// filename: utlspheretree.h //
// //
// description: A binary tree of spheres - put stuff in it to do fast spatial queries //
// //
#ifndef _utlspheretree_H_
#define _utlspheretree_H_
#include "mathlib/vector4d.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
typedef Vector4D Sphere_t; typedef Vector4D Plane_t;
// Paste the following commented text into your autoexp.dat to get a nifty debugger visualizer for CUtlSphereTree.
// (insert it below [Visualizer] or ";-------------VALVE AUTOEXP AUTOGENERATED BLOCK START----------------" )
// NOTE: you need to define DEBUGGABLE_NODES (on by default in debug) and rebuild to get the full benefit of this.
// This does bog down VS2005 if you expand many levels of the tree - paste �tree.m_Nodes.m_pElements[node]� to sidestep that.
// Also note that names are CASE-INSENSITIVE, so if you have a member 'index' and a function 'Index', it will break :o/
#ifdef _DEBUG
;-------- CUtlSphereTree start ------------------------------------------------------ Vector4D{ preview ( #( "(", $c.x, ", ", $c.y, ", ", $c.z, ", ", $c.w, ")" ) ) } CUtlSphereTree::Node{ preview ( #( #if ( $c.deepIndex < 0 )
( #( "leaf data = ", $c.pData, ", bounds(", $c.bounds.x, ", ", $c.bounds.y, ", ", $c.bounds.z, ", ", $c.bounds.w, ")" ) ) #else
( #( "depth = ", $c.maxDepth, ", bounds(", $c.bounds.x, ", ", $c.bounds.y, ", ", $c.bounds.z, ", ", $c.bounds.w, ")" ) ) ) ) children ( #( #if ( $c.deepIndex < 0 )
( #( #( leaf data : $c.pData )
) ) #else
( #( #( child[deep] : $c.pTree->m_Nodes.m_pElements[ $c.deepIndex ] ),
#( child[shallow] : $c.pTree->m_Nodes.m_pElements[ $c.shallowIndex ] ),
#( subtree depth : $c.maxDepth )
) ), #( node bounds : $c.bounds ),
#( z[raw_members] : [$c,!] )
) ) } CUtlSphereTree::NodeRef{ preview ( #( #if ( $c.nodeIndex < 0 )
( #( "Invalid!" ) ) #else
( #( #if ( $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].deepIndex < 0 )
( #( "leaf data = ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].pData, ", bounds(", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.x, ", ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.y, ", ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.z, ", ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.w, ")" ) ) #else
( #( "depth = ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].maxDepth, ", bounds(", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.x, ", ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.y, ", ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.z, ", ", $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ].bounds.w, ")" ) ) ) ) ) ) children ( #( #if ( $c.nodeIndex < 0 )
( #( invalid! : $c.nodeIndex ) ) #else
( #( node : $c.pNodes->m_pElements[ $c.nodeIndex ] ) ), #( z[raw_members] : [$c,!] )
) ) } CUtlSphereTree{ preview ( #( "treeCount = ", $c.m_NumNodesInTree, ", allocCount = ", $c.m_Nodes.m_Size, ", freelistHead = ", $c.m_FreelistHead ) ) children ( #( deep child : $c.m_Nodes.m_pElements[ $c.m_Nodes.m_pElements[0].deepIndex ], shallow child : $c.m_Nodes.m_pElements[ $c.m_Nodes.m_pElements[0].shallowIndex ], z[raw_members] : [$c,!] ) ) } ;-------- CUtlSphereTree end ------------------------------------------------------ */
class CUtlSphereTree { struct Node { // Every node either has two children or (if it is a leaf) none
// TODO: shrink the size of Node (pack child node indices and isLeaf flags into an int32, with leaf nodes in a separate vector so we can index 2^16 nodes total)
// TODO: for the case where the caller's data already contains a bounding Sphere_t, we could omit the 20-byte Sphere_t from leaf nodes
// (the void * would need wrapping with a user-provided class that provides a bounding sphere accessor function - or, just provide a pointer to the Sphere_t)
// TODO: determine whether nodes fully containing other nodes happens a lot in practise - if so, it may be worthwhile allowing non-leaf Nodes to hold a pData pointer
Sphere_t bounds; int deepIndex, shallowIndex;// Not set (-1) for Leaf nodes
const void *pData; // Only set for Leaf nodes
int maxDepth; // The maximum number of steps to a leaf node from here
// (zero for leaf nodes), used to rebalance the tree
CUtlSphereTree *pTree; // Allows debug pane tree expansion
struct NodeRef { // Convenience class to allow access to nodes, stored in the m_Nodes vector, by index
NodeRef( int node, const CUtlVector< Node > &nodes ) : nodeIndex( node ), pNodes( (CUtlVector< Node > *)&nodes ) {}
Node * Ptr( void ) const { Assert ( nodeIndex >= 0 ); return ( nodeIndex >= 0 ) ? &(*pNodes)[ nodeIndex ] : (Node *)NULL; } Node * operator->( void ) const { return Ptr(); } Node & operator*( void ) const { return *Ptr(); } int Index( void ) const { return nodeIndex; } NodeRef Deep( void ) const { return NodeRef( Ptr()->deepIndex, *pNodes ); } NodeRef Shallow( void ) const { return NodeRef( Ptr()->shallowIndex, *pNodes ); } bool IsValid( void ) const { return ( nodeIndex >= 0 ); } bool IsLeaf( void ) const { return ( Ptr()->deepIndex < 0 ); }
private: NodeRef( void ) : nodeIndex( -1 ), pNodes( NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); }
int nodeIndex; CUtlVector< Node > * pNodes; // TODO: find a way to get rid of this, given it's the same for all NodeRefs
// Cut
// This member class represents a 'cut' of a sphere tree - which is the result of a depth-first traversal
// of the tree in which each node is run through a test function that may return "true", "false" or "partial".
