//========== Copyright � 2010, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ========
#include "dxabstract.h"
#include "ps3gcmstate.h"
#include "utlmap.h"
#include "ps3/ps3gcmlabels.h"
#include "sys/tty.h"
#include "convar.h"
//#include "vjobs/spudrawqueue_shared.h"
#include "spugcm.h"
#include "memdbgon.h"
#if 1 // #ifndef _CERT
ConVar r_ps3_gcmnocompact( "r_ps3_gcmnocompact", "0" ); ConVar r_ps3_gcmlowcompact( "r_ps3_gcmlowcompact", "0" ); #endif
static CThreadFastMutex s_AllocMutex; static int32 s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount; struct CGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCounter_t { CGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCounter_t() { Assert( s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount >= 0 ); ++ s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount; } ~CGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCounter_t() { Assert( s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount > 0 ); -- s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount; } }; #define PS3ALLOCMTX AUTO_LOCK( s_AllocMutex ); CGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCounter_t aLockCounter;
bool IsItSafeToRefreshFrontBufferNonInteractivePs3() { // NOTE: only main thread can refresh front buffer
if ( !ThreadInMainThread() ) return false; AUTO_LOCK( s_AllocMutex ); Assert( s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount >= 0 ); return s_uiGcmLocalMemoryAllocatorMutexLockCount <= 0; }
struct CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable : public CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock { inline uint32 & MutableOffset() { return m_nLocalMemoryOffset; } inline uint32 & MutableSize() { return m_uiSize; } inline CPs3gcmAllocationType_t & MutableType() { return m_uType; } inline uint32 & MutableIndex() { return m_uiIndex; } };
static const uint64 g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieAllocated = 0xA110CA7EDA110CA7ull; static const uint64 g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieFree = 0xFEEFEEFEEFEEFEEFllu; #endif
struct CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Allocated memory tracking
uint32 m_nOffsetMin; // RSX Local Memory allocated by Initialization that will never be released
uint32 m_nOffsetMax; // Ceiling of allocatable RSX Local Memory (because the top portion is reserved for zcull/etc.), top portion managed separately
uint32 m_nOffsetUnallocated; // RSX Local Memory offset of not yet allocated memory (between Min and Max)
CUtlVector< CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * > m_arrAllocations; // Sorted array of all allocations
// Free blocks tracking
struct LocalMemoryAllocation_t { CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable m_block; uint32 m_uiFenceNumber; LocalMemoryAllocation_t *m_pNext; };
LocalMemoryAllocation_t *m_pPendingFreeBlock; LocalMemoryAllocation_t *m_pFreeBlock;
static uint32 sm_uiFenceNumber; uint32 m_uiFenceLastKnown; static uint32 volatile *sm_puiFenceLocation;
// Implementation
inline bool Alloc( CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pBlock ); inline void Free( CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pBlock ); inline uint32 Reclaim( bool bForce = false ); inline void Compact();
// Helper methods
inline LocalMemoryAllocation_t * FindFreeBlock( uint32 uiAlignBytes, uint32 uiSize ); inline bool IsFenceCompleted( uint32 uiCurrentFenceValue, uint32 uiCheckStoredFenceValue ); inline void TrackAllocStats( CPs3gcmAllocationType_t uAllocType, int nDelta ); #ifdef GCMLOCALMEMORYBLOCKDEBUG
inline void ValidateAllBlocks(); #endif
} g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolCount]; uint32 CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::sm_uiFenceNumber; uint32 volatile * CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::sm_puiFenceLocation;
// RSX memory usage stats tracking:
static GPUMemoryStats g_RsxMemoryStats; struct GPUMemoryStats_Pool { int nDefaultPoolSize; int nDefaultPoolUsed; int nRTPoolUsed; int nDynamicPoolUsed; int nMainMemUsed; int nUnknownPoolUsed; }; GPUMemoryStats_Pool g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool;
static inline uint32 Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( uint32 nCount, uint32 w, uint32 h, uint32 bpp ) { uint32 nTilePitch = cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize( w * bpp ); uint32 uiSize = nTilePitch * AlignValue( h, 32 ); uiSize *= nCount; uiSize = AlignValue( uiSize, PS3GCMALLOCATIONALIGN( kAllocPs3gcmColorBufferMisc ) ); return uiSize; }
void Ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator_Init() { PS3ALLOCMTX
if ( !CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::sm_puiFenceLocation ) { CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::sm_puiFenceLocation = cellGcmGetLabelAddress( GCM_LABEL_MEMORY_FREE ); *CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::sm_puiFenceLocation = 0; } // Pool boundaries
uint32 uiGcmAllocBegin = g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nLocalBaseOffset; uint32 uiGcmAllocEnd = uiGcmAllocBegin + g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nLocalSize;
// Memory should be allocated for large frame buffers
uint32 uiMemorySizeBuffer[2] = { MAX( 1280, g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nRenderSize[0] ), MAX( 720, g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nRenderSize[1] ) }; uint32 uiFactor[2] = { uiMemorySizeBuffer[0]*uiMemorySizeBuffer[1], 1280*720 };
// Configuration of pool memory (can be #ifdef'd for every game)
static const uint32 s_PoolMemoryLayout[/*kGcmAllocPoolCount*/] = { #if defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// mhansen - We had to adjust the memory values a bit for cstrike15 to get a map to load
// PS3_BUILDFIX - We need to revisit this to determine the proper size later on
// mdonofrio - render target allocations revisited for PS3
// potential to save some more (~12Mb) from TiledColourFB (only need two really.
