//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
#include "TransitionTable.h"
#include "recording.h"
#include "shaderapidx8.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderutil.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "vertexshaderdx8.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "shaderdevicedx8.h"
#include "shaderapi_global.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Singleton
CTransitionTable *g_pTransitionTable = NULL;
inline ShadowState_t& BoardState() { return g_pTransitionTable->BoardState(); } #endif
inline CTransitionTable::CurrentState_t& CurrentState() { return g_pTransitionTable->CurrentState(); }
// Less functions
bool CTransitionTable::ShadowStateDictLessFunc::Less( const CTransitionTable::ShadowStateDictEntry_t &src1, const CTransitionTable::ShadowStateDictEntry_t &src2, void *pCtx ) { return src1.m_nChecksum < src2.m_nChecksum; }
bool CTransitionTable::SnapshotDictLessFunc::Less( const CTransitionTable::SnapshotDictEntry_t &src1, const CTransitionTable::SnapshotDictEntry_t &src2, void *pCtx ) { return src1.m_nChecksum < src2.m_nChecksum; }
bool CTransitionTable::UniqueSnapshotLessFunc::Less( const CTransitionTable::TransitionList_t &src1, const CTransitionTable::TransitionList_t &src2, void *pCtx ) { return src1.m_NumOperations > src2.m_NumOperations; }
// Constructor, destructor
CTransitionTable::CTransitionTable() : m_DefaultStateSnapshot(-1), m_CurrentShadowId(-1), m_CurrentSnapshotId(-1), m_TransitionOps( 0, 8192 ), m_ShadowStateList( 0, 256 ), m_TransitionTable( 0, 256 ), m_SnapshotList( 0, 256 ), m_ShadowStateDict(0, 256 ), m_SnapshotDict( 0, 256 ), m_UniqueTransitions( 0, 4096 ), m_bShadowDepthBiasValuesDirty( false ) { Assert( !g_pTransitionTable ); g_pTransitionTable = this;
memset( &m_BoardState, 0, sizeof( m_BoardState ) ); memset( &m_BoardShaderState, 0, sizeof( m_BoardShaderState ) ); #endif
CTransitionTable::~CTransitionTable() { Assert( g_pTransitionTable == this ); g_pTransitionTable = NULL; }
// Initialization, shutdown
bool CTransitionTable::Init( ) { return true; }
void CTransitionTable::Shutdown( ) { Reset(); }
// Creates a shadow, adding an entry into the shadow list and transition table
StateSnapshot_t CTransitionTable::CreateStateSnapshot( ShadowStateId_t shadowStateId, const ShadowShaderState_t& currentShaderState ) { StateSnapshot_t snapshotId = m_SnapshotList.AddToTail();
// Copy our snapshot into the list
SnapshotShaderState_t &shaderState = m_SnapshotList[snapshotId]; shaderState.m_ShadowStateId = shadowStateId; memcpy( &shaderState.m_ShaderState, ¤tShaderState, sizeof(ShadowShaderState_t) ); shaderState.m_nReserved = 0; // needed to get a good CRC
shaderState.m_nReserved2 = 0;
// Insert entry into the lookup table
SnapshotDictEntry_t insert;
CRC32_Init( &insert.m_nChecksum ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &insert.m_nChecksum, &shaderState, sizeof(SnapshotShaderState_t) ); CRC32_Final( &insert.m_nChecksum );
insert.m_nSnapshot = snapshotId; m_SnapshotDict.Insert( insert );
return snapshotId; }
// Creates a shadow, adding an entry into the shadow list and transition table
CTransitionTable::ShadowStateId_t CTransitionTable::CreateShadowState( const ShadowState_t ¤tState ) { int newShaderState = m_ShadowStateList.AddToTail();
// Copy our snapshot into the list
memcpy( &m_ShadowStateList[newShaderState], ¤tState, sizeof(ShadowState_t) );
// all existing states must transition to the new state
int i; for ( i = 0; i < newShaderState; ++i ) { // Add a new transition to all existing states
int newElem = m_TransitionTable[i].AddToTail(); m_TransitionTable[i][newElem].m_FirstOperation = INVALID_TRANSITION_OP; m_TransitionTable[i][newElem].m_NumOperations = 0; }
// Add a new vector for this transition
int newTransitionElem = m_TransitionTable.AddToTail(); m_TransitionTable[newTransitionElem].EnsureCapacity( 32 ); Assert( newShaderState == newTransitionElem );
for ( i = 0; i <= newShaderState; ++i ) { // Add a new transition from all existing states
int newElem = m_TransitionTable[newShaderState].AddToTail(); m_TransitionTable[newShaderState][newElem].m_FirstOperation = INVALID_TRANSITION_OP; m_TransitionTable[newShaderState][newElem].m_NumOperations = 0; }
// Insert entry into the lookup table
ShadowStateDictEntry_t insert;
CRC32_Init( &insert.m_nChecksum ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &insert.m_nChecksum, &m_ShadowStateList[newShaderState], sizeof(ShadowState_t) ); CRC32_Final( &insert.m_nChecksum );
insert.m_nShadowStateId = newShaderState; m_ShadowStateDict.Insert( insert );
return newShaderState; }
// Finds a snapshot, if it exists. Or creates a new one if it doesn't.
