//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Places "detail" objects which are client-only renderable things
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vbsp.h"
#include "bsplib.h"
#include "UtlVector.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
#include "gamebspfile.h"
#include "VPhysics_Interface.h"
#include "Studio.h"
#include "byteswap.h"
#include "UtlBuffer.h"
#include "CollisionUtils.h"
#include <float.h>
#include "CModel.h"
#include "PhysDll.h"
#include "UtlSymbol.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "phyfile.h"
#include "characterset.h"
#include "utlstring.h"
#include "winlite.h"
static void SetCurrentModel( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ); static void FreeCurrentModelVertexes();
IPhysicsCollision *s_pPhysCollision = NULL;
// These puppies are used to construct the game lumps
static CUtlVector<StaticPropDictLump_t> s_StaticPropDictLump; static CUtlVector<StaticPropLump_t> s_StaticPropLump; static CUtlVector<StaticPropLeafLump_t> s_StaticPropLeafLump;
// Used to build the static prop
struct StaticPropBuild_t { char const* m_pModelName; char const* m_pLightingOrigin; Vector m_Origin; QAngle m_Angles; int m_Solid; int m_Skin; int m_Flags; int m_FlagsEx; float m_FadeMinDist; float m_FadeMaxDist; bool m_FadesOut; float m_flForcedFadeScale; unsigned char m_nMinCPULevel; unsigned char m_nMaxCPULevel; unsigned char m_nMinGPULevel; unsigned char m_nMaxGPULevel; color32 m_DiffuseModulation;
bool m_bCombineDataWritten; int m_nPhysicsHullCount; CUtlString m_szRefName; CUtlString m_szPhyName; int m_nHulls; bool m_bConcave; float m_flScale; int m_nCombineRuleGroup; bool m_bUpaxisY; };
// Used to cache collision model generation
struct ModelCollisionLookup_t { CUtlSymbol m_Name; CPhysCollide* m_pCollide; };
static bool ModelLess( ModelCollisionLookup_t const& src1, ModelCollisionLookup_t const& src2 ) { return src1.m_Name < src2.m_Name; }
static CUtlRBTree<ModelCollisionLookup_t, unsigned short> s_ModelCollisionCache( 0, 32, ModelLess ); static CUtlVector<int> s_LightingInfo;
// Gets the keyvalues from a studiohdr
bool StudioKeyValues( studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr, KeyValues *pValue ) { if ( !pStudioHdr ) return false;
return pValue->LoadFromBuffer( pStudioHdr->pszName(), pStudioHdr->KeyValueText() ); }
// Makes sure the studio model is a static prop
isstaticprop_ret IsStaticProp( studiohdr_t* pHdr ) { if (!(pHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_STATIC_PROP)) return RET_FAIL_NOT_MARKED_STATIC_PROP;
// If it's got a propdata section in the model's keyvalues, it's not allowed to be a prop_static
KeyValues *modelKeyValues = new KeyValues(pHdr->pszName()); if ( StudioKeyValues( pHdr, modelKeyValues ) ) { KeyValues *sub = modelKeyValues->FindKey("prop_data"); if ( sub ) { if ( !(sub->GetInt( "allowstatic", 0 )) ) { modelKeyValues->deleteThis(); return RET_FAIL_DYNAMIC; } } } modelKeyValues->deleteThis();
return RET_VALID; }
// Add static prop model to the list of models
static int AddStaticPropDictLump( char const* pModelName ) { StaticPropDictLump_t dictLump; strncpy( dictLump.m_Name, pModelName, DETAIL_NAME_LENGTH );
for (int i = s_StaticPropDictLump.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if (!memcmp(&s_StaticPropDictLump[i], &dictLump, sizeof(dictLump) )) return i; }
return s_StaticPropDictLump.AddToTail( dictLump ); }
// Load studio model vertex data from a file...
bool LoadStudioModel( char const* pModelName, char const* pEntityType, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { if ( !GetMapDataFilesMgr()->ReadRegisteredFile( pModelName, buf ) && !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pModelName, NULL, buf ) ) { if ( V_stristr( pModelName, "_autocombine_" ) && FileExistsInPak( GetPakFile(), pModelName ) ) { if ( !ReadFileFromPak( GetPakFile(), pModelName, false, buf ) ) return false; } else { return false; } }
// Check that it's valid
if (strncmp ((const char *) buf.PeekGet(), "IDST", 4) && strncmp ((const char *) buf.PeekGet(), "IDAG", 4)) { return false; }
studiohdr_t* pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.PeekGet();
Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( pHdr );
if (pHdr->version != STUDIO_VERSION) { return false; }
isstaticprop_ret isStaticProp = IsStaticProp(pHdr); if ( isStaticProp != RET_VALID ) { if ( isStaticProp == RET_FAIL_NOT_MARKED_STATIC_PROP ) { Warning("Error! To use model \"%s\"\n" " with %s, it must be compiled with $staticprop!\n", pModelName, pEntityType ); } else if ( isStaticProp == RET_FAIL_DYNAMIC ) { Warning("Error! %s using model \"%s\", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.\n", pEntityType, pModelName ); } return false; }
// ensure reset
pHdr->SetVertexBase( NULL ); pHdr->SetIndexBase( NULL );
return true; }
// Computes a convex hull from a studio mesh
static CPhysConvex* ComputeConvexHull( studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr, mstudiomesh_t* pMesh ) { // Generate a list of all verts in the mesh
CUtlVector<Vector> vertCopy; CUtlVector<Vector *> ppVerts; vertCopy.EnsureCount(pMesh->numvertices); ppVerts.EnsureCount(pMesh->numvertices); const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = pMesh->GetVertexData( (void *)pStudioHdr ); Assert( vertData ); // This can only return NULL on X360 for now
for (int i = 0; i < pMesh->numvertices; ++i) { vertCopy[i] = *vertData->Position(i); // quantize these so that really curved/detailed models don't take forever
vertCopy[i].x = float( RoundFloatToInt(vertCopy[i].x) ); vertCopy[i].y = float( RoundFloatToInt(vertCopy[i].y) ); vertCopy[i].z = float( RoundFloatToInt(vertCopy[i].z) ); ppVerts[i] = &vertCopy[i]; }
// Generate a convex hull from the verts
return s_pPhysCollision->ConvexFromVerts( ppVerts.Base(), pMesh->numvertices ); }
// Computes a convex hull from the studio model
CPhysCollide* ComputeConvexHull( studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr ) { CUtlVector<CPhysConvex*> convexHulls;
for (int body = 0; body < pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; ++body ) { mstudiobodyparts_t *pBodyPart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( body ); for( int model = 0; model < pBodyPart->nummodels; ++model ) { mstudiomodel_t *pStudioModel = pBodyPart->pModel( model ); for( int mesh = 0; mesh < pStudioModel->nummeshes; ++mesh ) { // Make a convex hull for each mesh
// NOTE: This won't work unless the model has been compiled
// with $staticprop
mstudiomesh_t *pStudioMesh = pStudioModel->pMesh( mesh ); CPhysConvex *pConvex = ComputeConvexHull( pStudioHdr, pStudioMesh ); if ( !pConvex ) { Warning("Can't create hull for mesh %d/%d of model %s\n", mesh, model, pStudioHdr->name ); } else { convexHulls.AddToTail( pConvex ); } } } }
// Convert an array of convex elements to a compiled collision model
// (this deletes the convex elements)
return s_pPhysCollision->ConvertConvexToCollide( convexHulls.Base(), convexHulls.Count() ); }
// Add, find collision model in cache
static CPhysCollide* GetCollisionModel( char const* pModelName ) { // Convert to a common string
char* pTemp = (char*)_alloca(strlen(pModelName) + 1); strcpy( pTemp, pModelName ); _strlwr( pTemp );
char* pSlash = strchr( pTemp, '\\' ); while( pSlash ) { *pSlash = '/'; pSlash = strchr( pTemp, '\\' ); }
// Find it in the cache
ModelCollisionLookup_t lookup; lookup.m_Name = pTemp; int i = s_ModelCollisionCache.Find( lookup ); if (i != s_ModelCollisionCache.InvalidIndex()) return s_ModelCollisionCache[i].m_pCollide;
// Load the studio model file
CUtlBuffer buf; if (!LoadStudioModel(pModelName, "prop_static", buf)) { Warning("Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", pModelName );
// This way we don't try to load it multiple times
lookup.m_pCollide = 0; s_ModelCollisionCache.Insert( lookup );
return 0; }
// Compute the convex hull of the model...
studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.PeekGet();
// necessary for vertex access
SetCurrentModel( pStudioHdr );
lookup.m_pCollide = ComputeConvexHull( pStudioHdr ); s_ModelCollisionCache.Insert( lookup );
if ( !lookup.m_pCollide ) { Warning("Bad geometry on \"%s\"!\n", pModelName ); }
// Debugging
if (g_DumpStaticProps) { static int propNum = 0; char tmp[128]; sprintf( tmp, "staticprop%03d.txt", propNum ); DumpCollideToGlView( lookup.m_pCollide, tmp ); ++propNum; }
// Insert into cache...
