//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// Utility functions for polygon simplification / convex decomposition.
#include "polygon.h"
#include "quadric.h"
// Assumes that points are ordered clockwise when looking at the face of the polygon
void SimplifyPolygon( CUtlVector< Vector > *pPoints, const Vector &vNormal, float flMaximumDeviation ) { if ( pPoints->Count() < 3 ) { return; }
int nVertices = pPoints->Count(); Vector vPrevious = pPoints->Element( nVertices - 1 ); Vector vCurrent = pPoints->Element( 0 ); Vector vNext; // Walk around the polygon removing redundant vertices
for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++ i ) { vNext = pPoints->Element( ( i + 1 ) % nVertices );
// Is the current vertex redundant?
Vector vCurrentToNext = vNext - vCurrent; Vector vCurrentToPrevious = vPrevious - vCurrent; // Compute the area of of the error triangle added (if negative) or removed (if positive) with the removal of this vertex
float flAreaDeviation = 0.5f * vCurrentToPrevious.Cross( vCurrentToNext ).Dot( vNormal );
// Only consider a point for removal if it would decrease the polygon area (be conservative)
if ( flAreaDeviation >= 0.0f && flAreaDeviation < flMaximumDeviation ) { // redundant
pPoints->Remove( i ); -- nVertices; -- i; } else { vPrevious = vCurrent; }
vCurrent = vNext; } }
static void ComputeQuadric( const CUtlVector< Vector > &points, int nVertex, const Vector &vNormal, CQuadricError *pError ) { int nVertices = points.Count(); Vector vPrevious = points[( nVertex + nVertices - 1 ) % nVertices]; Vector vCurrent = points[nVertex]; Vector vNext = points[( nVertex + 1 ) % nVertices]; Vector vAbove = vCurrent + vNormal;
pError->InitFromPlane( vNormal, -DotProduct( vNormal, vCurrent ), 1.0f ); CQuadricError line1, line2; line1.InitFromTriangle( vPrevious, vCurrent, vAbove, 0.0f ); *pError += line1; line2.InitFromTriangle( vNext, vCurrent, vAbove, 0.0f ); *pError += line2; }
void SimplifyPolygonQEM( CUtlVector< Vector > *pPoints, const Vector &vNormal, float flMaximumSquaredError, bool bUseOptimalPointPlacement ) { if ( pPoints->Count() < 3 ) { return; } CUtlVector< CQuadricError > quadrics; quadrics.EnsureCapacity( pPoints->Count() ); int nVertices = pPoints->Count(); Vector vPrevious = pPoints->Element( nVertices - 1 ); Vector vCurrent = pPoints->Element( 0 ); Vector vNext;
// Compute quadric error functions for each vertex
for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++ i ) { vNext = pPoints->Element( ( i + 1 ) % nVertices );
Vector vAbove = vCurrent + vNormal; quadrics.AddToTail(); quadrics[i].InitFromPlane( vNormal, -DotProduct( vNormal, vCurrent ), 1.0f ); CQuadricError line1, line2; line1.InitFromTriangle( vPrevious, vCurrent, vAbove, 0.0f ); quadrics[i] += line1; line2.InitFromTriangle( vNext, vCurrent, vAbove, 0.0f ); quadrics[i] += line2;
vPrevious = vCurrent; vCurrent = vNext; }
// @TODO: use a sorted heap instead of pseudo-bubble-sort
// We like quadrilaterals...don't try to go simpler than that
while ( pPoints->Count() > 4 ) { float flLowestError = flMaximumSquaredError; Vector vBestCollapse; int nCollapseIndex = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++ i ) { int nNextIndex = ( i + 1 ) % nVertices; CQuadricError sum = quadrics[i] + quadrics[nNextIndex];
if ( bUseOptimalPointPlacement ) { // Solve for optimal point and collapse to it
Vector vOptimalPoint = sum.SolveForMinimumError(); float flError = sum.ComputeError( vOptimalPoint ); if ( flError < flLowestError ) { flLowestError = flError; vBestCollapse = vOptimalPoint; nCollapseIndex = i; } } else { // Only collapse to endpoints
