//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// The channel class - connects elements together, and allows for logging of data
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "movieobjects/animsetattributevalue.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeoperator.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmelog.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmedag.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeclip.h"
#include "movieobjects/proceduralpresets.h"
#include "datamodel/idatamodel.h"
#include "datamodel/dmehandle.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
// Forward declarations
class CDmeClip; class CDmeChannel; class CDmeTimeSelection; class CUndoAddRecordingLayer; class CUndoSetTimeSelection;
void RemapFloatLogValues( CDmeChannel *pChannel, float flBias, float flScale ); CDmeChannel *FindChannelTargetingAttribute( CDmAttribute *pTargetAttr );
// different channel modes of operation
enum ChannelMode_t { CM_OFF, CM_PASS, CM_RECORD, CM_PLAY, };
enum PlayMode_t { PM_HOLD, PM_LOOP, };
// The layer channel info structure contains information about a channel which
// is currently being modified within a recording layer.
struct LayerChannelInfo_t { LayerChannelInfo_t() : m_BaseLayer( 0 ) , m_ModLayerIndex( -1 ) , m_HeadPosition( 0 ) , m_TransformWriteMode( TRANSFORM_WRITE_MODE_OVERWRITE ) , m_bManipulateInFalloff( false ) , m_ComponentFlags( LOG_COMPONENTS_ALL ) , m_pPresetValue( 0 ) , m_pPresetTimes( 0 ) , m_pRoot( 0 ) , m_pShot( 0 ) { SetIdentityMatrix( m_Transform ); }
CDmeHandle< CDmeChannel > m_Channel; DmeClipStack_t m_ClipStack; CUtlBuffer m_ToAttrData; // Data of the channel's to attribute before the recording operation
CUtlBuffer m_FromAttrData; // Data of the channel's from attribute after the recording operation
int m_BaseLayer; // Index of the log layer which represents the modification layer
int m_ModLayerIndex; // Index of the channel within the modification layer
DmeTime_t m_HeadPosition; // Time position of the head when the recording operation took place
TransformWriteMode_t m_TransformWriteMode; // Specification of how existing values in the channel are to be modified
bool m_bManipulateInFalloff; // Should manipulation be applied in falloff (true), or should interpolation be used (false)
matrix3x4_t m_Transform; // Transform matrix which was applied to the log positions of the channel
Quaternion m_DeltaRotationLocal; // Delta rotation value to be used with rotation operations ( local space )
Quaternion m_DeltaRotationParent; // Delta rotation value to be used with rotation operations ( parent space )
Vector m_PivotPosition; // Pivot position value to be used with rotation operations
LogComponents_t m_ComponentFlags; // Flags specifying which individual components of the channel can be modified
const CDmAttribute *m_pPresetValue; // Pointer to the attribute storing the preset value for the operation
const CDmAttribute *m_pPresetTimes; // Pointer to the attribute storing animated preset times for the operation
CDmeClip *m_pRoot; // Pointer to the root clip (sequence) in which the operation occurs
CDmeClip *m_pShot; // Pointer to the shot clip in which the operation occurs
CDmeHandle< CDmeLogLayer, HT_STRONG > m_hRawDataLayer; // Handle to the log layer containing the raw recorded data
typedef void ( *FnRecordChannelCallback )( CDmeChannel *pChannel );
// The recording layer structure contains a set of channels and the information
// about a recording operation which was performed on the channels.
class CRecordingLayer { public:
CRecordingLayer(); ~CRecordingLayer();
AttributeDict_t *m_pPresetValuesDict; DmeTime_t m_tHeadShotTime; int m_ProceduralType; int m_OperationFlags; int m_RandomSeed; float m_flThreshold; float m_flIntensity; RecordingMode_t m_RecordingMode; TimeSelection_t m_BaseTimes; TimeSelection_t m_OriginalTimes; CUtlVector< LayerChannelInfo_t > m_LayerChannels; CUtlVector< KeyValues * > m_ClipboardData; CUndoAddRecordingLayer *m_pUndoOperation; FnRecordChannelCallback m_pfnAddChannelCallback; FnRecordChannelCallback m_pfnFinishChannelCallback; };
// Simple helper structure used to specify a channel and the components of the
// channel that should be modified.
