//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "gameuisystemmgr.h"
#include "soundsystem/isoundsystem.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "gameuisystem.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "rendersystem/irenderdevice.h"
#include "rendersystem/irendercontext.h"
#include "inputgameui.h"
#include "gameuisystemsurface.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "gamelayer.h"
#include "gameuiscriptsystem.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputstacksystem.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "gametext.h"
#undef PlaySound
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static CGameUIDynamicTextures *s_pDynamicTextures = NULL; void OnRestore( int nChangeFlags ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures != NULL ) { s_pDynamicTextures->OnRestore( nChangeFlags ); } }
class CGameUIMiscUtils : public IGameUIMiscUtils { public: virtual bool PointTriangleHitTest( Vector2D tringleVert0, Vector2D tringleVert1, Vector2D tringleVert2, Vector2D point ) { return ::PointTriangleHitTest( tringleVert0, tringleVert1, tringleVert2, point ); } } g_GameUIMiscUtils; IGameUIMiscUtils *g_pGameUIMiscUtils = &g_GameUIMiscUtils;
// Default game ui sound playback implementation
class CDefaultGameUISoundPlayback : public IGameUISoundPlayback { public: void *EmitSound( const char *pSoundName ) { if ( !g_pSoundSystem ) return NULL;
// Ensure the sound is valid
int nSoundIndex = g_pSoundEmitterSystem->GetSoundIndex( pSoundName ); if ( !g_pSoundEmitterSystem->IsValidIndex( nSoundIndex ) ) { Warning( "Attempted to play invalid sound \"%s\"\n", pSoundName ); return NULL; }
const char *pSourceFile = g_pSoundEmitterSystem->GetSourceFileForSound( nSoundIndex ); if ( !Q_stristr( pSourceFile, "game_sounds_ui.txt" ) ) { Warning( "Attempted to play invalid sound \"%s\". This sound must be defined\n" "in game_sounds_ui.txt but was defined in \"%s\" instead.\n", pSoundName, pSourceFile ); return NULL; }
// Pull data from parameters
CSoundParameters params; HSOUNDSCRIPTHASH handle = SOUNDEMITTER_INVALID_HASH; if ( !g_pSoundEmitterSystem->GetParametersForSoundEx( pSoundName, handle, params, GENDER_NONE, true ) ) return NULL;
if ( !params.soundname[0] ) return NULL;
char pFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( pFileName, sizeof(pFileName), "sound/%s", params.soundname ); CAudioSource *pAudioSource = g_pSoundSystem->FindOrAddSound( pFileName ); if ( !pAudioSource ) return NULL;
// NOTE: We're currently ignoring the sound delay time from the parameters,
// as well as a bunch of other parameters. Oh well.
CAudioMixer *pMixer = NULL; g_pSoundSystem->PlaySound( pAudioSource, params.volume, &pMixer ); return pAudioSource;
void StopSound( void *pSoundHandle ) { if ( !pSoundHandle || !g_pSoundSystem ) return;
CAudioSource *pAudioSource = (CAudioSource*)pSoundHandle; Assert( pAudioSource ); CAudioMixer *pMixer = g_pSoundSystem->FindMixer( pAudioSource ); g_pSoundSystem->StopSound( pMixer ); } };
static CDefaultGameUISoundPlayback s_DefaultGameUISoundPlayback;
// Default implementation of gameui system mgr
static CGameUISystemMgr s_GameUISystemMgr; CGameUISystemMgr *g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl = &s_GameUISystemMgr;
void LinkGameControlsLib() { // This function is required for the linker to include CGameUISystemMgr
// Used to allow us to install the game ui system into the list of app systems
// that the client wants the engine to initialize
// shader programs
static const char s_pVertexShader[] = "float4 v4OffsetScale : register( c0 ); " "float4 v4InstanceCount : register( c255 ); " "struct VS_INPUT " "{ " " float3 vPos : POSITION0; " " float4 vColor : COLOR0; " " float2 vTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; " "}; " " " "struct VS_OUTPUT " "{ " " float4 vColor : COLOR0; " " float2 vTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; " " float4 projPos : POSITION0; " "}; " " " "VS_OUTPUT main( const VS_INPUT v ) " "{ " " VS_OUTPUT o = ( VS_OUTPUT )0; " " " " o.projPos.xy = 2.0f * ( v.vPos.xy - v4OffsetScale.xy ) / ( v4OffsetScale.zw ) - float2( 1.0f, 1.0f );" " o.projPos.y *= -1.0f; " " o.projPos.z = 1; " " o.projPos.w = 1; " " o.vColor = v.vColor; " " o.vTexCoord = v.vTexCoord; " " return o; " "} " "";
static const char s_pPixelShader[] = "struct PS_INPUT " "{ " " float4 vColor : COLOR0; " " float2 vTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; " "}; " " " "sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s0 ); " "float4 main( const PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR " "{ " " return i.vColor * tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, i.vTexCoord ); " "} " "";