Vector vA = pPoints->Element( i ); float flErrorA = sum.ComputeError( vA ); if ( flErrorA < flLowestError ) { flLowestError = flErrorA; vBestCollapse = vA; nCollapseIndex = i; } Vector vB = pPoints->Element( nNextIndex ); float flErrorB = sum.ComputeError( vB ); if ( flErrorB < flLowestError ) { flLowestError = flErrorB; vBestCollapse = vB; nCollapseIndex = i; } } }
if ( nCollapseIndex != -1 ) { pPoints->Element( nCollapseIndex ) = vBestCollapse; int nNextIndex = ( nCollapseIndex + 1 ) % nVertices; pPoints->Remove( nNextIndex ); quadrics.Remove( nNextIndex ); -- nVertices; if ( nNextIndex < nCollapseIndex ) -- nCollapseIndex;
int nPrevIndex = ( nCollapseIndex + nVertices - 1 ) % nVertices; nNextIndex = ( nCollapseIndex + 1 ) % nVertices; ComputeQuadric( *pPoints, nPrevIndex, vNormal, &quadrics[nPrevIndex] ); ComputeQuadric( *pPoints, nCollapseIndex, vNormal, &quadrics[nCollapseIndex] ); ComputeQuadric( *pPoints, nNextIndex, vNormal, &quadrics[nNextIndex] ); } else { // we're done
break; } } }
bool IsConcave( const Vector &v0, const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Vector &vNormal ) { Vector vRay1 = v2 - v1; Vector vRay2 = v0 - v1; float flSign = vRay2.Cross( vRay1 ).Dot( vNormal ); return ( flSign < 0 ); }
bool IsConcave( const Vector *pPolygonPoints, int nPointCount, int nVertex, const Vector &vNormal ) { Assert( nPointCount >= 3 ); int nPrevVertex = ( nVertex + nPointCount - 1 ) % nPointCount; int nNextVertex = ( nVertex + 1 ) % nPointCount;
return IsConcave( pPolygonPoints[nPrevVertex], pPolygonPoints[nVertex], pPolygonPoints[nNextVertex], vNormal ); }
bool IsConcave( const Vector *pPolygonPoints, int nPointCount, const Vector &vNormal ) { Assert( nPointCount >= 3 );
Vector vPrevVertex = pPolygonPoints[nPointCount - 2]; Vector vVertex = pPolygonPoints[nPointCount - 1]; Vector vNextVertex; for ( int i = 0; i < nPointCount; ++ i ) { vNextVertex = pPolygonPoints[i]; if ( IsConcave( vPrevVertex, vVertex, vNextVertex, vNormal ) ) { return true; } vPrevVertex = vVertex; vVertex = vNextVertex; }
return false; }
static bool IsPointInPolygon( const CUtlVector< Vector > &polygonPoints, const SubPolygon_t &convexRegion, const Vector &vNormal, const Vector &vPoint ) { int nIndex = convexRegion.m_Indices[convexRegion.m_Indices.Count() - 1]; Vector v0 = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, nIndex );
for ( int i = 0; i < convexRegion.m_Indices.Count(); ++ i ) { nIndex = convexRegion.m_Indices[i]; Vector v1 = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, nIndex ); Vector vRay = v1 - v0; Vector vRight = vRay.Cross( vNormal ); if ( vRight.Dot( vPoint - v0 ) < -POINT_IN_POLYGON_EPSILON ) { return false; }
v0 = v1; }
return true; }
static bool PointsInsideConvexArea( const CUtlVector< Vector > &polygonPoints, const SubPolygon_t &originalPolygon, const Vector &vNormal, int nFirstIndex, int nLastIndex, const SubPolygon_t &convexRegion ) { nFirstIndex %= originalPolygon.m_Indices.Count(); nLastIndex %= originalPolygon.m_Indices.Count(); if ( nFirstIndex < 0 ) nFirstIndex += originalPolygon.m_Indices.Count(); if ( nLastIndex < 0 ) nLastIndex += originalPolygon.m_Indices.Count();
for ( int i = nFirstIndex; i != nLastIndex; i = ( i + 1 ) % originalPolygon.m_Indices.Count() ) { int nVertex = originalPolygon.GetVertexIndex( i ); Vector vPoint = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, nVertex ); if ( IsPointInPolygon( polygonPoints, convexRegion, vNormal, vPoint ) ) { bool bIsDoubleVertex = false; // Allow points on the boundary of the convex region if they are coincident with one of the points of the region itself
