//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "trigger_area_capture.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "teamplay_gamerules.h"
#include "team.h"
#include "team_objectiveresource.h"
#include "team_control_point_master.h"
#include "teamplayroundbased_gamerules.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar mp_capstyle; extern ConVar mp_blockstyle; extern ConVar mp_capdeteriorate_time;
// Touch functions
// Think functions
// Keyfields
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszCapPointName, FIELD_STRING, "area_cap_point" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flCapTime, FIELD_FLOAT, "area_time_to_cap" ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_nCapturingTeam, FIELD_INTEGER ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_fTimeRemaining, FIELD_FLOAT ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastReductionTime, FIELD_FLOAT ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_TeamData, CUtlVector < perteamdata_t > ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_Blockers, CUtlVector < blockers_t > ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_hPoint, CHandle < CTeamControlPoint > ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_bRequiresObject, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_iCapAttemptNumber, FIELD_INTEGER ),
// Inputs
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "RoundSpawn", InputRoundSpawn ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "SetTeamCanCap", InputSetTeamCanCap ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "SetControlPoint", InputSetControlPoint ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "CaptureCurrentCP", InputCaptureCurrentCP ),
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnStartTeam1, "OnStartTeam1" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnStartTeam2, "OnStartTeam2" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnBreakTeam1, "OnBreakTeam1" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnBreakTeam2, "OnBreakTeam2" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnCapTeam1, "OnCapTeam1" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnCapTeam2, "OnCapTeam2" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_StartOutput, "OnStartCap" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_BreakOutput, "OnBreakCap" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_CapOutput, "OnEndCap" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnNumCappersChanged, "OnNumCappersChanged" ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_capture_area, CTriggerAreaCapture );
// Purpose:
CTriggerAreaCapture::CTriggerAreaCapture() { m_TeamData.SetSize( GetNumberOfTeams() ); }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn();
InitTrigger(); Precache();
m_iAreaIndex = -1;
SetTouch ( &CTriggerAreaCapture::AreaTouch ); SetThink( &CTriggerAreaCapture::CaptureThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + AREA_THINK_TIME );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_TeamData.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap < 1 ) { m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap = 1; } } }
// Purpose:
bool CTriggerAreaCapture::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if ( !Q_strncmp( szKeyName, "team_numcap_", 12 ) ) { int iTeam = atoi(szKeyName+12); Assert( iTeam >= 0 && iTeam < m_TeamData.Count() );
m_TeamData[iTeam].iNumRequiredToCap = atoi(szValue); } else if ( !Q_strncmp( szKeyName, "team_cancap_", 12 ) ) { int iTeam = atoi(szKeyName+12); Assert( iTeam >= 0 && iTeam < m_TeamData.Count() );
m_TeamData[iTeam].bCanCap = (atoi(szValue) != 0); } else if ( !Q_strncmp( szKeyName, "team_spawn_", 11 ) ) { int iTeam = atoi(szKeyName+11); Assert( iTeam >= 0 && iTeam < m_TeamData.Count() );
m_TeamData[iTeam].iSpawnAdjust = atoi(szValue); } else { return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::Precache( void ) { }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::SetAreaIndex( int index ) { m_iAreaIndex = index; }
// Purpose:
bool CTriggerAreaCapture::IsActive( void ) { return !m_bDisabled; }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::StartTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther) { BaseClass::StartTouch( pOther );
if ( PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) && m_hPoint ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "controlpoint_starttouch" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "player", pOther->entindex() ); event->SetInt( "area", m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); }
// Call capture think immediately to make it update our area's player counts.
