pParticle->m_vecVelocity = vDir * 75; pParticle->m_flDieTime = 2.5f; } else { pParticle->m_vecVelocity = Vector( RandomFloat( -20.0f, 20.0f ), RandomFloat( -20.0f, 20.0f ), RandomFloat( -10, -15 ) ); }
float color = random->RandomInt( 125, 225 ); pParticle->m_uchColor[0] = color; pParticle->m_uchColor[1] = color; pParticle->m_uchColor[2] = color;
pParticle->m_uchStartSize = 1; pParticle->m_uchEndSize = 1.5;
pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha = 255;
pParticle->m_flRoll = random->RandomInt( 0, 360 ); pParticle->m_flRollDelta = random->RandomFloat( -0.15f, 0.15f );
if ( random->RandomInt( 0, 10 ) <= 1 ) { pParticle->m_iFlags |= ASH_PARTICLE_NOISE; } } } }
void CClient_Precipitation::CreateParticlePrecip( void ) { if ( !r_RainAllowInSplitScreen.GetBool() && engine->IsSplitScreenActive() ) { FOR_EACH_VALID_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER( hh ) { if ( m_pParticlePrecipOuter[hh] != NULL ) { DestroyInnerParticlePrecip( hh ); DestroyOuterParticlePrecip( hh ); } } return; }
if ( !m_bParticlePrecipInitialized ) { InitializeParticlePrecip(); }
#ifdef CSTRIKE15
C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = GetLocalOrInEyeCSPlayer(); #else
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); #endif
if ( pPlayer == NULL ) continue;
// Make sure the emitter is setup
if ( !m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter[hh] ) { //Update 8 times per second.
m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer[hh].Init( 8 ); DestroyInnerParticlePrecip( hh ); DestroyOuterParticlePrecip( hh ); m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter[hh] = true; }
UpdateParticlePrecip( pPlayer, hh ); } }
void CClient_Precipitation::UpdateParticlePrecip( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer, int nSlot ) { if ( !pPlayer ) return;
Vector vForward; Vector vRight;
vForward[PITCH] = 0; vForward[YAW] = ASWInput()->ASW_GetCameraPitch(); vForward[ROLL] = -ASWInput()->ASW_GetCameraYaw(); vForward.NormalizeInPlace(); #else
pPlayer->GetVectors( &vForward, &vRight, NULL ); vForward.z = 0.0f; vForward.NormalizeInPlace(); Vector vForward45Right = vForward + vRight; Vector vForward45Left = vForward - vRight; vForward45Right.NormalizeInPlace(); vForward45Left.NormalizeInPlace(); fltx4 TMax = ReplicateX4( 320.0f ); SubFloat( TMax, 3 ) = FLT_MAX; #endif
float curTime = gpGlobals->frametime;
while ( m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer[nSlot].NextEvent( curTime ) ) { #ifdef INFESTED_DLL
Vector vPlayerPos = MainViewOrigin( nSlot ); Vector vOffsetPos = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 4 ); Vector vOffsetPosNear = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 4 ) + ( vForward * 32 ); Vector vOffsetPosFar = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 4 ) + ( vForward * 100 ); Vector vDensity = Vector( r_RainParticleDensity.GetFloat(), (float)m_nSnowDustAmount/100.0f, 0 ) * m_flDensity;
RayTracingEnvironment *RtEnv = g_RayTraceEnvironments.Element( 0 );
bool bInside = !engine->CullBox( RtEnv->m_MinBound, RtEnv->m_MaxBound ); bool bNearby = false; #else
Vector vPlayerPos = pPlayer->EyePosition(); Vector vOffsetPos = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 180 ); Vector vOffsetPosNear = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 180 ) + ( vForward * 32 ); Vector vOffsetPosFar = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 180 ) + ( vForward * 100 );
Vector vDensity = Vector( r_RainParticleDensity.GetFloat(), 0, 0 ) * m_flDensity;
// Get the rain volume Ray Tracing Environment. Currently hard coded to 0, should have this lookup
RayTracingEnvironment *RtEnv = g_RayTraceEnvironments.Element( 0 );
// Our 4 Rays are forward, off to the left and right, and directly up.
// Use the first three to determine if there's generally visible rain where we're looking.
// The forth, straight up, tells us if we're standing inside a rain volume
// (based on the normal that we hit or if we miss entirely)
FourRays frRays; FourVectors fvDirection; fvDirection = FourVectors( vForward, vForward45Left, vForward45Right, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) ); frRays.direction = fvDirection; frRays.origin.DuplicateVector( vPlayerPos ); RayTracingResult Result;
RtEnv->Trace4Rays( frRays, Four_Zeros, TMax, &Result );
i32x4 in4HitIds = LoadAlignedIntSIMD( Result.HitIds ); fltx4 fl4HitIds = SignedIntConvertToFltSIMD ( in4HitIds );
fltx4 fl4Tolerance = ReplicateX4( 300.0f ); // ignore upwards test for tolerance, as we may be below an area which is raining, but with it not visible in front of us
//SubFloat( fl4Tolerance, 3 ) = 0.0f;
bool bInside = ( Result.HitIds[3] != -1 && Result.surface_normal.Vec( 3 ).z < 0.0f ); bool bNearby = ( IsAnyTrue( CmpGeSIMD ( fl4HitIds, Four_Zeros ) ) && IsAnyTrue( CmpGeSIMD( fl4Tolerance, Result.HitDistance ) ) ); #endif
if ( bInside || bNearby ) { #ifdef INFESTED_DLL
//debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(vPlayerPos, Vector( -12, -12, -12 ), Vector( 12, 12, 12 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 255, 0, 0, 32, 0.2f );
//debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(vOffsetPosNear, Vector( -10, -10, -10 ), Vector( 10, 10, 10 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 255, 0, 32, 0.2f );
//debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(vOffsetPosFar, Vector( -5, -5, -5 ), Vector( 5, 5, 5 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 0, 255, 32, 0.2f );
// Update if we've already got systems, otherwise, create them.
if ( m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot] != NULL && m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot] != NULL && m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] != NULL ) { m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPos ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPosNear ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPosFar ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); } else { DispatchInnerParticlePrecip( nSlot, pPlayer, vForward ); } #else
//We can see a rain volume, but it's farther than 180 units away, only use far effect.
if ( !bInside && SubFloat( FindLowestSIMD3( Result.HitDistance ), 0 ) >= m_flParticleInnerDist ) { // Kill the inner rain if it's previously been in use
if ( m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot] != NULL ) { DestroyInnerParticlePrecip( nSlot ); } // Update if we've already got systems, otherwise, create them.
if ( m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] != NULL ) { m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPos ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); } else { DispatchOuterParticlePrecip( nSlot, pPlayer, vForward ); } } else //We're close enough to use the near effect.
