Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "func_areaportalbase.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// A sphere around the player used for backface culling of areaportals.
CUtlLinkedList<CFuncAreaPortalBase*, unsigned short> g_AreaPortals;
// Save/Restore
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncAreaPortalBase )
DEFINE_FIELD( m_portalNumber, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iPortalVersion, FIELD_INTEGER, "PortalVersion" ) // DEFINE_FIELD( m_AreaPortalsElement, FIELD_SHORT ),
CFuncAreaPortalBase::CFuncAreaPortalBase() { m_portalNumber = -1; m_AreaPortalsElement = g_AreaPortals.AddToTail( this ); m_iPortalVersion = 0; }
CFuncAreaPortalBase::~CFuncAreaPortalBase() { g_AreaPortals.Remove( m_AreaPortalsElement ); }
bool CFuncAreaPortalBase::UpdateVisibility( const CUtlVector< Vector > &vecOrigins, float fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bool &bIsOpenOnClient ) { // NOTE: We leave bIsOpenOnClient alone on purpose here. See the header for a description of why.
if( m_portalNumber == -1 ) return false;
// See if the viewer is on the backside.
for ( int i = 0; i < vecOrigins.Count(); ++i ) { const Vector &vOrigin = vecOrigins[ i ]; VPlane plane; if( !engine->GetAreaPortalPlane( vOrigin, m_portalNumber, &plane ) ) return true; // leave it open if there's an error here for some reason
// If either players' origin is on the front, the areaportal is considered opened...
if( plane.DistTo( vOrigin ) + VIEWER_PADDING > 0 ) return true; }
return false; }