static RenderInputLayoutField_t s_pGameUILayout[] = { DEFINE_PER_VERTEX_FIELD( 0, "position", 0, GameUIVertex_t, m_vecPosition ) DEFINE_PER_VERTEX_FIELD( 0, "color", 0, GameUIVertex_t, m_color ) DEFINE_PER_VERTEX_FIELD( 0, "texcoord", 0, GameUIVertex_t, m_vecTexCoord ) };
IScriptManager *g_pScriptManager;
// Inherited from IAppSystem
bool CGameUISystemMgr::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) ) return false;
g_pScriptManager = (IScriptManager *)factory( VSCRIPT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !g_pScriptManager ) return false;
return true; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::Disconnect() { g_pScriptManager = NULL; BaseClass::Disconnect(); }
void *CGameUISystemMgr::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { if (!Q_strncmp( pInterfaceName, GAMEUISYSTEMMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, Q_strlen( GAMEUISYSTEMMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION ) + 1)) return (IGameUISystemMgr*)this;
return NULL; }
// Less function for use with CUtlMap and CUtlString keys
bool UtlStringLessFunc( const CUtlString &lhs, const CUtlString &rhs ) { return ( Q_stricmp( lhs, rhs ) < 0 ); }
// Constructor
CGameUISystemMgr::CGameUISystemMgr() : m_MenuSoundMap( UtlStringLessFunc ), m_ScreenControllerMap( UtlStringLessFunc ), m_GraphicClassMap( UtlStringLessFunc ) { m_hInputLayout = RENDER_INPUT_LAYOUT_INVALID; m_hVertexShader = RENDER_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID; m_hPixelShader = RENDER_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID; m_hConstBuffer = CONSTANT_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID;
m_Viewport.x = 0; m_Viewport.y = 0; m_Viewport.width = 0; m_Viewport.height = 0; m_nWindowWidth = 0; m_nWindowHeight = 0;
m_flCurrentTime = DmeTime_t(0); m_Scheme = NULL;
m_RequestedKeyFocus = NULL;
m_bForceFocusUpdate = false; m_bUseGameInputQueue = false;
m_pSoundPlayback = &s_DefaultGameUISoundPlayback; m_bVisible = true;
m_bSetReleaseTimer = false; m_ReleaseStartTime = DmeTime_t(0); m_ReleaseTime = DmeTime_t(0);
if ( !g_pGameUISystemMgr ) g_pGameUISystemMgr = this;
m_pCursorText = NULL; }
// Destructor
CGameUISystemMgr::~CGameUISystemMgr() { if ( m_pCursorText ) { delete m_pCursorText; } }
// Initialize
static AppSystemInfo_t s_pDependencies[] = { { "vstdlib.dll", EVENTSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "vscript.dll", VSCRIPT_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "inputsystem.dll", INPUTSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "inputsystem.dll", INPUTSTACKSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "soundemittersystem.dll", SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { NULL, NULL } };
const AppSystemInfo_t* CGameUISystemMgr::GetDependencies() { return s_pDependencies; }
// Initialize
InitReturnVal_t CGameUISystemMgr::Init( ) { m_bForceFocusUpdate = false; m_bUseGameInputQueue = false; m_hInputLayout = RENDER_INPUT_LAYOUT_INVALID; m_hInputContext = INPUT_CONTEXT_HANDLE_INVALID; m_pSoundPlayback = &s_DefaultGameUISoundPlayback;
InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return nRetVal;
g_pInputGameUI->Init(); if ( g_pRenderDevice ) { m_hInputLayout = g_pRenderDevice->CreateInputLayout( "GameUILayout", ARRAYSIZE( s_pGameUILayout ), s_pGameUILayout ); m_hVertexShader = g_pRenderDevice->CreateShader( RENDER_VERTEX_SHADER, s_pVertexShader, sizeof(s_pVertexShader), g_pRenderDevice->GetShaderVersionString(RENDER_VERTEX_SHADER) ); m_hPixelShader = g_pRenderDevice->CreateShader( RENDER_PIXEL_SHADER, s_pPixelShader, sizeof(s_pPixelShader), g_pRenderDevice->GetShaderVersionString(RENDER_PIXEL_SHADER) ); m_hConstBuffer = g_pRenderDevice->CreateConstantBuffer( 4 * sizeof( float ) ); Assert( m_hVertexShader != RENDER_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID ); Assert( m_hPixelShader != RENDER_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID ); }
// Tell the input system to generate UI events
m_Scheme = NULL; SetViewportSize( 1024, 768 ); SetWindowSize( 1024, 768 );
m_bVisible = true; m_RequestedKeyFocus = NULL;
m_flCurrentTime = DmeTime_t(0);
m_bSetReleaseTimer = false; m_ReleaseTime = DmeTime_t(0);
s_pDynamicTextures = new CGameUIDynamicTextures;
// Load in a default scheme
if (!g_pGameUISchemeManager->LoadSchemeFromFile( "resource/BoxRocket.res", "GameUIDefaultScheme" )) { Assert( 0 ); }
// Dynamic textures not yet supported for source 2
if ( g_pMaterialSystem ) { g_pMaterialSystem->AddRestoreFunc( OnRestore ); }
return INIT_OK; }
// Init any render targets needed by the UI.
