//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Responsible for drawing the scene
#include "cbase.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "ivieweffects.h"
#include "iinput.h"
#include "model_types.h"
#include "clientsideeffects.h"
#include "particlemgr.h"
#include "viewrender.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "voice_status.h"
#include "glow_overlay.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "detailobjectsystem.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/perfstats.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "tier1/mempool.h"
#include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "engine/IEngineTrace.h"
#include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "view_scene.h"
#include "particles_ez.h"
#include "engine/IStaticPropMgr.h"
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
#include "c_pixel_visibility.h"
#include "precache_register.h"
#include "c_rope.h"
#include "c_effects.h"
#include "smoke_fog_overlay.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "vgui_int.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "ScreenSpaceEffects.h"
#include "toolframework_client.h"
#include "c_func_reflective_glass.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "renderparm.h"
#include "modelrendersystem.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "tier0/cache_hints.h"
#include "c_env_cascade_light.h"
#define PARTICLE_USAGE_DEMO // uncomment to get particle bar thing
#ifdef PORTAL
#include "portal_render_targets.h"
#include "portalrender.h"
#if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( CSTRIKE_DLL ) || defined( INFESTED_DLL ) || defined( PORTAL2 )
#include "rendertexture.h"
#include "viewpostprocess.h"
#include "viewdebug.h"
#include "c_point_camera.h"
#endif // USE_MONITORS
#include "c_asw_render_targets.h"
#include "clientmode_asw.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static void testfreezeframe_f( void ) { view->FreezeFrame( 3.0 ); } static ConCommand test_freezeframe( "test_freezeframe", testfreezeframe_f, "Test the freeze frame code.", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_visocclusion( "r_visocclusion", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); extern ConVar r_flashlightdepthtexture; extern ConVar vcollide_wireframe; extern ConVar r_depthoverlay; extern ConVar r_shadow_deferred; extern ConVar mat_viewportscale; extern ConVar mat_viewportupscale;
// Convars related to controlling rendering
static ConVar cl_maxrenderable_dist("cl_maxrenderable_dist", "3000", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered" );
ConVar r_entityclips( "r_entityclips", "1" ); //FIXME: Nvidia drivers before 81.94 on cards that support user clip planes will have problems with this, require driver update? Detect and disable?
ConVar r_deferopaquefastclipped( "r_deferopaquefastclipped", "1" );
// Matches the version in the engine
static ConVar r_drawopaqueworld( "r_drawopaqueworld", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar r_drawtranslucentworld( "r_drawtranslucentworld", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar r_3dsky( "r_3dsky","1", 0, "Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes" ); static ConVar r_skybox( "r_skybox","1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable the rendering of sky boxes" ); ConVar r_drawviewmodel( "r_drawviewmodel","1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar r_drawtranslucentrenderables( "r_drawtranslucentrenderables", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar r_drawopaquerenderables( "r_drawopaquerenderables", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents( "r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents", "0", FCVAR_NONE ); extern ConVar cl_csm_translucent_shadows; extern ConVar cl_csm_translucent_shadows_using_opaque_path;
ConVar r_flashlightvolumetrics( "r_flashlightvolumetrics", "1" );
// FIXME: This is not static because we needed to turn it off for TF2 playtests
ConVar r_DrawDetailProps( "r_DrawDetailProps", "1", #if defined( ALLOW_TEXT_MODE )
"0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe" );
// don't use worldlistcache on PS3 is using SPU buildview jobs
ConVar r_worldlistcache( "r_worldlistcache", IsPS3() ? "0" : "1" );
extern ConVar cl_csm_shadows; extern ConVar cl_csm_world_shadows; extern ConVar cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade; extern ConVar cl_csm_disable_culling; extern ConVar cl_csm_rope_shadows;
static ConVar r_drawunderwateroverlay( "r_drawunderwateroverlay", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE ); static ConVar r_drawscreenoverlay( "r_drawscreenoverlay", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE );
// Convars related to fog color
static void GetFogColor( fogparams_t *pFogParams, float *pColor, bool ignoreOverride = false, bool ignoreHDRColorScale = false ); static float GetFogMaxDensity( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride = false ); static bool GetFogEnable( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride = false ); static float GetFogStart( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride = false ); static float GetFogEnd( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride = false ); static float GetSkyboxFogStart( bool ignoreOverride = false ); static float GetSkyboxFogEnd( bool ignoreOverride = false ); static float GetSkyboxFogMaxDensity( bool ignoreOverride = false ); static void GetSkyboxFogColor( float *pColor, bool ignoreOverride = false, bool ignoreHDRColorScale = false ); static void FogOverrideCallback( IConVar *pConVar, char const *pOldString, float flOldValue ); static ConVar fog_override( "fog_override", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values)", FogOverrideCallback ); // set any of these to use the maps fog
static ConVar fog_start( "fog_start", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_end( "fog_end", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_color( "fog_color", "-1 -1 -1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_enable( "fog_enable", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_startskybox( "fog_startskybox", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_endskybox( "fog_endskybox", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_maxdensityskybox( "fog_maxdensityskybox", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_colorskybox( "fog_colorskybox", "-1 -1 -1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_enableskybox( "fog_enableskybox", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_maxdensity( "fog_maxdensity", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_hdrcolorscale( "fog_hdrcolorscale", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox( "fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static void FogOverrideCallback( IConVar *pConVar, char const *pOldString, float flOldValue ) { C_BasePlayer *localPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !localPlayer ) return;
ConVarRef var( pConVar ); if ( var.GetInt() == -1 ) { fogparams_t *pFogParams = localPlayer->GetFogParams();
float fogColor[3]; fog_start.SetValue( GetFogStart( pFogParams, true ) ); fog_end.SetValue( GetFogEnd( pFogParams, true ) ); GetFogColor( pFogParams, fogColor, true, true ); fog_color.SetValue( VarArgs( "%.1f %.1f %.1f", fogColor[0]*255, fogColor[1]*255, fogColor[2]*255 ) ); fog_enable.SetValue( GetFogEnable( pFogParams, true ) ); fog_startskybox.SetValue( GetSkyboxFogStart( true ) ); fog_endskybox.SetValue( GetSkyboxFogEnd( true ) ); fog_maxdensityskybox.SetValue( GetSkyboxFogMaxDensity( true ) ); GetSkyboxFogColor( fogColor, true, true ); fog_colorskybox.SetValue( VarArgs( "%.1f %.1f %.1f", fogColor[0]*255, fogColor[1]*255, fogColor[2]*255 ) ); fog_enableskybox.SetValue( localPlayer->m_Local.m_skybox3d.fog.enable.Get() ); fog_maxdensity.SetValue( GetFogMaxDensity( pFogParams, true ) ); fog_hdrcolorscale.SetValue( pFogParams->HDRColorScale ); fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox.SetValue( localPlayer->m_Local.m_skybox3d.fog.HDRColorScale.Get() ); } }
// Water-related convars
static ConVar r_debugcheapwater( "r_debugcheapwater", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); #ifndef _GAMECONSOLE
static ConVar r_waterforceexpensive( "r_waterforceexpensive", "0" ); #endif
static ConVar r_waterforcereflectentities( "r_waterforcereflectentities", "0" );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && ( defined( PORTAL2 ) || defined( CSTRIKE15 ) )
// Portal 2 doesn't use refractive water in many places, and where it does, it's too expensive for consoles (and probably low-end PCs as well)
// Just force it off here so as not to mess with high-end PCs
static ConVar r_WaterDrawRefraction( "r_WaterDrawRefraction", IsPS3()? "0" : "1", 0, "Enable water refraction" ); #else
static ConVar r_WaterDrawRefraction( "r_WaterDrawRefraction", "1", 0, "Enable water refraction" ); #endif
static ConVar r_WaterDrawReflection( "r_WaterDrawReflection", "1", 0, "Enable water reflection" );
static ConVar r_ForceWaterLeaf( "r_ForceWaterLeaf", "1", 0, "Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling" ); static ConVar mat_drawwater( "mat_drawwater", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar mat_clipz( "mat_clipz", "1" );
// Other convars
static ConVar cl_drawmonitors( "cl_drawmonitors", "1" ); static ConVar r_eyewaterepsilon( "r_eyewaterepsilon", "7.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT );
extern ConVar cl_leveloverview;
ConVar r_fastzreject( "r_fastzreject", "0", 0, "Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings" );
// For CSS15, simpleworldmodel_waterreflections don't work. They were added for Portal 2. If we want, we can look into making them work, until then, we don't enable it.
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_fullscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_fullscreen", "0" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_fullscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_fullscreen", "-1" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_fullscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_fullscreen", "-1" );
ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_splitscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_splitscreen", "0" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_splitscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_splitscreen", "2" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_splitscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_splitscreen", "600" );
ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_pip( "r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_pip", "1" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_pip( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_pip", "2" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_pip( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_pip", "600" ); #else
ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_fullscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_fullscreen", "0" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_fullscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_fullscreen", "-1" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_fullscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_fullscreen", "-1" );
ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_splitscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_splitscreen", "0" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_splitscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_splitscreen", "-1" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_splitscreen( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_splitscreen", "-1" );
ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_pip( "r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_pip", "0" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_pip( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_pip", "-1" ); ConVar r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_pip( "r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_pip", "-1" ); #endif
void GetSimpleWorldModelConfiguration( bool &bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflectionOut, int &nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevelOut, float &flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistanceOut ) { // we only load/use the world imposters for multiplayer maps.
if ( GameRules()->IsMultiplayer() || IsPC() ) { if ( VGui_IsSplitScreen() ) { if ( VGui_IsSplitScreenPIP() ) { if ( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() == 0 ) { // We are the main view, so go ahead and use the full screen settings.
// We definitely want to use the fullscreen setting here so that we don't pop when split goes off and on.
bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflectionOut = r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_fullscreen.GetBool(); nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevelOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_fullscreen.GetInt(); flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistanceOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_fullscreen.GetFloat(); } else { // We are not the primary view, so we must be PIP.
bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflectionOut = r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_pip.GetBool(); nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevelOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_pip.GetInt(); flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistanceOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_pip.GetFloat(); } } else { // We are one of two splitscreen views.
bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflectionOut = r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_splitscreen.GetBool(); nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevelOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_splitscreen.GetInt(); flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistanceOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_splitscreen.GetFloat(); } } else { // We aren't splitscreen of any sort, so go ahead and use the fullscreen setting.
bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflectionOut = r_simpleworldmodel_waterreflections_fullscreen.GetBool(); nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevelOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawforrecursionlevel_fullscreen.GetInt(); flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistanceOut = r_simpleworldmodel_drawbeyonddistance_fullscreen.GetFloat(); } } else { // We aren't multiplayer, so set the options that turn it all off.
bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflectionOut = false; nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevelOut = -1; flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistanceOut = -1.0f; } }
// Globals
static Vector g_vecCurrentRenderOrigin(0,0,0); static QAngle g_vecCurrentRenderAngles(0,0,0); static Vector g_vecCurrentVForward(0,0,0), g_vecCurrentVRight(0,0,0), g_vecCurrentVUp(0,0,0); static VMatrix g_matCurrentCamInverse; bool s_bCanAccessCurrentView = false; IntroData_t *g_pIntroData = NULL; static bool g_bRenderingView = false; // For debugging...
static int g_CurrentViewID = VIEW_NONE; bool g_bRenderingScreenshot = false;
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) && defined(_PS3)
static ConVar r_PS3_2PassBuildDraw( "r_PS3_2PassBuildDraw", "1" ); static ConVar r_ps3_csm_disableWorldInListenServer( "r_ps3_csm_disableWorldInListenServer", "1" );
CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3 g_viewBuilder;
#define PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS g_viewBuilder.SetDrawFlags( m_DrawFlags );
#define EPILOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS if( m_pWorldRenderList == NULL )\
{\ m_pWorldRenderList = g_viewBuilder.GetWorldRenderListElement();\ }
#define SYNC_BUILDWORLD_JOB( bShadowDepth ) if( g_viewBuilder.IsSPUBuildRWJobsOn() )\
{\ SNPROF("SyncBuildWorldJob");\ CELL_VERIFY( g_pBuildRenderablesJob->m_pRoot->m_queuePortBuildWorld[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ].sync( 0 ) );\ BuildWorldRenderLists_PS3_Epilogue( bShadowDepth );\ }
#define SYNC_BUILDRENDERABLES_JOB if( g_viewBuilder.IsSPUBuildRWJobsOn() )\
{\ SNPROF("SyncBuildRenderablesJob");\ CELL_VERIFY( g_pBuildRenderablesJob->m_pRoot->m_queuePortBuildRenderables[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ].sync( 0 ) );\ BuildRenderableRenderLists_PS3_Epilogue();\ }
#define BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK if( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_BUILDLISTS_PS3 ) {
#define BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK if( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_DRAWLISTS_PS3 ) {
#define END_2PASS_BLOCK }
#define PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( s ) if( g_viewBuilder.IsSPUBuildRWJobsOn() )\
Warning("Rendering path not fully supported in %s or tested on SPU, and SPU jobs are enabled!\n", s);
static ConVar r_2PassBuildDraw( "r_2PassBuildDraw", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ); static ConVar r_threaded_buildWRlist( "r_threaded_buildWRlist", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Threaded BuildWorldList and BuildRenderables list" );
CON_COMMAND_F( toggleThreadedBuildRWList, "toggleThreadedBuildRWList", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { bool newValue = !r_threaded_buildWRlist.GetBool(); r_threaded_buildWRlist.SetValue( newValue ); Msg( "r_threaded_buildWRlist = %s\n", newValue? "TRUE":"FALSE" ); }
CConcurrentViewBuilder g_viewBuilder;
#define BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK if( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_BUILDLISTS ) {
#define BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK if( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_DRAWLISTS ) {
#define END_2PASS_BLOCK }
#define SYNC_BUILDWORLD_JOB( bShadowDepth ) g_viewBuilder.WaitForBuildWorldListJob();\
if( m_pWorldRenderList == NULL )\ {\ m_pWorldRenderList = g_viewBuilder.GetWorldRenderListElement();\ if ( m_pWorldRenderList )\ InlineAddRef(m_pWorldRenderList);\ }\ if( m_pWorldListInfo == NULL )\ {\ m_pWorldListInfo = g_viewBuilder.GetClientWorldListInfoElement();\ if ( m_pWorldListInfo )\ InlineAddRef(m_pWorldListInfo);\ }\ BuildWorldRenderLists_Epilogue( bShadowDepth );
#define SYNC_BUILDRENDERABLES_JOB( viewID ) g_viewBuilder.WaitForBuildRenderablesListJob();\
if( m_pRenderables == NULL )\ {\ m_pRenderables = g_viewBuilder.GetRenderablesListElement();\ if ( m_pRenderables )\ InlineAddRef(m_pRenderables);\ }\ BuildRenderableRenderLists_Epilogue( viewID );
#define PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( s )
static FrustumCache_t s_FrustumCache; FrustumCache_t *FrustumCache( void ) { return &s_FrustumCache; }
float g_flFreezeFlash[ MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS ];
CON_COMMAND( r_cheapwaterstart, "" ) { if( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { float dist = atof( args[ 1 ] ); view->SetCheapWaterStartDistance( dist ); } else { float start, end; view->GetWaterLODParams( start, end ); Warning( "r_cheapwaterstart: %f\n", start ); } }
CON_COMMAND( r_cheapwaterend, "" ) { if( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { float dist = atof( args[ 1 ] ); view->SetCheapWaterEndDistance( dist ); } else { float start, end; view->GetWaterLODParams( start, end ); Warning( "r_cheapwaterend: %f\n", end ); } }
#ifdef PORTAL2
struct AperturePhotoViewQueue_t { EHANDLE hEnt; ITexture *pTexture; int iFailedTries; }; CUtlVector<AperturePhotoViewQueue_t> g_AperturePhotoQueue;
void Aperture_QueuePhotoView( EHANDLE hPhotoEntity, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { if( pRenderTarget == NULL ) return;
AperturePhotoViewQueue_t temp; temp.hEnt = hPhotoEntity; temp.pTexture = pRenderTarget; temp.iFailedTries = 0; g_AperturePhotoQueue.AddToTail( temp ); } #endif
static int ComputeSimpleWorldModelDrawFlags() { #if defined( PORTAL )
#if 0
// Some spew to track portal distances
static int nLastFrame = -1; static int nCurrentEntryInFrame = 0;
if ( nLastFrame != gpGlobals->framecount ) { nLastFrame = gpGlobals->framecount; nCurrentEntryInFrame = 0; }
engine->Con_NPrintf( 1 + nCurrentEntryInFrame, "Portal %X distance: %f", g_pPortalRender->GetCurrentViewExitPortal(), g_pPortalRender->GetCurrentPortalDistanceBias() ); ++ nCurrentEntryInFrame; #endif // 0
bool bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflection; int nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevel; float flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistance; GetSimpleWorldModelConfiguration( bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflection, nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevel, flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistance ); if ( nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevel >= 0 && g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() >= nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevel ) { return DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER | DF_FAST_ENTITY_RENDERING | DF_DRAW_ENTITITES; } else { if ( flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistance >= 0.0f ) { float flDistanceBias = g_pPortalRender->GetCurrentPortalDistanceBias(); if ( flDistanceBias > flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistance ) { return DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER | DF_FAST_ENTITY_RENDERING | DF_DRAW_ENTITITES; } } } #endif // PORTAL
return 0; }
// Describes a pruned set of leaves to be rendered this view. Reference counted
// because potentially shared by a number of views
struct ClientWorldListInfo_t : public CRefCounted1<WorldListInfo_t> { ClientWorldListInfo_t() { memset( (WorldListInfo_t *)this, 0, sizeof(WorldListInfo_t) ); m_pOriginalLeafIndex = NULL; m_bPooledAlloc = false; }
#if defined(_PS3)
void Init() { memset( (WorldListInfo_t *)this, 0, sizeof(WorldListInfo_t) ); m_pOriginalLeafIndex = NULL; m_bPooledAlloc = false; } #endif
// Allocate a list intended for pruning
static ClientWorldListInfo_t *AllocPooled( const ClientWorldListInfo_t &exemplar );
// Because we remap leaves to eliminate unused leaves, we need a remap
// when drawing translucent surfaces, which requires the *original* leaf index
// using m_pOriginalLeafIndex[ remapped leaf index ] == actual leaf index
uint16 *m_pOriginalLeafIndex;
private: virtual bool OnFinalRelease();
bool m_bPooledAlloc; static CObjectPool<ClientWorldListInfo_t> gm_Pool; };
class CWorldListCache { public: CWorldListCache() {
} void Flush() { for ( int i = m_Entries.FirstInorder(); i != m_Entries.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Entries.NextInorder( i ) ) { delete m_Entries[i]; } m_Entries.RemoveAll(); }
bool Find( const CViewSetup &viewSetup, VisOverrideData_t *pVisOverrideData, int iForceViewLeaf, IWorldRenderList **ppList, ClientWorldListInfo_t **ppListInfo ) { Entry_t lookup( viewSetup, pVisOverrideData, iForceViewLeaf );
int i = m_Entries.Find( &lookup );
if ( i != m_Entries.InvalidIndex() ) { Entry_t *pEntry = m_Entries[i]; *ppList = InlineAddRef( pEntry->pList ); *ppListInfo = InlineAddRef( pEntry->pListInfo ); return true; }
return false; }
void Add( const CViewSetup &viewSetup, VisOverrideData_t *pVisOverrideData, int iForceViewLeaf, IWorldRenderList *pList, ClientWorldListInfo_t *pListInfo ) { m_Entries.Insert( new Entry_t( viewSetup, pVisOverrideData, iForceViewLeaf, pList, pListInfo ) ); }
private: struct Entry_t { Entry_t( const CViewSetup &viewSetup, VisOverrideData_t *pVisOverrideData, int iForceViewLeaf, IWorldRenderList *pList = NULL, ClientWorldListInfo_t *pListInfo = NULL ) : pList( ( pList ) ? InlineAddRef( pList ) : NULL ), pListInfo( ( pListInfo ) ? InlineAddRef( pListInfo ) : NULL ) { // @NOTE (toml 8/18/2006): because doing memcmp, need to fill all of the fields and the padding!
memset( &m_bOrtho, 0, offsetof(Entry_t, pList ) - offsetof(Entry_t, m_bOrtho ) ); m_bOrtho = viewSetup.m_bOrtho; m_OrthoLeft = viewSetup.m_OrthoLeft; m_OrthoTop = viewSetup.m_OrthoTop; m_OrthoRight = viewSetup.m_OrthoRight; m_OrthoBottom = viewSetup.m_OrthoBottom; fov = viewSetup.fov; origin = viewSetup.origin; angles = viewSetup.angles; zNear = viewSetup.zNear; zFar = viewSetup.zFar; m_flAspectRatio = viewSetup.m_flAspectRatio; m_bOffCenter = viewSetup.m_bOffCenter; m_flOffCenterTop = viewSetup.m_flOffCenterTop; m_flOffCenterBottom = viewSetup.m_flOffCenterBottom; m_flOffCenterLeft = viewSetup.m_flOffCenterLeft; m_flOffCenterRight = viewSetup.m_flOffCenterRight; if ( pVisOverrideData ) { memcpy( &m_VisOverride, pVisOverrideData, sizeof(m_VisOverride) ); } else { memset( &m_VisOverride, 0, sizeof(m_VisOverride) ); } m_iForceViewLeaf = iForceViewLeaf; }
~Entry_t() { if ( pList ) { pList->Release(); } if ( pListInfo ) { pListInfo->Release(); } }
// The fields from CViewSetup and ViewCustomVisibility_t that would actually affect the list
int m_iForceViewLeaf; VisOverrideData_t m_VisOverride; float m_OrthoLeft; float m_OrthoTop; float m_OrthoRight; float m_OrthoBottom; float fov; Vector origin; QAngle angles; float zNear; float zFar; float m_flAspectRatio; float m_flOffCenterTop; float m_flOffCenterBottom; float m_flOffCenterLeft; float m_flOffCenterRight; bool m_bOrtho; bool m_bOffCenter;
IWorldRenderList *pList; ClientWorldListInfo_t *pListInfo; };
class CEntryComparator { public: // This class has to be implicitly constructible from int due to Valve's implementation of CUtlRbTree.
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
CEntryComparator( int ) {}
bool operator!() const { return false; } bool operator()( const Entry_t *lhs, const Entry_t *rhs ) const { return ( memcmp( lhs, rhs, sizeof(Entry_t) - ( sizeof(Entry_t) - offsetof(Entry_t, pList ) ) ) < 0 ); } };
CUtlRBTree<Entry_t *, unsigned short, CEntryComparator> m_Entries; };
CWorldListCache g_WorldListCache;
// Standard 3d skybox view
class CSkyboxView : public CRendering3dView { DECLARE_CLASS( CSkyboxView, CRendering3dView ); public: explicit CSkyboxView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CRendering3dView( pMainView ), m_pSky3dParams( NULL ) { }
bool Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int *pClearFlags, SkyboxVisibility_t *pSkyboxVisible ); void Draw();
#ifdef PORTAL
virtual bool ShouldDrawPortals() { return false; } #endif
virtual SkyboxVisibility_t ComputeSkyboxVisibility();
bool GetSkyboxFogEnable();
void Enable3dSkyboxFog( void ); void DrawInternal( view_id_t iSkyBoxViewID = VIEW_3DSKY, bool bInvokePreAndPostRender = true, ITexture *pRenderTarget = NULL );
sky3dparams_t * PreRender3dSkyboxWorld( SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible );
sky3dparams_t *m_pSky3dParams; };
// 3d skybox view when drawing portals
#ifdef PORTAL
class CPortalSkyboxView : public CSkyboxView { DECLARE_CLASS( CPortalSkyboxView, CSkyboxView ); public: CPortalSkyboxView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CSkyboxView( pMainView ), m_pRenderTarget( NULL ) {}
bool Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int *pClearFlags, SkyboxVisibility_t *pSkyboxVisible, ITexture *pRenderTarget = NULL );
//Skybox drawing through portals with workarounds to fix area bits, position/scaling, view id's..........
void Draw();
private: virtual SkyboxVisibility_t ComputeSkyboxVisibility();
ITexture *m_pRenderTarget; }; #endif
// Shadow depth texture
class CShadowDepthView : public CRendering3dView { DECLARE_CLASS( CShadowDepthView, CRendering3dView ); public: explicit CShadowDepthView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CRendering3dView( pMainView ), m_bRenderWorldAndObjects( false ), m_bRenderViewModels( false ) {}
void Setup( const CViewSetup &shadowViewIn, ITexture *pRenderTarget, ITexture *pDepthTexture, bool bRenderWorldAndObjects = true, bool bRenderViewModels = false );
void Draw();
private: ITexture *m_pRenderTarget; ITexture *m_pDepthTexture; bool m_bRenderWorldAndObjects; bool m_bRenderViewModels; };
// Freeze frame. Redraws the frame at which it was enabled.
class CFreezeFrameView : public CRendering3dView { DECLARE_CLASS( CFreezeFrameView, CRendering3dView ); public: explicit CFreezeFrameView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CRendering3dView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup( const CViewSetup &view );
void Draw();
private: CMaterialReference m_pFreezeFrame; CMaterialReference m_TranslucentSingleColor;
int m_nSubRect[ 4 ]; int m_nScreenSize[ 2 ]; };
class CBaseWorldView : public CRendering3dView { DECLARE_CLASS( CBaseWorldView, CRendering3dView ); protected: explicit CBaseWorldView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CRendering3dView( pMainView ) {}
virtual bool AdjustView( float waterHeight );
void DrawSetup( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, float waterHeight, int flags, float waterZAdjust, int iForceViewLeaf = -1 ); void DrawExecute( float waterHeight, view_id_t viewID, float waterZAdjust );
virtual void PushView( float waterHeight ); virtual void PopView(); void SSAO_DepthPass(); };
// Draws the scene when there's no water or only cheap water
class CSimpleWorldView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CSimpleWorldView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CSimpleWorldView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t& info, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL ); void Draw();
private: VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t m_fogInfo;
// Base class for scenes with water
class CBaseWaterView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CBaseWaterView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CBaseWaterView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ), m_SoftwareIntersectionView( pMainView ) {}
// void Setup( const CViewSetup &, const WaterRenderInfo_t& info );
protected: void CalcWaterEyeAdjustments( const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, float &newWaterHeight, float &waterZAdjust, bool bSoftwareUserClipPlane );
class CSoftwareIntersectionView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CSoftwareIntersectionView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CSoftwareIntersectionView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup( bool bAboveWater ); void Draw();
private: CBaseWaterView *GetOuter() { return GET_OUTER( CBaseWaterView, m_SoftwareIntersectionView ); } };
friend class CSoftwareIntersectionView;
CSoftwareIntersectionView m_SoftwareIntersectionView;
WaterRenderInfo_t m_waterInfo; float m_waterHeight; float m_waterZAdjust; bool m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane; VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t m_fogInfo; };
// Scenes above water
class CAboveWaterView : public CBaseWaterView { DECLARE_CLASS( CAboveWaterView, CBaseWaterView ); public: explicit CAboveWaterView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWaterView( pMainView ), m_ReflectionView( pMainView ), m_RefractionView( pMainView ), m_IntersectionView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup( const CViewSetup &view, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t& waterInfo, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL ); void Draw();
class CReflectionView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CReflectionView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CReflectionView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup( bool bReflectEntities, bool bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities, bool bReflect2DSkybox ); void Draw();
private: CAboveWaterView *GetOuter() { return GET_OUTER( CAboveWaterView, m_ReflectionView ); } };
class CRefractionView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CRefractionView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CRefractionView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup(); void Draw();
private: CAboveWaterView *GetOuter() { return GET_OUTER( CAboveWaterView, m_RefractionView ); } };
class CIntersectionView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CIntersectionView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CIntersectionView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup(); void Draw();
private: CAboveWaterView *GetOuter() { return GET_OUTER( CAboveWaterView, m_IntersectionView ); } };
friend class CRefractionView; friend class CReflectionView; friend class CIntersectionView;
bool m_bViewIntersectsWater;
CReflectionView m_ReflectionView; CRefractionView m_RefractionView; CIntersectionView m_IntersectionView; };
// Scenes below water
class CUnderWaterView : public CBaseWaterView { DECLARE_CLASS( CUnderWaterView, CBaseWaterView ); public: explicit CUnderWaterView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWaterView( pMainView ), m_RefractionView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup( const CViewSetup &view, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t& info, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL ); void Draw();
class CRefractionView : public CBaseWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CRefractionView, CBaseWorldView ); public: explicit CRefractionView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBaseWorldView( pMainView ) {}
void Setup(); void Draw();
private: CUnderWaterView *GetOuter() { return GET_OUTER( CUnderWaterView, m_RefractionView ); } };
friend class CRefractionView;
bool m_bDrawSkybox; // @MULTICORE (toml 8/17/2006): remove after setup hoisted
CRefractionView m_RefractionView; };
// Scenes containing reflective glass
class CReflectiveGlassView : public CSimpleWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CReflectiveGlassView, CSimpleWorldView ); public: explicit CReflectiveGlassView( CViewRender *pMainView ) : BaseClass( pMainView ) { }
virtual bool AdjustView( float flWaterHeight ); virtual void PushView( float waterHeight ); virtual void PopView( ); void Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t &waterInfo, const cplane_t &reflectionPlane ); void Draw();
cplane_t m_ReflectionPlane; };
class CRefractiveGlassView : public CSimpleWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CRefractiveGlassView, CSimpleWorldView ); public: explicit CRefractiveGlassView( CViewRender *pMainView ) : BaseClass( pMainView ) { }
virtual bool AdjustView( float flWaterHeight ); virtual void PushView( float waterHeight ); virtual void PopView( ); void Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t &waterInfo, const cplane_t &reflectionPlane ); void Draw();
cplane_t m_ReflectionPlane; };
// view of a single entity by itself
#ifdef PORTAL2
class CAperturePhotoView : public CSimpleWorldView { DECLARE_CLASS( CAperturePhotoView, CSimpleWorldView ); public: CAperturePhotoView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CSimpleWorldView( pMainView ), m_pRenderTarget( NULL ) {}
bool Setup( C_BaseEntity *pTargetEntity, const CViewSetup &view, int *pClearFlags, SkyboxVisibility_t *pSkyboxVisible, ITexture *pRenderTarget = NULL );
//Skybox drawing through portals with workarounds to fix area bits, position/scaling, view id's..........
void Draw();
#ifdef PORTAL
virtual bool ShouldDrawPortals() { return false; } #endif
private: ITexture *m_pRenderTarget; C_BaseEntity *m_pTargetEntity; }; #endif
// Computes draw flags for the engine to build its world surface lists
static inline unsigned long BuildEngineDrawWorldListFlags( unsigned nDrawFlags ) { unsigned long nEngineFlags = 0;
if ( ( nDrawFlags & DF_SKIP_WORLD ) == 0 ) { nEngineFlags |= DRAWWORLDLISTS_DRAW_WORLD_GEOMETRY; }
if ( nDrawFlags & DF_DRAWSKYBOX ) { nEngineFlags |= DRAWWORLDLISTS_DRAW_SKYBOX; }
return nEngineFlags; }
static void SetClearColorToFogColor() { unsigned char ucFogColor[3]; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->GetFogColor( ucFogColor ); if( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_INTEGER ) { // @MULTICORE (toml 8/16/2006): Find a way to not do this twice in eye above water case
float scale = LinearToGammaFullRange( pRenderContext->GetToneMappingScaleLinear().x ); ucFogColor[0] = clamp( (float)ucFogColor[0] * scale, 0, 255); ucFogColor[1] = clamp( (float)ucFogColor[1] * scale, 0, 255); ucFogColor[2] = clamp( (float)ucFogColor[2] * scale, 0, 255); } pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( ucFogColor[0], ucFogColor[1], ucFogColor[2], 255 ); }
// Precache of necessary materials
PRECACHE_REGISTER_BEGIN( GLOBAL, PrecacheViewRender ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "scripted/intro_screenspaceeffect" ) PRECACHE_REGISTER_END() #endif
PRECACHE_REGISTER_BEGIN( GLOBAL, PrecachePostProcessingEffects ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurfiltery_and_add_nohdr" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurfilterx" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurfilterx_nohdr" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurfiltery" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurfiltery_nohdr" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurfiltery_nohdr_clear" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/bloomadd" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/clearalpha" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/downsample" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/downsample_non_hdr" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/no_pixel_write" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/lumcompare" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/floattoscreen_combine" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/copyfullframefb_vanilla" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/copyfullframefb" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/engine_post" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/engine_post_splitscreen" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/motion_blur" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/depth_of_field" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/blurgaussian_3x3" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/fade_blur" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "debug/debugscreenspacewireframe" ) #if defined( INFESTED_DLL ) || defined( DOTA_DLL ) || defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_color" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_health_color" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_downsample" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_blur_x" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_blur_y" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/halo_add_to_screen" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_rim3d" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/glow_edge_highlight" ) #ifdef IRONSIGHT
PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/scope_blur_x" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/scope_blur_y" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/scope_bluroverlay" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/scope_downsample" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "dev/scope_mask" ) PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "models/weapons/shared/scope/scope_dot_green") PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "models/weapons/shared/scope/scope_dot_red") #endif
#if defined( INFESTED_DLL )
PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "engine/writestencil" ) #endif // INFSETED_DLL
// Accessors to return the current view being rendered
const Vector &CurrentViewOrigin() { Assert( s_bCanAccessCurrentView ); return g_vecCurrentRenderOrigin; }
const QAngle &CurrentViewAngles() { Assert( s_bCanAccessCurrentView ); return g_vecCurrentRenderAngles; }
const Vector &CurrentViewForward() { Assert( s_bCanAccessCurrentView ); return g_vecCurrentVForward; }
const Vector &CurrentViewRight() { Assert( s_bCanAccessCurrentView ); return g_vecCurrentVRight; }
const Vector &CurrentViewUp() { Assert( s_bCanAccessCurrentView ); return g_vecCurrentVUp; }
const VMatrix &CurrentWorldToViewMatrix() { Assert( s_bCanAccessCurrentView ); return g_matCurrentCamInverse; }
// Methods to set the current view/guard access to view parameters
void AllowCurrentViewAccess( bool allow ) { s_bCanAccessCurrentView = allow; }
bool IsCurrentViewAccessAllowed() { return s_bCanAccessCurrentView; }
static ConVar mat_lpreview_mode( "mat_lpreview_mode", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); void SetupCurrentView( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &angles, view_id_t viewID, bool bDrawWorldNormal = false, bool bCullFrontFaces = false ) { // Store off view origin and angles
g_vecCurrentRenderOrigin = vecOrigin; g_vecCurrentRenderAngles = angles;
// Compute the world->main camera transform
ComputeCameraVariables( vecOrigin, angles, &g_vecCurrentVForward, &g_vecCurrentVRight, &g_vecCurrentVUp, &g_matCurrentCamInverse );
g_CurrentViewID = viewID; AllowCurrentViewAccess( true );
// Cache off fade distances
float flScreenFadeMinSize, flScreenFadeMaxSize, flFadeDistScale; view->GetScreenFadeDistances( &flScreenFadeMinSize, &flScreenFadeMaxSize, &flFadeDistScale ); modelinfo->SetViewScreenFadeRange( flScreenFadeMinSize, flScreenFadeMaxSize );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); #ifdef PORTAL
if ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() == 0 ) { pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA, ((viewID == VIEW_MAIN) || (viewID == VIEW_3DSKY)) ? 1 : 0 ); } #else
pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA, ((viewID == VIEW_MAIN) || (viewID == VIEW_3DSKY)) ? 1 : 0 ); #endif
if ( mat_lpreview_mode.GetInt() != -1 ) pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_ENABLE_FIXED_LIGHTING, mat_lpreview_mode.GetInt() );
if ( bCullFrontFaces ) { pRenderContext->FlipCulling( true ); } }
view_id_t CurrentViewID() { Assert( g_CurrentViewID != VIEW_ILLEGAL ); return ( view_id_t )g_CurrentViewID; }
// Purpose: Portal views are considered 'Main' views. This function tests a view id
// against all view ids used by portal renderables, as well as the main view.
bool IsMainView ( view_id_t id ) { #if defined(PORTAL)
return ( (id == VIEW_MAIN) || g_pPortalRender->IsPortalViewID( id ) ); #else
return (id == VIEW_MAIN); #endif
void FinishCurrentView() { AllowCurrentViewAccess( false ); }
// Constructor
void CSimpleRenderExecutor::AddView( CRendering3dView *pView ) { // slightly kludgy place to put the viewBuilder frame initialisation
CBase3dView *pPrevRenderer = m_pMainView->SetActiveRenderer( pView ); pView->Draw(); m_pMainView->SetActiveRenderer( pPrevRenderer );
// slightly kludgy place to put the viewBuilder frame initialisation
g_viewBuilder.PopBuildView(); }
#if !defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) && !defined( INFESTED_DLL ) && !defined( DOTA_DLL ) && !defined(CSTRIKE_DLL)
static CViewRender g_ViewRender; IViewRender *GetViewRenderInstance() { return &g_ViewRender; } #endif
// Constructor
CViewRender::CViewRender() : m_SimpleExecutor( this ) { m_flCheapWaterStartDistance = 0.0f; m_flCheapWaterEndDistance = 0.1f; m_BaseDrawFlags = 0; m_pActiveRenderer = NULL; m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity = NULL; m_bAllowViewAccess = false; m_flOldChaseOverviewScale = 1.0f; m_flIdealChaseOverviewScale = 1.0f; m_flNextIdealOverviewScaleUpdate = 0; m_flSmokeOverlayAmount = 0; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
inline bool CViewRender::ShouldDrawEntities( void ) { return ( !m_pDrawEntities || (m_pDrawEntities->GetInt() != 0) ); }
// Purpose: Check all conditions which would prevent drawing the view model
// Input : drawViewmodel -
// *viewmodel -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CViewRender::ShouldDrawViewModel( bool bDrawViewmodel ) { if ( !bDrawViewmodel ) return false;
if ( !r_drawviewmodel.GetBool() ) return false;
if ( !C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) return false;
if ( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() && ( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->GetObserverMode() != OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->GetObserverInterpState() == C_BasePlayer::OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING ) ) return false;
if ( !ShouldDrawEntities() ) return false;
if ( render->GetViewEntity() > gpGlobals->maxClients ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CViewRender::UpdateRefractIfNeededByList( CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &list ) { int nCount = list.Count(); for( int i=0; i < nCount; ++i ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = list[i].m_pRenderable; Assert( pRenderable ); if ( pRenderable->GetRenderFlags() & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) { UpdateRefractTexture(); return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CViewRender::DrawRenderablesInList( CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &renderGroups, int flags ) { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); #if defined( DBGFLAG_ASSERT )
Assert( m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity == NULL ); int nCount = renderGroups.Count(); for( int i=0; i < nCount; ++i ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = renderGroups[i].m_pRenderable; Assert( pRenderable );
// Non-view models wanting to render in view model list...
