//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====
// Purpose: Handles running the OS commands for map compilation.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <afxtempl.h>
#include "GameConfig.h"
#include "RunCommands.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include <process.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "mapdoc.h"
#include "gridnav.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
static bool s_bRunsCommands = false;
bool IsRunningCommands() { return s_bRunsCommands; }
static char *pszDocPath, *pszDocName, *pszDocExt;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// This class queues the list of commands to execute, then sends them to hammer_run_map_launcher.exe
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CCommandExecuter { public: CCommandExecuter( bool bWaitForKeypress ); ~CCommandExecuter();
void AddCommandVA( const char *pStr, ... ); void AddCommandWithArgList( char **ppParms );
void EncodeCommand( const char *pCommand, CString &out );
void Launch();
private: // Each command is the full command line with each argument in quotes.
CUtlVector<CString*> m_Commands; bool m_bWaitForKeypress; };
CCommandExecuter::CCommandExecuter( bool bWaitForKeypress ) { m_bWaitForKeypress = bWaitForKeypress; }
CCommandExecuter::~CCommandExecuter() { m_Commands.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
void CCommandExecuter::AddCommandVA( const char *pStr, ... ) { char fullStr[8192];
va_list marker; va_start( marker, pStr ); V_vsnprintf( fullStr, sizeof( fullStr ), pStr, marker ); va_end( marker );
CString *pFullStr = new CString; *pFullStr = fullStr; m_Commands.AddToTail( pFullStr ); }
void CCommandExecuter::AddCommandWithArgList( char **ppParms ) { CString *pFullStr = new CString; CString &str = *pFullStr;
while ( *ppParms ) { str += *ppParms; str += " "; ++ppParms; }
m_Commands.AddToTail( pFullStr ); }
void CCommandExecuter::EncodeCommand( const char *pCommand, CString &out ) { // 'a' - 'p'
int len = V_strlen( pCommand ); char *pTempStr = new char[ len*2 + 1 ]; for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ ) { pTempStr[i*2+0] = 'a' + (((unsigned char)pCommand[i] >> 0) & 0xF); pTempStr[i*2+1] = 'a' + (((unsigned char)pCommand[i] >> 4) & 0xF); } pTempStr[len*2] = 0;
out = pTempStr; delete [] pTempStr; }
void CCommandExecuter::Launch() { char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName( NULL, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) ); V_StripLastDir( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) ); V_AppendSlash( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) ); if ( APP()->IsFoundryMode() ) { V_strncat( szFilename, "bin", sizeof( szFilename ) ); V_AppendSlash( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) ); }
// Make a master string of all the args.
CString fullCommand = szFilename; fullCommand += "hammer_run_map_launcher.exe ";
if ( m_bWaitForKeypress ) fullCommand += "-WaitForKeypress ";
for ( int i=0; i < m_Commands.Count(); i++ ) { // We encode the commands here into a string without spaces and quotes so hammer_run_map_launcher can pick it up
// exactly as we have it here.
CString encodedCommand; EncodeCommand( *m_Commands[i], encodedCommand ); fullCommand += encodedCommand; fullCommand += " "; }
PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) ); si.cb = sizeof( si ); CreateProcess( NULL, (char*)(const char*)fullCommand, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ); }
void FixGameVars(char *pszSrc, char *pszDst, BOOL bUseQuotes) { // run through the parms list and substitute $variable strings for
// the real thing
char *pSrc = pszSrc, *pDst = pszDst; BOOL bInQuote = FALSE; while(pSrc[0]) { if(pSrc[0] == '$') // found a parm
{ if(pSrc[1] == '$') // nope, it's a single symbol
{ *pDst++ = '$'; ++pSrc; } else { // figure out which parm it is ..
++pSrc; if (!bInQuote && bUseQuotes) { // not in quote, and subbing a variable.. start quote
*pDst++ = '\"'; bInQuote = TRUE; }
if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "file", 4)) { pSrc += 4; strcpy(pDst, pszDocName); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "ext", 3)) { pSrc += 3; strcpy(pDst, pszDocExt); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "path", 4)) { pSrc += 4; strcpy(pDst, pszDocPath); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "exedir", 6)) { pSrc += 6; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->m_szGameExeDir); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "bspdir", 6)) { pSrc += 6; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->szBSPDir); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "bsp_exe", 7)) { pSrc += 7; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->szBSP); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "vis_exe", 7)) { pSrc += 7; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->szVIS); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "light_exe", 9)) { pSrc += 9; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->szLIGHT); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if(!strnicmp(pSrc, "game_exe", 8)) { pSrc += 8; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->szExecutable); pDst += strlen(pDst); } else if (!strnicmp(pSrc, "gamedir", 7)) { pSrc += 7; strcpy(pDst, g_pGameConfig->m_szModDir); pDst += strlen(pDst); } } } else { if(*pSrc == ' ' && bInQuote) { bInQuote = FALSE; *pDst++ = '\"'; // close quotes
// just copy the char into the destination buffer
*pDst++ = *pSrc++; } }
if(bInQuote) { bInQuote = FALSE; *pDst++ = '\"'; // close quotes
pDst[0] = 0; }
static void RemoveQuotes(char *pBuf) { if(pBuf[0] == '\"') strcpy(pBuf, pBuf+1); if(pBuf[strlen(pBuf)-1] == '\"') pBuf[strlen(pBuf)-1] = 0; }
LPCTSTR GetErrorString() { static char szBuf[200]; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), 0, szBuf, 200, NULL); char *p = strchr(szBuf, '\r'); // get rid of \r\n
if(p) p[0] = 0; return szBuf; }
bool RunCommands(CCommandArray& Commands, LPCTSTR pszOrigDocName, bool bWaitForKeypress) { s_bRunsCommands = true;
char szCurDir[MAX_PATH]; _getcwd(szCurDir, MAX_PATH);
// cut up document name into file and extension components.
