//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "audio_pch.h"
#include "snd_mp3_source.h"
#include "vaudio/ivaudio.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IVAudio *vaudio;
static const int MP3_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384;
// Purpose: Mixer for ADPCM encoded audio
class CAudioMixerWaveMP3 : public CAudioMixerWave, public IAudioStreamEvent { public: CAudioMixerWaveMP3( IWaveData *data ); ~CAudioMixerWaveMP3( void ); virtual void Mix( channel_t *pChannel, void *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint fracRate, int outCount, int timecompress ); virtual int GetOutputData( void **pData, int sampleCount, char copyBuf[AUDIOSOURCE_COPYBUF_SIZE] );
// need to override this to fixup blocks
// UNDONE: This doesn't quite work with MP3 - we need a MP3 position, not a sample position
void SetSampleStart( int newPosition );
int GetPositionForSave() { return m_pStream->GetPosition(); } void SetPositionFromSaved(int position) { m_pStream->SetPosition(position); }
// IAudioStreamEvent
virtual int StreamRequestData( void *pBuffer, int bytesRequested, int offset );
virtual void SetStartupDelaySamples( int delaySamples ); virtual int GetMixSampleSize() { return CalcSampleSize( 16, m_channelCount ); }
bool IsValid() { return m_pStream != NULL; }
virtual int GetStreamOutputRate() { return m_pStream->GetOutputRate(); }
private: bool DecodeBlock( void ); void GetID3HeaderOffset();
IAudioStream *m_pStream; char m_samples[MP3_BUFFER_SIZE]; int m_sampleCount; int m_samplePosition; int m_channelCount; int m_offset; int m_delaySamples; int m_headerOffset; };
CAudioMixerWaveMP3::CAudioMixerWaveMP3( IWaveData *data ) : CAudioMixerWave( data ) { m_sampleCount = 0; m_samplePosition = 0; m_offset = 0; m_delaySamples = 0; m_headerOffset = 0; m_pStream = NULL; if ( vaudio ) m_pStream = vaudio->CreateMP3StreamDecoder( static_cast<IAudioStreamEvent *>(this) ); if ( m_pStream ) { m_channelCount = m_pStream->GetOutputChannels(); //Assert( m_pStream->GetOutputRate() == m_pData->Source().SampleRate() );
} }
CAudioMixerWaveMP3::~CAudioMixerWaveMP3( void ) { if ( m_pStream ) { vaudio->DestroyMP3StreamDecoder( m_pStream ); m_pStream = NULL; } }
void CAudioMixerWaveMP3::Mix( channel_t *pChannel, void *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint fracRate, int outCount, int timecompress ) { if ( m_channelCount == 1 ) { Device_Mix16Mono( pChannel, (short *)pData, outputOffset, inputOffset, fracRate, outCount, timecompress ); } else { Device_Mix16Stereo( pChannel, (short *)pData, outputOffset, inputOffset, fracRate, outCount, timecompress ); }
// Some MP3 files are wrapped in ID3
void CAudioMixerWaveMP3::GetID3HeaderOffset() { char copyBuf[AUDIOSOURCE_COPYBUF_SIZE]; byte *pData;
int bytesRead = m_pData->ReadSourceData( (void **)&pData, 0, 10, copyBuf ); if ( bytesRead < 10 ) return;
m_headerOffset = 0; if (( pData[ 0 ] == 0x49 ) && ( pData[ 1 ] == 0x44 ) && ( pData[ 2 ] == 0x33 ) && ( pData[ 3 ] < 0xff ) && ( pData[ 4 ] < 0xff ) && ( pData[ 6 ] < 0x80 ) && ( pData[ 7 ] < 0x80 ) && ( pData[ 8 ] < 0x80 ) && ( pData[ 9 ] < 0x80 ) ) { // this is in id3 file
// compute the size of the wrapper and skip it
m_headerOffset = 10 + ( pData[9] | (pData[8]<<7) | (pData[7]<<14) | (pData[6]<<21) ); } }
int CAudioMixerWaveMP3::StreamRequestData( void *pBuffer, int bytesRequested, int offset ) { if ( offset < 0 ) { offset = m_offset; } else { m_offset = offset; } // read the data out of the source
int totalBytesRead = 0;
if ( offset == 0 ) { // top of file, check for ID3 wrapper
GetID3HeaderOffset(); }
offset += m_headerOffset; // skip any id3 header/wrapper
while ( bytesRequested > 0 ) { char *pOutputBuffer = (char *)pBuffer; pOutputBuffer += totalBytesRead;
void *pData = NULL; int bytesRead = m_pData->ReadSourceData( &pData, offset + totalBytesRead, bytesRequested, pOutputBuffer ); if ( !bytesRead ) break; if ( bytesRead > bytesRequested ) { bytesRead = bytesRequested; } // if the source is buffering it, copy it to the MP3 decomp buffer
if ( pData != pOutputBuffer ) { memcpy( pOutputBuffer, pData, bytesRead ); } totalBytesRead += bytesRead; bytesRequested -= bytesRead; }
m_offset += totalBytesRead; return totalBytesRead; }
bool CAudioMixerWaveMP3::DecodeBlock() { m_sampleCount = m_pStream->Decode( m_samples, sizeof(m_samples) ); m_samplePosition = 0; return m_sampleCount > 0; }
// Purpose: Read existing buffer or decompress a new block when necessary
// Input : **pData - output data pointer
// sampleCount - number of samples (or pairs)
// Output : int - available samples (zero to stop decoding)
int CAudioMixerWaveMP3::GetOutputData( void **pData, int sampleCount, char copyBuf[AUDIOSOURCE_COPYBUF_SIZE] ) { if ( m_samplePosition >= m_sampleCount ) { if ( !DecodeBlock() ) return 0; }
if ( m_samplePosition < m_sampleCount ) { int sampleSize = m_channelCount * 2; *pData = (void *)(m_samples + m_samplePosition); int available = m_sampleCount - m_samplePosition; int bytesRequired = sampleCount * sampleSize; if ( available > bytesRequired ) available = bytesRequired;
m_samplePosition += available; int samples_loaded = available / sampleSize;
// update count of max samples loaded in CAudioMixerWave
CAudioMixerWave::m_sample_max_loaded += samples_loaded;
// update index of last sample loaded
CAudioMixerWave::m_sample_loaded_index += samples_loaded;
return samples_loaded; }
return 0; }
// Purpose: Seek to a new position in the file
// NOTE: In most cases, only call this once, and call it before playing
// any data.
// Input : newPosition - new position in the sample clocks of this sample
void CAudioMixerWaveMP3::SetSampleStart( int newPosition ) { // UNDONE: Implement this?
// Purpose:
// Input : delaySamples -
void CAudioMixerWaveMP3::SetStartupDelaySamples( int delaySamples ) { m_delaySamples = delaySamples; }
// Purpose: Abstract factory function for MP3 mixers
// Input : *data - wave data access object
// channels -
// Output : CAudioMixer
CAudioMixer *CreateMP3Mixer( IWaveData *data, int *pSampleRate ) { CAudioMixerWaveMP3 *pMixer = new CAudioMixerWaveMP3( data ); if ( pMixer->IsValid() ) { // pass the sample rate back just in time to save parsing the MP3 file twice to get sample rate
if ( pSampleRate ) { *pSampleRate = pMixer->GetStreamOutputRate(); } return pMixer; }
delete pMixer; return NULL; }