return lookup.m_pCollide; }
// Tests a single leaf against the static prop
static bool TestLeafAgainstCollide( int depth, int* pNodeList, Vector const& origin, QAngle const& angles, CPhysCollide* pCollide ) { // Copy the planes in the node list into a list of planes
float* pPlanes = (float*)_alloca(depth * 4 * sizeof(float) ); int idx = 0; for (int i = depth; --i >= 0; ++idx ) { int sign = (pNodeList[i] < 0) ? -1 : 1; int node = (sign < 0) ? - pNodeList[i] - 1 : pNodeList[i]; dnode_t* pNode = &dnodes[node]; dplane_t* pPlane = &dplanes[pNode->planenum];
pPlanes[idx*4] = sign * pPlane->normal[0]; pPlanes[idx*4+1] = sign * pPlane->normal[1]; pPlanes[idx*4+2] = sign * pPlane->normal[2]; pPlanes[idx*4+3] = sign * pPlane->dist; }
// Make a convex solid out of the planes
CPhysConvex* pPhysConvex = s_pPhysCollision->ConvexFromPlanes( pPlanes, depth, 0.0f );
// This should never happen, but if it does, return no collision
Assert( pPhysConvex ); if (!pPhysConvex) return false;
CPhysCollide* pLeafCollide = s_pPhysCollision->ConvertConvexToCollide( &pPhysConvex, 1 );
// Collide the leaf solid with the static prop solid
trace_t tr; s_pPhysCollision->TraceCollide( vec3_origin, vec3_origin, pLeafCollide, vec3_angle, pCollide, origin, angles, &tr );
s_pPhysCollision->DestroyCollide( pLeafCollide );
return (tr.startsolid != 0); }
// Find all leaves that intersect with this bbox + test against the static prop..
static void ComputeConvexHullLeaves_R( int node, int depth, int* pNodeList, Vector const& mins, Vector const& maxs, Vector const& origin, QAngle const& angles, CPhysCollide* pCollide, bool bSkipTrace, CUtlVector<unsigned short>& leafList ) { Assert( pNodeList && pCollide ); Vector cornermin, cornermax;
while( node >= 0 ) { dnode_t* pNode = &dnodes[node]; dplane_t* pPlane = &dplanes[pNode->planenum];
// Arbitrary split plane here
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (pPlane->normal[i] >= 0) { cornermin[i] = mins[i]; cornermax[i] = maxs[i]; } else { cornermin[i] = maxs[i]; cornermax[i] = mins[i]; } }
if (DotProduct( pPlane->normal, cornermax ) <= pPlane->dist) { // Add the node to the list of nodes
pNodeList[depth] = node; ++depth;
node = pNode->children[1]; } else if (DotProduct( pPlane->normal, cornermin ) >= pPlane->dist) { // In this case, we are going in front of the plane. That means that
// this plane must have an outward normal facing in the oppisite direction
// We indicate this be storing a negative node index in the node list
pNodeList[depth] = - node - 1; ++depth;
node = pNode->children[0]; } else { // Here the box is split by the node. First, we'll add the plane as if its
// outward facing normal is in the direction of the node plane, then
// we'll have to reverse it for the other child...
pNodeList[depth] = node; ++depth;
ComputeConvexHullLeaves_R( pNode->children[1], depth, pNodeList, mins, maxs, origin, angles, pCollide, bSkipTrace, leafList ); pNodeList[depth - 1] = - node - 1; ComputeConvexHullLeaves_R( pNode->children[0], depth, pNodeList, mins, maxs, origin, angles, pCollide, bSkipTrace, leafList ); return; } }
Assert( pNodeList && pCollide );
// Never add static props to solid leaves
if ( (dleafs[-node-1].contents & CONTENTS_SOLID) == 0 ) { if ( bSkipTrace || TestLeafAgainstCollide( depth, pNodeList, origin, angles, pCollide ) ) { leafList.AddToTail( -node - 1 ); } } }
// Places Static Props in the level
static void ComputeStaticPropLeaves( CPhysCollide* pCollide, Vector const& origin, QAngle const& angles, CUtlVector<unsigned short>& leafList ) { // Compute an axis-aligned bounding box for the collide
Vector mins, maxs; s_pPhysCollision->CollideGetAABB( &mins, &maxs, pCollide, origin, angles );
Vector vSize = maxs - mins; bool bSkipTrace = false; if ( vSize.x < 1e-2f || vSize.y < 1e-2f || vSize.z < 1e-2f ) { // 2d, enlarge and skip the accurate test
bSkipTrace = true; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( vSize[i] < 1e-2f ) { mins[i] -= 1.0f; maxs[i] += 1.0f; } } } // Find all leaves that intersect with the bounds
int tempNodeList[1024]; ComputeConvexHullLeaves_R( 0, 0, tempNodeList, mins, maxs, origin, angles, pCollide, bSkipTrace, leafList ); }
// Computes the lighting origin
static bool ComputeLightingOrigin( StaticPropBuild_t const& build, Vector& lightingOrigin ) { for (int i = s_LightingInfo.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { int entIndex = s_LightingInfo[i];
// Check against all lighting info entities
char const* pTargetName = ValueForKey( &entities[entIndex], "targetname" ); if (!Q_strcmp(pTargetName, build.m_pLightingOrigin)) { GetVectorForKey( &entities[entIndex], "origin", lightingOrigin ); return true; } }
return false; }
// Places Static Props in the level
static void AddStaticPropToLump( StaticPropBuild_t const& build ) { // Get the collision model
CPhysCollide* pConvexHull = GetCollisionModel( build.m_pModelName ); if (!pConvexHull) return;
// Compute the leaves the static prop's convex hull hits
CUtlVector< unsigned short > leafList; ComputeStaticPropLeaves( pConvexHull, build.m_Origin, build.m_Angles, leafList );
if ( !leafList.Count() ) { Warning( "Static prop %s outside the map (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", build.m_pModelName, build.m_Origin.x, build.m_Origin.y, build.m_Origin.z ); return; } // Insert an element into the lump data...
int i = s_StaticPropLump.AddToTail( ); StaticPropLump_t& propLump = s_StaticPropLump[i]; propLump.m_PropType = AddStaticPropDictLump( build.m_pModelName ); VectorCopy( build.m_Origin, propLump.m_Origin ); VectorCopy( build.m_Angles, propLump.m_Angles ); propLump.m_FirstLeaf = s_StaticPropLeafLump.Count(); propLump.m_LeafCount = leafList.Count(); propLump.m_Solid = build.m_Solid; propLump.m_Skin = build.m_Skin; propLump.m_Flags = build.m_Flags; propLump.m_FlagsEx = build.m_FlagsEx; if (build.m_FadesOut) { propLump.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_FLAG_FADES; } propLump.m_FadeMinDist = build.m_FadeMinDist; propLump.m_FadeMaxDist = build.m_FadeMaxDist; propLump.m_flForcedFadeScale = build.m_flForcedFadeScale; propLump.m_nMinCPULevel = build.m_nMinCPULevel; propLump.m_nMaxCPULevel = build.m_nMaxCPULevel; propLump.m_nMinGPULevel = build.m_nMinGPULevel; propLump.m_nMaxGPULevel = build.m_nMaxGPULevel; propLump.m_DiffuseModulation = build.m_DiffuseModulation; propLump.m_bDisableX360 = false; if (build.m_pLightingOrigin && *build.m_pLightingOrigin) { if (ComputeLightingOrigin( build, propLump.m_LightingOrigin )) { propLump.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_USE_LIGHTING_ORIGIN; } }
// Add the leaves to the leaf lump
for (int j = 0; j < leafList.Count(); ++j) { StaticPropLeafLump_t insert; insert.m_Leaf = leafList[j]; s_StaticPropLeafLump.AddToTail( insert ); } }
// Places static props in the lump
static void SetLumpData( ) { GameLumpHandle_t handle = g_GameLumps.GetGameLumpHandle(GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS); if (handle != g_GameLumps.InvalidGameLump()) g_GameLumps.DestroyGameLump(handle);
int dictsize = s_StaticPropDictLump.Count() * sizeof(StaticPropDictLump_t); int objsize = s_StaticPropLump.Count() * sizeof(StaticPropLump_t); int leafsize = s_StaticPropLeafLump.Count() * sizeof(StaticPropLeafLump_t); int size = dictsize + objsize + leafsize + 3 * sizeof(int);
handle = g_GameLumps.CreateGameLump( GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS, size, 0, GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS_VERSION );
// Serialize the data
CUtlBuffer buf( g_GameLumps.GetGameLump(handle), size ); buf.PutInt( s_StaticPropDictLump.Count() ); if (dictsize) buf.Put( s_StaticPropDictLump.Base(), dictsize ); buf.PutInt( s_StaticPropLeafLump.Count() ); if (leafsize) buf.Put( s_StaticPropLeafLump.Base(), leafsize ); buf.PutInt( s_StaticPropLump.Count() ); if (objsize) buf.Put( s_StaticPropLump.Base(), objsize ); }