// For example:
// - a sphere tree can be 'cut' by a plane
// - the cut is initialised to contain the whole tree
// - the test function is a sphere-plane test
// o nodes which return 'true' (fully in front) are included in the cut and not traversed further
// o nodes which return 'false' (fully behind) are discarded from the cut and not traversed further
// o for nodes which return 'partial' (intersecting) they are discarded and the test recurses to their children
// partial leaf nodes are included in the cut
// - the result (the 'cut') is thus the set of nodes fully/partially in front of the plane,
// subdivided only where necessary to make the result more accurate
// In practise, the Cut contains an (unordered) list of sub-tree root node indices.
class Cut { friend class CUtlSphereTree;
// Flags to guide how a Cut is to be refined by a set of intersection primitives
enum CutFlags { PARTIAL_INTERSECTIONS = 1, // 'Partial' node intersections should be counted
// (for planes, this means include nodes only partially in front of a plane)
OR_INTERSECTIONS = 2 // Passing the intersection test for ANY primitive in the current set constitutes
// a pass ('AND' mode is the default - it requires passing w.r.t ALL primitives)
enum CutTestResult { CUT_TEST_FAIL = 0, CUT_TEST_PASS = 1, CUT_TEST_PARTIAL = 2 };
// Initialize a Cut with an entire sphere tree (i.e. the root node)
Cut( const CUtlSphereTree *pTree ); ~Cut( void );
// Return the user data pointers of the leaf nodes within the Cut. To limit the number of results returned,
// pass 'maxResults > 0' (note that the return value may be more than this).
// This is an efficient way to find all the leaves inside/outside a set of planes.
int GetLeaves( CUtlVector< void * > &leaves, int maxLeaves = 0 ) const;
// Don't use the default constructor
Cut( void ) : m_pTree( NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); };
const CUtlSphereTree *m_pTree; // The associated sphere tree
CUtlVector< int >m_NodeRefs; // Sub-tree root node indices
CUtlSphereTree(); virtual ~CUtlSphereTree();
// It is valid to Insert a NULL pData pointer, and it is valid to pass the same pData pointer with
// multiple different bounding spheres, but it is NOT valid to pass the same pointer+sphere pair twice.
// TODO: we can build a better tree if given all the spheres at once (would definitely be a win for non-dynamic scenes)
void Insert( const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ); // Inverse of Insert (make sure to pass the same parameters!)
void Remove( const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ); // Empty the tree (but do not deallocate)
void RemoveAll( void ); // Empty the tree (and deallocate)
void Purge( void );
// Intersect a ray with the spheretree (or a Cut thereof), returning the user data pointers of the leaf nodes intersecting
// the ray. To limit the number of results returned, pass 'maxResults > 0' (note that the return value may be more than this).
// NOTE: these spheres are currently unordered
// TODO: write a function to return the first intersection and an ordered list of intersections (use a priority queue of nodes,
// always processing the top element and emitting leaves - time this and compare it with just quicksorting the results)
int IntersectWithRay( Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayDelta, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int maxResults = 0, CUtlSphereTree::Cut *cut = NULL ) const; // Intersect a sphere with the spheretree (or a Cut thereof), returning the user data pointers of the leaf nodes intersecting
// the sphere. To limit the number of results returned, pass 'maxResults > 0' (note that the return value may be more than this).
// If 'bPartial' is FALSE, only leaves fully contained within the sphere are returned (otherwise partial overlaps are returned too)
// NOTE: these spheres are currently unordered
// TODO: optionally sort by distance from the sphere centre
int IntersectWithSphere( const Sphere_t &sphere, bool bPartial, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int maxResults = 0, CUtlSphereTree::Cut *cut = NULL ) const; // Cut the tree (or refine an existing cut) using one or more planes. The output Cut will contain all
// sphere tree nodes which are partially/fully in front of any/all of the planes (see CUtlSphereTree_Cut::CutFlags).
// If outputCut is NULL, then inputCut will be updated.
void CutByPlanes( Cut *outputCut, const Cut *inputCut, int cutFlags, Plane_t *planes, int numPlanes = 1 ) const;
// Use this method to measure the effect of any changes to tree-construction logic. It computes some numbers relating to the efficiency of the tree:
// - averageDepth: the tree's depth, as compared to the depth of a 'perfect' tree (idealDepth)
// - averageRedundancy: the average 'redundancy' (volume ratio) between a node and its parent - this is in [0,1] and correlates to query cost (lower is better, less than 0.4 is good).