// wait for other rendering optimisation/rework to be finished first before attempting.
/*kGcmAllocPoolDefault = */ 0, /*kGcmAllocPoolDynamicNewPath = */ 5 * 1024 * 1024, // 5 MB
/*kGcmAllocPoolDynamic = */ 11 * 1024 * 1024, // 11 MB
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 2 + CPs3gcmDisplay::SURFACE_COUNT, uiMemorySizeBuffer[0], uiMemorySizeBuffer[1], 4 ), // 3 buffers allocated in CreateRSXBuffers + 2 _rt_fullFrameFB - can probably get this down to 2 if we 1. don't use MLAA and 2. we clean up the post-pro rendering to use the front buffer as a textureand 3. tidy up aliasing for rt_fullframeFB and rt_fullFrameFB1
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 2, uiMemorySizeBuffer[0]/4, uiMemorySizeBuffer[1]/4, 4 ), // fits 2 1/4 size framebuffer textures
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512 = */ 0, /*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 1, 640, 640, 4 ) + Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 2, 1024, 512, 4) + Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize(1, 32, 32, 4), // // 1x 1/2 size smoke/fog buffer, 2xWater(1024x512x32bpp), EyeGlint(32x32x32bpp), *Monitor(256x256x32bpp), *RTTFlashlightShadows(864x864x8bpp) - * we don't need these for CS15
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 2, uiMemorySizeBuffer[0], uiMemorySizeBuffer[1], 4 ), // only 2 depth buffer targets required (current and saved off), + reserve space for 1/2 size depth buffer for smoke/fog
/*kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory = */ 0, // configured based on mapped IO memory
/*kGcmAllocPoolMallocMemory = */ 0, // using malloc
/*kGcmAllocPoolDefault = */ 0, /*kGcmAllocPoolDynamicNewPath = */ 5 * 1024 * 1024, // 5 MB
/*kGcmAllocPoolDynamic = */ 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10 MB
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 2 * CPs3gcmDisplay::SURFACE_COUNT, uiMemorySizeBuffer[0], uiMemorySizeBuffer[1], 4 ), // fits 6 of full framebuffer textures
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 4, uiMemorySizeBuffer[0]/4, uiMemorySizeBuffer[1]/4, 4 ), // fits 4 quarters of framebuffer textures
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512 = */ Ps3gcmHelper_ComputeTiledAreaMemorySize( 2, 512, 512, 4 ), // fits 2 512x512 RGBA textures
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc = */ 5 * 1024 * 1024, // 5 MB
/*kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 = */ uint64( 15 * 1024 * 1024 ) * uiFactor[0]/uiFactor[1], // 15 MB
/*kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory = */ 0, // configured based on mapped IO memory
/*kGcmAllocPoolMallocMemory = */ 0, // using malloc
}; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_PoolMemoryLayout ) == ARRAYSIZE( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator ) );
for ( int j = ARRAYSIZE( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator ); j -- > 0; ) { const uint32 uiSize = AlignValue( s_PoolMemoryLayout[j], 1024 * 1024 ); // Align it on 1 MB boundaries, all our pools are large
g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetMax = uiGcmAllocEnd; uiGcmAllocEnd -= uiSize; g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetMin = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetUnallocated = uiGcmAllocEnd; }
// Default pool setup (rest of local memory)
g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolDefault ].m_nOffsetMax = uiGcmAllocEnd; g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolDefault ].m_nOffsetMin = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolDefault ].m_nOffsetUnallocated = uiGcmAllocBegin;
// Main memory mapped pool
g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory ].m_nOffsetMin = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory ].m_nOffsetUnallocated = uint32( g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_pRsxMainMemoryPoolBuffer ) + g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nIoOffsetDelta; g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory ].m_nOffsetMax = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory ].m_nOffsetMin + g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nRsxMainMemoryPoolBufferSize;
// Store initial capacity for memory stats tracking:
g_RsxMemoryStats.nGPUMemSize = g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nLocalSize; g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nDefaultPoolSize = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolDefault ].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolDefault ].m_nOffsetMin;
// Setup preset tiled regions
{ CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB; uint8 uiBank = 0; // bank 0..3
uint32 nRenderPitch = cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize( g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nRenderSize[0] * 4 ); uint8 uiTileIndex = ePool - kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB; cellGcmSetTileInfo( uiTileIndex, CELL_GCM_LOCATION_LOCAL, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin, nRenderPitch, CELL_GCM_COMPMODE_DISABLED, ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB ].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000, // The area base + size/0x10000 will be allocated as the tag area.