Assert( pRenderable->ShouldDraw() ); #ifdef PORTAL
Assert( ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() > 0 ) || !IsSplitScreenSupported() || pRenderable->ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( nSlot ) ); #else
Assert( !IsSplitScreenSupported() || pRenderable->ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( nSlot ) ); #endif
m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity = pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity(); int nDrawFlags = STUDIO_RENDER | flags; nDrawFlags |= renderGroups[i].m_InstanceData.m_bTwoPass ? STUDIO_TWOPASS : 0; pRenderable->DrawModel( nDrawFlags, renderGroups[i].m_InstanceData ); } m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity = NULL; }
void CViewRender::DrawViewModelsShadowDepth( const CViewSetup &view ) { bool bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel = ShouldDrawViewModel( true ); bool bShouldDrawToolViewModels = ToolsEnabled();
if ( !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel && !bShouldDrawToolViewModels ) return;
CViewModelRenderablesList list; ClientLeafSystem()->CollateViewModelRenderables( &list ); CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &opaqueList = list.m_RenderGroups[ CViewModelRenderablesList::VM_GROUP_OPAQUE ]; CViewModelRenderablesList listNormalFOV; CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &opaqueNormalFOVList = listNormalFOV.m_RenderGroups[ CViewModelRenderablesList::VM_GROUP_OPAQUE ]; // Remove objects from the list that tools don't want
// Move objects that aren't actually of the view model class into a different list so we can render them with normal FOV
bool bRemove = ToolsEnabled() && ( !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel || !bShouldDrawToolViewModels );
int nOpaque = opaqueList.Count(); for ( int i = nOpaque-1; i >= 0; --i ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = opaqueList[ i ].m_pRenderable; bool bEntity = pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() ? true : false; if ( bRemove ) { if ( ( bEntity && !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel ) || ( !bEntity && !bShouldDrawToolViewModels ) ) { // Remove it
opaqueList.FastRemove( i ); continue; } }
if ( !dynamic_cast<C_BaseViewModel*>( pRenderable ) ) { // Copy into the no VM FOV list
opaqueNormalFOVList.AddToTail( opaqueList[ i ] ); opaqueList.FastRemove( i ); } } // Update refract for opaque models & draw
DrawRenderablesInList( opaqueList ); // Render objects that use normal FOV
if ( opaqueNormalFOVList.Count() > 0 ) { // Update refract for opaque models & draw
DrawRenderablesInList( opaqueNormalFOVList ); } }
// Purpose: Actually draw the view model
// Input : drawViewModel -
void CViewRender::DrawViewModels( const CViewSetup &view, bool drawViewmodel, bool bDrawScopeLensMask ) #else
void CViewRender::DrawViewModels( const CViewSetup &view, bool drawViewmodel ) #endif
{ VPROF( "CViewRender::DrawViewModel" );
#ifdef PORTAL //in portal, we'd like a copy of the front buffer without the gun in it for use with the depth doubler
g_pPortalRender->UpdateDepthDoublerTexture( view ); #endif
bool bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel = ShouldDrawViewModel( drawViewmodel ); bool bShouldDrawToolViewModels = ToolsEnabled();
if ( !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel && !bShouldDrawToolViewModels ) return;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); #if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 32 ); #endif
PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "DrawViewModels()" );
// Restore the matrices
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix();
CViewSetup viewModelSetup( view ); viewModelSetup.zNear = view.zNearViewmodel; viewModelSetup.zFar = view.zFarViewmodel; viewModelSetup.fov = view.fovViewmodel; viewModelSetup.m_flAspectRatio = engine->GetScreenAspectRatio( view.width, view.height );
render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, viewModelSetup, 0, NULL, GetFrustum() );
#ifdef PORTAL //the depth range hack doesn't work well enough for the portal mod (and messing with the depth hack values makes some models draw incorrectly)
//step up to a full depth clear if we're extremely close to a portal (in a portal environment)
extern bool LocalPlayerIsCloseToPortal( void ); //defined in C_Portal_Player.cpp, abstracting to a single bool function to remove explicit dependence on c_portal_player.h/cpp, you can define the function as a "return true" in other build configurations at the cost of some perf
bool bUseDepthHack = !LocalPlayerIsCloseToPortal(); if( !bUseDepthHack ) pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( false, true, false ); #else
const bool bUseDepthHack = true; #endif
// FIXME: Add code to read the current depth range
float depthmin = 0.0f; float depthmax = 1.0f;
// HACK HACK: Munge the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls, etc.
// Force clipped down range
if( bUseDepthHack ) pRenderContext->DepthRange( 0.0f, 0.1f ); CViewModelRenderablesList list; ClientLeafSystem()->CollateViewModelRenderables( &list ); CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &opaqueList = list.m_RenderGroups[ CViewModelRenderablesList::VM_GROUP_OPAQUE ]; CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &translucentList = list.m_RenderGroups[ CViewModelRenderablesList::VM_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT ];
CViewModelRenderablesList listNormalFOV; CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &opaqueNormalFOVList = listNormalFOV.m_RenderGroups[ CViewModelRenderablesList::VM_GROUP_OPAQUE ]; CViewModelRenderablesList::RenderGroups_t &translucentNormalFOVList = listNormalFOV.m_RenderGroups[ CViewModelRenderablesList::VM_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT ];
// Remove objects from the list that tools don't want
// Move objects that aren't actually of the view model class into a different list so we can render them with normal FOV
bool bRemove = ToolsEnabled() && ( !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel || !bShouldDrawToolViewModels );
int nOpaque = opaqueList.Count(); for ( int i = nOpaque-1; i >= 0; --i ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = opaqueList[ i ].m_pRenderable; bool bEntity = pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() ? true : false; if ( bRemove ) { if ( ( bEntity && !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel ) || ( !bEntity && !bShouldDrawToolViewModels ) ) { // Remove it
opaqueList.FastRemove( i ); continue; } }
if ( !dynamic_cast<C_BaseViewModel*>( pRenderable ) ) { // Copy into the no VM FOV list
opaqueNormalFOVList.AddToTail( opaqueList[ i ] ); opaqueList.FastRemove( i ); } #ifdef IRONSIGHT
else { //we want this renderable to render a special masking shape, so we need to turn on ScopeStencilMaskMode
C_BaseViewModel *pViewModel = dynamic_cast<C_BaseViewModel*>( pRenderable ); if ( pViewModel ) pViewModel->SetScopeStencilMaskMode( bDrawScopeLensMask ); } #endif
int nTranslucent = translucentList.Count(); for ( int i = nTranslucent-1; i >= 0; --i ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = translucentList[ i ].m_pRenderable; bool bEntity = pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() ? true : false;
if ( bRemove ) { if ( ( bEntity && !bShouldDrawPlayerViewModel ) || ( !bEntity && !bShouldDrawToolViewModels ) ) { // Remove it
translucentList.FastRemove( i ); continue; } }
if ( !dynamic_cast<C_BaseViewModel*>( pRenderable ) ) { // Copy into the no VM FOV list
translucentNormalFOVList.AddToTail( translucentList[ i ] ); translucentList.FastRemove( i ); } #ifdef IRONSIGHT
else { //we want this renderable to render a special masking shape, so we need to turn on ScopeStencilMaskMode
C_BaseViewModel *pViewModel = dynamic_cast<C_BaseViewModel*>( pRenderable ); if ( pViewModel ) pViewModel->SetScopeStencilMaskMode( bDrawScopeLensMask ); } #endif
// Update refract for opaque models & draw
bool bUpdatedRefractForOpaque = UpdateRefractIfNeededByList( opaqueList ); DrawRenderablesInList( opaqueList );
// Update refract for translucent models (if we didn't already update it above) & draw
if ( !bUpdatedRefractForOpaque ) // Only do this once for better perf
{ UpdateRefractIfNeededByList( translucentList ); } DrawRenderablesInList( translucentList, STUDIO_TRANSPARENCY );
// Reset the depth range to the original values
if( bUseDepthHack ) pRenderContext->DepthRange( depthmin, depthmax );
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
// Render objects that use normal FOV
if ( !bDrawScopeLensMask && (opaqueNormalFOVList.Count() > 0 || translucentNormalFOVList.Count() > 0) ) { viewModelSetup.fov = view.fov; render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, viewModelSetup, 0, NULL, GetFrustum() );
// HACK HACK: Munge the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls, etc.
// Force clipped down range
if( bUseDepthHack ) pRenderContext->DepthRange( 0.0f, 0.1f );
// Update refract for opaque models & draw
bool bUpdatedRefractForOpaque = UpdateRefractIfNeededByList( opaqueNormalFOVList ); DrawRenderablesInList( opaqueNormalFOVList );
// Update refract for translucent models (if we didn't already update it above) & draw
if ( !bUpdatedRefractForOpaque ) // Only do this once for better perf
{ UpdateRefractIfNeededByList( translucentNormalFOVList ); } DrawRenderablesInList( translucentNormalFOVList, STUDIO_TRANSPARENCY );
// Reset the depth range to the original values
if( bUseDepthHack ) pRenderContext->DepthRange( depthmin, depthmax );
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); }
// Restore the matrices
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); #if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); #endif
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CViewRender::ShouldDrawBrushModels( void ) { if ( m_pDrawBrushModels && !m_pDrawBrushModels->GetInt() ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose: Performs screen space effects, if any
void CViewRender::PerformScreenSpaceEffects( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { VPROF("CViewRender::PerformScreenSpaceEffects()");
// FIXME: Screen-space effects are busted in the editor
if ( engine->IsHammerRunning() ) return;
g_pScreenSpaceEffects->RenderEffects( x, y, w, h ); }
// Purpose: Sets the screen space effect material (can't be done during rendering)
void CViewRender::SetScreenOverlayMaterial( IMaterial *pMaterial ) { m_ScreenOverlayMaterial.Init( pMaterial ); }
IMaterial *CViewRender::GetScreenOverlayMaterial( ) { return m_ScreenOverlayMaterial; }
// Purpose: Performs screen space effects, if any
void CViewRender::PerformScreenOverlay( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { VPROF("CViewRender::PerformScreenOverlay()");
if ( !r_drawscreenoverlay.GetBool() ) { // As far as I can tell we don't ever draw the screen overlay on Portal2 - fading the screen in/out and blurring the screen is handled in engine_post.
// I'm disabling it because the framebuffer now lives in _rt_FullFrameFB here on PS3 (not the backbuffer), and this is not compatible with some of the code paths in PerformScreenOverlay().
if ( m_ScreenOverlayMaterial ) { static bool s_bPrintedWarning; if ( !s_bPrintedWarning ) { s_bPrintedWarning = true; Warning( "****** CViewRender::PerformScreenOverlay: Screen overlay wants to render, but it's been disabled!\n" ); Assert( false ); } } return; }
if (m_ScreenOverlayMaterial) { if ( m_ScreenOverlayMaterial->NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture() ) { DrawScreenEffectMaterial( m_ScreenOverlayMaterial, x, y, w, h ); } else if ( m_ScreenOverlayMaterial->NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture() ) { // First copy the FB off to the offscreen texture
UpdateRefractTexture( x, y, w, h, true );
// Now draw the entire screen using the material...
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); ITexture *pTexture = GetPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture( ); int sw = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); int sh = pTexture->GetActualHeight(); pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( m_ScreenOverlayMaterial, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, sw-1, sh-1, sw, sh ); } else { byte color[4] = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; render->ViewDrawFade( color, m_ScreenOverlayMaterial ); } } }
void CViewRender::DrawUnderwaterOverlay( void ) { // Underwater overlay effect is disabled by default on Portal2 - as far as I can tell it's unused.
// It may need to be updated to work on PS3 (because _rt_FullFrameFB is used to hold the active framebuffer here on PS3 to avoid expensive resolves).
if ( !r_drawunderwateroverlay.GetBool() ) return;
IMaterial *pOverlayMat = m_UnderWaterOverlayMaterial;
if ( pOverlayMat ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
int x, y, w, h;
pRenderContext->GetViewport( x, y, w, h ); if ( pOverlayMat->NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture() ) { DrawScreenEffectMaterial( pOverlayMat, x, y, w, h ); } else if ( pOverlayMat->NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture() ) { // First copy the FB off to the offscreen texture
UpdateRefractTexture( x, y, w, h, true );
// Now draw the entire screen using the material...
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); ITexture *pTexture = GetPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture( ); int sw = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); int sh = pTexture->GetActualHeight(); pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( pOverlayMat, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, sw-1, sh-1, sw, sh ); } else { pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( pOverlayMat, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); } } }
// Purpose: Returns the min/max fade distances, and distance scale
static ConVar r_fade360style( "r_fade360style", "1" ); void CViewRender::GetScreenFadeDistances( float *pMin, float *pMax, float *pScale ) { *pMin = m_FadeData.m_flPixelMin; *pMax = m_FadeData.m_flPixelMax; *pScale = m_FadeData.m_flFadeDistScale;
// A complete, brutal hack, necessitated by our next-week ship date.
// On the 360, we use fade distances to deal with splitscreen.
// The tuning is such that the numbers used are correct for 720p.
// We are not doing this optimization to save on fillrate; instead we are doing it
// to save on CPU. Therefore, specifying the fades in terms of pixels is not correct.
// If we're not running @ 720p, then we will recompute a new number based on screen res ratio.
if ( IsGameConsole() || r_fade360style.GetInt() ) { int screenWidth, screenHeight; g_pMaterialSystem->GetBackBufferDimensions( screenWidth, screenHeight ); if ( screenHeight != 720 ) { float flRatio = (float)screenHeight / 720.0f; *pMin *= flRatio; *pMax *= flRatio; } }
void CViewRender::OnScreenFadeMinSize( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) return;
m_FadeData.m_flPixelMin = atof( args[1] ) * 1000.0f; }
void CViewRender::OnScreenFadeMaxSize( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) return;
m_FadeData.m_flPixelMax = atof( args[1] ) * 1000.0f; }
// Purpose: Initialize the fade data.
void CViewRender::InitFadeData( void ) { // What system are we running.
// L4D knocks down this convar in splitscreen mode to control the fade distances.
// We want to use the CPU level since it may be overriden for different systems NOT the "Acutal" level since that is just the convar.
int nSystemLevel = GetCPULevel(); // The +1 is because the system levels start at -1 for unknown and the fade levels start at 0 for unknown / none.
m_FadeData = g_aFadeData[nSystemLevel+1]; }
C_BaseEntity *CViewRender::GetCurrentlyDrawingEntity() { return m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity; }
void CViewRender::SetCurrentlyDrawingEntity( C_BaseEntity *pEnt ) { m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity = pEnt; }
bool CViewRender::UpdateShadowDepthTexture( ITexture *pRenderTarget, ITexture *pDepthTexture, const CViewSetup &shadowViewIn, bool bRenderWorldAndObjects, bool bRenderViewModels ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "shadow depth textures rendered", 1 );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
char szPIXEventName[128]; Q_snprintf( szPIXEventName, ARRAYSIZE( szPIXEventName ), "UpdateShadowDepthTexture (%s)", pDepthTexture ? pDepthTexture->GetName() : "null-depth-texture" ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, szPIXEventName ); #endif
CRefPtr<CShadowDepthView> pShadowDepthView = new CShadowDepthView( this ); pShadowDepthView->Setup( shadowViewIn, pRenderTarget, pDepthTexture, bRenderWorldAndObjects, bRenderViewModels );
AddViewToScene( pShadowDepthView );
return true; }
#if defined(CSTRIKE15) && defined(_PS3)
// Purpose: Initialise mem area for SPU BuildWorldLists, BuildRenderables
void CViewRender::InitSPUBuildRenderingJobs( void ) { // reset job view index
ClientLeafSystem()->PrepRenderablesListForSPU(); } #endif
static bool IsThirdPersonOverview( void ) { return input->CAM_IsThirdPersonOverview(); }
// Purpose: Renders world and all entities, etc.
void CViewRender::ViewDrawScene( bool bDrew3dSkybox, SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible, const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, view_id_t viewID, bool bDrawViewModel, int baseDrawFlags, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { VPROF( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene" ); SNPROF( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene" );
// this allows the refract texture to be updated once per *scene* on 360
// (e.g. once for a monitor scene and once for the main scene)
g_viewscene_refractUpdateFrame = gpGlobals->framecount - 1;
BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK g_CascadeLightManager.PreRender(); g_pClientShadowMgr->PreRender(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
// Shadowed flashlights supported on ps_2_b and up...
if ( ( viewID == VIEW_MAIN ) && ( !view.m_bDrawWorldNormal ) ) { g_CascadeLightManager.ComputeShadowDepthTextures( view );
// On the 360, we call this even when we don't have shadow depth textures enabled, so that
// the flashlight state gets set up properly
#if defined(_PS3)
g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowDepthTextures( view, g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_BUILDLISTS_PS3 ); #else
g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowDepthTextures( view, ( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() == PASS_BUILDLISTS ) ); #endif
m_BaseDrawFlags = baseDrawFlags;
// After cascading shadows are drawn, early out if vision is 100% obscured by smoke.
if ( m_flSmokeOverlayAmount >= 1 ) { BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK // Free shadow depth textures for use in future view
if ((viewID == VIEW_MAIN) && (!view.m_bDrawWorldNormal)) { g_CascadeLightManager.UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures();
g_pClientShadowMgr->UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures(); } END_2PASS_BLOCK return; }
SetupCurrentView( view.origin, view.angles, viewID, view.m_bDrawWorldNormal, view.m_bCullFrontFaces );
BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK // Invoke pre-render methods
IGameSystem::PreRenderAllSystems(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
// Start view
unsigned int visFlags;
SetupVis( view, visFlags, pCustomVisibility );
if ( !bDrew3dSkybox ) { if ( ( nSkyboxVisible == SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE ) && ( visFlags & IVRenderView::VIEW_SETUP_VIS_EX_RETURN_FLAGS_USES_RADIAL_VIS ) ) { // This covers the case where we don't see a 3dskybox, yet radial vis is clipping
// the far plane. Need to clear to fog color in this case.
nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR; SetClearColorToFogColor( ); } else if ( IsX360() && ( !( nClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR ) ) ) { // Make sure EDRAM color is always cleared to something on X360.
// From the XDK docs on IDirect3DDevice9::Present():
// Do not assume that the contents of extended dynamic random access memory (EDRAM) persist after calling the Present method. In
// debug builds, Direct3D clears the EDRAM to random values. After each call to Present, the color buffers and z-buffers are discarded.
nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } }
bool drawSkybox = r_skybox.GetBool(); if ( bDrew3dSkybox || ( nSkyboxVisible == SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE ) ) { drawSkybox = false; }
BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK ParticleMgr()->IncrementFrameCode(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
DrawWorldAndEntities( drawSkybox, view, nClearFlags, pCustomVisibility );
// Disable fog for the rest of the stuff
// UNDONE: Don't do this with masked brush models, they should probably be in a separate list
// render->DrawMaskEntities()
// Here are the overlays...
if ( !view.m_bDrawWorldNormal ) { CGlowOverlay::DrawOverlays( view.m_bCacheFullSceneState ); }
// issue the pixel visibility tests
if ( IsMainView( CurrentViewID() ) && !view.m_bDrawWorldNormal ) { PixelVisibility_EndCurrentView(); }
// Draw rain..
// Draw volumetrics for shadowed flashlights
if ( r_flashlightvolumetrics.GetBool() && (viewID != VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE) && !view.m_bDrawWorldNormal ) { g_pClientShadowMgr->DrawVolumetrics( view ); }
// Make sure sound doesn't stutter
// Debugging info goes over the top
CDebugViewRender::Draw3DDebuggingInfo( view );
// Draw client side effects
// NOTE: These are not sorted against the rest of the frame
clienteffects->DrawEffects( gpGlobals->frametime );
// Mark the frame as locked down for client fx additions
SetFXCreationAllowed( false );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK // Invoke post-render methods
IGameSystem::PostRenderAllSystems(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK // Free shadow depth textures for use in future view
if ( ( viewID == VIEW_MAIN ) && ( !view.m_bDrawWorldNormal ) ) { g_CascadeLightManager.UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures();
g_pClientShadowMgr->UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures(); }
// Set int rendering parameters back to defaults
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_ENABLE_FIXED_LIGHTING, 0 );
if ( view.m_bCullFrontFaces ) { pRenderContext->FlipCulling( false ); } END_2PASS_BLOCK
void CheckAndTransitionColor( float flPercent, float *pColor, float *pLerpToColor ) { if ( pLerpToColor[0] != pColor[0] || pLerpToColor[1] != pColor[1] || pLerpToColor[2] != pColor[2] ) { float flDestColor[3];
flDestColor[0] = pLerpToColor[0]; flDestColor[1] = pLerpToColor[1]; flDestColor[2] = pLerpToColor[2];
pColor[0] = FLerp( pColor[0], flDestColor[0], flPercent ); pColor[1] = FLerp( pColor[1], flDestColor[1], flPercent ); pColor[2] = FLerp( pColor[2], flDestColor[2], flPercent );
//Msg( "Actual(%f, %f, %f), Dest(%f, %f, %f), Percent(%f)\n", pColor[0], pColor[1], pColor[2], flDestColor[0], flDestColor[1], flDestColor[2], flPercent );
} else { pColor[0] = pLerpToColor[0]; pColor[1] = pLerpToColor[1]; pColor[2] = pLerpToColor[2]; } }
static void GetFogColorTransition( fogparams_t *pFogParams, float *pColorPrimary, float *pColorSecondary ) { if ( !pFogParams ) return;
if ( pFogParams->lerptime >= gpGlobals->curtime ) { float flPercent = MAX( 0, 1.0f - (( pFogParams->lerptime - gpGlobals->curtime ) / pFogParams->duration ) );
float flPrimaryColorLerp[3] = { pFogParams->colorPrimaryLerpTo.GetR(), pFogParams->colorPrimaryLerpTo.GetG(), pFogParams->colorPrimaryLerpTo.GetB() }; float flSecondaryColorLerp[3] = { pFogParams->colorSecondaryLerpTo.GetR(), pFogParams->colorSecondaryLerpTo.GetG(), pFogParams->colorSecondaryLerpTo.GetB() };
CheckAndTransitionColor( flPercent, pColorPrimary, flPrimaryColorLerp ); CheckAndTransitionColor( flPercent, pColorSecondary, flSecondaryColorLerp ); } }
// Purpose: Returns the fog color to use in rendering the current frame.
static void GetFogColor( fogparams_t *pFogParams, float *pColor, bool ignoreOverride, bool ignoreHDRColorScale ) { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pbp || !pFogParams ) return;
bool bFogOverride = fog_override.GetBool() && !ignoreOverride; float HDRColorScale; if( bFogOverride && (fog_hdrcolorscale.GetFloat() != -1.0f) ) { HDRColorScale = fog_hdrcolorscale.GetFloat(); } else { HDRColorScale = pFogParams->HDRColorScale; }
pColor[0] = pColor[1] = pColor[2] = -1.0f; const char *fogColorString = fog_color.GetString(); if( bFogOverride && fogColorString ) { sscanf( fogColorString, "%f %f %f", pColor, pColor+1, pColor+2 ); }
if( (pColor[0] == -1.0f) && (pColor[1] == -1.0f) && (pColor[2] == -1.0f) ) //if not overriding fog, or if we get non-overridden fog color values
{ float flPrimaryColor[3] = { pFogParams->colorPrimary.GetR(), pFogParams->colorPrimary.GetG(), pFogParams->colorPrimary.GetB() }; float flSecondaryColor[3] = { pFogParams->colorSecondary.GetR(), pFogParams->colorSecondary.GetG(), pFogParams->colorSecondary.GetB() };
GetFogColorTransition( pFogParams, flPrimaryColor, flSecondaryColor );
if( pFogParams->blend ) { //
// Blend between two fog colors based on viewing angle.
// The secondary fog color is at 180 degrees to the primary fog color.
Vector forward; pbp->EyeVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL ); Vector vNormalized = pFogParams->dirPrimary; VectorNormalize( vNormalized ); pFogParams->dirPrimary = vNormalized;
float flBlendFactor = 0.5 * forward.Dot( pFogParams->dirPrimary ) + 0.5;
// FIXME: convert to linear colorspace
pColor[0] = flPrimaryColor[0] * flBlendFactor + flSecondaryColor[0] * ( 1 - flBlendFactor ); pColor[1] = flPrimaryColor[1] * flBlendFactor + flSecondaryColor[1] * ( 1 - flBlendFactor ); pColor[2] = flPrimaryColor[2] * flBlendFactor + flSecondaryColor[2] * ( 1 - flBlendFactor ); } else { pColor[0] = flPrimaryColor[0]; pColor[1] = flPrimaryColor[1]; pColor[2] = flPrimaryColor[2]; } }
if ( !ignoreHDRColorScale && g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE ) { VectorScale( pColor, HDRColorScale, pColor ); }
VectorScale( pColor, 1.0f / 255.0f, pColor ); }
static float GetFogStart( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride ) { if( !pFogParams ) return 0.0f;
if( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if( fog_start.GetFloat() == -1.0f ) { return pFogParams->start; } else { return fog_start.GetFloat(); } } else { if ( pFogParams->lerptime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { if ( pFogParams->start != pFogParams->startLerpTo ) { if ( pFogParams->lerptime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { float flPercent = MAX( 0, 1.0f - (( pFogParams->lerptime - gpGlobals->curtime ) / pFogParams->duration ) );
return FLerp( pFogParams->start, pFogParams->startLerpTo, flPercent ); } else { if ( pFogParams->start != pFogParams->startLerpTo ) { pFogParams->start = pFogParams->startLerpTo; } } } }
return pFogParams->start; } }
static float GetFogEnd( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride ) { if( !pFogParams ) return 0.0f;
if( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if( fog_end.GetFloat() == -1.0f ) { return pFogParams->end; } else { return fog_end.GetFloat(); } } else { if ( pFogParams->lerptime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { if ( pFogParams->end != pFogParams->endLerpTo ) { if ( pFogParams->lerptime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { float flPercent = MAX( 0, 1.0f - (( pFogParams->lerptime - gpGlobals->curtime ) / pFogParams->duration ) );
float flEnd = pFogParams->end.Get(); float flLerpTo = pFogParams->endLerpTo.Get();
//Msg( "END = %f, LerpTo = %f, Percent = %f \n", flEnd, flLerpTo, flPercent );
return FLerp( flEnd, flLerpTo, flPercent ); } else { if ( pFogParams->end != pFogParams->endLerpTo ) { pFogParams->end = pFogParams->endLerpTo; } } } }
return pFogParams->end; } }
static bool GetFogEnable( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride ) { if ( cl_leveloverview.GetInt() != 0 || input->CAM_IsThirdPersonOverview() ) return false;
// Ask the clientmode
if ( GetClientMode()->ShouldDrawFog() == false ) return false;
if( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if( fog_enable.GetInt() ) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if( pFogParams ) return pFogParams->enable != false;
return false; } }
static float GetFogMaxDensity( fogparams_t *pFogParams, bool ignoreOverride ) { if( !pFogParams ) return 1.0f;
if ( cl_leveloverview.GetInt() != 0 || input->CAM_IsThirdPersonOverview() ) return 1.0f;
// Ask the clientmode
if ( !GetClientMode()->ShouldDrawFog() ) return 1.0f;
if ( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if ( fog_maxdensity.GetFloat() == -1.0f ) return pFogParams->maxdensity; else return fog_maxdensity.GetFloat(); } else { if ( pFogParams->lerptime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { if ( pFogParams->maxdensity != pFogParams->maxdensityLerpTo ) { if ( pFogParams->lerptime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { float flPercent = MAX( 0, 1.0f - (( pFogParams->lerptime - gpGlobals->curtime ) / pFogParams->duration ) );
return FLerp( pFogParams->maxdensity, pFogParams->maxdensityLerpTo, flPercent ); } else { if ( pFogParams->maxdensity != pFogParams->maxdensityLerpTo ) { pFogParams->maxdensity = pFogParams->maxdensityLerpTo; } } } }
return pFogParams->maxdensity; } }
// Purpose: Returns the skybox fog color to use in rendering the current frame.
static void GetSkyboxFogColor( float *pColor, bool ignoreOverride, bool ignoreHDRColorScale ) { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if( !pbp ) { return; } CPlayerLocalData *local = &pbp->m_Local;
bool bFogOverride = fog_override.GetBool() && !ignoreOverride; float HDRColorScale; if( bFogOverride && (fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox.GetFloat() != -1.0f) ) { HDRColorScale = fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox.GetFloat(); } else { HDRColorScale = local->m_skybox3d.fog.HDRColorScale; }
pColor[0] = pColor[1] = pColor[2] = -1.0f; const char *fogColorString = fog_colorskybox.GetString(); if( bFogOverride && fogColorString ) { sscanf( fogColorString, "%f %f %f", pColor, pColor+1, pColor+2 ); }
if( (pColor[0] == -1.0f) && (pColor[1] == -1.0f) && (pColor[2] == -1.0f) ) //if not overriding fog, or if we get non-overridden fog color values
{ if( local->m_skybox3d.fog.blend ) { //
// Blend between two fog colors based on viewing angle.
// The secondary fog color is at 180 degrees to the primary fog color.