CTransitionTable::ShadowStateId_t CTransitionTable::FindShadowState( const ShadowState_t& currentState ) const { ShadowStateDictEntry_t find;
CRC32_Init( &find.m_nChecksum ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &find.m_nChecksum, ¤tState, sizeof(ShadowState_t) ); CRC32_Final( &find.m_nChecksum ); int nDictCount = m_ShadowStateDict.Count(); int i = m_ShadowStateDict.FindLessOrEqual( find ); if ( i < 0 ) return (ShadowStateId_t)-1;
for ( ; i < nDictCount; ++i ) { const ShadowStateDictEntry_t &entry = m_ShadowStateDict[i];
// Didn't find a match
if ( entry.m_nChecksum > find.m_nChecksum ) break;
if ( entry.m_nChecksum != find.m_nChecksum ) continue;
ShadowStateId_t nShadowState = entry.m_nShadowStateId; if (!memcmp(&m_ShadowStateList[nShadowState], ¤tState, sizeof(ShadowState_t) )) return nShadowState; }
// Need to create a new one
return (ShadowStateId_t)-1; }
// Finds a snapshot, if it exists. Or creates a new one if it doesn't.
StateSnapshot_t CTransitionTable::FindStateSnapshot( ShadowStateId_t id, const ShadowShaderState_t& currentState ) const { SnapshotShaderState_t temp; temp.m_ShaderState = currentState; temp.m_ShadowStateId = id; temp.m_nReserved = 0; // needed to get a good CRC
temp.m_nReserved2 = 0;
SnapshotDictEntry_t find;
CRC32_Init( &find.m_nChecksum ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &find.m_nChecksum, &temp, sizeof(temp) ); CRC32_Final( &find.m_nChecksum );
int nDictCount = m_SnapshotDict.Count(); int i = m_SnapshotDict.FindLessOrEqual( find ); if ( i < 0 ) return (StateSnapshot_t)-1;
for ( ; i < nDictCount; ++i ) { // Didn't find a match
if ( m_SnapshotDict[i].m_nChecksum > find.m_nChecksum ) break;
if ( m_SnapshotDict[i].m_nChecksum != find.m_nChecksum ) continue;
StateSnapshot_t nShapshot = m_SnapshotDict[i].m_nSnapshot; if ( (id == m_SnapshotList[nShapshot].m_ShadowStateId) && !memcmp(&m_SnapshotList[nShapshot].m_ShaderState, ¤tState, sizeof(ShadowShaderState_t)) ) { return nShapshot; } }
// Need to create a new one
return (StateSnapshot_t)-1; }
// Used to clear the transition table when we know it's become invalid.
void CTransitionTable::Reset() { m_ShadowStateList.RemoveAll(); m_SnapshotList.RemoveAll(); m_TransitionTable.RemoveAll(); m_TransitionOps.RemoveAll(); m_ShadowStateDict.RemoveAll(); m_SnapshotDict.RemoveAll(); m_UniqueTransitions.RemoveAll(); m_CurrentShadowId = -1; m_CurrentSnapshotId = -1; m_DefaultStateSnapshot = -1; }
// Sets the texture stage state
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning( disable : 4189 )
static inline void SetTextureStageState( int stage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE state, DWORD val ) { #if !defined( _X360 )
Assert( !g_pShaderDeviceDx8->IsDeactivated() ); Dx9Device()->SetTextureStageState( stage, state, val ); #endif
//Moved to a #define so every instance of this skips unsupported render states at compile time
#define SetSamplerState( _stage, _state, _val ) \
{ \ if ( (_state != D3DSAMP_NOTSUPPORTED) ) \ { \ Assert( !g_pShaderDeviceDx8->IsDeactivated() ); \ Dx9Device()->SetSamplerState( _stage, _state, _val ); \ } \ }
//Moved to a #define so every instance of this skips unsupported render states at compile time
#define SetRenderState( _state, _val ) \
{ \ if ( _state != D3DRS_NOTSUPPORTED ) \ { \ Assert( !g_pShaderDeviceDx8->IsDeactivated() ); \ Dx9Device()->SetRenderState( _state, _val ); \ } \ }
#define SetRenderStateConstMacro( state, val ) { if ( state != D3DRS_NOTSUPPORTED ) Dx9Device()->SetRenderStateConstInline( state, val ); }
#define SetRenderStateConstMacro( state, val ) SetRenderState( state, val )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning( default : 4189 )
// Methods that actually apply the state
static bool g_SpewTransitions = false;
#define UPDATE_BOARD_RENDER_STATE( _d3dState, _state ) \
{ \ BoardState().m_ ## _state = shaderState.m_ ## _state; \ if (g_SpewTransitions) \ { \ char buf[128]; \ sprintf( buf, "Apply %s : %d\n", #_d3dState, shaderState.m_ ## _state ); \ Plat_DebugString(buf); \ } \ }
