//========== Copyright � 2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ========
// Purpose: Texture heap.
#include "tier1/mempool.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "shaderapidx8.h"
#include "texturedx8.h"
#include "textureheap.h"
#include "shaderapidx8_global.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
struct THFreeBlock_t { THInfo_t heapInfo; THFreeBlock_t *pPrevFree, *pNextFree; };
#define BASE_COLOR_BEFORE 0xBB // funky color to show texture while i/o in progress
#define BASE_COLOR_AFTER 0xCC // funky color to show mip0 texture
enum TextureHeapDebug_t { THD_OFF = 0, THD_COLORIZE_BEFOREIO, // mip0 is colorized until i/o replaces with real bits
THD_COLORIZE_AFTERIO, // mip0 is colorized instead of i/o real bits
THD_SPEW }; ConVar texture_heap_debug( "texture_heap_debug", "0", 0, "0:Off, 1:Color Before I/O 2:Color After I/O 3:Spew" );
bool g_bUseStandardAllocator = true; // mixed texture heap is not yet viable
bool g_bUseBasePools = true; // do texture streaming
void GetCommandLineArgs() { #if defined( SUPPORTS_TEXTURE_STREAMING )
static bool bReadCommandLine; if ( !bReadCommandLine ) { bReadCommandLine = true;
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsDVDHosted() ) { g_bUseBasePools = false; }
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-notextureheap" ) ) { g_bUseStandardAllocator = true; }
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-notexturestreaming" ) ) { g_bUseBasePools = false; } } #else
g_bUseStandardAllocator = true; g_bUseBasePools = false; #endif
} bool UseStandardAllocator() { GetCommandLineArgs(); return g_bUseStandardAllocator; } bool UseBasePoolsForStreaming() { GetCommandLineArgs(); return g_bUseBasePools; }
#if !defined( _RELEASE ) && !defined( _CERT )
#define StrongAssert( expr ) if ( (expr) ) ; else { DebuggerBreak(); }
#define StrongAssert( expr ) ((void)0)
// Set Texture HW bases
inline void SetD3DTextureBasePtr( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pTex, void *pBaseBuffer ) { pTex->Format.BaseAddress = ((unsigned int)pBaseBuffer) >> 12; } inline void SetD3DTextureMipPtr( IDirect3DBaseTexture* pTex, void *pMipBuffer ) { pTex->Format.MipAddress = ((unsigned int)pMipBuffer) >> 12; }
MEMALLOC_DEFINE_EXTERNAL_TRACKING(CD3DPoolAllocator); // only used for the pool allocators
class CD3DPoolAllocator { public: static void *Alloc( int bytes ) { DWORD attributes = MAKE_XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES( 0, false, TRUE, FALSE, eXALLOCAllocatorId_D3D, XALLOC_PHYSICAL_ALIGNMENT_4K, XALLOC_MEMPROTECT_WRITECOMBINE, FALSE, XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL ); void *retval = XMemAlloc( bytes, attributes ); MemAlloc_RegisterExternalAllocation( CD3DPoolAllocator, retval, XPhysicalSize( retval ) ); return retval; }
MemAlloc_RegisterExternalDeallocation( CD3DPoolAllocator, p, XPhysicalSize( p ) ); XMemFree( p, attributes ); } };
MEMALLOC_DEFINE_EXTERNAL_TRACKING(CD3DStandardAllocator); class CD3DStandardAllocator { public: static void *Alloc( int bytes ) { DWORD attributes = MAKE_XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES( 0, false, TRUE, FALSE, eXALLOCAllocatorId_D3D, XALLOC_PHYSICAL_ALIGNMENT_4K, XALLOC_MEMPROTECT_WRITECOMBINE, FALSE, XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL ); m_nTotalAllocations++; m_nTotalSize += AlignValue( bytes, 4096 ); void *retval = XMemAlloc( bytes, attributes ); MemAlloc_RegisterExternalAllocation( CD3DStandardAllocator, retval, XPhysicalSize( retval ) ); return retval; }
static void Free( void *p ) { DWORD attributes = MAKE_XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES( 0, false, TRUE, FALSE, eXALLOCAllocatorId_D3D, XALLOC_PHYSICAL_ALIGNMENT_4K, XALLOC_MEMPROTECT_WRITECOMBINE, FALSE, XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL ); m_nTotalAllocations--; m_nTotalSize -= XMemSize( p, attributes ); MemAlloc_RegisterExternalDeallocation( CD3DStandardAllocator, p, XPhysicalSize( p ) ); XMemFree( p, attributes ); }
static int GetAllocations() { return m_nTotalAllocations; }
static int GetSize() { return m_nTotalSize; }
static int m_nTotalSize; static int m_nTotalAllocations; };
int CD3DStandardAllocator::m_nTotalSize; int CD3DStandardAllocator::m_nTotalAllocations;
void SetD3DTextureImmobile( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pTexture, bool bImmobile ) { if ( pTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { (( CXboxTexture *)pTexture)->bImmobile = bImmobile; } }
CXboxTexture *GetTexture( THInfo_t *pInfo ) { if ( !pInfo->bFree && !pInfo->bNonTexture ) { return (CXboxTexture *)((byte *)pInfo - offsetof( CXboxTexture, m_fAllocator )); } return NULL; }
inline THFreeBlock_t *GetFreeBlock( THInfo_t *pInfo ) { if ( pInfo->bFree ) { return (THFreeBlock_t *)((byte *)pInfo - offsetof( THFreeBlock_t, heapInfo )); } return NULL; }
CMixedTextureHeap() : m_nLogicalBytes( 0 ), m_nActualBytes( 0 ), m_nAllocs( 0 ), m_nOldBytes( 0 ), m_nNonTextureAllocs( 0 ), m_nBytesTotal( 0 ), m_pBase( NULL ), m_pFirstFree( NULL ) { }
void Init() { extern ConVar mat_texturecachesize; MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( "CMixedTextureHeap" );
m_nBytesTotal = ( mat_texturecachesize.GetInt() * 1024 * 1024 ); #if 0
m_nBytesTotal = AlignValue( m_nBytesTotal, SIZE_ALIGNMENT ); m_pBase = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( m_nBytesTotal ); #else
m_nBytesTotal = AlignValue( m_nBytesTotal, 16*1024*1024 ); m_pBase = XPhysicalAlloc( m_nBytesTotal, MAXULONG_PTR, 4096, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_WRITECOMBINE | MEM_16MB_PAGES ); MemAlloc_RegisterExternalAllocation( CMixedTextureHeap, m_pBase, XPhysicalSize( m_pBase ) ); #endif
m_pFirstFree = (THFreeBlock_t *)m_pBase;
m_pFirstFree->heapInfo.bFree = true; m_pFirstFree->heapInfo.bNonTexture = false; m_pFirstFree->heapInfo.nBytes = m_nBytesTotal; m_pFirstFree->heapInfo.pNext = NULL; m_pFirstFree->heapInfo.pPrev = NULL; m_pFirstFree->pNextFree = NULL; m_pFirstFree->pPrevFree = NULL;
m_pLastFree = m_pFirstFree; }
void *Alloc( int bytes, THInfo_t *pInfo, bool bNonTexture = false ) { pInfo->nBytes = AlignValue( bytes, SIZE_ALIGNMENT );
if ( !m_pBase ) { Init(); }
if ( bNonTexture && m_nNonTextureAllocs == 0 ) { Compact(); }
void *p = FindBlock( pInfo );
if ( !p ) { p = ExpandToFindBlock( pInfo ); }
if ( p ) { pInfo->nLogicalBytes = bytes; pInfo->bNonTexture = bNonTexture; m_nLogicalBytes += bytes; m_nOldBytes += AlignValue( bytes, 4096 ); m_nActualBytes += pInfo->nBytes; m_nAllocs++;
if ( bNonTexture ) { m_nNonTextureAllocs++; } } return p; }
void Free( void *p, THInfo_t *pInfo ) { if ( !p ) { return; }
m_nOldBytes -= AlignValue( pInfo->nLogicalBytes, 4096 );
if ( pInfo->bNonTexture ) { m_nNonTextureAllocs--; }