{ // Update if we've already got systems, otherwise, create them.
if ( m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot] != NULL && m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot] != NULL && m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] != NULL ) { m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPos ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPosNear ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPosFar ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); } else { DispatchInnerParticlePrecip( nSlot, pPlayer, vForward ); } } #endif
} else // No rain in the area, kill any leftover systems.
{ DestroyInnerParticlePrecip( nSlot ); DestroyOuterParticlePrecip( nSlot ); } } }
void CClient_Precipitation::InitializeParticlePrecip( void ) { //Set up which type of precipitation particle we'll use
if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLEASH ) { m_pParticleInnerNearDef = "ash"; m_pParticleInnerFarDef = "ash"; m_pParticleOuterDef = "ash_outer"; m_flParticleInnerDist = 280.0; } else if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLESNOW ) { #ifdef INFESTED_DLL
m_pParticleInnerNearDef = "asw_snow"; m_pParticleInnerFarDef = "asw_snow"; m_pParticleOuterDef = "asw_snow_outer"; m_flParticleInnerDist = 240.0; #else
m_pParticleInnerNearDef = "snow"; m_pParticleInnerFarDef = "snow"; m_pParticleOuterDef = "snow_outer"; m_flParticleInnerDist = 280.0; #endif
} else if ( m_nPrecipType == PRECIPITATION_TYPE_PARTICLERAINSTORM ) { m_pParticleInnerNearDef = "rain_storm"; m_pParticleInnerFarDef = "rain_storm_screen"; m_pParticleOuterDef = "rain_storm_outer"; m_flParticleInnerDist = 0.0; } else //default to rain
{ m_pParticleInnerNearDef = "rain"; m_pParticleInnerFarDef = "rain"; m_pParticleOuterDef = "rain_outer"; m_flParticleInnerDist = 180.0; }
Assert( m_pParticleInnerFarDef != NULL );
//We'll want to change this if/when we add more raytrace environments.
// Sets up ray tracing environments for all func_precipitations and func_precipitation_blockers
RayTracingEnvironment *rtEnvRainEmission = new RayTracingEnvironment(); g_RayTraceEnvironments.AddToTail( rtEnvRainEmission ); RayTracingEnvironment *rtEnvRainBlocker = new RayTracingEnvironment(); g_RayTraceEnvironments.AddToTail( rtEnvRainBlocker );
rtEnvRainEmission->Flags |= RTE_FLAGS_DONT_STORE_TRIANGLE_COLORS; // save some ram
rtEnvRainBlocker->Flags |= RTE_FLAGS_DONT_STORE_TRIANGLE_COLORS; // save some ram
int nTriCount = 1; for ( int i=0; i<g_Precipitations.Count(); ++i ) { CClient_Precipitation *volume = g_Precipitations[i];
vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( volume->GetModelIndex() );
if ( !pCollide || pCollide->solidCount <= 0 ) continue;
Vector *outVerts; int vertCount = g_pPhysicsCollision->CreateDebugMesh( pCollide->solids[0], &outVerts );
if ( vertCount ) { for ( int j = 0; j < vertCount; j += 3 ) { rtEnvRainEmission->AddTriangle( nTriCount++, outVerts[j], outVerts[j + 1], outVerts[j + 2], Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ); } } physcollision->DestroyDebugMesh( vertCount, outVerts ); } rtEnvRainEmission->SetupAccelerationStructure();
nTriCount = 1;
for ( int i=0; i<g_PrecipitationBlockers.Count(); ++i ) { C_PrecipitationBlocker *blocker = g_PrecipitationBlockers[i];
vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( blocker->GetModelIndex() );
if ( !pCollide || pCollide->solidCount <= 0 ) continue;
Vector *outVerts; int vertCount = g_pPhysicsCollision->CreateDebugMesh( pCollide->solids[0], &outVerts );
if ( vertCount ) { for ( int j = 0; j < vertCount; j += 3 ) { rtEnvRainBlocker->AddTriangle( nTriCount++, outVerts[j], outVerts[j + 1], outVerts[j + 2], Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ); } } physcollision->DestroyDebugMesh( vertCount, outVerts ); }
m_bParticlePrecipInitialized = true; }
void CClient_Precipitation::DestroyInnerParticlePrecip( int nSlot ) { if ( m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot] != NULL ) { m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->StopEmission(); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot] = NULL; } if ( m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot] != NULL ) { m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->StopEmission(); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot] = NULL; } }
void CClient_Precipitation::DestroyOuterParticlePrecip( int nSlot ) { if ( m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] != NULL ) { m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->StopEmission(); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] = NULL; } }
void CClient_Precipitation::DispatchOuterParticlePrecip( int nSlot, C_BasePlayer *pPlayer, Vector vForward ) { DestroyOuterParticlePrecip( nSlot );
Vector vDensity = Vector( r_RainParticleDensity.GetFloat(), (float)m_nSnowDustAmount/100.0f, 0 ) * m_flDensity; Vector vPlayerPos = MainViewOrigin( nSlot ); #else
Vector vDensity = Vector( r_RainParticleDensity.GetFloat(), 0, 0 ) * m_flDensity; Vector vPlayerPos = pPlayer->EyePosition(); #endif
m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] = ParticleProp()->Create( m_pParticleOuterDef, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPointEntity( 2, pPlayer ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vPlayerPos + Vector (0, 0, 180 ) ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetDrawOnlyForSplitScreenUser( nSlot ); }
void CClient_Precipitation::DispatchInnerParticlePrecip( int nSlot, C_BasePlayer *pPlayer, Vector vForward ) { DestroyInnerParticlePrecip( nSlot ); DestroyOuterParticlePrecip( nSlot ); #ifdef INFESTED_DLL
Vector vPlayerPos = MainViewOrigin( nSlot ); Vector vOffsetPos = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 64 ); Vector vOffsetPosNear = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 64 ) + ( vForward * 32 ); Vector vOffsetPosFar = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 64 ) + ( vForward * m_flParticleInnerDist ); Vector vDensity = Vector( r_RainParticleDensity.GetFloat(), (float)m_nSnowDustAmount/100.0f, 0 ) * m_flDensity; #else
Vector vPlayerPos = pPlayer->EyePosition(); Vector vOffsetPos = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 180 ); Vector vOffsetPosNear = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 180 ) + ( vForward * 32 ); Vector vOffsetPosFar = vPlayerPos + Vector ( 0, 0, 180 ) + ( vForward * m_flParticleInnerDist ); // 100.0
Vector vDensity = Vector( r_RainParticleDensity.GetFloat(), 0, 0 ) * m_flDensity; #endif