void CGameUISystemMgr::InitRenderTargets() { s_pDynamicTextures->InitRenderTargets(); }
IMaterialProxy *CGameUISystemMgr::CreateProxy( const char *proxyName ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures ) { return s_pDynamicTextures->CreateProxy( proxyName ); } return NULL; }
// Shutdown
void CGameUISystemMgr::Shutdown() { if ( g_pMaterialSystem ) { g_pMaterialSystem->RemoveRestoreFunc( OnRestore ); } if ( s_pDynamicTextures ) { delete s_pDynamicTextures; }
if ( g_pRenderDevice ) { g_pRenderDevice->DestroyConstantBuffer( m_hConstBuffer ); g_pRenderDevice->DestroyShader( RENDER_PIXEL_SHADER, m_hPixelShader ); g_pRenderDevice->DestroyShader( RENDER_VERTEX_SHADER, m_hVertexShader ); g_pRenderDevice->DestroyInputLayout( m_hInputLayout ); m_hInputLayout = RENDER_INPUT_LAYOUT_INVALID; }
// release all menus.
// Tell the input system we no longer need UI events
g_pInputSystem->RemoveUIEventListener(); BaseClass::Shutdown(); }
// Set visibility of the entire gameui.
void CGameUISystemMgr::SetGameUIVisible( bool bVisible ) { m_bVisible = bVisible; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::UseGameInputSystemEventQueue( bool bEnable ) { m_bUseGameInputQueue = bEnable; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::RegisterInputEvent( const InputEvent_t &iEvent ) { Assert( m_bUseGameInputQueue ); m_InputQueue.AddToTail( iEvent ); }
void CGameUISystemMgr::SendEventToAllScreens( KeyValues *kvGlobalEvent ) { KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( kvGlobalEvent );
for ( int j = 0; j < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++j ) { if ( m_bVisible && m_ActiveMenuList[j]->Definition().GetVisible() ) { m_ActiveMenuList[j]->ExecuteScript( kvGlobalEvent ); } } }
void CGameUISystemMgr::PostEventToAllScreens( KeyValues *kvGlobalEvent ) { m_GameUIEventMainQueue.AddToTail( kvGlobalEvent ); }
// Return true if any menu is visible.
bool CGameUISystemMgr::IsMenuVisible() const { if ( !m_bVisible ) return false;
int nCount = m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i] ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetVisible() ) return true; } } return false; }
// Specifies the input context handle to use to allow it to interoperate
// with other input clients
void CGameUISystemMgr::SetInputContext( InputContextHandle_t hInputContext ) { m_hInputContext = hInputContext;
if ( m_hInputContext != INPUT_CONTEXT_HANDLE_INVALID ) { g_pInputStackSystem->EnableInputContext( m_hInputContext, IsMenuVisible() ); g_pInputStackSystem->SetCursorIcon( m_hInputContext, g_pInputSystem->GetStandardCursor( INPUT_CURSOR_ARROW ) ); } }
// Returns the input context to use to control the cursor
InputContextHandle_t CGameUISystemMgr::GetInputContext( ) const { return m_hInputContext; }
// Allows you to control sound playback
void CGameUISystemMgr::SetSoundPlayback( IGameUISoundPlayback *pPlayback ) { m_pSoundPlayback = pPlayback ? pPlayback : &s_DefaultGameUISoundPlayback; }
// Assign the scheme
// This is because the scheme is needed to load text ui elements
// so the def has to be able to assign it.
void CGameUISystemMgr::SetScheme( IGameUIScheme * scheme ) { if ( m_Scheme && m_Scheme != scheme ) { Warning( "Warning game menus do not all share the same scheme, text might look strange or fail to display.\n" ); } m_Scheme = scheme; }
IGameUIScheme * CGameUISystemMgr::GetCurrentScheme() { // Currently the rendersystemtest text is being loaded with no scheme
return m_Scheme; }
// Load a game UI into memory.
// Return the menu id.
IGameUISystem * CGameUISystemMgr::LoadGameUIScreen( KeyValues *kvScreenLoadSettings ) { if ( !kvScreenLoadSettings ) return NULL;
// Make a copy for safe modifications
kvScreenLoadSettings = kvScreenLoadSettings->MakeCopy(); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_kvScreenLoadSettings( kvScreenLoadSettings );
char const *szName = kvScreenLoadSettings->GetName(); CFmtStr sFilename( "vguiedit/%s.gui", szName ); const char *pFilename = sFilename;
// Current menu
IGameUISystem *pPreviousScreen = NULL; if ( m_ActiveMenuList.Count() ) { pPreviousScreen = m_ActiveMenuList[ m_ActiveMenuList.Count() - 1 ]; }
// Always load a new instance of the menu
CGameUISystem *pNewScreen = NULL; if ( !pNewScreen ) { bool bSuccess = false; if ( szName && *szName ) { CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, IsPlatformX360() ? 0 : CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( IsPlatformX360() ) { buf.ActivateByteSwapping( true ); } bSuccess = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pFilename, "GAME", buf ); if ( bSuccess ) { CGameUISystem *pGameUI = new CGameUISystem; bSuccess = pGameUI->LoadGameUIDefinition( buf, pFilename ); if ( bSuccess ) { pNewScreen = pGameUI;
pGameUI->Init( kvScreenLoadSettings ); } else { delete pGameUI; Warning( "Failed to load game ui file %s\n", pFilename ); } } else { Warning( "Failed to read game ui file %s\n", pFilename ); } } // Failed to read or load file. Load an empty ui instead.
