//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "hud.h"
#include "itextmessage.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "imovehelper.h"
#include "checksum_crc.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "iefx.h"
#include "view_scene.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "model_types.h"
#include "engine/IEngineTrace.h"
#include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h"
#include "c_te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "view.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h>
#include "vgui_int.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#include "c_cs_playerresource.h"
#include "c_cs_player.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "weapon_c4.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// ConVars
#ifdef _DEBUG
ConVar r_FadeProps( "r_FadeProps", "1" );
bool g_MakingDevShots = false; extern ConVar cl_leveloverview;
// Purpose: Performs a var args printf into a static return buffer
// Input : *format -
// ... -
// Output : char
char *VarArgs( const char *format, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof( string ), format,argptr); va_end (argptr);
return string; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Returns true if the entity index corresponds to a player slot
// Input : index -
// Output : bool
bool IsPlayerIndex( int index ) { return ( index >= 1 && index <= gpGlobals->maxClients ) ? true : false; }
int GetLocalPlayerIndex( void ) { C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player ) return player->entindex(); else return 0; // game not started yet
bool IsLocalPlayerSpectator( void ) { C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player ) return player->IsObserver(); else return false; // game not started yet
int GetSpectatorMode( void ) { C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player ) return player->GetObserverMode(); else return OBS_MODE_NONE; // game not started yet
int GetSpectatorTarget( void ) { C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player ) { CBaseEntity * target = player->GetObserverTarget();
if ( target ) return target->entindex(); else return 0; } else { return 0; // game not started yet
} }
// this is meant to be called on a bot character
// note: This is quite similar to CCSPlayer::CanControlBot. This is here since calling into the CCSPlayer was unrealistic in some code paths
// TODO: Fix this so it ACTUALLY calls CanControlBot, there are bugs otherwise (and will be more) do to them being different functions
bool CanControlSpectatedTarget( void ) { C_CSPlayer * player = ( C_CSPlayer* )C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !player || ( player->GetPendingTeamNumber() != player->GetTeamNumber() ) ) return false;
C_CSPlayer * target = dynamic_cast<C_CSPlayer*>(player->GetObserverTarget()); if ( !target ) return false;
if ( !target->IsAlive() ) return false; if ( !target->IsOtherSameTeam( GetLocalPlayerTeam() ) || target->IsOtherEnemy( player ) ) return false;
C_CS_PlayerResource *pCSPR = ( C_CS_PlayerResource* )GameResources(); int entIndex = target->entindex(); bool targetIsFakePlayer = pCSPR->IsFakePlayer( entIndex ); if ( !targetIsFakePlayer ) return false;
AssertMsg(pCSPR, "Expected PlayerResources to exsist"); AssertMsg(entIndex > 0 && entIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad entity index for player");
// need to duplicate some of the checks that CanControlBot already does so they match up....
