//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Instead of cloning all physics objects in a level to get proper
// near-portal reactions, only clone from a larger area near portals.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "PhysicsCloneArea.h"
#include "portal_base2d.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "env_debughistory.h"
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( physicsclonearea, CPhysicsCloneArea );
const float CPhysicsCloneArea::s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale = 4.0f; //#define PHYSICSCLONEAREASCALE 4.0f
/*const Vector CPhysicsCloneArea::vLocalMins( 3.0f,
-PORTAL_HALF_WIDTH * PHYSICSCLONEAREASCALE, -PORTAL_HALF_HEIGHT * PHYSICSCLONEAREASCALE ); const Vector CPhysicsCloneArea::vLocalMaxs( PORTAL_HALF_HEIGHT * PHYSICSCLONEAREASCALE, //x is the forward which is fairly thin for portals, replacing with halfheight
extern ConVar sv_portal_debug_touch;
void CPhysicsCloneArea::StartTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if( !m_bActive ) return;
if( sv_portal_debug_touch.GetBool() ) { DevMsg( "PortalCloneArea %i Start Touch: %s : %f\n", ((m_pAttachedPortal->m_bIsPortal2)?(2):(1)), pOther->GetClassname(), gpGlobals->curtime ); } #if !defined( DISABLE_DEBUG_HISTORY )
if ( !IsMarkedForDeletion() ) { ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_PLAYER_DAMAGE, UTIL_VarArgs( "PortalCloneArea %i Start Touch: %s : %f\n", ((m_pAttachedPortal->m_bIsPortal2)?(2):(1)), pOther->GetClassname(), gpGlobals->curtime ) ); } #endif
m_pAttachedSimulator->StartCloningEntityFromMain( pOther ); }
void CPhysicsCloneArea::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if( !m_bActive ) return;
//TODO: Planar checks to see if it's a better idea to reclone/unclone
void CPhysicsCloneArea::EndTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if( !m_bActive ) return;
if( sv_portal_debug_touch.GetBool() ) { DevMsg( "PortalCloneArea %i End Touch: %s : %f\n", ((m_pAttachedPortal->m_bIsPortal2)?(2):(1)), pOther->GetClassname(), gpGlobals->curtime ); } #if !defined( DISABLE_DEBUG_HISTORY )
if ( !IsMarkedForDeletion() ) { ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_PLAYER_DAMAGE, UTIL_VarArgs( "PortalCloneArea %i End Touch: %s : %f\n", ((m_pAttachedPortal->m_bIsPortal2)?(2):(1)), pOther->GetClassname(), gpGlobals->curtime ) ); } #endif
m_pAttachedSimulator->StopCloningEntityFromMain( pOther ); }
void CPhysicsCloneArea::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn();
Assert( m_pAttachedPortal );
m_fHalfWidth = m_pAttachedPortal->GetHalfWidth() * s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale; m_fHalfHeight = m_pAttachedPortal->GetHalfHeight() * s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale; m_fHalfDepth = MAX( m_fHalfWidth, m_fHalfHeight );
SetSize( GetLocalMins(), GetLocalMaxs() ); }
void CPhysicsCloneArea::Activate( void ) { BaseClass::Activate(); }
int CPhysicsCloneArea::ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_DONT_SAVE; //don't save this entity in any way, we naively recreate them
void CPhysicsCloneArea::UpdatePosition( void ) { Assert( m_pAttachedPortal );
//untouch everything we're touching
touchlink_t *root = ( touchlink_t * )GetDataObject( TOUCHLINK ); if( root ) { //don't want to risk list corruption while untouching
CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> TouchingEnts; for( touchlink_t *link = root->nextLink; link != root; link = link->nextLink ) TouchingEnts.AddToTail( link->entityTouched );
for( int i = TouchingEnts.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { CBaseEntity *pTouch = TouchingEnts[i];
pTouch->PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch( pTouch, this ); PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch( this, pTouch ); } }
//update size as well
m_fHalfWidth = m_pAttachedPortal->GetHalfWidth() * s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale; m_fHalfHeight = m_pAttachedPortal->GetHalfHeight() * s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale; m_fHalfDepth = MAX( m_fHalfWidth, m_fHalfHeight ); SetSize( GetLocalMins(), GetLocalMaxs() );