// - averageSphereTestCost: estimated average cost of intersecting a sphere (of a given radius) with the tree (uses the redundancy values to compute intersection probabilities)
void MeasureTreeQuality( float &averageDepth, float &idealDepth, float &averageRedundancy, float &averageSphereTestCost, float sphereTestRadius = 0.0f ) const;
// To avoid node/index-shuffling, we add Removed Nodes to a freelist:
void FreelistPush( NodeRef &node ); NodeRef FreelistPop( void );
// We can't hold pointers to Nodes within a CUtlVector, so this util func converts from an index to a NodeRef:
NodeRef Ref( int node ) const { return NodeRef( node, m_Nodes ); } // Allocates a new node off m_Nodes and init it as a leaf
NodeRef NewNode( const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ); // Allocates a new node off m_Nodes and init it by copying an existing node
NodeRef CopyNode( const NodeRef &nodeToCopy ); // Assign two children to a node (recomputes its 'bounds' and 'maxDepth')
void SetNodeChildren( NodeRef &node, const NodeRef &childA, const NodeRef &childB );
// Recursive function called by Insert()
void FindPathToClosestLeaf_R( NodeRef node, const Vector &pos, const float nodeDist, float &minDist, CUtlVector< int > &path ) const;
// Recursive function called by Remove()
int Remove_R( NodeRef &node, const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ); // Called by Remove_R to identify the Node to remove:
bool NodeHasData( const NodeRef &node, const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds );
// Called by Insert() and Remove() to ensure that the subtrees under a node are balanced
void RebalanceSubtrees( NodeRef &node, bool bInserting ); // Is this node's sub-tree balanced? (left and right sub-trees differ in 'maxDepth' by at most 1)
bool IsSubtreeBalanced( const NodeRef &node ) const; // Useful debug function if there's a bug in tree construction
void ParanoidBalanceCheck_R( const NodeRef &node ) const;
// The basic metric used during insertion to determine the 'cost' of different node-grouping choices
float Cost( const Sphere_t &sphere ) const; // Computes the composite bounding sphere of two spheres
Sphere_t AddSpheres( const Sphere_t &pA, const Sphere_t &pB ) const; // Called by RebalanceSubtrees() to determine the optimal rebalance permutation
float ComputePairingCost( const NodeRef &pair1A, const NodeRef &pair1B, const NodeRef &pair2A, const NodeRef *pair2B ) const;
// Called by IntersectWithRay
void IntersectWithRay_R( const NodeRef &node, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayDelta, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int &count ) const; // Called by IntersectWithSphere
void IntersectWithSphere_R( const NodeRef &node, const Sphere_t &sphere, const bool bPartial, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int &count, const float distSq ) const; bool SpheresIntersect( const Sphere_t &A, const Sphere_t &B, float &distSq ) const; // Called by CutByPlanes
void CutByPlanes_R( Cut *outputCut, const NodeRef &node, int cutFlags, Plane_t *planes, int numPlanes ) const; Cut::CutTestResult CutByPlanes_Test( const NodeRef &node, int cutFlags, Plane_t *planes, int numPlanes ) const; // Leaf node list accessor for Cut::GetLeaves:
void GetLeavesUnderNode_R( const NodeRef &node, CUtlVector< void * > &leaves, int &count ) const; // Called by MeasureTreeQuality
void MeasureTreeQuality_R( const NodeRef &node, const int steps, float &averageDepth, float &averageRedundancy, const float pathRedundancy, float &averageSphereTestCost, const float pathProbability, const float sphereTestRadius ) const; float ComputeRedundancy( const NodeRef &parent, const NodeRef &child ) const; float ComputeIntersectionProbability( const NodeRef &parent, const NodeRef &child, const float sphereTestRadius ) const;
// We reference Nodes in this vector by index (the root is always at index zero)
CUtlVector< Node > m_Nodes; // Removed Nodes are added to a freelist so we don't need to do any index-shuffling
int m_FreelistHead; // How many nodes are in the tree? (i.e. in m_Nodes but not the freelist)
int m_NumNodesInTree; // The index of the last inserted node (should always be a leaf, -1 if invalid):
int m_PrevInsertedNode; };
// ===== CUtlSphereTree implementation =====================================
inline CUtlSphereTree::CUtlSphereTree( void ) { Purge(); }
inline CUtlSphereTree::~CUtlSphereTree( void ) { }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::RemoveAll( void ) { // Empty m_Nodes and our freelist
m_Nodes.RemoveAll(); m_FreelistHead = -1; m_NumNodesInTree = 0; m_PrevInsertedNode = -1; }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::Purge( void ) { // Empty m_Nodes and our freelist (and deallocate memory)
RemoveAll(); m_Nodes.Purge(); }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::FreelistPush( NodeRef &node ) { // TODO: update the freelist to use a FreeNodeRef struct which can be traversed with a Debug Visualizer
if ( m_PrevInsertedNode == node.Index() ) m_PrevInsertedNode = -1; *(int *)node.Ptr() = m_FreelistHead; m_FreelistHead = node.Index(); Assert( m_NumNodesInTree > 0 ); m_NumNodesInTree--; }
inline CUtlSphereTree::NodeRef CUtlSphereTree::FreelistPop( void ) { Assert( m_FreelistHead >= 0 ); NodeRef node = Ref( m_FreelistHead ); if ( m_FreelistHead >= 0 ) m_FreelistHead = *(int *)&m_Nodes[ m_FreelistHead ]; return node; }
inline CUtlSphereTree::NodeRef CUtlSphereTree::NewNode( const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ) { // Allocate a new node off m_Nodes (from our freelist if available) and init it as a leaf