// Can't control a bot that is setting a bomb
const CC4 *pC4 = dynamic_cast<CC4*>( target->GetActiveWeapon() ); if ( pC4 && pC4->m_bStartedArming ) return false;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsRoundOver() ) return false;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsFreezePeriod() ) return false;
return true; }
bool CanSeeSpectatorOnlyTools( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pPlayer ) return false;
if ( pPlayer->IsHLTV() ) return true;
if ( pPlayer->IsSpectator() ) { if ( sv_competitive_official_5v5.GetBool() ) return true;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ) return true; } return false; }
bool CanToggleXRayView( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pPlayer ) return false;
if ( CanSeeSpectatorOnlyTools() ) return true;
return false; }
int GetLocalPlayerTeam( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) return pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); else return TEAM_UNASSIGNED; }
// Purpose: Convert angles to -180 t 180 range
// Input : angles -
void NormalizeAngles( QAngle& angles ) { int i; // Normalize angles to -180 to 180 range
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( angles[i] > 180.0 ) { angles[i] -= 360.0; } else if ( angles[i] < -180.0 ) { angles[i] += 360.0; } } }
// Purpose: Interpolate Euler angles using quaternions to avoid singularities
// Input : start -
// end -
// output -
// frac -
void InterpolateAngles( const QAngle& start, const QAngle& end, QAngle& output, float frac ) { Quaternion src, dest;
// Convert to quaternions
AngleQuaternion( start, src ); AngleQuaternion( end, dest );
Quaternion result;
// Slerp
QuaternionSlerp( src, dest, frac, result );
// Convert to euler
QuaternionAngles( result, output ); }
// Purpose: Simple linear interpolation
// Input : frac -
// src -
// dest -
// output -
void InterpolateVector( float frac, const Vector& src, const Vector& dest, Vector& output ) { int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { output[ i ] = src[ i ] + frac * ( dest[ i ] - src[ i ] ); } }
client_textmessage_t *TextMessageGet( const char *pName ) { return engine->TextMessageGet( pName ); }
// Purpose: ScreenHeight returns the height of the screen, in pixels
// Output : int
int ScreenHeight( void ) { int w, h; GetHudSize( w, h ); return h; }
// Purpose: ScreenWidth returns the width of the screen, in pixels
// Output : int
int ScreenWidth( void ) { int w, h; GetHudSize( w, h ); return w; }
// Purpose: Return the difference between two angles
// Input : destAngle -
// srcAngle -
// Output : float
float UTIL_AngleDiff( float destAngle, float srcAngle ) { float delta;
delta = destAngle - srcAngle; if ( destAngle > srcAngle ) { while ( delta >= 180 ) delta -= 360; } else { while ( delta <= -180 ) delta += 360; } return delta; }
void UTIL_Bubbles( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, int count ) { Vector mid = (mins + maxs) * 0.5;
float flHeight = UTIL_WaterLevel( mid, mid.z, mid.z + 1024 ); flHeight = flHeight - mins.z;
CPASFilter filter( mid );
int bubbles = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( "sprites/bubble.vmt" );
te->Bubbles( filter, 0.0, &mins, &maxs, flHeight, bubbles, count, 8.0 ); }
void UTIL_ScreenShake( const Vector ¢er, float amplitude, float frequency, float duration, float radius, ShakeCommand_t eCommand, bool bAirShake ) { // Nothing for now
char TEXTURETYPE_Find( trace_t *ptr ) { surfacedata_t *psurfaceData = physprops->GetSurfaceData( ptr->surface.surfaceProps );
return psurfaceData->game.material; }
// Purpose: Make a tracer effect
void UTIL_Tracer( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int iEntIndex, int iAttachment, float flVelocity, bool bWhiz, char *pCustomTracerName ) { CEffectData data; data.m_vStart = vecStart; data.m_vOrigin = vecEnd; data.m_hEntity = ClientEntityList().EntIndexToHandle( iEntIndex ); data.m_flScale = flVelocity;
// Flags
if ( bWhiz ) { data.m_fFlags |= TRACER_FLAG_WHIZ; } if ( iAttachment != TRACER_DONT_USE_ATTACHMENT ) { data.m_fFlags |= TRACER_FLAG_USEATTACHMENT; // Stomp the start, since it's not going to be used anyway
data.m_vStart[0] = iAttachment; }
// Fire it off
if ( pCustomTracerName ) { DispatchEffect( pCustomTracerName, data ); } else { DispatchEffect( "Tracer", data ); } }
// Tried to include this in the actual trace function, but ran into
// linker issues. Just dropped it here instead. Michael Dorgan
static bool HasValidDirection(trace_t *pTrace) { if(pTrace->fraction <= 0.0001f) { // Ok, there is a very, very strong chance our vectors are out of wack
// Add a direct check against the actual start and end points to be sure.
if( VectorsAreEqual( pTrace->startpos, pTrace->endpos, 0.0001f ) ) { return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose : Creates both an decal and any associated impact effects (such
// as flecks) for the given iDamageType and the trace's end position
// Input :
// Output :
void UTIL_ImpactTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int iDamageType, char *pCustomImpactName ) { C_BaseEntity *pEntity = pTrace->m_pEnt;
// Is the entity valid, is the surface sky?
