//=========== (C) Copyright 1999 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "gameuisystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "gameuidefinition.h"
#include "gamelayer.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "rendersystem/irenderdevice.h"
#include "rendersystem/irendercontext.h"
#include "gameuisystemsurface.h"
#include "inputgameui.h"
#include "gameuisystemmgr.h"
#include "gameuiscript.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define MAX_LAYERS 10
#define HIDE_ALL_TEXT 0
// A list of script handles exposed by the system
static int32 g_iSerialHandle = 0; static CUtlMap< int32, CGameUISystem * > g_mapScriptHandles( DefLessFunc( int32 ) );
CGameUISystem::CGameUISystem() : m_GameUIDef( this ), m_iScriptHandle( ++g_iSerialHandle ) { m_bDrawReport = true; g_mapScriptHandles.InsertOrReplace( m_iScriptHandle, this ); }
CGameUISystem::~CGameUISystem() { g_mapScriptHandles.Remove( m_iScriptHandle ); }
CGameUISystem * CGameUISystem::FromScriptHandle( int32 iScriptHandle ) { unsigned short usIdx = g_mapScriptHandles.Find( iScriptHandle ); return ( usIdx == g_mapScriptHandles.InvalidIndex() ) ? NULL : g_mapScriptHandles.Element( usIdx ); }
char const * CGameUISystem::GetName() { return m_GameUIDef.GetName(); }
// Init, shutdown
bool CGameUISystem::Init( KeyValues *kvLoadSettings ) { DevMsg( "CGameUISystem[%p]::Init( name = %s )\n", this, GetName() ); KeyValuesDumpAsDevMsg( kvLoadSettings );
return true; }
void CGameUISystem::Release() { DevMsg( "CGameUISystem[%p]::Release( name = %s )\n", this, GetName() );
g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->OnScreenReleased( this );
delete this; }
// Creates an empty game UI.
void CGameUISystem::LoadEmptyGameUI( const char *pName ) { m_GameUIDef.Shutdown(); m_GameUIDef.CreateDefault( pName ); }
// Read the game UI config file from a utlbuffer
bool CGameUISystem::LoadGameUIDefinition( CUtlBuffer &buf, const char *pFileName ) { DECLARE_DMX_CONTEXT();
CDmxElement *pRoot = NULL; if ( !UnserializeDMX( buf, &pRoot, pFileName ) ) { Warning( "Unable to read game UI config %s! UtlBuffer is the wrong type!\n", pFileName ); return false; }
bool bOk = m_GameUIDef.Unserialize( pRoot ); CleanupDMX( pRoot ); if ( !bOk ) return false;
// Start the animations all at the same time.
return true; }
bool CGameUISystem::ExecuteScript( KeyValues *kvEvent, KeyValues **ppResult ) { return m_GameUIDef.ExecuteScript( kvEvent, ppResult ); }
void CGameUISystem::SetStageSize( int nWide, int nTall ) { m_GameUIDef.SetStageSize( nWide, nTall); }
void CGameUISystem::GetStageSize( Vector2D &stageSize ) { m_GameUIDef.GetStageSize( stageSize ); }
// 3 draw calls per layer.
// Render in source 1
void CGameUISystem::Render( const Rect_t &viewport ) { if ( !m_GameUIDef.GetVisible() ) return;
VPROF_BUDGET( "Render", "Render" ); Assert( g_pMaterialSystem );
m_GameUIDef.UpdateGeometry(); m_GameUIDef.UpdateRenderTransforms( viewport ); CUtlVector< LayerRenderLists_t > renderLists; m_GameUIDef.GetRenderData( renderLists );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Clear back buffer to green. Useful for debugging graphics that you think should be there and are not.
//pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 76, 88, 68, 255 );
//pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); pRenderContext->Scale( 1, -1, 1 ); float flPixelOffsetX = .5; float flPixelOffsetY = .5; pRenderContext->Ortho( viewport.x + flPixelOffsetX, viewport.y + flPixelOffsetY, viewport.width + flPixelOffsetX, viewport.height + flPixelOffsetY, -1.0f, 1.0f );
// make sure there is no translation and rotation laying around
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity();
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity();
int nStaticDrawCalls = 0; int nDynamicDrawCalls = 0; int nFontDrawCalls = 0;
int nLists = renderLists.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nLists; ++i ) { if ( renderLists[i].m_LayerType == SUBLAYER_STATIC ) { for ( int j = 0; j < renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists.Count(); ++j ) { RenderStaticLayer( renderLists[i], j ); nStaticDrawCalls++; }
} else if ( renderLists[i].m_LayerType == SUBLAYER_DYNAMIC ) { // For dynamic texture viewing.
//int x = 900;
//int y = 0;
for ( int j = 0; j < renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists.Count(); ++j ) { RenderDynamicLayer( renderLists[i], j ); nDynamicDrawCalls++;
// For dynamic texture viewing.
//g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->DrawDynamicTexture( renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists[j][0].m_pImageAlias, x, y );
//y += 256 + 30;
} } else if ( renderLists[i].m_LayerType == SUBLAYER_FONT ) { // For font texture viewing.
//int x = 900;
//int y = 30;
for ( int j = 0; j < renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists.Count(); ++j ) { RenderTextLayer( renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists[j] ); nFontDrawCalls++;
// For font texture viewing.
//g_pGameUISystemSurface->DrawFontTexture( renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists[j][0].m_FontTextureID, x, y );
//y += 256 + 30;
} } }
if ( m_bDrawReport ) { m_bDrawReport = false; Msg( "Total static draw calls in UI: %d\n", nStaticDrawCalls ); Msg( "Total dynamic draw calls in UI: %d\n", nDynamicDrawCalls ); Msg( "Total font draw calls in UI: %d\n", nFontDrawCalls ); Msg( "Total draw calls in UI: %d\n", nStaticDrawCalls + nDynamicDrawCalls + nFontDrawCalls ); } #endif
// Restore the matrices
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix();
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix();
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); }
// Render a static layer in source 1
void CGameUISystem::RenderStaticLayer( LayerRenderLists_t &renderList, int geometryIndex ) { // Do not call draw on an empty mesh.
int nTotalTriCount = 0; for( int i = 0; i < renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex].Count(); ++i ) { nTotalTriCount += renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex][i].GetTriangleCount(); }
if ( nTotalTriCount == 0 ) return;
if ( renderList.m_pSheet == NULL ) { Assert(0); return; }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->Bind( renderList.m_pMaterial, NULL ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); GenerateUIMesh( pRenderContext, pMesh, renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex], renderList.m_pSheet ); pMesh->Draw(); }
// Render a dynamic layer in source 1
void CGameUISystem::RenderDynamicLayer( LayerRenderLists_t &renderList, int geometryIndex ) { // Do not call draw on an empty mesh.
int nTotalTriCount = 0; for( int i = 0; i < renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex].Count(); ++i ) { nTotalTriCount += renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex][i].GetTriangleCount(); }
if ( nTotalTriCount == 0 ) return;
if ( renderList.m_pMaterial == NULL ) return;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, renderList.m_pMaterial ); // this fxn will also bind the material
if ( !pMesh ) return;
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nTotalTriCount );
CUtlVector< CRenderGeometry > &renderGeometry = renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex]; int nGraphicCount = renderGeometry.Count(); int nIndex = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nGraphicCount; ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j < renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count(); ++j ) { // First anim frame
float flX = renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].x; float flY = renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].y; meshBuilder.Position3f( flX, flY, 0.0f ); color32 c = renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j]; meshBuilder.Color4ub( c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a );
float texCoordX = renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].x; float texCoordY = renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].y; meshBuilder.TexCoord3f( 0, texCoordX, texCoordY, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); }
Assert( renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count() == 4 );
// FIXME make this work with generic convex shapes.
// Quads only.
