//========= Copyright � Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "gamegraphic.h"
#include "animdata.h"
#include "gameuisystemmgr.h"
#include "inputgameui.h"
#include "dmxloader/dmxelement.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "graphicgroup.h"
#include "gameuiscript.h"
// A list of script handles exposed by the system
static int32 g_iSerialHandle = 0x01000000; static CUtlMap< int32, CGameGraphic * > g_mapScriptHandles( DefLessFunc( int32 ) );
// Constructor, destructor
CGameGraphic::CGameGraphic() : m_iScriptHandle( ++g_iSerialHandle ) { g_mapScriptHandles.InsertOrReplace( m_iScriptHandle, this );
m_pName = ""; m_pGroup = NULL; m_bCanAcceptInput = false; m_CurrentState = -1; m_flAnimTime = DMETIME_ZERO; }
CGameGraphic::~CGameGraphic() { if ( m_pGroup ) { m_pGroup->RemoveFromGroup( this ); }
int nCount = m_Anims.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { delete m_Anims[i]; m_Anims[i] = NULL; } m_Anims.RemoveAll();
g_mapScriptHandles.Remove( m_iScriptHandle ); }
CGameGraphic * CGameGraphic::FromScriptHandle( int32 iScriptHandle ) { unsigned short usIdx = g_mapScriptHandles.Find( iScriptHandle ); return ( usIdx == g_mapScriptHandles.InvalidIndex() ) ? NULL : g_mapScriptHandles.Element( usIdx ); }
DmeTime_t CGameGraphic::GetAnimationTimePassed() { if ( m_Geometry.m_bAnimate ) { m_flAnimTime = g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->GetTime() - m_Geometry.m_AnimStartTime; }
return m_flAnimTime; }
KeyValues * CGameGraphic::HandleScriptCommand( KeyValues *args ) { char const *szCommand = args->GetName();
if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetCenter", szCommand ) ) { SetCenter( args->GetFloat( "x" ), args->GetFloat( "y" ) ); return NULL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetScale", szCommand ) ) { SetScale( args->GetFloat( "x" ), args->GetFloat( "y" ) ); return NULL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetRotation", szCommand ) ) { m_Geometry.m_Rotation = args->GetFloat( "rotation", 0.0f ); return NULL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetVisible", szCommand ) ) { SetVisible( args->GetBool( "visible", true ) ); return NULL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "GetVisible", szCommand ) ) { return new KeyValues( "", "visible", GetVisible() ? 1 : 0 ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetHorizGradient", szCommand ) ) { m_Geometry.m_bHorizontalGradient = args->GetBool( "horizgradient", true ); return NULL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetColor", szCommand ) ) { Color c = args->GetColor( "color", Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); color32 color; color.r = c[0]; color.g = c[1]; color.b = c[2]; color.a = c[3]; SetColor( color ); return NULL; }
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "SetState", szCommand ) ) { SetState( args->GetString( "state" ), args->GetBool( "play", true ) ); SetAnimationTimePassed( DmeTime_t( args->GetFloat( "time" ) ) ); return NULL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "GetState", szCommand ) ) { return new KeyValues( "", "state", GetState() ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "IsDonePlaying", szCommand ) ) { return new KeyValues( "", "done", IsDonePlaying() ? 1 : 0 ); }
DevWarning( "CGameGraphic::HandleScriptCommand for unknown command %s!\n", args->GetName() ); return NULL; }
// If you don't want to use the clock, you can set the time yourself.
void CGameGraphic::SetAnimationTimePassed( DmeTime_t time ) { m_flAnimTime = time; }
// Populate lists for rendering
void CGameGraphic::UpdateRenderData( color32 parentColor, CUtlVector< RenderGeometryList_t > &renderGeometryLists, int firstListIndex ) { if ( !m_Geometry.m_bVisible ) return;
m_Geometry.SetResultantColor( parentColor ); m_Geometry.UpdateRenderData( renderGeometryLists, firstListIndex ); }
// Have to do this separately because extents are drawn as rects.
void CGameGraphic::DrawExtents( CUtlVector< RenderGeometryList_t > &renderGeometryLists, int firstListIndex ) { Assert( !IsGroup() ); color32 extentLineColor = { 0, 255, 0, 255 }; m_Geometry.DrawExtents( renderGeometryLists, firstListIndex, extentLineColor ); }
// Populate lists for rendering
void CGameGraphic::UpdateRenderTransforms( const StageRenderInfo_t &stageRenderInfo ) { m_Geometry.UpdateRenderTransforms( stageRenderInfo, GetGroup() ); }
// Return the index of the anim this state name maps to.
bool CGameGraphic::HasState( const char *pStateName ) { return (GetStateIndex( pStateName ) != -1); }
// Set the animation state of this graphic.
// Default is to start playing it. If it is called with startplaying false, it will stop it.
void CGameGraphic::SetState( const char *pStateName, bool bStartPlaying ) { int newState = GetStateIndex( pStateName ); if ( ( newState != -1 ) && ( m_CurrentState != newState ) ) { m_CurrentState = newState; if ( bStartPlaying ) { StartPlaying(); } }
if ( !bStartPlaying ) { StopPlaying(); } }
// Return true if anim is done playing its current state.
bool CGameGraphic::IsDonePlaying() { if ( m_CurrentState == -1 ) return true;
return m_Anims[m_CurrentState]->IsDone( GetAnimationTimePassed() ); }
// Return the index of the anim this state name maps to.
int CGameGraphic::GetStateIndex( const char *pStateName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Anims.Count(); i++ ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pStateName, m_Anims[i]->m_pStateName ) == 0 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( m_Anims[i]->m_pAnimAlias, "" ) != 0 ) { return GetStateIndex( m_Anims[i]->m_pAnimAlias ); } else { return i; } } } return -1; }
const char *CGameGraphic::GetState() { if ( m_CurrentState == -1 ) return "";
if ( Q_stricmp( m_Anims[m_CurrentState]->m_pAnimAlias, "" ) != 0 ) { return m_Anims[m_CurrentState]->m_pAnimAlias; } else { return m_Anims[m_CurrentState]->m_pStateName; } }
void CGameGraphic::StartPlaying() { m_Geometry.m_bAnimate = true; m_Geometry.m_AnimStartTime = g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->GetTime(); }
void CGameGraphic::StopPlaying() { m_Geometry.m_bAnimate = false; }
// for demo and unit tests
void CGameGraphic::AdvanceState() { StopPlaying(); int numStates = m_Anims.Count(); if ( numStates == 0 ) return;
int state = m_CurrentState; state++; if ( state > numStates -1 ) state = 0;
m_CurrentState = state; }
// Is this the graphic with this name?
bool CGameGraphic::IsGraphicNamed( const char *pName ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( m_pName.Get(), pName ) ) { // Match.
return true; } return false; }
// Does this graphic own a graphic with this name?
CGameGraphic *CGameGraphic::FindGraphicByName( const char *pName ) const { return NULL; }