{ \ BoardState().m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_ ## _state = shaderState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_ ## _state; \ if (g_SpewTransitions) \ { \ char buf[128]; \ sprintf( buf, "Apply %s : %d\n", #_d3dState, shaderState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_ ## _state ); \ Plat_DebugString(buf); \ } \ }
#define UPDATE_BOARD_TEXTURE_STAGE_STATE( _d3dState, _state, _stage ) \
{ \ BoardState().m_TextureStage[_stage].m_ ## _state = shaderState.m_TextureStage[_stage].m_ ## _state; \ if (g_SpewTransitions) \ { \ char buf[128]; \ sprintf( buf, "Apply Tex %s (%d): %d\n", #_d3dState, _stage, shaderState.m_TextureStage[_stage].m_ ## _state ); \ Plat_DebugString(buf); \ } \ }
#define UPDATE_BOARD_SAMPLER_STATE( _d3dState, _state, _stage ) \
{ \ BoardState().m_n ## _state = BoardState().m_n ## _state & ~( 1 << _stage ) | ( shaderState.m_n ## _state & ( 1 << _stage ) ); \ if (g_SpewTransitions) \ { \ char buf[128]; \ sprintf( buf, "Apply SamplerSate %s (%d): %d\n", #_d3dState, stage, 0 != (shaderState.m_n ## _state & ( 1 << _stage ) ) ); \ Plat_DebugString(buf); \ } \ }
#define UPDATE_BOARD_RENDER_STATE( _d3dState, _state ) {}
#define UPDATE_BOARD_TEXTURE_STAGE_STATE( _d3dState, _state, _stage ) {}
#define UPDATE_BOARD_SAMPLER_STATE( _d3dState, _state, _stage ) {}
#define APPLY_RENDER_STATE_FUNC( _d3dState, _state ) \
void Apply ## _state( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int arg ) \ { \ SetRenderState( _d3dState, shaderState.m_ ## _state ); \ UPDATE_BOARD_RENDER_STATE( _d3dState, _state ); \ }
void Apply ## _state( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int arg ) \ { \ SetRenderState( _d3dState, shaderState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_ ## _state ); \ UPDATE_BOARD_RENDER_STATE_ALPHATEST_AND_MISC( _d3dState, _state ); \ }
#define APPLY_TEXTURE_STAGE_STATE_FUNC( _d3dState, _state ) \
void Apply ## _state( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int stage ) \ { \ SetTextureStageState( stage, _d3dState, shaderState.m_TextureStage[stage].m_ ## _state ); \ UPDATE_BOARD_TEXTURE_STAGE_STATE( _d3dState, _state, stage ); \ }
#define APPLY_SAMPLER_STATE_FUNC( _d3dState, _state ) \
void Apply ## _state( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int stage ) \ { \ SetSamplerState( stage, _d3dState, shaderState.m_SamplerState[stage].m_ ## _state ); \ UPDATE_BOARD_SAMPLER_STATE( _d3dState, _state, stage ); \ }
// Special overridden sampler state to turn on Fetch4 on ATI hardware (and 360?)
void ApplyFetch4Enable( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int stage ) { if ( HardwareConfig()->SupportsFetch4() ) { SetSamplerState( stage, ATISAMP_FETCH4, shaderState.m_nFetch4Enable & ( 1 << stage ) ? ATI_FETCH4_ENABLE : ATI_FETCH4_DISABLE ); }
void ApplyShadowFilterEnable( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int stage ) { SetSamplerState( stage, D3DSAMP_SHADOWFILTER, shaderState.m_nShadowFilterEnable & ( 1 << stage ) ); UPDATE_BOARD_SAMPLER_STATE( D3DSAMP_SHADOWFILTER, ShadowFilterEnable, stage ); } #endif
void ApplyZWriteEnable( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int arg ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, shaderState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZWriteEnable ); #if defined( _X360 )
//SetRenderState( D3DRS_HIZWRITEENABLE, shaderState.m_ZWriteEnable ? D3DHIZ_AUTOMATIC : D3DHIZ_DISABLE );
BoardState().m_DepthTestState.m_ZWriteEnable = shaderState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZWriteEnable; #endif
void ApplyColorWriteEnable( const ShadowState_t& shaderState, int arg ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, shaderState.m_DepthTestState.m_ColorWriteEnable ); g_pTransitionTable->CurrentState().m_ColorWriteEnable = shaderState.m_DepthTestState.m_ColorWriteEnable;
BoardState().m_DepthTestState.m_ColorWriteEnable = shaderState.m_DepthTestState.m_ColorWriteEnable; #endif
void ApplySRGBWriteEnable( const ShadowState_t& shadowState, int stageUnused ) { g_pTransitionTable->ApplySRGBWriteEnable( shadowState ); }
void CTransitionTable::ApplySRGBWriteEnable( const ShadowState_t& shaderState ) { // ApplySRGBWriteEnable set to true means that the shader is writing linear values.
