//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
//========= Copyright � 1996-2003, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include "utldict.h"
#include <vgui/KeyCode.h>
#include <vgui/Cursor.h>
#include <vgui/MouseCode.h>
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/BuildGroup.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PHandle.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
// Handle table
// Purpose: Constructor
BuildGroup::BuildGroup(Panel *parentPanel, Panel *contextPanel) { CONSTRUCT_HANDLE( );
_enabled=false; _snapX=1; _snapY=1; _cursor_sizenwse = dc_sizenwse; _cursor_sizenesw = dc_sizenesw; _cursor_sizewe = dc_sizewe; _cursor_sizens = dc_sizens; _cursor_sizeall = dc_sizeall; _currentPanel=0; _dragging=false; m_pResourceName=NULL; m_pResourcePathID = NULL; m_hBuildDialog=NULL; m_pParentPanel=parentPanel; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) _rulerNumber[i] = NULL; SetContextPanel(contextPanel); _showRulers = false;
// These are probably not required
_controlGroup.Purge(); _groupDeltaX.Purge(); _groupDeltaY.Purge(); }
// Purpose: Destructor
BuildGroup::~BuildGroup() { if (m_hBuildDialog) delete m_hBuildDialog.Get(); m_hBuildDialog = NULL;
delete [] m_pResourceName; delete [] m_pResourcePathID;
for (int i=0; i <4; ++i) { if (_rulerNumber[i]) { delete _rulerNumber[i]; _rulerNumber[i]= NULL; } }
// Purpose: Toggles build mode on/off
// Input : state - new state
void BuildGroup::SetEnabled(bool state) { if(_enabled != state) { _enabled = state; _currentPanel = NULL;
if ( state ) { ActivateBuildDialog(); } else { // hide the build dialog
if ( m_hBuildDialog ) { m_hBuildDialog->OnCommand("Close"); }
// request focus for our main panel
m_pParentPanel->RequestFocus(); } } }
// Purpose: Check if buildgroup is enabled
bool BuildGroup::IsEnabled() { return _enabled; }
// Purpose: Get the list of panels that are currently selected
CUtlVector<PHandle> *BuildGroup::GetControlGroup() { return &_controlGroup; }
// Purpose: Check if ruler display is activated
bool BuildGroup::HasRulersOn() { return _showRulers; }
// Purpose: Toggle ruler display
void BuildGroup::ToggleRulerDisplay() { _showRulers = !_showRulers;
if (_rulerNumber[0] == NULL) // rulers haven't been initialized
{ _rulerNumber[0] = new Label(m_pBuildContext, NULL, ""); _rulerNumber[1] = new Label(m_pBuildContext, NULL, ""); _rulerNumber[2] = new Label(m_pBuildContext, NULL, ""); _rulerNumber[3] = new Label(m_pBuildContext, NULL, ""); } SetRulerLabelsVisible(_showRulers);
m_pBuildContext->Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Tobble visibility of ruler number labels
void BuildGroup::SetRulerLabelsVisible(bool state) { _rulerNumber[0]->SetVisible(state); _rulerNumber[1]->SetVisible(state); _rulerNumber[2]->SetVisible(state); _rulerNumber[3]->SetVisible(state); }
void BuildGroup::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { DrawRulers(); }
// Purpose: Draw Rulers on screen if conditions are right
void BuildGroup::DrawRulers() { // don't draw if visibility is off
if (!_showRulers) { return; }
// no drawing if we selected the context panel
if (m_pBuildContext == _currentPanel) { SetRulerLabelsVisible(false); return; } else SetRulerLabelsVisible(true);
int x, y, wide, tall; // get base panel's postition
m_pBuildContext->GetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); m_pBuildContext->ScreenToLocal(x,y);
int cx, cy, cwide, ctall; _currentPanel->GetBounds (cx, cy, cwide, ctall);
surface()->PushMakeCurrent(m_pBuildContext->GetVPanel(), false);
// draw rulers
surface()->DrawSetColor(255, 255, 255, 255); // white color
surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, cy, cx, cy+1); //top horiz left
surface()->DrawFilledRect(cx+cwide, cy, wide, cy+1); //top horiz right
surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, cy+ctall-1, cx, cy+ctall); //bottom horiz left
surface()->DrawFilledRect(cx+cwide, cy+ctall-1, wide, cy+ctall); //bottom horiz right
