//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// glentrypoints.h
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/vprof_telemetry.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
void *VoidFnPtrLookup_GlMgr( const char *libname, const char *fn, bool &okay, const bool bRequired, void *fallback=NULL );
class CGLExecuteHelperBase { public: inline void StartCall(const char *pName); inline void StopCall(const char *pName); #if GL_TRACK_API_TIME
TmU64 m_nStartTime; #endif
template < class FunctionType, typename Result > class CGLExecuteHelper : public CGLExecuteHelperBase { public: inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName ) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G, typename H> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G, typename H, typename I> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G, typename H, typename I, typename J> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); m_Result = (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); StopCall(pName); }
inline operator Result() const { return m_Result; } inline operator char*() const { return (char*)m_Result; } FunctionType m_pFn; Result m_Result; };
template < class FunctionType> class CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, void> : public CGLExecuteHelperBase { public: inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName ) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G, typename H> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G, typename H, typename I> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); StopCall(pName); } template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G, typename H, typename I, typename J> inline CGLExecuteHelper(FunctionType pFn, const char *pName, A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j) : m_pFn( pFn ) { StartCall(pName); (*m_pFn)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); StopCall(pName); } FunctionType m_pFn; }; #endif
template < class FunctionType, typename Result > class CDynamicFunctionOpenGLBase { public: // Construct with a NULL function pointer. You must manually call
// Lookup() before you can call a dynamic function through this interface.
CDynamicFunctionOpenGLBase() : m_pFn(NULL) {}
// Construct and do a lookup right away. You will need to make sure that
// the lookup actually succeeded, as the gl library might have failed to load
// or (fn) might not exist in it.
CDynamicFunctionOpenGLBase(const char *fn, FunctionType fallback=NULL) : m_pFn(NULL) { Lookup(fn, fallback); }
// Construct and do a lookup right away. See comments in Lookup() about what (okay) does.
CDynamicFunctionOpenGLBase(const char *fn, bool &okay, FunctionType fallback=NULL) : m_pFn(NULL) { Lookup(fn, okay, fallback); }
// Load library if necessary, look up symbol. Returns true and sets
// m_pFn on successful lookup, returns false otherwise. If the
// function pointer is already looked up, this return true immediately.
// Use Reset() first if you want to look up the symbol again.
// This function will return false immediately unless (okay) is true.
// This allows you to chain lookups like this:
// bool okay = true;
// x.Lookup(lib, "x", okay);
// y.Lookup(lib, "y", okay);
// z.Lookup(lib, "z", okay);
// if (okay) { printf("All functions were loaded successfully!\n"); }
// If you supply a fallback, it'll be used if the lookup fails (and if
// non-NULL, means this will always return (okay)).
bool Lookup(const char *libname, const char *fn, bool &okay, FunctionType fallback=NULL) { if (!okay) return false; else if (this->m_pFn == NULL) { this->m_pFn = (FunctionType) VoidFnPtrLookup_GlMgr(libname, fn, okay, false, (void *) fallback); this->SetFuncName( fn ); } okay = m_pFn != NULL; return okay; }
// Load library if necessary, look up symbol. Returns true and sets
// m_pFn on successful lookup, returns false otherwise. If the
// function pointer is already looked up, this return true immediately.
// Use Reset() first if you want to look up the symbol again.
// This function will return false immediately unless (okay) is true.
// If you supply a fallback, it'll be used if the lookup fails (and if
// non-NULL, means this will always return true).
bool Lookup(const char *fn, FunctionType fallback=NULL) { bool okay = true; return Lookup(fn, okay, fallback); }
// Invalidates the current lookup. Makes the function pointer NULL. You
// will need to call Lookup() before you can call a dynamic function
// through this interface again.
void Reset() { m_pFn = NULL; }
// Force this to be a specific function pointer.
void Force(FunctionType ptr) { m_pFn = ptr; }
// Retrieve the actual function pointer.
FunctionType Pointer() const { return m_pFn; }
#define GL_FUNC_NAME m_szName
#define GL_FUNC_NAME ""
inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() () const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME ); } template<typename T> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a); }
template<typename T, typename U> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c ) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d, X e) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d, e); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d, X e, Y f) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d, e, f); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y, typename Z> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d, X e, Y f, Z g) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y, typename Z, typename A> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d, X e, Y f, Z g, A h) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y, typename Z, typename A, typename B> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d, X e, Y f, Z g, A h, B i) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y, typename Z, typename A, typename B, typename C> inline CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result> operator() (T a, U b, V c, W d, X e, Y f, Z g, A h, B i, C j) const { return CGLExecuteHelper<FunctionType, Result>(m_pFn, GL_FUNC_NAME, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); } #else
operator FunctionType() const { return m_pFn; } #endif
// Can be used to verify that we have an actual function looked up and
// ready to call: if (!MyDynFunc) { printf("Function not found!\n"); }
operator bool () const { return m_pFn != NULL; } bool operator !() const { return m_pFn == NULL; } protected: FunctionType m_pFn;
char m_szName[32]; inline void SetFuncName(const char *pFn) { V_strncpy( m_szName, pFn, sizeof( m_szName ) ); } #else
inline void SetFuncName(const char *pFn) { (void)pFn; } #endif
// This works a lot like CDynamicFunctionMustInit, but we use SDL_GL_GetProcAddress().
template < const bool bRequired, class FunctionType, typename Result > class CDynamicFunctionOpenGL : public CDynamicFunctionOpenGLBase< FunctionType, Result > { private: // forbid default constructor.