if ( !bSuccess ) { CGameUISystem *pGameUI = new CGameUISystem; // for the name use the menu name of the file we tried to load
char pFilenameStripped[ MAX_PATH ]; int len = Q_strlen( pFilename ); Q_StripExtension( pFilename, pFilenameStripped, len+1 );
CUtlVector<char *> words; V_SplitString( pFilenameStripped, "/", words ); int lastWord = words.Count() - 1; char *pMenuName = words[lastWord];
pGameUI->LoadEmptyGameUI( pMenuName ); pGameUI->Init( kvScreenLoadSettings ); IGameUIScheme *pNewUIScheme = pGameUI->Definition().GetScheme(); // Empty UI's should never stomp an already existing scheme.
if ( !m_Scheme ) { m_Scheme = pNewUIScheme; }
pNewScreen = pGameUI; } }
Assert( pNewScreen ); pNewScreen->Definition().InitializeScripts();
// Set it visible etc.
pNewScreen->Definition().SetVisible( true ); pNewScreen->Definition().SetAcceptInput( false ); kvScreenLoadSettings->SetName( "OnLoad" ); kvScreenLoadSettings->SetInt( "scripthandle", pNewScreen->GetScriptHandle() ); pNewScreen->ExecuteScript( kvScreenLoadSettings ); pNewScreen->Definition().SetAcceptInput( true );
// Stack operation:
char const *szDefaultStackOperation = "removeall"; char const *szStackOperation = kvScreenLoadSettings->GetString( "stack", szDefaultStackOperation ); if ( Q_stricmp( "append", szStackOperation ) != 0 ) { // Take the old stack and move it into the m_ReleasedMenuList
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ReleasedMenuList.AddToTail( m_ActiveMenuList[i] ); }
// Tell the previous stack to exit
KeyValues *kvEventOnExit = new KeyValues( "OnExit"); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_kvEventOnExit( kvEventOnExit ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_ReleasedMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ReleasedMenuList[i]->Definition().SetAcceptInput( false ); m_ReleasedMenuList[i]->ExecuteScript( kvEventOnExit );
// null out requested focus for a released panel
if ( m_RequestedKeyFocus && m_ReleasedMenuList[i]->Definition().HasGraphic( m_RequestedKeyFocus ) ) { m_RequestedKeyFocus = NULL; } } m_ReleaseTime = DmeTime_t(0); m_bSetReleaseTimer = true;
m_ActiveMenuList.RemoveAll(); }
// Push the new screen onto the stack
m_ActiveMenuList.AddToTail( pNewScreen );
// Init the newly loaded menu
// ? not sure if we would want to merge load and init ?
// we may control execution of scripts with passed in keyvalues
kvScreenLoadSettings->SetName( "OnInit" ); pNewScreen->ExecuteScript( kvScreenLoadSettings );
return pNewScreen; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::ReleaseAllGameUIScreens() { while ( m_ActiveMenuList.Count() ) { CGameUISystem *pTopScreen = m_ActiveMenuList.Tail(); m_ActiveMenuList.RemoveMultipleFromTail( 1 ); // need to release at safe point: pTopScreen->Release();
DevMsg( "CGameUISystemMgr scheduled screen %p for release\n", pTopScreen ); m_ReleasedMenuList.AddToTail( pTopScreen );
m_ReleaseTime = DmeTime_t(0); m_bSetReleaseTimer = true; } }
void CGameUISystemMgr::OnScreenReleased( CGameUISystem *pScreen ) { // Assuming that all the logic of transferring context/focus
// from the released screen already happened
if ( m_ActiveMenuList.FindAndRemove( pScreen ) ) { DevWarning( "CGameUISystemMgr::OnScreenReleased( %p ) while screen is active!\n", pScreen ); }
// null out requested focus for a released panel
if ( m_RequestedKeyFocus && pScreen->Definition().HasGraphic( m_RequestedKeyFocus ) ) { m_RequestedKeyFocus = NULL; } }
// Process input.
void CGameUISystemMgr::RunFrame() { // All released menus are removed after a few seconds to allow them to clean up.
if ( m_ReleaseTime > DmeTime_t( 5.0 ) && m_ReleasedMenuList.Count() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_ReleasedMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { CGameUISystem *&pReleasedScreen = m_ReleasedMenuList[i]; pReleasedScreen->Release(); pReleasedScreen = NULL; } m_ReleasedMenuList.RemoveAll(); }
{ // Regenerate if we should.