Vector forward; pbp->EyeVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );
Vector vNormalized = local->m_skybox3d.fog.dirPrimary; VectorNormalize( vNormalized ); local->m_skybox3d.fog.dirPrimary = vNormalized;
float flBlendFactor = 0.5 * forward.Dot( local->m_skybox3d.fog.dirPrimary ) + 0.5; // FIXME: convert to linear colorspace
pColor[0] = local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary.GetR() * flBlendFactor + local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorSecondary.GetR() * ( 1 - flBlendFactor ); pColor[1] = local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary.GetG() * flBlendFactor + local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorSecondary.GetG() * ( 1 - flBlendFactor ); pColor[2] = local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary.GetB() * flBlendFactor + local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorSecondary.GetB() * ( 1 - flBlendFactor ); } else { pColor[0] = local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary.GetR(); pColor[1] = local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary.GetG(); pColor[2] = local->m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary.GetB(); } }
if ( !ignoreHDRColorScale && g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE ) { VectorScale( pColor, HDRColorScale, pColor ); } VectorScale( pColor, 1.0f / 255.0f, pColor ); }
static float GetSkyboxFogStart( bool ignoreOverride ) { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if( !pbp ) { return 0.0f; } CPlayerLocalData *local = &pbp->m_Local;
if( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if( fog_startskybox.GetFloat() == -1.0f ) { return local->m_skybox3d.fog.start; } else { return fog_startskybox.GetFloat(); } } else { return local->m_skybox3d.fog.start; } }
static float GetSkyboxFogEnd( bool ignoreOverride ) { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if( !pbp ) { return 0.0f; } CPlayerLocalData *local = &pbp->m_Local;
if( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if( fog_endskybox.GetFloat() == -1.0f ) { return local->m_skybox3d.fog.end; } else { return fog_endskybox.GetFloat(); } } else { return local->m_skybox3d.fog.end; } }
static float GetSkyboxFogMaxDensity( bool ignoreOverride ) { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pbp ) return 1.0f;
CPlayerLocalData *local = &pbp->m_Local;
if ( cl_leveloverview.GetInt() != 0 || input->CAM_IsThirdPersonOverview() ) return 1.0f;
// Ask the clientmode
if ( !GetClientMode()->ShouldDrawFog() ) return 1.0f;
if ( fog_override.GetInt() && !ignoreOverride ) { if ( fog_maxdensityskybox.GetFloat() == -1.0f ) return local->m_skybox3d.fog.maxdensity; else return fog_maxdensityskybox.GetFloat(); } else return local->m_skybox3d.fog.maxdensity; }
void CViewRender::DisableFog( void ) { VPROF("CViewRander::DisableFog()");
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->FogMode( MATERIAL_FOG_NONE ); }
// Purpose:
void CViewRender::SetupVis( const CViewSetup& view, unsigned int &visFlags, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { VPROF( "CViewRender::SetupVis" );
if ( pCustomVisibility && pCustomVisibility->m_nNumVisOrigins ) { // Pass array or vis origins to merge
render->ViewSetupVisEx( ShouldForceNoVis(), pCustomVisibility->m_nNumVisOrigins, pCustomVisibility->m_rgVisOrigins, visFlags ); } else { // Use render origin as vis origin by default
render->ViewSetupVisEx( ShouldForceNoVis(), 1, &view.origin, visFlags ); } }
// Purpose: Renders voice feedback and other sprites attached to players
// Input : none
void CViewRender::RenderPlayerSprites() { GetClientVoiceMgr()->DrawHeadLabels(); }
void CViewRender::DrawLetterBoxRectangles( int nSlot, const CUtlVector< vrect_t >& vecLetterBoxRectangles ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->Bind( m_WhiteMaterial ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, vecLetterBoxRectangles.Count() );
Color clr( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
float zpos = -99999;
for ( int i=0; i<vecLetterBoxRectangles.Count(); ++i ) { const vrect_t &r = vecLetterBoxRectangles[ i ];
meshBuilder.Position3f( r.x, r.y, zpos ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( clr.r(), clr.g(), clr.b(), clr.a() ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Position3f( r.x + r.width, r.y, zpos ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( clr.r(), clr.g(), clr.b(), clr.a() ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Position3f( r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height, zpos ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( clr.r(), clr.g(), clr.b(), clr.a() ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Position3f( r.x, r.y + r.height, zpos ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( clr.r(), clr.g(), clr.b(), clr.a() ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
} meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw();
1, 2, 3 and 4 are the possible letter box rectangles, if any are needed
(x,y)------------------------------------ | | 2 | | | |(view.x,view.y)----| | | | | | | 1 | | 4 | | | | | | |___________________|(vright,vbottom) | | 3 | | |---------------------------------------| (right, bottom) | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------- */ void CViewRender::GetLetterBoxRectangles( int nSlot, const CViewSetup &view, CUtlVector< vrect_t >& vecLetterBoxRectangles ) { // This uses the full screen size, not the hud or 3d inset size
int x, y, w, h; VGui_GetPanelBounds( nSlot, x, y, w, h );
int right = x + w; int bottom = y + h;
vrect_t r;
int vbottom = view.y + view.height; int vright = view.x + view.width;
// HACK: Adding in one extra pixel of slop at the border with the inset here...
// Need rect # 1?
if ( view.x != x ) { r.x = x; r.y = y; r.width = view.x + 1; r.height = h;
vecLetterBoxRectangles.AddToTail( r ); }
// Need rect # 2?
if ( view.y != y ) { r.x = view.x; r.y = y; r.width = view.width; r.height = view.y + 1;
vecLetterBoxRectangles.AddToTail( r ); }
// Need rect # 3?
if ( bottom != vbottom ) { r.x = view.x; r.y = vbottom - 1; r.width = view.width; r.height = bottom - vbottom + 1;
vecLetterBoxRectangles.AddToTail( r ); }
// Need rect # 4?
if ( right != vright ) { r.x = vright - 1; r.y = y; r.width = right - vright + 1; r.height = h;
vecLetterBoxRectangles.AddToTail( r ); } }
// Sets up, cleans up the main 3D view
void CViewRender::SetupMain3DView( int nSlot, const CViewSetup &view, const CViewSetup &hudViewSetup, int &nClearFlags, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { // FIXME: I really want these fields removed from CViewSetup
// and passed in as independent flags
// Clear the color here if requested.
int nDepthStencilFlags = nClearFlags & ( VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL ); nClearFlags &= ~( nDepthStencilFlags ); // Clear these flags
if ( nClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR ) { nClearFlags |= nDepthStencilFlags; // Add them back in if we're clearing color
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // See if this view needs borders
CUtlVector< vrect_t > letterbox; GetLetterBoxRectangles( nSlot, view, letterbox ); if ( letterbox.Count() ) { CViewSetup letterBoxViewSetup; letterBoxViewSetup.x = 0; letterBoxViewSetup.y = 0; VGui_GetTrueScreenSize( letterBoxViewSetup.width, letterBoxViewSetup.height ); render->Push2DView( pRenderContext, letterBoxViewSetup, 0, pRenderTarget, GetFrustum() ); DrawLetterBoxRectangles( nSlot, letterbox );
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); }
// If we are using HDR, we render to the HDR backbuffer
// instead of whatever was previously the render target
if( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_FLOAT ) { // Indicates that the render target is already HDR
if ( view.m_bHDRTarget ) { render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, view, nClearFlags, pRenderTarget, GetFrustum() ); } else { pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_BACK_BUFFER_INDEX, BACK_BUFFER_INDEX_HDR ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, view, nClearFlags, NULL, GetFrustum() ); } } else { render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, view, nClearFlags, NULL, GetFrustum() ); }
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); // don't want to hold for long periods in case in a locking active share thread mode
// If we didn't clear the depth here, we'll need to clear it later
nClearFlags ^= nDepthStencilFlags; // Toggle these bits
if ( nClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR ) { // If we cleared the color here, we don't need to clear it later
void CViewRender::CleanupMain3DView( const CViewSetup &view ) { // Make sure we reset from the HDR rendertarget back to the main backbuffer
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); if( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_FLOAT ) { pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_BACK_BUFFER_INDEX, BACK_BUFFER_INDEX_DEFAULT ); }
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); // don't want to hold for long periods in case in a locking active share thread mode
// Queues up an overlay rendering
void CViewRender::QueueOverlayRenderView( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, int whatToDraw ) { // Can't have 2 in a single scene
Assert( !m_bDrawOverlay );
m_bDrawOverlay = true; m_OverlayViewSetup = view; m_OverlayClearFlags = nClearFlags; m_OverlayDrawFlags = whatToDraw; }
// Purpose: Force the view to freeze on the next frame for the specified time
void CViewRender::FreezeFrame( float flFreezeTime ) { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); int slot = GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT();
if ( flFreezeTime == 0 ) { m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_flFreezeFrameUntil = 0; m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_bTakeFreezeFrame = false; } else { if ( m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_flFreezeFrameUntil > gpGlobals->curtime ) { m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_flFreezeFrameUntil += flFreezeTime; } else { m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_flFreezeFrameUntil = gpGlobals->curtime + flFreezeTime; m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_bTakeFreezeFrame = true; } } }
void PositionHudPanels( CUtlVector< vgui::VPANEL > &list, const CViewSetup &view ) { for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i ) { vgui::VPANEL root = list[ i ]; if ( root != 0 ) { vgui::ipanel()->SetPos( root, view.x, view.y ); vgui::ipanel()->SetSize( root, view.width, view.height ); } } }
static ConVar r_particle_demo( "r_particle_demo", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static CNonDrawingParticleSystem *s_pDemoSystem = NULL;
void ParticleUsageDemo( void ) { if ( r_particle_demo.GetInt() ) { if ( ! s_pDemoSystem ) { s_pDemoSystem = ParticleMgr()->CreateNonDrawingEffect( "christest" ); } // draw a bunch of bars
CParticleCollection *pSystem = s_pDemoSystem->Get(); for( int i = 0; i < pSystem->m_nActiveParticles; i++ ) { Vector vecColor = pSystem->GetVectorAttributeValue( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB, i ); vecColor *= 255.0; float flRadius = *( pSystem->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS, i ) ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( vecColor.x, vecColor.y, vecColor.z, 255 ); pRenderContext->Viewport( 0, i * 20, flRadius, 17 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true ); } } else { // its off
if ( s_pDemoSystem ) { delete s_pDemoSystem; s_pDemoSystem = NULL; }
} } #endif
// Purpose: This renders the entire 3D view and the in-game hud/viewmodel
// Input : &view -
// whatToDraw -
// This renders the entire 3D view.
extern ConVar r_drawothermodels; void CViewRender::RenderView( const CViewSetup &view, const CViewSetup &hudViewSetup, int nClearFlags, int whatToDraw ) { m_UnderWaterOverlayMaterial.Shutdown(); // underwater view will set
m_CurrentView = view;
C_BaseAnimating::AutoAllowBoneAccess boneaccess( true, true ); VPROF( "CViewRender::RenderView" );
// Don't want CS:GO running less than SM3
// @wge: HACK FIXME - Not doing this on MacOSX for now...
if ( !IsGameConsole() && !IsOSX() && !IsOpenGL() && ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 95 ) ) { // We know they were running at least 9.0 when the game started...we check the
// value in ClientDLL_Init()...so they must be messing with their DirectX settings.
static bool bFirstTime = true; if ( bFirstTime ) { bFirstTime = false; Msg( "This game has a minimum requirement of Shader Model 3.0 and your video card must support cascaded shadow mapping to run properly.\n" ); } return; }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
#if defined(_PS3)
pRenderContext->AntiAliasingHint( AA_HINT_MESHES );
// init SPU render job data for buildworldlists, buildrenderables
g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_BUILDLISTS_PS3 | PASS_DRAWLISTS_PS3 ); #else
g_viewBuilder.Init(); g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_BUILDLISTS | PASS_DRAWLISTS );
// Update bounds of all renderables
ITexture *saveRenderTarget = pRenderContext->GetRenderTarget(); pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); // don't want to hold for long periods in case in a locking active share thread mode
if ( !m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_bTakeFreezeFrame && m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_flFreezeFrameUntil > gpGlobals->curtime ) { CRefPtr<CFreezeFrameView> pFreezeFrameView = new CFreezeFrameView( this ); pFreezeFrameView->Setup( view ); AddViewToScene( pFreezeFrameView );
g_bRenderingView = true; AllowCurrentViewAccess( true ); } else { g_flFreezeFlash[ slot ] = 0.0f;
if ( cl_drawmonitors.GetBool() && ( ( whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_SUPPRESSMONITORRENDERING ) == 0 ) ) { DrawMonitors( view ); } #endif
g_bRenderingView = true;
RenderPreScene( view );
// Must be first
// Send the current tonemap scalar to the material system
// clear happens here probably
SetupMain3DView( slot, view, hudViewSetup, nClearFlags, saveRenderTarget );
bool bDrew3dSkybox = false; SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible = SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE;
// Don't bother with the skybox if we're drawing an ND buffer for the SFM
if ( !view.m_bDrawWorldNormal ) { // if the 3d skybox world is drawn, then don't draw the normal skybox
if ( true ) // For pix event
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "Skybox Rendering" ); } #endif
CSkyboxView *pSkyView = new CSkyboxView( this ); if ( ( bDrew3dSkybox = pSkyView->Setup( view, &nClearFlags, &nSkyboxVisible ) ) != false ) { AddViewToScene( pSkyView ); } SafeRelease( pSkyView ); } }
// Force it to clear the framebuffer if they're in solid space.
if ( ( nClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR ) == 0 ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); if ( enginetrace->GetPointContents( view.origin ) == CONTENTS_SOLID ) { nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR; } }
PreViewDrawScene( view );
// Render world and all entities, particles, etc.
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "ViewDrawScene()" ); } #endif
#if defined(_PS3)
// Entry point for 2 pass rendering on PS3, for CSTRIKE15
// pass 1 - build - kick off build world and renderable lists on SPU
// pass 2 - draw - sync build jobs and draw
// 2 passes allows the building jobs to be kicked off asap, and the rendering can then
// be performed in parallel
// This path is still undergoing testing, and does not support all rendering paths (refraction, proper reflection, etc)
// sync points and other 2 pass macros near the top of this file - wrap code to be performed in on or other pass with a begin/end macro (see examples)
if( r_PS3_2PassBuildDraw.GetInt() ) { int numViews[2];
// turn on SPU BuildWorld/Renderables jobs
g_viewBuilder.SPUBuildRWJobsOn( true );
// reset job view index
// Pass 1 - Build World and Renderables Lists
g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_BUILDLISTS_PS3 ); ViewDrawScene( bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible, view, nClearFlags, VIEW_MAIN, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL );
numViews[0] = g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID();
// push all stored up buildrenderable jobs
// kick off threaded audio here, this only does anything when running IsServer is true
// helps to hide any sync on buildworld/renderable jobs
// reset job view index
// Pass 2 - Draw
g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_DRAWLISTS_PS3 ); ViewDrawScene( bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible, view, nClearFlags, VIEW_MAIN, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL );
numViews[1] = g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID();
if( numViews[0] != numViews[1] ) { Warning("PS3 2 pass draw error - numViews mismatch, p0:%d p1:%d\n", numViews[0], numViews[1]); }
// turn off SPU BuildWorld/Renderables jobs
g_viewBuilder.SPUBuildRWJobsOn( false );
g_viewBuilder.Purge(); } else { g_viewBuilder.Init(); g_viewBuilder.SPUBuildRWJobsOn( true );
g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_BUILDLISTS_PS3 | PASS_DRAWLISTS_PS3 ); ViewDrawScene( bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible, view, nClearFlags, VIEW_MAIN, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL );
g_viewBuilder.SPUBuildRWJobsOn( false ); g_viewBuilder.Purge(); }
// Entry point for 2 pass rendering for CSTRIKE15
// pass 1 - build - kick off build world and renderable lists on different thread
// pass 2 - draw - sync build jobs and draw
// 2 passes allows the building jobs to be kicked off asap, and the rendering can then
// be performed in parallel
// This path is still undergoing testing, and does not support all rendering paths (refraction, proper reflection, etc)
// sync points and other 2 pass macros near the top of this file - wrap code to be performed in on or other pass with a begin/end macro (see examples)
if ( r_2PassBuildDraw.GetBool() ) { g_viewBuilder.SetBuildWRThreaded( true ); //
// First pass - Generate build world and renderables lists
// reset job view index
{ g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_BUILDLISTS ); ViewDrawScene( bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible, view, nClearFlags, VIEW_MAIN, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL ); }
// Second pass - Draw
// reset job view index
{ g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_DRAWLISTS ); ViewDrawScene( bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible, view, nClearFlags, VIEW_MAIN, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL ); }
g_viewBuilder.SetBuildWRThreaded( false ); } else { // Single pass
g_viewBuilder.SetPassFlags( PASS_BUILDLISTS | PASS_DRAWLISTS ); g_viewBuilder.SetBuildWRThreaded( true );
ViewDrawScene( bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible, view, nClearFlags, VIEW_MAIN, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL );
g_viewBuilder.SetBuildWRThreaded( false );
g_viewBuilder.Purge(); #endif
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "ViewDrawScene_Intro()" ); } #endif
ViewDrawScene_Intro( view, nClearFlags, *g_pIntroData ); }
// We can still use the 'current view' stuff set up in ViewDrawScene
AllowCurrentViewAccess( true );
PostViewDrawScene( view );
// Finish scene
// Draw lightsources if enabled
// Image-space motion blur and depth of field
#if defined( _X360 )
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 16 ); //Max out pixel shader threads
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); } #endif
Rect_t curViewport; if ( IsPS3() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // On PS3, the motion blur pass reads from the backbuffer and outputs to _rt_FullFrameFB. Subsequent passes then read/write
// _rt_FullFrameFB, then engine_post reads from _rt_FullFrameFB and outputs to the backbuffer.
pRenderContext->GetViewport( curViewport.x, curViewport.y, curViewport.width, curViewport.height ); pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( materials->FindTexture( "_rt_FullFrameFB", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET ) ); pRenderContext->Viewport( curViewport.x, curViewport.y, curViewport.width, curViewport.height ); pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
bool bPerformedMotionBlur = false; if ( !building_cubemaps.GetBool() ) { if ( IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() ) { pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); { PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "DoDepthOfField()" ); DoDepthOfField( view ); } pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
// We don't want to motion blur the freeze frame. It isn't going to be moving much.
ConVarRef mat_motion_blur_enabled( "mat_motion_blur_enabled" ); if ( ( view.m_nMotionBlurMode != MOTION_BLUR_DISABLE ) && ( mat_motion_blur_enabled.GetInt() ) && !m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_bTakeFreezeFrame ) { pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); { PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "DoImageSpaceMotionBlur()" ); bPerformedMotionBlur = DoImageSpaceMotionBlur( view ); } pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); } }
if ( IsPS3() && !bPerformedMotionBlur ) { // Ensure the final framebuffer is always copied into the backbuffer on PS3 (this is normally done by the postprocess pass, which for whatever reason didn't happen).
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( NULL ); UpdateScreenEffectTexture( 0, view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height );
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
#if defined( _X360 )
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); } #endif
RenderSmokeOverlay( true ); DrawViewModels( view, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL ); RenderSmokeOverlay( false ); DrawUnderwaterOverlay(); PixelVisibility_EndScene();
#if defined( _X360 )
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 16 ); //Max out pixel shader threads
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); } #endif
// Draw fade over entire screen if needed
byte color[4]; bool blend; GetViewEffects()->GetFadeParams( &color[0], &color[1], &color[2], &color[3], &blend );
// Store off color fade params to be applied in fullscreen postprocess pass
SetViewFadeParams( color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3], blend ); // Draw an overlay to make it even harder to see inside smoke particle systems.
DrawSmokeFogOverlay(); // Overlay screen fade on entire screen
PerformScreenOverlay( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height ); // Prevent sound stutter if going slow
if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE ) { pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); pRenderContext->SetToneMappingScaleLinear(Vector(1,1,1)); pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
if ( IsPS3() ) { // On PS3, engine_post reads from _rt_FullFrameFB and outputs to the backbuffer.
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( NULL );
pRenderContext->Viewport( curViewport.x, curViewport.y, curViewport.width, curViewport.height );
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
if ( r_drawothermodels.GetInt() == 1 && ApplyIronSightScopeEffect( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height, &m_CurrentView, true ) ) { //draw the viewmodel with a special flag that renders a special mask shape into the stencil buffer
DrawViewModels(view, whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL, true);
//apply the finished blur effect over the screen, while masking out the scope lens
ApplyIronSightScopeEffect( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height, &m_CurrentView, false ); } #endif
bool bPerformedPostProcessing = false; if ( !building_cubemaps.GetBool() && view.m_bDoBloomAndToneMapping ) { pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); { static bool bAlreadyShowedLoadTime = false; if ( ! bAlreadyShowedLoadTime ) { bAlreadyShowedLoadTime = true; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-timeload" ) ) { Warning( "time to initial render = %f\n", Plat_FloatTime() ); } }
PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "DoEnginePostProcessing()" );
bool bFlashlightIsOn = false; C_BasePlayer *pLocal = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pLocal ) { bFlashlightIsOn = pLocal->IsEffectActive( EF_DIMLIGHT ); } bPerformedPostProcessing = DoEnginePostProcessing( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height, bFlashlightIsOn ); } pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
if ( IsPS3() && !bPerformedPostProcessing ) { // Ensure the final framebuffer is always copied into the backbuffer on PS3 (this is normally done by the postprocess pass).
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( materials->FindTexture( "_rt_FullFrameFB", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET ) );
Rect_t rect; rect.x = view.x; rect.y = view.y; rect.width = view.width; rect.height = view.height;
pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( materials->FindTexture( "^PS3^BACKBUFFER", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET ), 0, &rect, &rect ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport();
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); }
// And here are the screen-space effects
if ( IsPC() ) { // Grab the pre-color corrected frame for editing purposes
engine->GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height ); }
PerformScreenSpaceEffects( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height );
#if defined( _X360 )
{ CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); } #endif
GetClientMode()->DoPostScreenSpaceEffects( &view );
CleanupMain3DView( view );
if ( m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_bTakeFreezeFrame ) { pRenderContext = materials->GetRenderContext(); if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // 360 doesn't create the Fullscreen texture
pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( GetFullFrameFrameBufferTexture( 1 ), 0, NULL, NULL ); } else { pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( GetFullscreenTexture(), 0, NULL, NULL ); } pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); m_FreezeParams[ slot ].m_bTakeFreezeFrame = false; }
pRenderContext = materials->GetRenderContext(); pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( saveRenderTarget ); pRenderContext.SafeRelease();
// Draw the overlay
if ( m_bDrawOverlay ) { // This allows us to be ok if there are nested overlay views
CViewSetup currentView = m_CurrentView; CViewSetup tempView = m_OverlayViewSetup; tempView.fov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( tempView.fov, tempView.m_flAspectRatio / ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) ); tempView.m_bDoBloomAndToneMapping = false; // FIXME: Hack to get Mark up and running
tempView.m_nMotionBlurMode = MOTION_BLUR_DISABLE; // FIXME: Hack to get Mark up and running
m_bDrawOverlay = false; RenderView( tempView, hudViewSetup, m_OverlayClearFlags, m_OverlayDrawFlags ); m_CurrentView = currentView; } }
#if defined( USE_SDL )
if ( mat_viewportupscale.GetBool() && mat_viewportscale.GetFloat() < 1.0f ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
ITexture *pFullFrameFB1 = materials->FindTexture( "_rt_FullFrameFB1", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET );
Rect_t DownscaleRect, UpscaleRect;
DownscaleRect.x = view.x; DownscaleRect.y = view.y; DownscaleRect.width = view.width; DownscaleRect.height = view.height;
UpscaleRect.x = view.m_nUnscaledX; UpscaleRect.y = view.m_nUnscaledY; UpscaleRect.width = view.m_nUnscaledWidth; UpscaleRect.height = view.m_nUnscaledHeight;
pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( pFullFrameFB1, 0, &DownscaleRect, &DownscaleRect ); pRenderContext->CopyTextureToRenderTargetEx( 0, pFullFrameFB1, &DownscaleRect, &UpscaleRect ); } #endif
// Clear a row of pixels at the edge of the viewport if it isn't at the edge of the screen
if ( VGui_IsSplitScreen() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport();
int nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight; g_pMaterialSystem->GetBackBufferDimensions( nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight );
// NOTE: view.height is off by 1 on the PC in a release build, but debug is correct! I'm leaving this here to help track this down later.
// engine->Con_NPrintf( 25 + hh, "view( %d, %d, %d, %d ) GetBackBufferDimensions( %d, %d )\n", view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight );
if ( view.x != 0 ) // if left of viewport isn't at 0
{ pRenderContext->Viewport( view.x, view.y, 1, view.height ); pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false ); }
if ( ( view.x + view.width ) != nScreenWidth ) // if right of viewport isn't at edge of screen
{ pRenderContext->Viewport( view.x + view.width - 1, view.y, 1, view.height ); pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false ); }
if ( view.y != 0 ) // if top of viewport isn't at 0
{ pRenderContext->Viewport( view.x, view.y, view.width, 1 ); pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false ); }
if ( ( view.y + view.height ) != nScreenHeight ) // if bottom of viewport isn't at edge of screen
{ pRenderContext->Viewport( view.x, view.y + view.height - 1, view.width, 1 ); pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false ); }
pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); pRenderContext->Release(); }
// Draw the 2D graphics
m_CurrentView = hudViewSetup; pRenderContext = materials->GetRenderContext();
if( IsPS3() ) { #if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
extern bool ShouldDrawHudViewfinder(); // HUD viewfinder has complex material that isn't handled correctly by deferred queuing in material system, so we shouldn't attempt to
if( !ShouldDrawHudViewfinder() ) { pRenderContext->AntiAliasingHint( AA_HINT_TEXT ); } #else
// mdonofrio - Ensure we don't MLAA scaleform/hud rendering
pRenderContext->AntiAliasingHint( AA_HINT_TEXT ); #endif // CSTRIKE15
if ( true ) { PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "2D Client Rendering" );
render->Push2DView( pRenderContext, hudViewSetup, 0, saveRenderTarget, GetFrustum() );
Render2DEffectsPreHUD( hudViewSetup );
if ( whatToDraw & RENDERVIEW_DRAWHUD ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "VGui_DrawHud", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_VGUI ); // paint the vgui screen
CUtlVector< vgui::VPANEL > vecHudPanels;
vecHudPanels.AddToTail( VGui_GetClientDLLRootPanel() );
// This block is suspect - why are we resizing fullscreen panels to be the size of the hudViewSetup
// which is potentially only half the screen
if ( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() == 0 ) { vecHudPanels.AddToTail( VGui_GetFullscreenRootVPANEL() );
vecHudPanels.AddToTail( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL ) ); #endif
vecHudPanels.AddToTail( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL_TOOLS ) ); }
PositionHudPanels( vecHudPanels, hudViewSetup );
// The crosshair, etc. needs to get at the current setup stuff
AllowCurrentViewAccess( true );
// Draw the in-game stuff based on the actual viewport being used
render->VGui_Paint( PAINT_INGAMEPANELS );
// Some hud elements want to position themselves based on the on-screen position
// of simulated actors (players, physics objects, etc). LateThink() gives them
// a chance to use the final rendering positions of those actors.
AllowCurrentViewAccess( false );
#if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
pRenderContext->SetScaleformSlotViewport( SF_SS_SLOT( slot ), hudViewSetup.x, hudViewSetup.y, hudViewSetup.width, hudViewSetup.height ); pRenderContext->AdvanceAndRenderScaleformSlot( SF_SS_SLOT( slot ) ); #endif
pRenderContext->Flush(); }
CDebugViewRender::Draw2DDebuggingInfo( hudViewSetup );
Render2DEffectsPostHUD( hudViewSetup );
g_bRenderingView = false;
// We can no longer use the 'current view' stuff set up in ViewDrawScene
AllowCurrentViewAccess( false );
if ( IsPC() ) { CDebugViewRender::GenerateOverdrawForTesting(); }
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); }
// Render a fullscreen rect to wipe alpha.
// Software that is injecting into present chain
// is grabbing our buffer with alpha and is able to give
// away players positioning when players are in or behind
// smoke.
if ( IMaterial *pMaterialClearAlpha = materials->FindMaterial( "dev/clearalpha", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true ) ) { pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( pMaterialClearAlpha ); }
g_WorldListCache.Flush(); g_viewBuilder.Purge();
m_CurrentView = view;
ParticleUsageDemo(); #endif
// Purpose: Renders extra 2D effects in derived classes while the 2D view is on the stack
void CViewRender::Render2DEffectsPreHUD( const CViewSetup &view ) { }
// Purpose: Renders extra 2D effects in derived classes while the 2D view is on the stack
void CViewRender::Render2DEffectsPostHUD( const CViewSetup &view ) { }
// NOTE: Below here is all of the stuff that needs to be done for water rendering
// Determines what kind of water we're going to use
void CViewRender::DetermineWaterRenderInfo( const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogVolumeInfo, WaterRenderInfo_t &info ) { // By default, assume cheap water (even if there's no water in the scene!)
info.m_bCheapWater = true; info.m_bRefract = false; info.m_bReflect = false; info.m_bReflectEntities = false; info.m_bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities = false; info.m_bDrawWaterSurface = false; info.m_bOpaqueWater = true; info.m_bPseudoTranslucentWater = false; info.m_bReflect2DSkybox = false;
IMaterial *pWaterMaterial = fogVolumeInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial; if (( fogVolumeInfo.m_nVisibleFogVolume == -1 ) || !pWaterMaterial ) return;
// Use cheap water if mat_drawwater is set
info.m_bDrawWaterSurface = mat_drawwater.GetBool(); if ( !info.m_bDrawWaterSurface ) { info.m_bOpaqueWater = false; return; }
bool bForceExpensive = false; #else
bool bForceExpensive = r_waterforceexpensive.GetBool(); #endif
bool bForceReflectEntities = r_waterforcereflectentities.GetBool();
bool bForceCheap = false; #ifdef PORTAL
switch( g_pPortalRender->ShouldForceCheaperWaterLevel() ) { case 0: //force cheap water
info.m_bCheapWater = true; bForceCheap = true; return;
case 1: //downgrade level to "simple reflection"
bForceExpensive = false;
case 2: //downgrade level to "reflect world"
bForceReflectEntities = false; default: break; }; #endif
// Determine if the water surface is opaque or not
info.m_bOpaqueWater = !pWaterMaterial->IsTranslucent();
// The material can override the default settings though
IMaterialVar *pForceCheapVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$forcecheap", NULL, false ); IMaterialVar *pForceExpensiveVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$forceexpensive", NULL, false );
if ( !bForceCheap && pForceCheapVar && pForceCheapVar->IsDefined() ) { bForceCheap = ( pForceCheapVar->GetIntValueFast() != 0 ); }
if ( bForceCheap ) { bForceExpensive = false; } if ( !bForceCheap && pForceExpensiveVar && pForceExpensiveVar->IsDefined() ) { bForceExpensive = bForceExpensive || ( pForceExpensiveVar->GetIntValueFast() != 0 ); }
bool bDebugCheapWater = r_debugcheapwater.GetBool(); if( bDebugCheapWater ) { Msg( "Water material: %s dist to water: %f\nforcecheap: %s forceexpensive: %s\n", pWaterMaterial->GetName(), fogVolumeInfo.m_flDistanceToWater, bForceCheap ? "true" : "false", bForceExpensive ? "true" : "false" ); }
// Unless expensive water is active, reflections are off.
bool bLocalReflection; #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE
if( !r_WaterDrawReflection.GetBool() ) #else
if( !bForceExpensive || !r_WaterDrawReflection.GetBool() ) #endif
{ bLocalReflection = false; } else { IMaterialVar *pReflectTextureVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$reflecttexture", NULL, false ); bLocalReflection = pReflectTextureVar && (pReflectTextureVar->GetType() == MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_TEXTURE); }
// Brian says FIXME: I disabled cheap water LOD when local specular is specified.
// There are very few places that appear to actually
// take advantage of it (places where water is in the PVS, but outside of LOD range).
// It was 2 hours before code lock, and I had the choice of either doubling fill-rate everywhere
// by making cheap water lod actually work (the water LOD wasn't actually rendering!!!)
// or to just always render the reflection + refraction if there's a local specular specified.
// Note that water LOD *does* work with refract-only water
// Gary says: I'm reverting this change so that water LOD works on dx9 for ep2.
// Check if the water is out of the cheap water LOD range; if so, use cheap water
if ( !bForceExpensive && ( bForceCheap || ( fogVolumeInfo.m_flDistanceToWater >= m_flCheapWaterEndDistance ) ) ) { return; } #else
if ( ( (fogVolumeInfo.m_flDistanceToWater >= m_flCheapWaterEndDistance) && !bLocalReflection ) || bForceCheap ) return; #endif
// Get the material that is for the water surface that is visible and check to see
// what render targets need to be rendered, if any.
if ( !r_WaterDrawRefraction.GetBool() ) { info.m_bRefract = false; } else { IMaterialVar *pRefractTextureVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$refracttexture", NULL, false ); info.m_bRefract = pRefractTextureVar && (pRefractTextureVar->GetType() == MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_TEXTURE);
// Refractive water can be seen through
if ( info.m_bRefract ) { info.m_bOpaqueWater = false; } }
if ( !info.m_bRefract ) { info.m_bPseudoTranslucentWater = pWaterMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_PSEUDO_TRANSLUCENT ); if ( info.m_bPseudoTranslucentWater ) { info.m_bOpaqueWater = false; } }
info.m_bReflect = bLocalReflection; if ( info.m_bReflect ) { if( bForceReflectEntities ) { info.m_bReflectEntities = true; } else { IMaterialVar *pReflectEntitiesVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$reflectentities", NULL, false ); info.m_bReflectEntities = pReflectEntitiesVar && (pReflectEntitiesVar->GetIntValueFast() != 0);
// -- PORTAL 2 console perf hack --
// Force this check on consoles even if the VMT says $reflectentities / $forceexpensive / etc.
// Unless you explicitly put "$reflectonlymarkedentities 0" in the VMT, you're going to get this feature...