m_nLogicalBytes -= pInfo->nLogicalBytes; m_nAllocs--; m_nActualBytes -= pInfo->nBytes;
THFreeBlock_t *pFree = (THFreeBlock_t *)p; pFree->heapInfo = *pInfo; pFree->heapInfo.bFree = true;
AddToBlocksList( &pFree->heapInfo, pFree->heapInfo.pPrev, pFree->heapInfo.pNext );
pFree = MergeLeft( pFree ); pFree = MergeRight( pFree );
AddToFreeList( pFree );
if ( pInfo->bNonTexture && m_nNonTextureAllocs == 0 ) { Compact(); } }
int Size( void *p, THInfo_t *pInfo ) { return AlignValue( pInfo->nBytes, SIZE_ALIGNMENT ); }
bool IsOwner( void *p ) { return ( m_pBase && p >= m_pBase && p < (byte *)m_pBase + m_nBytesTotal ); }
void *FindBlock( THInfo_t *pInfo ) { THFreeBlock_t *pCurrent = m_pFirstFree;
int nBytesDesired = pInfo->nBytes;
// Find the first block big enough to hold, then split it if appropriate
while ( pCurrent && pCurrent->heapInfo.nBytes < nBytesDesired ) { pCurrent = pCurrent->pNextFree; }
if ( pCurrent ) { return ClaimBlock( pCurrent, pInfo ); }
return NULL; }
void AddToFreeList( THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock ) { pFreeBlock->heapInfo.nLogicalBytes = 0;
if ( m_pFirstFree ) { THFreeBlock_t *pPrev = NULL; THFreeBlock_t *pNext = m_pFirstFree;
int nBytes = pFreeBlock->heapInfo.nBytes;
while ( pNext && pNext->heapInfo.nBytes < nBytes ) { pPrev = pNext; pNext = pNext->pNextFree; }
pFreeBlock->pPrevFree = pPrev; pFreeBlock->pNextFree = pNext;
if ( pPrev ) { pPrev->pNextFree = pFreeBlock; } else { m_pFirstFree = pFreeBlock; }
if ( pNext ) { pNext->pPrevFree = pFreeBlock; } else { m_pLastFree = pFreeBlock; } } else { pFreeBlock->pPrevFree = pFreeBlock->pNextFree = NULL; m_pLastFree = m_pFirstFree = pFreeBlock; } }
void RemoveFromFreeList( THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock ) { if ( m_pFirstFree == pFreeBlock ) { m_pFirstFree = m_pFirstFree->pNextFree; } else if ( pFreeBlock->pPrevFree ) { pFreeBlock->pPrevFree->pNextFree = pFreeBlock->pNextFree; }
if ( m_pLastFree == pFreeBlock ) { m_pLastFree = pFreeBlock->pPrevFree; } else if ( pFreeBlock->pNextFree ) { pFreeBlock->pNextFree->pPrevFree = pFreeBlock->pPrevFree; }
pFreeBlock->pPrevFree = pFreeBlock->pNextFree = NULL; }
THFreeBlock_t *GetLastFree() { return m_pLastFree; }
void AddToBlocksList( THInfo_t *pBlock, THInfo_t *pPrev, THInfo_t *pNext ) { if ( pPrev ) { pPrev->pNext = pBlock; }
if ( pNext) { pNext->pPrev = pBlock; }
pBlock->pPrev = pPrev; pBlock->pNext = pNext; }
void RemoveFromBlocksList( THInfo_t *pBlock ) { if ( pBlock->pPrev ) { pBlock->pPrev->pNext = pBlock->pNext; }
if ( pBlock->pNext ) { pBlock->pNext->pPrev = pBlock->pPrev; } }
void *ClaimBlock( THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock, THInfo_t *pInfo ) { RemoveFromFreeList( pFreeBlock );
int nBytesDesired = pInfo->nBytes; int nBytesRemainder = pFreeBlock->heapInfo.nBytes - nBytesDesired; *pInfo = pFreeBlock->heapInfo; pInfo->bFree = false; pInfo->bNonTexture = false; if ( nBytesRemainder >= MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ) { pInfo->nBytes = nBytesDesired;
THFreeBlock_t *pRemainder = (THFreeBlock_t *)(((byte *)(pFreeBlock)) + nBytesDesired); pRemainder->heapInfo.bFree = true; pRemainder->heapInfo.nBytes = nBytesRemainder;
AddToBlocksList( &pRemainder->heapInfo, pInfo, pInfo->pNext ); AddToFreeList( pRemainder ); } AddToBlocksList( pInfo, pInfo->pPrev, pInfo->pNext ); return pFreeBlock; }
THFreeBlock_t *MergeLeft( THFreeBlock_t *pFree ) { THInfo_t *pPrev = pFree->heapInfo.pPrev; if ( pPrev && pPrev->bFree ) { pPrev->nBytes += pFree->heapInfo.nBytes; RemoveFromBlocksList( &pFree->heapInfo ); pFree = GetFreeBlock( pPrev ); RemoveFromFreeList( pFree ); } return pFree; }
THFreeBlock_t *MergeRight( THFreeBlock_t *pFree ) { THInfo_t *pNext = pFree->heapInfo.pNext; if ( pNext && pNext->bFree ) { pFree->heapInfo.nBytes += pNext->nBytes; RemoveFromBlocksList( pNext ); RemoveFromFreeList( GetFreeBlock( pNext ) ); } return pFree; }
bool GetExpansionList( THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock, THInfo_t **ppStart, THInfo_t **ppEnd, int depth = 1 ) { THInfo_t *pStart; THInfo_t *pEnd; int i;
pStart = &pFreeBlock->heapInfo; pEnd = &pFreeBlock->heapInfo;
if ( m_nNonTextureAllocs > 0 ) { return false; }
// Walk backwards to start of expansion
i = depth; while ( i > 0 && pStart->pPrev) { THInfo_t *pScan = pStart->pPrev;
while ( i > 0 && pScan && !pScan->bFree && GetTexture( pScan )->CanRelocate() ) { pScan = pScan->pPrev; i--; }
if ( !pScan || !pScan->bFree ) { break; }
pStart = pScan; }
// Walk forwards to start of expansion
i = depth; while ( i > 0 && pEnd->pNext) { THInfo_t *pScan = pStart->pNext;
while ( i > 0 && pScan && !pScan->bFree && GetTexture( pScan )->CanRelocate() ) { pScan = pScan->pNext; i--; }
if ( !pScan || !pScan->bFree ) { break; }
pEnd = pScan; }
*ppStart = pStart; *ppEnd = pEnd;
return ( pStart != pEnd ); }
THFreeBlock_t *CompactExpansionList( THInfo_t *pStart, THInfo_t *pEnd ) { // X360TBD:
Assert( 0 ); return NULL; #if 0
Validate(); #endif
StrongAssert( pStart->bFree ); StrongAssert( pEnd->bFree ); byte *pNextBlock = (byte *)pStart;
THInfo_t *pTextureBlock = pStart; THInfo_t *pLastBlock = pStart->pPrev;
while ( pTextureBlock != pEnd ) { CXboxTexture *pTexture = GetTexture( pTextureBlock ); // If it's a texture, move it and thread it on. Otherwise, discard it
if ( pTexture ) { void *pTextureBits = GetD3DTextureBasePtr( pTexture ); int nBytes = pTextureBlock->nBytes;
if ( pNextBlock + nBytes <= pTextureBits) { memcpy( pNextBlock, pTextureBits, nBytes ); } else { memmove( pNextBlock, pTextureBits, nBytes ); }
pTexture->Data = 0; pTexture->Register( pNextBlock );
pNextBlock += nBytes; if ( pLastBlock) { pLastBlock->pNext = pTextureBlock; } pTextureBlock->pPrev = pLastBlock; pLastBlock = pTextureBlock; } else { StrongAssert( pTextureBlock->bFree ); RemoveFromFreeList( GetFreeBlock( pTextureBlock ) ); } pTextureBlock = pTextureBlock->pNext; }
RemoveFromFreeList( GetFreeBlock( pEnd ) );
// Make a new block and fix up the block lists
THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock = (THFreeBlock_t *)pNextBlock; pFreeBlock->heapInfo.pPrev = pLastBlock; pLastBlock->pNext = &pFreeBlock->heapInfo; pFreeBlock->heapInfo.pNext = pEnd->pNext; if ( pEnd->pNext ) { pEnd->pNext->pPrev = &pFreeBlock->heapInfo; } pFreeBlock->heapInfo.bFree = true; pFreeBlock->heapInfo.nBytes = ( (byte *)pEnd - pNextBlock ) + pEnd->nBytes; AddToFreeList( pFreeBlock );
Validate(); #endif
return pFreeBlock; #endif
THFreeBlock_t *ExpandBlock( THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock, int depth = 1 ) { THInfo_t *pStart; THInfo_t *pEnd;
if ( GetExpansionList( pFreeBlock, &pStart, &pEnd, depth ) ) { return CompactExpansionList( pStart, pEnd ); }
return pFreeBlock; }