if ( s_pDynamicTextures ) { s_pDynamicTextures->RegenerateTexture( 0 ); } // Update keyfocused and reset mouse and key states.
g_pInputGameUI->RunFrame(); m_RequestedKeyFocus = NULL;
// Generate all gameui event messages
// Run scripts to handle them.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_GameUIEventMainQueue.Count(); ++i ) { KeyValues *kvEvent = m_GameUIEventMainQueue[i]; KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( kvEvent );
for ( int j = 0; j < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++j ) { if ( m_bVisible && m_ActiveMenuList[j]->Definition().GetVisible() ) { m_ActiveMenuList[j]->ExecuteScript( kvEvent ); } } } m_GameUIEventMainQueue.RemoveAll();
// Generate all input messages
// this will generate all key and mouse events
const InputEvent_t* pEvents = NULL; int nEventCount = 0; if ( m_bUseGameInputQueue ) { nEventCount = m_InputQueue.Count(); pEvents = m_InputQueue.Base(); } else { nEventCount = g_pInputSystem->GetEventCount(); pEvents = g_pInputSystem->GetEventData(); }
for ( int i = 0; i < nEventCount; ++i ) { InputGameUIHandleInputEvent( pEvents[i] ); }
// Specifically post the current mouse position as a message
g_pInputGameUI->PostCursorMessage(); if ( m_bForceFocusUpdate ) { g_pInputGameUI->ForceInputFocusUpdate(); m_bForceFocusUpdate = false; }
// Run scripts.
KeyValues *kvEventOnUpdate = new KeyValues( "OnUpdate" ); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_kvEventOnUpdate( kvEventOnUpdate ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetVisible() ) { m_ActiveMenuList[i]->ExecuteScript( kvEventOnUpdate ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < m_ReleasedMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_ReleasedMenuList[i]->Definition().GetVisible() ) { m_ReleasedMenuList[i]->ExecuteScript( kvEventOnUpdate ); } } }
// FIXME: Need better logic here.
// Our input context is enabled if any menus are visible
if ( m_hInputContext != INPUT_CONTEXT_HANDLE_INVALID ) { g_pInputStackSystem->EnableInputContext( m_hInputContext, IsMenuVisible() ); } }
void CGameUISystemMgr::RegisterScreenControllerFactory( char const *szControllerName, IGameUIScreenControllerFactory *pFactory ) { m_ScreenControllerMap.InsertOrReplace( szControllerName, pFactory ); }
IGameUIScreenControllerFactory *CGameUISystemMgr::GetScreenControllerFactory( char const *szControllerName ) { ScreenControllerFactoryMap::IndexType_t idx = m_ScreenControllerMap.Find( szControllerName ); if ( idx != m_ScreenControllerMap.InvalidIndex() ) return m_ScreenControllerMap[idx]; else return NULL; }
// Registers a factory to create a graphic class type (rect, text, hitarea)
void CGameUISystemMgr::RegisterGraphicClassFactory( char const *szGraphicClassName, IGameUIGraphicClassFactory *pFactory ) { m_GraphicClassMap.InsertOrReplace( szGraphicClassName, pFactory ); }
// Get the factory to create an instance of a graphic class ( rect, text, hitarea)
IGameUIGraphicClassFactory *CGameUISystemMgr::GetGraphicClassFactory( char const *szGraphicClassName ) { GameUIGraphicClassFactoryMap::IndexType_t idx = m_GraphicClassMap.Find( szGraphicClassName ); if ( idx != m_GraphicClassMap.InvalidIndex() ) return m_GraphicClassMap[idx]; else return NULL; }
IGameUISystemSurface * CGameUISystemMgr::GetSurface() { return g_pGameUISystemSurface; }
IGameUISchemeMgr * CGameUISystemMgr::GetSchemeMgr() { return g_pGameUISchemeManager; }
IGameUIMiscUtils * CGameUISystemMgr::GetMiscUtils() { return g_pGameUIMiscUtils; }
// ConCommand to trigger the menu for testing purposes
CON_COMMAND_F( ui_setmenus_hidden, "Hide the game ui", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->SetGameUIVisible( false ); }
// Sets the current game UI menu.
CON_COMMAND_F( ui_setmenu, "Pass in a name; load it as the current game menu.", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { Msg( "ui_setmenu <name>\n" ); return; }
const char *szName = args[ 1 ]; g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->LoadGameUIScreen( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( new KeyValues( szName ) ) ); }
// Source 1
// Draw each gameui, note game uis render from back to front.