class ModifyChannel { public:
explicit ModifyChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel = NULL, LogComponents_t nComponentFlags = LOG_COMPONENTS_ALL ) : m_pChannel( pChannel ), m_nComponentFlags( nComponentFlags ) { }
static bool IsChannelInList( CUtlVector< ModifyChannel > const &modifyList, CDmeChannel *pChannel );
CDmeChannel *m_pChannel; LogComponents_t m_nComponentFlags; };
// The channel modification layer manages a group of log layer modifications
// which can be applied to a varying time range.
class CDmeChannelModificationLayer {
public: // Default constructor
CDmeChannelModificationLayer(); // Destructor
// Add a channel to the modification layer if it is not already present,
// adding the channel to the modification layer causes a new log layer to
// be added to the channel to which modifications will be made.
int AddChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel, bool enableUndo );
// Add a recording layer to the modification layer.
CRecordingLayer *AddRecordingLayer();
// Remove the last recording layer from the modification layer.
void RemoveLastRecordingLayer();
// Complete the channel modification layer by flattening all the log layers of
// the active channels and clearing out the contents of the modification layer.
void Finish( bool bFlattenLayers, bool bSaveChanges, bool bRunChannelCallbacks );
// Return the modification layer of each channel to is base state.
void WipeChannelModifications();
// Get the number of recording layers in the modification layer
int NumRecordingLayers() const;
// Get a reference to the specified recording layer
CRecordingLayer &GetRecordingLayer( int index );
// Is the modification layer visible to the user
bool IsVisible() const;
// Apply the specified transform write mode all of the active channels in each of the recording layers
void UpdateTransformWriteMode( TransformWriteMode_t mode );
struct ChannelRef_t { int m_RefCount; CDmeHandle< CDmeChannel > m_Channel; };
bool m_bVisible; CUtlVector< CRecordingLayer > m_RecordingLayerStack; CUtlVector< ChannelRef_t > m_ActiveChannels; };
// A class managing channel recording
class CDmeChannelRecordingMgr { public: // constructor
// Start and complete a modification layer. All recording layers must be placed within a modification
// layer, so a modification layer must be active before starting a recording layer.
void StartModificationLayer( const DmeLog_TimeSelection_t *pTimeSelection = NULL, bool createLayer = true ); void FinishModificationLayer( bool bSaveChanges = true, bool bFlattenLayers = true );
// Enable or disable use of the modification layer.
void EnableModificationLayer( bool enable );
// Activates, deactivates layer recording.
void StartLayerRecording( const char * const pUndoRedoDesc, AttributeDict_t *pPresetValuesDict = NULL, DmeTime_t tHeadShotTime = DMETIME_INVALID, int proceduralType = PROCEDURAL_PRESET_NOT, int recordFlags = 0, FnRecordChannelCallback pfnAddChannel = NULL, FnRecordChannelCallback pfnFinishChannel = NULL ); void FinishLayerRecording( float flThreshold, bool bFlattenLayers = true, bool bAllowFinishModification = true ); void CancelLayerRecording();
// Adds a channel to the recording layer
int AddChannelToRecordingLayer( CDmeChannel *pChannel, LogComponents_t componentWriteFlags = LOG_COMPONENTS_ALL, CDmeClip *pRoot = NULL, CDmeClip *pShot = NULL );
// Explicitly set the clipboard data for the active recording layer
void CopyClipboardDataForRecordingLayer( const CUtlVector< KeyValues * > &keyValuesList );
// Used to iterate over all channels currently being recorded
// NOTE: Use CDmeChannel::AddToRecordingLayer to add a channel to the recording layer
int GetLayerRecordingChannelCount(); CDmeChannel* GetLayerRecordingChannel( int nIndex );
// Computes time selection info in log time for a particular recorded channel
// NOTE: Only valid if IsUsingTimeSelection() returns true
void GetLocalTimeSelection( DmeLog_TimeSelection_t& selection, int nIndex );
// Get the index of the modification base layer for the specified channel within the current recording layer.