for ( int j = 0; j < convexRegion.m_Indices.Count(); ++ j ) { Vector vConvexRegionTestPoint = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, convexRegion.GetVertexIndex( j ) ); if ( VectorsAreEqual( vConvexRegionTestPoint, vPoint, POINT_IN_POLYGON_EPSILON ) ) { bIsDoubleVertex = true; break; } } if ( !bIsDoubleVertex ) { return true; } } } return false; }
static const float LINE_INTERSECT_EPSILON = 1e-3f;
// superceded by CalcLineToLineIntersectionSegment
// bool LineSegmentsIntersect( const Vector &vNormal, const Vector &v1a, const Vector &v1b, const Vector &v2a, const Vector &v2b, float flEpsilon, float *pTimeOfIntersection1, float *pTimeOfIntersection2 )
// {
// Vector vDir1 = v1b - v1a;
// Vector vDir2 = v2b - v2a;
// Vector v1Perpendicular = vDir1.Cross( vNormal );
// Vector vStartDiff = v1a - v2a;
// float flNumerator = vStartDiff.Dot( v1Perpendicular );
// float flDenominator = vDir2.Dot( v1Perpendicular );
// // @TODO: we should probably use a different epsilon since the denominator is in different units, but this works well so far
// if ( fabsf( flDenominator ) < flEpsilon )
// {
// return false;
// }
// float t2 = flNumerator / flDenominator;
// if ( t2 >= -flEpsilon && t2 <= ( 1.0f + flEpsilon ) )
// {
// Vector vClosestPoint2 = t2 * vDir2 + v2a;
// float flLength1 = vDir1.NormalizeInPlace();
// // Can't be 0 otherwise flDenominator would have been 0
// float t1 = ( vClosestPoint2 - v1a ).Dot( vDir1 ) / flLength1;
// if ( t1 >= -flEpsilon && t1 <= ( 1.0f + flEpsilon ) )
// {
// *pTimeOfIntersection1 = t1;
// *pTimeOfIntersection2 = t2;
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// Note: this is not a general purpose intersection test;
// it makes some assumptions that the winding of the polygon is
// counter-clockwise (because it's expected to be a hole) and that,
// if the line segment vA-vB intersects a line segment in the hole
// (denoted by vHoleA-vHoleB, in counter-clockwise ordering),
// then the line segment vA-vHoleB must not intersect any other part of
// the hole polygon.
static bool LineSegmentIntersectsPolygon( const CUtlVector< Vector > &polygonPoints, const Vector &vNormal, const Vector &vA, const Vector &vB, const SubPolygon_t &hole, float *pLowestTimeOfIntersection, Vector *pA, Vector *pB, int *pHoleVertexIndex ) { *pLowestTimeOfIntersection = 2.0f; // a valid time is between 0 and 1, anything outside the range is considered invalid
float flTimeOfIntersection; Vector vPrev = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, hole.m_Indices[hole.m_Indices.Count() - 1] ); bool bIntersect = false; Vector vInside = ( vB - vA ).Cross( vNormal ); for ( int i = 0; i < hole.m_Indices.Count(); ++ i ) { float flOtherTimeOfIntersection; Vector vCurrent = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, hole.m_Indices[i] ); // @TODO: make sure the replacement is ok before deleting
//if ( LineSegmentsIntersect( vNormal, vA, vB, vPrev, vCurrent, &flTimeOfIntersection, &flOtherTimeOfIntersection ) )
CalcLineToLineIntersectionSegment( vA, vB, vPrev, vCurrent, NULL, NULL, &flTimeOfIntersection, &flOtherTimeOfIntersection ); if ( flTimeOfIntersection >= -LINE_INTERSECT_EPSILON && flTimeOfIntersection <= 1.0f + LINE_INTERSECT_EPSILON && flOtherTimeOfIntersection >= -LINE_INTERSECT_EPSILON && flTimeOfIntersection <= 1.0f + LINE_INTERSECT_EPSILON ) { // If the line segment intersection occurs right at the beginning of the hole line segment, ignore it because we'll catch it as an intersection at the end of
// another hole line segment.