// Places Static Props in the level
typedef CUtlVector<StaticPropBuild_t> propBuildVector;
KeyValues *kvSPCombineRules = new KeyValues( "SPCombineRules" );
struct staticpropcombinepeer_t { CUtlString m_szMdlName; CUtlString m_szRefName; CUtlString m_szPhyName; CUtlString m_surfaceProp; int m_nHulls; bool m_bConcave; float m_flScale; bool m_bUpaxisY; //CUtlString m_szConcatTextureNames;
struct staticpropcombinerule_t { CUtlString m_szGroupName; CUtlString m_szQcTemplatePath; CUtlBuffer m_bufAutoGeneratedQCTemplate; CCopyableUtlVector<staticpropcombinepeer_t> m_vecCombinePeers; int m_nClusterLimit; float m_flDistanceLimit; CCopyableUtlVector<int> m_vecStatsMemberCounts;
staticpropcombinerule_t() : m_bufAutoGeneratedQCTemplate(0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER) {} };
CUtlVector<staticpropcombinerule_t> g_vecCombineRules;
CUtlVector<CUtlString> g_vecGeneratedModelNames;
#define MAX_HULLS 32
struct convextriangle_t { int m_nPad; short m_nEdges[6]; int GetVert( int nIndex ) const { return m_nEdges[ nIndex * 2 ]; } };
struct convexleaf_t { int m_nOffsetVerts; int m_nPad[2]; short m_nTriangleCount; short m_nUnused;
const convextriangle_t *GetFirstTriangle() const { return reinterpret_cast<const convextriangle_t *>(this+1); } const float *GetVertArray() const { return reinterpret_cast<float *>( ((char *)this) + m_nOffsetVerts); } };
struct treenode_t { int m_nRightNode; // if not zero, there are children
int m_nConvexOffset; // offset to the convex if this is a leaf
float m_nFloats[5]; bool IsLeaf() const { return m_nRightNode == 0 ? true : false; } const convexleaf_t *GetConvex() const { return reinterpret_cast<convexleaf_t *>( ((char *)this) + m_nConvexOffset); } const treenode_t *GetLeftChild() const { return this + 1; } const treenode_t *GetRightChild() const { return reinterpret_cast<const treenode_t *>( ((char *)this) + m_nRightNode ); } };
struct collisionmodel_t { float m_flVals[7]; int m_nSurface; int m_nOffsetTree; int m_nPad[3]; const treenode_t *GetRoot() const { return reinterpret_cast<const treenode_t *>( ((const char *)this) + m_nOffsetTree); } };
struct solidheader_t { int m_nSolidSize; int m_nID; short m_nVersion; short m_nType; int m_nSize; float m_flAreas[3]; int m_nAxisMapSize; // have to skip 4 more bytes because m_nSolidSize itself is not included in the total
const solidheader_t *GetNextSolid() const { return reinterpret_cast<const solidheader_t *>( ((const char *)this) + m_nSolidSize + 4); }
const collisionmodel_t *GetCollisionModel() const { return reinterpret_cast<const collisionmodel_t *>(this+1); } };
struct phyfileheader_t { int m_nHeaderSize; int m_nZero; int m_nSolidCount; int m_nCheckSum; const solidheader_t *GetFirstSolid() const { return reinterpret_cast<const solidheader_t *>(this+1); } int GetCollisionTextOffset() const { const solidheader_t *pSolid = GetFirstSolid(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_nSolidCount; i++ ) { pSolid = pSolid->GetNextSolid(); } return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pSolid) - reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this); } };
int GetLeaves_r( CUtlVector<const convexleaf_t *> &list, const treenode_t *pNode ) { while ( pNode ) { if ( pNode->IsLeaf() ) { list.AddToTail( pNode->GetConvex() ); return list.Count(); } GetLeaves_r( list, pNode->GetLeftChild() ); pNode = pNode->GetRightChild(); } return list.Count();
bool InitStaticPropCombinePeer( staticpropcombinepeer_t *newPeer ) { newPeer->m_nHulls = 0; newPeer->m_bConcave = false; newPeer->m_bUpaxisY = false; newPeer->m_flScale = 1.0f;
// old method was to manually specify the src ref and phy
//newPeer->m_szRefName.Set( pPeer->GetString( "ref", "error" ) );
//newPeer->m_szPhyName.Set( pPeer->GetString( "phy", newPeer->m_szRefName.Get() ) );
// but if we can get the model qc path out of the mdl, then crudely parse out the sources, we can verify them automatically:
CUtlBuffer buf; if ( !LoadStudioModel( newPeer->m_szMdlName.Get(), "prop_static", buf ) ) { Error( "Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", newPeer->m_szMdlName.Get() ); return false; }
studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.PeekGet();
bool bExtractedSources = false; if ( pStudioHdr ) { newPeer->m_surfaceProp = pStudioHdr->pszSurfaceProp();
//char szConcatTextureNames[256];
//szConcatTextureNames[0] = 0;
//if( pStudioHdr->textureindex != 0 )
// //Msg( "%i textures in %s\n", pStudioHdr->numtextures, newPeer->m_szMdlName.Get() );
// for ( int iTex=0; iTex<pStudioHdr->numtextures; iTex++ )
// {
// V_strcat_safe( szConcatTextureNames, pStudioHdr->pTexture( iTex )->pszName() );
// //Msg( " %s\n", pStudioHdr->pTexture( iTex )->pszName() );
// }
//newPeer->m_szConcatTextureNames.Set( szConcatTextureNames );
char szPhyPath[ MAX_PATH ]; V_strcpy_safe( szPhyPath, newPeer->m_szMdlName.Get() ); V_SetExtension( szPhyPath, ".phy", sizeof( szPhyPath ) );
CUtlBuffer bufphy; if ( g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szPhyPath, NULL, bufphy ) ) {
const phyfileheader_t *pHeader = reinterpret_cast<const phyfileheader_t *>( bufphy.Base() ); if ( pHeader && pHeader->m_nHeaderSize == 16 && pHeader->m_nZero == 0 ) { const solidheader_t *pSolid = pHeader->GetFirstSolid();
CUtlVector<const convexleaf_t *> leafList; const treenode_t *pNode = pSolid->GetCollisionModel()->GetRoot(); int nLeafCount = GetLeaves_r( leafList, pNode );
newPeer->m_nHulls = nLeafCount; //Msg( "Found %i hulls in %s\n", newPeer->m_nHulls, szPhyPath );
} }
KeyValues *tempKeyValues = new KeyValues( "qc_path" ); if ( tempKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( NULL, pStudioHdr->KeyValueText() ) ) { KeyValues *qc_path = tempKeyValues->FindKey( "qc_path", false ); if ( qc_path ) {
const char* szQCPathRelative = qc_path->GetFirstValue()->GetString();
char szTempAbsQCPath[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( szQCPathRelative, "CONTENT", szTempAbsQCPath, sizeof( szTempAbsQCPath ) ) ) { Warning( "QC path read failure: %s\n", szQCPathRelative ); return false; }
CUtlBuffer bufQC( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szTempAbsQCPath, NULL, bufQC ) ) {
CUtlVector<CUtlString> vecTokens;
characterset_t breakSet; CharacterSetBuild( &breakSet, "{}()':" );
char szToken[ 512 ]; while ( bufQC.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ), true ) != -1 ) { if ( szToken[ 0 ] != '{' && szToken[ 0 ] != '}' ) // so much for break chars :(
vecTokens[ vecTokens.AddToTail() ].Set( szToken ); }
int nTok = -1;
nTok = vecTokens.Find( "$modelname" ); if ( nTok != -1 && vecTokens.IsValidIndex( nTok + 1 ) ) { char szMdlNameA[ 128 ]; V_FileBase( szQCPathRelative, szMdlNameA, sizeof( szMdlNameA ) );
const char* szModelTarget = vecTokens[ nTok + 1 ].Get();
char szMdlNameB[ 128 ]; V_FileBase( szModelTarget, szMdlNameB, sizeof( szMdlNameB ) );
if ( V_strcmp( szMdlNameA, szMdlNameB ) ) { Warning( "Model %s claims to come from %s, but that qc actually produces %s\n", newPeer->m_szMdlName.Get(), szQCPathRelative, szModelTarget ); } }
nTok = vecTokens.Find( "$scale" ); if ( nTok != -1 && vecTokens.IsValidIndex( nTok + 1 ) ) { const char* szScale = vecTokens[ nTok + 1 ].Get();
newPeer->m_flScale = V_atof( szScale );
if ( newPeer->m_flScale == 0 ) { Warning( "Prop has zero scale! %s\n", szQCPathRelative ); return false; } //else if ( newPeer->m_flScale != 1.0f )
// Msg( "Non-unit scale of %.2f on %s\n", newPeer->m_flScale, szQCPathRelative );
nTok = vecTokens.Find( "$body" ); if ( nTok != -1 && vecTokens.IsValidIndex( nTok + 2 ) ) { char szTokenClean[ MAX_PATH ]; V_StripExtension( vecTokens[ nTok + 2 ].Get(), szTokenClean, sizeof( szTokenClean ) );