// This may be somewhat confusing but it seems like the most straight-forward way to avoid perf regressions due to people
// making water VMTs naively without considering console performance.
if ( !info.m_bReflectEntities || IsGameConsole() ) { bool bFound = false; IMaterialVar *pReflectOnlyMarkedEntitiesVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$reflectonlymarkedentities", &bFound, false ); info.m_bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities = IsGameConsole(); // default to using fast reflections on consoles, not on PC
if ( pReflectOnlyMarkedEntitiesVar && bFound ) { info.m_bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities = ( pReflectOnlyMarkedEntitiesVar->GetIntValueFast() != 0 ); }
if ( IsGameConsole() && info.m_bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities ) { info.m_bReflectEntities = false; } } }
IMaterialVar *pReflect2DSkybox = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$reflect2dskybox", NULL, false ); info.m_bReflect2DSkybox = pReflect2DSkybox && ( pReflect2DSkybox->GetIntValueFast() != 0 ); }
info.m_bCheapWater = !info.m_bReflect && !info.m_bRefract;
if( bDebugCheapWater ) { Warning( "refract: %s reflect: %s\n", info.m_bRefract ? "true" : "false", info.m_bReflect ? "true" : "false" ); } }
// Enables/disables water depth feathering, which requires the scene's depth.
void CViewRender::EnableWaterDepthFeathing( IMaterial *pWaterMaterial, bool bEnable ) { if ( pWaterMaterial ) { bool bFound = false; IMaterialVar *pDepthFeather = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$depth_feather", &bFound, false ); if ( ( pDepthFeather ) && ( bFound ) ) { pDepthFeather->SetIntValue( bEnable ); } } }
// Draws the world and all entities
void CViewRender::DrawWorldAndEntities( bool bDrawSkybox, const CViewSetup &viewIn, int nClearFlags, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t fogVolumeInfo; #ifdef PORTAL //in portal, we can't use the fog volume for the camera since it's almost never in the same fog volume as what's in front of the portal
if( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() == 0 ) { render->GetVisibleFogVolume( viewIn.origin, NULL, &fogVolumeInfo ); } else { render->GetVisibleFogVolume( g_pPortalRender->GetExitPortalFogOrigin(), &pCustomVisibility->m_VisData, &fogVolumeInfo ); } #else
render->GetVisibleFogVolume( viewIn.origin, NULL, &fogVolumeInfo ); #endif
WaterRenderInfo_t info; DetermineWaterRenderInfo( fogVolumeInfo, info );
if ( info.m_bCheapWater ) { // rg - This code path will probably going away soon, but for now I'm going to fix it so the water looks reasonable on PS3/X360.
EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogVolumeInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, true );
cplane_t glassReflectionPlane; if ( IsReflectiveGlassInView( viewIn, glassReflectionPlane ) ) { CRefPtr<CReflectiveGlassView> pGlassReflectionView = new CReflectiveGlassView( this ); pGlassReflectionView->Setup( viewIn, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, bDrawSkybox, fogVolumeInfo, info, glassReflectionPlane ); AddViewToScene( pGlassReflectionView );
CRefPtr<CRefractiveGlassView> pGlassRefractionView = new CRefractiveGlassView( this ); pGlassRefractionView->Setup( viewIn, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, bDrawSkybox, fogVolumeInfo, info, glassReflectionPlane ); AddViewToScene( pGlassRefractionView ); }
CRefPtr<CSimpleWorldView> pNoWaterView = new CSimpleWorldView( this ); pNoWaterView->Setup( viewIn, nClearFlags, bDrawSkybox, fogVolumeInfo, info, pCustomVisibility ); AddViewToScene( pNoWaterView );
EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogVolumeInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, false );
return; }
Assert( !pCustomVisibility );
// Blat out the visible fog leaf if we're not going to use it
if ( !r_ForceWaterLeaf.GetBool() ) { fogVolumeInfo.m_nVisibleFogVolumeLeaf = -1; }
EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogVolumeInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, true ); // We can see water of some sort
if ( !fogVolumeInfo.m_bEyeInFogVolume ) { CRefPtr<CAboveWaterView> pAboveWaterView = new CAboveWaterView( this ); pAboveWaterView->Setup( viewIn, bDrawSkybox, fogVolumeInfo, info ); AddViewToScene( pAboveWaterView ); } else { CRefPtr<CUnderWaterView> pUnderWaterView = new CUnderWaterView( this ); pUnderWaterView->Setup( viewIn, bDrawSkybox, fogVolumeInfo, info );
AddViewToScene( pUnderWaterView ); }
EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogVolumeInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, false ); }
// Pushes a water render target
static Vector s_vSavedLinearLightMapScale(-1,-1,-1); // x<0 = no saved scale
static void SetLightmapScaleForWater(void) { if (g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType()==HDR_TYPE_INTEGER) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); s_vSavedLinearLightMapScale=pRenderContext->GetToneMappingScaleLinear(); Vector t25=s_vSavedLinearLightMapScale; t25*=0.25; pRenderContext->SetToneMappingScaleLinear(t25); } }
// Returns true if the view plane intersects the water
bool DoesViewPlaneIntersectWater( float waterZ, int leafWaterDataID ) { if ( leafWaterDataID == -1 ) return false;
#ifdef PORTAL //when rendering portal views point/plane intersections just don't cut it.
if( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() != 0 ) return g_pPortalRender->DoesExitPortalViewIntersectWaterPlane( waterZ, leafWaterDataID ); #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); VMatrix viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewProjectionMatrix, inverseViewProjectionMatrix; pRenderContext->GetMatrix( MATERIAL_VIEW, &viewMatrix ); pRenderContext->GetMatrix( MATERIAL_PROJECTION, &projectionMatrix ); MatrixMultiply( projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, viewProjectionMatrix ); MatrixInverseGeneral( viewProjectionMatrix, inverseViewProjectionMatrix );
Vector mins, maxs; ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); Vector testPoint[4]; testPoint[0].Init( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ); testPoint[1].Init( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); testPoint[2].Init( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ); testPoint[3].Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); int i; bool bAbove = false; bool bBelow = false; float fudge = 7.0f; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { Vector worldPos; Vector3DMultiplyPositionProjective( inverseViewProjectionMatrix, testPoint[i], worldPos ); AddPointToBounds( worldPos, mins, maxs ); // Warning( "viewplanez: %f waterZ: %f\n", worldPos.z, waterZ );
if( worldPos.z + fudge > waterZ ) { bAbove = true; } if( worldPos.z - fudge < waterZ ) { bBelow = true; } }
// early out if the near plane doesn't cross the z plane of the water.
if( !( bAbove && bBelow ) ) return false;
Vector vecFudge( fudge, fudge, fudge ); mins -= vecFudge; maxs += vecFudge; // the near plane does cross the z value for the visible water volume. Call into
// the engine to find out if the near plane intersects the water volume.
return render->DoesBoxIntersectWaterVolume( mins, maxs, leafWaterDataID ); }
#ifdef PORTAL
// Purpose: Draw the scene during another draw scene call. We must draw our portals
// after opaques but before translucents, so this ViewDrawScene resets the view
// and doesn't flag the rendering as ended when it ends.
// Input : bDrawSkybox - do we draw the skybox
// &view - the camera view to render from
// nClearFlags - how to clear the buffer
void CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_PortalStencil( const CViewSetup &viewIn, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_PortalStencil", "ViewDrawScene_PortalStencil" );
CViewSetup view( viewIn );
// Record old view stats
Vector vecOldOrigin = CurrentViewOrigin(); QAngle vecOldAngles = CurrentViewAngles();
int iCurrentViewID = g_CurrentViewID; #if defined( DBGFLAG_ASSERT )
int iRecursionLevel = g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel(); Assert( iRecursionLevel > 0 ); #endif
bool bDrew3dSkybox = false; SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible = SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE; int iClearFlags = 0;
Draw3dSkyboxworld_Portal( view, iClearFlags, bDrew3dSkybox, nSkyboxVisible );
bool drawSkybox = r_skybox.GetBool(); if ( bDrew3dSkybox || ( nSkyboxVisible == SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE ) ) { drawSkybox = false; }
//generate unique view ID's for each stencil view
view_id_t iNewViewID = (view_id_t)g_pPortalRender->GetCurrentViewId(); SetupCurrentView( view.origin, view.angles, (view_id_t)iNewViewID ); // update vis data
unsigned int visFlags; SetupVis( view, visFlags, pCustomVisibility );
VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t fogInfo; if( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() == 0 ) { render->GetVisibleFogVolume( view.origin, NULL, &fogInfo ); } else { render->GetVisibleFogVolume( g_pPortalRender->GetExitPortalFogOrigin(), &pCustomVisibility->m_VisData, &fogInfo ); }
WaterRenderInfo_t waterInfo; DetermineWaterRenderInfo( fogInfo, waterInfo );
if ( waterInfo.m_bCheapWater ) { // Only bother to enable depth feathering with water seen through up to a single portal when cheap_water is active.
if ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() <= 1) { EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, true ); } cplane_t glassReflectionPlane; if ( IsReflectiveGlassInView( viewIn, glassReflectionPlane ) ) { CRefPtr<CReflectiveGlassView> pGlassReflectionView = new CReflectiveGlassView( this ); pGlassReflectionView->Setup( viewIn, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_OBEY_STENCIL, drawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, glassReflectionPlane ); AddViewToScene( pGlassReflectionView );
CRefPtr<CRefractiveGlassView> pGlassRefractionView = new CRefractiveGlassView( this ); pGlassRefractionView->Setup( viewIn, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_OBEY_STENCIL, drawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, glassReflectionPlane ); AddViewToScene( pGlassRefractionView ); }
CSimpleWorldView *pClientView = new CSimpleWorldView( this ); pClientView->Setup( view, VIEW_CLEAR_OBEY_STENCIL, drawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, pCustomVisibility ); AddViewToScene( pClientView ); SafeRelease( pClientView );
EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, false ); } else { EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, true ); // We can see water of some sort
if ( !fogInfo.m_bEyeInFogVolume ) { CRefPtr<CAboveWaterView> pAboveWaterView = new CAboveWaterView( this ); pAboveWaterView->Setup( viewIn, drawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, pCustomVisibility ); AddViewToScene( pAboveWaterView ); } else { CRefPtr<CUnderWaterView> pUnderWaterView = new CUnderWaterView( this ); pUnderWaterView->Setup( viewIn, drawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, pCustomVisibility ); AddViewToScene( pUnderWaterView ); }
EnableWaterDepthFeathing( fogInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial, false ); } // Disable fog for the rest of the stuff
CGlowOverlay::DrawOverlays( view.m_bCacheFullSceneState );
// Draw rain..
//prerender version only
// issue the pixel visibility tests
// Make sure sound doesn't stutter
// Debugging info goes over the top
CDebugViewRender::Draw3DDebuggingInfo( view );
// Return to the previous view
SetupCurrentView( vecOldOrigin, vecOldAngles, (view_id_t)iCurrentViewID ); g_CurrentViewID = iCurrentViewID; //just in case the cast to view_id_t screwed up the id #
void CViewRender::Draw3dSkyboxworld_Portal( const CViewSetup &view, int &nClearFlags, bool &bDrew3dSkybox, SkyboxVisibility_t &nSkyboxVisible, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { CRefPtr<CPortalSkyboxView> pSkyView = new CPortalSkyboxView( this ); if ( ( bDrew3dSkybox = pSkyView->Setup( view, &nClearFlags, &nSkyboxVisible, pRenderTarget ) ) == true ) { AddViewToScene( pSkyView ); } }
#endif //PORTAL
#ifdef PORTAL2
void CViewRender::ViewDrawPhoto( ITexture *pRenderTarget, C_BaseEntity *pTargetEntity ) { CRefPtr<CAperturePhotoView> pPhotoView = new CAperturePhotoView( this ); int nClearFlags = VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL; SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible = SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false ); // FIXME: JDW
//bool bIsDormant = pTargetEntity->IsDormant();
//pTargetEntity->m_bDormant = false;
//IClientRenderable *pEntRenderable = pTargetEntity->GetClientRenderable();
bool bNoDraw = pTargetEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ); if( bNoDraw ) { pTargetEntity->RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW ); }
bool bHandle = pTargetEntity->GetRenderHandle() == INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE; if( bHandle ) { ClientLeafSystem()->AddRenderable( pTargetEntity, false, RENDERABLE_IS_OPAQUE, RENDERABLE_MODEL_UNKNOWN_TYPE ); ClientLeafSystem()->RenderableChanged( pTargetEntity->m_hRender ); ClientLeafSystem()->PreRender(); }
//bool bShouldDraw = pEntRenderable->ShouldDraw();
//bool bIsVisible = pTargetEntity->IsVisible();
Assert( pTargetEntity->ShouldDraw() );
CViewSetup photoview = m_CurrentView; photoview.width = pRenderTarget->GetActualWidth(); photoview.height = pRenderTarget->GetActualHeight(); photoview.x = 0; photoview.y = 0; //photoview.origin = pCameraEnt->GetAbsOrigin();
//photoview.angles = pCameraEnt->GetAbsAngles();
//photoview.fov = pCameraEnt->GetFOV();
photoview.m_bOrtho = false; //photoview.m_flAspectRatio = 0.0f;
//(*this) = photoview;
SetupCurrentView( photoview.origin, photoview.angles, VIEW_MONITOR );
Frustum frustum; render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, photoview, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, pRenderTarget, (VPlane *)frustum );
//HACKHACK: need to setup a proper view
if( pPhotoView->Setup( pTargetEntity, photoview, &nClearFlags, &nSkyboxVisible, pRenderTarget ) == true ) { AddViewToScene( pPhotoView ); }
render->PopView( pRenderContext, frustum );
//pTargetEntity->m_bDormant = bIsDormant;
if( bHandle ) { ClientLeafSystem()->RemoveRenderable( pTargetEntity->GetRenderHandle() ); }
if( bNoDraw ) { pTargetEntity->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); } } #endif
// Methods related to controlling the cheap water distance
void CViewRender::SetCheapWaterStartDistance( float flCheapWaterStartDistance ) { m_flCheapWaterStartDistance = flCheapWaterStartDistance; }
void CViewRender::SetCheapWaterEndDistance( float flCheapWaterEndDistance ) { m_flCheapWaterEndDistance = flCheapWaterEndDistance; }
void CViewRender::GetWaterLODParams( float &flCheapWaterStartDistance, float &flCheapWaterEndDistance ) { flCheapWaterStartDistance = m_flCheapWaterStartDistance; flCheapWaterEndDistance = m_flCheapWaterEndDistance; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &view -
// &introData -
void CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_Intro( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, const IntroData_t &introData ) { VPROF( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene" );
PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_Intro" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
// this allows the refract texture to be updated once per *scene* on 360
// (e.g. once for a monitor scene and once for the main scene)
g_viewscene_refractUpdateFrame = gpGlobals->framecount - 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the clear color to black since we are going to be adding up things
// in the frame buffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clear alpha to 255 so that masking with the vortigaunts (0) works properly.
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw the primary scene and copy it to the first framebuffer texture
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int visFlags;
// NOTE: We only increment this once since time doesn't move forward.
if( introData.m_bDrawPrimary ) { CViewSetup playerView( view ); playerView.origin = introData.m_vecCameraView; playerView.angles = introData.m_vecCameraViewAngles; if ( introData.m_playerViewFOV ) { playerView.fov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( introData.m_playerViewFOV, engine->GetScreenAspectRatio( view.width, view.height ) / ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) ); }
// Shadowed flashlights supported on ps_2_b and up...
if ( r_flashlightdepthtexture.GetBool() ) { #if defined(_PS3)
g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowDepthTextures( playerView, g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_BUILDLISTS_PS3 ); #else
g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowDepthTextures( playerView, ( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() == PASS_BUILDLISTS ) ); #endif
SetupCurrentView( playerView.origin, playerView.angles, VIEW_INTRO_PLAYER );
// Invoke pre-render methods
// Start view, clear frame/z buffer if necessary
SetupVis( playerView, visFlags ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, playerView, VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH, NULL, GetFrustum() ); DrawWorldAndEntities( true /* drawSkybox */, playerView, VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH ); render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
// Free shadow depth textures for use in future view
if ( r_flashlightdepthtexture.GetBool() ) { g_pClientShadowMgr->UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures(); } } else { pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true ); } Rect_t actualRect; UpdateScreenEffectTexture( 0, view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height, false, &actualRect );
// Shadowed flashlights supported on ps_2_b and up...
if ( r_flashlightdepthtexture.GetBool() ) { g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowDepthTextures( view ); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw the secondary scene and copy it to the second framebuffer texture
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SetupCurrentView( view.origin, view.angles, VIEW_INTRO_CAMERA );
// Invoke pre-render methods
// Start view, clear frame/z buffer if necessary
SetupVis( view, visFlags );
// Clear alpha to 255 so that masking with the vortigaunts (0) works properly.
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
DrawWorldAndEntities( true /* drawSkybox */, view, VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH );
UpdateScreenEffectTexture( 1, view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw quads on the screen for each screenspace pass.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find the material that we use to render the overlays
IMaterial *pOverlayMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "scripted/intro_screenspaceeffect", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); IMaterialVar *pModeVar = pOverlayMaterial->FindVar( "$mode", NULL ); IMaterialVar *pAlphaVar = pOverlayMaterial->FindVar( "$alpha", NULL );
pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity();
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); int passID; for( passID = 0; passID < introData.m_Passes.Count(); passID++ ) { const IntroDataBlendPass_t& pass = introData.m_Passes[passID]; if ( pass.m_Alpha == 0 ) continue;
// Pick one of the blend modes for the material.
if ( pass.m_BlendMode >= 0 && pass.m_BlendMode <= 9 ) { pModeVar->SetIntValue( pass.m_BlendMode ); } else { Assert(0); } // Set the alpha value for the material.
pAlphaVar->SetFloatValue( pass.m_Alpha ); // Draw a quad for this pass.
ITexture *pTexture = GetFullFrameFrameBufferTexture( 0 ); pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( pOverlayMaterial, view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height, actualRect.x, actualRect.y, actualRect.x+actualRect.width-1, actualRect.y+actualRect.height-1, pTexture->GetActualWidth(), pTexture->GetActualHeight() ); } pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); // Draw the starfield
// blur?
// Disable fog for the rest of the stuff
DisableFog(); // Here are the overlays...
CGlowOverlay::DrawOverlays( view.m_bCacheFullSceneState );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK // issue the pixel visibility tests
PixelVisibility_EndCurrentView(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
// And here are the screen-space effects
PerformScreenSpaceEffects( view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height );
// Make sure sound doesn't stutter
// Debugging info goes over the top
CDebugViewRender::Draw3DDebuggingInfo( view );
// Let the particle manager simulate things that haven't been simulated.
// Free shadow depth textures for use in future view
if ( r_flashlightdepthtexture.GetBool() ) { g_pClientShadowMgr->UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures(); } }
// Purpose: Sets up scene and renders camera view
// Input : cameraNum -
// &cameraView
// *localPlayer -
// x -
// y -
// width -
// height -
// highend -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CViewRender::DrawOneMonitor( ITexture *pRenderTarget, int cameraNum, C_PointCamera *pCameraEnt, const CViewSetup &cameraView, C_BasePlayer *localPlayer, int x, int y, int width, int height ) { PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( "CViewRender::DrawOneMonitor" );
VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "cameras rendered", 1 ); // Setup fog state for the camera.
fogparams_t oldFogParams; float flOldZFar = 0.0f;
bool fogEnabled = pCameraEnt->IsFogEnabled();
CViewSetup monitorView = cameraView;
fogparams_t *pFogParams = NULL;
if ( fogEnabled ) { if ( !localPlayer ) return false;
pFogParams = localPlayer->GetFogParams();
// Save old fog data.
oldFogParams = *pFogParams; flOldZFar = cameraView.zFar;
pFogParams->enable = true; pFogParams->start = pCameraEnt->GetFogStart(); pFogParams->end = pCameraEnt->GetFogEnd(); pFogParams->farz = pCameraEnt->GetFogEnd(); pFogParams->maxdensity = pCameraEnt->GetFogMaxDensity();
unsigned char r, g, b; pCameraEnt->GetFogColor( r, g, b ); pFogParams->colorPrimary.SetR( r ); pFogParams->colorPrimary.SetG( g ); pFogParams->colorPrimary.SetB( b );
monitorView.zFar = pCameraEnt->GetFogEnd(); }
monitorView.width = width; monitorView.height = height; monitorView.x = x; monitorView.y = y; monitorView.origin = pCameraEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); monitorView.angles = pCameraEnt->GetAbsAngles(); monitorView.fov = pCameraEnt->GetFOV(); monitorView.m_bOrtho = false; monitorView.m_flAspectRatio = pCameraEnt->UseScreenAspectRatio() ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
// @MULTICORE (toml 8/11/2006): this should be a renderer....
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // Monitors do not support flashlight shadows because the depth texture isn't initialized until the main view (VIEW_MAIN) renders
FlashlightState_t nullFlashlight; VMatrix matIdentity; matIdentity.Identity(); pRenderContext->SetFlashlightState( nullFlashlight, matIdentity ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, monitorView, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, pRenderTarget, GetFrustum() ); ViewDrawScene( false, SKYBOX_2DSKYBOX_VISIBLE, monitorView, 0, VIEW_MONITOR ); render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
// Reset the world fog parameters.
if ( fogEnabled ) { if ( pFogParams ) { *pFogParams = oldFogParams; } monitorView.zFar = flOldZFar; } #endif // USE_MONITORS
return true; }
void CViewRender::DrawMonitors( const CViewSetup &cameraView ) { #ifdef USE_MONITORS
// Early out if no cameras
C_PointCamera *pCameraEnt = GetPointCameraList(); if ( !pCameraEnt ) return;
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_bRenderingCameraView = true; #endif
// FIXME: this should check for the ability to do a render target maybe instead.
// FIXME: shouldn't have to truck through all of the visible entities for this!!!!
ITexture *pCameraTarget = GetCameraTexture(); int width = pCameraTarget->GetActualWidth(); int height = pCameraTarget->GetActualHeight();
C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); int cameraNum; for ( cameraNum = 0; pCameraEnt != NULL; pCameraEnt = pCameraEnt->m_pNext ) { if ( !pCameraEnt->IsActive() || pCameraEnt->IsDormant() ) continue;
if ( !DrawOneMonitor( pCameraTarget, cameraNum, pCameraEnt, cameraView, player, 0, 0, width, height ) ) continue;
++cameraNum; }
if ( IsGameConsole() && cameraNum > 0 ) { // resolve render target to system memory texture
// resolving *after* all monitors drawn to ensure a single blit using fastest resolve path
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( pCameraTarget ); pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( pCameraTarget, 0, NULL, NULL ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_bRenderingCameraView = false; #endif
#endif // USE_MONITORS
ClientWorldListInfo_t *ClientWorldListInfo_t::AllocPooled( const ClientWorldListInfo_t &exemplar ) { ClientWorldListInfo_t *pResult = gm_Pool.GetObject();
size_t nBytes = AlignValue( ( exemplar.m_LeafCount * (sizeof(WorldListLeafData_t) + sizeof(exemplar.m_pLeafDataList[0]))), 4096 ); byte *pMemory = (byte *)pResult->m_pLeafDataList;
if ( pMemory ) { // Previously allocated, add a reference. Otherwise comes out of GetObject as a new object with a refcount of 1
pResult->AddRef(); }
if ( !pMemory || _msize( pMemory ) < nBytes ) { pMemory = (byte *)realloc( pMemory, nBytes ); }
pResult->m_pLeafDataList = (WorldListLeafData_t*)pMemory; pResult->m_pOriginalLeafIndex = (uint16*)( (byte *)( pResult->m_pLeafDataList ) + exemplar.m_LeafCount * sizeof(exemplar.m_pLeafDataList[0]) );
pResult->m_bPooledAlloc = true;
return pResult; }
bool ClientWorldListInfo_t::OnFinalRelease() { if ( m_bPooledAlloc ) { Assert( m_pLeafDataList ); gm_Pool.PutObject( this ); return false; } return true; }
// Constructor
CBase3dView::CBase3dView( CViewRender *pMainView ) : m_pMainView( pMainView ), m_Frustum( pMainView->m_Frustum ), m_nSlot( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ) { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pEnt -
// Output : int
VPlane* CBase3dView::GetFrustum() { // The frustum is only valid while in a RenderView call.
// @MULTICORE (toml 8/11/2006): reimplement this when ready -- Assert(g_bRenderingView || g_bRenderingCameraView || g_bRenderingScreenshot);
return m_Frustum; }
CObjectPool<ClientWorldListInfo_t> ClientWorldListInfo_t::gm_Pool;
#if defined(_PS3)
CClientRenderablesList g_RenderablesPool[ MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS ]; ClientWorldListInfo_t g_WorldListInfoPool[ MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS ]; #endif
// Base class for 3d views
CRendering3dView::CRendering3dView(CViewRender *pMainView) : CBase3dView( pMainView ), m_pWorldRenderList( NULL ), #if !defined(_PS3)
m_pRenderables( NULL ), m_pWorldListInfo( NULL ), #endif
m_pCustomVisibility( NULL ), m_DrawFlags( 0 ), m_ClearFlags( 0 ) {
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) && defined(_PS3)
BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK for( int i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; i++ ) { m_pRenderablesList[ i ] = NULL; m_pWorldListInfo[ i ] = NULL; } END_2PASS_BLOCK #endif
// Sort entities in a back-to-front ordering
void CRendering3dView::Setup( const CViewSetup &setup ) { // @MULTICORE (toml 8/15/2006): don't reset if parameters don't require it. For now, just reset
memcpy( static_cast<CViewSetup *>(this), &setup, sizeof( setup ) ); ReleaseLists();
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) && defined(_PS3)
// only want this statically allocated once ever really, or use a mempool
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; i++ ) { m_pRenderablesList[ i ] = &g_RenderablesPool[ i ]; m_pWorldListInfo[ i ] = &g_WorldListInfoPool[ i ]; } #else
//m_pRenderables = new CClientRenderablesList;
m_pCustomVisibility = NULL; }
// Sort entities in a back-to-front ordering
void CRendering3dView::ReleaseLists() {
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) && defined(_PS3)
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; i++ ) { m_pRenderablesList[ i ] = NULL; m_pWorldListInfo[ i ] = NULL; } #else
SafeRelease( m_pWorldRenderList );
SafeRelease( m_pRenderables ); SafeRelease( m_pWorldListInfo ); #endif
m_pCustomVisibility = NULL; }
class SetupRenderablesListJob : public CJob { public: explicit SetupRenderablesListJob( const SetupRenderInfo_t &info ) : m_SetupInfo( info ) {}
virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute();
SetupRenderInfo_t m_SetupInfo; };
JobStatus_t SetupRenderablesListJob::DoExecute() { ClientLeafSystem()->BuildRenderablesList( m_SetupInfo ); return JOB_OK; }
void CRendering3dView::SetupRenderablesList( int viewID, bool bFastEntityRendering, bool bDrawDepthViewNonCachedObjectsOnly ) { // VPROF( "CViewRender::SetupRenderablesList" );
VPROF_BUDGET( "SetupRenderablesList", "SetupRenderablesList" );
#if !defined( _PS3 )
// Create the list
m_pRenderables = new CClientRenderablesList; g_viewBuilder.SetRenderablesListElement( m_pRenderables ); #endif
// Clear the list.
int i; for( i=0; i < RENDER_GROUP_COUNT; i++ ) { #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) && defined(_PS3)
m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[i] = 0; #else
m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[i] = 0; #endif
// Now collate the entities in the leaves.
if( !m_pMainView->ShouldDrawEntities() ) return;
// Precache information used commonly in CollateRenderables
SetupRenderInfo_t setupInfo; setupInfo.m_nRenderFrame = m_pMainView->BuildRenderablesListsNumber(); // only one incremented?
setupInfo.m_nDetailBuildFrame = m_pMainView->BuildWorldListsNumber(); //
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) && defined(_PS3)
setupInfo.m_pWorldListInfo = m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; setupInfo.m_pRenderList = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; #endif
setupInfo.m_bDrawDetailObjects = GetClientMode()->ShouldDrawDetailObjects() && r_DrawDetailProps.GetInt(); if ( m_bCSMView ) { setupInfo.m_bDrawTranslucentObjects = cl_csm_translucent_shadows.GetBool(); } else { setupInfo.m_bDrawTranslucentObjects = ( r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents.GetBool() || (viewID != VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE) ); } setupInfo.m_nViewID = viewID; setupInfo.m_nBuildViewID = g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID(); setupInfo.m_nOcclustionViewID = engine->GetOcclusionViewId(); setupInfo.m_vecRenderOrigin = origin; setupInfo.m_vecRenderForward = CurrentViewForward(); setupInfo.m_bFastEntityRendering = bFastEntityRendering; setupInfo.m_bDrawDepthViewNonCachedObjectsOnly = bDrawDepthViewNonCachedObjectsOnly; setupInfo.m_bCSMView = m_bCSMView; ComputeScreenSizeInfo( &setupInfo.m_screenSizeInfo );
float fMaxDist = cl_maxrenderable_dist.GetFloat();
// Shadowing light typically has a smaller farz than cl_maxrenderable_dist
setupInfo.m_flRenderDistSq = (viewID == VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE) ? MIN(zFar, fMaxDist) : fMaxDist; setupInfo.m_flRenderDistSq *= setupInfo.m_flRenderDistSq;
SetupRenderablesListJob *pJob = new SetupRenderablesListJob( setupInfo ); g_viewBuilder.QueueBuildRenderablesListJob( pJob ); pJob->Release(); }
#if defined(_PS3)
void CRendering3dView::SetupRenderablesList_PS3_Epilogue( void ) { ConVarRef r_PS3_SPU_buildrenderables( "r_PS3_SPU_buildrenderables" );
if( r_PS3_SPU_buildrenderables.GetInt() ) { ClientLeafSystem()->BuildRenderablesList_PS3_Epilogue(); } } #endif
// Kinda awkward...three optional parameters at the end...
void CRendering3dView::BuildWorldRenderLists( bool bDrawEntities, int iForceViewLeaf /* = -1 */, bool bUseCacheIfEnabled /* = true */, bool bShadowDepth /* = false */, float *pReflectionWaterHeight /*= NULL*/ ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "BuildWorldRenderLists", "World Render Setup" );
// @MULTICORE (toml 8/18/2006): to address....
extern void UpdateClientRenderableInPVSStatus(); UpdateClientRenderableInPVSStatus();
#if defined(_PS3)
int buildViewID = g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID(); Assert( !m_pWorldRenderList && !m_pWorldListInfo[ buildViewID ]);
g_viewBuilder.SetDrawFlags( m_DrawFlags ); #else
Assert( !m_pWorldRenderList && !m_pWorldListInfo);
m_pMainView->IncWorldListsNumber(); // Override vis data if specified this render, otherwise use default behavior with NULL
VisOverrideData_t* pVisData = ( m_pCustomVisibility && m_pCustomVisibility->m_VisData.m_fDistToAreaPortalTolerance != FLT_MAX ) ? &m_pCustomVisibility->m_VisData : NULL; bool bUseCache = ( bUseCacheIfEnabled && r_worldlistcache.GetBool() ); if ( m_pCustomVisibility ) { iForceViewLeaf = m_pCustomVisibility->m_iForceViewLeaf; }
ClientWorldListInfo_t **ppWorldListInfo;
#if defined(_PS3)
ppWorldListInfo = &m_pWorldListInfo[ buildViewID ]; #else
ppWorldListInfo = &m_pWorldListInfo; #endif
if ( !bUseCache || !g_WorldListCache.Find( *this, pVisData, iForceViewLeaf, &m_pWorldRenderList, ppWorldListInfo ) ) {
#if defined(_PS3)
m_pWorldRenderList = render->CreateWorldList_PS3( buildViewID ); m_pWorldListInfo[ buildViewID ] = &g_WorldListInfoPool[ buildViewID ]; m_pWorldListInfo[ buildViewID ]->Init();
//g_viewBuilder.m_pWorldRenderListCache[ buildViewID ] = m_pWorldRenderList;
g_viewBuilder.SetWorldRenderListElement( m_pWorldRenderList );
render->BuildWorldLists( m_pWorldRenderList, m_pWorldListInfo[ buildViewID ], iForceViewLeaf, pVisData, bShadowDepth, pReflectionWaterHeight );
if ( bUseCache ) { g_WorldListCache.Add( *this, pVisData, iForceViewLeaf, m_pWorldRenderList, m_pWorldListInfo[ buildViewID ] ); }
// @MULTICORE (toml 8/18/2006): when make parallel, will have to change caching to be atomic, where follow ons receive a pointer to a list that is not yet built
m_pWorldRenderList = render->CreateWorldList();
m_pWorldListInfo = new ClientWorldListInfo_t;
g_viewBuilder.SetWorldRenderListElement( m_pWorldRenderList ); g_viewBuilder.SetWorldListInfoElement( m_pWorldListInfo );
render->BuildWorldLists( m_pWorldRenderList, m_pWorldListInfo, iForceViewLeaf, pVisData, bShadowDepth, pReflectionWaterHeight );
if ( bUseCache ) { g_WorldListCache.Add( *this, pVisData, iForceViewLeaf, m_pWorldRenderList, m_pWorldListInfo ); } #endif
} else { // Lists found in the cache, still need to set up the concurrent view builder
// (Investigate: Maybe we should cache CConcurrentViewData (as it contains all the info needed for the view) instead of
// caching the individual list)
g_viewBuilder.SetWorldRenderListElement( m_pWorldRenderList ); g_viewBuilder.SetWorldListInfoElement( m_pWorldListInfo ); g_viewBuilder.CacheFrustumData(); } }
#if defined(_PS3)
void CRendering3dView::BuildWorldRenderLists_PS3_Epilogue( bool bShadowDepth ) { if( !m_pWorldRenderList ) return;
ConVarRef r_PS3_SPU_buildworldlists( "r_PS3_SPU_buildworldlists" );
if( r_PS3_SPU_buildworldlists.GetInt() ) { render->BuildWorldLists_PS3_Epilogue( m_pWorldRenderList, m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ], bShadowDepth ); } } #else
void CRendering3dView::BuildWorldRenderLists_Epilogue( bool bShadowDepth ) { if( !m_pWorldRenderList ) return;
render->BuildWorldLists_Epilogue( m_pWorldRenderList, m_pWorldListInfo, bShadowDepth ); } #endif
// Purpose: Computes the actual world list info based on the render flags
class PruneWorldListInfoJob : public CJob { public:
PruneWorldListInfoJob( int buildViewID, int drawFlags ) : m_nBuildViewID( buildViewID ), m_DrawFlags( drawFlags ) {}
virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute();
int m_nBuildViewID; int m_DrawFlags; };
JobStatus_t PruneWorldListInfoJob::DoExecute() { ClientWorldListInfo_t *pWorldListInfo = g_viewBuilder.GetClientWorldListInfoElement( m_nBuildViewID );
int nWaterDrawFlags = m_DrawFlags & (DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER); if ( nWaterDrawFlags == DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER && !pWorldListInfo->m_bHasWater ) { return JOB_OK;; }
ClientWorldListInfo_t *pNewInfo = NULL; if ( pWorldListInfo->m_LeafCount > 0 && nWaterDrawFlags ) { pNewInfo = ClientWorldListInfo_t::AllocPooled( *pWorldListInfo );
pNewInfo->m_ViewFogVolume = pWorldListInfo->m_ViewFogVolume; pNewInfo->m_bHasWater = pWorldListInfo->m_bHasWater; pNewInfo->m_LeafCount = 0;
if ( nWaterDrawFlags != DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER || pWorldListInfo->m_bHasWater ) { // Not drawing anything? Then don't bother with renderable lists
if ( nWaterDrawFlags != 0 ) { // Create a sub-list based on the actual leaves being rendered
bool bRenderingUnderwater = (nWaterDrawFlags & DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER) != 0; for ( int i = 0; i < pWorldListInfo->m_LeafCount; ++i ) { bool bLeafIsUnderwater = ( pWorldListInfo->m_pLeafDataList[i].waterData != -1 ); if ( bRenderingUnderwater == bLeafIsUnderwater ) { pNewInfo->m_pLeafDataList[ pNewInfo->m_LeafCount ] = pWorldListInfo->m_pLeafDataList[ i ]; pNewInfo->m_pOriginalLeafIndex[ pNewInfo->m_LeafCount ] = i; ++pNewInfo->m_LeafCount; } } } }
g_viewBuilder.SetWorldListInfoElement( pNewInfo, m_nBuildViewID ); SafeRelease( pNewInfo ); } else { //pNewInfo = new ClientWorldListInfo_t;
pWorldListInfo->m_LeafCount = 0; }
return JOB_OK; }
void CRendering3dView::PruneWorldListInfo() { #if !defined(_PS3)
// Drawing everything? Just return the world list info as-is
int nWaterDrawFlags = m_DrawFlags & (DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER); if ( nWaterDrawFlags == (DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER) ) { return; }
PruneWorldListInfoJob *pJob = new PruneWorldListInfoJob( g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID(), m_DrawFlags ); g_viewBuilder.QueueBuildWorldListJob( pJob ); pJob->Release();
SafeRelease( m_pWorldListInfo );
// TODO: Port To SPU or add to epilogue pass !!