uiBank ); cellGcmBindTile( uiTileIndex ); } { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ; uint8 uiBank = 1; // bank 0..3
uint32 nRenderPitch = cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize( g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nRenderSize[0] * 4 / 4 ); uint8 uiTileIndex = ePool - kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB; cellGcmSetTileInfo( uiTileIndex, CELL_GCM_LOCATION_LOCAL, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin, nRenderPitch, CELL_GCM_COMPMODE_DISABLED, ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB ].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000, // The area base + size/0x10000 will be allocated as the tag area.
uiBank ); cellGcmBindTile( uiTileIndex ); } { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512; uint8 uiBank = 2; // bank 0..3
uint32 nRenderPitch = cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize( 512 * 4 ); uint8 uiTileIndex = ePool - kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB; cellGcmSetTileInfo( uiTileIndex, CELL_GCM_LOCATION_LOCAL, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin, nRenderPitch, CELL_GCM_COMPMODE_DISABLED, ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ ePool ].m_nOffsetMin - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB ].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000, // The area base + size/0x10000 will be allocated as the tag area.
uiBank ); cellGcmBindTile( uiTileIndex ); }
#ifndef _CERT
static const char * s_PoolMemoryNames[] = { /*kGcmAllocPoolDefault = */ "Default Pool", /*kGcmAllocPoolDynamicNewPath = */ "Dynamic New ", /*kGcmAllocPoolDynamic = */ "Dynamic IBVB", /*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB = */ "FullFrameRTs", /*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ = */ "1/4Frame RTs", /*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512 = */ "512x512 RTs ", /*kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc = */ "All Misc RTs", /*kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 = */ "DepthStencil", /*kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory = */ "Main Memory ", /*kGcmAllocPoolMallocMemory = */ "MallocMemory", }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_PoolMemoryNames ) == ARRAYSIZE( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator ) );
Msg( "RSX Local Memory layout:\n" ); for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator ); ++ j ) { Msg( " %s 0x%08X - 0x%08X [ %9.3f MB ]\n", s_PoolMemoryNames[j], g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetMin, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetMax, (g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ j ].m_nOffsetMin) / 1024.f / 1024.f ); } Msg( "Total size: %d MB\n", g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_nLocalSize / 1024 / 1024 ); #endif
void Ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator_Reclaim() { PS3ALLOCMTX for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator ); ++ k ) g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ k ].Reclaim(); }
void Ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator_Compact() { #define PS3GCMCOMPACTPROFILE 0
float flTimeStart = Plat_FloatTime(); uint32 uiFree = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated; #endif
// Let RSX wait for final flip
GCM_FUNC( cellGcmSetWaitFlip );
// Let PPU wait for all RSX commands done (include waitFlip)
float flTimeWait = Plat_FloatTime() - flTimeStart; #endif
{ PS3ALLOCMTX for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator ); ++ k ) { g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ k ].Compact(); } } #if PS3GCMCOMPACTPROFILE
float flTimePrepareTransfer = Plat_FloatTime() - flTimeStart; #endif
// Wait for all RSX memory to be transferred
float flTimeDone = Plat_FloatTime() - flTimeStart; char chBuffer[64]; Q_snprintf( chBuffer, ARRAYSIZE( chBuffer ), "COMPACT: %0.3f / %0.3f / %0.3f sec\n", flTimeWait, flTimePrepareTransfer, flTimeDone ); uint32 dummy; sys_tty_write( SYS_TTYP6, chBuffer, Q_strlen( chBuffer ), &dummy ); Q_snprintf( chBuffer, ARRAYSIZE( chBuffer ), "COMPACT: %0.3f -> %0.3f MB (%0.3f MB free)\n", uiFree / 1024.f / 1024.f, g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated / 1024.f / 1024.f, (g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated) / 1024.f / 1024.f ); sys_tty_write( SYS_TTYP6, chBuffer, Q_strlen( chBuffer ), &dummy ); #endif
void Ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator_CompactWithReason( char const *szReason ) { double flTimeCompactStart = Plat_FloatTime(); DevMsg( "====== GCM LOCAL MEMORY COMPACT : %s =====\n", szReason ); uint32 uiFreeMemoryBeforeCompact = g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated; DevMsg( "RSX Local Memory Free: %0.3f MB; compacting...\n", (g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated) / 1024.f / 1024.f );
DevMsg( "RSX Local Memory Compacted %0.3f MB in %0.3f sec\n", (uiFreeMemoryBeforeCompact - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated) / 1024.f / 1024.f, Plat_FloatTime() - flTimeCompactStart ); DevMsg( "RSX Local Memory Free: %0.3f MB\n", (g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetMax - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[0].m_nOffsetUnallocated) / 1024.f / 1024.f ); }
bool CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock::Alloc() { PS3ALLOCMTX return g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL(m_uType)].Alloc( reinterpret_cast< CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * >( this ) ); }
void CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock::Free() { PS3ALLOCMTX g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL(m_uType)].Free( reinterpret_cast< CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * >( this ) ); }
// Private implementation of PS3 local memory allocator
inline bool CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::Alloc( CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pBlock ) { TrackAllocStats( pBlock->MutableType(), pBlock->MutableSize() );
uint32 uAlignBytes = PS3GCMALLOCATIONALIGN( pBlock->MutableType() ); Assert( IsPowerOfTwo( uAlignBytes ) );
double flAllocatorStallTime = 0.0f; bool bCompactPerformed = true;
bCompactPerformed = !r_ps3_gcmlowcompact.GetBool(); #endif
retry_allocation: // Try to find a free block
if ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pFreeBlock = FindFreeBlock( uAlignBytes, pBlock->MutableSize() ) ) { pBlock->MutableOffset() = pFreeBlock->m_block.MutableOffset(); pBlock->MutableIndex() = pFreeBlock->m_block.MutableIndex(); #ifdef GCMLOCALMEMORYBLOCKDEBUG
if ( m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] != &pFreeBlock->m_block ) Error( "<vitaliy> GCM Local Memory Allocator Error (attempt to reuse invalid free block)!" ); #endif
m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] = reinterpret_cast< CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * >( pBlock ); delete pFreeBlock; } else if ( this != &g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMallocMemory ] ) { // Allocate new block
uint32 uiOldUnallocatedEdge = m_nOffsetUnallocated; uint32 uiFreeBlock = ( m_nOffsetUnallocated + uAlignBytes - 1 ) & ~( uAlignBytes - 1 );
// Check if there's enough space in this pool for the requested block
if ( uiFreeBlock + pBlock->MutableSize() > m_nOffsetMax ) { // There's not enough space in this pool
if ( m_pPendingFreeBlock ) { // There are pending free blocks, we just need to wait for
// RSX to finish rendering using them
if ( !flAllocatorStallTime ) { flAllocatorStallTime = Plat_FloatTime(); g_ps3gcmGlobalState.CmdBufferFlush( CPs3gcmGlobalState::kFlushForcefully ); } while ( Reclaim() < pBlock->MutableSize() && m_pPendingFreeBlock ) { ThreadSleep( 1 ); } goto retry_allocation; } else if ( !bCompactPerformed ) { // Let PPU wait for all RSX commands done
uint32 uiFragmentedFreeSpace = m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetUnallocated; for ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pFreeFragment = m_pFreeBlock; pFreeFragment; pFreeFragment = pFreeFragment->m_pNext ) uiFragmentedFreeSpace += pFreeFragment->m_block.MutableSize(); Warning( "**************** GCM LOCAL MEMORY LOW *****************\n" "<vitaliy> GCM Local Memory Allocator#%d pool compacting!\n" " Requested allocation %u bytes.\n" " Pool capacity %u bytes.\n" " Free fragmented space %u bytes.\n" " Unallocated %u bytes.\n" " Used %u bytes.\n", this - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator, ( uint32 ) pBlock->MutableSize(), m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetMin, uiFragmentedFreeSpace, m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetUnallocated, m_nOffsetUnallocated - m_nOffsetMin ); Compact(); Warning( " ---> Compacted pool#%d has %u unallocated bytes.\n", this - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator, m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetUnallocated ); bCompactPerformed = true;
// Wait for all RSX memory to be transferred
g_ps3gcmGlobalState.CmdBufferFinish(); goto retry_allocation; } else { // Main memory pool returns failure so caller can try local pool.