surface()->DrawFilledRect(cx,0,cx+1,cy); //top vert left
surface()->DrawFilledRect(cx+cwide-1,0, cx+cwide, cy); //top vert right
surface()->DrawFilledRect(cx,cy+ctall, cx+1, tall); //bottom vert left
surface()->DrawFilledRect(cx+cwide-1, cy+ctall, cx+cwide, tall); //bottom vert right
// now let's put numbers with the rulers
char textstring[20]; Q_snprintf (textstring, sizeof( textstring ), "%d", cx); _rulerNumber[0]->SetText(textstring); int twide, ttall; _rulerNumber[0]->GetContentSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[0]->SetSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[0]->SetPos(cx/2-twide/2, cy-ttall+3);
Q_snprintf (textstring, sizeof( textstring ), "%d", cy); _rulerNumber[1]->SetText(textstring); _rulerNumber[1]->GetContentSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[1]->SetSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[1]->GetSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[1]->SetPos(cx-twide + 3, cy/2-ttall/2);
Q_snprintf (textstring, sizeof( textstring ), "%d", cy); _rulerNumber[2]->SetText(textstring); _rulerNumber[2]->GetContentSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[2]->SetSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[2]->SetPos(cx+cwide+(wide-cx-cwide)/2 - twide/2, cy+ctall-3);
Q_snprintf (textstring, sizeof( textstring ), "%d", cy); _rulerNumber[3]->SetText(textstring); _rulerNumber[3]->GetContentSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[3]->SetSize(twide,ttall); _rulerNumber[3]->SetPos(cx+cwide, cy+ctall+(tall-cy-ctall)/2 - ttall/2);
// Purpose: respond to cursor movments
bool BuildGroup::CursorMoved(int x, int y, Panel *panel) { Assert(panel);
if ( !m_hBuildDialog.Get() ) { if ( panel->GetParent() ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel->GetParent() ); if ( ep ) { BuildGroup *bg = ep->GetBuildGroup(); if ( bg && bg != this ) { bg->CursorMoved( x, y, panel ); } } } return false; }
// no moving uneditable panels
// commented out because this has issues with panels moving
// to front and obscuring other panels
//if (!panel->IsBuildModeEditable())
// return;
if (_dragging) { input()->GetCursorPos(x, y);
if (_dragMouseCode == MOUSE_RIGHT) { int newW = MAX( 1, _dragStartPanelSize[ 0 ] + x - _dragStartCursorPos[0] ); int newH = MAX( 1, _dragStartPanelSize[ 1 ] + y - _dragStartCursorPos[1] );
bool shift = ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT) ); bool ctrl = ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LCONTROL) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RCONTROL) );
if ( shift ) { newW = _dragStartPanelSize[ 0 ]; } if ( ctrl ) { newH = _dragStartPanelSize[ 1 ]; }
panel->SetSize( newW, newH ); ApplySnap(panel); } else { for (int i=0; i < _controlGroup.Count(); ++i) { // now fix offset of member panels with respect to the one we are dragging
Panel *groupMember = _controlGroup[i].Get(); groupMember->SetPos(_dragStartPanelPos[0] + _groupDeltaX[i] +(x-_dragStartCursorPos[0]), _dragStartPanelPos[1] + _groupDeltaY[i] +(y-_dragStartCursorPos[1])); ApplySnap(groupMember); } }
// update the build dialog
if (m_hBuildDialog) { KeyValues *keyval = new KeyValues("UpdateControlData"); keyval->SetPtr("panel", GetCurrentPanel()); ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), keyval, NULL);
keyval = new KeyValues("EnableSaveButton"); ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), keyval, NULL); }
panel->Repaint(); panel->CallParentFunction(new KeyValues("Repaint")); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool BuildGroup::MousePressed(MouseCode code, Panel *panel) { Assert(panel);
if ( !m_hBuildDialog.Get() ) { if ( panel->GetParent() ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel->GetParent() ); if ( ep ) { BuildGroup *bg = ep->GetBuildGroup(); if ( bg && bg != this ) { bg->MousePressed( code, panel ); } } } return false; }
// if people click on the base build dialog panel.