if ( !pEntity || (pTrace->surface.flags & SURF_SKY) ) return;
if (pTrace->fraction >= 1.0f) return;
// Very, very, very close range shots cause all sorts of issues with normal and correct
// decal orientation. Just skip them to prevent heartache.
if ( !HasValidDirection(pTrace) ) return;
// don't decal nodraw surfaces
if ( pTrace->surface.flags & SURF_NODRAW ) return;
pEntity->ImpactTrace( pTrace, iDamageType, pCustomImpactName ); }
// Purpose:
int UTIL_PrecacheDecal( const char *name, bool preload ) { return effects->Draw_DecalIndexFromName( (char*)name ); }
extern int g_sModelIndexSmoke;
void UTIL_Smoke( const Vector &origin, const float scale, const float framerate ) { CPVSFilter filter( origin ); te->Smoke( filter, 0.0f, &origin, g_sModelIndexSmoke, scale, framerate ); }
void UTIL_SetOrigin( C_BaseEntity *entity, const Vector &vecOrigin ) { entity->SetLocalOrigin( vecOrigin ); }
// UNDONE: Do we need this to avoid doing too much of this? Measure startup times and see
#include "utlsymbol.h"
class CPrecacheOtherList : public CAutoServerSystem { public: virtual void LevelInitPreEntity(); virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity();
bool AddOrMarkPrecached( const char *pClassname );
private: CUtlSymbolTable m_list; };
void CPrecacheOtherList::LevelInitPreEntity() { m_list.RemoveAll(); }
void CPrecacheOtherList::LevelShutdownPostEntity() { m_list.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose: mark or add
// Input : *pEntity -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPrecacheOtherList::AddOrMarkPrecached( const char *pClassname ) { CUtlSymbol sym = m_list.Find( pClassname ); if ( sym.IsValid() ) return false;
m_list.AddString( pClassname ); return true; }
CPrecacheOtherList g_PrecacheOtherList; #endif
void UTIL_PrecacheOther( const char *szClassname ) { #if PRECACHE_OTHER_ONCE
// already done this one?, if not, mark as done
if ( !g_PrecacheOtherList.AddOrMarkPrecached( szClassname ) ) return; #endif
// Client should only do this once entities are coming down from server!!!
// Assert( engine->IsConnected() );
C_BaseEntity *pEntity = CreateEntityByName( szClassname ); if ( !pEntity ) { Warning( "NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther\n" ); return; } if (pEntity) { pEntity->Precache( ); }
// Bye bye
UTIL_Remove( pEntity ); }
static csurface_t g_NullSurface = { "**empty**", 0 }; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
void UTIL_SetTrace(trace_t& trace, const Ray_t& ray, C_BaseEntity *ent, float fraction, int hitgroup, unsigned int contents, const Vector& normal, float intercept ) { trace.startsolid = (fraction == 0.0f); trace.fraction = fraction; VectorCopy( ray.m_Start, trace.startpos ); VectorMA( ray.m_Start, fraction, ray.m_Delta, trace.endpos ); VectorCopy( normal, trace.plane.normal ); trace.plane.dist = intercept; trace.m_pEnt = C_BaseEntity::Instance( ent ); trace.hitgroup = hitgroup; trace.surface = g_NullSurface; trace.contents = contents; }
// Purpose: Get the x & y positions of a world position in screenspace
// Returns true if it's onscreen
bool GetVectorInScreenSpace( Vector pos, int& iX, int& iY, Vector *vecOffset ) { Vector screen;
// Apply the offset, if one was specified
if ( vecOffset != NULL ) pos += *vecOffset;
// Transform to screen space
int x, y, screenWidth, screenHeight; int insetX, insetY; VGui_GetEngineRenderBounds( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(), x, y, screenWidth, screenHeight, insetX, insetY );
// Transform to screen space
int iFacing = ScreenTransform( pos, screen );
iX = 0.5 * screen[0] * screenWidth; iY = -0.5 * screen[1] * screenHeight; iX += 0.5 * screenWidth; iY += 0.5 * screenHeight;
iX += insetX; iY += insetY;
// Make sure the player's facing it
if ( iFacing ) { // We're actually facing away from the Target. Stomp the screen position.
