//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <vgui/KeyCode.h>
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertyDialog.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
PropertyDialog::PropertyDialog(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : Frame(parent, panelName) { // create the property sheet
_propertySheet = new PropertySheet(this, "Sheet"); _propertySheet->AddActionSignalTarget(this); _propertySheet->SetTabPosition(1);
// add the buttons
_okButton = new Button(this, "OKButton", "#PropertyDialog_OK"); _okButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this); _okButton->SetTabPosition(2); _okButton->SetCommand("OK"); GetFocusNavGroup().SetDefaultButton(_okButton);
_cancelButton = new Button(this, "CancelButton", "#PropertyDialog_Cancel"); _cancelButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this); _cancelButton->SetTabPosition(3); _cancelButton->SetCommand("Cancel");
_applyButton = new Button(this, "ApplyButton", "#PropertyDialog_Apply"); _applyButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this); _applyButton->SetTabPosition(4); _applyButton->SetVisible(false); // default to not visible
_applyButton->SetEnabled(false); // default to not enabled
SetSizeable(false); }
// Purpose: Destructor
PropertyDialog::~PropertyDialog() { }
// Purpose: Returns a pointer to the PropertySheet this dialog encapsulates
// Output : PropertySheet *
PropertySheet *PropertyDialog::GetPropertySheet() { return _propertySheet; }
// Purpose: Gets a pointer to the currently active page.
// Output : Panel
Panel *PropertyDialog::GetActivePage() { return _propertySheet->GetActivePage(); }
// Purpose: Wrapped function
void PropertyDialog::AddPage(Panel *page, const char *title) { _propertySheet->AddPage(page, title); }
// Purpose: reloads the data in all the property page
void PropertyDialog::ResetAllData() { _propertySheet->ResetAllData(); }
// Purpose: Applies any changes
void PropertyDialog::ApplyChanges() { OnCommand("Apply"); }
// Purpose: Sets up the sheet
void PropertyDialog::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
int iBottom = m_iSheetInsetBottom; if ( IsProportional() ) { iBottom = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), iBottom ); }
int x, y, wide, tall; GetClientArea(x, y, wide, tall); _propertySheet->SetBounds(x, y, wide, tall - iBottom);
int nRightOffset = 80; int nBottomOffset = 28; int nButtonWidth = 72; int nButtonHeight = 24; int nButtonGap = 80; if ( IsProportional() ) { nRightOffset = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), nRightOffset ); nBottomOffset = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), nBottomOffset ); nButtonWidth = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), nButtonWidth ); nButtonHeight = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), nButtonHeight ); nButtonGap = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), nButtonGap ); }
// move the buttons to the bottom-right corner
int xpos = x + wide - nRightOffset; int ypos = tall + y - nBottomOffset;
if (_applyButton->IsVisible()) { _applyButton->SetBounds(xpos, ypos, nButtonWidth, nButtonHeight ); xpos -= nButtonGap; }
if (_cancelButton->IsVisible()) { _cancelButton->SetBounds(xpos, ypos, nButtonWidth, nButtonHeight ); xpos -= nButtonGap; }
_okButton->SetBounds(xpos, ypos, nButtonWidth, nButtonHeight );
_propertySheet->InvalidateLayout(); // tell the propertysheet to redraw!
Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Handles command text from the buttons
void PropertyDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "OK")) { if ( OnOK(false) ) { OnCommand("Close"); } _applyButton->SetEnabled(false); } else if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel")) { OnCancel(); Close(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "Apply")) { OnOK(true); _applyButton->SetEnabled(false); InvalidateLayout(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Purpose: called when the Cancel button is pressed
void PropertyDialog::OnCancel() { // designed to be overridden
// Purpose:
// Input : code -
void PropertyDialog::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { // this has been removed, since it conflicts with how we use the escape key in the game
// if (code == KEY_ESCAPE)
// {
// OnCommand("Cancel");
// }
// else
{ BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); } }
// Purpose: Command handler
bool PropertyDialog::OnOK(bool applyOnly) { // the sheet should have the pages apply changes before we tell the world
// this should tell anybody who's watching us that we're done
PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ApplyChanges"));
// default to closing
return true; }
// Purpose: Overrides build mode so it edits the sub panel
void PropertyDialog::ActivateBuildMode() { // no subpanel, no build mode
EditablePanel *panel = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>(GetActivePage()); if (!panel) return;
panel->ActivateBuildMode(); }
// Purpose: sets the text on the OK/Cancel buttons, overriding the default
void PropertyDialog::SetOKButtonText(const char *text) { _okButton->SetText(text); }
// Purpose: sets the text on the OK/Cancel buttons, overriding the default
void PropertyDialog::SetCancelButtonText(const char *text) { _cancelButton->SetText(text); }
// Purpose: sets the text on the apply buttons, overriding the default
void PropertyDialog::SetApplyButtonText(const char *text) { _applyButton->SetText(text); }
// Purpose: changes the visibility of the buttons
void PropertyDialog::SetOKButtonVisible(bool state) { _okButton->SetVisible(state); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: changes the visibility of the buttons
void PropertyDialog::SetCancelButtonVisible(bool state) { _cancelButton->SetVisible(state); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: changes the visibility of the buttons
void PropertyDialog::SetApplyButtonVisible(bool state) { _applyButton->SetVisible(state); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: when a sheet changes, enable the apply button
void PropertyDialog::OnApplyButtonEnable() { if (_applyButton->IsEnabled()) return;
EnableApplyButton(true); }
// Purpose: enable/disable the apply button
void PropertyDialog::EnableApplyButton(bool bEnable) { _applyButton->SetEnabled(bEnable); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose:
void PropertyDialog::RequestFocus(int direction) { _propertySheet->RequestFocus(direction); }