Assert( ( m_NumNodesInTree >= 0 ) && ( m_NumNodesInTree <= m_Nodes.Count() ) ); Assert( ( m_NumNodesInTree < m_Nodes.Count() ) == ( m_FreelistHead >= 0 ) ); NodeRef node = ( m_FreelistHead >= 0 ) ? FreelistPop() : Ref( m_Nodes.AddToTail() ); m_NumNodesInTree++; node->bounds = bounds ? *bounds : Sphere_t(0,0,0,0); node->deepIndex = -1; node->shallowIndex = -1; node->pData = pData; node->maxDepth = 0; #ifdef DEBUGGABLE_NODES
node->pTree = this; #endif
return node; }
inline CUtlSphereTree::NodeRef CUtlSphereTree::CopyNode( const NodeRef &nodeToCopy ) { // Allocate a new node off m_Nodes and init it by copying an existing node
NodeRef node = NewNode( NULL, NULL ); *node = *nodeToCopy; return node; }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::SetNodeChildren( NodeRef &node, const NodeRef &childA, const NodeRef &childB ) { bool bChildADeeper = ( childA->maxDepth > childB->maxDepth ); node->deepIndex = bChildADeeper ? childA.Index() : childB.Index(); node->shallowIndex = bChildADeeper ? childB.Index() : childA.Index(); node->bounds = AddSpheres( node.Deep()->bounds, node.Shallow()->bounds ); node->maxDepth = node.Deep()->maxDepth + 1; node->pData = NULL; // If it was a leaf, it's not any more
inline void CUtlSphereTree::Insert( const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ) { if ( !m_NumNodesInTree ) { // Special case: first node inserted
NodeRef root = NewNode( pData, bounds ); Assert( root.Index() == 0 ); // The root should always be at index zero
return; }
// Find the closest leaf to the inserted sphere, and record the path to it
float minDist = FLT_MAX; const Vector &pos = bounds->AsVector3D(); if ( m_PrevInsertedNode >= 0 ) { // Use the last inserted node as an upper bound on minDist (~halves the cost of FindPathToClosestLeaf_R)
NodeRef node = Ref( m_PrevInsertedNode ); Assert( node.IsLeaf() ); if ( node.IsLeaf() ) { float dist = ( node->bounds.AsVector3D() - pos ).Length(); minDist = MAX( dist*1.1f, dist + 0.001f ); // Add slop for paranoia's sake
} } CUtlVector< int > path; float nodeDist = ( Ref( 0 )->bounds.AsVector3D() - pos ).Length(); FindPathToClosestLeaf_R( Ref( 0 ), pos, nodeDist, minDist, path ); Assert( path.Count() && path[ path.Count() - 1 ] == 0 ); // All paths lead to the root!
int bestSibling = 0;
/* TODO: see if this could improve the tree noticeably, without increasing tree-building time too much (reuse the old ChooseInsertionStrategy code)
// Now determine where best to insert the sphere along the recorded path, minimizing summed node volume growth
// (if the sphere is much bigger than the leaf it was paired with, we'll insert it higher up the tree).
float minCost = FLT_MAX; for ( int i = 0; i < path.Count(); i++ ) { NodeRef &sibling = Ref( path[ i ] ); // NOTE: Can't rebalance the tree if you pair with a depth 3+ sibling
if ( ( sibling->maxDepth <= 2 ) && ( ComputePairingCost2( sibling, bounds, path ) < minCost ) ) bestSibling = i; } */
// Insert alongside the chosen sibling - duplicate the sibling and add this copy plus the new node to the original sibling:
NodeRef sibling = Ref( path[ bestSibling ] ); NodeRef newSibling = CopyNode( sibling ); NodeRef newNode = NewNode( pData, bounds ); SetNodeChildren( sibling, newNode, newSibling ); RebalanceSubtrees( sibling, true );
// Remember the last node we inserted
m_PrevInsertedNode = newNode.Index();
for ( int i = ( bestSibling + 1 ); i < path.Count(); i++ ) { // Update each node's status whose descendants were modified, and rebalance it:
NodeRef &sibling = Ref( path[ i ] ); SetNodeChildren( sibling, sibling.Deep(), sibling.Shallow() ); RebalanceSubtrees( sibling, true ); }
//ParanoidBalanceCheck_R( Ref( 0 ) ); // Use this to help debug Insert/Remove issues
inline void CUtlSphereTree::FindPathToClosestLeaf_R( NodeRef node, const Vector &pos, const float nodeDist, float &minDist, CUtlVector< int > &path ) const { float prevMinDist = minDist;
if ( node.IsLeaf() ) { // TODO: should we use radius here? pos could be more 'central' in a larger sphere, while being closer to the centre of a smaller sphere...
if ( nodeDist >= minDist ) return; // New closest leaf! Start the path again:
path.RemoveAll(); minDist = nodeDist; } else { float deepDist = ( node.Deep()->bounds.AsVector3D() - pos ).Length(); float shallowDist = ( node.Shallow()->bounds.AsVector3D() - pos ).Length(); if ( ( deepDist - node.Deep()->bounds.w ) < minDist ) FindPathToClosestLeaf_R( node.Deep(), pos, deepDist, minDist, path ); if ( ( shallowDist - node.Shallow()->bounds.w ) < minDist ) FindPathToClosestLeaf_R( node.Shallow(), pos, shallowDist, minDist, path ); }
if ( minDist < prevMinDist ) { // If minDist improved, we're on the path to the closest leaf, so add ourself to the path:
path.AddToTail( node.Index() ); } }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::Remove( const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ) { Assert( m_NumNodesInTree ); if ( !m_NumNodesInTree ) return; // Empty tree
NodeRef root = Ref( 0 ); if ( m_NumNodesInTree == 1 ) { // Special case: the last node to remove is the root, making the tree empty
Assert( NodeHasData( root, pData, bounds ) ); if ( NodeHasData( root, pData, bounds ) ) FreelistPush( root ); return; }
// Recurse to find the target node and remove it
int deletedNode; deletedNode = Remove_R( root, pData, bounds ); Assert( deletedNode != 0 ); //ParanoidBalanceCheck_R( root ); // Use this to help debug Insert/Remove issues
inline int CUtlSphereTree::Remove_R( NodeRef &node, const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ) { // NOTE: it's ok to cache deepChild+shallowChild refs here because no items are removed from m_Nodes during this recursion
NodeRef deepChild = node.Deep(), shallowChild = node.Shallow();
// Is the data owned by one of our direct children?