// A newly loaded gameui goes in the front.
void CGameUISystemMgr::Render( const Rect_t &viewport, DmeTime_t flCurrentTime ) { if ( m_bSetReleaseTimer ) { m_ReleaseStartTime = flCurrentTime; m_bSetReleaseTimer = false; } else { m_ReleaseTime = flCurrentTime - m_ReleaseStartTime; } m_flCurrentTime = flCurrentTime;
if ( !m_bVisible ) return;
// Check if the viewport size has changed.
if ( ( m_Viewport.width != viewport.width ) || ( m_Viewport.height != viewport.height ) ) { m_Viewport.width = viewport.width; m_Viewport.height = viewport.height;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); int nWidth, nHeight; pRenderContext->GetWindowSize( nWidth, nHeight ); SetWindowSize( nWidth, nHeight );
// Update stage render transforms so the font size loaded is correct.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().UpdateAspectRatio( viewport ); }
// Reload the fonts!
g_pGameUISystemSurface->ResetFontCaches(); }
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Render( viewport ); }
// Render menus that are going away last (so they are in front)
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ReleasedMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ReleasedMenuList[i]->Render( viewport ); } }
// Source 2
void CGameUISystemMgr::Render( IRenderContext *pRenderContext, PlatWindow_t hWnd, const Rect_t &viewport, DmeTime_t flCurrentTime ) { // Check if the viewport size has changed.
if ( ( m_Viewport.width != viewport.width ) || ( m_Viewport.height != viewport.height ) ) { // Reload the fonts!
m_Viewport.width = viewport.width; m_Viewport.height = viewport.height;
int nWidth, nHeight; Plat_GetWindowClientSize( hWnd, &nWidth, &nHeight ); SetWindowSize( nWidth, nHeight );
// Update stage render transforms so the font size loaded is correct.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().UpdateAspectRatio( viewport ); } g_pGameUISystemSurface->ResetFontCaches(); }
m_flCurrentTime = flCurrentTime;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveMenuList.Count(); ++i ) { m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Render( pRenderContext, viewport ); } }
// Get the current graphic that can accept mouse input and is under the mouse.
CHitArea *CGameUISystemMgr::GetMouseFocus() { return g_pInputGameUI->GetMouseFocus(); }
// Get the graphic that can accept mouse input and is under the mouse.
// We check from front to back.
CHitArea *CGameUISystemMgr::GetMouseFocus( int x, int y ) { for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count()-1; i >=0; --i ) { CHitArea *pGraphic = m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetMouseFocus( x, y ); if ( pGraphic ) { return pGraphic; } }
return NULL; }
// Get the graphic that can accept key input
CHitArea *CGameUISystemMgr::GetKeyFocus() { return g_pInputGameUI->GetKeyFocus(); }
// Get the graphic that would like to accept key input
CHitArea *CGameUISystemMgr::GetRequestedKeyFocus() { return m_RequestedKeyFocus; }
// Purpose: Request key focus. If focus is changed play a sound.
void CGameUISystemMgr::RequestKeyFocus( CHitArea *pGraphic, KeyValues *args ) { // Find the menu this graphic is in
for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count()-1; i >=0; --i ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetVisible() ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().HasGraphic( pGraphic ) ) { if ( !m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().CanAcceptInput() ) { Warning( "Key Focus requested for graphic %d that does not have input on in its menu!", pGraphic->GetName() ); return; } } } }
// Has nobody asked for it?
if ( m_RequestedKeyFocus == NULL ) { if ( pGraphic->IsGroup() ) { // Find a hitarea inside.
CGraphicGroup *pGroup = (CGraphicGroup *)pGraphic; CHitArea *pFocusGraphic = pGroup->GetKeyFocusRequestGraphic(); if ( pFocusGraphic ) { m_RequestedKeyFocus = pFocusGraphic; PlayMenuSound( args->GetString( "sound" ) ); }
} else { m_RequestedKeyFocus = pGraphic; PlayMenuSound( args->GetString( "sound" ) ); } } }
// Purpose: Obtain the screen size.
void CGameUISystemMgr::GetScreenSize( int &nWide, int &nTall ) { if ( !g_pMaterialSystem ) { nWide = m_Viewport.width; nTall = m_Viewport.height; } else { Rect_t viewport; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->GetViewport( viewport.x, viewport.y, nWide, nTall ); } }
// Assumes all menus are full screen and same size right now.
void CGameUISystemMgr::GetScreenHeightForFontLoading( int &nTall ) { Vector2D stageSize; if ( m_ActiveMenuList.Count() ) { m_ActiveMenuList[0]->Definition().GetMaintainAspectRatioStageSize( stageSize ); nTall = stageSize.y; } else { int nWide; GetScreenSize( nWide, nTall ); } }
DmeTime_t CGameUISystemMgr::GetTime() { return m_flCurrentTime; }
// Purpose: If the hit graphic'c menu is set to have mouse focus change keyboard focus, update kb focus.
void CGameUISystemMgr::OnMouseFocusGained( CHitArea *mouseFocus ) { for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetVisible() && m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().HasGraphic( mouseFocus ) ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().IsMouseFocusEqualToKeyboardFocus() ) { m_RequestedKeyFocus = mouseFocus; } return; } } }
// Purpose: If the hit graphic'c menu is set to have mouse focus change keyboard focus, update kb focus.