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 2 );
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 3 );
nIndex += (4); }
meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); }
// Render a font layer in source 1
void CGameUISystem::RenderTextLayer( CUtlVector< CRenderGeometry > &renderGeometry ) { if ( renderGeometry.Count() == 0 ) return;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); // get the character texture from the cache
IMaterial *pMaterial = g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetMaterial( renderGeometry[0].m_FontTextureID ); /// Everything in a text rendering layer uses the same font texture, and the texture id is in the seq #
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, pMaterial ); // this fxn will also bind the material
if ( !pMesh ) return; CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, renderGeometry.Count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < renderGeometry.Count(); ++i ) { Assert( renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count() == 4 ); for ( int j = 0; j < renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count(); ++j ) { meshBuilder.Position3f( renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].x, renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].y, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j].r, renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j].g, renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j].b, renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j].a ); meshBuilder.TexCoord3f( 0, renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].x, renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].y, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } }
meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); }
// Create geometry mesh in source 1
void CGameUISystem::GenerateUIMesh( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMesh* pMesh, CUtlVector< CRenderGeometry > &renderGeometry, CSheet *pSheet ) { int nTotalTriCount = 0; for( int i = 0; i < renderGeometry.Count(); ++i ) { nTotalTriCount += renderGeometry[i].GetTriangleCount(); }
Assert( nTotalTriCount != 0 ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nTotalTriCount * 2 );
int x, y, width, height; pRenderContext->GetViewport( x, y, width, height);
static long flAge = 0; { VPROF_BUDGET( "meshBuilder", "meshBuilder" ); int nGraphicCount = renderGeometry.Count(); int nIndex = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nGraphicCount; ++i ) { const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = NULL; int seqNum = renderGeometry[i].m_SheetSequenceNumber; if ( renderGeometry[i].m_bAnimate ) { DmeTime_t flStartTime = renderGeometry[i].GetAnimStartTime(); DmeTime_t flAgeInSeconds = ( g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->GetTime() - flStartTime ); float m_flAnimationRate = renderGeometry[i].m_AnimationRate; float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; flAgeScale /= pSheet->m_SheetInfo[seqNum].m_flFrameSpan; pSample = pSheet->GetSampleForSequence( flAgeInSeconds.GetSeconds(), flAgeScale, seqNum, true ); } else { pSample = pSheet->m_SheetInfo[seqNum].m_pSamples; }
Assert( pSample ); const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); Assert( pSample0 );
for ( int j = 0; j < renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count(); ++j ) { // First anim frame
float flX = renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].x; float flY = renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].y; meshBuilder.Position3f( flX, flY, 0.0f ); color32 c = renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j]; c.a *= ( 1 - pSample->m_fBlendFactor ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a ); float sampleWidth = pSample0->m_fRight_U0 - pSample0->m_fLeft_U0; float sampleHeight = pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 - pSample0->m_fTop_V0; float texCoordX = pSample0->m_fLeft_U0 + renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].x * sampleWidth; float texCoordY = pSample0->m_fTop_V0 + renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].y * sampleHeight; meshBuilder.TexCoord3f( 0, texCoordX, texCoordY, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
// Ugh, right now we have to do this second frame because of the total triangle count being set before we figure out if we need it.
// Second anim frame
//if ( pSample->m_fBlendFactor < 1.0 )
{ meshBuilder.Position3f( flX, flY, 0.0f ); c = renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j]; c.a *= ( pSample->m_fBlendFactor ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a ); float texCoordX = pSample0->m_fLeft_U1 + renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].x * sampleWidth; float texCoordY = pSample0->m_fTop_V1 + renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].y * sampleHeight; meshBuilder.TexCoord3f( 0, texCoordX, texCoordY, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); }
//if ( pSample->m_fBlendFactor < 1.0 )
{ // FIME make this work with generic convex shapes.
// Quads only.
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 4 );
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 4 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 6 );
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 3 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 5 );
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 5 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 7 );
nIndex += (4 * 2); } /*
else { meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 2 );
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nIndex + 3 ); nIndex += (4 * 1); } */ } }
meshBuilder.End(); }
// 3 draw calls per layer.