// create two sets of buffers - one set with the long filename
// and one set with the 8.3 format.
char szDocLongPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}, szDocLongName[MAX_PATH] = {0}, szDocLongExt[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char szDocShortPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}, szDocShortName[MAX_PATH] = {0}, szDocShortExt[MAX_PATH] = {0};
GetFullPathName(pszOrigDocName, MAX_PATH, szDocLongPath, NULL); GetShortPathName(pszOrigDocName, szDocShortPath, MAX_PATH);
// split them up
char *p = strrchr(szDocLongPath, '.'); if(p && strrchr(szDocLongPath, '\\') < p && strrchr(szDocLongPath, '/') < p) { // got the extension
strcpy(szDocLongExt, p+1); p[0] = 0; }
p = strrchr(szDocLongPath, '\\'); if(!p) p = strrchr(szDocLongPath, '/'); if(p) { // got the filepart
strcpy(szDocLongName, p+1); p[0] = 0; }
// split the short part up
p = strrchr(szDocShortPath, '.'); if(p && strrchr(szDocShortPath, '\\') < p && strrchr(szDocShortPath, '/') < p) { // got the extension
strcpy(szDocShortExt, p+1); p[0] = 0; }
p = strrchr(szDocShortPath, '\\'); if(!p) p = strrchr(szDocShortPath, '/'); if(p) { // got the filepart
strcpy(szDocShortName, p+1); p[0] = 0; }
CCommandExecuter commandExecuter( bWaitForKeypress );
int iSize = Commands.GetSize(), i = 0; char *ppParms[32]; while(iSize--) { CCOMMAND &cmd = Commands[i++];
// anything there?
if((!cmd.szRun[0] && !cmd.iSpecialCmd) || !cmd.bEnable) continue;
// set name pointers for long filenames
pszDocExt = szDocLongExt; pszDocName = szDocLongName; pszDocPath = szDocLongPath; char szNewParms[MAX_PATH*5], szNewRun[MAX_PATH*5];
FixGameVars(cmd.szRun, szNewRun, TRUE); FixGameVars(cmd.szParms, szNewParms, TRUE);
// create a parameter list (not always required)
char *p = szNewParms; ppParms[0] = szNewRun; int iArg = 1; BOOL bDone = FALSE; while(p[0]) { ppParms[iArg++] = p; while(p[0]) { if(p[0] == ' ') { // found a space-separator
p[0] = 0;
// skip remaining white space
while (*p == ' ') p++;
break; }
// found the beginning of a quoted parameters
if(p[0] == '\"') { while(1) { p++; if(p[0] == '\"') { // found the end
if(p[1] == 0) bDone = TRUE; p[1] = 0; // kick its ass
p += 2;
// skip remaining white space
while (*p == ' ') p++;
break; } } break; }
// else advance p
++p; }
if(!p[0] || bDone) break; // done.
ppParms[iArg] = NULL;
if(cmd.iSpecialCmd) { if(cmd.iSpecialCmd == CCCopyFile && iArg == 3) { RemoveQuotes(ppParms[1]); RemoveQuotes(ppParms[2]); // don't copy if we're already there
if (stricmp(ppParms[1], ppParms[2]) != 0 ) { commandExecuter.AddCommandVA( "copy \"%s\" \"%s\"", ppParms[1], ppParms[2] ); } } else if(cmd.iSpecialCmd == CCDelFile && iArg == 2) { RemoveQuotes(ppParms[1]); commandExecuter.AddCommandVA( "del \"%s\"", ppParms[1] ); } else if(cmd.iSpecialCmd == CCRenameFile && iArg == 3) { RemoveQuotes(ppParms[1]); RemoveQuotes(ppParms[2]); commandExecuter.AddCommandVA( "ren \"%s\" \"%s\"", ppParms[1], ppParms[2] ); } else if(cmd.iSpecialCmd == CCChangeDir && iArg == 2) { RemoveQuotes(ppParms[1]); commandExecuter.AddCommandVA( "cd \"%s\"", ppParms[1] ); } else if(cmd.iSpecialCmd == CCGenerateGridNav && iArg == 2 ) { CMapDoc* pMapDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); if ( pMapDoc ) { CGridNav* pGridNav = pMapDoc->GetGridNav(); if ( pGridNav && pGridNav->IsEnabled() ) { RemoveQuotes(ppParms[1]); pGridNav->GenerateGridNavFile( ppParms[1] ); } } } } else { // Change to the game exe folder before spawning the engine.
// This is necessary for Steam to find the correct Steam DLL (it
// uses the current working directory to search).
char szDir[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szDir, szNewRun, sizeof(szDir) ); RemoveQuotes( szDir ); V_StripFilename( szDir ); commandExecuter.AddCommandVA( "cd \"%s\"", szDir );
commandExecuter.AddCommandWithArgList( ppParms ); } }
s_bRunsCommands = false;
return TRUE; }