// If we don't do this, the player can receive the above event telling him he's
// in a zone, but the objective resource still thinks he's not.
if ( m_bCapturing ) { CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster ) { float flRate = pMaster->GetPartialCapturePointRate();
if ( flRate > 0.0f ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(pOther); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->StartScoringEscortPoints( flRate ); } } } } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::EndTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther) { if ( PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) && m_hPoint ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "controlpoint_endtouch" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "player", pOther->entindex() ); event->SetInt( "area", m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); }
// incase we leave but the area keeps capturing
CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(pOther); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->StopScoringEscortPoints(); } }
BaseClass::EndTouch( pOther ); }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::AreaTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( !IsActive() ) return; if ( !PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) ) return;
// Don't cap areas unless the round is running
if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->PointsMayBeCaptured() ) return;
Assert( m_iAreaIndex != -1 );
// dont touch for non-alive or non-players
if( !pOther->IsPlayer() || !pOther->IsAlive() ) return;
// make sure this point is in the round being played (if we're playing one)
CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster && m_hPoint ) { if ( !pMaster->PointCanBeCapped( m_hPoint ) ) { return; } }
if ( m_hPoint ) { m_nOwningTeam = m_hPoint->GetOwner(); }
CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(pOther); Assert( pPlayer );
if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != m_nOwningTeam ) { if ( m_TeamData[ pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ].bCanCap ) { DisplayCapHintTo( pPlayer ); } } }
ConVar mp_simulatemultiplecappers( "mp_simulatemultiplecappers", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT );
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::CaptureThink( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + AREA_THINK_TIME );
// make sure this point is in the round being played (if we're playing one)
CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster && m_hPoint ) { if ( !pMaster->PointCanBeCapped( m_hPoint ) ) { return; } }
if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->PointsMayBeCaptured() ) { // Points aren't allowed to be captured. If we were
// being captured, we need to clean up and reset.
if ( m_bCapturing ) { BreakCapture( false ); UpdateNumPlayers(); } return; }
// go through our list of players
Assert( GetNumberOfTeams() <= MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS ); int iNumPlayers[MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS]; int iNumBlockablePlayers[MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS]; // Players in the zone who can't cap, but can block / pause caps
CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pFirstPlayerTouching[MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS]; for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { iNumPlayers[i] = 0; iNumBlockablePlayers[i] = 0; pFirstPlayerTouching[i] = NULL; }
// Loop through the entities we're touching, and find players
for ( int i = 0; i < m_hTouchingEntities.Count(); i++ ) { CBaseEntity *ent = m_hTouchingEntities[i]; if ( ent && ent->IsPlayer() ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(ent); if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { int iTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber();
// If a team's not allowed to cap a point, don't count players in it at all
if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->TeamMayCapturePoint( iTeam, m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ) ) continue;
if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->PlayerMayCapturePoint( pPlayer, m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ) ) { if ( TeamplayGameRules()->PlayerMayBlockPoint( pPlayer, m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ) ) { if ( iNumPlayers[iTeam] == 0 && iNumBlockablePlayers[iTeam] == 0 ) { pFirstPlayerTouching[iTeam] = pPlayer; }
iNumBlockablePlayers[iTeam] += TeamplayGameRules()->GetCaptureValueForPlayer( pPlayer ); } continue; }
if ( iTeam >= FIRST_GAME_TEAM ) { if ( iNumPlayers[iTeam] == 0 && iNumBlockablePlayers[iTeam] == 0 ) { pFirstPlayerTouching[iTeam] = pPlayer; }
iNumPlayers[iTeam] += TeamplayGameRules()->GetCaptureValueForPlayer( pPlayer ); } } } }
int iTeamsInZone = 0; bool bUpdatePlayers = false; m_nTeamInZone = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { iNumPlayers[i] *= mp_simulatemultiplecappers.GetInt();
if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching != iNumPlayers[i] ) { m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching = iNumPlayers[i]; bUpdatePlayers = true; } m_TeamData[i].iBlockedTouching = m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching;
if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching ) { iTeamsInZone++;
m_nTeamInZone = i; } }
if ( iTeamsInZone > 1 ) { m_nTeamInZone = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; } else { // If we've got non-cappable, yet blockable players here for the team that's defending, they
// need to block the cap. This catches cases like the TF invulnerability, which needs to block
// caps, but isn't allowed to contribute to a cap.