ConVarRef r_PS3_SPU_buildworldlists("r_PS3_SPU_buildworldlists");
if( !( r_PS3_SPU_buildworldlists.GetInt() && g_viewBuilder.IsSPUBuildRWJobsOn() ) ) { // Drawing everything? Just return the world list info as-is
int nWaterDrawFlags = m_DrawFlags & (DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER); if ( nWaterDrawFlags == (DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER) ) { return; }
ClientWorldListInfo_t *pWorldListInfo = m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ];
if ( nWaterDrawFlags == DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER && !pWorldListInfo->m_bHasWater ) return;
// in-place copy on PS3
ClientWorldListInfo_t *pNewInfo = pWorldListInfo;
int worldListInfo_LeafCount = pWorldListInfo->m_LeafCount;
//pNewInfo->m_LeafCount = 0;
int newLeafCount = 0;
if ( pWorldListInfo->m_LeafCount > 0 && nWaterDrawFlags ) { // pNewInfo->m_pOriginalLeafIndex = (uint16*)( (byte *)( pNewInfo->m_pLeafDataList ) + pNewInfo->m_LeafCount * sizeof(pNewInfo->m_pLeafDataList[0]) );
} else { // // reset
// pNewInfo->m_pLeafDataList = NULL;
if ( nWaterDrawFlags != DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER || pWorldListInfo->m_bHasWater ) { // Not drawing anything? Then don't bother with renderable lists
if ( nWaterDrawFlags != 0 ) { // Create a sub-list based on the actual leaves being rendered
bool bRenderingUnderwater = (nWaterDrawFlags & DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER) != 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < worldListInfo_LeafCount; ++i ) { bool bLeafIsUnderwater = ( pWorldListInfo->m_pLeafDataList[i].waterData != -1 ); if ( bRenderingUnderwater == bLeafIsUnderwater ) { pNewInfo->m_pLeafDataList[ newLeafCount ] = pWorldListInfo->m_pLeafDataList[ i ]; //pNewInfo->m_pOriginalLeafIndex[ newLeafCount ] = i;
++newLeafCount; } } } }
pNewInfo->m_LeafCount = newLeafCount;
// m_pWorldListInfo->Release();
// m_pWorldListInfo = pNewInfo;
// Purpose:
static inline void UpdateBrushModelLightmap( IClientRenderable *pEnt ) { model_t *pModel = ( model_t * )pEnt->GetModel(); render->UpdateBrushModelLightmap( pModel, pEnt ); }
void CRendering3dView::BuildRenderableRenderLists( int viewID, bool bFastEntityRendering, bool bDrawDepthViewNonCachedObjectsOnly ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
SetupRenderablesList( viewID, bFastEntityRendering, bDrawDepthViewNonCachedObjectsOnly );
#if defined(_PS3)
void CRendering3dView::BuildRenderableRenderLists_PS3_Epilogue( void ) { SetupRenderablesList_PS3_Epilogue(); } #else
void CRendering3dView::BuildRenderableRenderLists_Epilogue( int viewID ) { if ( viewID != VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
#if defined(_PS3)
CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; #else
CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderables; #endif
// update lightmap on brush models if necessary
for ( int i = 0; i < RENDER_GROUP_COUNT; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroups[i]; int nCount = pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts[i]; for( int j=0; j < nCount; ++j ) { if ( pEntities[j].m_nModelType != RENDERABLE_MODEL_BRUSH ) continue; // For two-pass, do the work in the opaque pass.
if ( pEntities[j].m_TwoPass && ( i != RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE) ) continue; UpdateBrushModelLightmap( pEntities[j].m_pRenderable ); } }
render->EndUpdateLightmaps(); }
for ( int i = 0; i < RENDER_GROUP_COUNT; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderables; int nCount = pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts[i];
VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "NumRenderables", nCount ); } } #endif
void CRendering3dView::DrawWorld( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, float waterZAdjust ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "RenderWorld", 1 ); VPROF_BUDGET( "DrawWorld", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_WORLD_RENDERING );
if( !r_drawopaqueworld.GetBool() ) { return; }
unsigned long engineFlags = BuildEngineDrawWorldListFlags( m_DrawFlags );
if ( ( m_bCSMView ) && ( g_CascadeLightManager.GetCSMQualityMode() == CSMQUALITY_VERY_LOW ) ) { engineFlags |= DRAWWORLDLISTS_DRAW_SKIP_DISPLACEMENTS; }
render->DrawWorldLists( pRenderContext, m_pWorldRenderList, engineFlags, waterZAdjust ); }
// Sets up automatic z-prepass on the 360. No-op on PC.
void CRendering3dView::BeginConsoleZPass() { #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
{ #if defined( PORTAL )
if( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() != 0 ) return; #endif
// set up command buffer-based fast z rejection for 360
if ( r_fastzreject.GetBool() && !( m_DrawFlags & DF_SHADOW_DEPTH_MAP ) ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); WorldListIndicesInfo_t indicesInfo; render->GetWorldListIndicesInfo( &indicesInfo, m_pWorldRenderList, BuildEngineDrawWorldListFlags( m_DrawFlags ) ); pRenderContext->BeginConsoleZPass( indicesInfo ); } } #endif
// Finishes automatic z-prepass on the 360. Will kick of Z render and color
// render passes. No-op on PC.
void CRendering3dView::EndConsoleZPass() { #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
{ #if defined( PORTAL )
if( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() != 0 ) return; #endif
if ( r_fastzreject.GetBool() && !( m_DrawFlags & DF_SHADOW_DEPTH_MAP ) ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->EndConsoleZPass(); } } #endif
CMaterialReference g_material_WriteZ; //init'ed on by CViewRender::Init()
// Fakes per-entity clip planes on cards that don't support user clip planes.
// Achieves the effect by drawing an invisible box that writes to the depth buffer
// around the clipped area. It's not perfect, but better than nothing.
static void DrawClippedDepthBox( IClientRenderable *pEnt, float *pClipPlane ) { //#define DEBUG_DRAWCLIPPEDDEPTHBOX //uncomment to draw the depth box as a colorful box
static const int iQuads[6][5] = { { 0, 4, 6, 2, 0 }, //always an extra copy of first index at end to make some algorithms simpler
{ 3, 7, 5, 1, 3 }, { 1, 5, 4, 0, 1 }, { 2, 6, 7, 3, 2 }, { 0, 2, 3, 1, 0 }, { 5, 7, 6, 4, 5 } };
static const int iLines[12][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 4 }, { 1, 3 }, { 1, 5 }, { 2, 3 }, { 2, 6 }, { 3, 7 }, { 4, 6 }, { 4, 5 }, { 5, 7 }, { 6, 7 } };
static const float fColors[6][3] = { { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f } }; #endif
Vector vNormal = *(Vector *)pClipPlane; float fPlaneDist = pClipPlane[3];
Vector vMins, vMaxs; pEnt->GetRenderBounds( vMins, vMaxs );
Vector vOrigin = pEnt->GetRenderOrigin(); QAngle qAngles = pEnt->GetRenderAngles(); Vector vForward, vUp, vRight; AngleVectors( qAngles, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
Vector vPoints[8]; vPoints[0] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMins.x) + (vRight * vMins.y) + (vUp * vMins.z); vPoints[1] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMaxs.x) + (vRight * vMins.y) + (vUp * vMins.z); vPoints[2] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMins.x) + (vRight * vMaxs.y) + (vUp * vMins.z); vPoints[3] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMaxs.x) + (vRight * vMaxs.y) + (vUp * vMins.z); vPoints[4] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMins.x) + (vRight * vMins.y) + (vUp * vMaxs.z); vPoints[5] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMaxs.x) + (vRight * vMins.y) + (vUp * vMaxs.z); vPoints[6] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMins.x) + (vRight * vMaxs.y) + (vUp * vMaxs.z); vPoints[7] = vOrigin + (vForward * vMaxs.x) + (vRight * vMaxs.y) + (vUp * vMaxs.z);
int iClipped[8]; float fDists[8]; for( int i = 0; i != 8; ++i ) { fDists[i] = vPoints[i].Dot( vNormal ) - fPlaneDist; iClipped[i] = (fDists[i] > 0.0f) ? 1 : 0; }
Vector vSplitPoints[8][8]; //obviously there are only 12 lines, not 64 lines or 64 split points, but the indexing is way easier like this
int iLineStates[8][8]; //0 = unclipped, 2 = wholly clipped, 3 = first point clipped, 4 = second point clipped
//categorize lines and generate split points where needed
for( int i = 0; i != 12; ++i ) { const int *pPoints = iLines[i]; int iLineState = (iClipped[pPoints[0]] + iClipped[pPoints[1]]); if( iLineState != 1 ) //either both points are clipped, or neither are clipped
{ iLineStates[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] = iLineStates[pPoints[1]][pPoints[0]] = iLineState; } else { //one point is clipped, the other is not
if( iClipped[pPoints[0]] == 1 ) { //first point was clipped, index 1 has the negative distance
float fInvTotalDist = 1.0f / (fDists[pPoints[0]] - fDists[pPoints[1]]); vSplitPoints[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] = vSplitPoints[pPoints[1]][pPoints[0]] = (vPoints[pPoints[1]] * (fDists[pPoints[0]] * fInvTotalDist)) - (vPoints[pPoints[0]] * (fDists[pPoints[1]] * fInvTotalDist)); Assert( fabs( vNormal.Dot( vSplitPoints[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] ) - fPlaneDist ) < 0.01f );
iLineStates[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] = 3; iLineStates[pPoints[1]][pPoints[0]] = 4; } else { //second point was clipped, index 0 has the negative distance
float fInvTotalDist = 1.0f / (fDists[pPoints[1]] - fDists[pPoints[0]]); vSplitPoints[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] = vSplitPoints[pPoints[1]][pPoints[0]] = (vPoints[pPoints[0]] * (fDists[pPoints[1]] * fInvTotalDist)) - (vPoints[pPoints[1]] * (fDists[pPoints[0]] * fInvTotalDist));
Assert( fabs( vNormal.Dot( vSplitPoints[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] ) - fPlaneDist ) < 0.01f );
iLineStates[pPoints[0]][pPoints[1]] = 4; iLineStates[pPoints[1]][pPoints[0]] = 3; } } }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAWCLIPPEDDEPTHBOX
pRenderContext->Bind( materials->FindMaterial( "debug/debugvertexcolor", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ), NULL ); #else
pRenderContext->Bind( g_material_WriteZ, NULL ); #endif
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( false ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, 18 ); //6 sides, possible one cut per side. Any side is capable of having 3 tri's. Lots of padding for things that aren't possible
//going to draw as a collection of triangles, arranged as a triangle fan on each side
for( int i = 0; i != 6; ++i ) { const int *pPoints = iQuads[i];
//can't start the fan on a wholly clipped line, so seek to one that isn't
int j = 0; do { if( iLineStates[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]] != 2 ) //at least part of this line will be drawn
++j; } while( j != 3 );
if( j == 3 ) //not enough lines to even form a triangle
float *pStartPoint = NULL; float *pTriangleFanPoints[4]; //at most, one of our fans will have 5 points total, with the first point being stored separately as pStartPoint
int iTriangleFanPointCount = 1; //the switch below creates the first for sure
//figure out how to start the fan
switch( iLineStates[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]] ) { case 0: //uncut
pStartPoint = &vPoints[pPoints[j]].x; pTriangleFanPoints[0] = &vPoints[pPoints[j+1]].x; break;
case 4: //second index was clipped
pStartPoint = &vPoints[pPoints[j]].x; pTriangleFanPoints[0] = &vSplitPoints[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]].x; break;
case 3: //first index was clipped
pStartPoint = &vSplitPoints[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]].x; pTriangleFanPoints[0] = &vPoints[pPoints[j + 1]].x; break;
default: Assert( false ); break; };
for( ++j; j != 3; ++j ) //add end points for the rest of the indices, we're assembling a triangle fan
{ switch( iLineStates[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]] ) { case 0: //uncut line, normal endpoint
pTriangleFanPoints[iTriangleFanPointCount] = &vPoints[pPoints[j+1]].x; ++iTriangleFanPointCount; break;
case 2: //wholly cut line, no endpoint
case 3: //first point is clipped, normal endpoint
//special case, adds start and end point
pTriangleFanPoints[iTriangleFanPointCount] = &vSplitPoints[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]].x; ++iTriangleFanPointCount;
pTriangleFanPoints[iTriangleFanPointCount] = &vPoints[pPoints[j+1]].x; ++iTriangleFanPointCount; break;
case 4: //second point is clipped
pTriangleFanPoints[iTriangleFanPointCount] = &vSplitPoints[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]].x; ++iTriangleFanPointCount; break;
default: Assert( false ); break; }; } //special case endpoints, half-clipped lines have a connecting line between them and the next line (first line in this case)
switch( iLineStates[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]] ) { case 3: case 4: pTriangleFanPoints[iTriangleFanPointCount] = &vSplitPoints[pPoints[j]][pPoints[j+1]].x; ++iTriangleFanPointCount; break; };
Assert( iTriangleFanPointCount <= 4 );
//add the fan to the mesh
int iLoopStop = iTriangleFanPointCount - 1; for( int k = 0; k != iLoopStop; ++k ) { meshBuilder.Position3fv( pStartPoint ); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAWCLIPPEDDEPTHBOX
float fHalfColors[3] = { fColors[i][0] * 0.5f, fColors[i][1] * 0.5f, fColors[i][2] * 0.5f }; meshBuilder.Color3fv( fHalfColors ); #endif
meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3fv( pTriangleFanPoints[k] ); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAWCLIPPEDDEPTHBOX
meshBuilder.Color3fv( fColors[i] ); #endif
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pTriangleFanPoints[k+1] ); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAWCLIPPEDDEPTHBOX
meshBuilder.Color3fv( fColors[i] ); #endif
meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } }
meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); pRenderContext->Flush( false ); }
// Unified bit of draw code for opaque and translucent renderables
static inline void DrawRenderable( IClientRenderable *pEnt, int flags, const RenderableInstance_t &instance, bool bShadowDepth ) { float *pRenderClipPlane = NULL; if( r_entityclips.GetBool() ) pRenderClipPlane = pEnt->GetRenderClipPlane();
if( pRenderClipPlane ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); if( !materials->UsingFastClipping() ) //do NOT change the fast clip plane mid-scene, depth problems result. Regular user clip planes are fine though
pRenderContext->PushCustomClipPlane( pRenderClipPlane ); else if ( !bShadowDepth ) // in shadow-depth pass, this step is unnecessary
DrawClippedDepthBox( pEnt, pRenderClipPlane ); Assert( view->GetCurrentlyDrawingEntity() == NULL ); view->SetCurrentlyDrawingEntity( pEnt->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() ); pEnt->DrawModel( flags, instance ); view->SetCurrentlyDrawingEntity( NULL );
if( !materials->UsingFastClipping() ) pRenderContext->PopCustomClipPlane(); } else { Assert( view->GetCurrentlyDrawingEntity() == NULL ); view->SetCurrentlyDrawingEntity( pEnt->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() ); if( bShadowDepth ) flags |= DF_SHADOW_DEPTH_MAP; pEnt->DrawModel( flags, instance ); view->SetCurrentlyDrawingEntity( NULL ); } }
// Draws all opaque renderables in leaves that were rendered
static inline void DrawOpaqueRenderable( IClientRenderable *pEnt, bool bTwoPass, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode ) { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE();
#ifdef PORTAL
Assert( ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() > 0 ) || !IsSplitScreenSupported() || pEnt->ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ) ); #else
Assert( !IsSplitScreenSupported() || pEnt->ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ) ); #endif
Assert( (pEnt->GetIClientUnknown() == NULL) || (pEnt->GetIClientUnknown()->GetIClientEntity() == NULL) || (pEnt->GetIClientUnknown()->GetIClientEntity()->IsBlurred() == false) );
int flags = STUDIO_RENDER; if ( bTwoPass ) { flags |= STUDIO_TWOPASS; }
if ( DepthMode == DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW ) { flags |= STUDIO_SHADOWDEPTHTEXTURE; } else if ( DepthMode == DEPTH_MODE_SSA0 ) { flags |= STUDIO_SSAODEPTHTEXTURE; } else { float color[3]; pEnt->GetColorModulation( color ); render->SetColorModulation( color ); }
RenderableInstance_t instance; instance.m_nAlpha = 255; DrawRenderable( pEnt, flags, instance, DepthMode == DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW ); }
static void SetupBonesOnBaseAnimating( C_BaseAnimating *&pBaseAnimating ) { pBaseAnimating->SetupBones( NULL, -1, -1, gpGlobals->curtime ); }
static ConVar cl_brushfastpath( "cl_brushfastpath", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar r_drawbrushmodels( "r_drawbrushmodels", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Render brush models. 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe" ); static void DrawOpaqueRenderables_DrawBrushModels( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **pBrushEntities, int nBrushEntityCount, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode, CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > *pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ) { // Skip if we're not rendering brush model entities
if ( !r_drawbrushmodels.GetBool() ) return;
// See about rendering brushes in the "fast path"
int nRemainingBrushes = nBrushEntityCount; if ( cl_brushfastpath.GetBool() ) { nRemainingBrushes = 0; CUtlVector< ModelRenderSystemData_t > arrBrushRenderables( (ModelRenderSystemData_t *)stackalloc( nBrushEntityCount * sizeof( ModelRenderSystemData_t ) ), nBrushEntityCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < nBrushEntityCount; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *itEntity = pBrushEntities[i]; Assert( itEntity->m_pRenderable ); if ( !itEntity->m_pRenderable ) continue;
IClientModelRenderable *pModelRenderable = itEntity->m_pRenderable->GetClientModelRenderable(); if ( !pModelRenderable ) { pBrushEntities[nRemainingBrushes++] = itEntity; continue; }
ModelRenderSystemData_t data; data.m_pRenderable = itEntity->m_pRenderable; data.m_pModelRenderable = pModelRenderable; data.m_InstanceData = itEntity->m_InstanceData; arrBrushRenderables.AddToTail( data ); }
ModelRenderMode_t nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL;
switch ( DepthMode ) { case DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW: nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_SHADOW_DEPTH; break; case DEPTH_MODE_SSA0: nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_SSAO; break; default: nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; }
g_pModelRenderSystem->DrawBrushModels( arrBrushRenderables.Base(), arrBrushRenderables.Count(), nRenderMode ); }
if( pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ) { for( int i = 0; i < nRemainingBrushes; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry* pEntity = pBrushEntities[i]; if( pEntity->m_pRenderable && (pEntity->m_pRenderable->GetRenderClipPlane() != NULL) ) { pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out->AddToTail( pEntity ); } else { DrawOpaqueRenderable( pEntity->m_pRenderable, pEntity->m_TwoPass, DepthMode ); } } } else { for( int i = 0; i < nRemainingBrushes; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry* pEntity = pBrushEntities[i]; DrawOpaqueRenderable( pEntity->m_pRenderable, pEntity->m_TwoPass, DepthMode ); } } }
static void DrawOpaqueRenderables_DrawStaticProps( int nCount, CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **ppEntities, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode ) { if ( nCount == 0 ) return;
float one[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; render->SetColorModulation( one ); render->SetBlend( 1.0f ); const int MAX_STATICS_PER_BATCH = 512; IClientRenderable *pStatics[ MAX_STATICS_PER_BATCH ]; RenderableInstance_t pInstances[ MAX_STATICS_PER_BATCH ]; int numScheduled = 0, numAvailable = MAX_STATICS_PER_BATCH;
for( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *itEntity = ppEntities[i]; if ( !itEntity->m_pRenderable ) continue;
pInstances[ numScheduled ] = itEntity->m_InstanceData; pStatics[ numScheduled ++ ] = itEntity->m_pRenderable; if ( -- numAvailable > 0 ) continue; // place a hint for compiler to predict more common case in the loop
staticpropmgr->DrawStaticProps( pStatics, pInstances, numScheduled, DepthMode == DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW, vcollide_wireframe.GetBool() ); numScheduled = 0; numAvailable = MAX_STATICS_PER_BATCH; } if ( numScheduled ) staticpropmgr->DrawStaticProps( pStatics, pInstances, numScheduled, DepthMode == DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW, vcollide_wireframe.GetBool() ); }
static void DrawOpaqueRenderables_Range( int nCount, CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **ppEntities, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode, CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > *pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ) { if( pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *itEntity = ppEntities[i]; if( itEntity->m_pRenderable && (itEntity->m_pRenderable->GetRenderClipPlane() != NULL) ) { pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out->AddToTail( itEntity ); } else { DrawOpaqueRenderable( itEntity->m_pRenderable, ( itEntity->m_TwoPass != 0 ), DepthMode ); } } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *itEntity = ppEntities[i]; if ( itEntity->m_pRenderable ) { DrawOpaqueRenderable( itEntity->m_pRenderable, ( itEntity->m_TwoPass != 0 ), DepthMode ); } } } }
// Renders all translucent world, entities, and detail objects in a particular set of leaves
//$TODO(msmith) This "fast path" (cl_modelfastpath) doesn't currently work on css15. Alpha does not render on enemies, only teammates.
// Investingation should be made as to why it's broken before turning it back on by default. And we should only look to turn
// it on if when we do turn it on there is a performance win (on PS3 and Xbox360).
ConVar cl_modelfastpath( "cl_modelfastpath", "1" ); ConVar cl_skipslowpath( "cl_skipslowpath", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Set to 1 to skip any models that don't go through the model fast path" ); extern ConVar r_drawothermodels; static void DrawOpaqueRenderables_ModelRenderables( int nCount, ModelRenderSystemData_t* pModelRenderables, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode, bool bShadowDepthIncludeTranslucentMaterials ) { ModelRenderMode_t nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL;
switch ( DepthMode ) { case DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW: nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_SHADOW_DEPTH; break; case DEPTH_MODE_SSA0: nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_SSAO; break; default: nRenderMode = MODEL_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; }
g_pModelRenderSystem->DrawModels( pModelRenderables, nCount, nRenderMode, bShadowDepthIncludeTranslucentMaterials ); }
static void DrawOpaqueRenderables_NPCs( int nCount, CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **ppEntities, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode, CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > *pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ) { DrawOpaqueRenderables_Range( nCount, ppEntities, DepthMode, pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ); }
void CRendering3dView::DrawOpaqueRenderables( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, RenderablesRenderPath_t eRenderPath, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode, CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > *pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out, RenderGroup_t nGroup ) { VPROF("CViewRender::DrawOpaqueRenderables" ); bool bShadowDepth = ( eRenderPath > 0 );
#if defined( _X360 )
// IESTYN -------- 11/5/2010 (June '09 XDK) -----------------------------------------
// There is currently a codegen bug in the X360 compiler, for which the below CFmtStr initialization is a workaround.
// The problem appears to be that the stackallocs below cause 'eRenderPath' (when pushed onto the stack) to be
// corrupted to some value which is less than zero. Replacing the stackallocs with regular mallocs, or adding any
// additional code (e.g. this CFmtStr) which references the 'bShadowDepth' variable will cause the bug to disappear.
// The original symptom was a GPU HANG on starting a Co-op game; bShadowDepth was erroneously determined to be
// FALSE during the shadow depth pass, so models were rendered using their regular (rather than NULL) pixel shaders,
// at a time when the pixel shader GPR allocation is set to its minimum value of 16.
if ( eRenderPath == 123454321 ) { CFmtStr buf( "Hocus Pocus Alakazam: %d %d", eRenderPath, bShadowDepth ); } //
// IESTYN -------- 11/5/2010 (June '09 XDK) -----------------------------------------
#endif // _X360
if ( nGroup == RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT ) { if( !r_drawtranslucentworld.GetBool() ) return; } else { if( !r_drawopaquerenderables.GetBool() ) return; }
if( !m_pMainView->ShouldDrawEntities() ) return;
render->SetBlend( 1 );
// Prepare to iterate over all leaves that were visible, and draw opaque things in them.
RopeManager()->ResetRenderCache(); g_pParticleSystemMgr->ResetRenderCache();
// Categorize models by type
#if defined(_PS3)
int nOpaqueRenderableCount = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[nGroup]; #else
int nOpaqueRenderableCount = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[nGroup]; #endif
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry** pBrushModels = (CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **)stackalloc( nOpaqueRenderableCount * sizeof( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry* ) ); CClientRenderablesList::CEntry** pStaticProps = (CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **)stackalloc( nOpaqueRenderableCount * sizeof( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry* ) ); CClientRenderablesList::CEntry** pOtherRenderables = (CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **)stackalloc( nOpaqueRenderableCount * sizeof( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry* ) );
#if defined(_PS3)
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pOpaqueList = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroups[nGroup]; #else
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pOpaqueList = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroups[nGroup]; #endif
int nBrushCount = 0; int nStaticCount = 0; int nOtherCount = 0; #ifdef _PS3
// extern uint32 g_ps3_ShadowDepth_TextureCache;
// for ( int iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopCounter = 0,
// iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopEnd = ( ( eRenderPath != RENDERABLES_RENDER_PATH_SHADOWDEPTH_BUILD_GEOCACHE ) ? 1 : 2 );
// iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopCounter < iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopEnd; ++ iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopCounter )
// {
// const bool bMultipassGeoCacheLoop = ( iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopEnd > 1 );
// {
// pRenderContext->InvokeGpuDataTransferCache( g_ps3_ShadowDepth_TextureCache | PS3GPU_DATA_TRANSFER_CACHE2REAL ); // seed the rendertarget with the cached data
// }
// else if ( iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopCounter )
// {
// pRenderContext->InvokeGpuDataTransferCache( g_ps3_ShadowDepth_TextureCache | PS3GPU_DATA_TRANSFER_REAL2CACHE ); // copy off rendertarget data into cache
// nBrushCount = 0;
// nStaticCount = 0;
// nOtherCount = 0;
// }
for ( int i = 0; i < nOpaqueRenderableCount; ++i ) { #ifdef _PS3
// Only render the correct cache part of opaques each loop iteration
// 7LTODO if ( bMultipassGeoCacheLoop && ( !iPs3depthGeoCacheLoopCounter == !!pOpaqueList[i].m_bShadowDepthNoCache) )
// continue;
switch( pOpaqueList[i].m_nModelType ) { case RENDERABLE_MODEL_BRUSH: pBrushModels[nBrushCount++] = &pOpaqueList[i]; break; case RENDERABLE_MODEL_STATIC_PROP: pStaticProps[nStaticCount++] = &pOpaqueList[i]; break; default: pOtherRenderables[nOtherCount++] = &pOpaqueList[i]; break; } }
// First do the brush models
if ( nGroup != RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT ) { DrawOpaqueRenderables_DrawBrushModels( pBrushModels, nBrushCount, DepthMode, pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ); }
if( IsPS3() ) { // PS3 vertex shader processors are underpowered relative to X360, so we only want to draw low-vertex high-fill pieces of the world, but not models that have
// a lot of vertices and not many pixels. This is why we end Z pass here on PS/3 but end it later on Xbox360
EndConsoleZPass(); }
// Move all static props to modelrendersystem
bool bUseFastPath = ( cl_modelfastpath.GetInt() != 0 );
// Sort everything that's not a static prop
CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry* > arrRenderEntsNpcsFirst( (CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **)stackalloc( nOtherCount * sizeof( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry ) ), nOtherCount ); CUtlVector< ModelRenderSystemData_t > arrModelRenderables( (ModelRenderSystemData_t *)stackalloc( ( nOtherCount + nStaticCount ) * sizeof( ModelRenderSystemData_t ) ), nOtherCount + nStaticCount );
// Queue up RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE_ENTITY entities to be rendered later.
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *itEntity; int nRemainingOther = 0; if( r_drawothermodels.GetBool() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nOtherCount; ++i ) { itEntity = pOtherRenderables[i]; if ( !itEntity->m_pRenderable ) continue;
IClientModelRenderable *pModelRenderable = itEntity->m_pRenderable->GetClientModelRenderable();
// FIXME: Strangely, some static props are in the non-static prop bucket
// which is what the last case in this if statement is for
if ( bUseFastPath && pModelRenderable ) { ModelRenderSystemData_t data; data.m_pRenderable = itEntity->m_pRenderable; data.m_pModelRenderable = pModelRenderable; data.m_InstanceData = itEntity->m_InstanceData; arrModelRenderables.AddToTail( data ); continue; }
IClientUnknown *pUnknown = itEntity->m_pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown(); C_BaseEntity *pEntity = pUnknown->GetBaseEntity(); if ( pEntity && pEntity->IsNPC() ) { arrRenderEntsNpcsFirst.AddToTail( itEntity ); continue; } pOtherRenderables[nRemainingOther++] = itEntity; } }
// Queue up the static props to be rendered later.
int nRemainingStatics = 0; if ( bUseFastPath ) { const int LOOKAHEAD_PREFETCH = 7; int nPrefetchCount = MIN(nStaticCount, LOOKAHEAD_PREFETCH); for ( int i = 0; i < nPrefetchCount; i++ ) { PREFETCH_128( pStaticProps[i]->m_pRenderable, 0 ); } int nLastPrefetch = nStaticCount - LOOKAHEAD_PREFETCH; for ( int i = 0; i < nStaticCount; ++i ) { if ( i < nLastPrefetch ) { PREFETCH_128( pStaticProps[i+LOOKAHEAD_PREFETCH]->m_pRenderable, 0 ); } itEntity = pStaticProps[i]; if ( !itEntity->m_pRenderable ) continue;
IClientModelRenderable *pModelRenderable = itEntity->m_pRenderable->GetClientModelRenderable(); if ( !pModelRenderable ) { pStaticProps[nRemainingStatics++] = itEntity; continue; }
ModelRenderSystemData_t data; data.m_pRenderable = itEntity->m_pRenderable; data.m_pModelRenderable = pModelRenderable; data.m_InstanceData = itEntity->m_InstanceData; arrModelRenderables.AddToTail( data ); } } else { nRemainingStatics = nStaticCount; }
// Draw model renderables now (ie. models that use the fast path)
DrawOpaqueRenderables_ModelRenderables( arrModelRenderables.Count(), arrModelRenderables.Base(), DepthMode, nGroup == RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT );
// Turn off z pass here. Don't want non-fastpath models with potentially large dynamic VB requirements overwrite
// stuff in the dynamic VB ringbuffer. We're calling EndConsoleZPass again in DrawExecute, but that's not a problem.
// BeginConsoleZPass/EndConsoleZPass don't have to be matched exactly. The first EndConsoleZPass ends Zpass, subsequent Ends don't have any effect
if( !IsPS3() ) { // we end console ZPass earlier in this same function for PS/3, no need to call it twice
EndConsoleZPass(); }
// Draw static props + opaque entities that aren't using the fast path.