int GetModificationBaseLayer( int nIndex );
// Set the time selection for the modification layer and re-apply all recording layers that are on the current modification
// layer with the new time selection. Must be done with active modification layer, but without an active recording layer.
void SetTimeSelection( const DmeLog_TimeSelection_t &timeSelection, bool bUpdateBaseTime ); // Start or continue processing of the recording layers within the modification layer.
CRecordingLayer *ProcessModificationLayer( int &recordingLayer );
// Complete the modification layer processing for the specified recording layer.
void CompleteModificationProcessing( );
// Save the to or from attribute data of the specified channel within the current recording layer.
void StoreChannelAttributeData( int nChannelIndex, bool fromAttr );
// Get the current time selection
void GetTimeSelection( CDmeTimeSelection &timeSelection ) const; const DmeLog_TimeSelection_t &GetTimeSelection() const; // Methods which control various aspects of recording
void UpdateTimeAdvancing( bool bPaused, DmeTime_t tCurTime ); void UpdateRecordingChannelHeadPositions( DmeTime_t tCurTime ); void UpdateRecordingTimeSelectionTimes( const DmeLog_TimeSelection_t& timeSelection ); void SetIntensityOnAllLayers( float flIntensity ); void SetRecordingMode( RecordingMode_t mode ); void SetPresetValue( CDmeChannel* pChannel, const CDmAttribute *pPresetValue, const CDmAttribute *pPresetTimes ); void SetInRedo( bool bInRedo );
void SetProceduralTarget( int nProceduralMode, const CDmAttribute *pTarget ); void SetProceduralTarget( int nProceduralMode, const CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& list, int randomSeed ); int GetProceduralType() const; const CDmAttribute *GetProceduralTarget() const; const CUtlVector< KeyValues * > &GetPasteTarget() const; void GetPasteClipboardData( CUtlVector< KeyValues * > &list ) const;
void SetModificationLayerDirty(); CDmeChannelModificationLayer *GetModificationLayer();
void SetTransformWriteMode( TransformWriteMode_t mode ); TransformWriteMode_t GetTransformWriteMode() const;
void UpdateActiveLayerManipulateInFalloff( bool bManipulateInFalloff ); static void RunFinishCallbacksOnRecordingLayer( CRecordingLayer *pRecordingLayer ); // Methods to query aspects of recording
bool IsTimeAdvancing() const; bool IsUsingDetachedTimeSelection() const; bool IsUsingTimeSelection() const; bool IsRecordingLayerActive() const; bool IsModificationLayerActive() const; bool IsModificationLayerVisible() const; bool IsProcessingModifications() const; bool IsModificationLayerEnabled() const; bool IsInRedo() const;
private: // Methods available for CDmeChannel
bool ShouldRecordUsingTimeSelection() const;
// Internal methods
void FlattenLayers( CRecordingLayer *pRecordingLayer ); void RemoveAllChannelsFromRecordingLayer( CRecordingLayer *pRecordingLayer, bool destroyLogLayers );
// Apply the effects of the recording layer to its channels with the active time selection.