THFreeBlock_t *ExpandBlockToFit( THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock, unsigned bytes ) { if ( pFreeBlock ) { THInfo_t *pStart; THInfo_t *pEnd;
if ( GetExpansionList( pFreeBlock, &pStart, &pEnd, 2 ) ) { unsigned sum = 0; THInfo_t *pCurrent = pStart; while( pCurrent != pEnd->pNext ) { if ( pCurrent->bFree ) { sum += pCurrent->nBytes; } pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; }
if ( sum >= bytes ) { pFreeBlock = CompactExpansionList( pStart, pEnd ); } } }
return pFreeBlock; }
void *ExpandToFindBlock( THInfo_t *pInfo ) { THFreeBlock_t *pFreeBlock = ExpandBlockToFit( GetLastFree(), pInfo->nBytes ); if ( pFreeBlock && pFreeBlock->heapInfo.nBytes >= pInfo->nBytes ) { return ClaimBlock( pFreeBlock, pInfo ); } return NULL; }
void Compact() { if ( m_nNonTextureAllocs > 0 ) { return; }
for (;;) { THFreeBlock_t *pCurrent = m_pFirstFree; THFreeBlock_t *pNew; while ( pCurrent ) { int nBytesOld = pCurrent->heapInfo.nBytes; pNew = ExpandBlock( pCurrent, 999999 );
if ( pNew != pCurrent || pNew->heapInfo.nBytes != nBytesOld ) { #ifdef TH_PARANOID
Validate(); #endif
break; }
pNew = ExpandBlock( pCurrent, 999999 ); StrongAssert( pNew == pCurrent && pNew->heapInfo.nBytes == nBytesOld ); #endif
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNextFree; }
if ( !pCurrent ) { break; } } }
void Validate() { if ( !m_pFirstFree ) { return; }
if ( m_nNonTextureAllocs > 0 ) { return; }
THInfo_t *pLast = NULL; THInfo_t *pInfo = &m_pFirstFree->heapInfo;
while ( pInfo->pPrev ) { pInfo = pInfo->pPrev; }
void *pNextExpectedAddress = m_pBase;
while ( pInfo ) { byte *pCurrentAddress = (byte *)(( pInfo->bFree ) ? GetFreeBlock( pInfo ) : GetD3DTextureBasePtr( GetTexture( pInfo ) ) ); StrongAssert( pCurrentAddress == pNextExpectedAddress ); StrongAssert( pInfo->pPrev == pLast ); pNextExpectedAddress = pCurrentAddress + pInfo->nBytes; pLast = pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->pNext; }
THFreeBlock_t *pFree = m_pFirstFree; THFreeBlock_t *pLastFree = NULL; int nBytesHeap; nBytesHeap = XPhysicalSize( m_pBase );
while ( pFree ) { StrongAssert( pFree->pPrevFree == pLastFree ); StrongAssert( (void *)pFree >= m_pBase && (void *)pFree < (byte *)m_pBase + nBytesHeap ); StrongAssert( !pFree->pPrevFree || ( (void *)pFree->pPrevFree >= m_pBase && (void *)pFree->pPrevFree < (byte *)m_pBase + nBytesHeap ) ); StrongAssert( !pFree->pNextFree || ( (void *)pFree->pNextFree >= m_pBase && (void *)pFree->pNextFree < (byte *)m_pBase + nBytesHeap ) ); StrongAssert( !pFree->pPrevFree || pFree->pPrevFree->heapInfo.nBytes <= pFree->heapInfo.nBytes ); pLastFree = pFree; pFree = pFree->pNextFree; } }
THFreeBlock_t *m_pFirstFree; THFreeBlock_t *m_pLastFree; void *m_pBase;
int m_nLogicalBytes; int m_nActualBytes; int m_nAllocs; int m_nOldBytes; int m_nNonTextureAllocs; int m_nBytesTotal; }; CMixedTextureHeap g_MixedTextureHeap;
CAlignedMemPool< 1024*1024, D3DTEXTURE_ALIGNMENT, BASEPOOL1024_SIZE, CD3DPoolAllocator > g_TextureBasePool_1024; CAlignedMemPool< 512*1024, D3DTEXTURE_ALIGNMENT, BASEPOOL512_SIZE, CD3DPoolAllocator > g_TextureBasePool_512; CAlignedMemPool< 256*1024, D3DTEXTURE_ALIGNMENT, BASEPOOL256_SIZE, CD3DPoolAllocator > g_TextureBasePool_256; CAlignedMemPool< 128*1024, D3DTEXTURE_ALIGNMENT, BASEPOOL128_SIZE, CD3DPoolAllocator > g_TextureBasePool_128; CAlignedMemPool< 64*1024, D3DTEXTURE_ALIGNMENT, BASEPOOL64_SIZE, CD3DPoolAllocator > g_TextureBasePool_64; CAlignedMemPool< 32*1024, D3DTEXTURE_ALIGNMENT, BASEPOOL32_SIZE, CD3DPoolAllocator > g_TextureBasePool_32;
CTextureHeap g_TextureHeap;
// Resolve texture parameters into sizes and allocator
TextureAllocator_t TextureParamsToAllocator( int width, int height, int levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT d3dFormat, unsigned int *pBaseSize, unsigned int *pMipSize ) { // determine texture component sizes
XGSetTextureHeaderEx( width, height, levels, usage, d3dFormat, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, pBaseSize, pMipSize );
// based on "Xbox 360 Texture Storage"
// can truncate the terminal level due to using tiled and packed tails
// the terminal level must be at 32x32 or 16x16 packed
if ( width == height && levels != 0 ) { unsigned int nReduction = 0; int terminalWidth = width >> (levels - 1); if ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_DXT1 ) { if ( terminalWidth <= 32 ) { nReduction = 4*1024; } } else if ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_DXT5 ) { if ( terminalWidth == 32 ) { nReduction = 8*1024; } else if ( terminalWidth <= 16 ) { nReduction = 12*1024; } }
if ( levels == 1 ) { *pBaseSize -= nReduction; } else { *pMipSize -= nReduction; } }
if ( UseBasePoolsForStreaming() ) { if ( *pMipSize && *pBaseSize >= 32*1024 ) { if ( *pBaseSize <= 32*1024 ) { return TA_BASEPOOL_32; } if ( *pBaseSize <= 64*1024 ) { return TA_BASEPOOL_64; } if ( *pBaseSize <= 128*1024 ) { return TA_BASEPOOL_128; } if ( *pBaseSize <= 256*1024 ) { return TA_BASEPOOL_256; } if ( *pBaseSize <= 512*1024 && g_TextureBasePool_512.BytesTotal() ) { // only allow the pool if the pool has been warmed (proper conditions cause init)
return TA_BASEPOOL_512; } if ( *pBaseSize <= 1024*1024 && g_TextureBasePool_1024.BytesTotal() ) { // only allow the pool if the pool has been warmed (proper conditions cause init)
return TA_BASEPOOL_1024; } } }
return TA_STANDARD; }
CON_COMMAND( texture_heap_stats, "" ) { Msg( "Texture heap stats:\n" );
int nActualTotal = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < TA_MAX; i++ ) { const char *pName = "???"; int nAllocated = 0; int nSize = 0; int nTotal = 0; switch ( i ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: pName = "Mip0 - 1024K"; nAllocated = g_TextureBasePool_1024.NumAllocated(); nSize = g_TextureBasePool_1024.BytesAllocated(); nTotal = g_TextureBasePool_1024.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: pName = "Mip0 - 512K"; nAllocated = g_TextureBasePool_512.NumAllocated(); nSize = g_TextureBasePool_512.BytesAllocated(); nTotal = g_TextureBasePool_512.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: pName = "Mip0 - 256K"; nAllocated = g_TextureBasePool_256.NumAllocated(); nSize = g_TextureBasePool_256.BytesAllocated(); nTotal = g_TextureBasePool_256.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: pName = "Mip0 - 128K"; nAllocated = g_TextureBasePool_128.NumAllocated(); nSize = g_TextureBasePool_128.BytesAllocated(); nTotal = g_TextureBasePool_128.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: pName = "Mip0 - 64K"; nAllocated = g_TextureBasePool_64.NumAllocated(); nSize = g_TextureBasePool_64.BytesAllocated(); nTotal = g_TextureBasePool_64.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: pName = "Mip0 - 32K"; nAllocated = g_TextureBasePool_32.NumAllocated(); nSize = g_TextureBasePool_32.BytesAllocated(); nTotal = g_TextureBasePool_32.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_MIXED: continue; case TA_STANDARD: pName = "Standard"; nAllocated = CD3DStandardAllocator::GetAllocations(); nSize = CD3DStandardAllocator::GetSize(); nTotal = nSize; break; } Msg( "Pool:%-12s Allocations:%4d Used:%6.2f MB Total:%6.2fMB\n", pName, nAllocated, nSize/( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ), nTotal/( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ); nActualTotal += nTotal; } Msg( "Total: %.2f MB\n", nActualTotal/( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );
if ( !UseStandardAllocator() ) { Msg( "Mixed textures: %dk/%dk allocated in %d textures\n", g_MixedTextureHeap.m_nLogicalBytes/1024, g_MixedTextureHeap.m_nActualBytes/1024, g_MixedTextureHeap.m_nAllocs ); float oldFootprint, newFootprint; oldFootprint = g_MixedTextureHeap.m_nOldBytes; newFootprint = g_MixedTextureHeap.m_nActualBytes; Msg( "\n Old: %.3fmb, New: %.3fmb\n", oldFootprint / (1024.0*1024.0), newFootprint / (1024.0*1024.0) ); } }
CON_COMMAND( texture_heap_compact, "" ) { if ( UseStandardAllocator() ) { return; }
Msg( "Validating mixed texture heap...\n" ); g_MixedTextureHeap.Validate();
Msg( "Compacting mixed texture heap...\n" ); unsigned int oldLargest, newLargest; oldLargest = ( g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree() ) ? g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree()->heapInfo.nBytes : 0; g_MixedTextureHeap.Compact(); newLargest = ( g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree() ) ? g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree()->heapInfo.nBytes : 0;
Msg( "\n Old largest block: %.3fk, New largest block: %.3fk\n\n", oldLargest / 1024.0, newLargest / 1024.0 );
Msg( "Validating mixed texture heap...\n" ); g_MixedTextureHeap.Validate();
Msg( "Done.\n" ); }
CON_COMMAND( texture_heap_flushlru, "" ) { g_TextureHeap.FlushTextureCache(); }
CON_COMMAND( texture_heap_spewlru, "" ) { g_TextureHeap.SpewTextureCache(); }
void CompactTextureHeap() { unsigned oldLargest, newLargest; oldLargest = ( g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree() ) ? g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree()->heapInfo.nBytes : 0; g_MixedTextureHeap.Compact(); newLargest = ( g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree() ) ? g_MixedTextureHeap.GetLastFree()->heapInfo.nBytes : 0;
DevMsg( "Compacted texture heap. Old largest block: %.3fk, New largest block: %.3fk\n", oldLargest / 1024.0, newLargest / 1024.0 ); }
CTextureHeap::CTextureHeap() { }
// Return the allocator used to create the texture
inline TextureAllocator_t GetTextureAllocator( IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pTexture ) { return ( pTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE ) ? (( CXboxCubeTexture *)pTexture)->m_fAllocator : (( CXboxTexture *)pTexture)->m_fAllocator; }
// Build and alloc a texture resource
IDirect3DTexture *CTextureHeap::AllocTexture( int width, int height, int levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT d3dFormat, bool bNoD3DMemory, bool bCacheable ) { #if defined( SUPPORTS_TEXTURE_STREAMING )
static bool bInitializedPools; if ( !bInitializedPools ) { // Warm the pools, now once
// Pools that should not exist due to state, will inhibit any further potential latent use
bInitializedPools = true; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->IsDVDHosted() ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Base, Pooled D3D" ); bool bNo1024 = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-no1024" ) && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-allow1024" ); if ( !bNo1024 ) { g_TextureBasePool_1024.Free( g_TextureBasePool_1024.Alloc() ); g_TextureBasePool_512.Free( g_TextureBasePool_512.Alloc() ); } g_TextureBasePool_256.Free( g_TextureBasePool_256.Alloc() ); g_TextureBasePool_128.Free( g_TextureBasePool_128.Alloc() ); g_TextureBasePool_64.Free( g_TextureBasePool_64.Alloc() ); g_TextureBasePool_32.Free( g_TextureBasePool_32.Alloc() ); } } #endif
// determine allocator and texture component sizes
unsigned int nBaseSize; unsigned int nMipSize; TextureAllocator_t nAllocator = TextureParamsToAllocator( width, height, levels, usage, d3dFormat, &nBaseSize, &nMipSize );
if ( bCacheable && nAllocator == TA_STANDARD ) { // texture doesn't meet the cacheing guidelines
bCacheable = false; }
int mipOffset; if ( !bCacheable ) { // a non-cacheable texture is setup with a contiguous base
nAllocator = TA_STANDARD; mipOffset = XGHEADER_CONTIGUOUS_MIP_OFFSET; nBaseSize += nMipSize; nMipSize = 0; } else { // a cacheable texture has a non-contiguous base and mips
mipOffset = 0; Assert( nBaseSize && nMipSize ); }
void *pBaseBuffer = NULL; void *pMipBuffer = NULL; if ( !bNoD3DMemory ) { if ( !bCacheable ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Standard D3D" ); // the base and mips are contiguous
// the base is mandatory
pBaseBuffer = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( nBaseSize ); if ( !pBaseBuffer ) { // shouldn't happen, out of memory
return NULL; } } else { { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Base, Pooled D3D" ); // base goes into its own seperate pool seperate from mips
// pools may be full, a failed pool allocation is permissible
switch ( nAllocator ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_1024.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_512.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_256.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_128.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_64.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_32.Alloc(); break; } } { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Mips, Standard D3D" ); // the mips go elsewhere
// the mips are mandatory
pMipBuffer = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( nMipSize ); if ( !pMipBuffer ) { // shouldn't happen, out of memory
return NULL; } } } }
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Texture Headers" );
CXboxTexture* pXboxTexture = new CXboxTexture;
XGSetTextureHeaderEx( width, height, levels, usage, d3dFormat, 0, 0, 0, mipOffset, 0, (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, NULL, NULL );
pXboxTexture->m_fAllocator = nAllocator; pXboxTexture->m_nBaseSize = nBaseSize; pXboxTexture->m_nMipSize = nMipSize; pXboxTexture->m_bBaseAllocated = ( pBaseBuffer != NULL ); pXboxTexture->m_bMipAllocated = ( pMipBuffer != NULL );
// assuming that a texture that allocates now is using the synchronous loader
// and is about to blit textures
pXboxTexture->m_BaseValid = pXboxTexture->m_bBaseAllocated;
if ( bCacheable ) { pXboxTexture->m_tcHandle = m_TextureCache.AddToTail( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture ); }