for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { if ( !iNumBlockablePlayers[i] || m_nTeamInZone == i ) continue;
iTeamsInZone++; } }
// If the cap is being blocked, reset the number of players so the client
// knows to stop the capture as well.
if ( mp_blockstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { if ( m_bCapturing && iTeamsInZone > 1 ) { for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { iNumPlayers[i] = 0; if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching != iNumPlayers[i] ) { m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching = iNumPlayers[i]; bUpdatePlayers = true; } } } }
if ( bUpdatePlayers ) { UpdateNumPlayers(); }
// When a player blocks, tell them the cap index and attempt number
// only give successive blocks to them if the attempt number is different
if ( m_bCapturing ) { if ( m_hPoint ) { m_hPoint->SetLastContestedAt( gpGlobals->curtime ); }
// Calculate the amount of modification to the cap time
float flTimeDelta = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastReductionTime; float flReduction = flTimeDelta; if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { // Diminishing returns for successive players.
for ( int i = 1; i < m_TeamData[m_nTeamInZone].iNumTouching; i++ ) { flReduction += (flTimeDelta / (float)(i+1)); } } m_flLastReductionTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
//if more than one team is in the zone
if( iTeamsInZone > 1 ) { if ( !m_bBlocked ) { m_bBlocked = true; UpdateBlocked(); }
// See if anyone gets credit for the block
float flPercentToGo = m_fTimeRemaining / m_flCapTime; if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { flPercentToGo = m_fTimeRemaining / ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap); }
if ( flPercentToGo <= 0.5 && m_hPoint ) { // find the first player that is not on the capturing team
// they have just broken a cap and should be rewarded
// tell the player the capture attempt number, for checking later
CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pBlockingPlayer = NULL; for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { if ( m_nCapturingTeam == i ) continue;
if ( pFirstPlayerTouching[i] ) { pBlockingPlayer = pFirstPlayerTouching[i]; break; } } Assert( pBlockingPlayer );
if ( pBlockingPlayer ) { bool bRepeatBlocker = false; for ( int i = m_Blockers.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( m_Blockers[i].hPlayer != pBlockingPlayer ) continue;
// If this guy's was a blocker, but not valid now, remove him from the list
if ( m_Blockers[i].iCapAttemptNumber != m_iCapAttemptNumber || !IsTouching(m_Blockers[i].hPlayer) ) { m_Blockers.Remove(i); continue; }
bRepeatBlocker = true; break; }
if ( !bRepeatBlocker ) { m_hPoint->CaptureBlocked( pBlockingPlayer );
// Add this guy to our blocker list
int iNew = m_Blockers.AddToTail(); m_Blockers[iNew].hPlayer = pBlockingPlayer; m_Blockers[iNew].iCapAttemptNumber = m_iCapAttemptNumber; } } }
if ( mp_blockstyle.GetInt() == 0 ) { BreakCapture( false ); } return; }
if ( m_bBlocked ) { m_bBlocked = false; UpdateBlocked(); }
float flTotalTimeToCap = m_flCapTime; if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { flTotalTimeToCap = ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap); }
// Now remove the reduction amount after we've determined there's only 1 team in the area
if ( m_nCapturingTeam == m_nTeamInZone ) { SetCapTimeRemaining( m_fTimeRemaining - flReduction ); } else if ( m_nOwningTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED && m_nTeamInZone != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { SetCapTimeRemaining( m_fTimeRemaining + flReduction ); } else { // Caps deteriorate over time
if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() && m_hPoint && TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->TeamMayCapturePoint(m_nCapturingTeam,m_hPoint->GetPointIndex()) ) { float flDecrease = (flTotalTimeToCap / mp_capdeteriorate_time.GetFloat()) * flTimeDelta; if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() && TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->InOvertime() ) { flDecrease *= 6; } SetCapTimeRemaining( m_fTimeRemaining + flDecrease ); } else { SetCapTimeRemaining( flTotalTimeToCap ); } }
//if no-one is in the area
if( iTeamsInZone == 0 ) { BreakCapture( true ); return; } //if they've lost the number of players needed to cap