if (this == &g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory ]) return false;
uint32 uiFragmentedFreeSpace = m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetUnallocated; for ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pFreeFragment = m_pFreeBlock; pFreeFragment; pFreeFragment = pFreeFragment->m_pNext ) uiFragmentedFreeSpace += pFreeFragment->m_block.MutableSize(); Error( "********* OUT OF GCM LOCAL MEMORY ********************\n" "<vitaliy> GCM Local Memory Allocator#%d pool exhausted!\n" " Failed allocation %u bytes.\n" " Pool capacity %u bytes.\n" " Free fragmented space %u bytes.\n" " Unallocated %u bytes.\n" " Used %u bytes.\n", this - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator, ( uint32 ) pBlock->MutableSize(), m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetMin, uiFragmentedFreeSpace, m_nOffsetMax - m_nOffsetUnallocated, m_nOffsetUnallocated - m_nOffsetMin ); } }
// update the pointer to "unallocated" realm
m_nOffsetUnallocated = uiFreeBlock + pBlock->MutableSize();
// this is the last allocation so far
pBlock->MutableIndex() = m_arrAllocations.AddToTail( reinterpret_cast< CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * >( pBlock ) ); pBlock->MutableOffset() = uiFreeBlock; } else { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( "GCM Malloc Pool" ); void *pvMallocMemory = MemAlloc_AllocAligned( pBlock->MutableSize(), uAlignBytes ); pBlock->MutableOffset() = (uint32) pvMallocMemory; pBlock->MutableIndex() = ~0; }
if ( flAllocatorStallTime ) g_ps3gcmGlobalState.m_flAllocatorStallTimeWaitingRSX += Plat_FloatTime() - flAllocatorStallTime;
// PS3 doesn't allow more than 8 zcull regions (index 0..7)
if ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8].m_arrAllocations.Count() > 8 ) Error( "PS3 number of zcull regions exceeded!\n" ); // PS3 doesn't allow more than 15 tiles regions (index 0..14)
if ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8].m_arrAllocations.Count() + g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc].m_arrAllocations.Count() + ( kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc - kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB ) > 15 ) Error( "PS3 number of tiled regions exceeded!\n" ); pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie = g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieAllocated; #endif
return true;
inline void CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::Free( CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pBlock ) { #ifdef GCMLOCALMEMORYBLOCKDEBUG
if ( !pBlock || pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie != g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieAllocated || ( ( pBlock->MutableIndex() != ~0 ) && ( m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] != pBlock ) ) ) { //DebuggerBreak();
Error( "<vitaliy> Attempt to free not allocated GCM local memory block!" ); } pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie = g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieFree; #endif
LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pDealloc = new LocalMemoryAllocation_t; pDealloc->m_block = *pBlock; pDealloc->m_uiFenceNumber = ++ sm_uiFenceNumber; pDealloc->m_pNext = m_pPendingFreeBlock; GCM_FUNC( cellGcmSetWriteBackEndLabel, GCM_LABEL_MEMORY_FREE, sm_uiFenceNumber ); m_pPendingFreeBlock = pDealloc;
TrackAllocStats( pBlock->MutableType(), - pBlock->MutableSize() ); if ( pBlock->MutableIndex() != ~0 ) { #ifdef GCMLOCALMEMORYBLOCKDEBUG
if ( m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] != pBlock ) Error( "<vitaliy> GCM Local Memory Allocator Error (freeing block that is not properly registered)!" ); #endif
m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] = &pDealloc->m_block; }
pBlock->MutableOffset() = ~0; pBlock->MutableIndex() = ~0; #endif
inline bool CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::IsFenceCompleted( uint32 uiCurrentFenceValue, uint32 uiCheckStoredFenceValue ) { #if GCM_ALLOW_NULL_FLIPS
extern bool g_ps3_nullflips; if ( g_ps3_nullflips ) return true; #endif
// Needs to handle the counter wrapping around
return ( ( uiCurrentFenceValue - m_uiFenceLastKnown ) >= ( uiCheckStoredFenceValue - m_uiFenceLastKnown ) ); }
inline uint32 CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::Reclaim( bool bForce ) { uint32 uiLargestBlockSizeReclaimed = 0; uint32 uiCurrentFenceValue = *sm_puiFenceLocation;