if ( !bNoD3DMemory ) { if ( !bCacheable ) { // non cacheable texture, base and mip are contiguous
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, pBaseBuffer ); // retrieve offset and fixup
void *pMipOffset = GetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture ); if ( pMipOffset ) { SetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, (unsigned char *)pBaseBuffer + (unsigned int)pMipOffset ); } } else { // cacheable texture, base may or may not be allocated now
if ( !pBaseBuffer ) { // d3d error checking requires we stuff a valid, but bogus base pointer
// the base pointer gets properly set when this cacheable texture is touched
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, pMipBuffer ); SetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, pMipBuffer ); } else { SetD3DTextureBasePtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, pBaseBuffer ); SetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture, pMipBuffer ); } } }
return (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxTexture; }
// Build and alloc a cube texture resource
IDirect3DCubeTexture *CTextureHeap::AllocCubeTexture( int width, int levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT d3dFormat, bool bNoD3DMemory ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Texture Headers" );
CXboxCubeTexture* pXboxCubeTexture = new CXboxCubeTexture;
// create a cube texture with contiguous mips and packed tails
DWORD dwTextureSize = XGSetCubeTextureHeaderEx( width, levels, usage, d3dFormat, 0, 0, 0, XGHEADER_CONTIGUOUS_MIP_OFFSET, (IDirect3DCubeTexture*)pXboxCubeTexture, NULL, NULL );
pXboxCubeTexture->m_fAllocator = TA_STANDARD; pXboxCubeTexture->m_nBaseSize = dwTextureSize; pXboxCubeTexture->m_bBaseAllocated = ( bNoD3DMemory == false );
if ( bNoD3DMemory ) { return (IDirect3DCubeTexture*)pXboxCubeTexture; }
void *pBits; { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Cubemap, Standard D3D" ); pBits = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( dwTextureSize ); if ( !pBits ) { delete pXboxCubeTexture; return NULL; } }
// base and mips are contiguous
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxCubeTexture, pBits ); // retrieve offset and fixup
void *pMipOffset = GetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxCubeTexture ); if ( pMipOffset ) { SetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxCubeTexture, (unsigned char *)pBits + (unsigned int)pMipOffset ); }
return (IDirect3DCubeTexture*)pXboxCubeTexture; }
// Allocate an Volume Texture
IDirect3DVolumeTexture *CTextureHeap::AllocVolumeTexture( int width, int height, int depth, int levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT d3dFormat ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Texture Headers" );
CXboxVolumeTexture *pXboxVolumeTexture = new CXboxVolumeTexture;
// create a cube texture with contiguous mips and packed tails
DWORD dwTextureSize = XGSetVolumeTextureHeaderEx( width, height, depth, levels, usage, d3dFormat, 0, 0, 0, XGHEADER_CONTIGUOUS_MIP_OFFSET, (IDirect3DVolumeTexture *)pXboxVolumeTexture, NULL, NULL ); void *pBits; { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Volume, Standard D3D" ); pBits = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( dwTextureSize ); if ( !pBits ) { delete pXboxVolumeTexture; return NULL; } }
pXboxVolumeTexture->m_fAllocator = TA_STANDARD; pXboxVolumeTexture->m_nBaseSize = dwTextureSize; pXboxVolumeTexture->m_bBaseAllocated = true;
// base and mips are contiguous
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxVolumeTexture, pBits ); // retrieve offset and fixup
void *pMipOffset = GetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxVolumeTexture ); if ( pMipOffset ) { SetD3DTextureMipPtr( (IDirect3DTexture*)pXboxVolumeTexture, (unsigned char *)pBits + (unsigned int)pMipOffset ); }
return pXboxVolumeTexture; }
// Get current backbuffer multisample type (used in AllocRenderTargetSurface() )
D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE CTextureHeap::GetBackBufferMultiSampleType() { int backWidth, backHeight; ShaderAPI()->GetBackBufferDimensions( backWidth, backHeight );
// 2xMSAA at 640x480 and 848x480 are the only supported multisample mode on 360 (2xMSAA for 720p would
// use predicated tiling, which would require a rewrite of *all* our render target code)
// FIXME: shuffle the EDRAM surfaces to allow 4xMSAA for standard def
// (they would overlap & trash each other with the current allocation scheme)
D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE backBufferMultiSampleType = g_pShaderDevice->IsAAEnabled() ? D3DMULTISAMPLE_2_SAMPLES : D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE; Assert( ( g_pShaderDevice->IsAAEnabled() == false ) || (backHeight == 480) );
return backBufferMultiSampleType; }
// Allocate an EDRAM surface
IDirect3DSurface *CTextureHeap::AllocRenderTargetSurface( int width, int height, D3DFORMAT d3dFormat, RTMultiSampleCount360_t multiSampleCount, int base ) { // render target surfaces don't need to exist simultaneously
// force their allocations to overlap at the end of back buffer and zbuffer
// this should leave 3MB (of 10) free assuming 1280x720 (and 5MB with 640x480@2xMSAA)
D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE backBufferMultiSampleType = GetBackBufferMultiSampleType(); D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE multiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
switch ( multiSampleCount ) { case RT_MULTISAMPLE_MATCH_BACKBUFFER: multiSampleType = backBufferMultiSampleType; break;
default: Assert( !"Invalid multisample count" ); multiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE; }
if ( base < 0 ) { int backWidth, backHeight; ShaderAPI()->GetBackBufferDimensions( backWidth, backHeight ); D3DFORMAT backBufferFormat = ImageLoader::ImageFormatToD3DFormat( g_pShaderDevice->GetBackBufferFormat() ); // this is the size of back+depthbuffer in EDRAM
base = 2*XGSurfaceSize( backWidth, backHeight, backBufferFormat, backBufferMultiSampleType ); }
D3DSURFACE_PARAMETERS surfParameters; V_memset( &surfParameters, 0, sizeof( surfParameters ) ); surfParameters.Base = base; surfParameters.ColorExpBias = 0; surfParameters.HiZFunc = D3DHIZFUNC_DEFAULT;
if ( ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_D24FS8 ) || ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_D24S8 ) || ( d3dFormat == D3DFMT_D16 ) ) { surfParameters.HierarchicalZBase = 0; if ( ( surfParameters.HierarchicalZBase + XGHierarchicalZSize( width, height, multiSampleType ) ) > GPU_HIERARCHICAL_Z_TILES ) { // overflow, can't hold the tiles so disable
surfParameters.HierarchicalZBase = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } else { // not using