DrawOpaqueRenderables_Range( nRemainingOther, pOtherRenderables, DepthMode, pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out ); DrawOpaqueRenderables_DrawStaticProps( nRemainingStatics, pStaticProps, DepthMode );
// Draw NPCs now. 7LS - TODO - don't draw NPC's into viewmodel cascade on console
DrawOpaqueRenderables_NPCs( arrRenderEntsNpcsFirst.Count(), arrRenderEntsNpcsFirst.Base(), DepthMode, pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables_Out );
#ifdef _PS3
// 7LTODO -- Took out for loop! }
// Ropes and particles
bool bDrawRopes = true;
if ( bShadowDepth ) { if ( m_bCSMView && !( cl_csm_rope_shadows.GetBool() && cl_csm_shadows.GetBool() ) ) bDrawRopes = false; if ( m_bCSMView && !IsGameConsole() && ( g_CascadeLightManager.GetCSMQualityMode() == CSMQUALITY_VERY_LOW ) ) bDrawRopes = false; }
if ( DepthMode == DEPTH_MODE_SSA0 ) { bDrawRopes = false; }
if ( bDrawRopes ) { RopeManager()->DrawRenderCache( pRenderContext, bShadowDepth ); }
g_pParticleSystemMgr->DrawRenderCache( pRenderContext, bShadowDepth );
void CRendering3dView::DrawDeferredClippedOpaqueRenderables( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, RenderablesRenderPath_t eRenderPath, ERenderDepthMode_t DepthMode, CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > *pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables ) { if( pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables ) { //bool bShadowDepth = ( eRenderPath > 0 );
int nCount = pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables->Count(); CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **ppEntities = pDeferClippedOpaqueRenderables->Base();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *itEntity = ppEntities[i]; DrawOpaqueRenderable( itEntity->m_pRenderable, ( itEntity->m_TwoPass != 0 ), DepthMode ); } } }
// Renders all translucent world + detail objects in a particular set of leaves
void CRendering3dView::DrawTranslucentWorldInLeaves( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, bool bShadowDepth ) { if ( bShadowDepth ) return;
#if defined(_PS3)
const ClientWorldListInfo_t& info = *m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; #else
const ClientWorldListInfo_t& info = *m_pWorldListInfo; #endif
CUtlVectorFixedGrowable<int, 32> transSortIndexList; for( int iCurLeafIndex = info.m_LeafCount - 1; iCurLeafIndex >= 0; iCurLeafIndex-- ) { if ( info.m_pLeafDataList[iCurLeafIndex].translucentSurfaceCount ) { int nActualLeafIndex = info.m_pOriginalLeafIndex ? info.m_pOriginalLeafIndex[ iCurLeafIndex ] : iCurLeafIndex; Assert( nActualLeafIndex != INVALID_LEAF_INDEX ); transSortIndexList.AddToTail(nActualLeafIndex); } } if ( transSortIndexList.Count() ) { // Now draw the surfaces in this leaf
render->DrawTranslucentSurfaces( pRenderContext, m_pWorldRenderList, transSortIndexList.Base(), transSortIndexList.Count(), m_DrawFlags ); } }
// Renders all translucent world + detail objects in a particular set of leaves
void CRendering3dView::DrawTranslucentWorldAndDetailPropsInLeaves( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, int iCurLeafIndex, int iFinalLeafIndex, int nEngineDrawFlags, int &nDetailLeafCount, LeafIndex_t* pDetailLeafList, bool bShadowDepth ) { if ( bShadowDepth ) return;
CUtlVectorFixedGrowable<int, 32> transSortIndexList; VPROF_BUDGET( "CViewRender::DrawTranslucentWorldAndDetailPropsInLeaves", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_WORLD_RENDERING ); #if defined(_PS3)
const ClientWorldListInfo_t& info = *m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; #else
const ClientWorldListInfo_t& info = *m_pWorldListInfo; CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderables; #endif
for( ; iCurLeafIndex >= iFinalLeafIndex; iCurLeafIndex-- ) { if ( info.m_pLeafDataList[iCurLeafIndex].translucentSurfaceCount ) { int nActualLeafIndex = info.m_pOriginalLeafIndex ? info.m_pOriginalLeafIndex[ iCurLeafIndex ] : iCurLeafIndex; Assert( nActualLeafIndex != INVALID_LEAF_INDEX ); // First draw any queued-up detail props from previously visited leaves
if ( nDetailLeafCount ) { DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjects( pRenderablesList->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList ); nDetailLeafCount = 0; } transSortIndexList.AddToTail(nActualLeafIndex); }
// Queue up detail props that existed in this leaf
if ( ClientLeafSystem()->ShouldDrawDetailObjectsInLeaf( info.m_pLeafDataList[iCurLeafIndex].leafIndex, m_pMainView->BuildWorldListsNumber() ) ) { if ( transSortIndexList.Count() ) { // Now draw the surfaces in this leaf
render->DrawTranslucentSurfaces( pRenderContext, m_pWorldRenderList, transSortIndexList.Base(), transSortIndexList.Count(), nEngineDrawFlags ); } pDetailLeafList[nDetailLeafCount] = info.m_pLeafDataList[iCurLeafIndex].leafIndex; ++nDetailLeafCount; } } if ( transSortIndexList.Count() ) { // Now draw the surfaces in this leaf
render->DrawTranslucentSurfaces( pRenderContext, m_pWorldRenderList, transSortIndexList.Base(), transSortIndexList.Count(), nEngineDrawFlags ); } }
// Renders all translucent entities in the render list
static inline void DrawTranslucentRenderable( IClientRenderable *pEnt, const RenderableInstance_t &instance, bool twoPass, bool bShadowDepth ) { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE();
#ifdef PORTAL
Assert( ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() > 0 ) || !IsSplitScreenSupported() || pEnt->ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ) ); #else
Assert( !IsSplitScreenSupported() || pEnt->ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ) ); #endif
// Renderable list building should already have caught this
Assert( instance.m_nAlpha > 0 );
// Determine blending amount and tell engine
float blend = (float)( instance.m_nAlpha / 255.0f );
// Tell engine
render->SetBlend( blend );
float color[3]; pEnt->GetColorModulation( color ); render->SetColorModulation( color );
int flags = STUDIO_RENDER | STUDIO_TRANSPARENCY; if ( twoPass ) flags |= STUDIO_TWOPASS;
if ( bShadowDepth ) flags |= STUDIO_SHADOWDEPTHTEXTURE;
DrawRenderable( pEnt, flags, instance, bShadowDepth ); }
// Renders all translucent entities in the render list
void CRendering3dView::DrawTranslucentRenderablesNoWorld( bool bInSkybox ) { VPROF( "CViewRender::DrawTranslucentRenderablesNoWorld" );
if ( !m_pMainView->ShouldDrawEntities() || !r_drawtranslucentrenderables.GetBool() ) return;
// Draw the particle singletons.
DrawParticleSingletons( bInSkybox );
bool bShadowDepth = (m_DrawFlags & DF_SHADOW_DEPTH_MAP ) != 0;
#if defined(_PS3)
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroups[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT]; int iCurTranslucentEntity = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT] - 1; #else
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroups[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT]; int iCurTranslucentEntity = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT] - 1; #endif
while( iCurTranslucentEntity >= 0 ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_pRenderable; int nRenderFlags = pRenderable->GetRenderFlags(); if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) { UpdateRefractTexture(); }
if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_FULL_FB ) { UpdateScreenEffectTexture(); }
DrawTranslucentRenderable( pRenderable, pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_InstanceData, pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_TwoPass != 0, bShadowDepth ); --iCurTranslucentEntity; }
// Reset the blend state.
render->SetBlend( 1 ); }
// Renders all translucent entities in the render list that ignore the Z buffer
void CRendering3dView::DrawNoZBufferTranslucentRenderables( void ) { VPROF( "CViewRender::DrawNoZBufferTranslucentRenderables" );
if ( !m_pMainView->ShouldDrawEntities() || !r_drawtranslucentrenderables.GetBool() ) return;
bool bShadowDepth = (m_DrawFlags & DF_SHADOW_DEPTH_MAP ) != 0;
// FIXME: This ignores Z. We don't need to sort it at all? Not sure about refraction here...
// Could use fast path
#if defined(_PS3)
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroups[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT_IGNOREZ]; int iCurTranslucentEntity = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT_IGNOREZ] - 1; #else
CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroups[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT_IGNOREZ]; int iCurTranslucentEntity = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT_IGNOREZ] - 1; #endif
while( iCurTranslucentEntity >= 0 ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_pRenderable; int nRenderFlags = pRenderable->GetRenderFlags(); if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) { UpdateRefractTexture(); }
if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_FULL_FB ) { UpdateScreenEffectTexture(); }
DrawTranslucentRenderable( pRenderable, pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_InstanceData, pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_TwoPass != 0, bShadowDepth ); --iCurTranslucentEntity; }
// Reset the blend state.
render->SetBlend( 1 ); }
static ConVar r_unlimitedrefract( "r_unlimitedrefract", "0" );
static void UpdateNecessaryRenderTargets( int nRenderFlags ) { if ( nRenderFlags ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); ITexture *rt = pRenderContext->GetRenderTarget();
// supress refract update
if ( ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_REFRACT_ONLY_ONCE_PER_FRAME ) && ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) && ( gpGlobals->framecount == g_viewscene_refractUpdateFrame ) && ( r_unlimitedrefract.GetInt() == 0 ) ) { nRenderFlags &= ~( ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ); } if ( rt ) { if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_FULL_FB ) { UpdateScreenEffectTexture( 0, 0, 0, rt->GetActualWidth(), rt->GetActualHeight(), true ); } else if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) { UpdateRefractTexture(0, 0, rt->GetActualWidth(), rt->GetActualHeight()); } } else { if ( nRenderFlags & ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) { UpdateRefractTexture(); } }
pRenderContext.SafeRelease(); } }
#ifdef PORTAL //if we're in the portal mod, we need to make a detour so we can render portal views using stencil areas
void CRendering3dView::DrawRecursivePortalViews( void ) { if( ShouldDrawPortals() ) //no recursive stencil views during skybox rendering (although we might be drawing a skybox while already in a recursive stencil view)
{ int iDrawFlagsBackup = m_DrawFlags;
if( g_pPortalRender->DrawPortalsUsingStencils( (CViewRender *)m_pMainView ) )// @MULTICORE (toml 8/10/2006): remove this hack cast
{ m_DrawFlags = iDrawFlagsBackup;
//reset visibility
unsigned int iVisFlags = 0; m_pMainView->SetupVis( *this, iVisFlags, m_pCustomVisibility );
//recreate drawlists (since I can't find an easy way to backup the originals)
{ SafeRelease( m_pWorldRenderList ); SafeRelease( m_pWorldListInfo ); BuildWorldRenderLists( ((m_DrawFlags & DF_DRAW_ENTITITES) != 0), m_pCustomVisibility ? m_pCustomVisibility->m_iForceViewLeaf : -1 );
AssertMsg( m_DrawFlags & DF_DRAW_ENTITITES, "It shouldn't be possible to get here if this wasn't set, needs special case investigation" ); }
if( r_depthoverlay.GetBool() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); ITexture *pDepthTex = GetFullFrameDepthTexture();
if ( pDepthTex ) { IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "debug/showz", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true ); IMaterialVar *BaseTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$basetexture", NULL, false ); IMaterialVar *pDepthInAlpha = NULL; if( IsPC() ) { pDepthInAlpha = pMaterial->FindVar( "$ALPHADEPTH", NULL, false ); pDepthInAlpha->SetIntValue( 1 ); }
BaseTextureVar->SetTextureValue( pDepthTex );
pRenderContext->OverrideDepthEnable( true, false ); //don't write to depth, or else we'll never see translucents
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( pMaterial ); pRenderContext->OverrideDepthEnable( false, true ); } } } // PS3 reads directly from the depth buffer alias texture, so we don't need to update the full-screen depth texture.
else if ( !IsPS3() ) { //done recursing in, time to go back out and do translucents
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); UpdateFullScreenDepthTexture(); } } } #endif
// Renders all translucent world, entities, and detail objects in a particular set of leaves
//$TODO(msmith) This "fast path" (cl_tlucfastpath) doesn't currently work on css15. Alpha sorting is messed up.
// Investingation should be made as to why it's broken before turning it back on by default. And we should only look to turn
// it on if when we do turn it on there is a performance win (on PS3 and Xbox360).
ConVar cl_tlucfastpath( "cl_tlucfastpath", "1" ); extern ConVar cl_colorfastpath;
void CRendering3dView::DrawTranslucentRenderables( bool bInSkybox, bool bShadowDepth ) { #if !defined( PORTAL )
{ //opaques generally write depth, and translucents generally don't.
//So immediately after opaques are done is the best time to snap off the depth buffer to a texture.
switch ( g_CurrentViewID ) { case VIEW_MAIN: #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE
UpdateFullScreenDepthTexture(); break;
default: materials->GetRenderContext()->SetFullScreenDepthTextureValidityFlag( false ); break; } } #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "DrawTranslucent" );
#if defined(_PS3)
const ClientWorldListInfo_t& info = *m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; #else
const ClientWorldListInfo_t& info = *m_pWorldListInfo; #endif
if ( !r_drawtranslucentworld.GetBool() || ( m_DrawFlags & ( DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER ) ) ) { DrawTranslucentRenderablesNoWorld( bInSkybox ); return; }
int iPrevLeaf = info.m_LeafCount - 1; int nDetailLeafCount = 0; LeafIndex_t *pDetailLeafList = (LeafIndex_t*)stackalloc( info.m_LeafCount * sizeof(LeafIndex_t) );
// bool bDrawUnderWater = (nFlags & DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER) != 0;
// bool bDrawAboveWater = (nFlags & DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER) != 0;
// bool bDrawWater = (nFlags & DF_RENDER_WATER) != 0;
// bool bClipSkybox = (nFlags & DF_CLIP_SKYBOX ) != 0;
unsigned long nEngineDrawFlags = BuildEngineDrawWorldListFlags( m_DrawFlags & ~DF_DRAWSKYBOX );
if ( m_pMainView->ShouldDrawEntities() && r_drawtranslucentrenderables.GetBool() ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "DrawTranslucentEntities", "DrawTranslucentEntities" );
MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); // Draw the particle singletons.
DrawParticleSingletons( bInSkybox );
#if defined(_PS3)
int nTranslucentRenderableCount = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT]; CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroups[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT]; #else
int nTranslucentRenderableCount = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT]; CClientRenderablesList::CEntry *pEntities = m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroups[RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT]; #endif
int iCurTranslucentEntity = nTranslucentRenderableCount - 1;
int *pFastPathIndex = (int*)stackalloc( nTranslucentRenderableCount * sizeof( int ) ); CUtlVector< ModelRenderSystemData_t > fastPathData( (ModelRenderSystemData_t *)stackalloc( nTranslucentRenderableCount * sizeof( ModelRenderSystemData_t ) ), nTranslucentRenderableCount ); TranslucentInstanceRenderData_t *pRenderData = (TranslucentInstanceRenderData_t*)stackalloc( nTranslucentRenderableCount * sizeof( TranslucentInstanceRenderData_t ) ); TranslucentTempData_t tempData; tempData.m_pColorMeshHandles = ( DataCacheHandle_t * )stackalloc( nTranslucentRenderableCount * sizeof( DataCacheHandle_t ) ); bool bDoFastPath = cl_tlucfastpath.GetBool(); bool bColorizeFastPath = cl_colorfastpath.GetBool(); IMaterial *pFastPathColorMaterial = g_pModelRenderSystem->GetFastPathColorMaterial(); if ( bDoFastPath ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nTranslucentRenderableCount; ++i ) { Assert( pEntities[i].m_pRenderable ); IClientRenderable *pRenderable = pEntities[i].m_pRenderable; IClientModelRenderable *pModelRenderable = pRenderable->GetClientModelRenderable();
// FIXME: Deal with brush models in the translucent path
if ( pModelRenderable && modelinfo->GetModelType( pRenderable->GetModel() ) == mod_studio ) { int j = fastPathData.AddToTail( ); ModelRenderSystemData_t &data = fastPathData[j]; data.m_pRenderable = pRenderable; data.m_pModelRenderable = pModelRenderable; data.m_InstanceData = pEntities[i].m_InstanceData; pFastPathIndex[i] = j; } else { pFastPathIndex[i] = -1; } }
g_pModelRenderSystem->ComputeTranslucentRenderData( fastPathData.Base(), fastPathData.Count(), pRenderData, &tempData ); }
bool bRenderingWaterRenderTargets = ( m_DrawFlags & ( DF_RENDER_REFRACTION | DF_RENDER_REFLECTION ) ) ? true : false;
#if defined(_PS3)
CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]; #else
CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList = m_pRenderables; #endif
while( iCurTranslucentEntity >= 0 ) { // Seek the current leaf up to our current translucent-entity leaf.
int iThisLeaf = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_iWorldListInfoLeaf;
// First draw the translucent parts of the world up to and including those in this leaf
DrawTranslucentWorldAndDetailPropsInLeaves( pRenderContext, iPrevLeaf, iThisLeaf, nEngineDrawFlags, nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList, bShadowDepth );
// We're traversing the leaf list backwards to get the appropriate sort ordering (back to front)
iPrevLeaf = iThisLeaf - 1;
// Draw all the translucent entities with this leaf.
int nLeaf = info.m_pLeafDataList[iThisLeaf].leafIndex;
bool bDrawDetailProps = ClientLeafSystem()->ShouldDrawDetailObjectsInLeaf( nLeaf, m_pMainView->BuildWorldListsNumber() ); if ( bDrawDetailProps ) { // Draw detail props up to but not including this leaf
Assert( nDetailLeafCount > 0 ); --nDetailLeafCount; Assert( pDetailLeafList[nDetailLeafCount] == nLeaf ); DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjects( pRenderablesList->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList );
// HACK: for now just draw all the detail props in this leaf right away. They're alphatest and write z, so there's no need to manually sort them.
DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjectsInLeaf( pRenderablesList->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nLeaf, NULL );
// Draw translucent renderables in the leaf interspersed with detail props
for( ;pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_iWorldListInfoLeaf == iThisLeaf && iCurTranslucentEntity >= 0; --iCurTranslucentEntity ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_pRenderable;
// Draw any detail props in this leaf that's farther than the entity
// HACK: for now don't do this, we already rendered all the detail props, and they should sort ok. See above comment.
//const Vector &vecRenderOrigin = pRenderable->GetRenderOrigin();
//DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjectsInLeaf( pRenderablesList->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nLeaf, &vecRenderOrigin );
int nRenderFlags = pRenderable->GetRenderFlags(); if ( ( nRenderFlags & ( ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_FULL_FB | ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB ) ) && !bShadowDepth ) { if( bRenderingWaterRenderTargets ) { continue; }
UpdateNecessaryRenderTargets( nRenderFlags ); }
// Then draw the translucent renderable
if ( bDoFastPath && pFastPathIndex[iCurTranslucentEntity] >= 0 ) { if ( bColorizeFastPath ) { g_pStudioRender->ForcedMaterialOverride( pFastPathColorMaterial ); } TranslucentInstanceRenderData_t &renderData = pRenderData[ pFastPathIndex[iCurTranslucentEntity] ];
int nDrawFlags = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_TwoPass ? STUDIORENDER_DRAW_TRANSLUCENT_ONLY : STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL; g_pStudioRender->DrawModelArray( *renderData.m_pModelInfo, 1, renderData.m_pInstanceData, sizeof(StudioArrayInstanceData_t), nDrawFlags ); g_pStudioRender->ForcedMaterialOverride( NULL ); } else { DrawTranslucentRenderable( pRenderable, pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_InstanceData, (pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_TwoPass != 0), bShadowDepth ); } }
// Draw all remaining props in this leaf
// HACK: for now don't do this, we already rendered all the detail props, and they should sort ok. See above comment.
//DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjectsInLeaf( pRenderablesList->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nLeaf, NULL );
} else { // Draw queued up detail props (we know that the list of detail leaves won't include this leaf, since ShouldDrawDetailObjectsInLeaf is false)
// Therefore no fixup on nDetailLeafCount is required as in the above section
DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjects( pRenderablesList->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList );
for( ;pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_iWorldListInfoLeaf == iThisLeaf && iCurTranslucentEntity >= 0; --iCurTranslucentEntity ) { IClientRenderable *pRenderable = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_pRenderable;
int nRenderFlags = pRenderable->GetRenderFlags();
if ( ( nRenderFlags & ( ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB | ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_FULL_FB ) ) && !bShadowDepth ) { if( bRenderingWaterRenderTargets ) { continue; } UpdateNecessaryRenderTargets( nRenderFlags ); }
if ( bDoFastPath && pFastPathIndex[iCurTranslucentEntity] >= 0 ) { TranslucentInstanceRenderData_t &renderData = pRenderData[ pFastPathIndex[iCurTranslucentEntity] ]; if ( renderData.m_pInstanceData ) { if (bColorizeFastPath) { g_pStudioRender->ForcedMaterialOverride( pFastPathColorMaterial ); } int nDrawFlags = pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_TwoPass ? STUDIORENDER_DRAW_TRANSLUCENT_ONLY : STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL; g_pStudioRender->DrawModelArray( *renderData.m_pModelInfo, 1, renderData.m_pInstanceData, sizeof(StudioArrayInstanceData_t), nDrawFlags ); g_pStudioRender->ForcedMaterialOverride( NULL ); } } else { DrawTranslucentRenderable( pRenderable, pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_InstanceData, (pEntities[iCurTranslucentEntity].m_TwoPass != 0), bShadowDepth ); } } }
nDetailLeafCount = 0; }
if ( bDoFastPath ) { g_pModelRenderSystem->CleanupTranslucentTempData( &tempData ); } }
// Draw the rest of the surfaces in world leaves
DrawTranslucentWorldAndDetailPropsInLeaves( pRenderContext, iPrevLeaf, 0, nEngineDrawFlags, nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList, bShadowDepth );
// Draw any queued-up detail props from previously visited leaves
#if defined(_PS3)
DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjects( m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList ); #else
DetailObjectSystem()->RenderTranslucentDetailObjects( m_pRenderables->m_DetailFade, CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewForward(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), nDetailLeafCount, pDetailLeafList ); #endif
// Reset the blend state.
render->SetBlend( 1 ); }
void CRendering3dView::EnableWorldFog( void ) { VPROF("CViewRender::EnableWorldFog"); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
fogparams_t *pFogParams = NULL; C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pbp ) { pFogParams = pbp->GetFogParams(); }
if( GetFogEnable( pFogParams ) ) { float fogColor[3]; GetFogColor( pFogParams, fogColor ); pRenderContext->FogMode( MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR ); pRenderContext->FogColor3fv( fogColor ); pRenderContext->FogStart( GetFogStart( pFogParams ) ); pRenderContext->FogEnd( GetFogEnd( pFogParams ) ); pRenderContext->FogMaxDensity( GetFogMaxDensity( pFogParams ) ); } else { pRenderContext->FogMode( MATERIAL_FOG_NONE ); } }
int CRendering3dView::GetDrawFlags() { return m_DrawFlags; }
void CRendering3dView::SetFogVolumeState( const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, bool bUseHeightFog ) { render->SetFogVolumeState( fogInfo.m_nVisibleFogVolume, bUseHeightFog );
#ifdef PORTAL
//the idea behind fog shifting is this...
//Normal fog simulates the effect of countless tiny particles between your viewpoint and whatever geometry is rendering.
//But, when rendering to a portal view, there's a large space between the virtual camera and the portal exit surface.
//This space isn't supposed to exist, and therefore has none of the tiny particles that make up fog.
//So, we have to shift fog start/end out to align the distances with the portal exit surface instead of the virtual camera to eliminate fog simulation in the non-space
if( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() == 0 ) return; //rendering one of the primary views, do nothing
#endif //#ifdef PORTAL
// Standard 3d skybox view
SkyboxVisibility_t CSkyboxView::ComputeSkyboxVisibility() { return engine->IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint( origin ); }
bool CSkyboxView::GetSkyboxFogEnable() { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if( !pbp ) { return false; } CPlayerLocalData *local = &pbp->m_Local;
if( fog_override.GetInt() ) { if( fog_enableskybox.GetInt() ) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return !!local->m_skybox3d.fog.enable; } }
void CSkyboxView::Enable3dSkyboxFog( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if( !pbp ) { return; } CPlayerLocalData *local = &pbp->m_Local;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
if( GetSkyboxFogEnable() ) { float fogColor[3]; GetSkyboxFogColor( fogColor ); float scale = 1.0f; if ( local->m_skybox3d.scale > 0.0f ) { scale = 1.0f / local->m_skybox3d.scale; } pRenderContext->FogMode( MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR ); pRenderContext->FogColor3fv( fogColor ); pRenderContext->FogStart( GetSkyboxFogStart() * scale ); pRenderContext->FogEnd( GetSkyboxFogEnd() * scale ); pRenderContext->FogMaxDensity( GetSkyboxFogMaxDensity() ); } else { pRenderContext->FogMode( MATERIAL_FOG_NONE ); } }
sky3dparams_t *CSkyboxView::PreRender3dSkyboxWorld( SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible ) { if ( ( nSkyboxVisible != SKYBOX_3DSKYBOX_VISIBLE ) && r_3dsky.GetInt() != 2 ) return NULL;
// render the 3D skybox
if ( !r_3dsky.GetInt() ) return NULL;
C_BasePlayer *pbp = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
// No local player object yet...
if ( !pbp ) return NULL;
CPlayerLocalData* local = &pbp->m_Local; if ( local->m_skybox3d.area == 255 ) return NULL;
return &local->m_skybox3d; }
void CSkyboxView::DrawInternal( view_id_t iSkyBoxViewID, bool bInvokePreAndPostRender, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( "CSkyboxView::DrawInternal" );
unsigned char **areabits = render->GetAreaBits(); unsigned char *savebits; unsigned char tmpbits[ 32 ]; savebits = *areabits; memset( tmpbits, 0, sizeof(tmpbits) );
// set the sky area bit
tmpbits[m_pSky3dParams->area>>3] |= 1 << (m_pSky3dParams->area&7);
*areabits = tmpbits;
// if you can get really close to the skybox geometry it's possible that you'll be able to clip into it
// with this near plane. If so, move it in a bit. It's at 2.0 to give us more precision. That means you
// need to keep the eye position at least 2 * scale away from the geometry in the skybox
zNear = 2.0; zFar = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
// scale origin by sky scale and translate to sky origin
{ float scale = (m_pSky3dParams->scale > 0) ? (1.0f / m_pSky3dParams->scale) : 1.0f; Vector vSkyOrigin = m_pSky3dParams->origin; VectorScale( origin, scale, origin ); VectorAdd( origin, vSkyOrigin, origin );
if( m_bCustomViewMatrix ) { Vector vTransformedSkyOrigin; VectorRotate( vSkyOrigin, m_matCustomViewMatrix, vTransformedSkyOrigin ); //Rotate instead of transform because we haven't scale the existing offset yet
//scale existing translation, and tack on the skybox offset (subtract because it's a view matrix)
m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[0][3] = (m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[0][3] * scale) - vTransformedSkyOrigin.x; m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[1][3] = (m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[1][3] * scale) - vTransformedSkyOrigin.y; m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[2][3] = (m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[2][3] * scale) - vTransformedSkyOrigin.z; } }
// BUGBUG: Fix this!!! We shouldn't need to call setup vis for the sky if we're connecting
// the areas. We'd have to mark all the clusters in the skybox area in the PVS of any
// cluster with sky. Then we could just connect the areas to do our vis.
//m_bOverrideVisOrigin could hose us here, so call direct
render->ViewSetupVis( false, 1, &m_pSky3dParams->origin.Get() ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, (*this), m_ClearFlags, pRenderTarget, GetFrustum() );
// For stereo rendering, we need to set the stereo depth by scaling the full matrix by the scale of the 3d skybox
if ( materials->IsStereoActiveThisFrame() ) { pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );
VMatrix matStereoScale; matStereoScale.Identity(); float flScale = ( m_pSky3dParams->scale > 0 ) ? ( m_pSky3dParams->scale ) : 1.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) // Yes, I am setting the entire diagonal on purpose to hint to nvidia's driver the intended stereo depth
{ matStereoScale.m[i][i] = flScale; } pRenderContext->MultMatrix( matStereoScale );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); }
// Store off view origin and angles
SetupCurrentView( origin, angles, iSkyBoxViewID );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 32 ); #endif
// Invoke pre-render methods
if ( bInvokePreAndPostRender ) { IGameSystem::PreRenderAllSystems(); }
render->BeginUpdateLightmaps(); BuildWorldRenderLists( true, -1, true ); g_viewBuilder.FlushBuildWorldListJob(); BuildRenderableRenderLists( iSkyBoxViewID ); render->EndUpdateLightmaps();
DrawWorld( pRenderContext, 0.0f );
// Iterate over all leaves and render objects in those leaves
#if defined( PORTAL )
DrawRecursivePortalViews(); //Dave K: probably does nothing in this view, calling it anyway because it's contents were directly inside DrawTranslucentRenderables() a moment ago and I don't want to risk breaking anything
// Iterate over all leaves and render objects in those leaves
DrawTranslucentRenderables( true, false ); DrawNoZBufferTranslucentRenderables();
CGlowOverlay::UpdateSkyOverlays( zFar, m_bCacheFullSceneState );
// restore old area bits
*areabits = savebits; pRenderContext.SafeRelease();
// Invoke post-render methods
if( bInvokePreAndPostRender ) { IGameSystem::PostRenderAllSystems(); FinishCurrentView(); }
// FIXME: Workaround to 3d skybox not depth-of-fielding properly. The real fix is for the 3d skybox dest alpha depth values
// to be biased. Currently all I do is clear alpha to 1 after the 3D skybox path. This avoids the skybox being unblurred.
if( IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() ) { // draw a fullscreen quad setting destalpha to 1
IMaterial *pMat = materials->FindMaterial( "dev/clearalpha", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true ); if ( pMat != NULL ) { int nWidth = 0; int nHeight = 0; int nDummy = 0; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->GetViewport( nDummy, nDummy, nWidth, nHeight );
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( pMat, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0, nWidth-1, nHeight-1, nWidth, nHeight, NULL /*GetClientWorldEntity()->GetClientRenderable()*/ ); } }
pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); #endif
bool CSkyboxView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int *pClearFlags, SkyboxVisibility_t *pSkyboxVisible ) { BaseClass::Setup( view );
// The skybox might not be visible from here
*pSkyboxVisible = ComputeSkyboxVisibility(); m_pSky3dParams = PreRender3dSkyboxWorld( *pSkyboxVisible );
if ( !m_pSky3dParams ) { return false; }
// At this point, we've cleared everything we need to clear
// The next path will need to clear depth, though.
m_ClearFlags = *pClearFlags; *pClearFlags &= ~( VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL | VIEW_CLEAR_FULL_TARGET ); *pClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH; // Need to clear depth after rednering the skybox
m_DrawFlags = DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER | DF_RENDER_WATER; if( r_skybox.GetBool() ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAWSKYBOX; }
return true; }
void CSkyboxView::Draw() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CViewRender::Draw3dSkyboxworld", "3D Skybox" );
DrawInternal(); }
#ifdef PORTAL
bool CPortalSkyboxView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int *pClearFlags, SkyboxVisibility_t *pSkyboxVisible, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { if ( !BaseClass::Setup( view, pClearFlags, pSkyboxVisible ) ) return false;
m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; return true; }
SkyboxVisibility_t CPortalSkyboxView::ComputeSkyboxVisibility() { return g_pPortalRender->IsSkyboxVisibleFromExitPortal(); }
void CPortalSkyboxView::Draw() { AssertMsg( (g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() != 0) && g_pPortalRender->IsRenderingPortal(), "This is designed for through-portal views. Use the regular skybox drawing code for primary views" );
VPROF( "CViewRender::Draw3dSkyboxworld_Portal" );
int iCurrentViewID = g_CurrentViewID;
Frustum FrustumBackup; memcpy( FrustumBackup, GetFrustum(), sizeof( Frustum ) );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
bool bClippingEnabled = pRenderContext->EnableClipping( false );
//NOTE: doesn't magically map to VIEW_3DSKY at (0,0) like PORTAL_VIEWID maps to VIEW_MAIN
view_id_t iSkyBoxViewID = (view_id_t)g_pPortalRender->GetCurrentSkyboxViewId();
bool bInvokePreAndPostRender = false;
DrawInternal( iSkyBoxViewID, bInvokePreAndPostRender, m_pRenderTarget );
pRenderContext->ClearBuffersObeyStencil( false, true );
#ifdef _PS3
// Reload z-cull after 3D skybox render if in a portal view since we just re-cleared depth values
if ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() > 0 ) { g_pPortalRender->ReloadZcullMemory(); } #endif // _PS3
pRenderContext->EnableClipping( bClippingEnabled );
memcpy( GetFrustum(), FrustumBackup, sizeof( Frustum ) ); render->OverrideViewFrustum( FrustumBackup );
g_CurrentViewID = iCurrentViewID; } #endif // PORTAL
#ifdef PORTAL2
bool CAperturePhotoView::Setup( C_BaseEntity *pTargetEntity, const CViewSetup &view, int *pClearFlags, SkyboxVisibility_t *pSkyboxVisible, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { if( pTargetEntity == NULL ) return false;
IClientRenderable *pEntRenderable = pTargetEntity->GetClientRenderable();
if( pEntRenderable == NULL ) return false;
m_pTargetEntity = pTargetEntity;
VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t fogInfo; WaterRenderInfo_t waterInfo;
memset( &fogInfo, 0, sizeof( VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t ) ); memset( &waterInfo, 0, sizeof( WaterRenderInfo_t ) ); waterInfo.m_bCheapWater = true; BaseClass::Setup( view, *pClearFlags, false, fogInfo, waterInfo, NULL ); m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; return true; }
ConVar cl_camera_minimal_photos( "cl_camera_minimal_photos", "1", 0, "Draw just the targetted entity when taking a camera photo" );
void AddIClientRenderableToRenderList( IClientRenderable *pRenderable, CClientRenderablesList *pRenderablesList ) { CClientRenderablesList::CEntry renderableEntry; RenderGroup_t group = ClientLeafSystem()->GenerateRenderListEntry( pRenderable, renderableEntry ); if( group == RENDER_GROUP_COUNT ) return;
for( int i = 0; i != pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts[group]; ++i ) { if( pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroups[group][i].m_pRenderable == pRenderable ) return; //already in the list
int iAddIndex = pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts[group]; ++pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts[group]; pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroups[group][iAddIndex] = renderableEntry; }
void GetAllChildRenderables( C_BaseEntity *pEntity, IClientRenderable **pKeepers, int &iKeepCount, int iKeepArraySize ) { IClientRenderable *pThisRenderable = pEntity->GetClientRenderable(); //avoid duplicates and infinite recursion
for( int i = 0; i != iKeepCount; ++i ) { if( pThisRenderable == pKeepers[i] ) return; }
pKeepers[iKeepCount++] = pThisRenderable;
if( pEntity->ParticleProp() ) { iKeepCount += pEntity->ParticleProp()->GetAllParticleEffectRenderables( &pKeepers[iKeepCount], iKeepArraySize - iKeepCount ); } if( pEntity->GetEffectEntity() != NULL ) { GetAllChildRenderables( pEntity->GetEffectEntity(), pKeepers, iKeepCount, iKeepArraySize ); } for( C_BaseEntity *pMoveChild = pEntity->FirstMoveChild(); pMoveChild != NULL; pMoveChild = pMoveChild->NextMovePeer() ) { GetAllChildRenderables( pMoveChild, pKeepers, iKeepCount, iKeepArraySize ); } }
ConVar cl_blur_test( "cl_blur_test", "0", 0, "Blurs entities that have had their photo taken" ); ConVar cl_photo_disable_model_alpha_writes( "cl_photo_disable_model_alpha_writes", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disallows the target entity in photos from writing to the photo's alpha channel" ); //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAperturePhotoView::Draw() { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
Vector vDiff = m_pTargetEntity->GetRenderOrigin() - origin; Vector vMins, vMaxs; m_pTargetEntity->GetRenderBounds( vMins, vMaxs ); float fGoodDist = MAX((vMaxs - vMins).Length() * (1.5f/2.0f), 20.0f ); float fLength = vDiff.Length(); if( fLength > fGoodDist ) { //move the camera closer for a better view
#if 1 //use camera forward as offset direction
Vector vCameraForward; AngleVectors( angles, &vCameraForward );
origin = m_pTargetEntity->WorldSpaceCenter() - (vCameraForward * fGoodDist); #else //use existing offset direction, but shorter
origin = m_pTargetEntity->WorldSpaceCenter() - (vDiff * (fGoodDist / fLength)); #endif
//Vector vCameraForward;
//AngleVectors( angles, &vCameraForward );
//origin += vCameraForward * ((fLength - fGoodDist) * vCameraForward.Dot( vDiff / fLength ));
render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, *this, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL, m_pRenderTarget, GetFrustum() ); SetupCurrentView( origin, angles, VIEW_MONITOR );
bool bDrawEverything = !cl_camera_minimal_photos.GetBool(); //Build the world list for now because I don't want to track down crash bugs and this doesn't happen often.