if (panel == m_hBuildDialog) { // hide the click menu if its up
ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("HideNewControlMenu"), NULL); return true; }
// don't select unnamed items
if (strlen(panel->GetName()) < 1) return true;
bool shift = ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT) ); if (!shift) { _controlGroup.RemoveAll(); }
// Show new ctrl menu if they click on the bg (not on a subcontrol)
if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT && panel == GetContextPanel()) { // trigger a drop down menu to create new controls
ivgui()->PostMessage (m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("ShowNewControlMenu"), NULL); } else { // don't respond if we click on ruler numbers
if (_showRulers) // rulers are visible
{ for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++) { if ( panel == _rulerNumber[i]) return true; } }
_dragging = true; _dragMouseCode = code; ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("HideNewControlMenu"), NULL);
int x, y; input()->GetCursorPos(x, y);
_dragStartCursorPos[0] = x; _dragStartCursorPos[1] = y;
_groupDeltaX.RemoveAll(); _groupDeltaY.RemoveAll();
// basepanel is the panel that all the deltas will be calculated from.
// it is the last panel we clicked in because if we move the panels as a group
// it would be from that one
Panel *basePanel = NULL; // find the panel we clicked in, that is the base panel
// it might already be in the group
for (int i=0; i< _controlGroup.Count(); ++i) { if (panel == _controlGroup[i].Get()) { basePanel = panel; break; } }
// if its not in the group we just added this panel. get it in the group
if (basePanel == NULL) { PHandle temp; temp = panel; _controlGroup.AddToTail(temp); basePanel = panel; }
basePanel->GetPos(x,y); _dragStartPanelPos[0]=x; _dragStartPanelPos[1]=y;
basePanel->GetSize( _dragStartPanelSize[ 0 ], _dragStartPanelSize[ 1 ] );
// figure out the deltas of the other panels from the base panel
for (int i=0; i<_controlGroup.Count(); ++i) { int cx, cy; _controlGroup[i].Get()->GetPos(cx, cy); _groupDeltaX.AddToTail(cx - x); _groupDeltaY.AddToTail(cy - y); }
// if this panel wasn't already selected update the buildmode dialog controls to show its info
if(_currentPanel != panel) { _currentPanel = panel;
if ( m_hBuildDialog ) { // think this is taken care of by SetActiveControl.
//ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("ApplyDataToControls"), NULL);
KeyValues *keyval = new KeyValues("SetActiveControl"); keyval->SetPtr("PanelPtr", GetCurrentPanel()); ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), keyval, NULL); } }
// store undo information upon panel selection.
ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("StoreUndo"), NULL);
panel->RequestFocus(); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool BuildGroup::MouseReleased(MouseCode code, Panel *panel) { if ( !m_hBuildDialog.Get() ) { if ( panel->GetParent() ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel->GetParent() ); if ( ep ) { BuildGroup *bg = ep->GetBuildGroup(); if ( bg && bg != this ) { bg->MouseReleased( code, panel ); } } } return false; }
_dragging=false; input()->SetMouseCapture(0); return true; }
// Purpose:
bool BuildGroup::MouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code, Panel *panel) { Assert(panel); return MousePressed( code, panel ); }
bool BuildGroup::KeyTyped( wchar_t unichar, Panel *panel ) { if ( !m_hBuildDialog.Get() ) { if ( panel->GetParent() ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel->GetParent() ); if ( ep ) { BuildGroup *bg = ep->GetBuildGroup(); if ( bg && bg != this ) { bg->KeyTyped( unichar, panel ); } } } return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool BuildGroup::KeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code, Panel *panel) { if ( !m_hBuildDialog.Get() ) { if ( panel->GetParent() ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel->GetParent() ); if ( ep ) { BuildGroup *bg = ep->GetBuildGroup(); if ( bg && bg != this ) { bg->KeyCodeTyped( code, panel ); } } } return false; }
int dx=0; int dy=0;
bool shift = ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT) ); bool ctrl = ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LCONTROL) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RCONTROL) ); bool alt = (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LALT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RALT));
if ( ctrl && shift && alt && code == KEY_B) { // enable build mode
EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel ); if ( ep ) { ep->ActivateBuildMode(); } return true; }
switch (code) { case KEY_LEFT: { dx-=_snapX; break; } case KEY_RIGHT: { dx+=_snapX; break; } case KEY_UP: { dy-=_snapY; break; } case KEY_DOWN: { dy+=_snapY; break; } case KEY_DELETE: { // delete the panel we have selected
ivgui()->PostMessage (m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues ("DeletePanel"), NULL); break; }
if (ctrl) { switch (code) { case KEY_Z: { ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("Undo"), NULL); break; }
case KEY_C: { ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("Copy"), NULL); break; } case KEY_V: { ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("Paste"), NULL); break; } } }
if(dx||dy) { //TODO: make this stuff actually snap
int x,y,wide,tall;
if(shift) { panel->SetSize(wide+dx,tall+dy); } else { panel->SetPos(x+dx,y+dy); }
panel->Repaint(); if (panel->GetVParent() != NULL) { panel->PostMessage(panel->GetVParent(), new KeyValues("Repaint")); }
// update the build dialog
if (m_hBuildDialog) { // post that it's active
KeyValues *keyval = new KeyValues("SetActiveControl"); keyval->SetPtr("PanelPtr", GetCurrentPanel()); ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), keyval, NULL);
// post that it's been changed
ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("PanelMoved"), NULL); } }
// If holding key while dragging, simulate moving cursor so shift/ctrl key changes take effect
if ( _dragging && panel != GetContextPanel() ) { int x, y; input()->GetCursorPos( x, y ); CursorMoved( x, y, panel ); }
return true; }
bool BuildGroup::KeyCodeReleased(KeyCode code, Panel *panel ) { if ( !m_hBuildDialog.Get() ) { if ( panel->GetParent() ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( panel->GetParent() ); if ( ep ) { BuildGroup *bg = ep->GetBuildGroup(); if ( bg && bg != this ) { bg->KeyCodeTyped( code, panel ); } } } return false; }
// If holding key while dragging, simulate moving cursor so shift/ctrl key changes take effect