if ( CurrentState().m_bLinearColorSpaceFrameBufferEnable ) { // The shader had better be writing linear values since we can't convert to gamma here.
// Can't leave this assert here since there are cases where the shader is doing the right thing.
// This is good to test occasionally to make sure that the shaders are doing the right thing.
// Assert( shaderState.m_SRGBWriteEnable );
// render target is linear
SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE, 0 ); ShaderAPI()->EnabledSRGBWrite( false );
// fog isn't fixed-function with linear frame buffers, so don't bother with that here.
} else { // render target is gamma
// SRGBWrite enable can affect the space in which fog color is defined
if ( HardwareConfig()->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion() ) { if ( HardwareConfig()->GetDXSupportLevel() >= 92 ) //in 2b supported devices, we never actually enable SRGB writes, but instead handle the conversion in the pixel shader. But we want all other code to be unaware.
{ SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE, 0 ); } else { SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE, shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable ); } } else { SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE, shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable ); }
ShaderAPI()->EnabledSRGBWrite( shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable );
if ( HardwareConfig()->SpecifiesFogColorInLinearSpace() ) { ShaderAPI()->ApplyFogMode( shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.FogMode(), shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bVertexFogEnable, shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable, shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bDisableFogGammaCorrection ); } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
BoardState().m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable = shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable; if (g_SpewTransitions) { char buf[128]; sprintf( buf, "Apply %s : %d\n", "D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE", shaderState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable ); Plat_DebugString(buf); } #endif
void ApplyDisableFogGammaCorrection( const ShadowState_t& shadowState, int stageUnused ) { ShaderAPI()->ApplyFogMode( shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.FogMode(), shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bVertexFogEnable, shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable, shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bDisableFogGammaCorrection ); #ifdef DEBUG_BOARD_STATE
g_pTransitionTable->BoardState().m_FogAndMiscState.m_bDisableFogGammaCorrection = shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bDisableFogGammaCorrection; #endif
void ApplyDepthTest( const ShadowState_t& state, int stage ) { g_pTransitionTable->ApplyDepthTest( state ); }
void CTransitionTable::SetZEnable( D3DZBUFFERTYPE nEnable ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, nEnable ); #if defined( _X360 )
void CTransitionTable::SetZFunc( D3DCMPFUNC nCmpFunc ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, nCmpFunc ); }
void CTransitionTable::ApplyDepthTest( const ShadowState_t& state ) { if ( m_CurrentState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt != state.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt ) { SetZEnable( ( D3DZBUFFERTYPE ) state.m_DepthTestState.m_ZEnable ); if (state.m_DepthTestState.m_ZEnable != D3DZB_FALSE) { SetZFunc( ( D3DCMPFUNC ) state.m_DepthTestState.m_ZFunc ); } if ( ( state.m_DepthTestState.m_ZBias == SHADER_POLYOFFSET_SHADOW_BIAS ) && m_bShadowDepthBiasValuesDirty ) { ShaderAPI()->ApplyZBias( state.m_DepthTestState ); }
// This isn't quite true, but it's necessary for other error checking to work
BoardState().m_DepthTestState = state.m_DepthTestState; #endif
m_CurrentState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt = state.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt; }
void ApplyAlphaTest( const ShadowState_t& state, int stage ) { g_pTransitionTable->ApplyAlphaTest( state ); }
void CTransitionTable::ApplyAlphaTest( const ShadowState_t& state ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaTestEnable );
// Set the blend state here...
SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaFunc ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAREF, state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaRef );
// This isn't quite true, but it's necessary for other error checking to work
BoardState().m_AlphaTestAndMiscState = state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState; #endif
void ApplyAlphaBlend( const ShadowState_t& state, int stage ) { g_pTransitionTable->ApplyAlphaBlend( state ); }
void CTransitionTable::ApplyAlphaBlend( const ShadowState_t& state ) { if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable; }
if (state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable) { // Set the blend state here...
if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend; }
if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend; }
if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOP, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp; } }
// This isn't quite true, but it's necessary for other error checking to work
BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnabledForceOpaque = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnabledForceOpaque; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp; #endif
void ApplySeparateAlphaBlend( const ShadowState_t& state, int stage ) { g_pTransitionTable->ApplySeparateAlphaBlend( state ); }
void CTransitionTable::ApplySeparateAlphaBlend( const ShadowState_t& state ) { if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable; }
if (state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable) { // Set the blend state here...