iX = -640; iY = -640; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Get the x & y positions of an entity in screenspace
// Returns true if it's onscreen
bool GetTargetInScreenSpace( C_BaseEntity *pTargetEntity, int& iX, int& iY, Vector *vecOffset ) { return GetVectorInScreenSpace( pTargetEntity->WorldSpaceCenter(), iX, iY, vecOffset ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *player -
// msg_dest -
// *msg_name -
// *param1 -
// *param2 -
// *param3 -
// *param4 -
void ClientPrint( C_BasePlayer *player, int msg_dest, const char *msg_name, const char *param1 /*= NULL*/, const char *param2 /*= NULL*/, const char *param3 /*= NULL*/, const char *param4 /*= NULL*/ ) { }
// Purpose: Pass in an array of pointers and an array size, it fills the array and returns the number inserted
// Input : **pList -
// listMax -
// &mins -
// &maxs -
// flagMask -
// Output : int
int UTIL_EntitiesInBox( C_BaseEntity **pList, int listMax, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int flagMask, int partitionMask ) { CFlaggedEntitiesEnum boxEnum( pList, listMax, flagMask ); ::partition->EnumerateElementsInBox( partitionMask, mins, maxs, false, &boxEnum ); return boxEnum.GetCount();
// Purpose: Pass in an array of pointers and an array size, it fills the array and returns the number inserted
// Input : **pList -
// listMax -
// ¢er -
// radius -
// flagMask -
// Output : int
int UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( C_BaseEntity **pList, int listMax, const Vector ¢er, float radius, int flagMask, int partitionMask ) { CFlaggedEntitiesEnum sphereEnum( pList, listMax, flagMask ); ::partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( partitionMask, center, radius, false, &sphereEnum );
return sphereEnum.GetCount();
int UTIL_RenderablesInBox( C_BaseEntity** pList, int listMax, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs ) { return g_pClientLeafSystem->GetEntitiesInBox( pList, listMax, mins, maxs ); }
CEntitySphereQuery::CEntitySphereQuery( const Vector ¢er, float radius, int flagMask, int partitionMask ) { m_listIndex = 0; m_listCount = UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( m_pList, ARRAYSIZE(m_pList), center, radius, flagMask, partitionMask ); }
CBaseEntity *CEntitySphereQuery::GetCurrentEntity() { if ( m_listIndex < m_listCount ) return m_pList[m_listIndex]; return NULL; }
// Purpose:
// Input : font -
// *str -
// Output : int
int UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( vgui::HFont& font, const char *str ) { float pixels = 0; char *p = (char *)str; char *pAfter = p + 1; char *pBefore = "\0"; while ( *p ) { #ifdef OSX
float wide, abcA, abcC; vgui::surface()->GetKernedCharWidth( font, *p, *pBefore, *pAfter, wide, abcA, abcC ); pixels += wide; #else
pixels += vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( font, *p ); #endif
pBefore = p; p++; if ( *p ) pAfter = p + 1; else pAfter = "\0"; } return (int)ceil(pixels); }
// Purpose:
// Input : font -
// *str -
// Output : int
int UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( vgui::HFont& font, const wchar_t *str ) { float pixels = 0; wchar_t *p = (wchar_t *)str; wchar_t *pAfter = p + 1; wchar_t *pBefore = L"\0"; while ( *p ) { #ifdef OSX
float wide, abcA, abcC; vgui::surface()->GetKernedCharWidth( font, *p, *pBefore, *pAfter, wide, abcA, abcC ); pixels += wide; #else
pixels += vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( font, *p ); #endif