char szQCFolder[ MAX_PATH ]; V_ExtractFilePath( szQCPathRelative, szQCFolder, sizeof( szQCFolder ) );
char szSrcPath[ MAX_PATH ]; V_sprintf_safe( szSrcPath, "%s%s", szQCFolder, szTokenClean );
newPeer->m_szRefName.Set( szSrcPath );
nTok = vecTokens.Find( "$collisionmodel" ); if ( nTok != -1 && vecTokens.IsValidIndex( nTok + 1 ) ) { //V_strcpy_safe( szTokenClean, vecTokens[ nTok + 1 ].Get() );
V_StripExtension( vecTokens[ nTok + 1 ].Get(), szTokenClean, sizeof( szTokenClean ) );
V_sprintf_safe( szSrcPath, "%s%s", szQCFolder, szTokenClean );
if ( vecTokens.Find( "$concave" ) != -1 ) { newPeer->m_bConcave = true; } }
newPeer->m_szPhyName.Set( szSrcPath );
bExtractedSources = true;
nTok = vecTokens.Find( "$upaxis" ); if ( nTok != -1 && vecTokens.IsValidIndex( nTok + 1 ) ) { if ( V_stristr( vecTokens[ nTok + 1 ].Get(), "y" ) ) { newPeer->m_bUpaxisY = true; } }
} } } }
if ( !bExtractedSources ) { Warning( "Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", newPeer->m_szMdlName.Get() ); return false; }
char szTempPath[ MAX_PATH ]; bool bExists = false;
V_strcpy_safe( szTempPath, newPeer->m_szRefName.Get() ); V_SetExtension( szTempPath, ".smd", sizeof( szTempPath ) ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempPath, "CONTENT" ) ) bExists = true;
V_SetExtension( szTempPath, ".fbx", sizeof( szTempPath ) ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempPath, "CONTENT" ) ) bExists = true;
V_SetExtension( szTempPath, ".dmx", sizeof( szTempPath ) ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempPath, "CONTENT" ) ) bExists = true;
if ( !bExists ) { Warning( "Static prop combine src doesn't exist: %s\n", szTempPath ); return false; }
return true; }
bool LoadSPCombineRules( void ) { #ifndef STATIC_PROP_COMBINE_ENABLED
return false; #endif
return false; #endif
if ( !staticpropcombine ) // feature must be enabled via commandline
return false;
if ( kvSPCombineRules->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "scripts/hammer/spcombinerules/spcombinerules.txt", "GAME" ) ) {
CUtlVector<CUtlString> vecUniqueModelNames;
for ( KeyValues *kGroup = kvSPCombineRules->GetFirstSubKey(); kGroup != NULL; kGroup = kGroup->GetNextKey() ) { //if ( !V_stristr( kGroup->GetName(), "keep" ) )
// continue;
staticpropcombinerule_t *pNewGroup = &g_vecCombineRules[ g_vecCombineRules.AddToTail() ];
pNewGroup->m_szGroupName.Set( kGroup->GetName() ); pNewGroup->m_szQcTemplatePath.Set( kGroup->GetString( "qc_template_path", NULL ) );
pNewGroup->m_nClusterLimit = kGroup->GetInt( "cluster_limit", DEFAULT_COMBINE_STATIC_PROP_COUNT ); pNewGroup->m_flDistanceLimit = kGroup->GetInt( "distance_limit", DEFAULT_COMBINE_STATIC_PROP_DISTANCE );
KeyValues *pPeers = kGroup->FindKey( "peers" ); for ( KeyValues *pPeer = pPeers->GetFirstSubKey(); pPeer != NULL; pPeer = pPeer->GetNextKey() ) { staticpropcombinepeer_t *newPeer = &pNewGroup->m_vecCombinePeers[ pNewGroup->m_vecCombinePeers.AddToTail() ];
newPeer->m_szMdlName.Set( pPeer->GetName() );
if ( vecUniqueModelNames.Count() && vecUniqueModelNames.Find( newPeer->m_szMdlName ) != -1 ) { Error( "Model %s in group %s cannot be defined twice!\n", newPeer->m_szMdlName, pNewGroup->m_szGroupName.Get() ); } else { vecUniqueModelNames.AddToTail( newPeer->m_szMdlName ); }
if ( !InitStaticPropCombinePeer( newPeer ) ) { return false; } }
if ( !pNewGroup->m_szQcTemplatePath || pNewGroup->m_vecCombinePeers.Count() == 0 ) { Error( "Failed to parse static prop combine rule group: \"%s\"\n", pNewGroup->m_szGroupName.Get() ); } }
//FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules, i )
// staticpropcombinepeer_t *pPeer1 = &g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecCombinePeers[0];
// FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecCombinePeers, j )
// {
// staticpropcombinepeer_t *pPeer2 = &g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecCombinePeers[j];
// if ( V_strcmp( pPeer1->m_szConcatTextureNames.Get(), pPeer2->m_szConcatTextureNames.Get() ) )
// {
// Msg( "Mismatch materials: %s to %s\n", pPeer1->m_szConcatTextureNames.Get(), pPeer2->m_szConcatTextureNames.Get() );
// Msg( " %s\n", pPeer2->m_szMdlName.Get() );
// }
// }
return true; } else { delete kvSPCombineRules; kvSPCombineRules = NULL; }
return false; }
int GetCombineRuleForProp( const char *pszPropName1 ) { if ( !g_vecCombineRules.Count() ) return -1;
FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules, i ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecCombinePeers, j ) { staticpropcombinepeer_t *pPeer = &g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecCombinePeers[j]; if ( !V_strcmp( pszPropName1, pPeer->m_szMdlName.Access() ) ) return i; } }
return -1; }
bool StaticPropsMatchSkin( StaticPropBuild_t* prop1, StaticPropBuild_t* prop2 ) { int nSkin1 = prop1->m_Skin; int nSkin2 = prop2->m_Skin;
return ( nSkin1 == nSkin2 ); }
bool StaticPropsMatchFlags( StaticPropBuild_t* prop1, StaticPropBuild_t* prop2 ) { #define HelperCompareFlags( _flag ) if ( staticpropcombine_doflagcompare_##_flag && ((prop1->m_Flags & _flag) != 0) != ((prop2->m_Flags & _flag) != 0) ) { return false; }
return true; }
bool StaticPropsAreGroupPeers( StaticPropBuild_t* prop1, StaticPropBuild_t* prop2, int nCombineRule ) { if ( !g_vecCombineRules.Count() || nCombineRule >= g_vecCombineRules.Count() ) return false; bool bProp1Present = false; bool bProp2Present = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules[nCombineRule].m_vecCombinePeers, j ) { staticpropcombinepeer_t *pPeer = &g_vecCombineRules[nCombineRule].m_vecCombinePeers[j]; if ( !bProp1Present && !V_strcmp( prop1->m_pModelName, pPeer->m_szMdlName.Access() ) ) { bProp1Present = true;
if ( !prop1->m_bCombineDataWritten ) { prop1->m_bCombineDataWritten = true;
prop1->m_szRefName = pPeer->m_szRefName; prop1->m_szPhyName = pPeer->m_szPhyName; prop1->m_nHulls = pPeer->m_nHulls; prop1->m_bConcave = pPeer->m_bConcave; prop1->m_bUpaxisY = pPeer->m_bUpaxisY; prop1->m_flScale = pPeer->m_flScale; prop1->m_nCombineRuleGroup = nCombineRule; } }
if ( !bProp2Present && !V_strcmp( prop2->m_pModelName, pPeer->m_szMdlName.Access() ) ) { bProp2Present = true;
if ( !prop2->m_bCombineDataWritten ) { prop2->m_bCombineDataWritten = true;
prop2->m_szRefName = pPeer->m_szRefName; prop2->m_szPhyName = pPeer->m_szPhyName; prop2->m_nHulls = pPeer->m_nHulls; prop2->m_bConcave = pPeer->m_bConcave; prop2->m_bUpaxisY = pPeer->m_bUpaxisY; prop2->m_flScale = pPeer->m_flScale; prop2->m_nCombineRuleGroup = nCombineRule; } }
if ( bProp1Present && bProp2Present ) return true; }
return false; }
bool CompileQC( const char *pFileName ) { // Spawn studiomdl.exe process to generate .mdl and associated files
char cmdline[ 2 * MAX_PATH + 256 ]; V_snprintf( cmdline, sizeof( cmdline ), "studiomdl.exe -nop4 -quiet %s", pFileName );
ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );
// Start the child process.
if ( CreateProcess( NULL, // No module name (use command line).
cmdline, // Command line.
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable.
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable.
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE.
0, // No creation flags.
NULL, // Use parent's environment block.
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory.
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure.
&pi ) ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure.
// Successfully created the process. Wait for it to finish.
WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); // Get the exit code.
DWORD exitCode; BOOL result = GetExitCodeProcess( pi.hProcess, &exitCode ); // Close the handles.