if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLENDALPHA, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha; }
if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLENDALPHA, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha; }
if (m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha != state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOPALPHA, state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha ); m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha; } }
// This isn't quite true, but it's necessary for other error checking to work
BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha; BoardState().m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha = state.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha; #endif
// Enables textures
void ApplyTextureEnable( const ShadowState_t& state, int stage ) { }
// All transitions below this point depend on dynamic render state
// FIXME: Eliminate these virtual calls?
void ApplyCullEnable( const ShadowState_t& state, int arg ) { ShaderAPI()->ApplyCullEnable( state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_CullEnable );
BoardState().m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_CullEnable = state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_CullEnable; #endif
void ApplyAlphaToCoverage( const ShadowState_t& state, int arg ) { ShaderAPI()->ApplyAlphaToCoverage( state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_EnableAlphaToCoverage );
BoardState().m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_EnableAlphaToCoverage = state.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_EnableAlphaToCoverage; #endif
// Outputs the fog mode string
// Uses GetConfig().overbright and GetSceneFogMode, so
// will have to fix up the state manually when those change.
void ApplyFogMode( const ShadowState_t& state, int arg ) { #ifdef RECORDING
char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "ApplyFogMode( %s )", ShaderFogModeToString( state.m_FogMode ) ); RECORD_DEBUG_STRING( buf ); #endif
ShaderAPI()->ApplyFogMode( state.m_FogAndMiscState.FogMode(), state.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bVertexFogEnable, state.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable, state.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bDisableFogGammaCorrection );
BoardState().m_FogAndMiscState.m_FogMode = state.m_FogAndMiscState.m_FogMode; BoardState().m_FogAndMiscState.m_bVertexFogEnable = state.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bVertexFogEnable; #endif
// Finds identical transition lists and shares them
unsigned int CTransitionTable::FindIdenticalTransitionList( unsigned int firstElem, unsigned short numOps, unsigned int nFirstTest ) const { VPROF("CTransitionTable::FindIdenticalTransitionList"); // As it turns out, this works most of the time
if ( nFirstTest != INVALID_TRANSITION_OP ) { const TransitionOp_t *pCurrOp = &m_TransitionOps[firstElem]; const TransitionOp_t *pTestOp = &m_TransitionOps[nFirstTest]; if ( !memcmp( pCurrOp, pTestOp, numOps * sizeof(TransitionOp_t) ) ) return nFirstTest; }
// Look for a common list
const TransitionOp_t &op = m_TransitionOps[firstElem];
int nCount = m_UniqueTransitions.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const TransitionList_t &list = m_UniqueTransitions[i];
// We can early out here because we've sorted the unique transitions
// descending by count
if ( list.m_NumOperations < numOps ) return INVALID_TRANSITION_OP;
// If we don't find a match in the first
int nPotentialMatch; int nLastTest = list.m_FirstOperation + list.m_NumOperations - numOps; for ( nPotentialMatch = list.m_FirstOperation; nPotentialMatch <= nLastTest; ++nPotentialMatch ) { // Find the first match
const TransitionOp_t &testOp = m_TransitionOps[nPotentialMatch]; if ( testOp.m_nBits == op.m_nBits ) break; }
// No matches found, continue
if ( nPotentialMatch > nLastTest ) continue;
// Ok, found a match of the first op, lets see if they all match
if ( numOps == 1 ) return nPotentialMatch;
const TransitionOp_t *pCurrOp = &m_TransitionOps[firstElem + 1]; const TransitionOp_t *pTestOp = &m_TransitionOps[nPotentialMatch + 1]; if ( !memcmp( pCurrOp, pTestOp, (numOps - 1) * sizeof(TransitionOp_t) ) ) return nPotentialMatch; } return INVALID_TRANSITION_OP; }
// Create startup snapshot
void CTransitionTable::TakeDefaultStateSnapshot( ) { if (m_DefaultStateSnapshot == -1) { m_DefaultStateSnapshot = TakeSnapshot();
// This will create a transition which sets *all* shadowed state
//CreateTransitionTableEntry( m_DefaultStateSnapshot, -1 );
} }
// Takes a snapshot, hooks it into the material
StateSnapshot_t CTransitionTable::TakeSnapshot( ) { // Do any final computation of the shadow state
// Get the current snapshot
const ShadowState_t& currentState = ShaderShadow()->GetShadowState();
// Create a new snapshot
ShadowStateId_t shadowStateId = FindShadowState( currentState ); if (shadowStateId == -1) { // Create entry in state transition table
shadowStateId = CreateShadowState( currentState ); }
const ShadowShaderState_t& currentShaderState = ShaderShadow()->GetShadowShaderState(); StateSnapshot_t snapshotId = FindStateSnapshot( shadowStateId, currentShaderState ); if (snapshotId == -1) { // Create entry in state transition table