void CGameUISystemMgr::OnMouseFocusLost( CHitArea *mouseFocus ) { for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetVisible() && m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().HasGraphic( mouseFocus ) ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().IsMouseFocusEqualToKeyboardFocus() ) { m_RequestedKeyFocus = NULL; } return; } } }
// This fxn was called because nothing in the ui has keyfocus and a key was typed.
bool CGameUISystemMgr::OnKeyCodeTyped( const ButtonCode_t &code ) { if ( code == KEY_TAB ) { for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { CHitArea *pGraphic = m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetNextFocus( g_pInputGameUI->GetKeyFocus() ); if ( pGraphic ) { RequestKeyFocus( pGraphic ); //pGraphic->OnGainKeyFocus(); // hack to make on focus anims and script events play
return true; } } }
return false; }
bool CGameUISystemMgr::OnGameGraphicScriptEvent( CGameGraphic *pGraphic, KeyValues *kvEvent ) { // Find the menu that owns this graphic
for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().HasGraphic( pGraphic ) ) { CUtlString sGraphicName; m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().BuildScopedGraphicName( sGraphicName, pGraphic ); kvEvent->SetString( "graphic", sGraphicName.Get() ); return m_ActiveMenuList[i]->ExecuteScript( kvEvent ); } } return false; }
// This fxn was called because nothing in the ui has keyfocus and a key code was typed.
bool CGameUISystemMgr::OnKeyTyped( const wchar_t &unichar ) { return false; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::PlayMenuSound( const char *pSoundName ) { if ( pSoundName == NULL || pSoundName[ 0 ] == '\0' ) return;
int index = m_MenuSoundMap.Find( pSoundName ); if ( index != m_MenuSoundMap.InvalidIndex() ) { m_pSoundPlayback->StopSound( m_MenuSoundMap[index] ); } else { index = m_MenuSoundMap.Insert( pSoundName, NULL ); }
m_MenuSoundMap[index] = m_pSoundPlayback->EmitSound( pSoundName ); }
void CGameUISystemMgr::StopMenuSound( const char *pSoundName ) { int index = m_MenuSoundMap.Find( pSoundName ); if ( index == m_MenuSoundMap.InvalidIndex() ) return;
if ( m_MenuSoundMap[index] ) { m_pSoundPlayback->StopSound( m_MenuSoundMap[index] ); m_MenuSoundMap[index] = NULL; } }
void CGameUISystemMgr::SetWindowSize( int nWidth, int nHeight ) { m_nWindowWidth = nWidth; m_nWindowHeight = nHeight; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::GetWindowSize( int &nWidth, int &nHeight ) { nWidth = m_nWindowWidth; nHeight = m_nWindowHeight; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::SetViewportSize( int nWidth, int nHeight ) { m_Viewport.width = nWidth; m_Viewport.height = nHeight; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::GetViewportSize( int &nWidth, int &nHeight ) { nWidth = m_Viewport.width; nHeight = m_Viewport.height; }
// Create an entry for this alias
void CGameUISystemMgr::InitImageAlias( const char *pAlias ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures == NULL ) { s_pDynamicTextures = new CGameUIDynamicTextures; }
if ( !pAlias || !*pAlias ) return;
ImageAliasData_t *pImageData = s_pDynamicTextures->GetImageAliasData( pAlias ); if ( s_pDynamicTextures->IsErrorImageAliasData( pImageData ) ) { // If we didn't have an entry for this alias populate it now.
ImageAliasData_t *pImageData = GetImageAliasData( "errorImageAlias" ); ImageAliasData_t imageData; imageData.m_XPos = pImageData->m_XPos; imageData.m_YPos = pImageData->m_YPos; imageData.m_Width = pImageData->m_Width; imageData.m_Height = pImageData->m_Height; imageData.m_szBaseTextureName = pImageData->m_szBaseTextureName; imageData.m_Material = pImageData->m_Material; imageData.m_bIsInSheet = pImageData->m_bIsInSheet; imageData.m_nNodeIndex = pImageData->m_nNodeIndex; s_pDynamicTextures->SetImageEntry( pAlias, imageData ); }
pImageData = s_pDynamicTextures->GetImageAliasData( pAlias ); pImageData->m_nRefCount++; }
// Associate this image alias name with a .vtf texture.
// This fxn loads the texture into the GameControls shader and makes a material
// for you
void CGameUISystemMgr::LoadImageAliasTexture( const char *pAlias, const char *pBaseTextureName ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures == NULL ) { s_pDynamicTextures = new CGameUIDynamicTextures; }
s_pDynamicTextures->LoadImageAlias( pAlias, pBaseTextureName ); }
// Release all aliases associated with this menu from the packer
void CGameUISystemMgr::ReleaseImageAlias( const char *pAlias ) { s_pDynamicTextures->ReleaseImageAlias( pAlias ); }
// Return the material bound to this image alias.
// If the texture was not found you will see the purple and black checkerboard
// error texture.