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); if (!result) { return false; } return true; } #endif
return false; }
void CombineStaticProps( propBuildVector &vecGroup, int &nCombineIndex ) { if ( vecGroup.Count() == 0 ) Error( "Combine group has zero members!\n" ); if ( !vecGroup[0].m_bCombineDataWritten ) Error( "Don't know how to combine model: %s!\n", vecGroup[0].m_pModelName );
// record into stats
g_vecCombineRules[ vecGroup[0].m_nCombineRuleGroup ].m_vecStatsMemberCounts.AddToTail( vecGroup.Count() );
const char* szCombineRuleGroupName = g_vecCombineRules[ vecGroup[0].m_nCombineRuleGroup ].m_szGroupName.Get();
// let's build the temp qc
bool bLoadQcTemplate = true; const char* szQCPath = g_vecCombineRules[ vecGroup[ 0 ].m_nCombineRuleGroup ].m_szQcTemplatePath.Get(); if ( strlen( szQCPath ) <= 0 ) { bLoadQcTemplate = false; if ( g_vecCombineRules[ vecGroup[ 0 ].m_nCombineRuleGroup ].m_bufAutoGeneratedQCTemplate.Size() == 0 ) { Error( "Invalid qc template path for group: %s!\n", szCombineRuleGroupName ); } }
CUtlBuffer bufQCTemplate( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( bLoadQcTemplate ) { if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szQCPath, NULL, bufQCTemplate ) ) { Error( "Couldn't load the temp qc from: %s!\n", szQCPath ); } } else { bufQCTemplate.PutString( (const char*)g_vecCombineRules[ vecGroup[ 0 ].m_nCombineRuleGroup ].m_bufAutoGeneratedQCTemplate.Base() ); }
CUtlBuffer bufQC( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
char szModelName[ 512 ]; V_sprintf_safe( szModelName, "props/autocombine/%s/_autocombine_%s_%i.mdl", mapbase, szCombineRuleGroupName, nCombineIndex );
#ifdef DEBUG
Msg( "Building cluster model: %i members of \"%s\" into \"_autocombine_%s_%i.mdl\"\n", vecGroup.Count(), szCombineRuleGroupName, szCombineRuleGroupName, nCombineIndex ); #else
Msg( "." ); #endif
bufQC.Printf( "$modelname %s\n\n$contentrootrelative\n\n", szModelName );
if ( vecGroup[ 0 ].m_bUpaxisY ) { // if the source basemodel is upaxis y, we need to build the combine model base in the same coordsys
bufQC.Printf( "$upaxis y\n\n" ); }
float flRootScale = vecGroup[ 0 ].m_flScale; if ( flRootScale != 1.0f ) { if ( flRootScale == 0 ) Error( "Zero scale error!\n" );
bufQC.Printf( "$scale %.3f\n\n", flRootScale ); }
bufQC.Printf( "$body body \"%s\"\n\n", vecGroup[ 0 ].m_szRefName.Get() );
Vector vecRootPos = vecGroup[ 0 ].m_Origin; QAngle angRootAng = vecGroup[ 0 ].m_Angles;
matrix3x4_t matRoot; AngleMatrix( angRootAng, vecRootPos, matRoot );
CUtlVector<matrix3x4_t> vecOffsets; vecOffsets.EnsureCapacity( vecGroup.Count() ); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, v ) { vecOffsets[ vecOffsets.AddToTail() ].SetToIdentity(); }
CUtlVector<matrix3x4_t> vecOffsetsPhy; vecOffsetsPhy.EnsureCapacity( vecGroup.Count() ); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, v ) { vecOffsetsPhy[ vecOffsetsPhy.AddToTail() ].SetToIdentity(); }
// add in the extra props to combine at their relative offset to the root prop
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, i ) { if ( i == 0 ) continue;
if ( !vecGroup[ i ].m_bCombineDataWritten ) Error( "Don't know how to combine model: %s!\n", vecGroup[ i ].m_pModelName );
bufQC.Printf( "$appendsource \"%s\" ", vecGroup[ i ].m_szRefName.Get() );
Vector vecAddonPos = vecGroup[ i ].m_Origin; QAngle angAddonAng = vecGroup[ i ].m_Angles;
// get xform relative to root (in hammer space)
matrix3x4_t matLocal; AngleMatrix( angAddonAng, vecAddonPos, matLocal ); ConcatTransforms( matRoot.InverseTR(), matLocal, matLocal );
// see: https://intranet.valvesoftware.com/wiki/3D_Coordinate_Systems
matrix3x4_t matRotate; matRotate.InitFromQAngles( QAngle( 0, -90, 0 ) ); ConcatTransforms( matRotate, matLocal, matLocal ); matrix3x4_t matConvert; matConvert.InitXYZ( Vector( 0, -1, 0 ), Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ); ConcatTransforms( matLocal, matConvert.InverseTR(), matLocal );
MatrixCopy( matLocal, vecOffsetsPhy[ i ] );
if ( vecGroup[ i ].m_bUpaxisY ) { // child combine models with upaxis y need to get flipped around too
matRotate.InitFromQAngles( QAngle( 0, 0, -90 ) ); ConcatTransforms( matRotate, matLocal, matLocal ); matConvert.InitXYZ( Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), Vector( 0, 0, -1 ), Vector( 0, 1, 0 ), Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ); ConcatTransforms( matLocal, matConvert.InverseTR(), matLocal ); }
MatrixCopy( matLocal, vecOffsets[ i ] );
// export position + qangles
MatrixAngles( vecOffsets[ i ], angAddonAng, vecAddonPos );
bufQC.Printf( "\"offset pos[" );
bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", vecAddonPos.x ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", vecAddonPos.y ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", vecAddonPos.z );
bufQC.Printf( " ] angle[" );
bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", angAddonAng.x ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", angAddonAng.y ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", angAddonAng.z );
bufQC.Printf( " ] scale[" );
bufQC.Printf( " %.3f ]\"\n", vecGroup[ i ].m_flScale );
bufQC.Printf( CUtlString( bufQCTemplate.Base(), bufQCTemplate.Size() ) );
bufQC.Printf( "\n$sequence \"idle\" \"%s\" act_idle 1\n\n", vecGroup[ 0 ].m_szRefName.Get() );
// add the physics hulls
bool bDoPhysics = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, i ) { if ( vecGroup[ i ].m_Solid != 0 ) { bDoPhysics = true; break; } }
if ( bDoPhysics ) { bufQC.Printf( "$collisionprecision 0.01\n" );
bufQC.Printf( "$collisionmodel \"blank\" {\n" );
bufQC.Printf( "\t$maxconvexpieces 64\n" ); // should never even approach this limit due to smaller hull limit
bufQC.Printf( "\t$automass\n" ); bufQC.Printf( "\t$remove2d\n" ); bufQC.Printf( "\t$concave\n" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, i ) { if ( !vecGroup[ i ].m_Solid ) continue;
bufQC.Printf( "\t$addconvexsrc \"%s\" ", vecGroup[ i ].m_szPhyName.Get() );
// export position + qangles
Vector vecAddonPos; QAngle angAddonAng; MatrixAngles( vecOffsetsPhy[ i ], angAddonAng, vecAddonPos );
bufQC.Printf( "\"offset pos[" );
bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", vecAddonPos.x ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", vecAddonPos.y ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", vecAddonPos.z );
bufQC.Printf( " ] angle[" );
bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", angAddonAng.x ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", angAddonAng.y ); bufQC.Printf( " %.3f", angAddonAng.z );
bufQC.Printf( " ] scale[" );
bufQC.Printf( " %.3f ]\"", vecGroup[ i ].m_flScale );
if ( vecGroup[ i ].m_bConcave ) { bufQC.Printf( " concave " ); }
bufQC.Printf( "\n" );
bufQC.Printf( "}\n" );
// important! if any members have physics hulls, the root model needs to be flagged as such.