// Render the UI in source 2
void CGameUISystem::Render( IRenderContext *pRenderContext, const Rect_t &viewport ) { if ( !m_GameUIDef.GetVisible() ) return;
m_GameUIDef.UpdateGeometry(); m_GameUIDef.UpdateRenderTransforms( viewport );
CUtlVector< LayerRenderLists_t > renderLists; m_GameUIDef.GetRenderData( renderLists );
// Note this is not scaling correctly!
pRenderContext->SetCullMode( RENDER_CULLMODE_CULL_NONE ); pRenderContext->SetBlendMode( RENDER_BLEND_ALPHABLENDING );
pRenderContext->BindVertexShader( g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->m_hVertexShader, g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->m_hInputLayout ); pRenderContext->BindShader( RENDER_PIXEL_SHADER, g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->m_hPixelShader );
float pViewportInfo[4] = { viewport.x + 0.5f, viewport.y + 0.5f, viewport.width, viewport.height }; pRenderContext->SetConstantBufferData( g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->m_hConstBuffer, pViewportInfo, 4 * sizeof( float ) ); pRenderContext->BindConstantBuffer( RENDER_VERTEX_SHADER, g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->m_hConstBuffer, 0, 0 );
int nLists = renderLists.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nLists; ++i ) { if ( renderLists[i].m_LayerType == SUBLAYER_STATIC ) { for ( int j = 0; j < renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists.Count(); ++j ) { RenderStaticLayer( pRenderContext, renderLists[i], j ); } } else if ( renderLists[i].m_LayerType == SUBLAYER_FONT ) { for ( int j = 0; j < renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists.Count(); ++j ) { RenderTextLayer( pRenderContext, renderLists[i].m_RenderGeometryLists[j] ); } } } }
// Render a font layer in source 2
void CGameUISystem::RenderTextLayer( IRenderContext *pRenderContext, CUtlVector< CRenderGeometry > &renderGeometry ) { if ( renderGeometry.Count() == 0 ) return; // get the character texture from the cache
HRenderTexture fontTextureHandle = g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetTextureHandle( renderGeometry[0].m_FontTextureID ); pRenderContext->BindTexture( 0, fontTextureHandle );
CDynamicVertexData< GameUIVertex_t > vb( pRenderContext, renderGeometry.Count() * 4, "gamelayer", "game_controls" ); vb.Lock();
for ( int i = 0; i < renderGeometry.Count(); ++i ) { Assert( renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count() == 4 ); for ( int j = 0; j < renderGeometry[i].m_Positions.Count(); ++j ) { vb->m_vecPosition.Init( renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].x, renderGeometry[i].m_Positions[j].y, 0.0f ); vb->m_color = renderGeometry[i].m_VertexColors[j]; vb->m_vecTexCoord.Init( renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].x, renderGeometry[i].m_TextureCoords[j].y ); vb.AdvanceVertex(); } }
vb.Unlock(); vb.Bind( 0, 0 );
CDynamicIndexData< uint16 > ib( pRenderContext, renderGeometry.Count() * 6, "gamelayer", "game_controls" ); ib.Lock(); int nIndex = 0; for( int i = 0; i < renderGeometry.Count(); ++i ) { ib.Index( nIndex ); ib.Index( nIndex + 1 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 2 );
ib.Index( nIndex ); ib.Index( nIndex + 2 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 3 ); nIndex += 4; } ib.Unlock(); ib.Bind( 0 );
pRenderContext->DrawIndexed( RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES, 0, renderGeometry.Count() * 6 );
// For debugging.