if ( _dragging && panel != GetContextPanel() ) { int x, y; input()->GetCursorPos( x, y ); CursorMoved( x, y, panel ); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Searches for a BuildModeDialog in the hierarchy
Panel *BuildGroup::CreateBuildDialog( void ) { // request the panel
Panel *buildDialog = NULL; KeyValues *data = new KeyValues("BuildDialog"); data->SetPtr("BuildGroupPtr", this); if (m_pBuildContext->RequestInfo(data)) { buildDialog = (Panel *)data->GetPtr("PanelPtr"); }
// initialize the build dialog if found
if ( buildDialog ) { input()->ReleaseAppModalSurface(); }
return buildDialog; }
// Purpose: Activates the build mode settings dialog
void BuildGroup::ActivateBuildDialog( void ) { // create the build mode dialog first time through
if (!m_hBuildDialog.Get()) { m_hBuildDialog = CreateBuildDialog();
if (!m_hBuildDialog.Get()) return; }
m_hBuildDialog->SetVisible( true );
// send a message to set the initial dialog controls info
_currentPanel = m_pParentPanel; KeyValues *keyval = new KeyValues("SetActiveControl"); keyval->SetPtr("PanelPtr", GetCurrentPanel()); ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), keyval, NULL); }
// Purpose:
HCursor BuildGroup::GetCursor(Panel *panel) { Assert(panel);
int x,y,wide,tall; input()->GetCursorPos(x,y); panel->ScreenToLocal(x,y); panel->GetSize(wide,tall);
if(x < 2) { if(y < 4) { return _cursor_sizenwse; } else if(y<(tall-4)) { return _cursor_sizewe; } else { return _cursor_sizenesw; } }
return _cursor_sizeall; }
// Purpose:
void BuildGroup::ApplySnap(Panel *panel) { Assert(panel);
int x,y,wide,tall; panel->GetBounds(x,y,wide,tall);
x=(x/_snapX)*_snapX; y=(y/_snapY)*_snapY; panel->SetPos(x,y);
int xx,yy; xx=x+wide; yy=y+tall;
xx=(xx/_snapX)*_snapX; yy=(yy/_snapY)*_snapY; panel->SetSize(xx-x,yy-y); }
// Purpose: Return the currently selected panel
Panel *BuildGroup::GetCurrentPanel() { return _currentPanel; }
// Purpose: Add panel the list of panels that are in the build group
void BuildGroup::PanelAdded(Panel *panel) { Assert(panel);
PHandle temp; temp = panel; _panelDar.AddToTail(temp); }
// Purpose: Add panel the list of panels that are in the build group
void BuildGroup::PanelRemoved(Panel *panel) { Assert(panel);
PHandle temp; temp = panel; _panelDar.FindAndRemove(temp); }
// Purpose: loads the control settings from file
void BuildGroup::LoadControlSettings(const char *controlResourceName, const char *pathID, KeyValues *pPreloadedKeyValues, KeyValues *pConditions) { // make sure the file is registered
RegisterControlSettingsFile(controlResourceName, pathID);
// Use the keyvalues they passed in or load them.
KeyValues *rDat = pPreloadedKeyValues; if ( !rDat ) { // load the resource data from the file
rDat = new KeyValues(controlResourceName);
// check the skins directory first, if an explicit pathID hasn't been set
bool bSuccess = false; if (!pathID) { bSuccess = rDat->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, controlResourceName, "SKIN"); } if (!bSuccess) { bSuccess = rDat->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, controlResourceName, pathID); }
if ( bSuccess ) { if ( IsPC() ) { ConVarRef cl_hud_minmode( "cl_hud_minmode", true ); if ( cl_hud_minmode.IsValid() && cl_hud_minmode.GetBool() ) { rDat->ProcessResolutionKeys( "_minmode" ); } }
if ( pConditions && pConditions->GetFirstSubKey() ) { ProcessConditionalKeys( rDat, pConditions ); } } }
// save off the resource name
delete [] m_pResourceName; m_pResourceName = new char[strlen(controlResourceName) + 1]; strcpy(m_pResourceName, controlResourceName);
if (pathID) { delete [] m_pResourcePathID; m_pResourcePathID = new char[strlen(pathID) + 1]; strcpy(m_pResourcePathID, pathID); }
// delete any controls not in both files
// loop through the resource data sticking info into controls
if (m_pParentPanel) { m_pParentPanel->InvalidateLayout(); m_pParentPanel->Repaint(); }
if ( rDat != pPreloadedKeyValues ) { rDat->deleteThis(); } }
void BuildGroup::ProcessConditionalKeys( KeyValues *pData, KeyValues *pConditions ) { // for each condition, look for it in keys