vecGroup[ 0 ].m_Solid = 6; // 6 is "Use VPhysics"
char szMapSpecificAutocombineQcDir[ MAX_PATH ]; V_sprintf_safe( szMapSpecificAutocombineQcDir, "models/props/autocombine/%s/", mapbase ); g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( szMapSpecificAutocombineQcDir, "CONTENT" );
char szGeneratedQCpath[ MAX_PATH ]; V_sprintf_safe( szGeneratedQCpath, "models/props/autocombine/%s/autocombine_%s_%i.qc", mapbase, szCombineRuleGroupName, nCombineIndex );
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szGeneratedQCpath, "CONTENT", bufQC ) ) { char szTempAbsPath[ MAX_PATH ]; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( szGeneratedQCpath, "CONTENT", szTempAbsPath, sizeof( szTempAbsPath ) );
if ( CompileQC( szTempAbsPath ) ) { char szModelNameModelPrefix[ 512 ]; V_sprintf_safe( szModelNameModelPrefix, "models/%s", szModelName ); int nStrIdx = g_vecGeneratedModelNames.AddToTail( CUtlString( szModelNameModelPrefix ) );
// now bspzip the autogenerated models into the bsp
char szTempAbsMdlPath[ MAX_PATH ]; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( szModelNameModelPrefix, "GAME", szTempAbsMdlPath, sizeof( szTempAbsMdlPath ) );
bool bBSPZipSuccess = false;
// find the .mdl
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ) { //add it
AddFileToPak( GetPakFile(), szModelNameModelPrefix, szTempAbsMdlPath ); if ( staticpropcombine_delsources ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szModelNameModelPrefix, "GAME" );
// find the .phy
V_SetExtension( szTempAbsMdlPath, ".phy", sizeof( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ); V_SetExtension( szModelNameModelPrefix, ".phy", sizeof( szModelNameModelPrefix ) ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ) { // add it
AddFileToPak( GetPakFile(), szModelNameModelPrefix, szTempAbsMdlPath ); if ( staticpropcombine_delsources ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szModelNameModelPrefix, "GAME" ); } else { // not a failure if it doesn't exist
//Msg( "Couldn't find phy model: %s\n", szModelNameModelPrefix );
// find the .vvd
V_SetExtension( szTempAbsMdlPath, ".vvd", sizeof( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ); V_SetExtension( szModelNameModelPrefix, ".vvd", sizeof( szModelNameModelPrefix ) ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ) { // add it
AddFileToPak( GetPakFile(), szModelNameModelPrefix, szTempAbsMdlPath ); if ( staticpropcombine_delsources ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szModelNameModelPrefix, "GAME" );
// find the .dx90.vtx
V_SetExtension( szTempAbsMdlPath, ".dx90.vtx", sizeof( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ); V_SetExtension( szModelNameModelPrefix, ".dx90.vtx", sizeof( szModelNameModelPrefix ) ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTempAbsMdlPath ) ) { // add it
AddFileToPak( GetPakFile(), szModelNameModelPrefix, szTempAbsMdlPath ); if ( staticpropcombine_delsources ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szModelNameModelPrefix, "GAME" );
{ // remove the qc
if ( staticpropcombine_delsources ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szTempAbsPath, "CONTENT" );
vecGroup[ 0 ].m_pModelName = g_vecGeneratedModelNames[ nStrIdx ].Access();
bBSPZipSuccess = true; } } } }
if ( !bBSPZipSuccess ) { Error( "Failed to bspzip autogenerated model into the map: %s!\n", szModelNameModelPrefix ); }
return; } else { Error( "Failed while compiling: %s!\n", szGeneratedQCpath ); } } else { Error( "Couldn't write a temp qc to: %s!\n", szGeneratedQCpath ); } }
Vector vecTempSortOrigin; int PropDistanceSortFunctionFarToNear( const StaticPropBuild_t* entry1, const StaticPropBuild_t* entry2 ) { if ( entry1->m_Origin.DistToSqr( vecTempSortOrigin ) > entry2->m_Origin.DistToSqr( vecTempSortOrigin ) ) { return -1; } else { return 1; }
// eh, don't care about the equal distance case
bool PropDiffuseModulationsMatch( const StaticPropBuild_t* entry1, const StaticPropBuild_t* entry2 ) { if ( entry1->m_DiffuseModulation.r == entry2->m_DiffuseModulation.r && entry1->m_DiffuseModulation.g == entry2->m_DiffuseModulation.g && entry1->m_DiffuseModulation.b == entry2->m_DiffuseModulation.b ) { return true; } return false; }
// figure out which leaf a point is in
static int PointLeafnum( const Vector& p, int num = 0 ) { float d; while ( num >= 0 ) { dnode_t* node = dnodes + num; dplane_t* plane = dplanes + node->planenum;
if ( plane->type < 3 ) d = p[ plane->type ] - plane->dist; else d = DotProduct( plane->normal, p ) - plane->dist; if ( d < 0 ) num = node->children[ 1 ]; else num = node->children[ 0 ]; }
return -1 - num; }
bool IsCompletelyInSolid( const StaticPropBuild_t* entry1 ) { // Get the collision model
CPhysCollide* pConvexHull = GetCollisionModel( entry1->m_pModelName ); if ( !pConvexHull ) return false;
// Compute the leaves the static prop's convex hull hits
CUtlVector< unsigned short > leafList; ComputeStaticPropLeaves( pConvexHull, entry1->m_Origin, entry1->m_Angles, leafList ); for ( int i = 0; i < leafList.Count(); i++ ) { int cluster = dleafs[ leafList[ i ] ].cluster; if ( cluster != -1 ) { return false; } } return true; }
bool StaticPropLocationsMatch( const StaticPropBuild_t* entry1, const StaticPropBuild_t* entry2, int nCombineRule ) { if ( staticpropcombine_considervis ) { // Get the collision model
CPhysCollide* pConvexHull = GetCollisionModel( entry1->m_pModelName ); if ( !pConvexHull ) return false;
// Compute the leaves the static prop's convex hull hits
CUtlVector< unsigned short > leafList; ComputeStaticPropLeaves( pConvexHull, entry1->m_Origin, entry1->m_Angles, leafList ); CUtlVector<int> clusterList1; for ( int i = 0; i < leafList.Count(); i++ ) { int cluster = dleafs[ leafList[ i ] ].cluster; if ( cluster != -1 ) { clusterList1.FindAndFastRemove( cluster ); clusterList1.AddToTail( cluster ); } }
pConvexHull = GetCollisionModel( entry2->m_pModelName ); if ( !pConvexHull ) return false;
// Compute the leaves the static prop's convex hull hits
leafList.RemoveAll(); ComputeStaticPropLeaves( pConvexHull, entry2->m_Origin, entry2->m_Angles, leafList ); CUtlVector<int> clusterList2; for ( int i = 0; i < leafList.Count(); i++ ) { int cluster = dleafs[ leafList[ i ] ].cluster; if ( cluster != -1 ) { clusterList2.FindAndFastRemove( cluster ); clusterList2.AddToTail( cluster ); } } clusterList1.Sort(); clusterList2.Sort(); for ( int i = 0; i < clusterList1.Count(); i++ ) { if ( clusterList2.Find( clusterList1[ i ] ) >= 0 ) { return true; } } return false; } else { return entry1->m_Origin.DistTo( entry2->m_Origin ) < g_vecCombineRules[ nCombineRule ].m_flDistanceLimit; // candidate must be close enough to the cluster root
} }
bool GroupProp( propBuildVector &vecSearch, propBuildVector &vecMoveTo ) { if ( !vecSearch.Count() ) { //Msg( "Closing group. There are no more props to group!\n" );
return false; }
if ( !vecMoveTo.Count() ) { //Msg( "\nStarting NEW cluster with: %s\n", vecSearch[0].m_pModelName );
vecMoveTo.AddToTail( vecSearch[0] ); vecSearch.Remove(0); return true; }
int nCombineRule = GetCombineRuleForProp( vecMoveTo[0].m_pModelName ); if ( nCombineRule < 0 ) { //Msg( "Closing group. (No combine rules include %s)\n", vecMoveTo[0].m_pModelName );
return false; }
if ( vecMoveTo.Count() > g_vecCombineRules[nCombineRule].m_nClusterLimit ) { //Msg( "Closing group. (Combine limit reached: %i)\n", vecMoveTo.Count() );
return false; }
// there's a limit of MAX_HULLS to prevent creating super complex concave hulls
int nHulls = 0; int nParts = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( vecMoveTo, i ) { if ( vecMoveTo[i].m_Solid != 0 ) { nParts++; nHulls += vecMoveTo[i].m_nHulls; } } if ( nHulls >= MAX_HULLS || nParts >= MAX_EXTRA_COLLISION_MODELS ) { //Msg( "Closing group. (Convex hull limit reached: %i)\n", nHulls );
return false; }
// sort vecSearch from far to near, so the closest entries are at the end of the list.
vecTempSortOrigin = vecMoveTo[0].m_Origin; vecSearch.Sort( PropDistanceSortFunctionFarToNear );
// look through the as-yet ungrouped props and find the best one to be the next part of the group we're currently building
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( vecSearch, i ) { if ( PropDiffuseModulationsMatch( &vecSearch[i], &vecMoveTo[0] ) && // candidate must have the same diffuse modulation
StaticPropLocationsMatch(&vecSearch[i], &vecMoveTo[0], nCombineRule ) && // candidate must be close enough to the cluster root
StaticPropsAreGroupPeers( &vecSearch[i], &vecMoveTo[0], nCombineRule ) && // must be allowed to combine by script rules
StaticPropsMatchSkin( &vecSearch[i], &vecMoveTo[0] ) && // must have the same skin group
StaticPropsMatchFlags( &vecSearch[i], &vecMoveTo[0] ) ) // must have matching flags
//Msg( " Add to cluster: %s\n", vecSearch[i].m_pModelName );
vecMoveTo.AddToTail( vecSearch[i] ); vecSearch.Remove(i); return true; } }
//Msg( "Closing group. (No peers found for %s)\n", vecMoveTo[0].m_pModelName );
return false; }
inline bool UtlStringLessFunc( const CUtlString &lhs, const CUtlString &rhs ) { return V_strcmp( lhs.Get(), rhs.Get() ) < 0; }
struct MaterialUsageInfo_t { CUtlString matName; int nMaterialCount; // I make a fake MaterialUsageInfo with all material names concatenated for models with multiple materials
int nInstanceCount; CUtlString surfaceProp; CCopyableUtlVector<CUtlString> modelsUsingThisMaterial; };
void CreatePropCombineRule( const MaterialUsageInfo_t &materialInstances ) { staticpropcombinerule_t rule; rule.m_szGroupName = materialInstances.matName; rule.m_szGroupName = rule.m_szGroupName.GetBaseFilename(); rule.m_flDistanceLimit = 500.0f; rule.m_nClusterLimit = 32; //FIXME: Determine based on # of verts in meshes?