//int x = 300;
//int y = 300;
//g_pGameUISystemSurface->DrawFontTexture( pRenderContext, renderGeometry[0].m_FontTextureID, x, y );
//x += 256;
// Renders the static layer in source 2
void CGameUISystem::RenderStaticLayer( IRenderContext *pRenderContext, LayerRenderLists_t &renderList, int geometryIndex ) { int nGraphicCount = renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex].Count(); if ( !nGraphicCount ) return;
int nTotalIndexCount = 0; int nTotalVertexCount = 0; int nGeometryCount = renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex].Count(); for( int i = 0; i < nGeometryCount; ++i ) { nTotalIndexCount += renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex][i].GetTriangleCount() * 3; nTotalVertexCount += renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex][i].GetVertexCount(); } if ( nTotalIndexCount == 0 ) return;
pRenderContext->BindTexture( 0, renderList.m_hTexture );
CDynamicVertexData< GameUIVertex_t > vb( pRenderContext, nTotalVertexCount * 2, "gamelayer", "game_controls" ); vb.Lock(); for( int i = 0; i < nGeometryCount; ++i ) { CRenderGeometry *pGeometry = &renderList.m_RenderGeometryLists[geometryIndex][i];
const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = NULL; int seqNum = pGeometry->m_SheetSequenceNumber; if ( pGeometry->m_bAnimate ) { DmeTime_t flStartTime = pGeometry->GetAnimStartTime(); DmeTime_t flAgeInSeconds = ( g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->GetTime() - flStartTime ); float m_flAnimationRate = pGeometry->m_AnimationRate; float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; flAgeScale /= renderList.m_pSheet->m_SheetInfo[seqNum].m_flFrameSpan;
pSample = renderList.m_pSheet->GetSampleForSequence( flAgeInSeconds.GetSeconds(), flAgeScale, seqNum, true ); } else { pSample = renderList.m_pSheet->m_SheetInfo[seqNum].m_pSamples; }
Assert( pSample ); const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); Assert( pSample0 );
for ( int j = 0; j < pGeometry->m_Positions.Count(); ++j ) { // First anim frame
float flX = pGeometry->m_Positions[j].x; float flY = pGeometry->m_Positions[j].y; vb->m_vecPosition.Init( flX, flY, 0.0f ); color32 c = pGeometry->m_VertexColors[j]; c.a *= ( 1 - pSample->m_fBlendFactor ); vb->m_color = c; float sampleWidth = pSample0->m_fRight_U0 - pSample0->m_fLeft_U0; float sampleHeight = pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 - pSample0->m_fTop_V0; float texCoordX = pSample0->m_fLeft_U0 + pGeometry->m_TextureCoords[j].x * sampleWidth; float texCoordY = pSample0->m_fTop_V0 + pGeometry->m_TextureCoords[j].y * sampleHeight; vb->m_vecTexCoord.Init( texCoordX, texCoordY ); vb.AdvanceVertex();
// Second anim frame
//if ( pSample->m_fBlendFactor < 1.0 )
{ c = pGeometry->m_VertexColors[j]; c.a *= ( pSample->m_fBlendFactor ); vb->m_color = c; float texCoordX = pSample0->m_fLeft_U1 + pGeometry->m_TextureCoords[j].x * sampleWidth; float texCoordY = pSample0->m_fTop_V1 + pGeometry->m_TextureCoords[j].y * sampleHeight; vb->m_vecTexCoord.Init( texCoordX, texCoordY ); vb.AdvanceVertex(); } } } vb.Unlock(); vb.Bind( 0, 0 );
CDynamicIndexData< uint16 > ib( pRenderContext, nTotalIndexCount * 2, "gamelayer", "game_controls" ); ib.Lock(); int nIndex = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nGeometryCount; ++i ) { ib.Index( nIndex ); ib.Index( nIndex + 2 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 4 );
ib.Index( nIndex ); ib.Index( nIndex + 4 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 6 );
ib.Index( nIndex + 1 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 3 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 5 );
ib.Index( nIndex + 1 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 5 ); ib.Index( nIndex + 7 ); nIndex += (4 * 2);
// FIXME: Deal with sometimes only rendering 1 triangle above
CGeometry *pGeometry = geometry[i]; int nTriangleCount = pGeometry->m_Triangles.Count(); for ( int j = 0; j < nTriangleCount; ++j ) { CTriangle *pTriangle = &pGeometry->m_Triangles[j]; //if ( pSample->m_fBlendFactor < 1.0 )
{ ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[0] * 2 ); ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[1] * 2 ); ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[2] * 2 );
ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[0] * 2 + 1 ); ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[1] * 2 + 1 ); ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[2] * 2 + 1 ); } else { //ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[0] );
//ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[1] );
//ib.Index( nIndex + pTriangle->m_PointIndex[2] );
//nIndex += 3;
} } nIndex += (3 * 2) * nTriangleCount; */ } ib.Unlock(); ib.Bind( 0 );
pRenderContext->DrawIndexed( RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES, 0, nTotalIndexCount * 2 ); }