SetAbsOrigin( m_pAttachedPortal->GetAbsOrigin() ); SetAbsAngles( m_pAttachedPortal->GetAbsAngles() ); m_bActive = m_pAttachedPortal->IsActive();
//NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds( this, 0, 0, 255, 25, 5.0f );
//RemoveFlag( FL_DONTTOUCH );
CloneNearbyEntities(); //wake new objects so they can figure out that they touch
void CPhysicsCloneArea::CloneNearbyEntities( void ) { CBaseEntity* pList[ 1024 ];
Vector vForward, vUp, vRight; GetVectors( &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
Vector ptOrigin = GetAbsOrigin(); QAngle qAngles = GetAbsAngles();
Vector vLocalMins = GetLocalMins(); Vector vLocalMaxs = GetLocalMaxs();
Vector ptOBBStart = ptOrigin; ptOBBStart += vForward * vLocalMins.x; ptOBBStart += vRight * vLocalMins.y; ptOBBStart += vUp * vLocalMins.z;
vForward *= vLocalMaxs.x - vLocalMins.x; vRight *= vLocalMaxs.y - vLocalMins.y; vUp *= vLocalMaxs.z - vLocalMins.z;
Vector vAABBMins, vAABBMaxs; vAABBMins = vAABBMaxs = ptOBBStart;
for( int i = 1; i != 8; ++i ) { Vector ptTest = ptOBBStart; if( i & (1 << 0) ) ptTest += vForward; if( i & (1 << 1) ) ptTest += vRight; if( i & (1 << 2) ) ptTest += vUp;
if( ptTest.x < vAABBMins.x ) vAABBMins.x = ptTest.x; if( ptTest.y < vAABBMins.y ) vAABBMins.y = ptTest.y; if( ptTest.z < vAABBMins.z ) vAABBMins.z = ptTest.z; if( ptTest.x > vAABBMaxs.x ) vAABBMaxs.x = ptTest.x; if( ptTest.y > vAABBMaxs.y ) vAABBMaxs.y = ptTest.y; if( ptTest.z > vAABBMaxs.z ) vAABBMaxs.z = ptTest.z; }
Vector ptAABBCenter = (vAABBMins + vAABBMaxs) * 0.5f; Vector vAABBExtent = (vAABBMaxs - vAABBMins) * 0.5f; NDebugOverlay::Box( ptAABBCenter, -vAABBExtent, vAABBExtent, 0, 0, 255, 128, 10.0f ); }*/
int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pList, 1024, vAABBMins, vAABBMaxs, 0 ); trace_t tr; UTIL_ClearTrace( tr );
//Iterate over all the possible targets
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = pList[i];
if ( pEntity && (pEntity != this) ) { IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
if( pPhysicsObject ) { CCollisionProperty *pEntCollision = pEntity->CollisionProp(); Vector ptEntityCenter = pEntCollision->GetCollisionOrigin();
//double check intersection at the OBB vs OBB level, we don't want to affect large piles of physics objects if we don't have to, it gets slow
if( IsOBBIntersectingOBB( ptOrigin, qAngles, vLocalMins, vLocalMaxs, ptEntityCenter, pEntCollision->GetCollisionAngles(), pEntCollision->OBBMins(), pEntCollision->OBBMaxs() ) ) { tr.endpos = (ptOrigin + ptEntityCenter) * 0.5; PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching( pEntity, tr ); //StartTouch( pEntity );
} } } } }
void CPhysicsCloneArea::CloneTouchingEntities( void ) { if( m_pAttachedPortal && m_pAttachedPortal->IsActive() ) { touchlink_t *root = ( touchlink_t * )GetDataObject( TOUCHLINK ); if( root ) { for( touchlink_t *link = root->nextLink; link != root; link = link->nextLink ) m_pAttachedSimulator->StartCloningEntityFromMain( link->entityTouched ); } } }
CPhysicsCloneArea *CPhysicsCloneArea::CreatePhysicsCloneArea( CPortal_Base2D *pFollowPortal ) { if( !pFollowPortal ) return NULL;
CPhysicsCloneArea *pCloneArea = (CPhysicsCloneArea *)CreateEntityByName( "physicsclonearea" );
pCloneArea->m_pAttachedPortal = pFollowPortal; pCloneArea->m_pAttachedSimulator = &pFollowPortal->m_PortalSimulator;
DispatchSpawn( pCloneArea );
return pCloneArea; }
void CPhysicsCloneArea::Resize( float fPortalHalfWidth, float fPortalHalfHeight ) { fPortalHalfWidth *= s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale; fPortalHalfHeight *= s_fPhysicsCloneAreaScale;
if( (fPortalHalfWidth == m_fHalfWidth) && (fPortalHalfHeight == m_fHalfHeight) ) return;
m_fHalfWidth = fPortalHalfWidth; m_fHalfHeight = fPortalHalfHeight; m_fHalfDepth = MAX( m_fHalfWidth, m_fHalfHeight ); SetSize( GetLocalMins(), GetLocalMaxs() ); UpdatePosition(); }