int iTeamMembersHere = m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumTouching + iNumBlockablePlayers[m_nCapturingTeam]; if ( (iTeamMembersHere == 0 ) || (mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 0 && iTeamMembersHere < m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap) ) { BreakCapture( true ); return; } */
// if the cap is done
if ( m_fTimeRemaining <= 0 ) { EndCapture( m_nCapturingTeam ); return; //we're done
} else { if ( m_fTimeRemaining >= flTotalTimeToCap ) { BreakCapture( false ); return; } } } else { // If there are any teams in the zone that aren't the owner, try to start capping
if ( iTeamsInZone > 0 ) { for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { if ( !m_TeamData[i].bCanCap || m_nOwningTeam == i ) continue;
if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching == 0 ) continue;
if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 0 && m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching < m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap ) continue;
StartCapture( i, CAPTURE_NORMAL ); break; } } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::SetCapTimeRemaining( float flTime ) { m_fTimeRemaining = flTime;
float flCapPercentage = 0; if ( m_nCapturingTeam ) { flCapPercentage = m_fTimeRemaining / m_flCapTime; if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { flCapPercentage = m_fTimeRemaining / ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap); } }
ObjectiveResource()->SetCPCapPercentage( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), flCapPercentage );
if ( m_hPoint ) { m_hPoint->UpdateCapPercentage(); } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::SetOwner( int team ) { //break any current capturing
BreakCapture( false );
HandleRespawnTimeAdjustments( m_nOwningTeam, team );
//set the owner to the passed value
m_nOwningTeam = team;
UpdateOwningTeam(); }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::ForceOwner( int team ) { SetOwner( team );
if ( m_hPoint ) { m_hPoint->ForceOwner( team ); } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::HandleRespawnTimeAdjustments( int oldTeam, int newTeam ) { if ( oldTeam > LAST_SHARED_TEAM ) { // reverse the adjust made when the old team captured this point (if we made one)
if ( m_TeamData[oldTeam].iSpawnAdjust != 0 ) { TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->AddTeamRespawnWaveTime( oldTeam, -m_TeamData[oldTeam].iSpawnAdjust ); } }
if ( newTeam > LAST_SHARED_TEAM ) { if ( m_TeamData[newTeam].iSpawnAdjust != 0 ) { TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->AddTeamRespawnWaveTime( newTeam, m_TeamData[newTeam].iSpawnAdjust ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::StartCapture( int team, int capmode ) { // Remap team to get first game team = 1
switch ( team - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 ) { case 1: m_OnStartTeam1.FireOutput( this, this ); break; case 2: m_OnStartTeam2.FireOutput( this, this ); break; default: Assert(0); break; }
m_StartOutput.FireOutput(this,this); m_nCapturingTeam = team;
if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { SetCapTimeRemaining( ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[team].iNumRequiredToCap) ); } else { SetCapTimeRemaining( m_flCapTime ); } m_bCapturing = true; m_bBlocked = false; m_iCapMode = capmode;
m_flLastReductionTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
UpdateCappingTeam( m_nCapturingTeam ); UpdateBlocked();
if( m_hPoint ) { int numcappers = 0; int cappingplayers[MAX_AREA_CAPPERS];
GetNumCappingPlayers( m_nCapturingTeam, numcappers, cappingplayers ); m_hPoint->CaptureStart( m_nCapturingTeam, numcappers, cappingplayers ); }
// tell all touching players to start racking up capture points
CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster ) { float flRate = pMaster->GetPartialCapturePointRate();
if ( flRate > 0.0f ) { // for each player touch
CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam ); if ( pTeam ) { for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) ); if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) ) { pPlayer->StartScoringEscortPoints( flRate ); } } } } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::GetNumCappingPlayers( int team, int &numcappers, int *cappingplayers ) { numcappers = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *ent = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( ent ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *player = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(ent);