// if its a positive condition, promote all of its children, replacing values
Example: pData = "pDataRoot" { "folder1" { "file1" "a" "file2" "b" "?secret" { "file2" "secretHere" } } "folder2" { "file1" "a" "file2" "b" "?secret" { "file1" "secretHere" "visible" "1" } } } pConditions = "root" { "?secret" "1" } */
if ( pData ) { KeyValues *pSubKey = pData->GetFirstSubKey(); if ( !pSubKey ) { // not a block
return; }
for ( ; pSubKey != NULL; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey() ) { // recursively descend each sub block
ProcessConditionalKeys( pSubKey, pConditions );
KeyValues *pCondition = pConditions->GetFirstSubKey(); for ( ; pCondition != NULL; pCondition = pCondition->GetNextKey() ) { // if we match any conditions in this sub block, copy up
KeyValues *pConditionBlock = pSubKey->FindKey( pCondition->GetName() ); /*
pSubKey -> "folder1" pCondition -> "?secret" "1" pConditionBlock -> "folder1/?secret" */ if ( pConditionBlock ) { KeyValues *pOverridingKey; for ( pOverridingKey = pConditionBlock->GetFirstSubKey(); pOverridingKey != NULL; pOverridingKey = pOverridingKey->GetNextKey() ) { /*
Copy up all values under "folder1/?secret" into "folder1" */ KeyValues *pExistingKey = pSubKey->FindKey( pOverridingKey->GetName() ); if ( pExistingKey ) { pExistingKey->SetStringValue( pOverridingKey->GetString() ); } else { KeyValues *copy = pOverridingKey->MakeCopy(); pSubKey->AddSubKey( copy ); } } } } } } }
// Purpose: registers that a control settings file may be loaded
// use when the dialog may have multiple states and the editor will need to be able to switch between them
void BuildGroup::RegisterControlSettingsFile(const char *controlResourceName, const char *pathID) { // add the file into a list for build mode
CUtlSymbol sym(controlResourceName); if (!m_RegisteredControlSettingsFiles.IsValidIndex(m_RegisteredControlSettingsFiles.Find(sym))) { m_RegisteredControlSettingsFiles.AddToTail(sym); } }
// Purpose: data accessor / iterator
int BuildGroup::GetRegisteredControlSettingsFileCount() { return m_RegisteredControlSettingsFiles.Count(); }
// Purpose: data accessor
const char *BuildGroup::GetRegisteredControlSettingsFileByIndex(int index) { return m_RegisteredControlSettingsFiles[index].String(); }
// Purpose: reloads the control settings from file
void BuildGroup::ReloadControlSettings() { delete m_hBuildDialog.Get(); m_hBuildDialog = NULL;
// loop though objects in the current control group and remove them all
// the 0th panel is always the contextPanel which is not deletable
for( int i = 1; i < _panelDar.Count(); i++ ) { Panel *pRemove = _panelDar[i].Get(); if ( !pRemove ) // this can happen if we had two of the same handle in the list
{ _panelDar.Remove(i); --i; continue; }
// only delete deletable panels, as the only deletable panels
// are the ones created using the resource file
if ( pRemove->IsBuildModeDeletable() ) { _panelDar.Remove(i); delete pRemove; --i; } }
if (m_pResourceName) { EditablePanel *edit = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>(m_pParentPanel); if (edit) { edit->LoadControlSettings(m_pResourceName, m_pResourcePathID); } else { LoadControlSettings(m_pResourceName, m_pResourcePathID); } }
ActivateBuildDialog(); }
// Purpose: changes which control settings are currently loaded
void BuildGroup::ChangeControlSettingsFile(const char *controlResourceName) { // clear any current state
_controlGroup.RemoveAll(); _currentPanel = m_pParentPanel;
// load the new state, via the dialog if possible
EditablePanel *edit = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>(m_pParentPanel); if (edit) { edit->LoadControlSettings(controlResourceName, m_pResourcePathID); } else { LoadControlSettings(controlResourceName, m_pResourcePathID); }
// force it to update
KeyValues *keyval = new KeyValues("SetActiveControl"); keyval->SetPtr("PanelPtr", GetCurrentPanel()); ivgui()->PostMessage(m_hBuildDialog->GetVPanel(), keyval, NULL); }