surfParameters.HierarchicalZBase = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
HRESULT hr; IDirect3DSurface9 *pSurface = NULL; hr = Dx9Device()->CreateRenderTarget( width, height, d3dFormat, multiSampleType, 0, FALSE, &pSurface, &surfParameters ); Assert( !FAILED( hr ) );
return pSurface; }
// Perform the real d3d allocation, returns true if succesful, false otherwise.
// Only valid for a texture created with no d3d bits, otherwise no-op.
bool CTextureHeap::FixupAllocD3DMemory( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return false; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_SURFACE ) { // there are no d3d bits for a surface
return false; }
if ( GetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture ) ) { // already allocated
return true; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { if ( ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bMipAllocated ) { // cacheable texture has already been setup
return true; }
int nAllocator = ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_fAllocator; unsigned int nBaseSize = ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nBaseSize; unsigned int nMipSize = ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nMipSize;
bool bCacheable = ( nAllocator != TA_STANDARD ); void *pBaseBuffer = NULL; void *pMipBuffer = NULL; if ( !bCacheable ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Standard D3D" ); // base and mips are contiguous
Assert( nBaseSize && nMipSize == 0 ); pBaseBuffer = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( nBaseSize ); if ( !pBaseBuffer ) { // base is required, out of memory
return false; } } else { { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Mips, Standard D3D" ); // base and mips are non-contiguous
Assert( nBaseSize && nMipSize ); pMipBuffer = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( nMipSize ); if ( !pMipBuffer ) { // mips are required, out of memory
return false; } }
{ MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Base, Pooled D3D" ); // base goes into its own seperate pool seperate from mips
// pools my be filled, failure is allowed
switch ( nAllocator ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_1024.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_512.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_256.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_128.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_64.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_32.Alloc(); break; } } }
((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bBaseAllocated = ( pBaseBuffer != NULL ); ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bMipAllocated = ( pMipBuffer != NULL );
if ( !bCacheable ) { // non cacheable texture, base and mip are contiguous
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture, pBaseBuffer ); // retrieve offset and fixup
void *pMipOffset = GetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture ); if ( pMipOffset ) { SetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture, (unsigned char *)pBaseBuffer + (unsigned int)pMipOffset ); } // the async queued loader is about to blit textures, so mark valid for render
((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_BaseValid = 1; } else { // cacheable texture, base may or may not be allocated now
if ( !pBaseBuffer ) { // d3d error checking requires we stuff a valid, but bogus base pointer
// the base pointer gets properly set when this cacheable texture is touched
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture, pMipBuffer ); SetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture, pMipBuffer ); } else { SetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture, pBaseBuffer ); SetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture, pMipBuffer ); // the async queued loader is about to blit textures, so mark valid for render
((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_BaseValid = 1; } }
return true; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Cubemap, Standard D3D" ); void *pBaseBuffer = CD3DStandardAllocator::Alloc( ((CXboxCubeTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nBaseSize ); if ( !pBaseBuffer ) { // base is required, out of memory
return false; }
SetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture, pBaseBuffer ); // retrieve offset and fixup
void *pMipOffset = GetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture ); if ( pMipOffset ) { SetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture, (unsigned char *)pBaseBuffer + (unsigned int)pMipOffset ); }
((CXboxCubeTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bBaseAllocated = true;
return true; }
return false; }
// Release the allocated store
void CTextureHeap::FreeTexture( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_SURFACE ) { // texture heap doesn't own render target surfaces
// allow callers to call through for less higher level detection
int ref = ((IDirect3DSurface*)pD3DTexture)->Release(); Assert( ref == 0 ); ref = ref; return; } if ( IsBaseAllocated( pD3DTexture ) ) { byte *pBaseBits = (byte *)GetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture ); if ( pBaseBits ) { switch ( GetTextureAllocator( pD3DTexture ) ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: g_TextureBasePool_1024.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: g_TextureBasePool_512.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: g_TextureBasePool_256.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: g_TextureBasePool_128.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: g_TextureBasePool_64.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: g_TextureBasePool_32.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_STANDARD: CD3DStandardAllocator::Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_MIXED: g_MixedTextureHeap.Free( pBaseBits, ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture) ); break; } } }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { if ( ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_tcHandle != INVALID_TEXTURECACHE_HANDLE ) { m_TextureCache.Remove( ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_tcHandle ); } if ( ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bMipAllocated ) { // not an offset, but a true pointer
void *pMipBits = GetD3DTextureMipPtr( pD3DTexture ); if ( pMipBits ) { CD3DStandardAllocator::Free( pMipBits ); } } delete (CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE ) { delete (CXboxVolumeTexture *)pD3DTexture; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE ) { delete (CXboxCubeTexture *)pD3DTexture; } }
// Returns the allocated footprint.