// This is required because we want to guarantee that a line segment from vA to vCurrent does not intersect the polygon at any point.
if ( flTimeOfIntersection < *pLowestTimeOfIntersection && flOtherTimeOfIntersection > LINE_INTERSECT_EPSILON ) { *pLowestTimeOfIntersection = flTimeOfIntersection; *pA = vPrev; *pB = vCurrent;
float flPrevInsideDistance = ( vPrev - vA ).Dot( vInside ); float flCurrentInsideDistance = ( vCurrent - vA ).Dot( vInside ); if ( flCurrentInsideDistance > flPrevInsideDistance ) { *pHoleVertexIndex = i; } else { *pHoleVertexIndex = ( i + hole.m_Indices.Count() - 1 ) % hole.m_Indices.Count(); } bIntersect = true; } } vPrev = vCurrent; } return bIntersect; }
void FindLineSegmentIntersectingDiagonal( const CUtlVector< Vector > &polygonPoints, const Vector &vNormal, const CUtlVector< SubPolygon_t > &holes, const Vector &vA, const Vector &vB, Vector *pHoleSegmentA, Vector *pHoleSegmentB, int *pHoleIndex, int *pHoleVertexIndex ) { float flLowestTimeOfIntersection = 2.0f; int nHoleVertexIndex; *pHoleIndex = -1;
// Test for holes
for ( int i = 0; i < holes.Count(); ++ i ) { float flTimeOfIntersection; Vector vTempA, vTempB; if ( LineSegmentIntersectsPolygon( polygonPoints, vNormal, vA, vB, holes[i], &flTimeOfIntersection, &vTempA, &vTempB, &nHoleVertexIndex ) ) { if ( flTimeOfIntersection < flLowestTimeOfIntersection ) { flLowestTimeOfIntersection = flTimeOfIntersection; *pHoleSegmentA = vTempA; *pHoleSegmentB = vTempB; *pHoleIndex = i; *pHoleVertexIndex = nHoleVertexIndex; } } } }
void DecomposePolygon_Step( const CUtlVector< Vector > &polygonPoints, const Vector &vNormal, CUtlVector< SubPolygon_t > *pHoles, SubPolygon_t *pNewPartition, SubPolygon_t *pOriginalPolygon, int *pFirstIndex ) { Assert( *pFirstIndex >= 0 && *pFirstIndex < pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count() ); // Always start decomposition on a notch
Vector vPrev = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( *pFirstIndex - 1 ) ); Vector vCurrent = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( *pFirstIndex ) ); Vector vNext = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( *pFirstIndex + 1 ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); ++ i ) { if ( IsConcave( vPrev, vCurrent, vNext, vNormal) ) { *pFirstIndex = ( *pFirstIndex + i ) % pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); break; } else { vPrev = vCurrent; vCurrent = vNext; vNext = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( *pFirstIndex + i + 2 ) ); } } // On termination of the loop, pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices[*pFirstIndex] is the vertex index (in polygonPoints) from
// which to begin decomposition
// Attempt decomposition (first clockwise, then counter-clockwise if that fails)
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++ i ) { bool bClockwise = ( i == 0 );
// Grab the first 2 vertices from the remaining polygon and add to the new potential convex partition
int nFirstVertex = pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( *pFirstIndex ); int nSecondVertex = pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( *pFirstIndex + ( bClockwise ? 1 : -1 ) ); if ( bClockwise ) { pNewPartition->m_Indices.AddToTail( nFirstVertex ); pNewPartition->m_Indices.AddToTail( nSecondVertex ); } else { pNewPartition->m_Indices.AddToTail( nSecondVertex ); pNewPartition->m_Indices.AddToTail( nFirstVertex ); }
Vector vFirst = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, nFirstVertex ); Vector vSecond = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, nSecondVertex ); Vector vPrevPrev = vFirst; vPrev = vSecond;
int nNextIndex = *pFirstIndex + ( bClockwise ? 2 : -2 ); int nNextVertex = pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( nNextIndex );
// At the start of each iteration, *pFirstIndex refers to the index of the first vertex from the original polygon that is in the partition
// and nNextIndex refers to 1 past the index of the last vertex from the original polygon that is in the partition.