// Purpose: saves control settings to file
bool BuildGroup::SaveControlSettings( void ) { bool bSuccess = false; if ( m_pResourceName ) { KeyValues *rDat = new KeyValues( m_pResourceName );
// get the data from our controls
GetSettings( rDat );
char fullpath[ 512 ]; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( m_pResourceName, m_pResourcePathID, fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );
// save the data out to a file
bSuccess = rDat->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, fullpath, NULL ); if (!bSuccess) { MessageBox *dlg = new MessageBox("BuildMode - Error saving file", "Error: Could not save changes. File is most likely read only."); dlg->DoModal(); }
rDat->deleteThis(); }
return bSuccess; }
// Purpose: Deletes all the controls not created by the code
void BuildGroup::DeleteAllControlsCreatedByControlSettingsFile() { // loop though objects in the current control group and remove them all
// the 0th panel is always the contextPanel which is not deletable
for ( int i = 1; i < _panelDar.Count(); i++ ) { Panel *pRemove = _panelDar[i].Get(); if ( !pRemove ) // this can happen if we had two of the same handle in the list
{ _panelDar.Remove(i); --i; continue; }
// only delete deletable panels, as the only deletable panels
// are the ones created using the resource file
if ( pRemove->IsBuildModeDeletable() ) { _panelDar.Remove(i); delete pRemove; --i; } }
_currentPanel = m_pBuildContext; _currentPanel->InvalidateLayout(); m_pBuildContext->Repaint(); }
// Purpose: serializes settings from a resource data container
void BuildGroup::ApplySettings( KeyValues *resourceData ) { // loop through all the keys, applying them wherever
for (KeyValues *controlKeys = resourceData->GetFirstSubKey(); controlKeys != NULL; controlKeys = controlKeys->GetNextKey()) { bool bFound = false;
// Skip keys that are atomic..
if (controlKeys->GetDataType() != KeyValues::TYPE_NONE) continue;
char const *keyName = controlKeys->GetName();
// check to see if any buildgroup panels have this name
for ( int i = 0; i < _panelDar.Count(); i++ ) { Panel *panel = _panelDar[i].Get();
if (!panel) // this can happen if we had two of the same handle in the list
{ _panelDar.Remove(i); --i; continue; }
Assert (panel);
// make the control name match CASE INSENSITIVE!
char const *panelName = panel->GetName();
if (!Q_stricmp(panelName, keyName)) { // apply the settings
panel->ApplySettings(controlKeys); bFound = true; break; } }
if ( !bFound ) { // the key was not found in the registered list, check to see if we should create it
if ( keyName /*controlKeys->GetInt("AlwaysCreate", false)*/ ) { // create the control even though it wasn't registered
NewControl( controlKeys ); } } } }
// Purpose: Create a new control in the context panel
// Input: name: class name of control to create
// controlKeys: keyvalues of settings for the panel.
// name OR controlKeys should be set, not both.
// x,y position relative to base panel
// Output: Panel *newPanel, NULL if failed to create new control.
Panel *BuildGroup::NewControl( const char *name, int x, int y) { Assert (name);
Panel *newPanel = NULL; // returns NULL on failure
newPanel = static_cast<EditablePanel *>(m_pParentPanel)->CreateControlByName(name);
if (newPanel) { // panel successfully created
newPanel->SetParent(m_pParentPanel); newPanel->SetBuildGroup(this); newPanel->SetPos(x, y);
char newFieldName[255]; GetNewFieldName(newFieldName, sizeof(newFieldName), newPanel); newPanel->SetName(newFieldName);
newPanel->AddActionSignalTarget(m_pParentPanel); newPanel->SetBuildModeEditable(true); newPanel->SetBuildModeDeletable(true);
// make sure it gets freed
newPanel->SetAutoDelete(true); }
return newPanel; }
// Purpose: Create a new control in the context panel
// Input: controlKeys: keyvalues of settings for the panel only works when applying initial settings.
// Output: Panel *newPanel, NULL if failed to create new control.