int CTextureHeap::GetSize( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return 0; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_SURFACE ) { D3DSURFACE_DESC surfaceDesc; HRESULT hr = ((IDirect3DSurface*)pD3DTexture)->GetDesc( &surfaceDesc ); Assert( !FAILED( hr ) ); hr = hr;
int size = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( surfaceDesc.Width, surfaceDesc.Height, 0, ImageLoader::D3DFormatToImageFormat( surfaceDesc.Format ), false );
return size; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nBaseSize + ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nMipSize; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxCubeTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nBaseSize; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxVolumeTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nBaseSize; }
return 0; }
// Returns the amount of memory needed just for the cacheable component.
int CTextureHeap::GetCacheableSize( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return 0; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE && ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_fAllocator != TA_STANDARD ) { // the base is the cacheable component
return ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nBaseSize; }
return 0; }
// Crunch the pools
void CTextureHeap::Compact() { g_MixedTextureHeap.Compact(); }
// Query to determine if texture was setup for cacheing.
bool CTextureHeap::IsTextureCacheManaged( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return false; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_tcHandle != INVALID_TEXTURECACHE_HANDLE; }
return false; }
// Query to determine if texture has an allocated base.
bool CTextureHeap::IsBaseAllocated( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return false; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bBaseAllocated; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxCubeTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bBaseAllocated; } else if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE ) { return ((CXboxVolumeTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_bBaseAllocated; }
return true; }
// Query to determine if texture is valid for hi-res rendering.
bool CTextureHeap::IsTextureResident( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { if ( !pD3DTexture ) { return false; }
// only the simple texture type streams and can be evicted
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { return ( ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_BaseValid != 0 ); }
// all other types, cube, volume, are defined as resident
return true; }
// Used for debugging purposes only!!! Forceful eviction. Can cause system lockups
// under repeated use due to desired forced behavior and ignoring GPU.
void CTextureHeap::FlushTextureCache() { TextureCacheHandle_t tcHandle; for ( tcHandle = m_TextureCache.Head(); tcHandle != m_TextureCache.InvalidIndex(); tcHandle = m_TextureCache.Next( tcHandle ) ) { CXboxTexture *pPurgeCandidate = (CXboxTexture *)m_TextureCache[tcHandle];
if ( !pPurgeCandidate->m_BaseValid ) { continue; }
byte *pBaseBits = (byte *)GetD3DTextureBasePtr( pPurgeCandidate ); Assert( pBaseBits ); if ( pBaseBits ) { switch ( pPurgeCandidate->m_fAllocator ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: g_TextureBasePool_1024.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: g_TextureBasePool_512.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: g_TextureBasePool_256.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: g_TextureBasePool_128.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: g_TextureBasePool_64.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: g_TextureBasePool_32.Free( pBaseBits ); break; } } pPurgeCandidate->m_bBaseAllocated = false; pPurgeCandidate->m_BaseValid = 0; } }
// Computation job to do work after IO, runs callback
static void IOComputationJob( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture, void *pData, int nDataSize, TextureLoadError_t loaderError ) { CXboxTexture *pXboxTexture = (CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture;
if ( texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_SPEW ) { char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->String( pXboxTexture->m_hFilename, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) ); Msg( "Arrived: size:%d thread:0x%8.8x %s\n", nDataSize, ThreadGetCurrentId(), szFilename ); } if ( texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_COLORIZE_AFTERIO ) { // colorize the base to use during the i/o latency
V_memset( GetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture ), BASE_COLOR_AFTER, pXboxTexture->m_nBaseSize ); } else if ( pData && nDataSize ) { // get a unique vtf and mount texture
// vtf can expect non-volatile buffer data to be stable through vtf lifetime
// this prevents redundant copious amounts of image memory transfers
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();
CUtlBuffer vtfBuffer; vtfBuffer.SetExternalBuffer( (void *)pData, nDataSize, nDataSize ); if ( pVTFTexture->UnserializeFromBuffer( vtfBuffer, false, false, false, 0 ) ) { // provided vtf buffer is all mips, determine top mip due to possible picmip
int mipWidth, mipHeight, mipDepth; pVTFTexture->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( pXboxTexture->m_nMipSkipCount, &mipWidth, &mipHeight, &mipDepth ); // blit the hi-res texture bits into d3d memory
unsigned char *pSourceBits = pVTFTexture->ImageData( 0, 0, pXboxTexture->m_nMipSkipCount, 0, 0, 0 );
TextureLoadInfo_t info; info.m_TextureHandle = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; info.m_pTexture = pD3DTexture; info.m_nLevel = 0; info.m_nCopy = 0; info.m_CubeFaceID = (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES)0; info.m_nWidth = mipWidth; info.m_nHeight = mipHeight; info.m_nZOffset = 0; info.m_SrcFormat = pVTFTexture->Format(); info.m_pSrcData = pSourceBits; info.m_bSrcIsTiled = pVTFTexture->IsPreTiled(); info.m_bCanConvertFormat = false;
LoadTexture( info ); }
if ( pVTFTexture ) { DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture ); } }
if ( pData ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pData ); }
g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRelease( pXboxTexture->m_hAsyncControl ); pXboxTexture->m_hAsyncControl = NULL;
// ready for render
pXboxTexture->m_BaseValid = 1; }
// Callback from I/O job thread. Purposely lightweight as possible to keep i/o from stalling.