m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot] = ParticleProp()->Create( m_pParticleOuterDef, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot] = ParticleProp()->Create( m_pParticleInnerNearDef, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot] = ParticleProp()->Create( m_pParticleInnerFarDef, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPointEntity( 2, pPlayer ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPointEntity( 2, pPlayer ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPointEntity( 2, pPlayer ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPos ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPosNear ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 1, vOffsetPosFar ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetControlPoint( 3, vDensity ); m_pParticlePrecipOuter[nSlot]->SetDrawOnlyForSplitScreenUser( nSlot ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerNear[nSlot]->SetDrawOnlyForSplitScreenUser( nSlot ); m_pParticlePrecipInnerFar[nSlot]->SetDrawOnlyForSplitScreenUser( nSlot ); }
// TERROR: adding end pos for lifetime calcs
void CClient_Precipitation::CreateRainOrSnowParticle( const Vector &vSpawnPosition, const Vector &vEndPosition, const Vector &vVelocity ) { // Create the particle
CPrecipitationParticle* p = CreateParticle(); if (!p) return;
VectorCopy( vVelocity, p->m_Velocity ); p->m_Pos = vSpawnPosition;
/* TERROR: moving random velocity out so it can be included in endpos calcs
p->m_Velocity[ 0 ] += random->RandomFloat(-r_RainSideVel.GetInt(), r_RainSideVel.GetInt()); p->m_Velocity[ 1 ] += random->RandomFloat(-r_RainSideVel.GetInt(), r_RainSideVel.GetInt()); */
p->m_Mass = random->RandomFloat( 0.5, 1.5 );
p->m_flMaxLifetime = fabs((vSpawnPosition.z - vEndPosition.z) / vVelocity.z); }
// emit the precipitation particles
void CClient_Precipitation::EmitParticles( float fTimeDelta ) { Vector2D size; Vector vel, org;
C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = GetLocalOrInEyeCSPlayer(); #else
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); #endif
if ( !pPlayer ) continue; Vector vPlayerCenter = pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter();
// Compute where to emit
if (!ComputeEmissionArea( org, size, pPlayer )) continue;
// clamp this to prevent creating a bunch of rain or snow at one time.
if( fTimeDelta > 0.075f ) fTimeDelta = 0.075f;
// FIXME: Compute the precipitation density based on computational power
float density = m_flDensity * 0.001;
if (density > 0.01f) density = 0.01f;
// Compute number of particles to emit based on precip density and emission area and dt
float fParticles = size[0] * size[1] * density * fTimeDelta + m_Remainder; int cParticles = (int)fParticles; m_Remainder = fParticles - cParticles;
// calculate the max amount of time it will take this flake to fall.
// This works if we assume the wind doesn't have a z component
VectorCopy( s_WindVector, vel ); vel[2] -= GetSpeed();
// Emit all the particles
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cParticles ; i++ ) { // TERROR: moving random velocity out so it can be included in endpos calcs
Vector vParticleVel = vel; vParticleVel[ 0 ] += random->RandomFloat(-r_RainSideVel.GetInt(), r_RainSideVel.GetInt()); vParticleVel[ 1 ] += random->RandomFloat(-r_RainSideVel.GetInt(), r_RainSideVel.GetInt());
Vector vParticlePos = org; vParticlePos[ 0 ] += size[ 0 ] * random->RandomFloat(0, 1); vParticlePos[ 1 ] += size[ 1 ] * random->RandomFloat(0, 1);
// Figure out where the particle should lie in Z by tracing a line from the player's height up to the
// desired height and making sure it doesn't hit a wall.
Vector vPlayerHeight = vParticlePos; vPlayerHeight.z = vPlayerCenter.z;
if ( ParticleIsBlocked( vPlayerHeight, vParticlePos ) ) { if ( r_RainDebugDuration.GetBool() ) { debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vPlayerHeight, vParticlePos, 255, 0, 0, false, r_RainDebugDuration.GetFloat() ); } continue; }
Vector vUnitParticleVel = vParticleVel; float fallHeight = vParticlePos.z - vPlayerHeight.z; vUnitParticleVel /= fallHeight; vPlayerHeight.x += vUnitParticleVel.x * fallHeight; vPlayerHeight.y += vUnitParticleVel.y * fallHeight;
trace_t trace; UTIL_TraceLine( vPlayerHeight, vParticlePos, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace ); if ( trace.fraction < 1 ) { // If we hit a brush, then don't spawn the particle.
if ( trace.surface.flags & SURF_SKY ) { vParticlePos = trace.endpos; if ( r_RainDebugDuration.GetBool() ) { debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vPlayerHeight, trace.endpos, 0, 0, 255, false, r_RainDebugDuration.GetFloat() ); } } else { if ( r_RainDebugDuration.GetBool() ) { debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vPlayerHeight, trace.endpos, 255, 0, 0, false, r_RainDebugDuration.GetFloat() ); } continue; } }
// TERROR: Find an endpos
Vector vParticleEndPos( vPlayerHeight ); //vParticleEndPos.z -= 256.0f;
//UTIL_TraceLine( vPlayerHeight, vParticleEndPos, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );
//vParticleEndPos = trace.endpos;
if ( r_RainDebugDuration.GetBool() ) { debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vParticlePos, vParticleEndPos, 0, 255, 0, true, r_RainDebugDuration.GetFloat() ); }
CreateRainOrSnowParticle( vParticlePos, vParticleEndPos, vParticleVel ); } } }
// Computes the wind vector
void CClient_Precipitation::ComputeWindVector( ) { // Compute the wind direction
QAngle windangle( 0, cl_winddir.GetFloat(), 0 ); // used to turn wind yaw direction into a vector
// Randomize the wind angle and speed slightly to get us a little variation
windangle[1] = windangle[1] + random->RandomFloat( -10, 10 ); float windspeed = cl_windspeed.GetFloat() * (1.0 + random->RandomFloat( -0.2, 0.2 ));
AngleVectors( windangle, &s_WindVector ); VectorScale( s_WindVector, windspeed, s_WindVector ); }
CHandle<CClient_Precipitation> g_pPrecipHackEnt;
class CPrecipHack : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame { public: explicit CPrecipHack( char const *name ) : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( name ) { m_bLevelInitted = false; }
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity() { if ( r_RainHack.GetInt() ) { CClient_Precipitation *pPrecipHackEnt = new CClient_Precipitation; pPrecipHackEnt->InitializeAsClientEntity( NULL, false ); g_pPrecipHackEnt = pPrecipHackEnt; } m_bLevelInitted = true; } virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity() { if ( r_RainHack.GetInt() && g_pPrecipHackEnt ) { UTIL_Remove( g_pPrecipHackEnt ); } m_bLevelInitted = false; }
virtual void Update( float frametime ) { // Handle changes to the cvar at runtime.