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { NodeRef &child = ( i ? shallowChild : deepChild ), otherChild = ( i ? deepChild : shallowChild ); if ( NodeHasData( child, pData, bounds ) ) { // Found our target - replace node with the other child
*node = *otherChild; FreelistPush( child ); FreelistPush( otherChild ); return child.Index(); } }
// Recurse further to find the owner
int deletedNodeIndex = -1; if ( !deepChild.IsLeaf() ) deletedNodeIndex = Remove_R( deepChild, pData, bounds ); if ( ( deletedNodeIndex < 0 ) && !shallowChild.IsLeaf() ) deletedNodeIndex = Remove_R( shallowChild, pData, bounds );
if ( deletedNodeIndex >= 0 ) { // One of this node's sub-trees has changed, so update its status and rebalance the tree
SetNodeChildren( node, deepChild, shallowChild ); RebalanceSubtrees( node, false ); }
return deletedNodeIndex; }
inline bool CUtlSphereTree::NodeHasData( const NodeRef &node, const void *pData, const Sphere_t *bounds ) { // NOTE: this allows for pData being NULL or the same pData value being used with multiple spheres
// (though results are undefined if you insert the exact same pData/bounds pair twice)
return ( ( node->pData == pData ) && ( node->bounds == *bounds ) ); }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::RebalanceSubtrees( NodeRef &node, bool bInserting ) { if ( IsSubtreeBalanced( node ) ) return;
// ShallowChild needs to be paired with a node from the deepChild subtree in order to rebalance the tree.
// We can either pair it with a 'nephew' (one of the children of deepChild) or a great-nephew (one of the
// children of the nephews). Not all choices result in a balanced tree, so we first determine which
// choices are valid and then we choose the one with the lowest 'cost'.
NodeRef shallowChild = node.Shallow(), deepChild = node.Deep(); Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( deepChild ) );
// Put the shallower nephew first
NodeRef nephews[2] = { deepChild.Shallow(), deepChild.Deep() }; Assert( nephews[1]->maxDepth == ( shallowChild->maxDepth + 1 ) ); Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( nephews[0] ) ); Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( nephews[1] ) );
// Put the shallower great-nephew pair first, and within each pair put the shallower great-nephew first
NodeRef greatNephews[4] = { nephews[0].Shallow(), nephews[0].Deep(), nephews[1].Shallow(), nephews[1].Deep() }; int nephewMask = 0x3, greatNephewMask = 0xF; if ( nephews[0]->maxDepth == nephews[1]->maxDepth ) { Assert( !bInserting ); Assert( nephews[0]->maxDepth == ( shallowChild->maxDepth + 1 ) );
// The nephews are both fair game for pairing with shallowChild. Determine which great-nephews are viable:
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { // If a nephew is uneven, only the shallower great-nephew may be paired with shallowChild
if ( greatNephews[ i*2 ]->maxDepth < greatNephews[ i*2 + 1 ]->maxDepth ) greatNephewMask ^= 1 << ( i*2 + 1 ); } } else { Assert( nephews[0]->maxDepth == shallowChild->maxDepth );
// Only the shallower nephew and the deeper nephew's children may be paired with shallowChild
nephewMask = ( 1 << 0 ); greatNephewMask = ( 1 << 2 ) | ( 1 << 3 ); }
// Now use a cost metric to determine the best choice
float minCost = FLT_MAX; int bestIndex = -1; bool nephewBest = true; for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( nephewMask & (1<<i) ) { float cost = ComputePairingCost( shallowChild, nephews[i], nephews[i^1], NULL ); if ( cost < minCost ) { minCost = cost; bestIndex = i; } } } for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( greatNephewMask & (1<<i) ) { int otherNephew = ( i >> 1 ) ^ 1; float cost = ComputePairingCost( shallowChild, greatNephews[i], nephews[otherNephew], &greatNephews[i^1] ); if ( cost < minCost ) { minCost = cost; bestIndex = i; nephewBest = false; } } }
if ( nephewBest ) { // Pair shallowChild with one of its nephews (reuse deepChild as their parent), and pull the other nephew up the tree
SetNodeChildren( deepChild, shallowChild, nephews[ bestIndex ] ); SetNodeChildren( node, deepChild, nephews[ bestIndex ^ 1 ] ); } else { // Pair shallowChild with one of its great-nephews, and pair the remaining great-nephew with the other nephew
NodeRef &nephew = nephews[ bestIndex >> 1 ]; NodeRef &otherNephew = nephews[ ( bestIndex >> 1 ) ^ 1 ]; SetNodeChildren( deepChild, otherNephew, greatNephews[ bestIndex ^ 1 ] ); SetNodeChildren( nephew, shallowChild, greatNephews[ bestIndex ] ); SetNodeChildren( node, deepChild, nephew ); }
// The tree under 'node' should now be balanced
Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( node ) ); Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( node.Deep() ) ); Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( node.Shallow() ) ); }
inline bool CUtlSphereTree::IsSubtreeBalanced( const NodeRef &node ) const { if ( !node.IsLeaf() ) { Assert( node.Deep()->maxDepth >= node.Shallow()->maxDepth ); if ( node.Deep()->maxDepth > ( node.Shallow()->maxDepth + 1 ) ) return false; } return true; }
inline float CUtlSphereTree::Cost( const Sphere_t &sphere ) const { // We optimize the tree based on total resulting bounding sphere volume:
// - this minimizes average cost in the space occupied by the tree, i.e. the number of tests you have
// to perform to satisfy a given query; on entering a sphere, you need to do 2 tests to pick a child,
// so total cost is 'two tests' times the total volume of (non-leaf) nodes
// - NOTE: this metric works for input spheres which overlap or fully contain each other
// TODO: Volume is the best criterion for a point test ("which leaves does a point intersect?"),
// but area seems better for ray tests and radius for plane tests - are there pathological
// cases where these 3 metrics would differ enough to make Insert choose a different pairing?