IMaterial *CGameUISystemMgr::GetImageAliasMaterial( const char *pAlias ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures == NULL ) return NULL;
return s_pDynamicTextures->GetImageAliasMaterial( pAlias ); }
ImageAliasData_t *CGameUISystemMgr::GetImageAliasData( const char *pAlias ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures == NULL ) return NULL;
return s_pDynamicTextures->GetImageAliasData( pAlias ); }
// Transform this texcoord into sheet coordinates.
// If the image is not in a sheet, does nothing.
void CGameUISystemMgr::TexCoordsToSheetTexCoords( const char *pAlias, Vector2D texCoords, Vector2D &sheetTexCoords ) { ImageAliasData_t *pImageData = GetImageAliasData( pAlias ); if ( pImageData && pImageData->m_bIsInSheet ) { // Transform texture coords to sheet texture coords.
int nSheetWidth = 0; int nSheetHeight = 0; s_pDynamicTextures->GetDynamicSheetSize( nSheetWidth, nSheetHeight ); Assert( nSheetWidth != 0 ); Assert( nSheetHeight != 0 ); float sampleWidth = ( ( (float)pImageData->m_Width - 1 ) / (float)nSheetWidth ); float sampleHeight = ( ( (float)pImageData->m_Height - 1 ) / (float)nSheetHeight ); float left = (pImageData->m_XPos + 0.5f) / (float)nSheetWidth; float top = (pImageData->m_YPos + 0.5f) / (float)nSheetHeight;
sheetTexCoords.x = left + ( texCoords.x * sampleWidth ); sheetTexCoords.y = top + ( texCoords.y * sampleHeight );
Assert( sheetTexCoords.x >= 0 ); Assert( sheetTexCoords.x <= 1 ); Assert( sheetTexCoords.y >= 0 ); Assert( sheetTexCoords.y <= 1 ); } else { sheetTexCoords.x = texCoords.x; sheetTexCoords.y = texCoords.y; } }
void CGameUISystemMgr::DrawDynamicTexture( const char *pAlias, int x, int y ) { if ( s_pDynamicTextures == NULL ) return;
s_pDynamicTextures->DrawDynamicTexture( pAlias, x, y ); }
Vector2D CGameUISystemMgr::CursorToStage( Vector2D cursorPos ) { Vector2D stageCoords; Vector2D stageSize; m_ActiveMenuList[0]->Definition().GetStageSize( stageSize );
// cursor is in viewport coords.
stageCoords.x = cursorPos.x * (stageSize.x/m_Viewport.width) - stageSize.x/2; stageCoords.y = cursorPos.y * (stageSize.y/m_Viewport.height) - stageSize.y/2;
return stageCoords; }
void CGameUISystemMgr::ShowCursorCoords() { if ( !m_pCursorText ) { m_pCursorText = new CGameText( "cursorcoords" ); Vector2D stageSize; m_ActiveMenuList[0]->Definition().GetStageSize( stageSize ); m_ActiveMenuList[0]->Definition().AddGraphicToLayer( m_pCursorText, SUBLAYER_FONT ); }
int x, y; g_pInputGameUI->GetCursorPos( x, y ); Vector2D coords = CursorToStage( Vector2D( x, y )); m_pCursorText->SetCenter( coords.x, coords.y ); static color32 color; color.r = rand()%256; color.g = rand()%256; color.b = rand()%256; color.a = 255; m_pCursorText->SetColor( color ); //pText->SetPos( -(stageSize.x/2)+5, (stageSize.y/2) - 20 );
CFmtStr szCursorMsg( "Cursor Position: %.0f, %.0f", coords.x, coords.y ); m_pCursorText->SetText( szCursorMsg.Access() ); }
void CGameUISystemMgr::ShowGraphicName() { // Find the graphic directly under the cursor.
CGameGraphic *pGraphic = NULL; int x, y; g_pInputGameUI->GetCursorPos( x, y );
for ( int i = m_ActiveMenuList.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { pGraphic = m_ActiveMenuList[i]->Definition().GetGraphic( x, y ); if ( pGraphic ) break; }
if ( pGraphic == NULL ) { if ( m_pCursorText ) { CFmtStr szCursorMsg( ""); m_pCursorText->SetText( szCursorMsg.Access() ); } return; }
if ( !m_pCursorText ) { m_pCursorText = new CGameText( "cursorcoords" ); Vector2D stageSize; m_ActiveMenuList[0]->Definition().GetStageSize( stageSize ); m_ActiveMenuList[0]->Definition().AddGraphicToLayer( m_pCursorText, SUBLAYER_FONT ); }
Vector2D coords = CursorToStage( Vector2D( x, y )); m_pCursorText->SetCenter( coords.x, coords.y ); static color32 color; color.r = rand()%256; color.g = rand()%256; color.b = rand()%256; color.a = 255; m_pCursorText->SetColor( color ); //pText->SetPos( -(stageSize.x/2)+5, (stageSize.y/2) - 20 );
CFmtStr szCursorMsg( "Graphic name: %s", pGraphic->GetName() ); m_pCursorText->SetText( szCursorMsg.Access() );