BuildWorldRenderLists( true, -1, true, false ); // @MULTICORE (toml 8/9/2006): Portal problem, not sending custom vis down
if( !bDrawEverything ) { memset( m_pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts, 0, sizeof( m_pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts ) ); } BuildRenderableRenderLists( CurrentViewID() );
IClientRenderable *keepHandles[MAX_EDICTS]; int iKeepChildren = 0; GetAllChildRenderables( m_pTargetEntity, keepHandles, iKeepChildren, MAX_EDICTS );
//set the target entity as the only entity in the renderables list
{ if( !bDrawEverything ) memset( m_pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts, 0, sizeof( m_pRenderablesList->m_RenderGroupCounts ) );
for( int i = 0; i != iKeepChildren; ++i ) { AddIClientRenderableToRenderList( keepHandles[i], m_pRenderablesList ); } }
engine->Sound_ExtraUpdate(); // Make sure sound doesn't stutter
m_DrawFlags = m_pMainView->GetBaseDrawFlags() | DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; // Don't draw water surface...
IMaterial *pPhotoBackground = materials->FindMaterial( "photos/photo_background", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, false ); pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( pPhotoBackground );
if( cl_photo_disable_model_alpha_writes.GetBool() ) pRenderContext->OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( true, false );
if( bDrawEverything ) DrawWorld( pRenderContext, 0.0f );
DrawOpaqueRenderables( pRenderContext, RENDERABLES_RENDER_PATH_NORMAL, NULL ); if( bDrawEverything ) { #if defined( PORTAL )
DrawRecursivePortalViews(); #endif
DrawTranslucentRenderables( false, false ); } else { DrawTranslucentRenderablesNoWorld( false ); }
if( cl_photo_disable_model_alpha_writes.GetBool() ) pRenderContext->OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( false, false );
IMaterial *pPhotoForeground = materials->FindMaterial( "photos/photo_foreground", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, false ); pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( pPhotoForeground );
m_DrawFlags = 0; render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
if( cl_blur_test.GetBool() ) m_pTargetEntity->SetBlurState( true ); } #endif
void CShadowDepthView::Setup( const CViewSetup &shadowViewIn, ITexture *pRenderTarget, ITexture *pDepthTexture, bool bRenderWorldAndObjects, bool bRenderViewModels ) { BaseClass::Setup( shadowViewIn ); m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; m_pDepthTexture = pDepthTexture; m_bRenderWorldAndObjects = bRenderWorldAndObjects; m_bRenderViewModels = bRenderViewModels; }
bool DrawingShadowDepthView( void ) //for easy externing
{ return (CurrentViewID() == VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE); }
#ifdef _PS3
struct ShadowDepthStaticGeoCacheEntry_t { ShadowDepthStaticGeoCacheEntry_t() { V_memset( this, 0, sizeof( *this ) ); } explicit ShadowDepthStaticGeoCacheEntry_t( const CViewSetup &viewSetup ) { memset( this, 0, sizeof( *this ) ); fov = viewSetup.fov; origin = viewSetup.origin; angles = viewSetup.angles; zNear = viewSetup.zNear; zFar = viewSetup.zFar; }
// The fields from CViewSetup and ViewCustomVisibility_t that would actually affect the list
float fov; Vector origin; QAngle angles; float zNear; float zFar; }; ConVar r_flashlight_staticgeocache( "r_flashlight_staticgeocache", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ); static ShadowDepthStaticGeoCacheEntry_t g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache; static uint32 g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_id; static bool g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_valid; #endif
void CShadowDepthView::Draw() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CShadowDepthView::Draw", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURING );
bool bRenderWorldAndObjects = true; #if 0
if ( ( m_bRenderViewModels ) && ( g_CascadeLightManager.GetCSMQualityMode() < CSMQUALITY_LOW ) ) { bRenderWorldAndObjects = false; } #endif
// Start view
unsigned int visFlags;
BEGIN_2PASS_BUILD_BLOCK m_pMainView->SetupVis( (*this), visFlags ); // @MULTICORE (toml 8/9/2006): Portal problem, not sending custom vis down
#if defined(_PS3)
g_viewBuilder.SetVisFlags( visFlags ); #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); END_2PASS_BLOCK
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 112 ); //almost all work is done in vertex shaders for depth rendering, max out their threads
if( IsPC() || IsPS3() ) { int nClearFlags = ( g_viewBuilder.GetPassFlags() & PASS_DRAWLISTS ) ? VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH : 0; render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, (*this), nClearFlags, m_pRenderTarget, GetFrustum(), m_pDepthTexture ); } else if( IsX360() ) { //for the 360, the dummy render target has a separate depth buffer which we Resolve() from afterward
render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, (*this), VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH, m_pRenderTarget, GetFrustum() ); }
SetupCurrentView( origin, angles, VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE );
bool bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheValid = false; bool bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheEnabled = 0; bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheEnabled; #if 0
bool bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheEnabled = r_flashlight_staticgeocache.GetBool(); if ( bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheEnabled ) { if ( g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_valid ) { ShadowDepthStaticGeoCacheEntry_t entry( *this ); bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheValid = !V_memcmp( &entry, &g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache, sizeof( entry ) ); if ( !bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheValid ) { if ( r_flashlight_staticgeocache.GetInt() > 1 ) { DevMsg( "Shadow Depth View: depth cache is stale [id=%d]\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_id ); DevMsg( " pos = %.3f:%.3f:%.3f -> %.3f:%.3f:%.3f\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.origin.x, g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.origin.y, g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.origin.z, entry.origin.x, entry.origin.y, entry.origin.z ); DevMsg( " ang = %.3f:%.3f:%.3f -> %.3f:%.3f:%.3f\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.angles.x, g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.angles.y, g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.angles.z, entry.angles.x, entry.angles.y, entry.angles.z ); DevMsg( " fov = %.3f -> %.3f\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.fov, entry.fov ); DevMsg( " zNear = %.3f -> %.3f\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.zNear, entry.zNear ); DevMsg( " zFar = %.3f -> %.3f\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache.zFar, entry.zFar ); } V_memcpy( &g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache, &entry, sizeof( entry ) ); } } if ( !bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheValid ) { ++ g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_id; g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_valid = true; if ( r_flashlight_staticgeocache.GetInt() > 1 ) { DevMsg( "Shadow Depth View: fully refreshing depth cache [id=%d]\n", g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_id ); } } } else { g_flashlight_staticgeo_cache_valid = false; } #endif
bool bRenderWorld; // 7LS - turn off all world rendering in view model cascade, viewmodel and renderables only
// ambient cube lighting should take care of gross shadow areas.
// TODO - find a way to turn off rendering of characters into viewmodel cascade too
if( m_bRenderViewModels && !cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade.GetBool() ) { bRenderWorld = false; } else { bRenderWorld = m_bRenderWorldAndObjects && !m_bCSMView || ( cl_csm_world_shadows.GetBool() && cl_csm_shadows.GetBool() ) && bRenderWorldAndObjects; }
#if defined(_PS3)
// turn off world rendering into all cascades for listen server
if( m_bCSMView && engine->IsClientLocalToActiveServer() && r_ps3_csm_disableWorldInListenServer.GetInt() ) { bRenderWorld = false; } #endif
// cache volume culler
g_viewBuilder.CacheBuildViewVolumeCuller( m_pCSMVolumeCuller );
if ( ( m_bCSMView ) && ( bRenderWorld ) ) { render->DrawTopView( true ); render->TopViewNoBackfaceCulling( true ); render->TopViewNoVisCheck( true ); //render->TopViewNoVisCheck( false ); <- consider as an optimisation for PS3/listenserver mode
render->TopViewBounds( Vector2D( -30000.0f, -30000.0f ), Vector2D( 30000.0f, 30000.0f ) ); if ( !cl_csm_disable_culling.GetBool() ) { render->SetTopViewVolumeCuller( g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewVolumeCuller() ); } }
{ BuildWorldRenderLists( true, -1, true, true ); // @MULTICORE (toml 8/9/2006): Portal problem, not sending custom vis down
g_viewBuilder.FlushBuildWorldListJob(); if ( !m_bCSMView ) { g_viewBuilder.AddDependencyToWorldList(); } BuildRenderableRenderLists( CurrentViewID(), false, bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheValid ); } if ( ( m_bCSMView ) && ( bRenderWorld ) ) { render->TopViewNoBackfaceCulling( false ); render->TopViewNoVisCheck( false ); render->DrawTopView( false ); render->SetTopViewVolumeCuller( NULL ); }
engine->Sound_ExtraUpdate(); // Make sure sound doesn't stutter
m_DrawFlags = m_pMainView->GetBaseDrawFlags() | DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER | DF_SHADOW_DEPTH_MAP; // Don't draw water surface...
if ( ( m_bCSMView ) && ( bRenderWorld ) ) { render->DrawTopView( true ); } SYNC_BUILDWORLD_JOB( true ) if ( ( m_bCSMView ) && ( bRenderWorld ) ) { render->DrawTopView( false ); }
if ( ( !bFlashlightStaticGeoCacheValid ) && ( bRenderWorld ) ) { DrawWorld( pRenderContext, 0.0f ); }
// Draw opaque and translucent renderables with appropriate override materials
// OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE is OK with a NULL material pointer
modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( NULL, OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE );
SYNC_BUILDRENDERABLES_JOB( CurrentViewID() ) if ( m_bRenderWorldAndObjects && bRenderWorldAndObjects ) { DrawOpaqueRenderables( pRenderContext, #ifdef _PS3
if ( m_bRenderViewModels ) { m_pMainView->DrawViewModelsShadowDepth( *this ); }
if ( m_bCSMView ) { if ( cl_csm_translucent_shadows.GetBool() && ( g_CascadeLightManager.GetCSMQualityMode() >= CSMQUALITY_MEDIUM ) ) { if ( cl_csm_translucent_shadows_using_opaque_path.GetBool() ) { // cstrike15 supports efficiently rendering translucent materials into CSM shadow buffers
DrawOpaqueRenderables( pRenderContext, RENDERABLES_RENDER_PATH_SHADOWDEPTH_DEFAULT, DEPTH_MODE_SHADOW, NULL, RENDER_GROUP_TRANSLUCENT ); } else { DrawTranslucentRenderables( false, true ); } } } else { #ifndef _PS3
// Attention PaulB/Mario: We need to remove this PS3 specific thing for CS:GO CSM, so translucent renderables can cast shadows.
// PS3 is not supporting translucent renderables for now, will need support in static geo cache
if ( r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents.GetBool() ) { #if defined( PORTAL )
DrawRecursivePortalViews(); //Dave K: probably does nothing in this view, calling it anyway because it's contents were directly inside DrawTranslucentRenderables() a moment ago and I don't want to risk breaking anything
DrawTranslucentRenderables( false, true ); } #endif
modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( 0 );
m_DrawFlags = 0;
#if defined(_X360)
{ //Resolve() the depth texture here. Before the pop so the copy will recognize that the resolutions are the same
if( m_bCSMView ) { // send appropriate src/dst rects for csm rendering
Rect_t src, dst;
src.x = 0; src.y = 0; src.width = width; src.height = height; dst.x = xCsmDstOffset; dst.y = yCsmDstOffset; dst.width = width; dst.height = height;
pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( m_pDepthTexture, -1, &src, &dst ); } else { pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( m_pDepthTexture, -1, NULL, NULL ); }
} #endif
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); #endif
pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 ); }
void CFreezeFrameView::Setup( const CViewSetup &shadowViewIn ) { BaseClass::Setup( shadowViewIn );
VGui_GetTrueScreenSize( m_nScreenSize[ 0 ], m_nScreenSize[ 1 ] ); VGui_GetPanelBounds( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(), m_nSubRect[ 0 ], m_nSubRect[ 1 ], m_nSubRect[ 2 ], m_nSubRect[ 3 ] );
KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues = new KeyValues( "UnlitGeneric" ); pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$basetexture", IsGameConsole() ? "_rt_FullFrameFB1" : "_rt_FullScreen" ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$nocull", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$nofog", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$ignorez", 1 ); m_pFreezeFrame.Init( "FreezeFrame_FullScreen", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, pVMTKeyValues ); m_pFreezeFrame->Refresh();
m_TranslucentSingleColor.Init( "debug/debugtranslucentsinglecolor", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); }
// Purpose:
void CFreezeFrameView::Draw( void ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 16 ); //max out pixel shader threads
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( m_pFreezeFrame, x, y, width, height, m_nSubRect[ 0 ], m_nSubRect[ 1 ], m_nSubRect[ 0 ] + m_nSubRect[ 2 ] - 1, m_nSubRect[ 1 ] + m_nSubRect[ 3 ] - 1, m_nScreenSize[ 0 ], m_nScreenSize[ 1 ] );
//Fake a fade during freezeframe view.
if ( g_flFreezeFlash[ m_nSlot ] >= gpGlobals->curtime && engine->IsTakingScreenshot() == false ) { // Overlay screen fade on entire screen
IMaterial* pMaterial = m_TranslucentSingleColor;
int iFadeAlpha = FREEZECAM_SNAPSHOT_FADE_SPEED * ( g_flFreezeFlash[ m_nSlot ] - gpGlobals->curtime ); iFadeAlpha = MIN( iFadeAlpha, 255 ); iFadeAlpha = MAX( 0, iFadeAlpha ); pMaterial->AlphaModulate( iFadeAlpha * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); pMaterial->ColorModulate( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); pMaterial->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_IGNOREZ, true );
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( pMaterial, x, y, width, height, m_nSubRect[ 0 ], m_nSubRect[ 1 ], m_nSubRect[ 0 ] + m_nSubRect[ 2 ] - 1, m_nSubRect[ 1 ] + m_nSubRect[ 3 ] - 1, m_nScreenSize[ 0 ], m_nScreenSize[ 1 ] ); }
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); #endif
// Pops a water render target
bool CBaseWorldView::AdjustView( float waterHeight ) { if( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFRACTION ) { ITexture *pTexture = GetWaterRefractionTexture();
// Use the aspect ratio of the main view! So, don't recompute it here
x = y = 0; width = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); height = pTexture->GetActualHeight();
return true; }
if( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFLECTION ) { ITexture *pTexture = GetWaterReflectionTexture();
// Use the aspect ratio of the main view! So, don't recompute it here
x = y = 0; width = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); height = pTexture->GetActualHeight();
float fHeightDiff = (origin[2] - waterHeight) * 2.0f;
angles[0] = -angles[0]; angles[2] = -angles[2]; origin[2] -= fHeightDiff;
// PORTAL2-specific code
if( m_bCustomViewMatrix ) { QAngle newAngles; Vector vNewOrigin; VMatrix customMatrix;
// Recompute angles from custom view matrix (which is concatenation of view matrix and portal matrix)
customMatrix.CopyFrom3x4( m_matCustomViewMatrix ); customMatrix = customMatrix.Transpose(); MatrixToAngles( customMatrix, newAngles ); // Apply reflection transformation
newAngles[0] = -newAngles[0]; newAngles[2] = -newAngles[2];
// Extract origin from matrix (coordinates in matrix are in view space; convert back to world space)
vNewOrigin = -( m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[0][3] * Vector( *( Vector * )m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[0] ) + m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[1][3] * Vector( *( Vector * )m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[1] ) + m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[2][3] * Vector( *( Vector * )m_matCustomViewMatrix.m_flMatVal[2] ) );
// Reflect position beneath water plane
vNewOrigin[2] -= (vNewOrigin[2] - waterHeight) * 2.0f;
VMatrix newCustomMatrix;
// Re-generate the custom view matrix from angles & origin
MatrixRotate( newCustomMatrix, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), -newAngles[2] ); MatrixRotate( newCustomMatrix, Vector( 0, 1, 0 ), -newAngles[0] ); MatrixRotate( newCustomMatrix, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), -newAngles[1] ); MatrixTranslate( newCustomMatrix, -vNewOrigin );
m_matCustomViewMatrix = newCustomMatrix.As3x4(); }
return true; }
return false; }
// Pops a water render target
void CBaseWorldView::PushView( float waterHeight ) { float spread = 2.0f; if( m_DrawFlags & DF_FUDGE_UP ) { waterHeight += spread; } else { waterHeight -= spread; }
MaterialHeightClipMode_t clipMode = MATERIAL_HEIGHTCLIPMODE_DISABLE; if ( ( m_DrawFlags & DF_CLIP_Z ) && mat_clipz.GetBool() ) { if( m_DrawFlags & DF_CLIP_BELOW ) { clipMode = MATERIAL_HEIGHTCLIPMODE_RENDER_ABOVE_HEIGHT; } else { clipMode = MATERIAL_HEIGHTCLIPMODE_RENDER_BELOW_HEIGHT; } }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
if( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFRACTION ) { pRenderContext->SetFogZ( waterHeight ); pRenderContext->SetHeightClipZ( waterHeight ); pRenderContext->SetHeightClipMode( clipMode );
// Have to re-set up the view since we reset the size
render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, *this, m_ClearFlags, GetWaterRefractionTexture(), GetFrustum() );
return; }
if( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFLECTION ) { ITexture *pTexture = GetWaterReflectionTexture();
pRenderContext->SetFogZ( waterHeight );
bool bSoftwareUserClipPlane = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->UseFastClipping(); if( bSoftwareUserClipPlane && ( origin[2] > waterHeight - r_eyewaterepsilon.GetFloat() ) ) { waterHeight = origin[2] + r_eyewaterepsilon.GetFloat(); }
pRenderContext->SetHeightClipZ( waterHeight ); pRenderContext->SetHeightClipMode( clipMode );
render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, *this, m_ClearFlags, pTexture, GetFrustum() );
SetLightmapScaleForWater(); return; }
if ( m_ClearFlags & ( VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL ) ) { if ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_OBEY_STENCIL ) { pRenderContext->ClearBuffersObeyStencil( ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR ) ? true : false, ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH ) ? true : false ); } else { if ( r_shadow_deferred.GetBool() ) { // FIXME: Is there a better place to force a stencil clear for deferred shadows?
if ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH ) m_ClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL; }
pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR ) ? true : false, ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH ) ? true : false, ( m_ClearFlags & VIEW_CLEAR_STENCIL ) ? true : false ); } }
pRenderContext->SetHeightClipMode( clipMode ); if ( clipMode != MATERIAL_HEIGHTCLIPMODE_DISABLE ) { pRenderContext->SetHeightClipZ( waterHeight ); } }
// Pops a water render target
void CBaseWorldView::PopView() { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
pRenderContext->SetHeightClipMode( MATERIAL_HEIGHTCLIPMODE_DISABLE ); if( m_DrawFlags & (DF_RENDER_REFRACTION | DF_RENDER_REFLECTION) ) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // these renders paths used their surfaces, so blit their results
if ( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFRACTION ) { pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( GetWaterRefractionTexture(), NULL, NULL ); } if ( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFLECTION ) { pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( GetWaterReflectionTexture(), NULL, NULL ); } }
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); if (s_vSavedLinearLightMapScale.x>=0) { pRenderContext->SetToneMappingScaleLinear(s_vSavedLinearLightMapScale); s_vSavedLinearLightMapScale.x=-1; } } }
// Draws the world + entities
void CBaseWorldView::DrawSetup( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, float waterHeight, int nSetupFlags, float waterZAdjust, int iForceViewLeaf ) { VPROF( "CBaseWorldView::DrawSetup" );
int savedViewID = g_CurrentViewID; g_CurrentViewID = VIEW_ILLEGAL;
bool bViewChanged = AdjustView( waterHeight );
if ( bViewChanged ) { render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, *this, 0, NULL, GetFrustum() ); }
if ( ( nSetupFlags & ( DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER ) ) == 0 ) { render->BeginUpdateLightmaps();
bool bDrawEntities = ( nSetupFlags & DF_DRAW_ENTITITES ) != 0; bool bDrawReflection = ( nSetupFlags & DF_RENDER_REFLECTION ) != 0; bool bFastEntityRendering = ( nSetupFlags & DF_FAST_ENTITY_RENDERING ) != 0; BuildWorldRenderLists( bDrawEntities, iForceViewLeaf, true, false, bDrawReflection ? &waterHeight : NULL );
PruneWorldListInfo(); g_viewBuilder.FlushBuildWorldListJob(); // PruneWorldListInfo part of the BuildWorldList job
if ( bDrawEntities ) { BuildRenderableRenderLists( savedViewID, bFastEntityRendering ); } else { // DrawExecute still expect a valid m_pRenderables (empty)
m_pRenderables = new CClientRenderablesList; g_viewBuilder.SetRenderablesListElement( m_pRenderables ); }
render->EndUpdateLightmaps(); } else { bool bDrawEntities = ( nSetupFlags & DF_DRAW_ENTITITES ) != 0; bool bFastEntityRendering = ( nSetupFlags & DF_FAST_ENTITY_RENDERING ) != 0; // We require fast water reflections here since the other code path assumes that world lists are built, etc.
if ( bDrawEntities && bFastEntityRendering ) { // Make sure to cache frustum list as BuildRenderableRenderLists will used the cached frustum
// (Frustum normally cached in BuildWorldRenderLists!)
g_viewBuilder.CacheFrustumData(); BuildRenderableRenderLists( savedViewID, bFastEntityRendering ); } else { Error( "Bad stuff will happen (crashes, stack corruption, etc) because opaque renderables will attempt to render with junk data" ); } }
if ( bViewChanged ) { render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); }
g_CurrentViewID = savedViewID; }
void CBaseWorldView::DrawExecute( float waterHeight, view_id_t viewID, float waterZAdjust ) { BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK EPILOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS
// Make sure sound doesn't stutter
static ConVarRef mat_resolveFullFrameDepth( "mat_resolveFullFrameDepth" );
// perform full cpu depth only pass into rt_fullframedepth - only do this if forced on via mat_resolveFullFrameDepth = 2, useful for compatability or debugging vs depth resolve
if ( ( viewID == VIEW_MAIN ) && g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->HasFullResolutionDepthTexture() && ( mat_resolveFullFrameDepth.GetInt() == 2 ) ) { SSAO_DepthPass(); }
// @MULTICORE (toml 8/16/2006): rethink how, where, and when this is done...
if ( !( m_DrawFlags & ( DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER ) ) ) { #if defined(_PS3)
g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowTextures( *this, m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_LeafCount, m_pWorldListInfo[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_pLeafDataList ); #else
g_pClientShadowMgr->ComputeShadowTextures( *this, m_pWorldListInfo->m_LeafCount, m_pWorldListInfo->m_pLeafDataList ); #endif
int savedViewID = g_CurrentViewID; g_CurrentViewID = viewID;
// Update our render view flags.
int iDrawFlagsBackup = m_DrawFlags; m_DrawFlags |= m_pMainView->GetBaseDrawFlags();
PushView( waterHeight );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 32 ); #endif
ITexture *pSaveFrameBufferCopyTexture = pRenderContext->GetFrameBufferCopyTexture( 0 ); pRenderContext->SetFrameBufferCopyTexture( GetPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture() );
if ( !( m_DrawFlags & ( DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER ) ) ) { BeginConsoleZPass(); }
#ifdef PORTAL
if ( IsMainView( viewID ) ) { g_pPortalRender->DrawEarlyZPortals( (CViewRender*)view ); } #endif // PORTAL
//#if !defined(_PS3) - trying to re-order drawing of world and renderables on PS3 (small gpu perf win, but now confuses/delays the syncing of SPU buildworld/renderable jobs)
m_DrawFlags |= DF_SKIP_WORLD_DECALS_AND_OVERLAYS; DrawWorld( pRenderContext, waterZAdjust ); //#endif
#if defined(_PS3)
CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > arrFastClippedOpaqueRenderables( (CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **)stackalloc( m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE] * sizeof( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * ) ), m_pRenderablesList[ g_viewBuilder.GetBuildViewID() ]->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE] ); #else
CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > arrFastClippedOpaqueRenderables( (CClientRenderablesList::CEntry **)stackalloc( m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE] * sizeof( CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * ) ), m_pRenderables->m_RenderGroupCounts[RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE] ); #endif
CUtlVector< CClientRenderablesList::CEntry * > *pArrFastClippedOpaqueRenderables = (r_deferopaquefastclipped.GetBool() && !m_bDrawWorldNormal && r_entityclips.GetBool() && materials->UsingFastClipping()) ? &arrFastClippedOpaqueRenderables : NULL;
m_DrawFlags &= ~DF_SKIP_WORLD_DECALS_AND_OVERLAYS; if ( m_DrawFlags & DF_DRAW_ENTITITES ) { DrawOpaqueRenderables( pRenderContext, RENDERABLES_RENDER_PATH_NORMAL, DEPTH_MODE_NORMAL, pArrFastClippedOpaqueRenderables ); }
// #if defined(_PS3) - trying to re-order drawing of world and renderables on PS3 (small gpu perf win, but now confuses/delays the syncing of SPU buildworld/renderable jobs)
// DrawWorld( pRenderContext, waterZAdjust );
// #endif
if ( !( m_DrawFlags & ( DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER ) ) ) { EndConsoleZPass(); // DrawOpaqueRenderables currently already calls EndConsoleZPass. No harm in calling it again to make sure we're always ending it
if ( m_DrawFlags & DF_RENDER_PSEUDO_TRANSLUCENT_WATER ) { if ( IsX360() ) { // Update depth texture for depth-based water edge feathering.
UpdateFullScreenDepthTexture(); }
int nOldFlags = m_DrawFlags;
// In addition to decals, draw only water but not above/below water (we need to un-skip the world for this to have any effect)
m_DrawFlags &= ~DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; m_DrawFlags &= ~DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER; m_DrawFlags &= ~DF_DRAWSKYBOX; m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_WATER; m_DrawFlags |= DF_SKIP_WORLD_DECALS_AND_OVERLAYS; DrawWorld( pRenderContext, waterZAdjust ); m_DrawFlags = nOldFlags; }
// Only draw decals on opaque surfaces after now. Benefit is two-fold: Early Z benefits on PC, and
// we're pulling out stuff that uses the dynamic VB from the 360 Z pass
// (which can lead to rendering corruption if we overflow the dyn. VB ring buffer).
m_DrawFlags |= DF_SKIP_WORLD; if ( !( m_DrawFlags & ( DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL_WATER ) ) ) { DrawWorld( pRenderContext, waterZAdjust ); } m_DrawFlags &= ~DF_SKIP_WORLD; if ( !m_bDrawWorldNormal ) { if ( m_DrawFlags & DF_DRAW_ENTITITES ) { #if defined( PORTAL )
DrawRecursivePortalViews(); #endif
DrawDeferredClippedOpaqueRenderables( pRenderContext, RENDERABLES_RENDER_PATH_NORMAL, DEPTH_MODE_NORMAL, pArrFastClippedOpaqueRenderables ); DrawTranslucentRenderables( false, false ); DrawNoZBufferTranslucentRenderables(); } else { // Draw translucent world brushes only, no entities
DrawTranslucentWorldInLeaves( pRenderContext, false ); } }
// issue the pixel visibility tests for sub-views
if ( !IsMainView( CurrentViewID() ) && CurrentViewID() != VIEW_INTRO_CAMERA ) { PixelVisibility_EndCurrentView(); }
pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); pRenderContext->SetFrameBufferCopyTexture( pSaveFrameBufferCopyTexture ); PopView();
m_DrawFlags = iDrawFlagsBackup;
g_CurrentViewID = savedViewID;
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); #endif
int savedViewID = g_CurrentViewID; g_CurrentViewID = VIEW_SSAO;
SYNC_BUILDRENDERABLES_JOB( VIEW_MAIN ); ITexture *pSSAO = materials->FindTexture( "_rt_FullFrameDepth", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "Depth SSAO" );
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
// pRenderContext.SafeRelease();
if ( IsPC() ) { render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, ( *this ), VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, pSSAO, GetFrustum() ); } else if ( IsX360() ) { render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, ( *this ), VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, pSSAO, GetFrustum() ); }
engine->Sound_ExtraUpdate(); // Make sure sound doesn't stutter
m_DrawFlags |= DF_SSAO_DEPTH_PASS;
{ VPROF_BUDGET( "DrawWorld", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURING ); DrawWorld( pRenderContext, 0.0f ); }
// Draw opaque and translucent renderables with appropriate override materials
// OVERRIDE_SSAO_DEPTH_WRITE is OK with a NULL material pointer
modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( NULL, OVERRIDE_SSAO_DEPTH_WRITE );
{ VPROF_BUDGET( "DrawOpaqueRenderables", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURING ); //DrawOpaqueRenderables( pRenderContext, DEPTH_MODE_SSA0 );
#if 0
if ( m_bRenderFlashlightDepthTranslucents || r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents.GetBool() ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "DrawTranslucentRenderables", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURING ); DrawTranslucentRenderables( false, true ); } #endif
modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( 0 );
m_DrawFlags &= ~DF_SSAO_DEPTH_PASS;
// pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials );
if ( IsX360() ) { //Resolve() the depth texture here. Before the pop so the copy will recognize that the resolutions are the same
pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL ); }
render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() );
g_CurrentViewID = savedViewID; }
// Draws the scene when there's no water or only cheap water
void CSimpleWorldView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t &waterInfo, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { BaseClass::Setup( view );
m_ClearFlags = nClearFlags; m_DrawFlags = DF_DRAW_ENTITITES;
if ( !waterInfo.m_bOpaqueWater ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; } else { bool bViewIntersectsWater = DoesViewPlaneIntersectWater( fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, fogInfo.m_nVisibleFogVolume ); if( bViewIntersectsWater ) { // have to draw both sides if we can see both.
m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; } else if ( fogInfo.m_bEyeInFogVolume ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER; } else { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; } } if ( waterInfo.m_bDrawWaterSurface ) { if ( waterInfo.m_bPseudoTranslucentWater ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_PSEUDO_TRANSLUCENT_WATER; } else { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_WATER; } }
if ( !fogInfo.m_bEyeInFogVolume && bDrawSkybox ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAWSKYBOX; }
#if defined( PORTAL2 )
m_DrawFlags |= ComputeSimpleWorldModelDrawFlags(); #endif // PORTAL2
m_pCustomVisibility = pCustomVisibility; m_fogInfo = fogInfo; }
// Draws the scene when there's no water or only cheap water
void CSimpleWorldView::Draw() { VPROF( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_NoWater" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CSimpleWorldView::Draw" );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( 32 ); //lean toward pixel shader threads
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, 0, m_DrawFlags, 0 );
if ( !m_fogInfo.m_bEyeInFogVolume ) { EnableWorldFog(); } else { m_ClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;
SetFogVolumeState( m_fogInfo, false );
pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials );
unsigned char ucFogColor[3]; pRenderContext->GetFogColor( ucFogColor ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( ucFogColor[0], ucFogColor[1], ucFogColor[2], 255 ); }
DrawExecute( 0, CurrentViewID(), 0 );
pRenderContext.GetFrom( materials ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
#if defined( _X360 )
pRenderContext->PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation(); #endif
void CBaseWaterView::CalcWaterEyeAdjustments( const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, float &newWaterHeight, float &waterZAdjust, bool bSoftwareUserClipPlane ) { if( !bSoftwareUserClipPlane ) { newWaterHeight = fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight; waterZAdjust = 0.0f; return; }
newWaterHeight = fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight; float eyeToWaterZDelta = origin[2] - fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight; float epsilon = r_eyewaterepsilon.GetFloat(); waterZAdjust = 0.0f; if( fabs( eyeToWaterZDelta ) < epsilon ) { if( eyeToWaterZDelta > 0 ) { newWaterHeight = origin[2] - epsilon; } else { newWaterHeight = origin[2] + epsilon; } waterZAdjust = newWaterHeight - fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight; }
// Warning( "view.origin[2]: %f newWaterHeight: %f fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight: %f waterZAdjust: %f\n",
// ( float )view.origin[2], newWaterHeight, fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, waterZAdjust );
void CBaseWaterView::CSoftwareIntersectionView::Setup( bool bAboveWater ) { BaseClass::Setup( *GetOuter() );
m_DrawFlags = 0; m_DrawFlags = ( bAboveWater ) ? DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER : DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; }
void CBaseWaterView::CSoftwareIntersectionView::Draw() { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, GetOuter()->m_waterHeight, m_DrawFlags, GetOuter()->m_waterZAdjust );
DrawExecute( GetOuter()->m_waterHeight, CurrentViewID(), GetOuter()->m_waterZAdjust ); }
// Draws the scene when the view point is above the level of the water
void CAboveWaterView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t& waterInfo, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { BaseClass::Setup( view );
m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->UseFastClipping();
CalcWaterEyeAdjustments( fogInfo, m_waterHeight, m_waterZAdjust, m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane );
if ( m_waterZAdjust == 0.0f ) { m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane = false; }
if ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() == 0 ) #endif
{ m_ClearFlags = VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH; }
#ifdef PORTAL
if( g_pPortalRender->ShouldObeyStencilForClears() ) m_ClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_OBEY_STENCIL; #endif
if ( bDrawSkybox ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAWSKYBOX; }
if ( waterInfo.m_bDrawWaterSurface ) { if ( waterInfo.m_bPseudoTranslucentWater ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_PSEUDO_TRANSLUCENT_WATER; } else { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_WATER; } } if ( !waterInfo.m_bRefract && !waterInfo.m_bOpaqueWater ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER; }
#if defined( PORTAL2 )
m_DrawFlags |= ComputeSimpleWorldModelDrawFlags(); #endif // PORTAL2
m_fogInfo = fogInfo; m_waterInfo = waterInfo; m_pCustomVisibility = pCustomVisibility; }
void CAboveWaterView::Draw() { VPROF( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_EyeAboveWater" );
// eye is outside of water
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CAboveWaterView::Draw" ); // render the reflection
if( m_waterInfo.m_bReflect ) { m_ReflectionView.Setup( m_waterInfo.m_bReflectEntities, m_waterInfo.m_bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities, m_waterInfo.m_bReflect2DSkybox ); m_pMainView->AddViewToScene( &m_ReflectionView ); } bool bViewIntersectsWater = false;
// render refraction
if ( m_waterInfo.m_bRefract ) { m_RefractionView.Setup(); m_pMainView->AddViewToScene( &m_RefractionView );
if( !m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane ) { bViewIntersectsWater = DoesViewPlaneIntersectWater( m_fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, m_fogInfo.m_nVisibleFogVolume ); } }
#ifdef PORTAL
if( g_pPortalRender->ShouldObeyStencilForClears() ) m_ClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_OBEY_STENCIL; #endif
bool bHardwareUserClipPlanes = !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->UseFastClipping(); if( bViewIntersectsWater && bHardwareUserClipPlanes ) { // This is necessary to keep the non-water fogged world from drawing underwater in
// the case where we want to partially see into the water.
m_DrawFlags |= DF_CLIP_Z | DF_CLIP_BELOW; }
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS // render the world
DrawSetup( pRenderContext, m_waterHeight, m_DrawFlags, m_waterZAdjust );
DrawExecute( m_waterHeight, CurrentViewID(), m_waterZAdjust );
if ( m_waterInfo.m_bRefract ) { if ( m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane ) { m_SoftwareIntersectionView.Setup( true ); m_pMainView->AddViewToScene( &m_SoftwareIntersectionView ); } else if ( bViewIntersectsWater ) { m_IntersectionView.Setup(); m_pMainView->AddViewToScene( &m_IntersectionView ); } } }
void CAboveWaterView::CReflectionView::Setup( bool bReflectEntities, bool bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities, bool bReflect2DSkybox ) { BaseClass::Setup( *GetOuter() );
m_ClearFlags = VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH;
if ( bReflect2DSkybox ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAWSKYBOX; } else { m_ClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR; }
bool bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflection; int nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevel; float flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistance; GetSimpleWorldModelConfiguration( bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflection, nSimpleWorldModelRecursionLevel, flSimpleWorldModelDrawBeyondDistance );
if ( bSimpleWorldModeWaterReflection ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAW_SIMPLE_WORLD_MODEL | DF_FAST_ENTITY_RENDERING | DF_DRAW_ENTITITES; } else { if( bReflectEntities ) { Assert( !bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities ); m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAW_ENTITITES; } else if ( bReflectOnlyMarkedEntities ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_FAST_ENTITY_RENDERING | DF_DRAW_ENTITITES; } } }
void CAboveWaterView::CReflectionView::Draw() {
#ifdef PORTAL
g_pPortalRender->WaterRenderingHandler_PreReflection(); #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CAboveWaterView::CReflectionView" );
// Store off view origin and angles and set the new view
int nSaveViewID = CurrentViewID(); Vector vecOldOrigin = CurrentViewOrigin(); QAngle vecOldAngles = CurrentViewAngles(); SetupCurrentView( origin, angles, VIEW_REFLECTION );
// Disable occlusion visualization in reflection
bool bVisOcclusion = r_visocclusion.GetBool(); r_visocclusion.SetValue( 0 );
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, GetOuter()->m_fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, m_DrawFlags, 0.0f, GetOuter()->m_fogInfo.m_nVisibleFogVolumeLeaf );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK EnableWorldFog(); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); END_2PASS_BLOCK
DrawExecute( GetOuter()->m_fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, VIEW_REFLECTION, 0.0f );
r_visocclusion.SetValue( bVisOcclusion ); #ifdef PORTAL
// deal with stencil
g_pPortalRender->WaterRenderingHandler_PostReflection(); #endif
// finish off the view and restore the previous view.