snapshotId = CreateStateSnapshot( shadowStateId, currentShaderState ); }
return snapshotId; }
// Apply shader state (stuff that doesn't lie in the transition table)
void CTransitionTable::ApplyShaderState( const ShadowState_t &shadowState, const ShadowShaderState_t &shaderState ) { VPROF("CTransitionTable::ApplyShaderState");
// FIXME: Improve early-binding of vertex shader index
ShaderManager()->SetVertexShader( shaderState.m_VertexShader ); ShaderManager()->SetPixelShader( shaderState.m_PixelShader );
BoardShaderState().m_VertexShader = shaderState.m_VertexShader; BoardShaderState().m_PixelShader = shaderState.m_PixelShader; BoardShaderState().m_nStaticVshIndex = shaderState.m_nStaticVshIndex; BoardShaderState().m_nStaticPshIndex = shaderState.m_nStaticPshIndex; #endif
void CTransitionTable::SetBoardStateFromShadowState( ShadowState_t const &shadowState ) { if ( m_CurrentState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt != shadowState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZWriteEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZEnable ); if (shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZEnable != D3DZB_FALSE) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZFunc ); } if ( ( m_CurrentState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZBias != shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZBias ) || ( ( shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZBias == SHADER_POLYOFFSET_SHADOW_BIAS ) ) && m_bShadowDepthBiasValuesDirty ) { ShaderAPI()->ApplyZBias( shadowState.m_DepthTestState ); } SetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, shadowState.m_DepthTestState.m_ColorWriteEnable );
m_CurrentState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt = shadowState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt; #ifdef DEBUG_BOARD_STATE
BoardState().m_DepthTestState = shadowState.m_DepthTestState; #endif
if ( m_CurrentState.m_nAlphaTestAndMiscStateAsInt != shadowState.m_nAlphaTestAndMiscStateAsInt ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaTestEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaFunc ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAREF, shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaRef ); ShaderAPI()->ApplyAlphaToCoverage( shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_EnableAlphaToCoverage ); ShaderAPI()->ApplyCullEnable( shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_CullEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_FillMode );
m_CurrentState.m_nAlphaTestAndMiscStateAsInt = shadowState.m_nAlphaTestAndMiscStateAsInt; #ifdef DEBUG_BOARD_STATE
BoardState().m_AlphaTestAndMiscState = shadowState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState; #endif
if ( m_CurrentState.m_nFogAndMiscStateAsInt != shadowState.m_nFogAndMiscStateAsInt ) { bool bSetting = shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable; if ( m_CurrentState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable != bSetting ) { // ApplySRGBWriteEnable set to true means that the shader is writing linear values.
if ( ( CurrentState().m_bLinearColorSpaceFrameBufferEnable ) || ( HardwareConfig()->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion() && ( HardwareConfig()->GetDXSupportLevel() >= 92 ) ) ) //in 2b supported devices, we never actually enable SRGB writes, but instead handle the conversion in the pixel shader. But we want all other code to be unaware.
{ // The shader had better be writing linear values since we can't convert to gamma here.
// Can't leave this assert here since there are cases where the shader is doing the right thing.
// This is good to test occasionally to make sure that the shaders are doing the right thing.
// Assert( shaderState.m_SRGBWriteEnable );
// render target is linear
bSetting = false; // fog isn't fixed-function with linear frame buffers, so don't bother with that here.
} ShaderAPI()->SetSRGBWrite( bSetting ); } ShaderAPI()->ApplyFogMode( shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.FogMode(), shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bVertexFogEnable, bSetting, shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_bDisableFogGammaCorrection ); m_CurrentState.m_nFogAndMiscStateAsInt = shadowState.m_nFogAndMiscStateAsInt;
#ifdef _DEBUG
BoardState().m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable = shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable; if (g_SpewTransitions) { char buf[128]; sprintf( buf, "Apply %s : %d\n", "D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE", shadowState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable ); Plat_DebugString(buf); } #endif
if ( m_CurrentState.m_nAlphaBlendStateAsInt != shadowState.m_nAlphaBlendStateAsInt ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable );
if (shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable) { // Set the blend state here...
SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOP, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp ); }
SetRenderState( D3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable );
if (shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable) { // Set the blend state here...
SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLENDALPHA, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLENDALPHA, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOPALPHA, shadowState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha ); }
m_CurrentState.m_nAlphaBlendStateAsInt = shadowState.m_nAlphaBlendStateAsInt; #ifdef DEBUG_BOARD_STATE
// This isn't quite true, but it's necessary for other error checking to work
BoardState().m_nAlphaBlendStateAsInt = shadowState.m_nAlphaBlendStateAsInt; #endif
if ( m_CurrentState.m_ForceDepthFuncEquals || m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideDepthEnable || m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideAlphaWriteEnable || m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideColorWriteEnable ) { PerformShadowStateOverrides(); } }
// Makes the board state match the snapshot
void CTransitionTable::UseSnapshot( StateSnapshot_t snapshotId, bool bApplyShaderState /*= true*/ ) { VPROF("CTransitionTable::UseSnapshot"); ShadowStateId_t id = m_SnapshotList[snapshotId].m_ShadowStateId; if (m_CurrentSnapshotId != snapshotId) { // apply the shadow state
if ( m_CurrentShadowId != id ) { SetBoardStateFromShadowState( m_ShadowStateList[id] ); m_CurrentShadowId = id; } m_CurrentSnapshotId = snapshotId; } // NOTE: This occurs regardless of whether the snapshot changed because it depends
// on dynamic state (namely, the dynamic vertex + pixel shader index)
// Followed by things that are not
if ( bApplyShaderState ) { ApplyShaderState( m_ShadowStateList[id], m_SnapshotList[snapshotId].m_ShaderState ); } }
// Cause the board to match the default state snapshot
void CTransitionTable::UseDefaultState( ) { VPROF("CTransitionTable::UseDefaultState"); // Need to blat these out because they are tested during transitions
m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable = false; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend = D3DBLEND_ONE; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend = D3DBLEND_ZERO; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp = D3DBLENDOP_ADD; SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_AlphaBlendEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlend ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlend ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOP, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOp );
m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable = false; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha = D3DBLEND_ONE; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha = D3DBLEND_ZERO; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha = D3DBLENDOP_ADD; SetRenderState( D3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SeparateAlphaBlendEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLENDALPHA, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_SrcBlendAlpha ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLENDALPHA, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_DestBlendAlpha ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOPALPHA, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaBlendState.m_BlendOpAlpha );
m_CurrentState.m_nDepthTestStateAsInt = 0; m_CurrentState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZEnable = D3DZB_TRUE; m_CurrentState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZFunc = (ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().bReverseDepth ^ ReverseDepthOnX360()) ? D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL : D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL; m_CurrentState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZBias = SHADER_POLYOFFSET_DISABLE; SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, m_CurrentState.m_DepthTestState.m_ZFunc );
m_CurrentState.m_nAlphaTestAndMiscStateAsInt = 0; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaFunc = D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaRef = 0; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_FillMode = D3DFILL_SOLID; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaTestEnable = false; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_EnableAlphaToCoverage = false; m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_CullEnable = true; SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaTestEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaFunc ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAREF, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_AlphaRef ); ShaderAPI()->ApplyAlphaToCoverage( m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_EnableAlphaToCoverage ); ShaderAPI()->ApplyCullEnable( m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_CullEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, m_CurrentState.m_AlphaTestAndMiscState.m_FillMode );
m_CurrentState.m_FogAndMiscState.m_SRGBWriteEnable = 0; if ( D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE != D3DRS_NOTSUPPORTED ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE, 0 ); }
int nSamplerCount = ShaderAPI()->GetActualSamplerCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nSamplerCount; ++i) { SetSamplerState( i, D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE, SamplerState(i).m_SRGBReadEnable );
#if 0
// Set default Fetch4 state on parts which support it
if ( HardwareConfig()->SupportsFetch4() ) { SetSamplerState( i, ATISAMP_FETCH4, SamplerState(i).m_Fetch4Enable ? ATI_FETCH4_ENABLE : ATI_FETCH4_DISABLE ); } #endif
SetSamplerState( i, D3DSAMP_SHADOWFILTER, SamplerState(i).m_ShadowFilterEnable ); #endif
// Disable z overrides...