// If clockwise, you can find the new convex partition by iterating indices in original polygon from [*pFirstIndex, nNextIndex-1],
// if counter-clockwise, iterate from [nNextIndex+1, *pFirstIndex].
while ( pNewPartition->m_Indices.Count() < pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count() ) { vCurrent = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, nNextVertex );
bool bConcave; if ( bClockwise ) { bConcave = IsConcave( vPrevPrev, vPrev, vCurrent, vNormal ) || IsConcave( vPrev, vCurrent, vFirst, vNormal ) || IsConcave( vCurrent, vFirst, vSecond, vNormal ); } else { bConcave = IsConcave( vCurrent, vPrev, vPrevPrev, vNormal ) || IsConcave( vFirst, vCurrent, vPrev, vNormal ) || IsConcave( vSecond, vFirst, vCurrent, vNormal ); }
if ( bConcave ) { // Shape is no longer convex with the addition of vCurrent
break; } else { if ( bClockwise ) { pNewPartition->m_Indices.AddToTail( nNextVertex ); ++ nNextIndex; } else { pNewPartition->m_Indices.AddToHead( nNextVertex ); -- nNextIndex; }
nNextVertex = pOriginalPolygon->GetVertexIndex( nNextIndex ); vPrevPrev = vPrev; vPrev = vCurrent; } }
int nFirstIndexInRemainingPolygon = bClockwise ? nNextIndex : *pFirstIndex + 1; int nLastIndexInRemainingPolygon = bClockwise ? *pFirstIndex : nNextIndex + 1; // Test to see if any points in the remaining polygon are within the bounds of the convex polygon we're about to peel off.
while ( pNewPartition->m_Indices.Count() >= 3 && PointsInsideConvexArea( polygonPoints, *pOriginalPolygon, vNormal, nFirstIndexInRemainingPolygon, nLastIndexInRemainingPolygon, *pNewPartition ) ) { if ( bClockwise ) { pNewPartition->m_Indices.RemoveMultipleFromTail( 1 ); -- nNextIndex; } else { pNewPartition->m_Indices.RemoveMultipleFromHead( 1 ); ++ nNextIndex; } } // Found a convex chunk of the original concave polygon, now check for
// holes or concavities which intersect this convex chunk.
if ( pNewPartition->m_Indices.Count() >= 3 ) { Vector vA = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pNewPartition->m_Indices[pNewPartition->m_Indices.Count() - 1] ); Vector vB = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pNewPartition->m_Indices[0] ); Vector vHoleSegmentA, vHoleSegmentB; int nHoleIndex = -1; int nLastHoleIndex; int nHoleVertexIndex;
// See if the diagonal which closes this convex region intersects any holes
FindLineSegmentIntersectingDiagonal( polygonPoints, vNormal, *pHoles, vA, vB, &vHoleSegmentA, &vHoleSegmentB, &nHoleIndex, &nHoleVertexIndex ); // If there was an intersection, keep refining the diagonal until it no longer changes
if ( nHoleIndex != -1 ) { do { nLastHoleIndex = nHoleIndex; vB = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pHoles->Element( nHoleIndex ).GetVertexIndex( nHoleVertexIndex ) ); FindLineSegmentIntersectingDiagonal( polygonPoints, vNormal, *pHoles, vA, vB, &vHoleSegmentA, &vHoleSegmentB, &nHoleIndex, &nHoleVertexIndex );
Assert( nHoleIndex != -1 ); } while ( nHoleIndex != nLastHoleIndex ); } // If there was no intersection, check to see if this convex region completely encloses any holes
if ( nHoleIndex == -1 ) { Vector vHolePoint; int nHoleInRegionIndex = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < pHoles->Count(); ++ i ) { vHolePoint = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pHoles->Element( i ).m_Indices[0] ); if ( IsPointInPolygon( polygonPoints, *pNewPartition, vNormal, vHolePoint ) ) { // hole is within the region
nHoleInRegionIndex = i; break; } }
if ( nHoleInRegionIndex != -1 ) { // If any holes are enclosed, "fix" the diagonal to connect to an arbitrary vertex on one of the enclosed holes
vB = vHolePoint;
// Now test to see if this new diagonal intersects any holes
FindLineSegmentIntersectingDiagonal( polygonPoints, vNormal, *pHoles, vA, vB, &vHoleSegmentA, &vHoleSegmentB, &nHoleIndex, &nHoleVertexIndex );
// If there was an intersection, keep refining the diagonal until it no longer changes
if ( nHoleIndex != -1 ) { do { nLastHoleIndex = nHoleIndex; vB = SubPolygon_t::GetPoint( polygonPoints, pHoles->Element( nHoleIndex ).GetVertexIndex( nHoleVertexIndex ) ); FindLineSegmentIntersectingDiagonal( polygonPoints, vNormal, *pHoles, vA, vB, &vHoleSegmentA, &vHoleSegmentB, &nHoleIndex, &nHoleVertexIndex ); Assert( nHoleIndex != -1 ); } while ( nHoleIndex != nLastHoleIndex ); } } }
// At this point, we should either have the original convex region which contains no holes and intersects with nothing,
// or a refined diagonal which connects to a hole without intersecting any other holes or convex region points
if ( nHoleIndex != -1 ) { // We have a refined diagonal; absorb the hole into the original polygon.