bool ApplyRecordingLayer( CRecordingLayer &recordingLayer );
// Update the time selection state, this is used by undo
void UpdateTimeSelection( const TimeSelection_t &timeSelection, const CUtlVector< TimeSelection_t > &baseTimeSelection, int leftFalloff, int rightFalloff, bool bLeftInfinite, bool bRightInfinite );
bool m_bSavedUndoState : 1; bool m_bUseTimeSelection : 1; bool m_bModificationLayerDirty : 1; bool m_bModificationProcessing : 1; bool m_bWantsToFinish : 1; bool m_bFinishFlattenLayers : 1; bool m_bModificationLayerEnabled : 1; bool m_bInRedo : 1; CRecordingLayer *m_pActiveRecordingLayer; CDmeChannelModificationLayer *m_pModificationLayer;
DmeLog_TimeSelection_t m_TimeSelection; int m_nProceduralType; const CDmAttribute *m_pRevealTarget; CUtlVector< KeyValues * > m_PasteTarget; int m_RandomSeed; TransformWriteMode_t m_TransformWriteMode;
friend CDmeChannel; friend CUndoAddRecordingLayer; friend CUndoSetTimeSelection; };
// Singleton
extern CDmeChannelRecordingMgr *g_pChannelRecordingMgr;
struct TimeState_t { TimeState_t() : m_timeOutsideTimeframe( DMETIME_INVALID ), m_tCurrentTime( DMETIME_INVALID ), m_tPreviousTime( DMETIME_INVALID ) { } DmeTime_t m_timeOutsideTimeframe; DmeTime_t m_tCurrentTime; DmeTime_t m_tPreviousTime; };
// A class representing a channel
class CDmeChannel : public CDmeOperator { DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeChannel, CDmeOperator );
public: virtual bool IsDirty(); // ie needs to operate
virtual void Operate();
virtual void GetInputAttributes ( CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > &attrs ); virtual void GetOutputAttributes( CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > &attrs );
void SetInput ( CDmElement* pElement, const char* pAttribute, int index = 0 ); void SetOutput( CDmElement* pElement, const char* pAttribute, int index = 0 );
void SetInput( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, int index = 0 ); void SetOutput( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, int index = 0 );
CDmElement *GetFromElement() const; CDmElement *GetToElement() const;
CDmAttribute *GetFromAttribute(); CDmAttribute *GetToAttribute();
int GetFromArrayIndex() const; int GetToArrayIndex() const;
int GetRecordLayerIndex() const; void SetRecordLayerIndex( int layerIndex );
ChannelMode_t GetMode(); void SetMode( ChannelMode_t mode );
void ClearLog(); CDmeLog *GetLog(); void SetLog( CDmeLog *pLog ); CDmeLog *CreateLog( DmAttributeType_t type ); template < class T > CDmeTypedLog<T> *CreateLog();
void ClearTimeMetric(); void SetCurrentTime( DmeTime_t time, DmeTime_t start, DmeTime_t end ); void SetCurrentTime( DmeTime_t time ); // Simple version. Only works if multiple active channels clips do not reference the same channels
DmeTime_t GetCurrentTime() const; const TimeState_t &GetTimeState() const; void SetTimeState( TimeState_t &TimeState ); void SetChannelToPlayToSelf( const char *outputAttributeName, float defaultValue, bool force = false );
template< class T > void SetValueOnInput( const T &value );
// need this until we have the EditApply message queue
void OnAttributeChanged( CDmAttribute *pAttribute );
template< class T > bool GetInputValue( T &value ); template< class T > bool GetOutputValue( T &value ); template< class T > bool GetCurrentPlaybackValue( T& value ); template< class T > bool GetPlaybackValueAtTime( DmeTime_t time, T& value );
void Play( bool useEmptyLog = false ); void Record();
void SetNextKeyCurveType( int nCurveType );