// Walk pending free blocks and see if they are no longer
// in use by RSX:
LocalMemoryAllocation_t **p = &m_pPendingFreeBlock; if ( !bForce ) while ( (*p) && !IsFenceCompleted( uiCurrentFenceValue, (*p)->m_uiFenceNumber ) ) p = &( (*p)->m_pNext );
// Now p is pointing to the chain of free blocks
// chain that has been completed (due to the nature of
// pushing new deallocation at the head of the pending
// list)
if ( *p ) { LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pCompletedChain = *p; *p = NULL; // Terminate the chain
// Handle the special case of malloc reclaim - free all memory
if ( this == &g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolMallocMemory ] ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( "GCM Malloc Pool" ); for ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pActualFree = pCompletedChain; pActualFree; ) { MemAlloc_FreeAligned( pActualFree->m_block.DataInMallocMemory() ); LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pDelete = pActualFree; pActualFree = pActualFree->m_pNext; delete pDelete; } pCompletedChain = NULL; }
// Relink the completed pending chain into
// the free blocks chain
LocalMemoryAllocation_t **ppFree = &m_pFreeBlock; while ( *ppFree ) ppFree = &( (*ppFree)->m_pNext ); *ppFree = pCompletedChain;
// Recompute actual free sizes of the completed chain
// Actual free size is the delta between block offset and next block offset
// When there's no next block then its delta between block offset and unallocated edge
for ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pActualFree = pCompletedChain; pActualFree; pActualFree = pActualFree->m_pNext ) { uint32 uiIdx = pActualFree->m_block.MutableIndex() + 1; uint32 uiNextOffset = m_nOffsetUnallocated; if ( uiIdx < m_arrAllocations.Count() ) { CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pNextBlock = m_arrAllocations[ uiIdx ]; uiNextOffset = pNextBlock->Offset(); } uint32 uiActualBlockSize = uiNextOffset - pActualFree->m_block.Offset(); pActualFree->m_block.MutableSize() = uiActualBlockSize; uiLargestBlockSizeReclaimed = MAX( uiLargestBlockSizeReclaimed, uiActualBlockSize ); } }
// Remember the last known fence value
m_uiFenceLastKnown = uiCurrentFenceValue;
ValidateAllBlocks(); #endif
return uiLargestBlockSizeReclaimed; }
inline CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::LocalMemoryAllocation_t * CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::FindFreeBlock( uint32 uiAlignBytes, uint32 uiSize ) { LocalMemoryAllocation_t **ppBest = NULL; uint32 uiSizeMax = uiSize * 11/10; // we don't want to inflate requested size by > 10%
for ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t **p = &m_pFreeBlock; (*p); p = &( (*p)->m_pNext ) ) { if ( (*p)->m_block.MutableSize() >= uiSize && (*p)->m_block.MutableSize() <= uiSizeMax && !( (*p)->m_block.Offset() & ( uiAlignBytes - 1 ) ) ) { if ( !ppBest || ( (*p)->m_block.MutableSize() <= (*ppBest)->m_block.MutableSize() ) ) { ppBest = p; } } } if ( ppBest ) { LocalMemoryAllocation_t *pFree = (*ppBest); (*ppBest) = pFree->m_pNext; pFree->m_pNext = NULL; return pFree; } return NULL; }
inline bool TrackAllocStats_Pool( CPs3gcmAllocationType_t uAllocType, int nDelta ) { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t pool = PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL( uAllocType ); int *stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nUnknownPoolUsed; bool bInRSXMem = true; switch( pool ) { case kGcmAllocPoolDefault: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nDefaultPoolUsed; break; case kGcmAllocPoolDynamicNewPath: case kGcmAllocPoolDynamic: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nDynamicPoolUsed; break; case kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB: case kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ: case kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512: case kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc: case kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nRTPoolUsed; break; case kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory: // Unused, unless PS3GCM_VBIB_IN_IO_MEMORY set to 1
case kGcmAllocPoolMallocMemory: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nMainMemUsed; bInRSXMem = false; // In main memory!