for ( int i = 0; i < materialInstances.modelsUsingThisMaterial.Count(); i++ ) { staticpropcombinepeer_t peer; peer.m_szMdlName = materialInstances.modelsUsingThisMaterial[ i ]; if ( !InitStaticPropCombinePeer( &peer ) ) { return; } rule.m_vecCombinePeers.AddToTail( peer ); }
CUtlString materialPath = materialInstances.matName; materialPath = materialPath.DirName(); rule.m_bufAutoGeneratedQCTemplate.Printf( "$cdmaterials %s\n" "\n" "$staticprop\n" "$surfaceprop \"%s\"\n", materialPath.Get(), rule.m_vecCombinePeers[ 0 ].m_surfaceProp.Get() ); g_vecCombineRules.AddToTail( rule ); }
void AutoCreatePropCombineRules( propBuildVector& vecBuilds ) { CUtlMap<CUtlString, int, int> uniqueModels( UtlStringLessFunc );
struct MaterialInfo_t { int nMaterialCount; int nStaticPropInstancesUsingMaterial; CCopyableUtlVector<CUtlString> modelsUsingThisMaterial; }; CUtlMap<CUtlString, MaterialInfo_t, int> uniqueMaterials( UtlStringLessFunc );
// Count unique props and count # of instances
for ( int i = 0; i < vecBuilds.Count(); i++ ) { const StaticPropBuild_t &build = vecBuilds[ i ]; int nIdx = uniqueModels.Find( build.m_pModelName ); if ( uniqueModels.IsValidIndex( nIdx ) ) { uniqueModels[ nIdx ]++; } else { uniqueModels.Insert( build.m_pModelName, 1 ); } }
struct ModelInstanceInfo_t { CUtlString modelName; int nInstanceCount; }; CUtlVector<ModelInstanceInfo_t> sortedModels;
for ( int i = uniqueModels.FirstInorder(); uniqueModels.IsValidIndex( i ); i = uniqueModels.NextInorder( i ) ) { ModelInstanceInfo_t e; e.modelName = uniqueModels.Key( i ); e.nInstanceCount = uniqueModels[ i ]; sortedModels.AddToTail( e ); } std::sort( sortedModels.begin(), sortedModels.end(), []( const ModelInstanceInfo_t& a, const ModelInstanceInfo_t& b ){ return a.nInstanceCount > b.nInstanceCount; } ); Msg( "%d unique static props used in map\n", sortedModels.Count() );
for ( const ModelInstanceInfo_t &e : sortedModels ) { CUtlBuffer buf; if ( !LoadStudioModel( e.modelName.Get(), "prop_static", buf ) ) { Error( "Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", e.modelName.Get() ); continue; } studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.PeekGet(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) { Error( "Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", e.modelName.Get() ); continue; }
CUtlString combinedMatName; for ( int i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->numtextures; i++ ) { combinedMatName += pStudioHdr->pTexture( i )->pszName(); if ( i < pStudioHdr->numtextures - 1 ) { combinedMatName += "___"; } }
int nIdx = uniqueMaterials.Find( combinedMatName ); if ( uniqueMaterials.IsValidIndex( nIdx ) ) { uniqueMaterials[ nIdx ].nStaticPropInstancesUsingMaterial += e.nInstanceCount; uniqueMaterials[ nIdx ].modelsUsingThisMaterial.AddToTail( e.modelName ); } else { MaterialInfo_t mi; mi.nStaticPropInstancesUsingMaterial = e.nInstanceCount; mi.nMaterialCount = pStudioHdr->numtextures; mi.modelsUsingThisMaterial.AddToTail( e.modelName ); uniqueMaterials.Insert( combinedMatName, mi ); } }
CUtlVector<MaterialUsageInfo_t> sortedMaterials; for ( int i = uniqueMaterials.FirstInorder(); uniqueMaterials.IsValidIndex( i ); i = uniqueMaterials.NextInorder( i ) ) { MaterialUsageInfo_t e; e.matName = uniqueMaterials.Key( i ); e.nMaterialCount = uniqueMaterials[ i ].nMaterialCount; e.nInstanceCount = uniqueMaterials[ i ].nStaticPropInstancesUsingMaterial; e.modelsUsingThisMaterial.AddVectorToTail( uniqueMaterials[ i ].modelsUsingThisMaterial ); sortedMaterials.AddToTail( e ); }
int nCreatedRuleCount = 0;
std::sort( sortedMaterials.begin(), sortedMaterials.end(), []( const MaterialUsageInfo_t& a, const MaterialUsageInfo_t& b ){ return a.nInstanceCount > b.nInstanceCount; } );
if ( staticpropcombine_autocombine ) { int nInstancesCovered = 0; // Create combine rules for highly-instanced models with a single material
for ( const MaterialUsageInfo_t &e : sortedMaterials ) { if ( e.nMaterialCount > 1 ) { continue; } if ( e.nInstanceCount >= 30 ) { CreatePropCombineRule( e ); nCreatedRuleCount++; nInstancesCovered += e.nInstanceCount; } } Msg( "Auto-created %d static prop combine rules (covering %d static prop instances) based on static prop and material usage.\n", nCreatedRuleCount, nInstancesCovered ); }
if ( staticpropcombine_suggestcombinerules ) { // Print suggestions for what combine rules to create manually for models that use multiple materials
Msg( "\nSuggested models for manually creating rules in spcombinerules.txt:\n" ); for ( const MaterialUsageInfo_t &e : sortedMaterials ) { if ( e.nMaterialCount == 1 || e.nInstanceCount < 30 ) { continue; } Msg( "%4d %s\n", e.nInstanceCount, e.matName.Get() ); for ( const CUtlString &modelName : e.modelsUsingThisMaterial ) { Msg( "\t%s\n", modelName.Get() ); } } } }
void EmitStaticProps() { CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory = GetPhysicsFactory(); if ( physicsFactory ) { s_pPhysCollision = (IPhysicsCollision *)physicsFactory( VPHYSICS_COLLISION_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if( !s_pPhysCollision ) return; }
// Generate a list of lighting origins, and strip them out
int i; for ( i = 0; i < num_entities; ++i) { char* pEntity = ValueForKey(&entities[i], "classname"); if (!Q_strcmp(pEntity, "info_lighting")) { s_LightingInfo.AddToTail(i); } }
propBuildVector vecBuilds; bool bDoStaticPropCombine = LoadSPCombineRules();
// Emit specifically specified static props
for ( i = 0; i < num_entities; ++i) { char* pEntity = ValueForKey(&entities[i], "classname"); if (!strcmp(pEntity, "static_prop") || !strcmp(pEntity, "prop_static")) { StaticPropBuild_t build;
build.m_bCombineDataWritten = false; build.m_szRefName = NULL; build.m_szPhyName = NULL; build.m_nHulls = 0; build.m_bConcave = false; build.m_bUpaxisY = false; build.m_flScale = 1.0f; build.m_nCombineRuleGroup = -1;
GetVectorForKey( &entities[i], "origin", build.m_Origin ); GetAnglesForKey( &entities[i], "angles", build.m_Angles ); build.m_pModelName = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "model" ); build.m_Solid = IntForKey( &entities[i], "solid" ); build.m_Skin = IntForKey( &entities[i], "skin" ); build.m_FadeMaxDist = FloatForKey( &entities[i], "fademaxdist" ); build.m_Flags = 0;//IntForKey( &entities[i], "spawnflags" ) & STATIC_PROP_WC_MASK;
build.m_FlagsEx = 0;//IntForKey( &entities[i], "spawnflags" ) & STATIC_PROP_WC_MASK;
if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "ignorenormals" ) == 1) { build.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_IGNORE_NORMALS; } if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "disableshadows" ) == 1) { build.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_NO_SHADOW; } if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "disableflashlight" ) == 1) { build.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_NO_FLASHLIGHT; } if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "drawinfastreflection" ) == 1) { build.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_MARKED_FOR_FAST_REFLECTION; } if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "disablevertexlighting" ) == 1) { build.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING; } if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "disableselfshadowing" ) == 1) { build.m_Flags |= STATIC_PROP_NO_SELF_SHADOWING; } if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "disableshadowdepth" ) == 1) { build.m_FlagsEx |= STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_SHADOW_DEPTH; } if ( IntForKey( &entities[ i ], "enablelightbounce" ) == 1 ) { build.m_FlagsEx |= STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_ENABLE_LIGHT_BOUNCE; }
if (IntForKey( &entities[i], "screenspacefade" ) == 1) { Warning( "Encountered obsolete static prop option to do its fade in screen space @ %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", build.m_Origin.x, build.m_Origin.y, build.m_Origin.z ); }