if ( IsTouching( player ) && ( player->GetTeamNumber() == team ) ) // need to make sure disguised spies aren't included in the list of capping players
{ if ( numcappers < MAX_AREA_CAPPERS-1 ) { cappingplayers[numcappers] = i; numcappers++; } } } }
if ( numcappers < MAX_AREA_CAPPERS ) { cappingplayers[numcappers] = 0; //null terminate :)
} }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::EndCapture( int team ) { IncrementCapAttemptNumber();
// Remap team to get first game team = 1
switch ( team - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 ) { case 1: m_OnCapTeam1.FireOutput( this, this ); break; case 2: m_OnCapTeam2.FireOutput( this, this ); break; default: Assert(0); break; }
int numcappers = 0; int cappingplayers[MAX_AREA_CAPPERS];
GetNumCappingPlayers( team, numcappers, cappingplayers );
// Handle this before we assign the new team as the owner of this area
HandleRespawnTimeAdjustments( m_nOwningTeam, team ); m_nOwningTeam = team; m_bCapturing = false; m_nCapturingTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; SetCapTimeRemaining( 0 );
//there may have been more than one capper, but only report this one.
//he hasn't gotten points yet, and his name will go in the cap string if its needed
//first capper gets name sent and points given by flag.
//other cappers get points manually above, no name in message
//send the player in the cap string
if( m_hPoint ) { OnEndCapture( m_nOwningTeam );
UpdateOwningTeam(); m_hPoint->SetOwner( m_nOwningTeam, true, numcappers, cappingplayers ); m_hPoint->CaptureEnd(); }
m_OnNumCappersChanged.Set( 0, this, this );
// tell all touching players to stop racking up capture points
CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam ); if ( pTeam ) { for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) ); if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) ) { pPlayer->StopScoringEscortPoints(); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::BreakCapture( bool bNotEnoughPlayers ) { if( m_bCapturing ) { // Remap team to get first game team = 1
switch ( m_nCapturingTeam - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 ) { case 1: m_OnBreakTeam1.FireOutput( this, this ); break; case 2: m_OnBreakTeam2.FireOutput( this, this ); break; default: Assert(0); break; }
m_bCapturing = false; m_nCapturingTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
UpdateCappingTeam( TEAM_UNASSIGNED );
if ( bNotEnoughPlayers ) { IncrementCapAttemptNumber(); }
SetCapTimeRemaining( 0 );
if( m_hPoint ) { m_hPoint->CaptureEnd(); }
m_OnNumCappersChanged.Set( 0, this, this );
// tell all touching players to stop racking up capture points
CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam ); if ( pTeam ) { for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) ); if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) ) { pPlayer->StopScoringEscortPoints(); } } } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::IncrementCapAttemptNumber( void ) { m_iCapAttemptNumber++;
m_Blockers.Purge(); }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::InputRoundSpawn( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // find the flag we're linked to
if( !m_hPoint ) { m_hPoint = dynamic_cast<CTeamControlPoint*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName(NULL, STRING(m_iszCapPointName) ) );
if ( m_hPoint ) { m_nOwningTeam = m_hPoint->GetOwner();
for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { m_hPoint->SetCappersRequiredForTeam( i, m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap );
ObjectiveResource()->SetCPRequiredCappers( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), i, m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap ); ObjectiveResource()->SetTeamCanCap( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), i, m_TeamData[i].bCanCap );
if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { ObjectiveResource()->SetCPCapTime( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), i, (m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap ); } else { ObjectiveResource()->SetCPCapTime( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), i, m_flCapTime ); } } } } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::InputSetTeamCanCap( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // Get the interaction name & target