if ( m_bLevelInitted ) { if ( r_RainHack.GetInt() && !g_pPrecipHackEnt ) LevelInitPostEntity(); else if ( !r_RainHack.GetInt() && g_pPrecipHackEnt ) LevelShutdownPreEntity(); } }
bool m_bLevelInitted; }; CPrecipHack g_PrecipHack( "CPrecipHack" );
// EnvWind - global wind info
class C_EnvWind : public C_BaseEntity { public: C_EnvWind();
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ) { return false; }
virtual void ClientThink( );
private: C_EnvWind( const C_EnvWind & );
CEnvWindShared m_EnvWindShared; };
// Receive datatables
BEGIN_RECV_TABLE_NOBASE(CEnvWindShared, DT_EnvWindShared) RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iMinWind)), RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iMaxWind)), RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iMinGust)), RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iMaxGust)), RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flMinGustDelay)), RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flMaxGustDelay)), RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iGustDirChange)), RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iWindSeed)), RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iInitialWindDir)), RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flInitialWindSpeed)), RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flStartTime)), RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flGustDuration)), // RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iszGustSound)),
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_EnvWind, DT_EnvWind, CEnvWind ) RecvPropDataTable(RECVINFO_DT(m_EnvWindShared), 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE(DT_EnvWindShared)), END_RECV_TABLE()
C_EnvWind::C_EnvWind() { }
// Post data update!
void C_EnvWind::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { // Whenever we get an update, reset the entire state.
// Note that the fields have already been stored by the datatables,
// but there's still work to be done in the init block
m_EnvWindShared.Init( entindex(), m_EnvWindShared.m_iWindSeed, m_EnvWindShared.m_flStartTime, m_EnvWindShared.m_iInitialWindDir, m_EnvWindShared.m_flInitialWindSpeed );
BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType ); }
void C_EnvWind::ClientThink( ) { // Update the wind speed
float flNextThink = m_EnvWindShared.WindThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); SetNextClientThink(flNextThink); }
// EmberParticle
class CEmberEmitter : public CSimpleEmitter { public: explicit CEmberEmitter( const char *pDebugName ); static CSmartPtr<CEmberEmitter> Create( const char *pDebugName ); virtual void UpdateVelocity( SimpleParticle *pParticle, float timeDelta ); virtual Vector UpdateColor( const SimpleParticle *pParticle );
private: CEmberEmitter( const CEmberEmitter & ); };
// Purpose:
// Input : fTimeDelta -
// Output : Vector
CEmberEmitter::CEmberEmitter( const char *pDebugName ) : CSimpleEmitter( pDebugName ) { }
CSmartPtr<CEmberEmitter> CEmberEmitter::Create( const char *pDebugName ) { return new CEmberEmitter( pDebugName ); }
void CEmberEmitter::UpdateVelocity( SimpleParticle *pParticle, float timeDelta ) { float speed = VectorNormalize( pParticle->m_vecVelocity ); Vector offset;
speed -= ( 1.0f * timeDelta );
offset.Random( -0.025f, 0.025f ); offset[2] = 0.0f;
pParticle->m_vecVelocity += offset; VectorNormalize( pParticle->m_vecVelocity );
pParticle->m_vecVelocity *= speed; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pParticle -
// timeDelta -
Vector CEmberEmitter::UpdateColor( const SimpleParticle *pParticle ) { Vector color; float ramp = 1.0f - ( pParticle->m_flLifetime / pParticle->m_flDieTime );
color[0] = ( (float) pParticle->m_uchColor[0] * ramp ) / 255.0f; color[1] = ( (float) pParticle->m_uchColor[1] * ramp ) / 255.0f; color[2] = ( (float) pParticle->m_uchColor[2] * ramp ) / 255.0f;
return color; }
// C_Embers
class C_Embers : public C_BaseEntity { public: DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); DECLARE_CLASS( C_Embers, C_BaseEntity );
C_Embers(); ~C_Embers();
void Start( void );
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ); virtual bool Simulate( void );
int m_nDensity; int m_nLifetime; int m_nSpeed; bool m_bEmit;
void SpawnEmber( void );
PMaterialHandle m_hMaterial; TimedEvent m_tParticleSpawn; CSmartPtr<CEmberEmitter> m_pEmitter;
//Receive datatable
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_Embers, DT_Embers, CEmbers ) RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_nDensity ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_nLifetime ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_nSpeed ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_bEmit ) ), END_RECV_TABLE()
// Purpose:
// Input : bnewentity -
C_Embers::C_Embers() { m_pEmitter = CEmberEmitter::Create( "C_Embers" ); AddToEntityList(ENTITY_LIST_SIMULATE); }
C_Embers::~C_Embers() { }
void C_Embers::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType );
if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ) { m_pEmitter->SetSortOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
Start(); } if ( m_bEmit ) { AddToEntityList(ENTITY_LIST_SIMULATE); } }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool C_Embers::ShouldDraw() { return true; }
// Purpose:
void C_Embers::Start( void ) { //Various setup info
m_tParticleSpawn.Init( m_nDensity ); m_hMaterial = m_pEmitter->GetPMaterial( "particle/fire" ); }
// Purpose:
bool C_Embers::Simulate( void ) { if ( m_bEmit == false ) return false;
float tempDelta = gpGlobals->frametime;
while( m_tParticleSpawn.NextEvent( tempDelta ) ) { SpawnEmber(); } return true; }
// Purpose:
void C_Embers::SpawnEmber( void ) { Vector offset, mins, maxs; modelinfo->GetModelBounds( GetModel(), mins, maxs );
//Setup our spawn position
offset[0] = random->RandomFloat( mins[0], maxs[0] ); offset[1] = random->RandomFloat( mins[1], maxs[1] ); offset[2] = random->RandomFloat( mins[2], maxs[2] );
//Spawn the particle
SimpleParticle *sParticle = (SimpleParticle *) m_pEmitter->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), m_hMaterial, offset );
if (sParticle == NULL) return;
float cScale = random->RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.0f );
//Set it up
sParticle->m_flLifetime = 0.0f; sParticle->m_flDieTime = m_nLifetime;
sParticle->m_uchColor[0] = GetRenderColorR() * cScale; sParticle->m_uchColor[1] = GetRenderColorG() * cScale; sParticle->m_uchColor[2] = GetRenderColorB() * cScale; sParticle->m_uchStartAlpha = 255; sParticle->m_uchEndAlpha = 0; sParticle->m_uchStartSize = 1; sParticle->m_uchEndSize = 0; sParticle->m_flRollDelta = 0; sParticle->m_flRoll = 0;
//Set the velocity
Vector velocity;
AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &velocity );
sParticle->m_vecVelocity = velocity * m_nSpeed;
sParticle->m_vecVelocity[0] += random->RandomFloat( -(m_nSpeed/8), (m_nSpeed/8) ); sParticle->m_vecVelocity[1] += random->RandomFloat( -(m_nSpeed/8), (m_nSpeed/8) ); sParticle->m_vecVelocity[2] += random->RandomFloat( -(m_nSpeed/8), (m_nSpeed/8) );
UpdateVisibility(); }
// Quadratic spline beam effect
#include "beamdraw.h"
class C_QuadraticBeam : public C_BaseEntity { public: DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); DECLARE_CLASS( C_QuadraticBeam, C_BaseEntity );
//virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ) { return true; } virtual int DrawModel( int, const RenderableInstance_t &instance );
virtual void GetRenderBounds( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) { ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); AddPointToBounds( vec3_origin, mins, maxs ); AddPointToBounds( m_targetPosition, mins, maxs ); AddPointToBounds( m_controlPosition, mins, maxs ); mins -= GetRenderOrigin(); maxs -= GetRenderOrigin(); }
Vector m_targetPosition; Vector m_controlPosition; float m_scrollRate; float m_flWidth; };
//Receive datatable
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_QuadraticBeam, DT_QuadraticBeam, CEnvQuadraticBeam ) RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_targetPosition) ), RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_controlPosition) ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_scrollRate) ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flWidth) ), END_RECV_TABLE()
Vector Color24ToVector( const color24 &color ) { return Vector( color.r * (1.0/255.0f), color.g * (1.0/255.0f), color.b * (1.0/255.0f) ); }
int C_QuadraticBeam::DrawModel( int, const RenderableInstance_t &instance ) { Draw_SetSpriteTexture( GetModel(), 0, GetRenderMode() ); Vector color = Color24ToVector( GetRenderColor() ); DrawBeamQuadratic( GetRenderOrigin(), m_controlPosition, m_targetPosition, m_flWidth, color, gpGlobals->curtime*m_scrollRate ); return 1; }
class SnowFallEffect : public CSimpleEmitter { public:
explicit SnowFallEffect( const char *pDebugName ) : CSimpleEmitter( pDebugName ) {} static SnowFallEffect* Create( const char *pDebugName ) { return new SnowFallEffect( pDebugName ); }
void UpdateVelocity( SimpleParticle *pParticle, float timeDelta ) { float flSpeed = VectorNormalize( pParticle->m_vecVelocity ); flSpeed -= timeDelta;
int randomVelocityValue = RandomInt( 0, 65536 ); float velX = ((128 - (randomVelocityValue / 256)) / 128.0f) * 0.025f; float velY = ((128 - (randomVelocityValue % 256)) / 128.0f) * 0.025f; VectorNormalize( pParticle->m_vecVelocity );
pParticle->m_vecVelocity.x += velX; pParticle->m_vecVelocity.y += velY;
VectorNormalize( pParticle->m_vecVelocity );
pParticle->m_vecVelocity *= flSpeed;
Vector vecWindVelocity; GetWindspeedAtTime( gpGlobals->curtime, vecWindVelocity ); pParticle->m_vecVelocity += ( vecWindVelocity * r_SnowWindScale.GetFloat() ); }
void SimulateParticles( CParticleSimulateIterator *pIterator ) { float timeDelta = pIterator->GetTimeDelta(); SimpleParticle *pParticle = (SimpleParticle*)pIterator->GetFirst(); while ( pParticle ) { //Update velocity
UpdateVelocity( pParticle, timeDelta ); pParticle->m_Pos += pParticle->m_vecVelocity * timeDelta;
//Should this particle die?