CDynamicFunctionOpenGL() {}
public: CDynamicFunctionOpenGL(const char *libname, const char *fn, FunctionType fallback=NULL) { bool okay = true; Lookup(libname, fn, okay, fallback); this->SetFuncName( fn ); }
CDynamicFunctionOpenGL(const char *libname, const char *fn, bool &okay, FunctionType fallback=NULL) { Lookup(libname, fn, okay, fallback); this->SetFuncName( fn ); }
// Please note this is not virtual.
// !!! FIXME: we might want to fall back and try "EXT" or "ARB" versions in some case.
bool Lookup(const char *libname, const char *fn, bool &okay, FunctionType fallback=NULL) { if (this->m_pFn == NULL) { this->m_pFn = (FunctionType) VoidFnPtrLookup_GlMgr(libname, fn, okay, bRequired, (void *) fallback); this->SetFuncName( fn ); } return okay; } };
enum GLDriverStrings_t { cGLVendorString, cGLRendererString, cGLVersionString, cGLExtensionsString,
cGLTotalDriverStrings };
enum GLDriverProvider_t { cGLDriverProviderUnknown, cGLDriverProviderNVIDIA, cGLDriverProviderAMD, cGLDriverProviderIntel, cGLDriverProviderIntelOpenSource, cGLDriverProviderApple,
cGLTotalDriverProviders };
// This provides all the entry points for a given OpenGL context.
// YOU LOOKED THEM UP. 99% of the time, this is not a problem, but
// that 1% is really hard to track down. Always access the GL
// through this class!
class COpenGLEntryPoints { COpenGLEntryPoints( const COpenGLEntryPoints & ); COpenGLEntryPoints &operator= ( const COpenGLEntryPoints & );
public: // The GL context you are looking up entry points for must be current when you construct this object!
COpenGLEntryPoints(const char *libname); ~COpenGLEntryPoints();
void ClearEntryPoints(); uint64 m_nTotalGLCycles, m_nTotalGLCalls;
const char *m_strLibName; // this is the pointer you passed in the constructor, or a default if you passed NULL.
int m_nOpenGLVersionMajor; // if GL_VERSION is 2.1.0, this will be set to 2.
int m_nOpenGLVersionMinor; // if GL_VERSION is 2.1.0, this will be set to 1.
int m_nOpenGLVersionPatch; // if GL_VERSION is 2.1.0, this will be set to 0.
bool m_bHave_OpenGL; char *m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLTotalDriverStrings]; GLDriverProvider_t m_nDriverProvider;
#ifdef OSX
#define GL_EXT(x,glmajor,glminor) bool m_bHave_##x;
#define GL_FUNC(ext,req,ret,fn,arg,call) CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< req, ret (*) arg, ret > fn;
#define GL_FUNC_VOID(ext,req,fn,arg,call) CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< req, void (*) arg, void > fn;
#define GL_EXT(x,glmajor,glminor) bool m_bHave_##x;
#define GL_FUNC(ext,req,ret,fn,arg,call) CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< req, ret (APIENTRY *) arg, ret > fn;
#define GL_FUNC_VOID(ext,req,fn,arg,call) CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< req, void (APIENTRY *) arg, void > fn;
#include "togl/glfuncs.inl"
#undef GL_FUNC
#undef GL_EXT
bool HasSwapTearExtension() const { #ifdef _WIN32
return m_bHave_WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear; #else
return m_bHave_GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear; #endif
} };
// This will be set to the current OpenGL context's entry points.
extern COpenGLEntryPoints *gGL; typedef void * (*GL_GetProcAddressCallbackFunc_t)(const char *, const char *, bool &, const bool, void *);
DLL_EXPORT COpenGLEntryPoints *ToGLConnectLibraries( CreateInterfaceFn factory ); DLL_EXPORT void ToGLDisconnectLibraries(); DLL_EXPORT COpenGLEntryPoints *GetOpenGLEntryPoints(GL_GetProcAddressCallbackFunc_t callback); DLL_EXPORT void ClearOpenGLEntryPoints(); #else
DLL_IMPORT COpenGLEntryPoints *ToGLConnectLibraries( CreateInterfaceFn factory ); DLL_IMPORT void ToGLDisconnectLibraries(); DLL_IMPORT COpenGLEntryPoints *GetOpenGLEntryPoints(GL_GetProcAddressCallbackFunc_t callback); DLL_IMPORT void ClearOpenGLEntryPoints(); #endif
inline void CGLExecuteHelperBase::StartCall(const char *pName) { (void)pName;
tmEnter( TELEMETRY_LEVEL3, TMZF_NONE, pName ); #endif
m_nStartTime = tmFastTime(); #endif
static bool s_bDumpCalls; if ( s_bDumpCalls ) { char buf[128]; buf[0] = 'G'; buf[1] = 'L'; buf[2] = ':'; size_t l = strlen( pName ); memcpy( buf + 3, pName, l ); buf[3 + l] = '\n'; buf[4 + l] = '\0'; Plat_DebugString( buf ); } #endif
inline void CGLExecuteHelperBase::StopCall(const char *pName) { #if GL_TRACK_API_TIME
uint64 nTotalCycles = tmFastTime() - m_nStartTime; #endif
tmLeave( TELEMETRY_LEVEL3 ); #endif
//double flMilliseconds = g_Telemetry.flRDTSCToMilliSeconds * nTotalCycles;
if (gGL) { gGL->m_nTotalGLCycles += nTotalCycles; gGL->m_nTotalGLCalls++; } #endif
} #endif