char parseString[255]; Q_strncpy(parseString, inputdata.value.String(), sizeof(parseString));
char *pszParam = strtok(parseString," "); if ( pszParam && pszParam[0] ) { int iTeam = atoi( pszParam ); pszParam = strtok(NULL," ");
if ( pszParam && pszParam[0] ) { bool bCanCap = (atoi(pszParam) != 0);
if ( iTeam >= 0 && iTeam < GetNumberOfTeams() ) { m_TeamData[iTeam].bCanCap = bCanCap; if ( m_hPoint ) { ObjectiveResource()->SetTeamCanCap( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), iTeam, m_TeamData[iTeam].bCanCap ); } return; } } }
Warning("%s(%s) received SetTeamCanCap input with invalid format. Format should be: <team number> <can cap (0/1)>.\n", GetClassname(), GetDebugName() ); }
void CTriggerAreaCapture::InputCaptureCurrentCP( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if ( m_bCapturing ) { EndCapture( m_nCapturingTeam ); } }
void CTriggerAreaCapture::InputSetControlPoint( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { BreakCapture( false ); // clear the capping for the previous point, forces us to recalc on the new one
char parseString[255]; Q_strncpy(parseString, inputdata.value.String(), sizeof(parseString));
m_iszCapPointName = MAKE_STRING( parseString ); m_hPoint = NULL; // force a reset of this
InputRoundSpawn( inputdata );
// force everyone touching to re-touch so the hud gets set up properly
for ( int i = 0; i < m_hTouchingEntities.Count(); i++ ) { CBaseEntity *ent = m_hTouchingEntities[i]; if ( ent && ent->IsPlayer() ) { EndTouch( ent ); StartTouch( ent ); } } }
// Purpose: Check if this player's death causes a block
// return FALSE if the player is not in this area
// return TRUE otherwise ( eg player is in area, but his death does not cause break )
bool CTriggerAreaCapture::CheckIfDeathCausesBlock( CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pVictim, CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pKiller ) { if ( !pVictim || !pKiller ) return false;
// make sure this player is in this area
if ( !IsTouching( pVictim ) ) return false;
// Teamkills shouldn't give a block reward
if ( pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == pKiller->GetTeamNumber() ) return true;
// return if the area is not being capped
if ( !m_bCapturing ) return true;
int iTeam = pVictim->GetTeamNumber();
// return if this player's team is not capping the area
if ( iTeam != m_nCapturingTeam ) return true;
// break early incase we kill multiple people in the same frame
bool bBreakCap = false; if ( mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 1 ) { bBreakCap = (m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iBlockedTouching - 1) <= 0; } else { bBreakCap = ( m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iBlockedTouching - 1 < m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap ); }
if ( bBreakCap ) { m_hPoint->CaptureBlocked( pKiller ); //BreakCapture( true );
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::UpdateNumPlayers( void ) { if( !m_hPoint ) return;
int index = m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_TeamData.Count(); i++ ) { if ( i >= FIRST_GAME_TEAM && i == m_nCapturingTeam ) { m_OnNumCappersChanged.Set( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching, this, this ); }
ObjectiveResource()->SetNumPlayers( index, i, m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching ); } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::UpdateOwningTeam( void ) { if ( m_hPoint ) { ObjectiveResource()->SetOwningTeam( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), m_nOwningTeam ); } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::UpdateCappingTeam( int iTeam ) { if ( m_hPoint ) { ObjectiveResource()->SetCappingTeam( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), iTeam ); } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::UpdateTeamInZone( void ) { if ( m_hPoint ) { ObjectiveResource()->SetTeamInZone( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), m_nTeamInZone ); } }
// Purpose:
void CTriggerAreaCapture::UpdateBlocked( void ) { if ( m_hPoint ) { ObjectiveResource()->SetCapBlocked( m_hPoint->GetPointIndex(), m_bBlocked ); m_hPoint->CaptureInterrupted( m_bBlocked ); } }