// Should be easy to change this and test perf differences on real data...
return sphere.w*sphere.w*sphere.w; }
inline Sphere_t CUtlSphereTree::AddSpheres( const Sphere_t &pA, const Sphere_t &pB ) const { const Vector &aPos = pA.AsVector3D(), &bPos = pB.AsVector3D(); float aRad = pA.w, bRad = pB.w;
Vector delta = aPos - bPos; float dist = delta.NormalizeInPlace();
if ( dist < fabsf( aRad - bRad ) ) { // One sphere entirely contains the other
return ( ( aRad > bRad ) ? pA : pB ); }
// Figure out the new sphere's centre+radius, using 'mathematics'
float newRad = ( aRad + bRad + dist ) / 2; Vector newPos = bPos + delta*( newRad - bRad );
return Sphere_t( newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, newRad ); }
inline float CUtlSphereTree::ComputePairingCost( const NodeRef &pair1A, const NodeRef &pair1B, const NodeRef &pair2A, const NodeRef *pair2B ) const { Sphere_t pair1Sphere = AddSpheres( pair1A->bounds, pair1B->bounds ); Sphere_t pair2Sphere = pair2B ? AddSpheres( pair2A->bounds, (*pair2B)->bounds ) : pair2A->bounds; Sphere_t outerSphere = AddSpheres( pair1Sphere, pair2Sphere ); return ( Cost( pair1Sphere ) + Cost( pair2Sphere ) + Cost( outerSphere ) ); }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::ParanoidBalanceCheck_R( const NodeRef &node ) const { if ( node.IsLeaf() ) return; Assert( IsSubtreeBalanced( node ) ); ParanoidBalanceCheck_R( node.Deep() ); ParanoidBalanceCheck_R( node.Shallow() ); }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::GetLeavesUnderNode_R( const NodeRef &node, CUtlVector< void * > &leaves, int &count ) const { if ( node.IsLeaf() ) { if ( count > 0 ) leaves.AddToTail( (void *)node->pData ); count--; } else { GetLeavesUnderNode_R( node.Deep(), leaves, count ); GetLeavesUnderNode_R( node.Shallow(), leaves, count ); } }
inline int CUtlSphereTree::IntersectWithRay( Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayDelta, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int maxResults, CUtlSphereTree::Cut *cut ) const { // Returns a list of the indices of the (leaf) nodes intersecting the given ray
// TODO: optionally return the spheres in intersection order, from rayStart to (rayStart+rayDelta)
result.RemoveAll(); if ( !m_NumNodesInTree ) return 0; // Empty tree
// Default to searching the whole tree
Cut completeCut( this ); if ( cut == NULL ) cut = &completeCut;
Assert( cut->m_pTree == this ); if ( cut->m_pTree != this ) return 0;
maxResults = maxResults ? maxResults : 0x7FFFFFFF; int count = maxResults; for ( int i = 0; i < cut->m_NodeRefs.Count(); i++ ) { IntersectWithRay_R( Ref( cut->m_NodeRefs[ i ] ), rayStart, rayDelta, result, count ); } return ( maxResults - count ); }
// extern int gNumCalls; // Useful for accurately measuring the cost of intersection tests (average num calls should be a low multiple of average tree depth)
inline void CUtlSphereTree::IntersectWithRay_R( const NodeRef &node, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayDelta, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int & count ) const { // TODO: pull the intersection test outside the recursive call, as is done in IntersectWithSphere_R
float hit1, hit2; Sphere_t &sphere = node->bounds; // TODO: In cases where a node overlaps heavily with its children, might it be a win to skip this test
// and assume it passes? (i.e. recurse to the children and test their (similar) bounds instead)
// Might be a clearer win in a SIMD-ified version of the tree (where we can simply omit this node)
if ( !IntersectRayWithSphere( rayStart, rayDelta, sphere.AsVector3D(), sphere.w, &hit1, &hit2 ) ) { // No intersection
return; }
if ( node.IsLeaf() ) { // Leaf node, add it to the result
if ( count > 0 ) result.AddToTail( (void *)node->pData ); count--; } else { // Non-leaf, recurse to child nodes
IntersectWithRay_R( node.Deep(), rayStart, rayDelta, result, count ); IntersectWithRay_R( node.Shallow(), rayStart, rayDelta, result, count ); } }
inline int CUtlSphereTree::IntersectWithSphere( const Sphere_t &sphere, bool bPartial, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int maxResults, CUtlSphereTree::Cut *cut ) const { // Returns a list of the indices of the (leaf) nodes intersecting the given sphere
// TODO: optionally return the spheres in order of distance from the sphere centre
result.RemoveAll(); if ( !m_NumNodesInTree ) return 0; // Empty tree
// Default to searching the whole tree
Cut completeCut( this ); if ( cut == NULL ) cut = &completeCut;
Assert( cut->m_pTree == this ); if ( cut->m_pTree != this ) return 0;
maxResults = maxResults ? maxResults : 0x7FFFFFFF; int count = maxResults; float distSq; for ( int i = 0; i < cut->m_NodeRefs.Count(); i++ ) { if ( SpheresIntersect( sphere, Ref( cut->m_NodeRefs[ i ] )->bounds, distSq ) ) IntersectWithSphere_R( Ref( cut->m_NodeRefs[ i ] ), sphere, bPartial, result, count, distSq ); } return ( maxResults - count ); }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::IntersectWithSphere_R( const NodeRef &node, const Sphere_t &sphere, const bool bPartial, CUtlVector< void * > &result, int &count, const float distSq ) const { //gNumCalls++;
