//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: XBox win32 replacements - Mocks trivial windows flow
#include "../pch_tier0.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// On the 360, threads can run on any of 6 logical processors
DWORD g_dwProcessAffinityMask = 0x3F;
#define HWND_MAGIC 0x12345678
struct xWndClass_t { char* pClassName; WNDPROC wndProc; xWndClass_t* pNext; };
struct xWnd_t { xWndClass_t* pWndClass; int x; int y; int w; int h; long windowLongs[GWL_MAX]; int show; int nMagic; xWnd_t* pNext; };
static xWndClass_t* g_pWndClasses; static xWnd_t* g_pWnds; static HWND g_focusWindow; inline bool IsWndValid( HWND hWnd ) { if ( !hWnd || ((xWnd_t*)hWnd)->nMagic != HWND_MAGIC ) return false; return true; }
int MessageBox(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { XBX_Error( lpText ); Assert( 0 );
return (0); }
LONG GetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex) { LONG oldLong;
if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return 0;
switch (nIndex) { case GWL_WNDPROC: case GWL_USERDATA: case GWL_STYLE: case GWL_EXSTYLE: oldLong = ((xWnd_t*)hWnd)->windowLongs[nIndex]; break; default: // not implemented
Assert( 0 ); return 0; }
return oldLong; }
LONG_PTR GetWindowLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex) { UINT idx;
switch ( nIndex ) { case GWLP_WNDPROC: idx = GWL_WNDPROC; break; case GWLP_USERDATA: idx = GWL_USERDATA; break; default: // not implemented
Assert(0); return 0; }
return GetWindowLong( hWnd, idx ); }
LONG_PTR GetWindowLongPtrW(HWND hWnd, int nIndex) { AssertMsg( false, "GetWindowLongPtrW does not exist on Xbox 360." ); return GetWindowLongPtr( hWnd, nIndex ); }
LONG SetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong) { LONG oldLong;
if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return 0;
switch ( nIndex ) { case GWL_WNDPROC: case GWL_USERDATA: case GWL_STYLE: oldLong = ((xWnd_t*)hWnd)->windowLongs[nIndex]; ((xWnd_t*)hWnd)->windowLongs[nIndex] = dwNewLong; break; default: // not implemented
Assert( 0 ); return 0; }
return oldLong; }
LONG_PTR SetWindowLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR dwNewLong) { UINT idx;
switch ( nIndex ) { case GWLP_WNDPROC: idx = GWL_WNDPROC; break; case GWLP_USERDATA: idx = GWL_USERDATA; break; default: // not implemented
Assert( 0 ); return 0; }
return SetWindowLong( hWnd, idx, dwNewLong ); }
LONG_PTR SetWindowLongPtrW(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR dwNewLong) { AssertMsg( false, "SetWindowLongPtrW does not exist on Xbox 360." ); return SetWindowLongPtr( hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong ); }
HWND CreateWindow(LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam) { // find classname
xWndClass_t* pWndClass = g_pWndClasses; while ( pWndClass ) { if ( !V_tier0_stricmp( lpClassName, pWndClass->pClassName ) ) break; pWndClass = pWndClass->pNext; } if ( !pWndClass ) { // no such class
return (HWND)NULL; }
// allocate and setup
xWnd_t* pWnd = new xWnd_t; memset( pWnd, 0, sizeof(xWnd_t) ); pWnd->pWndClass = pWndClass; pWnd->windowLongs[GWL_WNDPROC] = (LONG)pWndClass->wndProc; pWnd->windowLongs[GWL_STYLE] = dwStyle; pWnd->x = x; pWnd->y = y; pWnd->w = nWidth; pWnd->h = nHeight; pWnd->nMagic = HWND_MAGIC;
// link into list
pWnd->pNext = g_pWnds; g_pWnds = pWnd;
// force the focus
g_focusWindow = (HWND)pWnd;
// send the expected message sequence
SendMessage( (HWND)pWnd, WM_CREATE, 0, 0 ); SendMessage( (HWND)pWnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, TRUE, 0 );
return (HWND)pWnd; }
HWND CreateWindowEx(DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam) { return CreateWindow( lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam ); }
BOOL DestroyWindow( HWND hWnd ) { if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return FALSE;
xWnd_t* pPrev = g_pWnds; xWnd_t* pCur = g_pWnds;
while ( pCur ) { if ( pCur == (xWnd_t*)hWnd ) { if ( pPrev == g_pWnds ) { // at head of list, fixup
g_pWnds = pCur->pNext; } else { // remove from chain
pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext; } pCur->nMagic = 0; delete pCur; break; }
// advance through list
pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext; }
return TRUE; }
ATOM RegisterClassEx(CONST WNDCLASSEX *lpwcx) { // create
xWndClass_t* pWndClass = new xWndClass_t; memset(pWndClass, 0, sizeof(xWndClass_t)); pWndClass->pClassName = new char[strlen(lpwcx->lpszClassName)+1]; strcpy(pWndClass->pClassName, lpwcx->lpszClassName); pWndClass->wndProc = lpwcx->lpfnWndProc;
// insert into list
pWndClass->pNext = g_pWndClasses; g_pWndClasses = pWndClass;
return (ATOM)pWndClass; }
ATOM RegisterClass(CONST WNDCLASS *lpwc) { // create
xWndClass_t* pWndClass = new xWndClass_t; memset(pWndClass, 0, sizeof(xWndClass_t)); pWndClass->pClassName = new char[strlen(lpwc->lpszClassName)+1]; strcpy(pWndClass->pClassName, lpwc->lpszClassName); pWndClass->wndProc = lpwc->lpfnWndProc;
// insert into list
pWndClass->pNext = g_pWndClasses; g_pWndClasses = pWndClass;
return (ATOM)pWndClass; }
HWND GetFocus(VOID) { if ( !IsWndValid( g_focusWindow ) ) return NULL;
return g_focusWindow; }
HWND SetFocus( HWND hWnd ) { HWND hOldFocus = g_focusWindow;
if ( IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) { g_focusWindow = hWnd; }
return hOldFocus; }
LRESULT CallWindowProc(WNDPROC lpPrevWndFunc, HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return (lpPrevWndFunc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam)); }
LRESULT CallWindowProcW(WNDPROC lpPrevWndFunc, HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { AssertMsg( false, "CallWindowProcW does not exist on Xbox 360." ); return CallWindowProc( lpPrevWndFunc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam ); }
int GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex) { XVIDEO_MODE videoMode; XGetVideoMode( &videoMode ); // default to having the backbuffer the same as the mode resolution.
int nFrameBufferWidth, nFrameBufferHeight; nFrameBufferWidth = videoMode.dwDisplayWidth; nFrameBufferHeight = videoMode.dwDisplayHeight;
// override for cases where we need to have a different backbuffer either for memory reasons
// or for dealing with anamorphic modes.
if ( !videoMode.fIsWideScreen && videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 640 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 576 ) { // PAL normal
nFrameBufferWidth = 640; nFrameBufferHeight = 480; } else if ( videoMode.fIsWideScreen && videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 640 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 576 ) { // PAL widescreen
nFrameBufferWidth = 848; nFrameBufferHeight = 480; } else if ( videoMode.fIsWideScreen && videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 640 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 480 ) { // anamorphic
nFrameBufferWidth = 848; nFrameBufferHeight = 480; } else if ( videoMode.fIsWideScreen && videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1024 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 768 ) { // anamorphic
nFrameBufferWidth = 1280; nFrameBufferHeight = 720; } else if ( videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1280 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 760 ) { nFrameBufferWidth = 1280; nFrameBufferHeight = 720; } else if ( videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1280 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 768 ) { nFrameBufferWidth = 1280; nFrameBufferHeight = 720; } else if ( !videoMode.fIsWideScreen && videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1280 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 1024 ) { nFrameBufferWidth = 1024; nFrameBufferHeight = 768; } else if ( videoMode.fIsWideScreen && videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1280 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 1024 ) { // anamorphic
nFrameBufferWidth = 1280; nFrameBufferHeight = 720; } else if ( videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1360 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 768 ) { nFrameBufferWidth = 1280; nFrameBufferHeight = 720; } else if ( videoMode.dwDisplayWidth == 1920 && videoMode.dwDisplayHeight == 1080 ) { nFrameBufferWidth = 1280; nFrameBufferHeight = 720; }