static void IOAsyncCallback( const FileAsyncRequest_t &asyncRequest, int numReadBytes, FSAsyncStatus_t asyncStatus ) { IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture = (IDirect3DBaseTexture *)asyncRequest.pContext;
// interpret the async error
TextureLoadError_t loaderError; switch ( asyncStatus ) { case FSASYNC_OK: loaderError = TEXLOADERROR_NONE; break; case FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN: loaderError = TEXLOADERROR_FILEOPEN; break; default: loaderError = TEXLOADERROR_READING; }
// have data or error, do callback as a computation job
CJob *pComputationJob = new CFunctorJob( CreateFunctor( IOComputationJob, pD3DTexture, asyncRequest.pData, numReadBytes, loaderError ) ); pComputationJob->SetServiceThread( 1 ); pComputationJob->SetFlags( pComputationJob->GetFlags() | JF_QUEUE ); g_pThreadPool->AddJob( pComputationJob ); pComputationJob->Release(); }
// Attempts to restore a cacheable texture. An async i/o operation may be kicked
// off.
bool CTextureHeap::RestoreCacheableTexture( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture ) { static unsigned int s_failedAllocator[TA_MAX];
unsigned int nFrameCount = g_pShaderAPIDX8->GetCurrentFrameCounter(); CXboxTexture *pXboxTexture = (CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture;
if ( s_failedAllocator[pXboxTexture->m_fAllocator] == nFrameCount ) { // allocator has already failed an eviction this frame
// avoid costly pointless search, retry next frame
return false; }
void *pBaseBuffer = NULL; TextureCacheHandle_t tcHandle = m_TextureCache.Head();
int numAttempts = 0; while ( numAttempts < 2 ) { { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( __FILE__ ": Base, Pooled D3D" ); switch ( pXboxTexture->m_fAllocator ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_1024.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_512.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_256.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_128.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_64.Alloc(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: pBaseBuffer = g_TextureBasePool_32.Alloc(); break; } } if ( pBaseBuffer ) { // found memory!
break; }
// squeeze lru for memory
for ( ; tcHandle != m_TextureCache.InvalidIndex(); tcHandle = m_TextureCache.Next( tcHandle ) ) { if ( tcHandle == pXboxTexture->m_tcHandle ) { // skip self
continue; } CXboxTexture *pPurgeCandidate = (CXboxTexture *)m_TextureCache[tcHandle];
if ( !pPurgeCandidate->m_BaseValid || pPurgeCandidate->m_fAllocator != pXboxTexture->m_fAllocator || pPurgeCandidate->m_nFrameCount >= nFrameCount-1 ) { // only allowing eviction from the expected pool
// using frame counter as the cheapest method to cull GPU busy resources
continue; }
byte *pBaseBits = (byte *)GetD3DTextureBasePtr( pPurgeCandidate ); Assert( pBaseBits ); if ( pBaseBits ) { switch ( pPurgeCandidate->m_fAllocator ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: g_TextureBasePool_1024.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: g_TextureBasePool_512.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: g_TextureBasePool_256.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: g_TextureBasePool_128.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: g_TextureBasePool_64.Free( pBaseBits ); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: g_TextureBasePool_32.Free( pBaseBits ); break; } } pPurgeCandidate->m_bBaseAllocated = false; pPurgeCandidate->m_BaseValid = 0;
if ( texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_SPEW ) { char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->String( pXboxTexture->m_hFilename, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) ); Msg( "Evicted: %s\n", szFilename ); }
// retry allocation
break; }
numAttempts++; }
if ( !pBaseBuffer ) { // no eviction occured
// mark which allocator failed
s_failedAllocator[pXboxTexture->m_fAllocator] = nFrameCount; return false; }
pXboxTexture->m_bBaseAllocated = true; SetD3DTextureBasePtr( pD3DTexture, pBaseBuffer );
// setup i/o
char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->String( pXboxTexture->m_hFilename, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
if ( texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_COLORIZE_BEFOREIO || texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_COLORIZE_AFTERIO ) { // colorize the base to use during the i/o latency
V_memset( pBaseBuffer, BASE_COLOR_BEFORE, pXboxTexture->m_nBaseSize ); } if ( texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_SPEW ) { Msg( "Queued: %s\n", szFilename ); }
FileAsyncRequest_t asyncRequest; asyncRequest.pszFilename = szFilename; asyncRequest.priority = -1; asyncRequest.flags = FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE; asyncRequest.pContext = (void *)pD3DTexture; asyncRequest.pfnCallback = IOAsyncCallback; g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRead( asyncRequest, &pXboxTexture->m_hAsyncControl );
return true; }
// Moves to head of LRU. Allocates and queues for loading if evicted. Returns
// true if texture is resident, false otherwise.
bool CTextureHeap::TouchTexture( CXboxTexture *pXboxTexture ) { bool bValid = true; if ( pXboxTexture->m_tcHandle != INVALID_TEXTURECACHE_HANDLE ) { // touch
m_TextureCache.LinkToTail( pXboxTexture->m_tcHandle ); bValid = ( pXboxTexture->m_BaseValid != 0 ); if ( !bValid && !pXboxTexture->m_bBaseAllocated ) { RestoreCacheableTexture( (IDirect3DBaseTexture *)pXboxTexture ); } if ( texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_COLORIZE_BEFOREIO || texture_heap_debug.GetInt() == THD_COLORIZE_AFTERIO ) { // debug mode allows the render to proceed before the i/o completes
bValid = pXboxTexture->m_bBaseAllocated; } } return bValid; }
// Save file info for d3d texture restore process.
void CTextureHeap::SetCacheableTextureParams( IDirect3DBaseTexture *pD3DTexture, const char *pFilename, int mipSkipCount ) { if ( !IsTextureCacheManaged( pD3DTexture ) ) { // wasn't setup for cacheing
return; }
if ( pD3DTexture->GetType() == D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE ) { // store compact absolute filename
((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_hFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( pFilename ); ((CXboxTexture *)pD3DTexture)->m_nMipSkipCount = mipSkipCount; } }
void CTextureHeap::SpewTextureCache() { Msg( "LRU:\n" );
TextureCacheHandle_t tcHandle; for ( tcHandle = m_TextureCache.Head(); tcHandle != m_TextureCache.InvalidIndex(); tcHandle = m_TextureCache.Next( tcHandle ) ) { CXboxTexture *pXboxTexture = (CXboxTexture *)m_TextureCache[tcHandle];
char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->String( pXboxTexture->m_hFilename, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
const char *pState = "???"; if ( pXboxTexture->m_BaseValid ) { pState = "Valid"; } else { if ( !pXboxTexture->m_bBaseAllocated ) { pState = "Evicted"; } else if ( pXboxTexture->m_hAsyncControl ) { pState = "Loading"; } }
Msg( "0x%8.8x (%8s) %s\n", pXboxTexture->m_nFrameCount, pState, szFilename ); } }
// Return the total amount of memory allocated for the base pools.
int CTextureHeap::GetCacheableHeapSize() { int nTotal = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < TA_MAX; i++ ) { switch ( i ) { case TA_BASEPOOL_1024: nTotal += g_TextureBasePool_1024.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_512: nTotal += g_TextureBasePool_512.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_256: nTotal += g_TextureBasePool_256.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_128: nTotal += g_TextureBasePool_128.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_64: nTotal += g_TextureBasePool_64.BytesTotal(); break; case TA_BASEPOOL_32: nTotal += g_TextureBasePool_32.BytesTotal(); break; default: continue; } } return nTotal; }