m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideDepthEnable = false; m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideAlphaWriteEnable = false; m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideColorWriteEnable = false; m_CurrentState.m_ForceDepthFuncEquals = false; m_CurrentState.m_bLinearColorSpaceFrameBufferEnable = false;
ShaderManager()->SetVertexShader( INVALID_SHADER ); ShaderManager()->SetPixelShader( INVALID_SHADER );
m_CurrentSnapshotId = -1; m_CurrentShadowId = -1; }
// Snapshotted state overrides
void CTransitionTable::ForceDepthFuncEquals( bool bEnable ) { if( bEnable != m_CurrentState.m_ForceDepthFuncEquals ) { m_CurrentState.m_ForceDepthFuncEquals = bEnable;
if( bEnable ) { SetZFunc( D3DCMP_EQUAL ); } else { if ( CurrentShadowState() ) { SetZFunc( ( D3DCMPFUNC ) CurrentShadowState()->m_DepthTestState.m_ZFunc ); } } } }
void CTransitionTable::OverrideDepthEnable( bool bEnable, bool bDepthWriteEnable, bool bDepthTestEnable ) { if ( bEnable != m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideDepthEnable || ( bEnable && ( bDepthWriteEnable != m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZWriteEnable || bDepthTestEnable != m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZTestEnable ) ) ) { m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideDepthEnable = bEnable; m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZWriteEnable = bDepthWriteEnable; m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZTestEnable = bDepthTestEnable;
if ( m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideDepthEnable ) { SetZEnable( D3DZB_TRUE ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZWriteEnable ? TRUE : FALSE ); if ( !m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZTestEnable ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_ALWAYS ); } #if defined( _X360 )
//SetRenderState( D3DRS_HIZWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZWriteEnable ? D3DHIZ_AUTOMATIC : D3DHIZ_DISABLE );
} else { if ( CurrentShadowState() ) { SetZEnable( (D3DZBUFFERTYPE ) CurrentShadowState()->m_DepthTestState.m_ZEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, CurrentShadowState()->m_DepthTestState.m_ZWriteEnable ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, CurrentShadowState()->m_DepthTestState.m_ZFunc ); #if defined( _X360 )
//SetRenderState( D3DRS_HIZWRITEENABLE, CurrentShadowState()->m_ZWriteEnable ? D3DHIZ_AUTOMATIC : D3DHIZ_DISABLE );
} } } }
void CTransitionTable::OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bAlphaWriteEnable ) { if ( bOverrideEnable != m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideAlphaWriteEnable ) { m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideAlphaWriteEnable = bOverrideEnable; m_CurrentState.m_bOverriddenAlphaWriteValue = bAlphaWriteEnable;
DWORD dwSetValue = m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable; if ( m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideAlphaWriteEnable ) { if( m_CurrentState.m_bOverriddenAlphaWriteValue ) { dwSetValue |= D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA; } else { dwSetValue &= ~D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA; } } else { if ( CurrentShadowState() ) { //probably being paranoid, but only copy the alpha flag from the shadow state
dwSetValue &= ~D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA; dwSetValue |= CurrentShadowState()->m_DepthTestState.m_ColorWriteEnable & D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA; } }
if( dwSetValue != m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ) { m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable = dwSetValue; SetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ); } } }
void CTransitionTable::OverrideColorWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bColorWriteEnable ) { if ( bOverrideEnable != m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideColorWriteEnable ) { m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideColorWriteEnable = bOverrideEnable; m_CurrentState.m_bOverriddenColorWriteValue = bColorWriteEnable;
DWORD dwSetValue = m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable; if ( m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideColorWriteEnable ) { if( m_CurrentState.m_bOverriddenColorWriteValue ) { dwSetValue |= (D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_GREEN | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE); } else { dwSetValue &= ~(D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_GREEN | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE); } } else { if ( CurrentShadowState() ) { //probably being paranoid, but only copy the alpha flag from the shadow state
if( dwSetValue != m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ) { m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable = dwSetValue; SetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ); } } }
void CTransitionTable::EnableLinearColorSpaceFrameBuffer( bool bEnable ) { if ( m_CurrentState.m_bLinearColorSpaceFrameBufferEnable != bEnable && CurrentShadowState() ) { m_CurrentState.m_bLinearColorSpaceFrameBufferEnable = bEnable; ApplySRGBWriteEnable( *CurrentShadowState() ); } }
// Perform state block overrides
void CTransitionTable::PerformShadowStateOverrides( ) { VPROF("CTransitionTable::PerformShadowStateOverrides"); // Deal with funky overrides here, because the state blocks can't...
if ( m_CurrentState.m_ForceDepthFuncEquals ) { SetZFunc( D3DCMP_EQUAL ); }
if ( m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideDepthEnable ) { SetZEnable( D3DZB_TRUE ); SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZWriteEnable ? TRUE : FALSE ); if ( !m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZTestEnable ) { SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_ALWAYS ); } #if defined( _X360 )
//SetRenderState( D3DRS_HIZWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_OverrideZWriteEnable ? D3DHIZ_AUTOMATIC : D3DHIZ_DISABLE );
if ( m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideAlphaWriteEnable ) { DWORD dwSetValue = m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable & ~D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA; dwSetValue |= m_CurrentState.m_bOverriddenAlphaWriteValue ? D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA : 0; if ( dwSetValue != m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ) { m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable = dwSetValue; SetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ); } }
if ( m_CurrentState.m_bOverrideColorWriteEnable ) { DWORD dwSetValue = m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable & ~(D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_GREEN | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE); dwSetValue |= m_CurrentState.m_bOverriddenColorWriteValue ? (D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_GREEN | D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE) : 0; if ( dwSetValue != m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ) { m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable = dwSetValue; SetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE, m_CurrentState.m_ColorWriteEnable ); } } }