Panel *BuildGroup::NewControl( KeyValues *controlKeys, int x, int y) { Assert (controlKeys);
Panel *newPanel = NULL; if (controlKeys) { KeyValues *keyVal = new KeyValues("ControlFactory", "ControlName", controlKeys->GetString("ControlName")); m_pBuildContext->RequestInfo(keyVal); // returns NULL on failure
newPanel = (Panel *)keyVal->GetPtr("PanelPtr"); keyVal->deleteThis(); } else { return NULL; }
if (newPanel) { // panel successfully created
newPanel->SetParent(m_pParentPanel); newPanel->SetBuildGroup(this); newPanel->SetPos(x, y);
newPanel->SetName(controlKeys->GetName()); // name before applysettings :)
newPanel->AddActionSignalTarget(m_pParentPanel); newPanel->SetBuildModeEditable(true); newPanel->SetBuildModeDeletable(true);
// make sure it gets freed
newPanel->SetAutoDelete(true); }
return newPanel; }
// Purpose: Get a new unique fieldname for a new control
void BuildGroup::GetNewFieldName(char *newFieldName, int newFieldNameSize, Panel *newPanel) { int fieldNameNumber=1; char defaultName[25];
Q_strncpy( defaultName, newPanel->GetClassName(), sizeof( defaultName ) );
while (1) { Q_snprintf (newFieldName, newFieldNameSize, "%s%d", defaultName, fieldNameNumber); if ( FieldNameTaken(newFieldName) == NULL) break; ++fieldNameNumber; } }
// Purpose: check to see if any buildgroup panels have this fieldname
// Input : fieldName, name to check
// Output : ptr to a panel that has the name if it is taken
Panel *BuildGroup::FieldNameTaken(const char *fieldName) { for ( int i = 0; i < _panelDar.Count(); i++ ) { Panel *panel = _panelDar[i].Get(); if ( !panel ) continue;
if (!stricmp(panel->GetName(), fieldName) ) { return panel; } } return NULL; }
// Purpose: serializes settings to a resource data container
void BuildGroup::GetSettings( KeyValues *resourceData ) { // loop through all the objects getting their settings
for( int i = 0; i < _panelDar.Count(); i++ ) { Panel *panel = _panelDar[i].Get(); if (!panel) continue;
bool isRuler = false; // do not get setting for ruler labels.
if (_showRulers) // rulers are visible
{ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (panel == _rulerNumber[i]) { isRuler = true; break; } } if (isRuler) { isRuler = false; continue; } }
// Don't save the setting of the buildmodedialog
if (!stricmp(panel->GetName(), "BuildDialog")) continue;
// get the keys section from the data file
if (panel->GetName() && *panel->GetName()) { KeyValues *datKey = resourceData->FindKey(panel->GetName(), true);
// get the settings
panel->GetSettings(datKey); } } }
// Purpose: loop though objects in the current control group and remove them all
void BuildGroup::RemoveSettings() { // loop though objects in the current control group and remove them all
int i; for( i = 0; i < _controlGroup.Count(); i++ ) { // only delete delatable panels
if ( _controlGroup[i].Get()->IsBuildModeDeletable()) { delete _controlGroup[i].Get(); _controlGroup.Remove(i); --i; } }
// remove deleted panels from the handle list
for( i = 0; i < _panelDar.Count(); i++ ) { if ( !_panelDar[i].Get() ) { _panelDar.Remove(i); --i; } }
_currentPanel = m_pBuildContext; _currentPanel->InvalidateLayout(); m_pBuildContext->Repaint(); }
// Purpose: sets the panel from which the build group gets all it's object creation info
void BuildGroup::SetContextPanel(Panel *contextPanel) { m_pBuildContext = contextPanel; }
// Purpose: gets the panel from which the build group gets all it's object creation info
Panel *BuildGroup::GetContextPanel() { return m_pBuildContext; }
// Purpose: get the list of panels in the buildgroup
CUtlVector<PHandle> *BuildGroup::GetPanelList() { return &_panelDar; }
// Purpose: dialog variables
KeyValues *BuildGroup::GetDialogVariables() { EditablePanel *edit = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>(m_pParentPanel); if (edit) { return edit->GetDialogVariables(); }
return NULL; }