#include "fow_2dplane.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose: construct the plane from the given line segment
// Input : bx - starting x coord
// by - starting y coord
// ex - ending x coord
// ey - ending y coord
CFOW_2DPlane::CFOW_2DPlane( float bx, float by, float ex, float ey ) { Init( bx, by, ex, ey ); }
// Purpose: construct the plane from the given point and normal
// Input : x - point on plane
// y - point on plane
// vNormal - normal of the plane
CFOW_2DPlane::CFOW_2DPlane( float x, float y, Vector2D &vNormal ) { Init( x, y, vNormal ); }
// Purpose: construct the plane from the given distance and normal
// Input : flDistance - distance for the plane
// vNormal - normal of the plane
CFOW_2DPlane::CFOW_2DPlane( float flDistance, Vector2D &vNormal ) { m_flDistance = flDistance; m_vNormal = vNormal; }
// Purpose: init routine to generate the plane from the given line segment
// Input : bx - starting x coord
// by - starting y coord
// ex - ending x coord
// ey - ending y coord
void CFOW_2DPlane::Init( float bx, float by, float ex, float ey ) { float nx = ( ex - bx ); float ny = ( ey - by ); float flLen = ( float )sqrt( nx * nx + ny * ny ); Vector2D vNormal;
nx /= flLen; ny /= flLen;
vNormal.x = ny; vNormal.y = -nx; Init( bx, by, vNormal ); }
// Purpose: init routine to generate the plane from the given point and normal
// Input : x - point on plane
// y - point on plane
// vNormal - normal of the plane
void CFOW_2DPlane::Init( float x, float y, Vector2D &vNormal ) { m_vNormal = vNormal;
m_flDistance = ( x * m_vNormal.x + y * m_vNormal.y ); }
// Purpose: returns true if the point is in front of the plane
// Input : px - point to check
// py - point to check
// Output : returns true if the point is in front of the plane
bool CFOW_2DPlane::PointInFront( float px, float py ) { return ( DistanceFrom( px, py ) >= 0.0f ); }
// Purpose: returns the distance the point is from the plane
// Input : px - point to check
// py - point to check
// Output : returns the distance the point is from the plane
float CFOW_2DPlane::DistanceFrom( float px, float py ) { float d = ( px * m_vNormal.x + py * m_vNormal.y );
return d - m_flDistance; }
// Purpose: finds the fraction from the starting point towards the normal along the line formed with ending point
// Input : bx - starting x coord of the line segment
// by - starting y coord of the line segment
// ex - ending x coord of the line segment
// ey - ending y coord of the line segment
// Output : returns the distance along the line segment the plane from the starting coord
float CFOW_2DPlane::DistanceFromLineStart( float bx, float by, float ex, float ey ) { Vector2D vPointA( bx, by ); Vector2D vPointB( ex, ey ); Vector2D vDiff( vPointB - vPointA ); Vector2D vNormal = vDiff; float flLen = ( float )sqrt( vDiff.x * vDiff.x + vDiff.y * vDiff.y );
vNormal /= flLen;
float t = -( m_vNormal.Dot( vPointA ) - m_flDistance ) / m_vNormal.Dot( vNormal );
return t; }
// Purpose: finds the fraction from the starting point towards the normal along the line formed with ending point
// Input : bx - starting x coord of the line segment
// by - starting y coord of the line segment
// ex - ending x coord of the line segment
// ey - ending y coord of the line segment
// Output : returns the distance along the line segment the plane from the starting coord
float CFOW_2DPlane::DistanceFromRay( float bx, float by, float dx, float dy ) { Vector2D vPointA( bx, by ); Vector2D vNormal( dx, dy ); float flNormalDiff = m_vNormal.Dot( vNormal );
if ( flNormalDiff == 0.0f ) { return 0.0f; }
float t = -( m_vNormal.Dot( vPointA ) - m_flDistance ) / flNormalDiff;
return t; }
#include <tier0/memdbgoff.h>