// Reject this partition but add the hole's vertices to the original polygon.
int nInsertAfterIndex = ( bClockwise ? nNextIndex + pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count() - 1 : *pFirstIndex ) % pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); const SubPolygon_t *pHolePolygon = &pHoles->Element( nHoleIndex ); int nConnectBackToVertex = pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices[nInsertAfterIndex]; for ( int i = 0; i < pHolePolygon->m_Indices.Count(); ++ i ) { pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.InsertAfter( nInsertAfterIndex, pHolePolygon->m_Indices[( i + nHoleVertexIndex ) % pHolePolygon->m_Indices.Count()] ); ++ nInsertAfterIndex; } pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.InsertAfter( nInsertAfterIndex, pHolePolygon->m_Indices[nHoleVertexIndex] ); ++ nInsertAfterIndex; pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.InsertAfter( nInsertAfterIndex, nConnectBackToVertex ); pNewPartition->m_Indices.RemoveAll(); pHoles->Remove( nHoleIndex ); } else { // We have the original, valid diagonal.
// Remove the corresponding indices from the original polygon to peel off the new convex region
int nIndexToRemove = ( ( bClockwise ? *pFirstIndex : nNextIndex + 1 ) + 1 ) % pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); if ( nIndexToRemove < 0 ) nIndexToRemove += pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count();
for ( int i = 1; i < pNewPartition->m_Indices.Count() - 1; ++ i ) { nIndexToRemove = nIndexToRemove % pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); Assert( pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices[nIndexToRemove] == pNewPartition->m_Indices[i] ); pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Remove( nIndexToRemove ); }
*pFirstIndex = nIndexToRemove % pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); }
// Done!
return; } }
// Couldn't find a match either clockwise or counter-clockwise
*pFirstIndex = ( *pFirstIndex + 1 ) % pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count(); }
void DecomposePolygon( const CUtlVector< Vector > &polygonPoints, const Vector &vNormal, SubPolygon_t *pOriginalPolygon, CUtlVector< SubPolygon_t > *pHoles, CUtlVector< SubPolygon_t > *pPartitions ) { int nFirstIndex = 0; // The Nth vertex in the remaining polygon
SubPolygon_t *pNewPartition = NULL; while ( pOriginalPolygon->m_Indices.Count() >= 3 ) { if ( !pNewPartition ) { pNewPartition = &pPartitions->Element( pPartitions->AddToTail() ); } DecomposePolygon_Step( polygonPoints, vNormal, pHoles, pNewPartition, pOriginalPolygon, &nFirstIndex ); if ( pNewPartition->m_Indices.Count() >= 3 ) { pNewPartition = NULL; } else { pNewPartition->m_Indices.RemoveAll(); } } }
bool IsPointInPolygonPrism( const Vector *pPolygonPoints, int nPointCount, const Vector &vPoint, float flThreshold, float *pHeight ) { Assert( nPointCount >= 3 );
Vector vNormal = ( pPolygonPoints[0] - pPolygonPoints[1] ).Cross( pPolygonPoints[2] - pPolygonPoints[1] ); Vector vPrev = pPolygonPoints[nPointCount - 1]; for ( int nVertexIndex = 0; nVertexIndex < nPointCount; ++ nVertexIndex ) { Vector vCurrent = pPolygonPoints[nVertexIndex]; Vector vAbove = vPrev + vNormal; Vector vOutwardPlaneNormal = ( vPrev - vCurrent ).Cross( vAbove - vCurrent );
if ( ( vPoint - vCurrent ).Dot( vOutwardPlaneNormal ) > flThreshold ) { // Outside the prism
return false; } vPrev = vCurrent; }
if ( pHeight != NULL ) { vNormal.NormalizeInPlace(); *pHeight = ( vPoint - pPolygonPoints[0] ).Dot( vNormal ); }
return true; }