break; } *stat += nDelta; Assert( 0 <= (int)*stat );
// Report free memory only from the default pool (the other pools are pre-sized to fixed limits, and all
// geom/textures go into the default pool, so that's where content-driven variation/failures will occur)
g_RsxMemoryStats.nGPUMemFree = g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nDefaultPoolSize - g_RsxMemoryStats_Pool.nDefaultPoolUsed;
return bInRSXMem; }
inline void CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::TrackAllocStats( CPs3gcmAllocationType_t uAllocType, int nDelta ) { #if TRACK_ALLOC_STATS
// Early-out for allocations not in RSX memory:
if ( !TrackAllocStats_Pool( uAllocType, nDelta ) ) return;
unsigned int *stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats.nUnknown; switch( uAllocType ) { case kAllocPs3gcmColorBufferMisc: case kAllocPs3gcmColorBufferFB: case kAllocPs3gcmColorBufferFBQ: case kAllocPs3gcmColorBuffer512: case kAllocPs3gcmDepthBuffer: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats.nRTSize; break; case kAllocPs3gcmTextureData: case kAllocPs3gcmTextureData0: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats.nTextureSize; break; case kAllocPs3GcmVertexBuffer: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats.nVBSize; break; case kAllocPs3GcmIndexBuffer: stat = &g_RsxMemoryStats.nIBSize; break;
case kAllocPs3GcmShader: case kAllocPs3GcmEdgeGeomBuffer: case kAllocPs3GcmVertexBufferDynamic: case kAllocPs3GcmIndexBufferDynamic: case kAllocPs3GcmDynamicBufferPool: case kAllocPs3GcmVertexBufferDma: case kAllocPs3GcmIndexBufferDma: // Treat these as misc unless they become big/variable
break; } *stat += nDelta; Assert( 0 <= (int)*stat ); #endif // TRACK_ALLOC_STATS
#define VALIDATECONDITION( x ) if( !( x ) ) { Error( "<vitaliy> GCM Local Memory Allocation block %p index %d is corrupt [line %d]!\n", pBlock, k, __LINE__ ); }
inline void CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::ValidateAllBlocks() { // Traverse the allocated list and validate debug guards and patch-back indices
CUtlVector< uint32 > arrFreeBlocksIdx; uint32 uiLastAllocatedOffset = m_nOffsetMin; for ( int k = 0, kEnd = m_arrAllocations.Count(); k < kEnd; ++ k ) { CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pBlock = m_arrAllocations[k]; VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock ); VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie == g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieAllocated || pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie == g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieFree ); VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock->MutableIndex() < m_arrAllocations.Count() ); VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock->MutableIndex() == k ); VALIDATECONDITION( m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] == pBlock ); VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock->Offset() >= uiLastAllocatedOffset ); uiLastAllocatedOffset = pBlock->Offset() + pBlock->MutableSize(); VALIDATECONDITION( uiLastAllocatedOffset <= m_nOffsetMax ); if ( pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie == g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieFree ) arrFreeBlocksIdx.AddToTail( k ); } // Traverse free lists and validate
LocalMemoryAllocation_t * arrFree[] = { m_pPendingFreeBlock, m_pFreeBlock }; for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE( arrFree ); ++ j ) for ( LocalMemoryAllocation_t *p = arrFree[j]; p; p = p->m_pNext ) { int k = j; CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * RESTRICT pBlock = &p->m_block; VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock ); VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock->m_dbgGuardCookie == g_GcmLocalMemoryBlockDebugCookieFree ); k = pBlock->MutableIndex(); if ( pBlock->MutableIndex() != ~0 ) { VALIDATECONDITION( pBlock->MutableIndex() < m_arrAllocations.Count() ); VALIDATECONDITION( m_arrAllocations[ pBlock->MutableIndex() ] == pBlock ); VALIDATECONDITION( arrFreeBlocksIdx.FindAndFastRemove( pBlock->MutableIndex() ) ); } }
int k = 0; void *pBlock = 0; VALIDATECONDITION( !arrFreeBlocksIdx.Count() ); } #endif
inline void CPs3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator::Compact() { GCM_PERF_PUSH_MARKER( "LocalMemory:Compact" );
if ( r_ps3_gcmnocompact.GetBool() ) return; #endif
// Reclaim all memory (NOTE: all pending blocks must be reclaimed since both RSX and PPU have stopped rendering!)
if ( m_pPendingFreeBlock ) Warning( "GCM Local Memory Allocator Compact forces pending free blocks to be reclaimed.\n" ); ValidateAllBlocks(); #endif
if ( m_pPendingFreeBlock ) Reclaim( true );
if ( m_pPendingFreeBlock ) Error( "<vitaliy> GCM Local Memory Allocator Compact requires RSX and PPU rendering to be paused! (pending free blocks have not been reclaimed)\n" ); ValidateAllBlocks(); #endif
// Walk the free blocks chain and patch-back NULL pointers into allocation tracking system
while ( m_pFreeBlock ) { LocalMemoryAllocation_t *p = m_pFreeBlock; m_pFreeBlock = p->m_pNext; m_arrAllocations[ p->m_block.MutableIndex() ] = NULL; delete p; } Assert( !m_pFreeBlock && !m_pPendingFreeBlock );
// These are elements requiring reallocation
uint32 uiCount = m_arrAllocations.Count(); CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable **pReallocationBlocks = m_arrAllocations.Base();
// Here "correct" implementation would be to copy off m_arrAllocations vector onto stack for iteration,
// RemoveAll from m_arrAllocations vector and allocate all blocks again.