switch ( nIndex ) { case SM_CXFIXEDFRAME: case SM_CYFIXEDFRAME: case SM_CYSIZE: return 0; case SM_CXSCREEN: return nFrameBufferWidth; case SM_CYSCREEN: return nFrameBufferHeight; }
// not implemented
Assert( 0 ); return 0; }
BOOL ShowWindow(HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow) { if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return FALSE;
((xWnd_t*)hWnd)->show = nCmdShow;
if ((nCmdShow == SW_SHOWDEFAULT) || (nCmdShow == SW_SHOWNORMAL) || (nCmdShow == SW_SHOW)) g_focusWindow = hWnd;
return TRUE; }
LRESULT SendMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return 0L;
xWnd_t* pWnd = (xWnd_t*)hWnd; WNDPROC wndProc = (WNDPROC)pWnd->windowLongs[GWL_WNDPROC]; Assert( wndProc ); LRESULT result = wndProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
return result; }
LRESULT SendMessageTimeout( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT fuFlags, UINT uTimeout, PDWORD_PTR lpdwResult ) { *lpdwResult = SendMessage( hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam );
return -1; }
BOOL GetClientRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect) { if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return FALSE;
xWnd_t* pWnd = (xWnd_t*)hWnd; lpRect->left = 0; lpRect->top = 0; lpRect->right = pWnd->w; lpRect->bottom = pWnd->h;
return TRUE; }
int GetDeviceCaps(HDC hdc, int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case HORZRES: return GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); case VERTRES: return GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); case VREFRESH: return 60; }
Assert( 0 ); return 0; }
BOOL SetWindowPos( HWND hWnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags ) { if ( !IsWndValid( hWnd ) ) return FALSE;
xWnd_t* pWnd = (xWnd_t*)hWnd;
if ( !( uFlags & SWP_NOMOVE ) ) { pWnd->x = x; pWnd->y = y; }
if ( !( uFlags & SWP_NOSIZE ) ) { pWnd->w = cx; pWnd->h = cy; }
return TRUE; }
int XBX_unlink( const char* filename ) { bool bSuccess = DeleteFile( filename ) != 0; if ( !bSuccess && GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { // not a real error
bSuccess = true; } // 0 = sucess, -1 = failure
return bSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// Purpose: Xbox low level replacement for _mkdir().
// Expects to be driven by a higher level path iterator.
int XBX_mkdir( const char *pszDir ) { bool bSuccess = CreateDirectory( pszDir, XBOX_DONTCARE ) != 0; if ( !bSuccess && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { // not a real error
bSuccess = true; } // 0 = sucess, -1 = failure
return ( bSuccess ? 0 : -1 ); }
char *XBX_getcwd( char *buf, size_t size ) { if ( !buf ) { buf = (char*)malloc( 4 ); } strncpy( buf, "D:", size ); return buf; }
int XBX_access( const char *path, int mode ) { if ( !path ) { return -1; }
// get the fatx attributes
DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( path ); if ( dwAttr == (DWORD)-1 ) { return -1; }
if ( mode == 0 ) { // is file exist?
return 0; } else if ( mode == 2 ) { // is file write only?
return -1; } else if ( mode == 4 ) { // is file read only?
if ( dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) return 0; else return -1; } else if ( mode == 6 ) { // is file read and write?
if ( !( dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) ) return 0; else return -1; }
return -1; }
DWORD XBX_GetCurrentDirectory( DWORD nBufferLength, LPTSTR lpBuffer ) { XBX_getcwd( lpBuffer, nBufferLength ); return strlen( lpBuffer ); }
DWORD XBX_GetModuleFileName( HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize ) { int len; char *pStr; char *pEnd; char xexName[MAX_PATH];
if ( hModule == GetModuleHandle( NULL ) ) { // isolate xex of command line
pStr = GetCommandLine(); if ( pStr ) { // cull possible quotes around xex
if ( pStr[0] == '\"' ) { pStr++; pEnd = strchr( pStr, '\"' ); if ( !pEnd ) { // no ending matching quote
return 0; } } else { // find possible first argument
pEnd = strchr( lpFilename, ' ' ); if ( !pEnd ) { pEnd = pStr+strlen( pStr ); } } len = pEnd-pStr; memcpy( xexName, pStr, len ); xexName[len] = '\0';
len = _snprintf( lpFilename, nSize, "D:\\%s", xexName ); if ( len == -1 ) lpFilename[nSize-1] = '\0';
return strlen( lpFilename ); } } return 0; }