pParticle->m_flLifetime += timeDelta; UpdateRoll( pParticle, timeDelta );
if ( pParticle->m_flLifetime >= pParticle->m_flDieTime ) { pIterator->RemoveParticle( pParticle ); } else if ( !IsInAir( pParticle->m_Pos ) ) { pIterator->RemoveParticle( pParticle ); }
pParticle = (SimpleParticle*)pIterator->GetNext(); } }
int GetParticleCount( void ) { return GetBinding().GetNumActiveParticles(); }
void SetBounds( const Vector &vecMin, const Vector &vecMax ) { GetBinding().SetBBox( vecMin, vecMax, true ); }
RenderableTranslucencyType_t ComputeTranslucencyType( void ) { return RENDERABLE_IS_OPAQUE; }
private: SnowFallEffect( const SnowFallEffect & ); };
class CSnowFallManager : public C_BaseEntity { public:
CSnowFallManager(); ~CSnowFallManager();
bool CreateEmitter( void );
void SpawnClientEntity( void ); void ClientThink();
void AddSnowFallEntity( CClient_Precipitation *pSnowEntity );
// Snow Effect
RenderableTranslucencyType_t ComputeTranslucencyType( void ) { return RENDERABLE_IS_OPAQUE; } void SetSplitScreenPlayerSlot( int nSlot );
private: bool CreateSnowFallEmitter( void ); void CreateSnowFall( void ); void CreateSnowFallParticles( float flCurrentTime, float flRadius, const Vector &vecEyePos, const Vector &vecForward, float flZoomScale, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ); void CreateOutsideVolumeSnowParticles( float flCurrentTime, float flRadius, float flZoomScale, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ); void CreateInsideVolumeSnowParticles( float flCurrentTime, float flRadius, const Vector &vecEyePos, const Vector &vecForward, float flZoomScale, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ); void CreateSnowParticlesSphere( float flRadius, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ); void CreateSnowParticlesRay( float flRadius, const Vector &vecEyePos, const Vector &vecForward, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ); void CreateSnowFallParticle( const Vector &vecParticleSpawn, int iBBox, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer );
int StandingInSnowVolume( Vector &vecPoint ); void FindSnowVolumes( Vector const &vecCenter, float flRadius, Vector const &vecEyePos, Vector const &vecForward );
void UpdateBounds( const Vector &vecSnowMin, const Vector &vecSnowMax );
enum { MAX_SNOW_PARTICLES = 500 }; enum { MAX_SNOW_LIST = 32 };
TimedEvent m_tSnowFallParticleTimer; TimedEvent m_tSnowFallParticleTraceTimer;
int m_iSnowFallArea; CSmartPtr<SnowFallEffect> m_pSnowFallEmitter; Vector m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin; float m_flSnowRadius;
Vector m_vecMin; Vector m_vecMax;
int m_nActiveSnowCount; int m_aActiveSnow[MAX_SNOW_LIST];
bool m_bRayParticles;
struct SnowFall_t { PMaterialHandle m_hMaterial; CClient_Precipitation *m_pEntity; CSmartPtr<SnowFallEffect> m_pEffect; Vector m_vecMin; Vector m_vecMax; };
CUtlVector<SnowFall_t> m_aSnow; int m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot; };
// Purpose:
CSnowFallManager::CSnowFallManager( void ) { m_iSnowFallArea = SNOWFALL_NONE; m_pSnowFallEmitter = NULL; m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin.Init(); m_flSnowRadius = 0.0f; m_vecMin.Init( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX ); m_vecMax.Init( FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN ); m_nActiveSnowCount = 0; m_aSnow.Purge(); m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = -1; }
// Purpose:
CSnowFallManager::~CSnowFallManager( void ) { m_aSnow.Purge(); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CSnowFallManager::CreateEmitter( void ) { return CreateSnowFallEmitter(); }
// Purpose:
void CSnowFallManager::SpawnClientEntity( void ) { m_tSnowFallParticleTimer.Init( 500 ); m_tSnowFallParticleTraceTimer.Init( 6 ); m_iSnowFallArea = SNOWFALL_NONE;
// Have the Snow Fall Manager think for all the snow fall entities.
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CSnowFallManager::CreateSnowFallEmitter( void ) { if ( ( m_pSnowFallEmitter = SnowFallEffect::Create( "snowfall" ) ) == NULL ) return false;
m_pSnowFallEmitter->SetShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot ); return true; }
void CSnowFallManager::SetSplitScreenPlayerSlot( int nSlot ) { m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = nSlot; }
// Purpose:
void CSnowFallManager::ClientThink( void ) { if ( !IsValidSplitScreenSlot( m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot ) ) return;
if ( !r_SnowEnable.GetBool() ) return;
// Make sure we have a snow fall emitter.
if ( !m_pSnowFallEmitter ) { if ( !CreateSnowFallEmitter() ) return; }
CreateSnowFall(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pSnowEntity -
void CSnowFallManager::AddSnowFallEntity( CClient_Precipitation *pSnowEntity ) { if ( !pSnowEntity ) return;
int nSnowCount = m_aSnow.Count(); int iSnow = 0; for ( iSnow = 0; iSnow < nSnowCount; ++iSnow ) { if ( m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity == pSnowEntity ) break; }
if ( iSnow != nSnowCount ) return;
iSnow = m_aSnow.AddToTail(); m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity = pSnowEntity; m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEffect = SnowFallEffect::Create( "snowfall" ); m_aSnow[iSnow].m_hMaterial = ParticleMgr()->GetPMaterial( "particle/snow" );
VectorCopy( pSnowEntity->WorldAlignMins(), m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin ); VectorCopy( pSnowEntity->WorldAlignMaxs(), m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMax );
UpdateBounds( m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin, m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMax ); }
// Purpose:
void CSnowFallManager::UpdateBounds( const Vector &vecSnowMin, const Vector &vecSnowMax ) { int iAxis = 0; for ( iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis ) { if ( vecSnowMin[iAxis] < m_vecMin[iAxis] ) { m_vecMin[iAxis] = vecSnowMin[iAxis]; }
if ( vecSnowMax[iAxis] > m_vecMax[iAxis] ) { m_vecMax[iAxis] = vecSnowMax[iAxis]; } }
Assert( m_pSnowFallEmitter ); m_pSnowFallEmitter->SetBounds( m_vecMin, m_vecMax ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : &vecPoint -
// Output : int
int CSnowFallManager::StandingInSnowVolume( Vector &vecPoint ) { trace_t traceSnow;
int nSnowCount = m_aSnow.Count(); int iSnow = 0; for ( iSnow = 0; iSnow < nSnowCount; ++iSnow ) { UTIL_TraceModel( vecPoint, vecPoint, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, static_cast<C_BaseEntity*>( m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity ), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &traceSnow ); if ( traceSnow.startsolid ) return iSnow; }
return -1; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &vecCenter -
// flRadius -
void CSnowFallManager::FindSnowVolumes( Vector const &vecCenter, float flRadius, Vector const &vecEyePos, Vector const &vecForward ) { // Reset.
m_nActiveSnowCount = 0; m_bRayParticles = false;
int nSnowCount = m_aSnow.Count(); int iSnow = 0; for ( iSnow = 0; iSnow < nSnowCount; ++iSnow ) { // Check to see if the volume is in the PVS.
bool bInPVS = g_pClientLeafSystem->IsRenderableInPVS( m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity->GetClientRenderable() ); if ( !bInPVS ) continue;
// Check to see if a snow volume is inside the given radius.
if ( IsBoxIntersectingSphere( m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin, m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMax, vecCenter, flRadius ) ) { m_aActiveSnow[m_nActiveSnowCount] = iSnow; ++m_nActiveSnowCount; if ( m_nActiveSnowCount >= MAX_SNOW_LIST ) { DevWarning( 1, "Max Active Snow Volume Count!\n" ); break; } } // Check to see if a snow volume is outside of the sphere radius, but is along line-of-sight.
else { CBaseTrace trace; Vector vecNewForward; vecNewForward = vecForward * r_SnowRayLength.GetFloat(); vecNewForward.z = 0.0f; IntersectRayWithBox( vecEyePos, vecNewForward, m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin, m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMax, 0.325f, &trace ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { m_aActiveSnow[m_nActiveSnowCount] = iSnow; ++m_nActiveSnowCount; if ( m_nActiveSnowCount >= MAX_SNOW_LIST ) { DevWarning( 1, "Max Active Snow Volume Count!\n" ); break; }
m_bRayParticles = true; } } }
// Debugging code!