// We will cheat since we know that we will allocate same number of elements and directly write zero
// into m_arrAllocations m_Size member, then we will still be able to use the memory of the vector
// for reading blocks requiring compact reallocation, and AddToTail will still fill the vector with
// correct data.
struct AllocatorCompactVectorCheat : public CUtlVector< CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable * > { inline void ResetCountPreservingMemoryContents() { m_Size = 0; } }; ( ( AllocatorCompactVectorCheat * ) ( char * ) &m_arrAllocations )->ResetCountPreservingMemoryContents(); m_nOffsetUnallocated = m_nOffsetMin;
// Prepare RSX for data buffer transfers in local memory
uint nTransferMode = ( ( this - &g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[ kGcmAllocPoolDefault ] ) < kGcmAllocPoolMainMemory ) ? CELL_GCM_TRANSFER_LOCAL_TO_LOCAL : CELL_GCM_TRANSFER_MAIN_TO_MAIN; Assert( nTransferMode < 4 ); GCM_FUNC( cellGcmSetTransferDataMode, nTransferMode ); // unnecessary if we do this on SPU
Assert( !g_spuGcm.IsDeferredDrawQueue() );
// Reallocate all blocks
for ( ; uiCount; -- uiCount, ++ pReallocationBlocks ) { CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlockMutable *pBlock = *pReallocationBlocks; if ( !pBlock ) continue;
uint32 nOldOffset = pBlock->Offset();
TrackAllocStats( pBlock->MutableType(), - pBlock->MutableSize() ); Alloc( pBlock );
if ( nOldOffset == pBlock->Offset() ) continue;
// Have RSX transfer blocks data. RSX may hang if there's WriteLabel between the Format and Offset commands,
// so reserve space for both of them up front
SpuDrawTransfer_t * pTransfer = g_spuGcm.GetDrawQueue()->AllocWithHeader<SpuDrawTransfer_t>( SPUDRAWQUEUE_TRANSFER_METHOD | nTransferMode ); pTransfer->m_nLineSize = pBlock->MutableSize(); pTransfer->m_nOldOffset = nOldOffset; pTransfer->m_nNewOffset = pBlock->Offset(); }
ValidateAllBlocks(); #endif
GCM_PERF_MARKER( "Compact:Complete" ); }
// Computation of tiled memory
uint32 CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock::TiledMemoryTagAreaBase() const { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL(m_uType); if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc ) // Misc color tiles are placed at the front of tag area after preset pools
return ( Offset() - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000; if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 ) // Depth tiles are placed in the end of tag area (0-0x7FF is offset range)
return 0x800 - ( Offset() - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8].m_nOffsetMin + m_uiSize ) / 0x10000; if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB ) // FB color tiles go first
return ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB].m_nOffsetMin - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000; if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ ) // FBQ color tiles go next
return ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFBQ].m_nOffsetMin - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000; if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512 ) // 512 color tiles go next
return ( g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColor512].m_nOffsetMin - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB].m_nOffsetMin ) / 0x10000;
Error( "<vitaliy> Cannot compute tiled memory tag base from a non-tiled-pool allocation!\n" ); #endif
return ~0; }
uint32 CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock::TiledMemoryIndex() const { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL(m_uType); if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc ) // Color tiles are placed in the front
return m_uiIndex + kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorMisc - kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB; if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 ) // Depth tiles are placed as last tiles
return 14 - m_uiIndex; return ePool - kGcmAllocPoolTiledColorFB; }
uint32 CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock::ZcullMemoryIndex() const { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL(m_uType); if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 ) // Depth tiles are the only zcull tiles
return m_uiIndex;
Error( "<vitaliy> Cannot compute zcull index from a non-zcull allocation!\n" ); #endif
return ~0; }
uint32 CPs3gcmLocalMemoryBlock::ZcullMemoryStart() const { CPs3gcmAllocationPool_t ePool = PS3GCMALLOCATIONPOOL(m_uType); if ( ePool == kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8 ) // Depth tiles are the only zcull tiles
return ( Offset() - g_ps3gcmLocalMemoryAllocator[kGcmAllocPoolTiledD24S8].m_nOffsetMin ) / 4; // 1 byte per pixel, D24S8 is 4 bytes per pixel, implicitly 4096 aligned because offset is 64Kb aligned
Error( "<vitaliy> Cannot compute zcull memory start from a non-zcull allocation!\n" ); #endif
return ~0; }
// Allow shaderapi to query GPU memory stats:
void GetGPUMemoryStats( GPUMemoryStats &stats ) { stats = g_RsxMemoryStats; }