pBefore = p; p++; if ( *p ) pAfter = p + 1; else pAfter = L"\0"; } return (int)ceil(pixels); }
// Purpose: Scans player names
//Passes the player name to be checked in a KeyValues pointer
//with the keyname "name"
// - replaces '&' with '&&' so they will draw in the scoreboard
// - replaces '#' at the start of the name with '*'
void UTIL_MakeSafeName( const char *oldName, char *newName, int newNameBufSize ) { int newpos = 0;
for( const char *p=oldName; *p != 0 && newpos < newNameBufSize-1; p++ ) { //check for a '#' char at the beginning
if( p == oldName && *p == '#' ) { newName[newpos] = '*'; newpos++; } else if( *p == '%' ) { // remove % chars
newName[newpos] = '*'; newpos++; } else if( *p == '&' ) { //insert another & after this one
if ( newpos+2 < newNameBufSize ) { newName[newpos] = '&'; newName[newpos+1] = '&'; newpos+=2; } } else { newName[newpos] = *p; newpos++; } } newName[newpos] = 0; }
// Purpose: Scans player names and replaces characters that vgui won't
// display properly
// Input : *oldName - player name to be fixed up
// Output : *char - static buffer with the safe name
const char * UTIL_SafeName( const char *oldName ) { static char safeName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1 ]; UTIL_MakeSafeName( oldName, safeName, sizeof( safeName ) );
return safeName; }
// Purpose: Looks up key bindings for commands and replaces them in string.
// %<commandname>% will get replaced with its bound control, e.g. %attack2%
// Input buffer sizes are in bytes rather than unicode character count
// for consistency with other APIs. If inbufsizebytes is 0 a NULL-terminated
// input buffer is assumed, or you can pass the size of the input buffer if
// not NULL-terminated.
void UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( const wchar_t *inbuf, int inbufsizebytes, wchar_t *outbuf, int outbufsizebytes ) { if ( !inbuf || !inbuf[0] ) return;
// copy to a new buf if there are vars
outbuf[0]=0; int pos = 0; const wchar_t *inbufend = NULL; if ( inbufsizebytes > 0 ) { inbufend = inbuf + ( inbufsizebytes / 2 ); }
while( inbuf != inbufend && *inbuf != 0 ) { // check for variables
if ( *inbuf == '%' ) { ++inbuf;
const wchar_t *end = wcschr( inbuf, '%' ); if ( end && ( end != inbuf ) ) // make sure we handle %% in the string, which should be treated in the output as %
{ wchar_t token[64]; wcsncpy( token, inbuf, end - inbuf ); token[end - inbuf] = 0;
inbuf += end - inbuf;
// lookup key names
char binding[64]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( token, binding, sizeof(binding) );
const char *key = engine->Key_LookupBindingEx( *binding == '+' ? binding + 1 : binding, nSlot );
//!! change some key names into better names
char friendlyName[64]; bool bAddBrackets = false; if ( IsGameConsole() ) { if ( !key || !key[0] ) { Q_snprintf( friendlyName, sizeof(friendlyName), "%s", binding ); bAddBrackets = true; } else { Q_snprintf( friendlyName, sizeof(friendlyName), "#GameUI_KeyNames_%s", key ); Q_strupr( friendlyName ); } } else { if ( !key || !key[0] ) { Q_snprintf( friendlyName, sizeof(friendlyName), "%s", binding ); } else { Q_snprintf( friendlyName, sizeof(friendlyName), "%s", key ); Q_strupr( friendlyName ); } }
wchar_t *locName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( friendlyName ); if ( !locName || wcslen(locName) <= 0) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( friendlyName, token, sizeof(token) );