// Builds a clip stack for the channel
CDmeClip* FindOwnerClipForChannel( CDmeClip *pRoot ); bool BuildClipStack( DmeClipStack_t *pClipStack, CDmeClip *pRoot, CDmeClip *pShot ) const;
void ScaleSampleTimes( float scale );
void ClearAndAddSampleAtTime( DmeTime_t time );
protected: // Used to cache off handles to attributes
CDmAttribute* SetupFromAttribute(); CDmAttribute* SetupToAttribute();
template< class T > bool GetValue( T &value, const CDmAttribute *pAttr, int nIndex );
void Pass();
CDmaElement< CDmElement > m_fromElement; CDmaString m_fromAttribute; CDmaVar< int > m_fromIndex; CDmaElement< CDmElement > m_toElement; CDmaString m_toAttribute; CDmaVar< int > m_toIndex; CDmaVar< int > m_mode; CDmaElement< CDmeLog > m_log;
DmAttributeHandle_t m_FromAttributeHandle; DmAttributeHandle_t m_ToAttributeHandle;
TimeState_t m_TimeState;
int m_nRecordLayerIndex; int m_nNextCurveType;
// Inline methods
template < class T > inline CDmeTypedLog<T> *CDmeChannel::CreateLog() { return CastElement< CDmeTypedLog<T> >( CreateLog( CDmAttributeInfo<T>::AttributeType() ) ); }
inline CDmAttribute *CDmeChannel::GetFromAttribute() { CDmAttribute *pAttribute = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( m_FromAttributeHandle ); if ( !pAttribute ) { pAttribute = SetupFromAttribute(); } return pAttribute; }
inline CDmAttribute *CDmeChannel::GetToAttribute() { CDmAttribute *pAttribute = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( m_ToAttributeHandle ); if ( !pAttribute ) { pAttribute = SetupToAttribute(); } return pAttribute; }
template< class T > inline bool CDmeChannel::GetPlaybackValueAtTime( DmeTime_t time, T& value ) { CDmeTypedLog< T > *pLog = CastElement< CDmeTypedLog< T > >( GetLog() ); if ( !pLog || pLog->IsEmpty() ) return false;
DmeTime_t t0 = pLog->GetBeginTime(); DmeTime_t tn = pLog->GetEndTime();
PlayMode_t pmode = PM_HOLD; switch ( pmode ) { case PM_HOLD: time = clamp( time, t0, tn ); break;
case PM_LOOP: if ( tn == t0 ) { time = t0; } else { time -= t0; time = time % ( tn - t0 ); time += t0; } break; }
value = pLog->GetValue( time ); return true; }
template< class T > inline bool CDmeChannel::GetValue( T &value, const CDmAttribute *pAttr, int nIndex ) { if ( pAttr ) { if ( IsArrayType( pAttr->GetType() ) ) { CDmrArrayConst< T > array( pAttr ); if ( nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < array.Count() ) { value = array[ nIndex ]; return true; } } else { value = pAttr->GetValue< T >(); return true; } }
CDmAttributeInfo< T >::SetDefaultValue( value ); return false; }
template< class T > inline bool CDmeChannel::GetInputValue( T &value ) { return GetValue< T >( value, GetFromAttribute(), m_fromIndex ); }
template< class T > inline bool CDmeChannel::GetOutputValue( T &value ) { return GetValue< T >( value, GetToAttribute(), m_toIndex ); }
template< class T > inline bool CDmeChannel::GetCurrentPlaybackValue( T& value ) { return GetPlaybackValueAtTime( GetCurrentTime(), value ); }
template< class T > void CDmeChannel::SetValueOnInput( const T &value ) { CDmAttribute *pFromAttr = GetFromAttribute(); if ( !pFromAttr ) return;
if ( IsArrayType( pFromAttr->GetType() ) ) { if ( ArrayTypeToValueType( pFromAttr->GetType() ) != CDmAttributeInfo< T >::AttributeType() ) return;
CDmrArray< T > array( pFromAttr ); array.Set( m_fromIndex.Get(), value ); } else { if ( pFromAttr->GetType() != CDmAttributeInfo< T >::AttributeType() ) return;
pFromAttr->SetValue( value ); } }
#endif // DMECHANNEL_H