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( r_SnowDebugBox.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) { for ( iSnow = 0; iSnow < m_nActiveSnowCount; ++iSnow ) { Vector vecCenter, vecMin, vecMax; vecCenter = ( m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin, m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMax ) * 0.5; vecMin = m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin - vecCenter; vecMax = m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMax - vecCenter; debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( vecCenter, vecMin, vecMax, QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 200, 0, 0, 25, r_SnowDebugBox.GetFloat() ); } } #endif
// Purpose:
void CSnowFallManager::CreateSnowFall( void ) { #if 1
ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); // Check to see if we have a local player before starting the snow around a local player.
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pPlayer == NULL ) return;
// Get the current frame time.
float flCurrentTime = gpGlobals->frametime;
// Get the players data to determine where the snow emitter should reside.
VectorCopy( pPlayer->EyePosition(), m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin ); Vector vecForward; pPlayer->GetVectors( &vecForward, NULL, NULL ); vecForward.z = 0.0f; Vector vecVelocity = pPlayer->GetAbsVelocity(); float flSpeed = VectorNormalize( vecVelocity ); m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin += ( vecForward * ( 64.0f + ( flSpeed * 0.4f * r_SnowPosScale.GetFloat() ) ) ); m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin += ( vecVelocity * ( flSpeed * 1.25f * r_SnowSpeedScale.GetFloat() ) );
// Check to see if the player is zoomed.
bool bZoomed = ( pPlayer->GetFOV() != pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() ); float flZoomScale = 1.0f; if ( bZoomed ) { flZoomScale = pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() / pPlayer->GetFOV(); flZoomScale *= 0.5f; }
// Time to test for a snow volume yet? (Only do this 6 times a second!)
if ( m_tSnowFallParticleTraceTimer.NextEvent( flCurrentTime ) ) { // Reset the active snow emitter.
m_iSnowFallArea = SNOWFALL_NONE;
// Set the trace start and the emit origin.
Vector vecTraceStart; VectorCopy( pPlayer->EyePosition(), vecTraceStart );
int iSnowVolume = StandingInSnowVolume( vecTraceStart ); if ( iSnowVolume != -1 ) { m_flSnowRadius = r_SnowInsideRadius.GetFloat() + ( flSpeed * 0.5f ); m_iSnowFallArea = SNOWFALL_AROUND_PLAYER; } else { m_flSnowRadius = r_SnowOutsideRadius.GetFloat(); }
float flRadius = m_flSnowRadius; if ( bZoomed ) { if ( m_iSnowFallArea == SNOWFALL_AROUND_PLAYER ) { flRadius = r_SnowOutsideRadius.GetFloat() * flZoomScale; } else { flRadius *= flZoomScale; } }
FindSnowVolumes( m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin, flRadius, pPlayer->EyePosition(), vecForward ); if ( m_nActiveSnowCount != 0 && m_iSnowFallArea != SNOWFALL_AROUND_PLAYER ) { // We found an active snow emitter.
} }
if ( m_iSnowFallArea == SNOWFALL_NONE ) return;
// Set the origin in the snow emitter.
m_pSnowFallEmitter->SetSortOrigin( m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin );
// Create snow fall particles.
CreateSnowFallParticles( flCurrentTime, m_flSnowRadius, pPlayer->EyePosition(), vecForward, flZoomScale, pPlayer ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : flCurrentTime -
// flRadius -
// &vecEyePos -
// &vecForward -
// flZoomScale -
void CSnowFallManager::CreateSnowFallParticles( float flCurrentTime, float flRadius, const Vector &vecEyePos, const Vector &vecForward, float flZoomScale, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ) { const float SnowfallRate = 500.0f; if ( m_nActiveSnowCount > 0 ) { C_BaseEntity *pEntity = m_aSnow[ m_aActiveSnow[0] ].m_pEntity; int density = pEntity->GetRenderAlpha(); density = clamp( density, 0, 100 ); if ( pEntity && density > 0 ) { m_tSnowFallParticleTimer.ResetRate( SnowfallRate * density * 0.01f ); } else { m_tSnowFallParticleTimer.ResetRate( SnowfallRate ); } } else { m_tSnowFallParticleTimer.ResetRate( SnowfallRate ); }
// Outside of a snow volume.
if ( m_iSnowFallArea == SNOWFALL_IN_ENTITY ) { CreateOutsideVolumeSnowParticles( flCurrentTime, flRadius, flZoomScale, pLocalPlayer ); } // Inside of a snow volume.
else { CreateInsideVolumeSnowParticles( flCurrentTime, flRadius, vecEyePos, vecForward, flZoomScale, pLocalPlayer ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : flCurrentTime -
// flRadius -
// flZoomScale -
void CSnowFallManager::CreateOutsideVolumeSnowParticles( float flCurrentTime, float flRadius, float flZoomScale, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ) { Vector vecParticleSpawn;
// Outside of a snow volume.
int iSnow = 0; float flRadiusScaled = flRadius * flZoomScale; float flRadius2 = flRadiusScaled * flRadiusScaled;
// Add as many particles as we need
while ( m_tSnowFallParticleTimer.NextEvent( flCurrentTime ) ) { // Check for a max particle count.
if ( m_pSnowFallEmitter->GetParticleCount() >= r_SnowParticles.GetInt() ) continue;
vecParticleSpawn.x = RandomFloat( m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.x, m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.x ); vecParticleSpawn.y = RandomFloat( m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.y, m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.y ); vecParticleSpawn.z = RandomFloat( m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.z, m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.z );
float flDistance2 = ( m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin - vecParticleSpawn ).LengthSqr(); if ( flDistance2 < flRadius2 ) { CreateSnowFallParticle( vecParticleSpawn, m_aActiveSnow[iSnow], pLocalPlayer ); }
iSnow = ( iSnow + 1 ) % m_nActiveSnowCount; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : flCurrentTime -
// flRadius -
// &vecEyePos -
// &vecForward -
// flZoomScale -
void CSnowFallManager::CreateInsideVolumeSnowParticles( float flCurrentTime, float flRadius, const Vector &vecEyePos, const Vector &vecForward, float flZoomScale, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ) { Vector vecParticleSpawn;
// Check/Setup for zoom.