outbuf[pos] = '\0'; wcscat( outbuf, token ); pos += wcslen(token); } else { outbuf[pos] = '\0'; if ( bAddBrackets ) { wcscat( outbuf, L"[" ); pos += 1; } wcscat( outbuf, locName ); pos += wcslen(locName); if ( bAddBrackets ) { wcscat( outbuf, L"]" ); pos += 1; } } } else { outbuf[pos] = *inbuf; ++pos; } } else { outbuf[pos] = *inbuf; ++pos; }
++inbuf; }
outbuf[pos] = '\0'; }
// Purpose:
void UTIL_SetControlStringWithKeybindings( vgui::EditablePanel *panel, const char *controlName, const char *str ) { if ( !panel || !controlName || !str ) return;
const wchar_t *unicodeStr = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( str ); if ( unicodeStr ) { wchar_t buf[512]; UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( unicodeStr, 0, buf, sizeof( buf ) ); panel->SetControlString( controlName, buf ); } else { panel->SetControlString( controlName, str ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *filename -
// *pLength -
// Output : byte
byte *UTIL_LoadFileForMe( const char *filename, int *pLength ) { byte *buffer;
FileHandle_t file; file = filesystem->Open( filename, "rb", "GAME" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE == file ) { if ( pLength ) *pLength = 0; return NULL; }
int size = filesystem->Size( file ); buffer = new byte[ size + 1 ]; if ( !buffer ) { Warning( "UTIL_LoadFileForMe: Couldn't allocate buffer of size %i for file %s\n", size + 1, filename ); filesystem->Close( file ); return NULL; } filesystem->Read( buffer, size, file ); filesystem->Close( file );
// Ensure null terminator
buffer[ size ] =0;
if ( pLength ) { *pLength = size; }
return buffer; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *buffer -
void UTIL_FreeFile( byte *buffer ) { delete[] buffer; }
// Compute distance fade
static unsigned char ComputeDistanceFade( C_BaseEntity *pEntity, float flMinDist, float flMaxDist ) { if ((flMinDist <= 0) && (flMaxDist <= 0)) return 255;
if( flMinDist > flMaxDist ) { V_swap( flMinDist, flMaxDist ); }
// If a negative value is provided for the min fade distance, then base it off the max.
if( flMinDist < 0 ) { flMinDist = flMaxDist - 400; if( flMinDist < 0 ) { flMinDist = 0; } }
flMinDist *= flMinDist; flMaxDist *= flMaxDist;
float flCurrentDistanceSq = CurrentViewOrigin().DistToSqr( pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter() ); C_BasePlayer *pLocal = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pLocal ) { float flDistFactor = pLocal->GetFOVDistanceAdjustFactor(); flCurrentDistanceSq *= flDistFactor * flDistFactor; }
// If I'm inside the minimum range than don't resort to alpha trickery
if ( flCurrentDistanceSq <= flMinDist ) return 255;
if ( flCurrentDistanceSq >= flMaxDist ) return 0;
// NOTE: Because of the if-checks above, flMinDist != flMinDist here
float flFalloffFactor = 255.0f / (flMaxDist - flMinDist); int nAlpha = flFalloffFactor * (flMaxDist - flCurrentDistanceSq); return clamp( nAlpha, 0, 255 ); }
// Compute fade amount
unsigned char UTIL_ComputeEntityFade( C_BaseEntity *pEntity, float flMinDist, float flMaxDist, float flFadeScale ) { unsigned char nAlpha = 255;
// If we're taking devshots, don't fade props at all
if ( g_MakingDevShots || cl_leveloverview.GetInt() != 0 || input->CAM_IsThirdPersonOverview() ) return 255;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( r_FadeProps.GetBool() ) #endif
{ nAlpha = ComputeDistanceFade( pEntity, flMinDist, flMaxDist );
// NOTE: This computation for the center + radius is invalid!
// The center of the sphere is at the center of the OBB, which is not necessarily
// at the render origin. But it should be close enough.
