//========= Copyright � 1996-2001, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_serverbrowser.h"
using namespace vgui;
const float BROADCAST_LIST_TIMEOUT = 0.4f;
// Purpose: Constructor
CLanGames::CLanGames(vgui::Panel *parent, bool bAutoRefresh, const char *pCustomResFilename ) : CBaseGamesPage(parent, "LanGames", eLANServer, pCustomResFilename) { m_iServerRefreshCount = 0; m_bRequesting = false; m_bAutoRefresh = bAutoRefresh;
m_pGameList->AddColumnHeader(10, "Tags", "#ServerBrowser_Tags", 200); m_pGameList->SetSortFunc(10, TagsCompare); m_pGameList->SetSortColumn(9); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CLanGames::~CLanGames() { }
// Purpose: Activates the page, starts refresh
void CLanGames::OnPageShow() { if ( m_bAutoRefresh ) StartRefresh(); }
// Purpose: Called every frame
void CLanGames::OnTick() { BaseClass::OnTick(); CheckRetryRequest(); }
// Purpose: returns true if the game list supports the specified ui elements
bool CLanGames::SupportsItem(InterfaceItem_e item) { switch (item) { case FILTERS: return true;
case GETNEWLIST: default: return false; } }
// Purpose: starts the servers refreshing
void CLanGames::StartRefresh() { BaseClass::StartRefresh(); m_fRequestTime = Plat_FloatTime(); }
// Purpose: Control which button are visible.
void CLanGames::ManualShowButtons( bool bShowConnect, bool bShowRefreshAll, bool bShowFilter ) { m_pConnect->SetVisible( bShowConnect ); m_pRefreshAll->SetVisible( bShowRefreshAll ); m_pFilter->SetVisible( bShowFilter ); }
// Purpose: stops current refresh/GetNewServerList()
void CLanGames::StopRefresh() { BaseClass::StopRefresh(); // clear update states
m_bRequesting = false; }
// Purpose: Check to see if we've finished looking for local servers
void CLanGames::CheckRetryRequest() { if (!m_bRequesting) return;
double curtime = Plat_FloatTime(); if (curtime - m_fRequestTime <= BROADCAST_LIST_TIMEOUT) { return; }
// time has elapsed, finish up
m_bRequesting = false; }
// Purpose: called when a server response has timed out, remove it
void CLanGames::ServerFailedToRespond( HServerListRequest hReq, int iServer ) { int iServerMap = m_mapServers.Find( iServer ); if ( iServerMap != m_mapServers.InvalidIndex() ) RemoveServer( m_mapServers[ iServerMap ] ); }
// Purpose: called when the current refresh list is complete
void CLanGames::RefreshComplete( HServerListRequest hReq, EMatchMakingServerResponse response ) { SetRefreshing( false ); m_pGameList->SortList(); m_iServerRefreshCount = 0; m_pGameList->SetEmptyListText("#ServerBrowser_NoLanServers"); SetEmptyListText();
BaseClass::RefreshComplete( hReq, response ); }
void CLanGames::SetEmptyListText() { m_pGameList->SetEmptyListText("#ServerBrowser_NoLanServers"); }
// Purpose: opens context menu (user right clicked on a server)
void CLanGames::OnOpenContextMenu(int row) { int serverID = GetSelectedServerID();
if ( serverID == -1 ) return;
// Activate context menu
CServerContextMenu *menu = ServerBrowserDialog().GetContextMenu(GetActiveList()); menu->ShowMenu(this, serverID, true, true, true, false); }