bool bZoomed = ( flZoomScale > 1.0f ); float flZoomRadius = 0.0f; Vector vecZoomEmitOrigin; if ( bZoomed ) { vecZoomEmitOrigin = m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin + ( vecForward * ( r_SnowZoomOffset.GetFloat() * flZoomScale ) ); flZoomRadius = flRadius * flZoomScale; }
int iIndex = 0;
// Add as many particles as we need
while ( m_tSnowFallParticleTimer.NextEvent( flCurrentTime ) ) { // Check for a max particle count.
if ( m_pSnowFallEmitter->GetParticleCount() >= r_SnowParticles.GetInt() ) continue;
// Create particle inside of sphere.
if ( iIndex > 0 ) { CreateSnowParticlesSphere( flZoomRadius, pLocalPlayer ); CreateSnowParticlesRay( flZoomRadius, vecEyePos, vecForward, pLocalPlayer ); } else { CreateSnowParticlesSphere( flRadius, pLocalPlayer ); CreateSnowParticlesRay( flRadius, vecEyePos, vecForward, pLocalPlayer ); }
// Increment if zoomed.
if ( bZoomed ) { iIndex = ( iIndex + 1 ) % 3; } } }
// Purpose:
// Input : flRadius -
void CSnowFallManager::CreateSnowParticlesSphere( float flRadius, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ) { Vector vecParticleSpawn;
vecParticleSpawn.x = m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin.x + RandomFloat( -flRadius, flRadius ); vecParticleSpawn.y = m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin.y + RandomFloat( -flRadius, flRadius ); vecParticleSpawn.z = m_vecSnowFallEmitOrigin.z + RandomFloat( -flRadius, flRadius );
int iSnow = 0; for ( iSnow = 0; iSnow < m_nActiveSnowCount; ++iSnow ) { if ( ( vecParticleSpawn.x < m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.x ) || ( vecParticleSpawn.x > m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.x ) ) continue; if ( ( vecParticleSpawn.y < m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.y ) || ( vecParticleSpawn.y > m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.y ) ) continue; if ( ( vecParticleSpawn.z < m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.z ) || ( vecParticleSpawn.z > m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.z ) ) continue;
break; }
if ( iSnow == m_nActiveSnowCount ) return;
CreateSnowFallParticle( vecParticleSpawn, m_aActiveSnow[iSnow], pLocalPlayer ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : &vecEyePos -
// &vecForward -
void CSnowFallManager::CreateSnowParticlesRay( float flRadius, const Vector &vecEyePos, const Vector &vecForward, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ) { // Check to see if we should create particles along line-of-sight.
if ( !m_bRayParticles && r_SnowRayEnable.GetBool() ) return;
Vector vecParticleSpawn;
// Create a particle down the player's view beyond the radius.
float flRayRadius = r_SnowRayRadius.GetFloat();
Vector vecNewForward; vecNewForward = vecForward * RandomFloat( flRadius, r_SnowRayLength.GetFloat() );
vecParticleSpawn.x = vecEyePos.x + vecNewForward.x; vecParticleSpawn.y = vecEyePos.y + vecNewForward.y; vecParticleSpawn.z = vecEyePos.z + RandomFloat( 72, flRayRadius ); vecParticleSpawn.x += RandomFloat( -flRayRadius, flRayRadius ); vecParticleSpawn.y += RandomFloat( -flRayRadius, flRayRadius );
int iSnow = 0; for ( iSnow = 0; iSnow < m_nActiveSnowCount; ++iSnow ) { if ( ( vecParticleSpawn.x < m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.x ) || ( vecParticleSpawn.x > m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.x ) ) continue; if ( ( vecParticleSpawn.y < m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.y ) || ( vecParticleSpawn.y > m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.y ) ) continue; if ( ( vecParticleSpawn.z < m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMin.z ) || ( vecParticleSpawn.z > m_aSnow[m_aActiveSnow[iSnow]].m_vecMax.z ) ) continue;
break; }
if ( iSnow == m_nActiveSnowCount ) return;
CreateSnowFallParticle( vecParticleSpawn, m_aActiveSnow[iSnow], pLocalPlayer ); }
void CSnowFallManager::CreateSnowFallParticle( const Vector &vecParticleSpawn, int iSnow, C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer ) { SimpleParticle *pParticle = ( SimpleParticle* )m_pSnowFallEmitter->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), m_aSnow[iSnow].m_hMaterial, vecParticleSpawn ); if ( pParticle == NULL ) return;
pParticle->m_flLifetime = 0.0f; pParticle->m_vecVelocity = Vector( RandomFloat( -5.0f, 5.0f ), RandomFloat( -5.0f, 5.0f ), ( RandomFloat( -25, -35 ) * r_SnowFallSpeed.GetFloat() ) ); pParticle->m_flDieTime = fabs( ( vecParticleSpawn.z - m_aSnow[iSnow].m_vecMin.z ) / ( pParticle->m_vecVelocity.z - 0.1 ) ); // We finally now use the color of the func_precipitation entity for snow color.
pParticle->m_uchColor[0] = m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity->GetRenderColorR(); pParticle->m_uchColor[1] = m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity->GetRenderColorG(); pParticle->m_uchColor[2] = m_aSnow[iSnow].m_pEntity->GetRenderColorB(); //pParticle->m_uchColor[0] = r_SnowColorRed.GetInt();
//pParticle->m_uchColor[1] = r_SnowColorGreen.GetInt();
//pParticle->m_uchColor[2] = r_SnowColorBlue.GetInt();
pParticle->m_uchStartSize = r_SnowStartSize.GetInt(); pParticle->m_uchEndSize = r_SnowEndSize.GetInt();
// pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha = 255;
pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha = r_SnowStartAlpha.GetInt(); pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha = r_SnowEndAlpha.GetInt();
pParticle->m_flRoll = random->RandomInt( 0, 360 ); pParticle->m_flRollDelta = random->RandomFloat( -0.15f, 0.15f );
// Purpose:
bool SnowFallManagerCreate( CClient_Precipitation *pSnowEntity ) { bool bret = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++i ) { if ( !s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ] ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( i );
s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ] = new CSnowFallManager(); if ( !s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ] ) { bret = false; break; } s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ]->SetSplitScreenPlayerSlot( i ); s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ]->CreateEmitter(); s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ]->InitializeAsClientEntity( NULL, false ); g_pClientLeafSystem->EnableRendering( s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ]->RenderHandle(), false ); }
s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ]->AddSnowFallEntity( pSnowEntity ); } return bret; }
// Purpose:
void SnowFallManagerDestroy( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++i ) { if ( s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ] ) { delete s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ]; s_pSnowFallMgr[ i ] = NULL; } } }