if ( node.IsLeaf() ) { // Leaf node
if ( !bPartial ) { // sphere must fully contain bounds
Sphere_t &bounds = node->bounds; if ( sphere.w < bounds.w ) return; float maxDist = sphere.w - bounds.w; if ( distSq > ( maxDist*maxDist ) ) return; } // Add it to the result
if ( count > 0 ) result.AddToTail( (void *)node->pData ); count--; } else { // Non-leaf, recurse to child nodes (do the sphere test here to minimize function calls)
// TODO: In cases where a node overlaps heavily with its children, might it be a win to skip this test
// and assume it passes? (i.e. recurse to the children and test their (similar) bounds instead)
// Might be a clearer win in a SIMD-ified version of the tree (where we can simply omit the parent node)
float deepDistSq, shallowDistSq; if ( SpheresIntersect( sphere, node.Deep()->bounds, deepDistSq ) ) IntersectWithSphere_R( node.Deep(), sphere, bPartial, result, count, deepDistSq ); if ( SpheresIntersect( sphere, node.Shallow()->bounds, shallowDistSq ) ) IntersectWithSphere_R( node.Shallow(), sphere, bPartial, result, count, shallowDistSq ); } }
inline bool CUtlSphereTree::SpheresIntersect( const Sphere_t &A, const Sphere_t &B, float &distSq ) const { Vector delta = A.AsVector3D() - B.AsVector3D(); float radiusSum = A.w + B.w; distSq = delta.LengthSqr(); return ( distSq <= ( radiusSum*radiusSum ) ); }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::CutByPlanes( Cut *outputCut, const Cut *inputCut, int cutFlags, Plane_t *planes, int numPlanes ) const { // TODO: might be faster if this code called one of 4 variants of CutByPlanes_R (i.e. templatize to make 'cutFlags' a compile-time constant)
if ( !m_NumNodesInTree ) return; // Empty tree
Assert( outputCut ); if ( !outputCut ) return;
// Default to searching the whole tree
Cut completeCut( this ); if ( inputCut == NULL ) inputCut = &completeCut;
if ( inputCut == outputCut ) { // Copy the input/output Cut's contents to a temporary Cut so we don't have to special-case much code
// TODO: it would be quicker to modify the input Cut in-place (given that node order is not important,
// you can process nodes in order, addtotail new items and replace removed items with the last entry)
completeCut.m_NodeRefs.RemoveAll(); completeCut.m_NodeRefs.AddMultipleToTail( inputCut->m_NodeRefs.Count(), inputCut->m_NodeRefs.Base() ); inputCut = &completeCut; }
// Clear the output before we start
for ( int i = 0; i < inputCut->m_NodeRefs.Count(); i++ ) { CutByPlanes_R( outputCut, Ref( inputCut->m_NodeRefs[ i ] ), cutFlags, planes, numPlanes ); } }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::CutByPlanes_R( Cut *outputCut, const NodeRef &node, int cutFlags, Plane_t *planes, int numPlanes ) const { // When refining a Cut w.r.t a set of intersection primitives (here planes), there are two flags to control how this is done:
// PARTIAL_INTERSECTIONS - nodes partially passing the intersection test (partially in front of the plane) are included
// these are only leaf nodes; non-leaf nodes are subdivided if found to be 'partial' (since we do
// not want both a node and its parent to be present in the result)
// OR_INTERSECTIONS - in 'OR' mode, a given node needs to pass the intersection test for ANY intersection primitive
// - in 'AND' mode (the default), it must pass the intersection test for ALL intersection primitives
// (for planes, AND is useful to find 'nodes INSIDE a region' and OR to find 'nodes OUTSIDE a region')
// When recursing, we follow these rules for each node:
// AND:
// - fail any plane -> FAIL, end recursion
// - pass all planes -> PASS, add node
// - otherwise (partial for any planes)
// o non-leaf -> recurse to children
// o leaf -> add node if allow partial
// OR:
// - fail all planes -> FAIL, end recursion
// - pass any planes -> PASS, add node
// - partial for any planes (fail for others)
// o non-leaf -> recurse to children
// o leaf -> add node if allow partial
Cut::CutTestResult result = CutByPlanes_Test( node, cutFlags, planes, numPlanes ); switch( result ) { case Cut::CUT_TEST_PASS: // The node fully passes the test, add it to the output Cut
outputCut->m_NodeRefs.AddToTail( node.Index() ); return;
case Cut::CUT_TEST_FAIL: // The node fully fails the test, stop recursion
case Cut::CUT_TEST_PARTIAL: // The node partially passes the test
if ( node.IsLeaf() ) { // Add to the result if partial intersections are desired
if ( cutFlags & Cut::PARTIAL_INTERSECTIONS ) outputCut->m_NodeRefs.AddToTail( node.Index() ); } else { // Recurse to the child nodes (since we can't know yet whether they are pass, fail or partial)
CutByPlanes_R( outputCut, node.Deep(), cutFlags, planes, numPlanes ); CutByPlanes_R( outputCut, node.Shallow(), cutFlags, planes, numPlanes ); } return; } }
inline CUtlSphereTree::Cut::CutTestResult CUtlSphereTree::CutByPlanes_Test( const NodeRef &node, int cutFlags, Plane_t *planes, int numPlanes ) const { Vector ¢re = node->bounds.AsVector3D(); float radius = node->bounds.w;
