Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "hammervgui.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h"
#include <VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h>
#include <matsys_controls/matsyscontrols.h>
#include "material.h"
#include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "VGuiWnd.h"
#include "toolutils/enginetools_int.h"
#include "toolframework/ienginetool.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputstacksystem.h"
// Purpose: singleton accessor
// This window doesn't do anything other than tell CMatSystemSurface::CalculateMouseVisible to deem the mouse visible.
class CDummyPopupPanel : public vgui::Panel { public: virtual void PaintBackground() {} virtual void Paint() {} };
static CHammerVGui s_HammerVGui;
CHammerVGui *HammerVGui() { return &s_HammerVGui; }
CHammerVGui::CHammerVGui(void) { m_pActiveWindow = NULL; m_hMainWindow = NULL; m_pDummyPopup = NULL; m_bCurrentDialogIsModal = false; m_hHammerScheme = NULL; m_hVguiInputContext = INPUT_CONTEXT_HANDLE_INVALID; }
// Setup the base vgui panels
bool CHammerVGui::Init( HWND hWindow ) { m_hMainWindow = hWindow; if ( !APP()->IsFoundryMode() ) // We don't need to init most stuff in Foundry mode because the engine has already done it.
{ // initialize vgui_control interfaces
if (!vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList( "HAMMER", &g_Factory, 1 )) return false; if ( !vgui::VGui_InitMatSysInterfacesList( "HAMMER", &g_Factory, 1 ) ) return false;
if ( !g_pMatSystemSurface ) return false; // configuration settings
vgui::system()->SetUserConfigFile("hammer.vdf", "EXECUTABLE_PATH");
// Are we trapping input?
g_pMatSystemSurface->EnableWindowsMessages( true ); }
m_hVguiInputContext = g_pInputStackSystem->PushInputContext(); g_pMatSystemSurface->SetInputContext( m_hVguiInputContext );
// Need to be able to play sounds through vgui
// g_pMatSystemSurface->InstallPlaySoundFunc( VGui_PlaySound );
// load scheme
m_hHammerScheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFile("//PLATFORM/Resource/SourceScheme.res", "Hammer"); if ( !m_hHammerScheme ) { return false; }
if ( !APP()->IsFoundryMode() ) // We don't need to init most stuff in Foundry mode because the engine has already done it.
{ // Start the App running
vgui::ivgui()->Start(); vgui::ivgui()->SetSleep(false);
// Create a popup window. This window doesn't do anything other than tell CMatSystemSurface::CalculateMouseVisible to deem the mouse visible.
m_pDummyPopup = new CDummyPopupPanel; m_pDummyPopup->MakePopup( false, true ); m_pDummyPopup->SetVisible( true ); }
return true; }
void CHammerVGui::SetFocus( CVGuiWnd *pVGuiWnd ) { if ( pVGuiWnd == m_pActiveWindow ) return;
g_pInputSystem->PollInputState(); vgui::ivgui()->RunFrame();
g_pMatSystemSurface->SetAppDrivesInput( true ); g_pInputSystem->DetachFromWindow( );
// Disable mouse input on the previous panel so it doesn't get input the engine should get.
if ( m_pActiveWindow && m_pActiveWindow->GetMainPanel() ) { m_pActiveWindow->GetMainPanel()->SetMouseInputEnabled( false ); } if ( pVGuiWnd ) { m_pActiveWindow = pVGuiWnd; m_bCurrentDialogIsModal = m_pActiveWindow->IsModal(); Assert( pVGuiWnd->GetMainPanel() != NULL ); if ( pVGuiWnd->GetMainPanel() ) pVGuiWnd->GetMainPanel()->SetMouseInputEnabled( true ); g_pInputSystem->AttachToWindow( pVGuiWnd->GetParentWnd()->GetSafeHwnd() ); g_pMatSystemSurface->SetAppDrivesInput( !m_bCurrentDialogIsModal ); vgui::ivgui()->ActivateContext( pVGuiWnd->GetVGuiContext() );
// If this is a modal VGuiWnd (like the model browser), don't let the engine's message loop get called at all
// or else it'll screw up stuff - it'll give focus to other CVGuiWnds and the engine might drive
// some vgui stuff instead of the VGuiWnd message loop (in CVGuiWnd::WindowProcVGui).
if ( pVGuiWnd->IsModal() && enginetools ) ::EnableWindow( (HWND)enginetools->GetEngineHwnd(), false ); } else { if ( enginetools ) { // We can't call m_pActiveWindow->IsModal here because it might be in its destructor (as with the model browser)
// and it's a virtual function.
if ( m_bCurrentDialogIsModal ) ::EnableWindow( (HWND)enginetools->GetEngineHwnd(), true );
g_pInputSystem->AttachToWindow( enginetools->GetEngineHwnd() ); g_pMatSystemSurface->SetAppDrivesInput( true ); }
m_pActiveWindow = NULL; vgui::ivgui()->ActivateContext( vgui::DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT ); } }
bool CHammerVGui::HasFocus( CVGuiWnd *pWnd ) { return m_pActiveWindow == pWnd; }
void CHammerVGui::Simulate() { // VPROF( "CHammerVGui::Simulate" );
if ( !IsInitialized() ) return;
g_pInputSystem->PollInputState(); vgui::ivgui()->RunFrame();
// run vgui animations
vgui::GetAnimationController()->UpdateAnimations( vgui::system()->GetCurrentTime() ); }
void CHammerVGui::Shutdown() { // Give panels a chance to settle so things
// Marked for deletion will actually get deleted
if ( !IsInitialized() ) return;
if ( m_pDummyPopup ) { delete m_pDummyPopup; m_pDummyPopup = NULL; }
if ( m_hVguiInputContext != INPUT_CONTEXT_HANDLE_INVALID ) { g_pMatSystemSurface->SetInputContext( NULL ); g_pInputStackSystem->PopInputContext(); m_hVguiInputContext = INPUT_CONTEXT_HANDLE_INVALID; }
g_pInputSystem->PollInputState(); vgui::ivgui()->RunFrame();
// stop the App running
vgui::ivgui()->Stop(); }
CHammerVGui::~CHammerVGui(void) { }