Vector vecMins, vecMaxs; pEntity->GetRenderBounds( vecMins, vecMaxs ); float flRadius = vecMins.DistTo( vecMaxs ) * 0.5f;
Vector vecAbsCenter; if ( modelinfo->GetModelType( pEntity->GetModel() ) == mod_brush ) { Vector vecRenderMins, vecRenderMaxs; pEntity->GetRenderBoundsWorldspace( vecRenderMins, vecRenderMaxs ); VectorAdd( vecRenderMins, vecRenderMaxs, vecAbsCenter ); vecAbsCenter *= 0.5f; } else { vecAbsCenter = pEntity->GetRenderOrigin(); }
unsigned char nGlobalAlpha = modelinfo->ComputeLevelScreenFade( vecAbsCenter, flRadius, flFadeScale ); unsigned char nDistAlpha;
if ( !engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground() ) { nDistAlpha = modelinfo->ComputeViewScreenFade( vecAbsCenter, flRadius, flFadeScale ); } else { nDistAlpha = 255; }
if ( nDistAlpha < nGlobalAlpha ) { nGlobalAlpha = nDistAlpha; }
if ( nGlobalAlpha < nAlpha ) { nAlpha = nGlobalAlpha; } }
return nAlpha; }
// Purpose: Given a vector, clamps the scalar axes to MAX_COORD_FLOAT ranges from worldsize.h
// Input : *pVecPos -
void UTIL_BoundToWorldSize( Vector *pVecPos ) { Assert( pVecPos ); for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { (*pVecPos)[ i ] = clamp( (*pVecPos)[ i ], MIN_COORD_FLOAT, MAX_COORD_FLOAT ); } }
#define MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR "cfg"
#define MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR "media"
// Purpose:
C_BasePlayer* UTIL_PlayerByUserId( int userID ) { for (int i = 1; i<=gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( !pPlayer ) continue;
if ( pPlayer->GetUserID() == userID ) { return pPlayer; } }
return NULL; }
C_BaseEntity* UTIL_EntityFromUserMessageEHandle( long nEncodedEHandle ) { int nEntity, nSerialNum; if( nEncodedEHandle == INVALID_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_VALUE ) return NULL;
nEntity = nEncodedEHandle & ((1 << MAX_EDICT_BITS) - 1); nSerialNum = nEncodedEHandle >> MAX_EDICT_BITS;
EHANDLE hEntity( nEntity, nSerialNum ); return hEntity.Get(); }
void UTIL_ApproachTarget( float target, float increaseSpeed, float decreaseSpeed, float *val ) { if ( *val < target ) { *val += gpGlobals->frametime*increaseSpeed; *val = MIN( *val, target ); } else if ( *val > target ) { *val -= gpGlobals->frametime*decreaseSpeed; *val = MAX( *val, target ); } }
void UTIL_ApproachTarget( const Vector &target, float increaseSpeed, float decreaseSpeed, Vector *val ) { UTIL_ApproachTarget( target.x, increaseSpeed, decreaseSpeed, &val->x ); UTIL_ApproachTarget( target.y, increaseSpeed, decreaseSpeed, &val->y ); UTIL_ApproachTarget( target.z, increaseSpeed, decreaseSpeed, &val->z ); }
// Purpose: Returns the filename to count map loads in
bool UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( int iController, const char *pszFilePrependName, char *pszBuffer, int iBuflen ) { if ( IsX360() ) { #ifdef _X360
if ( iController < 0 || iController >= XUSER_MAX_COUNT ) return false;
int iSlot = -1; for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k ) { if ( XBX_GetUserId( k ) == iController ) { iSlot = k; if ( XBX_GetUserIsGuest( k ) ) return false; } } if ( iSlot < 0 ) return false;
DWORD nStorageDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController ); if ( !XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( nStorageDevice ) ) return false; #endif
#ifdef _X360
if ( IsX360() ) { XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE, pszBuffer, iBuflen ); int nLen = strlen( pszBuffer ); Q_snprintf( pszBuffer + nLen, iBuflen - nLen, ":/%s", pszFilePrependName ); } else #endif
{ Q_snprintf( pszBuffer, iBuflen, "%s/%s", MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, pszFilePrependName ); }
return true; }
#define MAP_KEY_FILE "viewed.res"
#define MAP_KEY_FILE "mapkeys.res"
void UTIL_IncrementMapKey( const char *pszCustomKey ) { #ifdef _X360
// TODO: controller-specific code required
return; #endif
int iController = -1;
if ( !pszCustomKey ) return;
char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ]; if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( iController, MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) ) return;
int iCount = 1;
KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE ); if ( kvMapLoadFile ) { kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );
char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME]; Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) ); Q_strlower( mapname );
// Increment existing, or add a new one
KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname ); if ( pMapKey ) { iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey, 0 ) + 1; pMapKey->SetInt( pszCustomKey, iCount ); } else { KeyValues *pNewKey = new KeyValues( mapname ); if ( pNewKey ) { pNewKey->SetString( pszCustomKey, "1" ); kvMapLoadFile->AddSubKey( pNewKey ); } }
// Write it out
// force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); kvMapLoadFile->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf );
kvMapLoadFile->deleteThis(); }
#ifdef _X360
if ( xboxsystem ) { xboxsystem->FinishContainerWrites( iController ); } #endif
int UTIL_GetMapKeyCount( const char *pszCustomKey ) { #ifdef _X360
// TODO: controller-specific code required
return 0; #endif
int iController = -1;
if ( !pszCustomKey ) return 0;
char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ]; if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( iController, MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) ) return 0;
int iCount = 0;
KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE ); if ( kvMapLoadFile ) { // create an empty file if none exists
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szFilename, "MOD" ) ) { // force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf ); }
kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );
char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME]; Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) ); Q_strlower( mapname );
KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname ); if ( pMapKey ) { iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey ); }
kvMapLoadFile->deleteThis(); }
return iCount; }
bool UTIL_HasLoadedAnyMap() { #ifdef _X360
// TODO: controller-specific code required
return 0; #endif
int iController = -1;
char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ]; if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( iController, MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) ) return false;
return g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szFilename, "MOD" ); }
wchar_t *UTIL_GetLocalizedKeyString( const char *command, const char *fmt, const wchar_t *arg1, const wchar_t *arg2, const wchar_t *arg3 ) { static wchar_t useString[4][256]; static int index = 0;
index = index + 1; if ( index > 3 ) index = 0;
const char *lowercaseKey = engine->Key_LookupBinding( command ); if ( !lowercaseKey ) { lowercaseKey = "<NOT BOUND>"; }
char szKey[64]; V_strncpy( szKey, lowercaseKey, sizeof( szKey ) ); for ( char *tmp = szKey; *tmp; ++tmp ) { *tmp = toupper( *tmp ); }
wchar_t wszKey[64]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szKey, wszKey, sizeof(wszKey) );
int argCount = 1; if ( arg1 ) { ++argCount; if ( arg2 ) { ++argCount; if ( arg3 ) { ++argCount; } } }
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( useString[index], sizeof( useString[index] ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmt ), argCount, wszKey, arg1, arg2, arg3 ); return useString[index]; }
void UTIL_GetClientStatusText( char *buffer, int nSize ) { if ( !buffer || nSize==0 ) {return;} buffer[0] = 0;
#if defined ( CSTRIKE15 )
extern float g_flReadyToCheckForPCBootInvite; bool bStartupFinished = g_flReadyToCheckForPCBootInvite && ( ( Plat_FloatTime() - g_flReadyToCheckForPCBootInvite ) > 1.5f ); if ( bStartupFinished ) Q_snprintf( buffer, nSize, "+" ); if ( nSize <= 2 ) return;
C_CS_PlayerResource *pCSPR = ( C_CS_PlayerResource* )GameResources(); if (pCSPR) { Q_snprintf( buffer, nSize, "%sPlayers: ", ( bStartupFinished ? "+" : "" ) ); for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( pCSPR->IsConnected(i) ) { const char *name = pCSPR->GetPlayerName(i); if (name && name[0]) { V_strncat( buffer, name, nSize ); V_strncat( buffer, ", ", nSize ); } } } buffer[nSize-1]=0; } #endif
void UTIL_ClearTrace( trace_t &trace ) { memset( &trace, 0, sizeof(trace)); trace.fraction = 1.f; trace.fractionleftsolid = 0; trace.surface = g_NullSurface; }
// Also in cdll so linked libs can extern it
bool UTIL_IsDedicatedServer( void ) { return false; }