int numPass = 0, numFail = 0, numPartial = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < numPlanes; i++ ) { float dist = centre.Dot( planes[ i ].AsVector3D() ) - planes[ i ].w; if ( dist >= radius ) { // Node is fully in front
if ( cutFlags & Cut::OR_INTERSECTIONS ) return Cut::CUT_TEST_PASS; // A single pass is enough for 'OR' mode
numPass++; } else if ( dist < -radius ) { // Node is fully behind
if ( !( cutFlags & Cut::OR_INTERSECTIONS ) ) return Cut::CUT_TEST_FAIL; // A single fail is enough for 'AND' mode
numFail++; } else { // Node is partially in front
numPartial++; } }
if ( cutFlags & Cut::OR_INTERSECTIONS ) // 'OR' mode
{ Assert( numPass == 0 ); // Should have earlied-out above, otherwise
return ( numPartial == 0 ) ? Cut::CUT_TEST_FAIL : Cut::CUT_TEST_PARTIAL; } else // 'AND' mode
{ Assert( numFail == 0 ); // Should have earlied-out above, otherwise
return ( numPass == numPlanes ) ? Cut::CUT_TEST_PASS : Cut::CUT_TEST_PARTIAL; } }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::MeasureTreeQuality( float &averageDepth, float &idealDepth, float &averageRedundancy, float &averageSphereTestCost, float sphereTestRadius ) const { int numLeaves = ( m_NumNodesInTree + 1 ) / 2; float pathRedundancy = 0; averageRedundancy = 0; averageDepth = 0; float pathProbability = 1; averageSphereTestCost = 0; int steps = 0;
// Measure depth and redundancy for all paths through the tree:
MeasureTreeQuality_R( Ref( 0 ), steps, averageDepth, averageRedundancy, pathRedundancy, averageSphereTestCost, pathProbability, sphereTestRadius );
// The more efficient a perfectly tree, the closer its averageRedundancy to 0.0 (1.0 is the worst case, 0.5 is normal)
// NOTE: parent-child redundancy correlates well with sibling overlap
averageRedundancy /= MAX( 1, numLeaves );
// For a well-balanced tree, averageDepth ~= idealDepth
averageDepth /= MAX( 1, numLeaves ); // Compute idealDepth for comparison:
idealDepth = ( log( m_NumNodesInTree + 1.0f ) / log( 2.0f ) ) - 1; int baseDepth = (int)floor( idealDepth ); int numFullTreeNodes = ( 1 << baseDepth )*2 - 1; int numHighDepthLeaves = m_NumNodesInTree - numFullTreeNodes; int numLowDepthLeaves = numLeaves - numHighDepthLeaves; idealDepth = ( numLowDepthLeaves*baseDepth + numHighDepthLeaves*( baseDepth + 1 ) ) / (float)numLeaves; }
inline void CUtlSphereTree::MeasureTreeQuality_R( const NodeRef &node, const int steps, float &averageDepth, float &averageRedundancy, const float pathRedundancy, float &averageSphereTestCost, const float pathProbability, const float sphereTestRadius ) const { averageSphereTestCost += pathProbability; if ( !node.IsLeaf() ) { float deepHitProbability = ComputeIntersectionProbability( node, node.Deep(), sphereTestRadius ), shallowHitProbability = ComputeIntersectionProbability( node, node.Shallow(), sphereTestRadius ); MeasureTreeQuality_R( node.Deep(), steps+1, averageDepth, averageRedundancy, ( pathRedundancy + ComputeRedundancy( node, node.Deep() ) ), averageSphereTestCost, pathProbability*deepHitProbability, sphereTestRadius ); MeasureTreeQuality_R( node.Shallow(), steps+1, averageDepth, averageRedundancy, ( pathRedundancy + ComputeRedundancy( node, node.Shallow() ) ), averageSphereTestCost, pathProbability*shallowHitProbability, sphereTestRadius ); } else { // Leaf
averageDepth += steps; averageRedundancy += pathRedundancy / steps; } }
inline float CUtlSphereTree::ComputeRedundancy( const NodeRef &parent, const NodeRef &child ) const { const Sphere_t &parentSphere = parent->bounds, &childSphere = child->bounds; if ( parentSphere.w == 0 ) return 1; return ( childSphere.w*childSphere.w*childSphere.w ) / ( parentSphere.w*parentSphere.w*parentSphere.w ); }
inline float CUtlSphereTree::ComputeIntersectionProbability( const NodeRef &parent, const NodeRef &child, const float sphereTestRadius ) const { // The probability of a test sphere intersecting a parent's child sphere, GIVEN that it has intersected the parent sphere:
// [NOTE: this math assumes that the child sphere touches the parent sphere's boundary, which is always true for CUtlSphereTree]
float totalRadius = ( parent->bounds.w + sphereTestRadius ), hitRadius = ( child->bounds.w + sphereTestRadius ); if ( totalRadius == 0 ) return 1; return ( hitRadius*hitRadius*hitRadius ) / ( totalRadius*totalRadius*totalRadius ); }
// ===== CUtlSphereTree_Cut implementation =================================
inline CUtlSphereTree::Cut::Cut( const CUtlSphereTree *pTree ) { // Initialize a Cut with an entire sphere tree (i.e. the root node)
Assert( pTree ); m_pTree = pTree; if ( pTree->m_NumNodesInTree ) m_NodeRefs.AddToTail( 0 ); }
inline CUtlSphereTree::Cut::~Cut( void ) { }
inline int CUtlSphereTree::Cut::GetLeaves( CUtlVector< void * > &leaves, int maxResults ) const { leaves.RemoveAll(); maxResults = maxResults ? maxResults : 0x7FFFFFFF; int count = maxResults; for ( int i = 0; i < m_NodeRefs.Count(); i++ ) { m_pTree->GetLeavesUnderNode_R( m_pTree->Ref( m_NodeRefs[ i ] ), leaves, count ); } return ( maxResults - count ); }
#endif // _utlspheretree_H_