//===================== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ======================
#if defined( _X360 )
void GetBaseTextureAndNormal( sampler base, sampler base2, sampler bump, bool bBase2, bool bBump, float3 coords, float2 bumpcoords, float3 vWeights, out float4 vResultBase, out float4 vResultBase2, out float4 vResultBump ) { vResultBase = 0; vResultBase2 = 0; vResultBump = 0;
if ( !bBump ) { vResultBump = float4(0, 0, 1, 1); }
vWeights = max( vWeights - 0.3, 0 ); vWeights *= 1.0f / dot( vWeights, float3(1,1,1) );
[branch] if (vWeights.x > 0) { vResultBase += vWeights.x * tex2D( base, coords.zy );
if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 += vWeights.x * tex2D( base2, coords.zy ); }
if ( bBump ) { vResultBump += vWeights.x * tex2D( bump, coords.zy ); } }
[branch] if (vWeights.y > 0) { vResultBase += vWeights.y * tex2D( base, coords.xz );
if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 += vWeights.y * tex2D( base2, coords.xz ); } if ( bBump ) { vResultBump += vWeights.y * tex2D( bump, coords.xz ); } }
[branch] if (vWeights.z > 0) { vResultBase += vWeights.z * tex2D( base, coords.xy ); if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 += vWeights.z * tex2D( base2, coords.xy ); }
if ( bBump ) { vResultBump += vWeights.z * tex2D( bump, coords.xy ); } }
#if ( SHADER_SRGB_READ == 1 )
// Do this after the blending to save shader ops
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// [mariod] - for CSTRIKE15 we are not using any PWL textures but gamma 2.2 reads of srgb textures
vResultBase.rgb = GammaToLinear( vResultBase.rgb ); vResultBase2.rgb = GammaToLinear( vResultBase2.rgb ); #else
vResultBase.rgb = X360GammaToLinear( vResultBase.rgb ); vResultBase2.rgb = X360GammaToLinear( vResultBase2.rgb ); #endif
#else // not seamless
vResultBase = tex2Dsrgb( base, coords.xy );
if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 = tex2Dsrgb( base2, coords.xy ); }
if ( bBump ) { vResultBump = tex2D( bump, bumpcoords.xy ); }
#else // PC
void GetBaseTextureAndNormal( sampler base, sampler base2, sampler bump, bool bBase2, bool bBump, float3 coords, float3 coords2, float2 bumpcoords, HALF3 vWeights, out HALF4 vResultBase, out HALF4 vResultBase2, out HALF4 vResultBump ) { vResultBase = 0; vResultBase2 = 0; vResultBump = 0;
if ( !bBump ) { vResultBump = HALF4(0, 0, 1, 1); }
vResultBase += vWeights.x * h4tex2D( base, coords.zy ); if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 += vWeights.x * h4tex2D( base2, coords.zy ); } if ( bBump ) { vResultBump += vWeights.x * h4tex2D( bump, coords.zy ); }
vResultBase += vWeights.y * h4tex2D( base, coords.xz ); if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 += vWeights.y * h4tex2D( base2, coords.xz ); } if ( bBump ) { vResultBump += vWeights.y * h4tex2D( bump, coords.xz ); }
vResultBase += vWeights.z * h4tex2D( base, coords.xy ); if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 += vWeights.z * h4tex2D( base2, coords.xy ); } if ( bBump ) { vResultBump += vWeights.z * h4tex2D( bump, coords.xy ); }
#else // not seamless
vResultBase = h4tex2D( base, coords.xy ); if ( bBase2 ) { vResultBase2 = h4tex2D( base2, coords2.xy ); } if ( bBump ) { vResultBump = h4tex2D( bump, bumpcoords.xy ); }
HALF4 LightMapSample( sampler LightmapSampler, float2 vTexCoord ) { #if ( !defined( _X360 ) || !defined( USE_32BIT_LIGHTMAPS_ON_360 ) )