SetupCurrentView( vecOldOrigin, vecOldAngles, ( view_id_t )nSaveViewID );
// This is here for multithreading
void CAboveWaterView::CRefractionView::Setup() { BaseClass::Setup( *GetOuter() );
// PS3 - warning - Refraction not yet fully supported on SPU BuildWorld/Renderables parallel job path
// so we disable that path for now when drawing refraction views and turn it back on at the end
void CAboveWaterView::CRefractionView::Draw() { #if defined(_PS3)
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK // don't support PruneWorldLists on SPU yet, so can't support refraction
bool bBuildViewSPU = g_viewBuilder.IsSPUBuildRWJobsOn(); g_viewBuilder.SPUBuildRWJobsOn( false ); #endif
PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( "CAboveWaterView::CRefractionView::Draw" );
#ifdef PORTAL
g_pPortalRender->WaterRenderingHandler_PreRefraction(); #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CAboveWaterView::CRefractionView" );
// Store off view origin and angles and set the new view
int nSaveViewID = CurrentViewID(); Vector vecOldOrigin = CurrentViewOrigin(); QAngle vecOldAngles = CurrentViewAngles(); SetupCurrentView( origin, angles, VIEW_REFRACTION );
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, GetOuter()->m_waterHeight, m_DrawFlags, GetOuter()->m_waterZAdjust );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK SetFogVolumeState( GetOuter()->m_fogInfo, true ); SetClearColorToFogColor(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
DrawExecute( GetOuter()->m_waterHeight, VIEW_REFRACTION, GetOuter()->m_waterZAdjust );
#ifdef PORTAL
// deal with stencil
g_pPortalRender->WaterRenderingHandler_PostRefraction(); #endif
// finish off the view. restore the previous view.
SetupCurrentView( vecOldOrigin, vecOldAngles, ( view_id_t )nSaveViewID );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK // This is here for multithreading
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); pRenderContext->Flush(); END_2PASS_BLOCK
#if defined(_PS3)
g_viewBuilder.SPUBuildRWJobsOn( bBuildViewSPU ); END_2PASS_BLOCK #endif
void CAboveWaterView::CIntersectionView::Setup() { BaseClass::Setup( *GetOuter() ); m_DrawFlags = DF_RENDER_UNDERWATER | DF_CLIP_Z | DF_DRAW_ENTITITES; }
void CAboveWaterView::CIntersectionView::Draw() { PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( "CAboveWaterView::CIntersectionView::Draw" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, GetOuter()->m_fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, m_DrawFlags, 0 );
SetFogVolumeState( GetOuter()->m_fogInfo, true ); SetClearColorToFogColor( );
DrawExecute( GetOuter()->m_fogInfo.m_flWaterHeight, VIEW_NONE, 0 );
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); }
// Draws the scene when the view point is under the level of the water
void CUnderWaterView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t& waterInfo, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility ) { BaseClass::Setup( view );
m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->UseFastClipping();
CalcWaterEyeAdjustments( fogInfo, m_waterHeight, m_waterZAdjust, m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane );
IMaterial *pWaterMaterial = fogInfo.m_pFogVolumeMaterial; IMaterialVar *pScreenOverlayVar = pWaterMaterial->FindVar( "$underwateroverlay", NULL, false ); if ( pScreenOverlayVar && ( pScreenOverlayVar->IsDefined() ) ) { char const *pOverlayName = pScreenOverlayVar->GetStringValue(); if ( pOverlayName[0] != '0' ) // fixme!!!
{ IMaterial *pOverlayMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( pOverlayName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); m_pMainView->SetWaterOverlayMaterial( pOverlayMaterial ); } } // NOTE: We're not drawing the 2d skybox under water since it's assumed to not be visible.
// render the world underwater
// Clear the color to get the appropriate underwater fog color
#ifdef PORTAL
if ( g_pPortalRender->GetViewRecursionLevel() == 0 ) #endif
{ m_ClearFlags = VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH; }
if( !m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_CLIP_Z; } if ( waterInfo.m_bDrawWaterSurface ) { if ( waterInfo.m_bPseudoTranslucentWater ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_PSEUDO_TRANSLUCENT_WATER; } else { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_WATER; } } if ( !waterInfo.m_bRefract && !waterInfo.m_bOpaqueWater ) { m_DrawFlags |= DF_RENDER_ABOVEWATER; }
m_fogInfo = fogInfo; m_waterInfo = waterInfo; m_bDrawSkybox = bDrawSkybox; m_pCustomVisibility = pCustomVisibility; }
void CUnderWaterView::Draw() { // FIXME: The 3d skybox shouldn't be drawn when the eye is under water
VPROF( "CViewRender::ViewDrawScene_EyeUnderWater" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CUnderWaterView::Draw" );
// render refraction (out of water)
if ( m_waterInfo.m_bRefract ) { m_RefractionView.Setup( ); m_pMainView->AddViewToScene( &m_RefractionView ); }
if ( !m_waterInfo.m_bRefract ) { SetFogVolumeState( m_fogInfo, true ); unsigned char ucFogColor[3]; pRenderContext->GetFogColor( ucFogColor ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( ucFogColor[0], ucFogColor[1], ucFogColor[2], 255 ); }
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, m_waterHeight, m_DrawFlags, m_waterZAdjust );
SetFogVolumeState( m_fogInfo, false );
DrawExecute( m_waterHeight, CurrentViewID(), m_waterZAdjust );
m_ClearFlags = 0;
if( m_waterZAdjust != 0.0f && m_bSoftwareUserClipPlane && m_waterInfo.m_bRefract ) { m_SoftwareIntersectionView.Setup( false ); m_pMainView->AddViewToScene( &m_SoftwareIntersectionView ); } pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); }
void CUnderWaterView::CRefractionView::Setup() { BaseClass::Setup( *GetOuter() ); // NOTE: Refraction renders into the back buffer, over the top of the 3D skybox
// It is then blitted out into the refraction target. This is so that
// we only have to set up 3d sky vis once, and only render it once also!
m_ClearFlags = VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH; if ( GetOuter()->m_bDrawSkybox ) { m_ClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR; m_DrawFlags |= DF_DRAWSKYBOX | DF_CLIP_SKYBOX; } }
void CUnderWaterView::CRefractionView::Draw() { PS3_SPUPATH_INVALID( "CUnderWaterView::CRefractionView::Draw" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); SetFogVolumeState( GetOuter()->m_fogInfo, true ); unsigned char ucFogColor[3]; pRenderContext->GetFogColor( ucFogColor ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( ucFogColor[0], ucFogColor[1], ucFogColor[2], 255 );
PROLOGUE_PASS_DRAWLISTS DrawSetup( pRenderContext, GetOuter()->m_waterHeight, m_DrawFlags, GetOuter()->m_waterZAdjust );
DrawExecute( GetOuter()->m_waterHeight, VIEW_REFRACTION, GetOuter()->m_waterZAdjust );
BEGIN_2PASS_DRAW_BLOCK Rect_t srcRect; srcRect.x = x; srcRect.y = y; srcRect.width = width; srcRect.height = height;
ITexture *pTexture = GetWaterRefractionTexture(); pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( pTexture, 0, &srcRect, NULL ); END_2PASS_BLOCK
// Reflective glass view starts here
// Draws the scene when the view contains reflective glass
void CReflectiveGlassView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t &waterInfo, const cplane_t &reflectionPlane ) { BaseClass::Setup( view, nClearFlags, bDrawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, NULL ); m_ReflectionPlane = reflectionPlane; }
bool CReflectiveGlassView::AdjustView( float flWaterHeight ) { ITexture *pTexture = GetWaterReflectionTexture(); // Use the aspect ratio of the main view! So, don't recompute it here
x = y = 0; width = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); height = pTexture->GetActualHeight();
// Reflect the camera origin + vectors around the reflection plane
float flDist = DotProduct( origin, m_ReflectionPlane.normal ) - m_ReflectionPlane.dist; VectorMA( origin, - 2.0f * flDist, m_ReflectionPlane.normal, origin );
Vector vecForward, vecUp; AngleVectors( angles, &vecForward, NULL, &vecUp );
float flDot = DotProduct( vecForward, m_ReflectionPlane.normal ); VectorMA( vecForward, - 2.0f * flDot, m_ReflectionPlane.normal, vecForward );
flDot = DotProduct( vecUp, m_ReflectionPlane.normal ); VectorMA( vecUp, - 2.0f * flDot, m_ReflectionPlane.normal, vecUp );
VectorAngles( vecForward, vecUp, angles ); return true; }
void CReflectiveGlassView::PushView( float waterHeight ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, *this, m_ClearFlags, GetWaterReflectionTexture(), GetFrustum() ); Vector4D plane; VectorCopy( m_ReflectionPlane.normal, plane.AsVector3D() ); plane.w = m_ReflectionPlane.dist + 0.1f;
pRenderContext->PushCustomClipPlane( plane.Base() ); }
void CReflectiveGlassView::PopView( ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PopCustomClipPlane( ); render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); }
// Renders reflective or refractive parts of glass
void CReflectiveGlassView::Draw() { VPROF( "CReflectiveGlassView::Draw" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CReflectiveGlassView::Draw" );
// Disable occlusion visualization in reflection
bool bVisOcclusion = r_visocclusion.GetBool(); r_visocclusion.SetValue( 0 ); BaseClass::Draw();
r_visocclusion.SetValue( bVisOcclusion );
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); pRenderContext->Flush(); }
// Draws the scene when the view contains reflective glass
void CRefractiveGlassView::Setup( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, bool bDrawSkybox, const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, const WaterRenderInfo_t &waterInfo, const cplane_t &reflectionPlane ) { BaseClass::Setup( view, nClearFlags, bDrawSkybox, fogInfo, waterInfo, NULL ); m_ReflectionPlane = reflectionPlane; }
bool CRefractiveGlassView::AdjustView( float flWaterHeight ) { ITexture *pTexture = GetWaterRefractionTexture();
// Use the aspect ratio of the main view! So, don't recompute it here
x = y = 0; width = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); height = pTexture->GetActualHeight(); return true; }
void CRefractiveGlassView::PushView( float waterHeight ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, *this, m_ClearFlags, GetWaterRefractionTexture(), GetFrustum() );
Vector4D plane; VectorMultiply( m_ReflectionPlane.normal, -1, plane.AsVector3D() ); plane.w = -m_ReflectionPlane.dist + 0.1f;
pRenderContext->PushCustomClipPlane( plane.Base() ); }
void CRefractiveGlassView::PopView( ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PopCustomClipPlane( ); render->PopView( pRenderContext, GetFrustum() ); }
// Renders reflective or refractive parts of glass
void CRefractiveGlassView::Draw() { VPROF( "CRefractiveGlassView::Draw" );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "CRefractiveGlassView::Draw" );
pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); pRenderContext->Flush(); }
// Purpose:
void FrustumCache_t::Add( const CViewSetup *pView, int iSlot ) { // Check for a valid view setup.
if ( !pView ) return;
// Create the perspective frustum.
GeneratePerspectiveFrustum( pView->origin, pView->angles, pView->zNear, pView->zFar, pView->fov, pView->m_flAspectRatio, m_Frustums[iSlot] ); }
#if defined(_PS3)
// PS3 - CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3 methods
CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3() { m_buildViewID = -1; m_bSPUBuildRWJobsOn = false; m_passFlags = 0;
for( int lp = 0; lp < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; lp++ ) { m_gAreaFrustum[lp].EnsureCapacity(16); m_gAreaFrustum[lp].SetCount(0); } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::Init( void ) { m_buildViewID = -1; m_bSPUBuildRWJobsOn = false; m_passFlags = 0;
for( int lp = 0; lp < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; lp++ ) { m_gAreaFrustum[lp].EnsureCapacity(16); m_gAreaFrustum[lp].SetCount(0); } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::Purge( void ) { for( int lp = 0; lp < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; lp++ ) { m_gAreaFrustum[lp].Purge(); } };
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::ResetBuildViewID( void ) { m_buildViewID = -1; m_nextFreeBuildViewID = 0;
m_pBuildViewStack = m_buildViewStack - 1; m_buildViewStack[ 0 ] = -1; };
// get current view index
int CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetBuildViewID( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { // bad view initialisation
Warning("*** BAD BUILD VIEW INITIALIZATION ***\n"); return 0; }
return m_buildViewID; };
// call at the start of each view
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::PushBuildView( void ) { m_pBuildViewStack++;
if( m_pBuildViewStack >= &m_buildViewStack[MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS] ) { Error("*** exceeded concurrent buildview push ***\n"); }
if( m_nextFreeBuildViewID >= MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS ) { Error("*** exceeded max concurrent buildviews ***\n"); }
*m_pBuildViewStack = m_nextFreeBuildViewID;
m_buildViewID = *m_pBuildViewStack;
m_nextFreeBuildViewID++; }
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::PopBuildView( void ) { if( m_pBuildViewStack == m_buildViewStack ) { m_buildViewID = *m_pBuildViewStack; m_pBuildViewStack--; } else { m_pBuildViewStack--; m_buildViewID = *m_pBuildViewStack; }
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::SyncViewBuilderJobs( void ) { // sync all ports, only used for debugging multipass views
IWorldRenderList *CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetWorldRenderListElement( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing WorldRenderListElement(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_pWorldRenderListCache[ m_buildViewID ]; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::SetWorldRenderListElement( IWorldRenderList *pRenderList ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting WorldRenderListElement(-1)\n" ); return; } else { m_pWorldRenderListCache[ m_buildViewID ] = pRenderList; } }
unsigned int CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetVisFlags( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetVisFlags(-1)\n" ); return 0; } else { return m_visFlags[ m_buildViewID ]; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::SetVisFlags( unsigned int visFlags ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - SetVisFlags(-1)\n" ); return; } else { m_visFlags[ m_buildViewID ] = visFlags; } }
void* CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetBuildViewVolumeCuller( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetBuildViewVolumeCuller(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return &m_volumeCullerCache[ m_buildViewID ]; } }
Frustum_t *CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetBuildViewFrustum( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetBuildViewFrustum(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return &m_gFrustum[ m_buildViewID ]; } }
Frustum_t *CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetBuildViewAreaFrustum( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetBuildViewAreaFrustum(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_gAreaFrustum[ m_buildViewID ].Base(); } }
unsigned char *CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetBuildViewRenderAreaBits( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetBuildViewRenderAreaBits(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_gRenderAreaBits[ m_buildViewID ]; } };
int CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetNumAreaFrustum( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetNumAreaFrustum(-1)\n" ); return 0; } else { return m_gAreaFrustum[ m_buildViewID ].Count(); } };
Frustum_t *CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::GetBuildViewAreaFrustumID( int frustumID ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "PS3 ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - GetNumAreaFrustum(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return &m_gAreaFrustum[ m_buildViewID ][ frustumID ]; } };
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::CacheFrustumData( Frustum_t *pFrustum, Frustum_t *pAreaFrustum, void *pRenderAreaBits, int numArea, bool bViewerInSolidSpace ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) return;
// cache g_Frustum
memcpy( &m_gFrustum[ m_buildViewID ], pFrustum, sizeof(Frustum_t) );
// cache g_RenderAreaBits
memcpy( &m_gRenderAreaBits[ m_buildViewID ], pRenderAreaBits, sizeof(m_gRenderAreaBits[ m_buildViewID ]) );
// cache viewerinSolidSpace
m_bViewerInSolidSpace[ m_buildViewID ] = bViewerInSolidSpace;
// cache g_AreaFrustum
m_gAreaFrustum[ m_buildViewID ].CopyArray( pAreaFrustum, numArea );
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::CacheBuildViewVolumeCuller( void *pVC ) { if( (m_buildViewID == -1) || (pVC == NULL) ) return;
memcpy( &m_volumeCullerCache[ m_buildViewID ], pVC, sizeof(CVolumeCuller) ); }
// push all buildrenderable jobs - we have descriptors and cached data ready
// renderable jobs can't run concurrently and must sync to the matching buildworldjob
void CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3::PushBuildRenderableJobs( void ) { SNPROF("CConcurrentViewBuilder::PushBuildRenderableJobs");
int numViews = m_buildViewID + 1; unsigned int syncTagR, syncTagW, syncMask;
syncMask = 0;
unsigned int lastSyncTagR = 0;
for( int lp = 0; lp < numViews; lp++ ) { PS3BuildRenderablesJobData *pJobData = g_pBuildRenderablesJob->GetJobData( lp ); job_buildrenderables::JobDescriptor_t *pJobDescriptor = &pJobData->jobDescriptor;
syncTagW = (lp+1);
// alternative - none of the buildrenderable jobs will run in parallel
if( lp > 0 ) syncTagR = numViews+2; // magic no.
else syncTagR = 0; // alternative
//if( lp > 1 )
// syncTagR = numViews+2;
// syncTagR = 0;
syncMask = (0x01 << syncTagW) | (0x01 << lastSyncTagR);
// pushsync
CELL_VERIFY( g_pBuildRenderablesJob->m_pRoot->m_queuePortBuildRenderables[ lp ].pushSync( syncMask, 0 ) ); //Msg("PushSync %d, syncTagW %d, syncTagR %d\n", syncMask, syncTagW, syncTagR );
// testing syncTagR = numViews+2;
// pushjob
CELL_VERIFY( g_pBuildRenderablesJob->m_pRoot->m_queuePortBuildRenderables[ lp ].pushJob( &pJobDescriptor->header, sizeof(*pJobDescriptor), syncTagR, CELL_SPURS_JOBQUEUE_FLAG_SYNC_JOB ) );
lastSyncTagR = syncTagR; } }
#else // _PS3 CConcurrentViewBuilderPS3 methods
// CConcurrentViewData Methods
void CConcurrentViewData::Init() { m_pWorldRenderList = NULL; m_pWorldListInfo = NULL; m_pRenderablesList = NULL; m_pBuildWorldListJob = NULL; m_pBuildRenderablesListJob = NULL; m_bWaitForWorldList = false; m_volumeCuller.Clear(); for ( int lp = 0; lp < MAX_MAP_AREAS; ++lp ) { m_frustumList[lp] = NULL; } }
void CConcurrentViewData::Purge() { SafeRelease( m_pWorldRenderList ); SafeRelease( m_pWorldListInfo ); SafeRelease( m_pRenderablesList ); SafeRelease( m_pBuildWorldListJob ); SafeRelease( m_pBuildRenderablesListJob ); m_AreaFrustums.RemoveAll(); }
// CConcurrentViewBuilder Methods (Non PS3)
CConcurrentViewBuilder::CConcurrentViewBuilder() { Init(); }
CConcurrentViewBuilder::~CConcurrentViewBuilder() { Purge(); }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::Init() { // Release lists (in case a list has been added between 2 Init calls)
Purge(); SetBuildWRThreaded( false ); ResetBuildViewID();
for( int lp = 0; lp < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; lp++ ) { m_viewData[lp].Init(); }
m_pCurrentSeqJobs = NULL; m_pPendingSeqJobs = NULL; }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::Purge() { // Make sure all jobs added to the global thread pool have finished
// in case we have a mismatched between the build and draw pass
// ie a job has been added in the build pass but we are not waiting for
// in the draw pass (ie it did not get drawn)
for (int i = 0; i < mJobsAddedToThreadPool.Count(); i++) { mJobsAddedToThreadPool[i]->WaitForFinishAndRelease(); } mJobsAddedToThreadPool.RemoveAll(); for( int lp = 0; lp < MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS; lp++ ) { m_viewData[lp].Purge(); }
SafeRelease( m_pCurrentSeqJobs ); SafeRelease( m_pPendingSeqJobs ); }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::ResetBuildViewID( void ) { m_buildViewID = -1; m_nextFreeBuildViewID = 0;
m_pBuildViewStack = m_buildViewStack - 1; m_buildViewStack[ 0 ] = -1; };
// get current view index
int CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetBuildViewID( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { // bad view initialisation
Warning("*** BAD BUILD VIEW INITIALIZATION ***\n"); return 0; }
return m_buildViewID; };
// call at the start of each view
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::PushBuildView( void ) { m_pBuildViewStack++;
if( m_pBuildViewStack >= &m_buildViewStack[MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS] ) { Error("*** exceeded concurrent buildview push ***\n"); }
if( m_nextFreeBuildViewID >= MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDVIEWS ) { Error("*** exceeded max concurrent buildviews ***\n"); }
*m_pBuildViewStack = m_nextFreeBuildViewID;
m_buildViewID = *m_pBuildViewStack;
m_nextFreeBuildViewID++; }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::PopBuildView( void ) { if( m_pBuildViewStack == m_buildViewStack ) { m_buildViewID = *m_pBuildViewStack; m_pBuildViewStack--; } else { m_pBuildViewStack--; m_buildViewID = *m_pBuildViewStack; }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::CacheBuildViewVolumeCuller( const CVolumeCuller *pVC ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting volume culler(-1)\n" ); return; } else if ( pVC ) { m_viewData[ m_buildViewID ].m_volumeCuller = *pVC; } }
const CVolumeCuller* CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetBuildViewVolumeCuller( int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) const { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing volume culler(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { const CVolumeCuller* pVolumeCuller = &m_viewData[viewID].m_volumeCuller; return ( pVolumeCuller->IsValid() ? pVolumeCuller : NULL ); } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::CacheFrustumData( const Frustum_t& frustum, const CUtlVector< Frustum_t, CUtlMemoryAligned< Frustum_t,16 > >& aeraFrustums ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting frustum data(-1)\n" ); } else { CConcurrentViewData* pViewData = &m_viewData[m_buildViewID];
// Copy frustum and area frustums
pViewData->m_Frustum = frustum; pViewData->m_AreaFrustums = aeraFrustums;
// Setup frustum list used by the ClientLeafSystem
pViewData->m_frustumList[0] = &pViewData->m_Frustum; int count = MIN( MAX_MAP_AREAS-1, pViewData->m_AreaFrustums.Count() ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( engine->ShouldUseAreaFrustum( i ) ) { pViewData->m_frustumList[i+1] = &pViewData->m_AreaFrustums[i]; } else { pViewData->m_frustumList[i+1] = &pViewData->m_Frustum; } } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::CacheFrustumData( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting frustum data(-1)\n" ); } else { CConcurrentViewData* pViewData = &m_viewData[m_buildViewID];
int numFrustums = engine->GetFrustumList( pViewData->m_frustumList, MAX_MAP_AREAS );
// Copy frustum and frustum areas
pViewData->m_Frustum = *pViewData->m_frustumList[0]; if ( numFrustums > 1 ) { for ( int i = 1; i < numFrustums; ++i ) { pViewData->m_AreaFrustums.AddToTail( *pViewData->m_frustumList[i] ); } }
// Regenerate frustum list
pViewData->m_frustumList[0] = &pViewData->m_Frustum; int count = MIN( MAX_MAP_AREAS-1, pViewData->m_AreaFrustums.Count() ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { pViewData->m_frustumList[i+1] = &pViewData->m_AreaFrustums[i]; } } }
const Frustum_t* CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetBuildViewFrustum( int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) const { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing frustum(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return &m_viewData[viewID].m_Frustum; } }
const CUtlVector< Frustum_t, CUtlMemoryAligned< Frustum_t,16 > >* CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetBuildViewAeraFrustums( int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) const { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing aera frustums(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return &m_viewData[viewID].m_AreaFrustums; } }
Frustum_t** CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetBuildViewFrustumList( int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing frustum list(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_viewData[viewID].m_frustumList; } }
IWorldRenderList *CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetWorldRenderListElement( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing WorldRenderListElement(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_viewData[m_buildViewID].m_pWorldRenderList; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::SetWorldRenderListElement( IWorldRenderList *pRenderList ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting WorldRenderListElement(-1)\n" ); return; } else { m_viewData[m_buildViewID].m_pWorldRenderList = pRenderList; // Increment ref count
InlineAddRef( pRenderList ); } }
ClientWorldListInfo_t *CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetClientWorldListInfoElement( int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing ClientWorlListInfoElement(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_viewData[viewID].m_pWorldListInfo; } }
WorldListInfo_t *CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetWorldListInfoElement( int buildViewID ) { if( buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing WorlListInfoElement(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_viewData[buildViewID].m_pWorldListInfo; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::SetWorldListInfoElement( ClientWorldListInfo_t *pWorldListInfo, int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting WorldListInfoElement(-1)\n" ); return; } else { CConcurrentViewData* pViewData = &m_viewData[viewID];
// Release old list if necessary
SafeRelease( pViewData->m_pWorldListInfo );
pViewData->m_pWorldListInfo = pWorldListInfo; // Increment ref count
InlineAddRef( pWorldListInfo ); } }
CClientRenderablesList *CConcurrentViewBuilder::GetRenderablesListElement( int buildViewID /*= -1*/ ) { int viewID = ( buildViewID >= 0 ) ? buildViewID : m_buildViewID; if( viewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Accessing RenderablesListElement(-1)\n" ); return NULL; } else { return m_viewData[viewID].m_pRenderablesList; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::SetRenderablesListElement( CClientRenderablesList *pRenderables ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Setting RenderablesListElement(-1)\n" ); return; } else { m_viewData[m_buildViewID].m_pRenderablesList = pRenderables; // Increment ref count
InlineAddRef( pRenderables ); } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::QueueBuildWorldListJob( CJob* pJob ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Queueing Build World list job(-1)\n" ); return; } else { if ( r_threaded_buildWRlist.GetBool() && GetBuildWRThreaded() ) { TryRunSequentialJobs();
CConcurrentViewData* pViewData = &m_viewData[m_buildViewID]; if ( !pViewData->m_pBuildWorldListJob ) { pViewData->m_pBuildWorldListJob = new SequentialJobs( pJob ); } else { SequentialJobs* pSeqJob = (SequentialJobs *)pViewData->m_pBuildWorldListJob; pSeqJob->AddJob( pJob ); } } else { pJob->Execute(); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::FlushBuildWorldListJob( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Flushing Build World list job(-1)\n" ); return; } else { CConcurrentViewData* pViewData = &m_viewData[m_buildViewID]; if ( pViewData->m_pBuildWorldListJob ) { //DevMsg("***** FlushBuildWorldListJob %d\n", m_buildViewID);
AddJobToThreadPool( pViewData->m_pBuildWorldListJob ); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::WaitForBuildWorldListJob( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Wait for Build World list job to finish (-1)\n" ); return; } else { CJob* pJob = m_viewData[m_buildViewID].m_pBuildWorldListJob; if ( pJob ) { pJob->WaitForFinish(); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::InternalWaitForBuildWorldListJob( int buildViewID ) { if( buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Wait for Build World list job to finish (-1)\n" ); return; } else { CJob* pJob = m_viewData[buildViewID].m_pBuildWorldListJob; if ( pJob && !pJob->IsFinished() ) { // Called on a worker thread so do not call pJob->WaitForFinish() as it could try to
// execute new job while waiting (=> deadlock). Instead wait on CJob::m_CompletedEvent.
pJob->AccessEvent()->Wait(); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::QueueBuildRenderablesListJob( CJob* pJob ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Queueing Build renderables list job(-1)\n" ); return; } else { CConcurrentViewData* pViewData = &m_viewData[m_buildViewID];
pViewData->m_pBuildRenderablesListJob = pJob; // Increment ref count
InlineAddRef( pJob ); // Released in Purge()
if ( r_threaded_buildWRlist.GetBool() && GetBuildWRThreaded() ) { if ( pViewData->m_bWaitForWorldList ) { CFunctorJob *pWaitJob = new CFunctorJob( CreateFunctor( this, &CConcurrentViewBuilder::InternalWaitForBuildWorldListJob, m_buildViewID ) ); AddToSequentialJobs( pWaitJob ); pWaitJob->Release(); }
AddToSequentialJobs( pJob ); TryRunSequentialJobs(); } else { pJob->Execute(); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::WaitForBuildRenderablesListJob( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Wait for Build renderables list job to finish (-1)\n" ); return; } else { CJob* pJob = m_viewData[m_buildViewID].m_pBuildRenderablesListJob; if ( pJob ) { pJob->WaitForFinish(); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::FlushBuildRenderablesListJob( void ) { if ( m_pPendingSeqJobs ) { if ( m_pCurrentSeqJobs ) { // Wait for the current job to finish before executing pending jobs
// Use a job to wait so that the main thread can keep running
CFunctorJob *pJob = new CFunctorJob( CreateFunctor(this, &CConcurrentViewBuilder::WaitForCurrentSequentialJobAndRunPending ) ); AddJobToThreadPool( pJob ); pJob->Release(); } else { TryRunSequentialJobs(); } } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::AddDependencyToWorldList( void ) { if( m_buildViewID == -1 ) { Warning( "ViewBuilder Begin/End Error - Add dependency to world list (-1)\n" ); return; } else { m_viewData[m_buildViewID].m_bWaitForWorldList = true; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::AddToSequentialJobs( CJob* pJob ) { if ( !m_pPendingSeqJobs ) { m_pPendingSeqJobs = new SequentialJobs(); } m_pPendingSeqJobs->AddJob( pJob ); }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::TryRunSequentialJobs( void ) { if ( m_pCurrentSeqJobs && m_pCurrentSeqJobs->IsFinished() ) { SafeRelease( m_pCurrentSeqJobs ); m_pCurrentSeqJobs = NULL; }
if ( !m_pCurrentSeqJobs && m_pPendingSeqJobs ) { m_pCurrentSeqJobs = m_pPendingSeqJobs; AddJobToThreadPool( m_pCurrentSeqJobs ); m_pPendingSeqJobs = NULL; } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::WaitForCurrentSequentialJobAndRunPending() { if ( m_pCurrentSeqJobs && !m_pCurrentSeqJobs->IsFinished() ) { m_pCurrentSeqJobs->AccessEvent()->Wait(); }
// Run pending jobs
// m_pCurrentSeqJobs & m_pPendingSeqJobs will get released in Purge()
if ( m_pPendingSeqJobs ) { m_pPendingSeqJobs->Execute(); } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::AddJobToThreadPool( CJob* pJob ) { // Keeps track of all jobs added to the thread pool
mJobsAddedToThreadPool.AddToTail( pJob ); InlineAddRef( pJob ); // Get released in purge
// Set JF_QUEUE flag to make sure that the job is not executed in CThreadPool::AddJob
// We want the job to be executed on a worker thread unless we are waiting for job to
// complete on the main thread
pJob->SetFlags( pJob->GetFlags() | JF_QUEUE ); g_pThreadPool->AddJob( pJob ); }
CConcurrentViewBuilder::SequentialJobs::SequentialJobs( CJob* pJob /* = NULL */ ) { if ( pJob ) { AddJob( pJob ); } }
CConcurrentViewBuilder::SequentialJobs::~SequentialJobs() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { SafeRelease( m_jobs[i] ); } }
void CConcurrentViewBuilder::SequentialJobs::AddJob( CJob* pJob ) { m_jobs.AddToTail( pJob ); InlineAddRef( pJob ); }
JobStatus_t CConcurrentViewBuilder::SequentialJobs::DoExecute() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { m_jobs[i]->Execute(); } return JOB_OK; }