const char *pKey = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "fadescale" ); if ( pKey && pKey[0] ) { build.m_flForcedFadeScale = FloatForKey( &entities[i], "fadescale" ); } else { build.m_flForcedFadeScale = 1; } build.m_FadesOut = (build.m_FadeMaxDist > 0); build.m_pLightingOrigin = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "lightingorigin" ); if (build.m_FadesOut) { build.m_FadeMinDist = FloatForKey( &entities[i], "fademindist" ); if (build.m_FadeMinDist < 0) { build.m_FadeMinDist = build.m_FadeMaxDist; } } else { build.m_FadeMinDist = 0; } build.m_nMinCPULevel = (unsigned char)IntForKey( &entities[i], "mincpulevel" ); build.m_nMaxCPULevel = (unsigned char)IntForKey( &entities[i], "maxcpulevel" ); build.m_nMinGPULevel = (unsigned char)IntForKey( &entities[i], "mingpulevel" ); build.m_nMaxGPULevel = (unsigned char)IntForKey( &entities[i], "maxgpulevel" ); if ( build.m_nMaxCPULevel && build.m_nMaxCPULevel < build.m_nMinCPULevel ) { build.m_nMaxCPULevel = build.m_nMinCPULevel; } if ( build.m_nMaxGPULevel && build.m_nMaxGPULevel < build.m_nMinGPULevel ) { build.m_nMaxGPULevel = build.m_nMinGPULevel; }
// FIXME: look for ComputeFXBlend and make sure that you don't
// need a particlar rendermode for this stuff to happen
// Get the per-instance render-color for this static prop
const char *pColorKey = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "rendercolor" ); if ( *pColorKey != '\0' ) { color32 tmp; V_StringToColor32( &tmp, pColorKey ); build.m_DiffuseModulation.r = tmp.r; build.m_DiffuseModulation.g = tmp.g; build.m_DiffuseModulation.b = tmp.b; // don't copy alpha, legacy support uses renderamt
} else { build.m_DiffuseModulation.r = build.m_DiffuseModulation.g = build.m_DiffuseModulation.b = 255; }
// Get the per-instance render-alpha for this static prop
const char *pAlphaKey = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "renderamt" ); if ( *pAlphaKey != '\0' ) { build.m_DiffuseModulation.a = Q_atoi( pAlphaKey ); } else { build.m_DiffuseModulation.a = 255; }
if ( bDoStaticPropCombine ) { vecBuilds.AddToTail( build ); } else { AddStaticPropToLump( build ); }
// strip this ent from the .bsp file
entities[i].epairs = 0; } }
if ( bDoStaticPropCombine ) { int nCombinePropCount = 0;
Msg( "\nCombining static props to reduce drawcalls...\n\n" );
int nOriginalPropCount = vecBuilds.Count();
if ( staticpropcombine_autocombine || staticpropcombine_suggestcombinerules ) { AutoCreatePropCombineRules( vecBuilds ); }
propBuildVector vecCombinedStaticProps; while( vecBuilds.Count() ) {
//color32 tempColorize = { 0, 255, 0, 255 };
//tempColorize.r = (byte)(RandomInt(1,10)*25);
//tempColorize.g = (byte)(RandomInt(1,10)*25);
//tempColorize.b = (byte)(RandomInt(1,10)*25);
propBuildVector vecGroup; while ( GroupProp( vecBuilds, vecGroup ) ) {}
if ( vecGroup.Count() > 0 ) { if ( vecGroup.Count() >= g_nAutoCombineMinInstances ) { // set the fade min/max to that of the furthest group member
float flFadeMinDist = 0; float flFadeMaxDist = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, n ) { flFadeMinDist = MAX( flFadeMinDist, vecGroup[n].m_FadeMinDist ); flFadeMaxDist = MAX( flFadeMaxDist, vecGroup[n].m_FadeMaxDist );
#define HelperCheckFlags( _flagname, _flagbits ) if ( vecGroup[n]._flagbits & _flagname ) { nCount_##_flagname++; }
HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_IGNORE_NORMALS, m_Flags ); HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_NO_SHADOW, m_Flags ); HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_NO_FLASHLIGHT, m_Flags ); HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_MARKED_FOR_FAST_REFLECTION, m_Flags ); HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING, m_Flags ); HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_NO_SELF_SHADOWING, m_Flags ); HelperCheckFlags( STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_SHADOW_DEPTH, m_FlagsEx );
#undef HelperCheckFlags
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecGroup, n ) { vecGroup[n].m_FadeMinDist = flFadeMinDist; vecGroup[n].m_FadeMaxDist = flFadeMaxDist;
#define HelperSetFlags_IF_ALL( _flagname, _flagbits ) if ( nCount_##_flagname == vecGroup.Count() ) { vecGroup[n]._flagbits |= _flagname; } else { vecGroup[n]._flagbits &= ~_flagname; }
#define HelperSetFlags_IF_ANY( _flagname, _flagbits ) if ( nCount_##_flagname > 0 ) { vecGroup[n]._flagbits |= _flagname; } else { vecGroup[n]._flagbits &= ~_flagname; }
#undef HelperSetFlags_IF_ALL
#undef HelperSetFlags_IF_ANY
CombineStaticProps( vecGroup, nCombinePropCount ); //vecGroup[0].m_DiffuseModulation = tempColorize;
vecCombinedStaticProps.AddToTail( vecGroup[ 0 ] ); } else { for ( int i = 0; i < vecGroup.Count(); i++ ) { vecCombinedStaticProps.AddToTail( vecGroup[ i ] ); } } } else { vecCombinedStaticProps.AddToTail( vecBuilds[0] ); vecBuilds.Remove(0); }
Msg( "\nCompleted static prop combine.\n" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules, i ) { if ( g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecStatsMemberCounts.Count() ) { int nSum = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecStatsMemberCounts, j ) { nSum += g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecStatsMemberCounts[j]; } float flAvg = ((float)(nSum)) / ((float)(g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecStatsMemberCounts.Count()));
Msg( "%i clusters of group \"%s\",\taverage %.1f models\n", g_vecCombineRules[i].m_vecStatsMemberCounts.Count(), g_vecCombineRules[i].m_szGroupName.Get(), flAvg ); } }
int nPropRemovedCount = nOriginalPropCount - vecCombinedStaticProps.Count(); Msg( "Props combined away: %i\n", nPropRemovedCount ); Msg( "Cluster models built: %i\n\n", nCombinePropCount );
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecCombinedStaticProps, i ) { AddStaticPropToLump( vecCombinedStaticProps[i] ); } }
// Strip out lighting origins; has to be done here because they are used when
// static props are made
for ( i = s_LightingInfo.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { // strip this ent from the .bsp file
entities[s_LightingInfo[i]].epairs = 0; }
SetLumpData( ); }
static studiohdr_t *g_pActiveStudioHdr; static void SetCurrentModel( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) { // track the correct model
g_pActiveStudioHdr = pStudioHdr; }
static void FreeCurrentModelVertexes() { Assert( g_pActiveStudioHdr );
if ( g_pActiveStudioHdr->VertexBase() ) { free( g_pActiveStudioHdr->VertexBase() ); g_pActiveStudioHdr->SetVertexBase( NULL ); } }
const vertexFileHeader_t * mstudiomodel_t::CacheVertexData( void * pModelData ) { studiohdr_t *pActiveStudioHdr = static_cast<studiohdr_t *>(pModelData);
if ( pActiveStudioHdr->VertexBase() ) { return (vertexFileHeader_t *)pActiveStudioHdr->VertexBase(); }
// mandatory callback to make requested data resident
// load and persist the vertex file
char fileName[260]; strcpy( fileName, "models/" ); strcat( fileName, pActiveStudioHdr->pszName() ); Q_StripExtension( fileName, fileName, sizeof( fileName ) ); strcat( fileName, ".vvd" );
// load the model
CUtlBuffer bufFileData; if ( !GetMapDataFilesMgr()->ReadRegisteredFile( fileName, bufFileData ) && !g_pFileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, NULL, bufFileData ) ) { if ( V_stristr( fileName, "_autocombine_" ) && FileExistsInPak( GetPakFile(), fileName ) ) { if ( !ReadFileFromPak( GetPakFile(), fileName, false, bufFileData ) ) Error( "Unable to load vertex data \"%s\"\n", fileName ); } else { Error( "Unable to load vertex data \"%s\"\n", fileName ); } }
// Get the file size
int vvdSize = bufFileData.TellPut(); if (vvdSize == 0) { Error( "Bad size for vertex data \"%s\"\n", fileName ); }
vertexFileHeader_t *pVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *) bufFileData.Base();
// check header
if ( pVvdHdr->id != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID ) { Error("Error Vertex File %s id %d should be %d\n", fileName, pVvdHdr->id, MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID); } if ( pVvdHdr->version != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION ) { Error("Error Vertex File %s version %d should be %d\n", fileName, pVvdHdr->version, MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION); } if ( pVvdHdr->checksum != pActiveStudioHdr->checksum ) { Error("Error Vertex File %s checksum %d should be %d\n", fileName, pVvdHdr->checksum, pActiveStudioHdr->checksum); }
// need to perform mesh relocation fixups
// allocate a new copy
vertexFileHeader_t *pNewVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *)malloc( vvdSize ); if ( !pNewVvdHdr ) { Error( "Error allocating %d bytes for Vertex File '%s'\n", vvdSize, fileName ); }
// load vertexes and run fixups
bool bExtraData = (pActiveStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_EXTRA_VERTEX_DATA) != 0; Studio_LoadVertexes(pVvdHdr, pNewVvdHdr, 0, true, bExtraData);
// discard original
pVvdHdr = pNewVvdHdr;
pActiveStudioHdr->SetVertexBase( (void*)pVvdHdr ); return pVvdHdr; }