{ HALF4 sample = h4tex2D( LightmapSampler, vTexCoord ); return sample; } #else
{ #if 0 //1 for cheap sampling, 0 for accurate scaling from the individual samples
{ float4 sample = tex2D( LightmapSampler, vTexCoord );
return HALF4( sample.rgb * sample.a, 1.0 ); } #else
{ float4 Weights; float4 samples_0; //no arrays allowed in inline assembly
float4 samples_1; float4 samples_2; float4 samples_3; asm { tfetch2D samples_0, vTexCoord.xy, LightmapSampler, OffsetX = -0.5, OffsetY = -0.5, MinFilter=point, MagFilter=point, MipFilter=keep, UseComputedLOD=false tfetch2D samples_1, vTexCoord.xy, LightmapSampler, OffsetX = 0.5, OffsetY = -0.5, MinFilter=point, MagFilter=point, MipFilter=keep, UseComputedLOD=false tfetch2D samples_2, vTexCoord.xy, LightmapSampler, OffsetX = -0.5, OffsetY = 0.5, MinFilter=point, MagFilter=point, MipFilter=keep, UseComputedLOD=false tfetch2D samples_3, vTexCoord.xy, LightmapSampler, OffsetX = 0.5, OffsetY = 0.5, MinFilter=point, MagFilter=point, MipFilter=keep, UseComputedLOD=false
getWeights2D Weights, vTexCoord.xy, LightmapSampler };
Weights = float4( (1-Weights.x)*(1-Weights.y), Weights.x*(1-Weights.y), (1-Weights.x)*Weights.y, Weights.x*Weights.y );
float3 result; result.rgb = samples_0.rgb * (samples_0.a * Weights.x); result.rgb += samples_1.rgb * (samples_1.a * Weights.y); result.rgb += samples_2.rgb * (samples_2.a * Weights.z); result.rgb += samples_3.rgb * (samples_3.a * Weights.w); return float4( result, 1.0 ); } #endif
} #endif
struct VS_OUTPUT { #ifndef PIXELSHADER
float4 projPos : POSITION; #if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0 )
float fog : FOG; #endif
float3 SeamlessTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; #else
float4 baseTexCoord_blendmodulateTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; #endif
float4 detailTexCoord_EnvmapMaskTexCoord : TEXCOORD1; float4 lightmapTexCoord1And2 : TEXCOORD2_centroid; float4 lightmapTexCoord3_bumpTexCoord : TEXCOORD3_centroid; float4 worldPos_projPosZ : TEXCOORD4;
float4 tangentSpaceTranspose0_vertexBlendX : TEXCOORD5; float4 tangentSpaceTranspose1_bumpTexCoord2u : TEXCOORD6; float4 tangentSpaceTranspose2_bumpTexCoord2v : TEXCOORD7;
#if defined ( SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
float4 baseTexCoord2_detailTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD8; #endif
float4 vertexColor : COLOR0;
// Extra iterators on 360, used in flashlight combo
#if ( defined( _X360 ) || defined( _PS3 ) ) && FLASHLIGHT
float4 flashlightSpacePos : TEXCOORD8; float4 vProjPos : TEXCOORD9; #endif
#if defined( PIXELSHADER ) && defined( _X360 )
float2 vScreenPos : VPOS; #endif
// base
// don't use BASETEXCOORD in the SEAMLESS case
#define BASETEXCOORD baseTexCoord_blendmodulateTexCoord.xy
#if defined ( SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
#define BASETEXCOORD2 baseTexCoord2_detailTexCoord2.xy
#define BASETEXCOORD2 baseTexCoord_blendmodulateTexCoord.xy
// detail
#define DETAILCOORD detailTexCoord_EnvmapMaskTexCoord.xy
#if defined ( SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
#define DETAILCOORD2 baseTexCoord2_detailTexCoord2.zw
// bump
#define BUMPCOORD lightmapTexCoord3_bumpTexCoord.zw
#define BUMPCOORD2U tangentSpaceTranspose1_bumpTexCoord2u.w
#define BUMPCOORD2V tangentSpaceTranspose2_bumpTexCoord2v.w
#define ENVMAPMASKCOORD detailTexCoord_EnvmapMaskTexCoord.zw
#define BLENDMODULATECOORD baseTexCoord_blendmodulateTexCoord.zw